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A Greek Tragedy In The Indian Ocean?

by Tisaranee Gunasekara

the Greeks never said that the limit could not be overstepped. They said it existed and that whoever dared to exceed it was mercilessly struck down. Nothing in present history can contradict them. Camus (Helen s !xile" ( November #$ %&'($ Colombo$ )ri *anka Guardian" The Commonwealth was the last sigh o+ the ,ritish -a.$ the consolation price the ,ritish awarded themselves when they were +orced to abandon their global political holdings. . The Commonwealth is the super+luous memento o+ a once gigantic empire on which the sun could not set. This embodiment o+ imperial nostalgia never had much relevance on the international stage. The ,ritish need the Commonwealth +or political and psychological reasons. /t is the most tangible heirloom +rom their 0glorious past 1 it is also a +a2ade which helps them to +orget their rather reduced global status as a smallish island on the outskirts o+ a growing !urope. ,ritain s +ormer colonies remain in the Commonwealth not because the organisation con+ers any material advantages or international prestige but because its membership is not burdened by real obligations. There may be a lot o+ talk about new Commonwealth values and *atimer House principles. However laudable these may be$ they are largely unen+orceable. The ,ritish have no way o+ ensuring that the Commonwealth member countries play by these rules. The +ormer global hegemon is not rich enough to o++er su++iciently generous blandishments nor power+ul enough to wield a su++iciently punitive stick. The desperation with which the -a.apaksas o+ )ri *anka yearn to host this internationally irrelevant construct cannot but be somewhat +lattering to the ,ritish. Nobody really makes that sort o+ a +uss about the Commonwealth anymore. 3sually the Commonwealth and its gatherings excite very little global interest. /t is thanks to the -a.apaksas execrable reputation the Commonwealth is en.oying an unprecedented albeit ephemeral topicality these days. /magine the excitement o+ a +eudal4minded peasant o+ the middle ages at the impending visit o+ his liege4lord 5 that is how the -a.apaksas are behaving vis4a4vis the Commonwealth )ummit. Colombo is being turned upside down1 pavements are uprooted$ roads re4done$ walls painted$ trees root4planted$ homeless people and homeless dogs evicted and +ountains constructed in a desperate e++ort to create a +a2ade o+ wealth and prosperity totally at variance with our

everyday reality. !ven the 0Temple Trees is getting a makeover with its +ront perimeter trans+ormed into a vertical garden6green wall. The -a.apaksas might be on the way to becoming Chinese stooges but their heart belongs to the 7hite47est in general and ,ritain in particular. /+ the ,ritish (and the 8mericans" are willing to cut the )iblings the same slack they did +or other notable human rights violators (such as 8ugusto 9inochet"$ the -a.apaksas will be per+ectly happy to ensconce themselves in 7estern arms. The embarrassing eagerness they are displaying vis4:4vis the Commonwealth is only the latest indication o+ the -a.apaksa desire to gain the +avour o+ *ondon and 7ashington. The Colombo Commonwealth is not about bringing honour and glory to )ri *anka. /t is about giving the -a.apaksas the impression that they too are global somebodies. The entire hullabaloo might be +unny 5 especially coming +rom a bunch o+ sel+4proclaimed anti4imperialists 5 had it not been +or the cost it will impose on an already overburdened people and a nation tottering on +inancial ruin. -a.apaksas 3nlimited The regime hiked import taxes on potatoes by -s.'; per kilo and import taxes on ,ombay onions by -s.; per kilo in 8ugust. )ri *anka has a dangerously lopsided tax system which +avours the haves and is punitive towards the poor and the middle classes. *anka s direct6indirect tax ratio is an abnormally distorted %&<=&. 8 country which is dependent on indirect taxes +or =&> o+ its tax revenue cannot achieve +inancial stability or inclusive growth. 8s the 3N?9 pointed out$ this abnormal system @shi+ts the burden o+ taxation on to the poor'. The 3N?9 suggested that the *ankan government might want to re+orm this highly iniAuitous tax system @to spread the burden o+ taxation more evenly$ to improve revenue collection$ to achieve better governance and accountability and to ensure that revenue is in line with growth%. The -a.apaksas will do nothing o+ the sort. Bn the contrary$ post4Commonwealth$ they will increase indirect taxes at an even +aster pace in order to cover up some o+ the beauti+ication and con+erence costs. The )iblings seem well aware o+ the devastating e++ect their Commonwealth !xtravaganCa will have on the ordinary people. That is why they are planning to hold presidential 5 and probably parliamentary 5 elections in early %&'D. 8ccording to media reports$ the )upreme Court has been asked about the legality o+ early elections. Given the nature o+ the de +acto CE$ that Auery can have only one answer. The regime will be given the legal clearance to have any election they +ancy whenever they want. Bnce that hurdle is cleared$ the burdening o+ the people 5 including the very voters who cast their ballots +or the -a.apaksas 5 can begin in earnest. 8nd i+ aggrieved people dare to protest$ peace+ully and democratically$ they can be administered a dose o+ 07eliweriya Treatment . This week Finister )arath 8munugama revealed in parliament that the richest %&> o+ the country account +or ;D.'> o+ the national income while the bottom %&> receive .ust D.;>(. The /*B has already warned that )ri *anka s income ineAuality is on the rise. 8nother worrying indicator is youth unemployment. 8ccording to the /*B s 8sia 9aci+ic *abour Farket 3pdate o+ 8pril %&'($ @Gin )ri *anka youth unemployment rate was more than +our times the overall unemployment rateG.D The /*B has also cautioned that our employment growth is sourced mainly in the in+ormal and not +ormal sector$ with particular preponderance o+ day labourers and household (domestic"

workers. This is a highly volatile situation$ both economically and socio4politically. To make matters worse$ the -a.apaksas o+ten +avour policies which have a devastating e++ect on this vital in+ormal sector$ especially in the name o+ urban development. /n a rare 5 and welcome 4 display o+ sympathy +or -a.apaksa4victims$ -anil 7ickremesinghe drew attention to the plight o+ D;; )lave /sland +amilies who are about to be evicted +rom their legally occupied homes (especially the +ate o+ the children who are supposed to sit +or B* exam in ?ecember" and the +ate o+ HH small businesses which will be removed< @8 city must develop. )till the city dwellers should never undergo any punishment nor their li+estyle be disrupted in the processG; (Hope+ully the 0something4old4something4new 3N9 will move +rom words to deeds$ and do something to protect the basic rights o+ Colombo s poor who also happen to be bedrock 3N9 supporters". The Commonwealth bash may give the -a.apaksas the glory and acceptance they so desperately and childishly desire. ,ut +or the people o+ )ri *anka$ this !xtravaganCa will be an unmixed curse. 9rices o+ essential products and services will increase even +urther and less money will be available +or vital public services as a result o+ the regime s limitless spending on an economically unproductive and politically irrelevant venture. The interrelationship between hubris and nemesis was a constant theme o+ Greek tragedies. The -a.apaksas can reach +or the stars$ but the price will be eAually steep$ +or them and +or us. ' )ri *anka Human ?evelopment -eport 4 %&'% % /bid ( http<66www.island.lk6index.phpIpageJcatKarticle4detailsLpageKarticle4 detailsLcodeJtitleKH';D% D http<66www.ilo.org6wcmsp;6groups6public6M4asia6M4ro4 bangkok6documents6publication6wcmsJ%'%&(&.pd+ ; http<66www.island.lk6index.phpIpageJcatKarticle4detailsLpageKarticle4 detailsLcodeJtitleKH';D=

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