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Free medical for senators alleged and the incarcerated But what of me squeaks the tax paying silent

majority no oil for you someone must pay for indiscretions at our discretions. Some say a medical conspiracy theory transparency In your face for your Information Hate to harp Harper where s the cash! "erhaps opposition care to weigh in may#e the media any#ody! $ulroney! In the name of %od of& for with the "eople '(F !"!!#11/$a%i&'-(wiss-cheese-of-)ope-s-(wiss-Guard-by-*+,-of-C (hin air confetti in)isi#le trickle down *an you #elie)e them on *"+* do not suspect they are watched ,h they know of -emocracy 'atch #ut aware one of them time . a #reak got the time! 'hoooos watching whooooo don/t gi)e a hoot hooting their epitaph )ideos to #e )etoed just a wee #it too late """ "urely "olitical "urposes Humanity -ou#lethink I """ "0 ,1 Impure """ "artial 0acuum ,kay 1leptocratically http233www.scri#d.com3doc3456666453'ho7'ould7Be7Foolish78nough7to79ea)e7a7"aper7(rail

:(here were no dates in this history& #ut scrawled this way and that across e)ery page were the words Bene)olence ;ighteousness and $orality finally I #egan to make out what was written #etween the lines. (he whole )olume was #ut a single phrase& 8at "eople< =It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change= :(hey must often change who would #e constant in happiness or wisdom<

(hought my pants would ne)er dry pretty much use to the stink *riminal lawyers need criminals for sustaina#le growth *riminal lawyers need sustaina#le impo)erished growth ;espects glad hand premier step to +8I,> +ppropriation 8xponential Impo)erishment ,rienting > -on t let them fool you as if .u when promoting jo#s promote self in H8 Human 8nsla)ement ?e)er @ ask

9ike a thief in the knight ;emem#er when in trou#le -o not wait for ;emem#rance -ay 9est they allow their sanity to o)erride their #ias AB respected 'ho selects the independent senate conundrum state! (he +#omina#le snowman and the Iceman cometh 'e all pay the "; I ce B *hristian 8ra as the ;ule of 9aw melts #efore our eyes *rystal meth and *ritical thinking myth

-iscarding the Bi#lical Ba##le on . thy kingdom come

-ust A -ust -uff >sury Snuff (ransiti)e logic descri#es a gi)en relation #etween terms such that if it exists #etween =a= and =#= and #etween =#= and =c&= then it also exists #etween =a= and =c.= (ypical transiti)e relationships include =is greater than&= =is equal to&= and =is similar to.= http233en.wikipedia.org3wiki3*;@S(+9$8(H -uffy s criticiCing of teaching *ritical thinking found his way to Harper s heart +nti anti7war acti)ist too eh! *lear case of ";I*1 "olitical ;eligious Insidious *harlatan 1leptocracy self exposure A

,n -ecem#er AA& AEEF& -uffy was named a "rince 8dward Island representati)e to the Senate of *anada on the ad)ice of "rime $inister Stephen Harper& sitting as a *onser)ati)e.GFHGIH He su#sequently retired as a (0 journalist at the end of AEEF. In $arch AE5E& -uffy criticiCed the >ni)ersity of 1ing/s *ollege and other journalism schools in *anada for teaching ?oam *homsky and critical thinking. He went on to say that journalism schools in *anada were churning out leftists who thought pri)ate enterprise was #ad. (he head of 1ing/s School of Journalism reacted with surprise to -uffy/s criticism& saying that $anufacturing *onsent was not part of the curriculum. She also said she would not apologiCe for teaching critical thinking to journalism students.G5EH + num#er of editorial comments were written in response to -uffy/s criticism.G55HG5AHG56H *ritical thinking is a way of deciding whether a claim is true& partially true& or false. *ritical thinking is a process that leads to skills that can #e learned& mastered and used. *ritical thinking is a tool #y which one can come a#out reasoned conclusions #ased on a reasoned process. (his process incorporates passion and creati)ity& #ut guides it with discipline& practicality and common sense. It can #e traced in the 'est to ancient %reece with its Socratic method and in the 8ast to ancient India with the Buddhist kalama sutta and a#hidharma literature. *ritical thinking is an important component of many fields such as education& politics& #usiness& and science.

