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Cardboard Char Desgn Bref

The student will be able to:

1. Desgn a successfu human supportng devce.
2. Work n a team based envronment.
3. Construct the supportng devce n a restrcted tme perod.
4. Show respect for a quaty product through constructon.
5. Demonstrate ts abty to functon n a rea word stuaton.
6. Assess the effectveness of the souton.
Problem Statement
Probem Descrpton
Chars are found everywhere. They come n neary an nfnte varety of desgns and
are used for many dfferent purposes. Most chars are made to permanenty occupy
space unt they are thrown away. Snce most chars are made of a varety of hghy
processed materas dscarded chars or ther materas are rarey recyced. The
prmary factors determnng the cost of a char are ts sze and the cost of the
matera t s made of. Workmanshp and brand name, stye and aesthetcs and
market aso pay a part n determnng the prce.
Your job is to design and build a chair.
Personne Requrements
Ths s a group pro|ect. A group s three or four students.
Ony one char per group
Before fna constructon you must submt the foowng for nstructor
o Sketches
o SketchUp drawng
o Rapd prototypes
o A V scae prototype
A the char parts must be made from the corrugated cardboard provded by
the teacher.
You may ony use no more than two sheets of cardboard, each 42" x 57" (or
approxmatey 40 square feet) to make a parts of your fna char.
The char must be the coor of the cardboard. No coor may be added.
No adhesves or non-cardboard "connectors" of any type may be used to
make or assembe your char.
The char must have "back" for stter to rest aganst.
The char must support a person of at east 150 pounds n norma cassroom
use for 30 mnutes
Toos, Materas, and Equpment
Engneerng Desgn Process
Engneerng Notebook Creatve
Cardboard Char Structures
Cardboard Char Structures
Worksheet 2
Utty knfe
Mana foders
Note cards
Procedure and Timeline (Engineering Design
Use the Engneerng Desgn Process reference page for a summary of each step. To
ensure you earn fu credt use the Engneerng Notebook Creatve Bref and
nformaton ocated n the Assessment Rubrc for a summary of requred eements.
1. Defne the Probem - 30-60 mnutes
Revew the desgn bref
Summarze the probem n your engneerng notebook
2. Research the Probem - 30-60 mnutes
Read and compete questons n the Cardboard Char Structures Worksheets
1 and 2 questons n your engneerng notebook
Use the Internet to fnd deas and nformaton
Record at east three URLs, sketches, and notes from worthwhe webstes
aong wth your thoughts
3. Deveop Possbe Soutons - 30 mnutes
Everyone shoud branstorm 3-4 sketches n ther engneerng notebook.
Create severa desgn deas from note cards and test them for structura
4. Choose the Best Souton
Unanmousy choose your top desgn.
Use SketchUp program to create a 3D computer drawng of your top dea.
Attach them nto your engneerng notebook.
Get nstructor approva of the desgn.
Create a V scae mockup from mana foders based on your drawngs.
5. Create a Prototype
Create your fna workng mode.
Practce safe and conservatve budng technques.
6. Test and Evauate
Seect a team member that fts the requred crtera to test the char.
Use the cardboard char n a norma cassroom envronment for 30 mnutes.
Keep menta track of comfort, functonaty, stabty, and other ergonomc
7. Communcate
In your engneerng notebook record/answer the foowng:
1. Compare your char to severa others n the cass.
2. Constructvey crtcze your desgn or those n the cass.
3. Identfy strong ponts of your desgn.
8. Redesgn
In your engneerng notebook draw a sketch of an mproved desgn. What
woud you do next tme? Support your changes or ack of changes wth
exampes from your cass experence.

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