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Homework 3 (Due November 5) 1) Give a title to each abstract and identify (when it is possible) a) Which is the objective and

scope of the study? b) Which was the method and materials employed? c) Which were the results? d) Which were the conclusions? 2) What do you suggest to improve the abstract? Indicate wrong words bad constructions misuse of conjunctions and adverbs etc! Abstract 01: "he thermal and dehumidification behaviour of a standard cross#flow type plate heat e$changer intended for use as a dehumidifier% cooler has been investigated both e$perimentally and numerically! "hree sets of e$periments have been carried out where air is blown into the primary and secondary sides of the e$changer while water and li&uid desiccant were being sprayed in a counter flow arrangement! "he first set represents the indirect evaporative cooling of the primary stream by the secondary air stream! "he second set is with li&uid desiccant only and no indirect evaporative cooling! In the third set of e$periments the primary air stream is indirectly evaporatively cooled by the secondary air stream and dehumidified by the li&uid desiccant sprayed into the primary side of the e$changer! "he above e$periments indicate that the heat e$changer performs well when used with li&uid desiccant! 'urthermore for an e$changer angle of () there is an optimum value of air mass flow rate at which the effectiveness and dehumidification efficiency of the plate heat e$changer are ma$ima! "o investigate the effect of the ambient air conditions on the *+, performance further e$periments were carried out using a heater element and a humidifier! "he results show that under laboratory conditions the e$changer effectiveness and dehumidification efficiency increase with increasing primary air inlet temperature and humidity ratio! "he e$perimental results were used to validate a computer model developed for the cross# flow type plate heat e$changer% dehumidifier! -omparison indicates that the numerical results are in good agreement with the e$periments! Abstract 02: 'low vapori.ation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of carbon dio$ide was measured in an e$truded microchannel tube with 2) flowchannels of /!0 mm I1 and /!) m length! "he test tube was heated by a water jac2et and the internal heat transfer coefficient was derived based on measured overall heat transfer and a regression#based e$pression for water#side heat transfer! "est principles are discussed and special emphasis is given to measurement uncertainties including the propagation of uncertainty through the water#side regression! 3tudies of two#phase flow pattern were conducted in a separate test rig using a /!40 mm heated glass tube and a high#speed digital camera! +eat transfer and pressure drop measurements were conducted at varying vapour fraction for temperatures /5 2) - mass flu$ 14/5)6/ 2g!m#2 s#1 and heat flu$ )52/ 2Wm#2! +eat transfer results show significant influence of dryout particularly at high mass flu$ and high temperature! 7ucleate boiling dominates prior to dryout! "wo#phase flow observations show increasing entrainment at higher mass flu$ and a dominance of annular flow! +eat transfer data can be correlated reasonably well with a combination of models for nucleate boiling convective evaporation dryout incipience and postdryout heat transfer! Abstract 03: A sublimation-condensation model is developed for free.e drying of unsaturated porous media! "he governing e&uations describing the drying process are solved numerically with variable time step finite#difference method! "he sublimation-condensation phenomena during microwave free.e drying are studied numerically for different operating conditions including electric field strength sample thic2ness and vacuum pressure! "he results show that the sublimation -condensation effects depend on different drying conditions! 'or larger electric field strength vapor transfer in sublimation -condensation region is more intensive and larger part of the vapor is sublimated from this region so the effect of

sublimation-condensation region on drying time is more significant! "oo large electric field strength is not necessary for microwave free.e drying! In case of larger sample thic2ness the saturation change of the sublimation-condensation region is larger and the effect of sublimation -condensation region on drying time is more significant! "he effect of vacuum pressure on drying time is not so significant in the observed range

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