www., ,#struct Justice truth and source kill *onstitution de jure )s ;omans 56 de facto http233www.scri#d.com3doc3556FFAI443Spirit7Intent7"recedence7de7Jure7*onstitution7or7;omans7567%aming7 the7System7de7Facto

http233www.linkedin.com3pu#3dir3Jonathan3Swainger3 Facts must ha)e root A take root %od coherency =*atch AA= must ha)e sem#lance A catch do% chase tail ?o complaints from within except from them excommunicated from the "s "olitical science Bs #astard science Bs Bs Bull shitter Back sta##ers (oga "arty

Suspended with $edical co)erage appro)ed #y the $edical conspirators

(he +ttorney %eneral is the chief law officer of the 8xecuti)e *ouncil. (he responsi#ilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other *a#inet mem#er. (he role has #een referred to as -.udicia/-/i%e-0and as the

=guardian of the pu#lic interest=.

+s chief law officer& the +ttorney %eneral has

to #e the guardian of

that most elusi)e concept

7 the rule of law. 7 (he rule of law is a well esta#lished legal principle&

It is the rule of law

indi)iduals& and society as a whole& from ar#itrary measures and safeguards personal li#erties.

Has the +ttorney %eneral #een #riefed! or would that #e meaningless in a partial )acuum (he +ttorney %eneral does not& howe)er& direct or cause charges to #e laid. 'hile the +ttorney %eneral and the +ttorney %eneral/s agents may pro)ide legal ad)ice to the police&

whether or not to lay charges is for the police. ,nce the charge is laid

as to whether the prosecution should proceed& and in what manner&

for the +ttorney %eneral and the *rown +ttorney. It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the +ttorney %eneral must carry out the $inister/s criminal prosecution responsi#ilities

(he +ttorney %eneral/s responsi#ility for indi)idual criminal prosecutions must #e undertaken 7

a&d0see&0to0be0u&derta%e&0on strictly o#jecti)e and legal criteria& free of any political considerations. 'hether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of go)ernment policy. (his responsi#ility has #een characteriCed as

acting as the Kueen/s +ttorney 7 not as a $inister of the go)ernment of the day. (his is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a0 comp/ete0vacuum.
+ wide range of policy considerations may #e weighed in executing this responsi#ility& and the +ttorney %eneral may choose to consult the *a#inet on some of these considerations. Howe)er any decisions relating to the conduct of

indi)idual prosecutions must #e the +ttorney %eneral/s alone and independent of the traditional *a#inet decision making process. In practice& in the )ast majority of cases& these decisions are made #y the +ttorney %eneral/s agents& the *rown +ttorneys. >ltimately the +ttorney %eneral is accounta#le to the people of the pro)ince& through the 9egislature& for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accounta#ility can only occur& of course& once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has #een made not to prosecute. (he su# judicae rule #ars any comment on a matter #efore the courts that is likely to influence the matter. (he su# judicae rule strictly prohi#its the +ttorney %eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are #efore the courts. %i)en the stature of the +ttorney %eneral/s position& any pu#lic comment coming from the office

wou/d0be0see&0 as0a&0attempt0to0i&f/ue&ce0the0case.
+lthough the +ttorney general can #ecome in)ol)ed in decision7making in relation to indi)idual criminal cases&

such0a0practice0wou/d0/eave0the0$i&ister0vu/&erab/e0to0accusatio&s0of0po/itica/0 i&terfere&ce.
+ccordingly& it is traditional to lea)e the day7to7day decision7making in the hands of the +ttorney %eneral/s agents& the *rown +ttorneys& except in cases of exceptional importance where the pu#lic would expect the +ttorney %eneral to #e #riefed Soon may#e on *"+* will o#ser)e the wrap up of %, ",8 due process $eaningless 9egal *ertainty ;ule of 9aw http233en.wikipedia.org3wiki3;uleDofDlaw (he ;ule of law in its most #asic form is no one is a#o)e the law. "erhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that go)ernmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with& pub/ic/y0disc/osed0/aws& adopted and enforced in accordance with esta#lished procedural steps that are referred to as

(he rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy. +ccording to modern +nglo7+merican thinking& hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law commonly include a clear separation of powers&

the principle of legitimate expectation and equality of all #efore the law. (he concept is not without contro)ersy& and it has #een said that =the phrase the0ru/e0of0/aw has #ecome

thanks to ideological a#use and general o)er7 use= %, ",8 %eneral ,)er7use "roclamations ,nly 8lusi)ity

