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Barack Hussein Obama's Quotes on Islam and Christianity When someone shows you who they are, believe

them. I feel it im ortant that you know e!actly where your resident stands in re"ards to his faith and his "od. Below are #$ %uotes he has made about Islam, and #$ %uotes he has made about Christianity. &othin" edited or mashed u , 'ust e!actly in the conte!t he ori"inally s oke them in with fully(sourced links so you can see where they come from. If after readin" this, you still think he is not a )uslim, then there is somethin" or"anically wron" with your ability to reason and understand sim le words written on the level of *th "rade +n"lish. ,ou may remain i"norant, but it will be willin"ly so. #$ Quotes By Barack Obama -bout Islam and )ohammed

./ 01he future must not belon" to those who slander the 2ro het of Islam0 .# 01he sweetest sound I know is the )uslim call to rayer0 .3 0We will convey our dee a reciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to sha e the world 4 includin" in my own country.0 .5 0-s a student of history, I also know civili6ation7s debt to Islam.0 .8 0Islam has a roud tradition of tolerance.0 .* 0Islam has always been art of -merica0 .9 0we will encoura"e more -mericans to study in )uslim communities0

.: 01hese rituals remind us of the rinci les that we hold in common, and Islam7s role in advancin" 'ustice, ro"ress, tolerance, and the di"nity of all human bein"s.0 .; 0-merica and Islam are not e!clusive and need not be in com etition. Instead, they overla , and share common rinci les of 'ustice and ro"ress, tolerance and the di"nity of all human bein"s.0 ./$ 0I made clear that -merica is not < and never will be < at war with Islam.0 .// 0Islam is not art of the roblem in combatin" violent e!tremism < it is an im ortant art of romotin" eace.0 ./# 0=o I have known Islam on three continents before comin" to the re"ion where it was first revealed0 ./3 0In ancient times and in our times, )uslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.0 ./5 01hrou"hout history, Islam has demonstrated throu"h words and deeds the ossibilities of reli"ious tolerance and racial e%uality.0 ./8 0>amadan is a celebration of a faith known for "reat diversity and racial e%uality0 ./* 01he Holy ?oran tells us, @O mankindA We have created you male and a femaleB and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know

one another.70 ./9 0I look forward to hostin" an Iftar dinner celebratin" >amadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.0 ./: 0We7ve seen those results in "enerations of )uslim immi"rants < farmers and factory workers, hel in" to lay the railroads and build our cities, the )uslim innovators who hel ed build some of our hi"hest skyscra ers and who hel ed unlock the secrets of our universe.0 ./; 01hat e! erience "uides my conviction that artnershi between -merica and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn7t. -nd I consider it art of my res onsibility as resident of the Cnited =tates to fi"ht a"ainst ne"ative stereoty es of Islam wherever they a ear.0 .#$ 0I also know that Islam has always been a art of -merica7s story.0

#$ Quotes By Barack Obama -bout Christianity and the Bible

./ 0Whatever we once were, we are no lon"er a Christian nation0 .# 0We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.0 .3 0Which assa"es of scri ture should "uide our ublic olicyD =hould we "o with Eeviticus, which su""ests slavery is O? and that eatin" shellfish is an abominationD Or we could "o with Feuteronomy, which su""ests stonin" your child if he strays from the faithD0 .5 0+ven those who claim the Bible7s inerrancy make distinctions between =cri tural edicts, sensin" that some assa"es < the 1en Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ7s divinity < are central to Christian faith, while others are more culturally s ecific and may be modified to accommodate modern life.0 .8 01he -merican eo le intuitively understand this, which is why the ma'ority of Catholics ractice birth control and some of those o osed to "ay marria"e nevertheless are o osed to a Constitutional amendment to ban it. >eli"ious leadershi need not acce t such wisdom in counselin" their flocks, but they should reco"ni6e this wisdom in their olitics.0 .* Grom Obama7s book, 1he -udacity of Ho eH 0I am not willin" to have the state deny -merican citi6ens a civil union that confers e%uivalent ri"hts on such basic matters as hos ital visitation or health insurance covera"e sim ly because the eo le they love are of the same se!4nor am I willin" to acce t a readin" of the Bible that considers an obscure line in >omans to be more

definin" of Christianity than the =ermon on the )ount.0 .9 Obama7s res onse when asked what his definition of sin isH 0Bein" out of ali"nment with my values.0 .: 0If all it took was someone roclaimin" I believe Iesus Christ and that he died for my sins, and that was all there was to it, eo le wouldn7t have to kee comin" to church, would they.0 .; 01his is somethin" that I7m sure I7d have serious debates with my fellow Christians about. I think that the difficult thin" about any reli"ion, includin" Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evan"eli6e and rostelyti6e. 1here7s the belief, certainly in some %uarters, that eo le haven7t embraced Iesus Christ as their ersonal savior that they7re "oin" to hell.0 ./$ 0I find it hard to believe that my Jod would consi"n four(fifths of the world to hell. I can7t ima"ine that my Jod would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. 1hat7s 'ust not art of my reli"ious makeu .0 .// 0I don7t resume to have knowled"e of what ha ens after I die. But I feel very stron"ly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the ali"nin" myself to my faith and my values is a "ood thin".0 ./# 0I7ve said this before, and I know this raises %uestions in the minds of some evan"elicals. I do not believe that my mother, who never formally embraced Christianity as far as I know K I do not believe she went to hell.0 ./3 01hose o osed to abortion cannot sim ly invoke Jod7s will<they have to e! lain why abortion violates some rinci le that is accessible to eo le of all faiths.0 ./5 On his su ort for civil unions for "ay cou lesH 0If eo le find that controversial then I would 'ust refer them to the =ermon on the )ount.0 ./8 0,ou "ot into these small towns in 2ennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the )idwest, the 'obs have been "one now for #8 years and nothin"7s re laced them. -nd they fell throu"h the Clinton -dministration, and the Bush -dministration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are "onna re"enerate and they have not. -nd it7s not sur risin" then they "et bitter, they clin" to "uns or reli"ion or anti athy to eo le who aren7t like them or anti(immi"rant sentiment or anti( trade sentiment as a way to e! lain their frustrations.0 ./* 0In our household, the Bible, the ?oran and the Bha"avad Jita sat on the shelf alon"side books of Jreek and &orse and -frican mytholo"y0

./9 0On +aster or Christmas Fay, my mother mi"ht dra" me to church, 'ust as she dra""ed me to the Buddhist tem le, the Chinese &ew ,ear celebration, the =hinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.0 ./: 0We have Iews, )uslims, Hindus, atheists, a"nostics, Buddhists, and their own ath to "race is one that we have to revere and res ect as much as our own0 ./; 0-ll of us have a res onsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and 2alestinians can see their children "row u without fearB when the Holy Eand of the three "reat faiths is the lace of eace that Jod intended it to beB when Ierusalem is a secure and lastin" home for Iews and Christians and )uslims, and a lace for all of the children of -braham to min"le eacefully to"ether as in the story of Isra 4 La lauseM 4 as in the story of Isra, when )oses, Iesus, and )ohammed, eace be u on them, 'oined in rayer. L- lause.M0 .#$ 0I believe that there are many aths to the same lace, and that is a belief that there is a hi"her ower, a belief that we are connected as a eo le.0

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