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How did Salazar come to Power in 1926? I.

Introduction Antonio Salazar is known as one of the worlds most ruthless and yet admired dictators. For the purpose of this essay, I will be focusing on the following terms: Salazar, 1926. Problems with writing this essay were at times limitations with information. I couldnt find specific answers at times to the question. Also, it was hard at times to find specific dates on the certain topics. This essay will analyze Salazars rise to power, his relationships within the Portuguese government, his relationship with the Catholic Church and the start of his regime Estado Novo. The time frame of these events is between 19261968, which covers Salazars dictatorship and rule over Portugal. The essay will give an outlook of Salazars regime and his authority over Portugal. The thesis statement of this essay is on how Antonio Salazar became Finance Minister then Prime Minister of Portugal and his dictatorship and regime in Portugal. II. Background (Summary) Salazar studied law faculty and economics at Coimbra university. After he graduated he was given a position at the university. Salazar wrote articles and made speeches on the Political economy of Portugal, especially on justice for the poor. Salazar became quite famous for his speeches. He wrote and lectured speeches on Portugals economy and the importance of Catholicism. He was given a position on National Legislature of Portugal (Web. 05 Sept. 2013.). He only was in the position for three days when he resigned, due to lack of working conditions and returned to Coimbra. Salazar was very religious, and didnt appreciate how the republic was curtailing the influence of the Catholic Church. Before he studied law, Salazar was in training to become a priest. During his time at university his roommate Manuel Gonalves Cerejeira became Cardinal to the Catholic Church. At the time Salazar was also close to Antonio Oscar Carmona. Carmona was at first the foreign minister of Portugal, but during 1928 became president of Portugal. It was Carmona who hired Salazar as the Finance Minister of Portugal. Salazar was a very efficient Finance minister. He had a very tight grip on the finances and economy of Portugal. Soon after becoming finance minister, Salazar started overshadowing Carmona. Salazar convinced Carmona to let him become Prime Minister. III Evaluation of Sources The first source is a book called SALAZAR AND MODERN PORTUGAL. The origins are Kay, Hugh. Published in New York by Hawthorn Publishers. The purpose is to recount Salazars political life, rule and transformation of Portugal. The targeted audience is people interested in knowing about Salazar. Through very informative writing, the book is trying to give a detailed outlook on Salazar and his rule over Portugal. No limitations as such, but gives a very detailed view of Salazars rule. The second source is a JSTOR article called CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN HISTORY. The origins are Ribeiro De Meneses, Filipe. Published by Cambridge University Press. The purpose is to show the Contemporary History of Europe,

for people researching about contemporary Europe. Through very detailed writing the online article gives an accurate insight in the Contemporary History of Europe. There are no limitations as such, a detailed insight of Contemporary Europe is given. IV Analysis Part one During his time as a Finance minister, Salazar kept close tabs on the Portuguese economy. When Salazar started his time as Finance minister in 1928, Portugal was almost bankrupt. Salazar had checked very expenditure in the Portuguese government, and always had the last word on it. Sinel de Cordes was the previous Finance minister (before Salazar), and did very badly. In some ways if it wasnt for him not doing well in his position, Salazar wouldnt have been hired as finance minister. During the First World War Salazar was recruited by the army, to have control over the armys finances. Salazar seized this opportunity to gain more power. He convinced the army with promises of reorganization and the modernization of the army. Then, in May 1936 Salazar was recruited to be War minister. This meant he had full authority over the army. Soon, Salazar was under pressure by other military rivals. Whenever this happened he would call on Carmonas support, and would threaten to resign if Carmona did not help. As Salazar was very tight with the spending of the countrys money, there was no improvement of the military. It wasnt until 1941 when Salazar funded for few of the armys equipment. Soon after becoming finance minister, Salazar started overshadowing Carmona. Salazar convinced Carmona to let him become Prime Minister. As Prime minister, Salazar was very strict and had absolute authority. Salazar had a vision of an ideal society and country, but he couldnt make it happen because it was unrealistic for a country such as Portugal (JSTOR, De Meneses Ribeiro, Filipe, pp.153-163). In the time of 1933, Salazar created a social regime called Estado Novo. Estado Novo was a system of social justice. V Analysis Part two: Salazar believed very much so in Catholicism. His views on life and authority were based heavily on the religion. A reason he wasnt in favor of the Republic, was because of their hate for the religion. While in university, Salazar became a member of a nonparty Catholic movement. In the movement he made speeches, of ways to promote democracy and Catholicism together. Salazars regime Estado Novo, on social justice was formed in 1933. It was formed on the basis of Catholicism and Democracy. The public were able to vote on what they thought of the constitution. Republicans and Socialists complained that their views were excluded, and few Catholics thought that the constitution did not restore the religion in its proper place in society. Estado Novo was a system of social rights, social services and justice. It also supported the use of Portuguese colonies as a vast continental empire. Estado Novo was hugely influenced by Catholicism (Kay 48-50). Salazar supported the Portuguese colonies. He didnt want Portugal to give them up. Salazar had a tight hold on Portuguese politics. He didnt want Portugal to be involved in politics of other countries, unless his

regime was praised He turned Portugal into a fascist country, with strong Catholic religious values. Estado Novo was viewed by politicians and historians as an anti-communist, fair state, which had a democracy that was neither plutocratic or social. It was wondered why the New state was called fascist, considering the good ways it had. It was fascist because the State followed the social system that had Fascist approaches and systems for the country (Torgal; Torgal). VI Conclusion This essay on how Antonio Salazar became Finance Minister then Prime Minister of Portugal and his dictatorship and regime in Portugal. Salazars ways of running Portugal and his relationship with the government, and Catholic church are shown. Future areas of research could be to understand why Salazar believed in having such a tight hold over Portugal. It would be interesting to find other types of propaganda used in Portugal. Through interviews, it would be interesting to know why most people in Portugal admired/admire Salazar. Bibliography:

Kay, Hugh. "Estado Novo." Kay, Hugh. Salazar and Modern Portugal. New York: Hawthorn Books inc., 1970. 478. JSTOR: De Meneses, Filipe Ribeiro. "The Origins and Nature of Authoritarian Rule in Portugal, 1919-1945." Contemporary European History 11.Patronage (2002): 153-63. JSTOR. Web. 28 Aug. 2013 Websites: "Antonio Salazar De Oliveira of Portugal and His Estado Novo." Antonio Salazar De Oliveira of Portugal and His Estado Novo. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2013. "Dictators of the World." : Salazar Is "greatest Portuguese of All Time" Blogspot, 27 Mar. 2007. Web. 05 Sept. 2013. "Social and Political Foundations of Constitutions." Google Books. Cambridge University Press, n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2013. "Propaganda, Ideology and Cinema in the Estado Novo of Salazar: The Conversion of the Unbelievers." Propaganda, Ideology and Cinema in the Estado Novo of Salazar: The Conversion of the Unbelievers. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2013.

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