LA. N5O (he *onstitution of *anada is the supreme law of *anada& and any law that is inconsistent with the pro)isions of the *onstitution is& to the extent of the inconsistency&

65. ?othing in this *harter extends the legislati)e powers of any #ody or authority 6A. N5O (his *harter applies NaO to the "arliament and go)ernment of *anada in respect of all matters within the authority of "arliament including all matters relating to the @ukon (erritory and ?orthwest (erritoriesP and N#O to the legislature and go)ernment of each pro)ince in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each pro)ince.

;esurrection only with reciprocity in lieu '' III purgatory

?either political nor religious #e #ut #elie)e I understand perhaps #ecause neither political nor religious #e. http233www.scri#d.com3doc35FEE6MAFM3Italian7politicians7agree7to7aid7against7last7;atC7"ope ;e)erend 1e)in +nnett excommunicated from the church indicati)e of understanding within In the name of %od of& for with the "eople '(F

(esla Free 8nergy a no no 4

http233www.youtu#e.com3results! searchDqueryQteslaRfreeRenergySoqQteslaSgsDlQyoutu#e.5.E.6Li6IlAjEl.jEi6jEjEi6jE.55.5.6L.E..ILA.....E.E.E .E.ALF..45.6jEj5...E...E.E...5ac.5.55.youtu#e.m"xr"hn@a0g http233www.youtu#e.com3watch!)Q@6x7>j.y+$@ *ancer cured in *anada #ut won t produce it "olitical ;eligious Implicit *omplicit 8xplicit "; I*8 "olitical ;eligious Insidious *apitalist 8mperors
9ike other financial empires in history& Smith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to de)elop and control wealth& as peripheral nations remain impo)erished pro)iders of cheap resources for the imperial7centers7of7capital.G5H Belloc estimated that& during the British 8nclosures& =perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian=& while roughly the other =half= owned and controlled the means of production. ?ow& under modern *apitalism& J.'. Smith claims fewer than LEE people possess more wealth than half of the earth s population& as the wealth of 53A of 57percent of the >nited States population roughly equal that of the lower IE7percent. www.Home; (ime for the Human ;ace to "arty ",'8; "ossi#le ,nly 'hen 8galitarian ;eciprocity

http233en.wikipedia.org3wiki3HumptyDdumpty Humpty -umpty sat on a wall& Humpty -umpty had a great fall. +ll the king/s horses and all the king/s men *ouldn/t put Humpty together again.G5H Humpty appears in 9ewis *arroll/s (hrough the 9ooking7%lass N5F4AO& where he discusses semantics and pragmatics with +lice. :I don t know what you mean #y Tglory& < +lice said. Humpty -umpty smiled contemptuously. :,f course you don tUtill I tell you. I meant Tthere s a nice knock7 down argument for youV < :But Tglory doesn t mean Ta nice knock7down argument &< +lice o#jected. :'hen I use a word&< Humpty -umpty said& in rather a scornful tone& :it means just what I choose it to meanU neither more nor less.< :(he question is&< said +lice& :whether you can make words mean so many different things.< :(he question is&< said Humpty -umpty& :which is to #e master that s all.< +lice was too much puCCled to say anything& so after a minute Humpty -umpty #egan again. :(hey )e a temper& some of themUparticularly )er#s& they re the proudestUadjecti)es you can do anything with& #ut not )er#sUhowe)er& I can manage the whole lotV Impenetra#ilityV (hat s what I sayV<G5LH (his passage was used in Britain #y 9ord +tkin and in his dissenting judgement in the seminal case 9i)ersidge ). +nderson N5I.AO& where he protested a#out the distortion of a statute #y the majority of the House of 9ords. G5MH It also #ecame a popular citation in >nited States legal opinions& appearing in ALE judicial decisions in the 'estlaw data#ase as of +pril 5I& AEEF& including two Supreme *ourt cases N(0+ ). Hill and Wschernig ). $illerO.G54H
9ordy 9ordy





Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

(he +ttorney %eneral has a unique role to play as a $inister. ,ne part of the +ttorney %eneral/s role is that of a *a#inet $inister. In this capacity the $inister is responsi#le for representing the interests and perspecti)es of the $inistry at *a#inet& while simultaneously representing the interests and perspecti)es of *a#inet and consequently the %o)ernment to the $inistry and the $inistry/s communities of interest. (he +ttorney %eneral is the chief law officer of the 8xecuti)e *ouncil. (he responsi#ilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other *a#inet mem#er. (he role has #een referred to as =judicial7like= and as the =guardian of the pu#lic interest=. $uch has #een written on the su#ject of ministerial responsi#ilities and the unique role of the +ttorney %eneral. (here are )arious components of the +ttorney %eneral/s role. (he +ttorney %eneral has unique responsi#ilities to the *rown& the courts& the 9egislature and the executi)e #ranch of go)ernment. 'hile there are different emphases and nuances attached to these there is a general theme throughout all the )arious aspects of the +ttorney %eneral/s responsi#ilities that the office has a constitutional and traditional responsi#ility #eyond that of a political minister. (he statutory responsi#ilities of the office are found in section L of the Ministry of the Attorney General Act. Section L states2 (he +ttorney %eneral& NaO is the 9aw ,fficer of the 8xecuti)e *ouncilP N#O shall see that the administration of pu#lic affairs is in accordance with the lawP NcO shall superintend all matters connected with the administration of justice in ,ntarioP NdO shall perform the duties and ha)e the powers that #elong to the +ttorney %eneral and Solicitor %eneral of 8ngland #y law and usage& so far as those powers and duties are applica#le to ,ntario& and also shall perform the duties and powers that& until the Constitution Act, 1867 came into effect& #elonged to the offices of the +ttorney %eneral and Solicitor %eneral in the pro)inces of *anada and >pper *anada and which& under the pro)isions of that +ct& are within the scope of the powers of the 9egislatureP NeO shall ad)ise the %o)ernment upon all matters of law connected with legislati)e enactments and upon all matters of law referred to him or her #y the %o)ernmentP NfO shall ad)ise the %o)ernment upon all matters of a legislati)e nature and superintend all %o)ernment measures of a legislati)e natureP NgO shall ad)ise the heads of ministries and agencies of %o)ernment upon all matters of law connected with such ministries and agencyP NhO shall conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the *rown or any ministry or agency of go)ernment in respect of any su#ject within the authority or jurisdiction of the 9egislatureP NiO shall superintend all matters connected with judicial officesP NjO shall perform such other functions as are assigned to him or her #y the 9egislature or #y the 9ieutenant %o)ernor in *ouncil. = 'hat follows is an o)er)iew of the )arious components of the +ttorney %eneral/s roles and responsi#ilities& primarily as outlined in the +ct. 55

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

(he role of chief law officer might #e referred to as the +ttorney %eneral/s o)erall responsi#ility as the independent legal ad)isor to the *a#inet 7 and some ha)e e)en suggested that the role possi#ly extends to the 9egislature as well. (he importance of the independence of the role is fundamental to the position and well esta#lished in common law& statutes and tradition. +s chief law officer& the +ttorney %eneral has a special responsi#ility to #e the guardian of that most elusi)e concept 7 the rule of law. (he rule of law is a well esta#lished legal principle& #ut hard to easily define. It is the rule of law that protects indi)iduals& and society as a whole& from ar#itrary measures and safeguards personal li#erties. (he +ttorney %eneral has a special role to play in ad)ising *a#inet to ensure the rule of law is maintained and that *a#inet actions are legally and constitutionally )alid. In pro)iding such ad)ice it is important to keep in mind the distinction #etween the +ttorney %eneral/s policy ad)ice and preference and the legal ad)ice #eing presented to *a#inet. (he +ttorney %eneral/s legal ad)ice or constitutional ad)ice should not #e lightly disregarded. (he +ttorney %eneral/s policy ad)ice has the same weight as that of other ministers.

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

,ne of the most pu#licly scrutiniCed aspects of the +ttorney %eneral/s role is the responsi#ility for criminal prosecutions encompassed in section L NdO and s. IA of the *onstitution +ct& 5FM4. Section IA gi)es the pro)inces authority to legislate in matters related to the administration of criminal justice and there#y gi)es the pro)incial +ttorney %eneral authority to prosecute offences under the *riminal *ode. (he +ttorney %eneral does not& howe)er& direct or cause charges to #e laid. 'hile the +ttorney %eneral and the +ttorney %eneral/s agents may pro)ide legal ad)ice to the police& the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the police. ,nce the charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceed& and in what manner& is for the +ttorney %eneral and the *rown +ttorney. It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the +ttorney %eneral must carry out the $inister/s criminal prosecution responsi#ilities independent of *a#inet and of any partisan political pressures. (he +ttorney %eneral/s responsi#ility for indi)idual criminal prosecutions must #e undertaken 7 and seen to #e undertaken 7 on strictly o#jecti)e and legal criteria& free of any political considerations. 'hether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of go)ernment policy. (his responsi#ility has #een characteriCed as a matter of the +ttorney %eneral acting as the Kueen/s +ttorney 7 not as a $inister of the go)ernment of the day. (his is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a complete )acuum. + wide range of policy considerations may #e weighed in executing this responsi#ility& and the +ttorney %eneral may choose to consult the *a#inet on some of these considerations. Howe)er any decisions relating to the conduct of indi)idual prosecutions must #e the +ttorney %eneral/s alone and independent of the traditional *a#inet decision making process. In practice& in the )ast majority of cases& these decisions are made #y the +ttorney %eneral/s agents& the *rown +ttorneys. +n important part of the *rown/s 7 and thus the +ttorney %eneral/s 7 responsi#ility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsi#ility to represent the pu#lic interest 7 which includes not only the community as a whole and the )ictim& #ut also the accused. (he *rown has a distinct responsi#ility to the court to present all the credi#le e)idence a)aila#le.


(he responsi#ility is to present the case fairly 7 not necessarily to con)ict. (his is a fundamental precept of criminal law& e)en if it is not a particularly well7understood concept among the general pu#lic. ,ne of the +ttorney %eneral/s responsi#ilities in fostering pu#lic respect for the rule of law& is to assist the pu#lic in understanding the nature and limits of the prosecutorial function. >ltimately the +ttorney %eneral is accounta#le to the people of the pro)ince& through the 9egislature& for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accounta#ility can only occur& of course& once the prosecution is completed or when a final decision has #een made not to prosecute. (he su# judicae rule #ars any comment on a matter #efore the courts that is likely to influence the matter. (he su# judicae rule strictly prohi#its the +ttorney %eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are #efore the courts. %i)en the stature of the +ttorney %eneral/s position& any pu#lic comment coming from the office would #e seen as an attempt to influence the case. +lthough the +ttorney general can #ecome in)ol)ed in decision7making in relation to indi)idual criminal cases& such a practice would lea)e the $inister )ulnera#le to accusations of political interference. +ccordingly& it is traditional to lea)e the day7to7day decision7making in the hands of the +ttorney %eneral/s agents& the *rown +ttorneys& except in cases of exceptional importance where the pu#lic would expect the +ttorney %eneral to #e #riefed.

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

(he +ttorney %eneral has #road responsi#ilities associated with %o)ernment legislation. (hese responsi#ilities ha)e #een descri#ed as twofold. ,ne is to o)ersee that all legislati)e enactments are in accordance with principles of natural justice and ci)il rights Nsee also s. LN#O a#o)eO. (his is o#)iously an important and #road area of responsi#ility. (he second aspect of this responsi#ility is to ad)ise on the constitutionality and legality of legislation. (he +ttorney %eneral/s legislati)e responsi#ilities are played out in a )ariety roles. (he ,ffice of 9egislati)e *ounsel reports to the +ttorney %eneral. 9egislati)e *ounsel plays a key role in ensuring the legal integrity of %o)ernment legislation. +lthough the 9egislati)e *ounsel/s reporting relationship to the +ttorney %eneral does allow the +ttorney %eneral to pro)ide guidance and set standards& indi)idual pieces of legislation are drafted on instructions from client ministries and are not within the sole control of 9egislati)e *ounsel or the +ttorney %eneral. It should also #e noted that 9egislati)e *ounsel also has a direct responsi#ility to the 9egislature as the ,ffice also drafts all pri)ate mem#er/s #ills. (he +ttorney %eneral has a further role to play as part of whate)er *a#inet *ommittee is formed to re)iew legislation and regulations. Here the $inister has an opportunity to comment on the technical issues related to legislation and regulations prior to *a#inet consideration. (he +ttorney %eneral/s role on legislati)e matters is as an ad)iser to the *a#inet. +lthough unlikely& *a#inet could& in theory& recei)e the +ttorney %eneral/s legal opinion on legislation and choose to disregard it. (he +ttorney %eneral/s role is not independent of *a#inet decision making as in the area of criminal prosecutions. +s was noted earlier& the +ttorney %eneral must make careful distinctions a#out the legal opinions and policy or political preferences #eing offered a#out legislation.

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

In addition to the specific responsi#ilities to conduct ci)il litigation on #ehalf of the %o)ernment and its agencies Ns. LNhOO& the +ttorney %eneral has #roader litigation responsi#ilities flowing from the historical 56

powers of the +ttorney %eneral referred to in s. LNdO of the +ct. (hese powers are #ased on the *rown/s parens patriae NparentalO authority. (he +ttorney %eneral/s authority& therefore& is not only to conduct litigation in cases directly affecting the go)ernment or its agencies #ut also to litigate cases where there is a clear matter of pu#lic interest or pu#lic rights at stake. (his has #een characteriCed as a constitutional responsi#ility to ensure that the pu#lic interest is well and independently represented. It may in)ol)e inter)entions in pri)ate litigation or *harter challenges to legislation& e)en if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contra)ene constitutionally protected rights.

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))

+ key component of the +ttorney %eneral/s responsi#ilities to ensure the administration of justice in the pro)ince is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsi#ility for maintaining liaison with the judiciary. %i)en the fundamental importance of the independence of the judiciary& the responsi#ility for courts administration is often a )ery sensiti)e and delicate issue. %reat care and respect for the principles of judicial independence must #e exercised in this area.

(he +ttorney %eneral is the chief law officer of the 8xecuti)e *ouncil. (he responsi#ilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other *a#inet mem#er. (he role has #een referred to as =judicial7like= and as the =guardian of the pu#lic interest=.



$arch AI& AEE4 ,n se)eral occasions I ha)e requested Bruce Herridge inform me as to what efforts he has made to this promise with no response.


http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56M5MAM39awyer7File75 http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56M54AE39awyer7File7A http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56M5F5E39awyer7File76 http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56M5F4539awyer7File7. http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56M5I6539awyer7File7L http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56M5ILL39awyer7File7M http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MAEE439awyer7File74 http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MAE4.39awyer7File7F http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MAEI.39awyer7File7I http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MA56E39awyer7File75E http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MAAEF39awyer7File75A http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MAA6M39awyer7File756 http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MA6A439awyer7File756+ http233www.scri#d.com3doc35L56MA64F39awyer7File75. 9awyer File 55"(CkC'8@5c*5I,083edit Scri#d would not pu#lish due the frauds request due copy right issues -ocument contains his prospectus that has #een pro)en fraudulent 9awyer File X 5 ,;H(7;ick Hennessey 9awyer File X A I8> 7 -a)e %rech 9awyer File X 6 $inister $unicipal +ffairs and Housing 72oh&0Gerretse& 9awyer File X . ,m#udsman7%erry *arlino 9awyer File X L $@ $"" Julia $unro 9awyer File XM "remier -alton $cguinty 9awyer File X 4 +ttorney %eneral $ichael Bryant 9awyer File X F ,"" 7 -et Sgt. ;andy *raig 9awyer File X I @;" 7 -eputy *hief Bruce Herridge 9awyer File X 5E ,ntario *i)ilian *ommission on "olice ser)ices 9awyer File X 55 ,ffice ,ntario +ttorney %eneral 9awyer File X 5A @;" 7 "hil $oreau7Standards 9awyer File X 56 *rown +ttorney7;o#ert $c*reary7?ew $arket 9awyer File X 56+ *rown +ttorney 7 "aul *ul)er7(oronto 9awyer File X 5. ;*$" 7 Sgt. $ichael (hompson


http233www.scri#d.com3doc3546L5AMFE3Being7$arried7Happy7and7%ay7is7as7?atural7as7(axing7and7-ying (he "ope and his merry men hate the common gay as they do not produce sla)es http233www.scri#d.com3doc35FEE6MAFM3Italian7politicians7agree7to7aid7against7last7;atC7"ope ;e)erend 1e)in +nnett excommunicated from the church indicati)e of understanding within Sane Insanity ?ormalcy SI? Suicide Illegal ?uances www., ,#struct Justice truth and source kill +ny more help from them and I will #e dead making the Senator that threatened me a prophet maintaining their exploited profit exponentially secure Senator s judged #y their peers ensures the last nail in my coffin In your face for your Information

Forgi)e me 9ord for I knew what they would do


Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell


Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life


AE RPM Religious Political Media

Monkey Business

http233en.wikipedia.org3wiki3SeeDnoDe)il&DhearDnoDe)il&DspeakDnoDe)il (he three wise monkeys NJapanese2 & san/en or sanCaru& or & san#iki no saru& literally =three monkeys=O& sometimes called the three0mystic0apes1G5H are a pictorial maxim. $iC 1ik I 'aC ShiC If a ShiC #ares truth of the forest no mind to see hear to speak of the ShiC killing How much would a wood chuck get for their minds ... presuma#ly why the wood chuck chucks wood (ogether they em#ody the pro)er#ial principle to =see no e)il& hear no e)il& speak no e)il=. (he three monkeys are $iCaru& co)ering his eyes& who sees no e)ilP 1ikaCaru& co)ering his ears& who hears no e)ilP and IwaCaru& co)ering his mouth& who speaks no e)il. Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted with the three othersP the last one& ShiCaru& sym#oliCes the principle of =do no e)il=. He may #e shown crossing his arms. ,;I H+,r ;aising in Hopelessness and -espair http233en.wikipedia.org3wiki3Humans Humans are one of only nine species known to pass the

mirror test
Uwhich tests whether an animal recogniCes its reflection as an image of itselfUalong with all the great apes Ngorillas&chimpanCees& orangutans& #ono#osO& Bottlenose dolphins& +sian elephants& 8uropean $agpies& and ,rcas.G5EEH $ost human children will pass the mirror test at 5F months old.G5E5H Howe)er& the usefulness of this test as a true test of consciousness

and this may #e a matter of degree rather than a sharp di)ide. A5

$o&%eys0have0bee&0trai&ed0to0app/y0abstract0ru/es0i&0tas%s.31!#4 Human rights are "commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being."[1] Human rights are thus concei ed as uni ersal !applicable e erywhere" and egalitarian !the same for e eryone". #hese rights may e$ist as natural rights or as legal rights% in both national and international law.[&] #he doctrine of human rights in international practice% within international law% global and regional institutions% in the policies of states and in the acti ities of non'go ernmental organi(ations% has been a cornerstone of public policy around the world. )n The idea of human rights[*] it says: "if the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to ha e a common moral language% it is that of human rights. +,-. /H-01 +o , idence -chie ed .eality /oherence -rtificial 0rientation 1atanic " 2espite this% the strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and 3ustifications of human rights to this day. )ndeed% the 4uestion of what is meant by a "right" is itself contro ersial and the sub3ect of continued philosophical debate.
[5] 6onkey see% monkey do is a saying that originated in 7amaica in the early 18th century and popped up in -merican culture in the early 19&:s.

#he saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it works.
-nother definition implies the act of mimicry% usually with limited knowledge of the conse4uences.[1]

(he gradual& often unconscious& a#sorption of knowledge or ideas through continual exposure


-9he0peop/e0$o&%ey0may0be0made0to0fo//ow0a0course0of0actio&10but0may0&ot0be0made0to0 u&dersta&d0-:9,smosis set in like rigger mortise making self useless for self some what quadraplegic http233en.wikipedia.org3wiki3$onkey Some organiCations& for example Helping Hands2 $onkey Helpers for the -isa#led&GIH train capuchin monkeys as monkey helpers to assist quadriplegics and other people with se)ere spinal cord injuries or mo#ility impairments. +fter #eing socialiCed in a human home as infants& the monkeys undergo extensi)e training #efore #eing placed with a quadriplegic. +round the house& the monkeys help out #y doing tasks including microwa)ing food& washing the quadriplegic/s AA

face and

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

:*onfucius thought that the way to reform society was to culti)ate ethical #eha)iour in indi)iduals&

#ecause leaders ser)e as important role models for their people< 8**8?(;I* 8quality *onscious *onscience 8xtrapolate ?ai)ety (ruths ;elati)ity Inaliena#le *oherence ',(,1S 'iCard of the outhouse knows shit Fiduciary ;esponsi#ly +ccounta#le ?efarious 1ink (ruths Holistic Interacti)e ;etrospect (ranscendental 8lectromagnetism 8nsla)ers ?emesis


S, Seek ,ut (hese pros that ha)e a way with monkeys to see if I( is possi#le to con)ert the >? >ltimate ?eanderthal $8 . H8 $onkey 8)ol)e . Humanity 8le)ation

'e endea)or to ha)e ;0$ystic0Apes +H 7 +pe Humanity . H+ Human +chie)ement AB or ?ot AB ,ne way or the other AE56 will #e recorded as the A.

6<+9 Bright 9ight ,f (ruth

Trans is a ;atin noun or prefi$% meaning "across"% "beyond" or "on the opposite side". #ranscendental 1. +ot e$perienced but knowable <hilosophy independent of human e$perience of phenomena but within the range of knowledge &. 6ystical .elating to mystical or supernatural e$perience and therefore beyond the material world

;emaining #lotto is AB B, 7 Blotted ,ut

Ford wants to #e crystal clear

$eth or $yth
! Sanctimonious ad7hoc demonstra#le Sad Sac 7 Sorry as caught

(hey say Ford needs to get help http233www.scri#d.com3doc354AELA6653-ear79ord7'hich79ife7Forms7Belief7is7the7%reater7Sanctimonious ,1 then http233www.scri#d.com3doc354FF56FII3-ear79ord7who7should7#e7fired Bless em +ll ;+*8 ;eality +lmighty *onsecrated 8lement 8xists with or without $8 $other 8arth


www.Home; Humanity one mother earth ;eality almighty consecrated element http233www.scri#d.com3doc35FEE6MAFM3Italian7politicians7agree7to7aid7against7last7;atC7"ope %ood 9ord stop them in the name of the Sanctity of the ?8'S ?e)er 8nding 'ar Story For ine)ita#ly traditionally we must all pay the "olitical ;eligious Implicit *omplicit 8xplicit ";I*8 "olitical ;eligious Insidious *apitalist 8mperors 9ike other financial empires in history& Smith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to de)elop and control wealth& as peripheral nations remain impo)erished pro)iders of cheap resources for the imperial7centers7of7capital.G5H Belloc estimated that& during the British 8nclosures& =perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian=& while roughly the other =half= owned and controlled the means of production. ?ow& under modern *apitalism& J.'. Smith claims fewer than LEE people possess more wealth than half of the earth s population& as the wealth of 53A of 57percent of the >nited States population roughly equal that of the lower IE7percent.

A. 8)eryone has the following fundamental freedoms2 NaO freedom of conscience and religionP N#O freedom of thought& #elief& opinion and expression& including freedom of the press and other media of communicationP NcO freedom of peaceful assem#lyP and NdO freedom of association.

'ar is $oney Sanctity of Sustaina#le %rowth eh!


"atanism is a broad term referring to a group of =estern religions comprising di erse ideological and philosophical

#heir shared features include symbolic association with% or admiration for the character of% 1atan% or similar rebellious% promethean% and% in their iew% liberating figures. #here were an estimated >:%::: members in 199:. #here may be as few as a few thousand in the world.[1]

http233www.youtu#e.com3watch! featureQi)SannotationDidQannotationD5L6A5IS)Q5$'5j$qBF-@SsrcD)idQs>L64f.#nF$ ;educe population to 5 Billion Break out the A . ehVV . the sanctity of NAO A4

A.. N5O +nyone whose rights or freedoms& as guaranteed #y this *harter& ha)e #een infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to o#tain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances. NAO 'here& in proceedings under su#section N5O& a court concludes that e)idence was o#tained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed #y this *harter& the e)idence shall #e excluded if it is esta#lished that& ha)ing regard to all the circumstances& the admission of it in the proceedings would #ring the administration of justice into disrepute. *reatures of ha#it Ba##le on through the night #efore Ymas not a creature was discerned stirring .I;5 "ermit me to judge lest I #e judged

But 'ait http233www.scri#d.com3doc35.IF4FA643(hey7of7the7$aterial7'orld7*annot7(ouch7the7Spirit7of7the79aw7as7It7 Is '' III 'orldly 'ise In)isi#le In)inci#le Inaliena#le




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