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Assignment 2 Kristen Williams Introduction: Multiservice business succession As a client of any business, I like to have options to choose from. No one goes to McDonalds to get a big mac plain with just a bun; they add various toppings to make it their own. We as humans like to feel like we are in control, as we are offered more options we feel compelled to invest our money in those things. The topic I have chosen for this assignment is how businesses that offer multiple services are overall more successful than those that do not offer more than one. My target audience is those interested in improving their business, or customers that are interested in these services. While explaining a few examples I will go in depth about effective business techniques as well as the struggles that go along with it. I have many associations with this topic including in my own work setting. As a hostess at Applebees I get to learn about new promotions that bring in varied customers. Applebees offers dining and bar services along with sports television. Also as a person in this society I am surrounded by technology such as the Apple products. Apple offers a variety of gadgets such as phones, music players, and tablets. Literature review: Cornell College emphasizes the importance of controlling power between growing businesses. In the late 1800s to early 1900s businesses began to thrive and some so much that they became monopolies, controlling prices and other anticompetitive acts. By doing so, this diminished the economic market which caused for laws to be put into place. Multi-serviced businesses are more likely to thrive which puts them at a threat of becoming a monopoly. Once they achieve such popularity they are monitored such as Apple Inc. There are so many Apple products available
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now that almost everyone has an item. My figured world supports expectations in school by being connected with them. Most school systems now have a set company to provide them with their products needed. In my high school, all of our computers and services were Dell while in college the company is Apple. By showing us how successful a business can be by selling mass to schools, we as students learn that we can strive for that level of opportunity as well. How to make a profit Cosmos caf and night club attract a lot of different people meaning more business. How did they become so successful? Its all about efficiency. If a business is in the right location, has quality staff, provides varied services including entertainment, and have reasonable prices they are likely to have customers. As I observed Cosmos during both parts of the day I saw different types of people. During the day it was mostly adults getting off lunch break and some families. The environment at night was livelier; there were DJs, dancers, instructors, bar tenders, etc. Of course at night there is more business and that is because it is so convenient. Downtown Charlotte is a popular sight for night life, people are off of work, and it is a great way to meet people at no cost (for ladies). Observations: Working as a Hostess for Applebees Grill, I encounter many interesting people including my co-workers. A huge factor in creating a successful business is the people you deal with. Without a good staff it does not matter what the services are that you offer, there will always be something that goes wrong. So how does a boss of 1,965 restaurants (Applebees) take on this responsibility? This is something to take into consideration when choosing to expand clientele, more money equals more problems. So is it worth it? For most business people more money

equals more power and how they get to that or what they need to go through is not of concern so their answer would be yes. This is not necessarily a bad thing because it can provide support for other figured worlds. This figured world's accepted communication strategies impact other spheres by revenue, popularity, and opportunity. New jobs open up when a business expands which provides income for an individual decreasing poverty. Certain nonprofit organizations get more donations the more they reach out and become better known. Also, while observing Cosmos I realized the effort put into such establishment and respect that. This supports school expectations by showing us that effort is important and is a part of efficiency. My view (enter the conversation): As I stated earlier I work at Applebees and to an extent it provides varied services. It is primarily a restaurant but also provides a bar and television which mostly consists of sports channels. As compared to the concord region this Applebees does not make as much money but this is only due to location. Another down side to large businesses is customer service. During training I learned that we are to make the customers happy and that they are always right. Although I feel like this is bogus I always do my job even in certain incidents as last week. I sat a family of 5 down to their booth that they asked for and made friendly conversation as I was told to do. During this 30 second period I had already heard any comments about how they felt and how inadequate the place was. I ignored the father and continued to do my job. Later that night the waitress tending to that table told me about how he wanted to fill out an incident report and needed a manager. The manager came out of his office to attend to the matter of the spider bite. Apparently, a spider had come down from its web, maybe or maybe not bit him, and then crawled back up its little web happily ever after. Long story short even the most ridiculous stories are to be handled in a way to please the customers, this poor guy did not even need to go

to the hospital and left without paying for his $60 tab. Although larger corporations bring in more revenue, they have to take the struggles that come with it into consideration. Conclusion: Basically all of the research put into this assignment has been new information that I have learned from. I now have a better understanding of the exact regulations enforced on large corporations. I have learned about business strategies and ways to become more efficient as well as all the struggles encountered during the transition.

References Antitrust: An overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cornell College makes statements about Antitrust including Acts passed to keep economic power neutral and history to prove that regulation is needed. Monopolies are why the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was enacted, to keep large corporations from becoming the most dominant and controlling prices. This article is significant to my research in that it gives boundaries to how successful a business may get providing the services it may. My research will further with topics about Multi-serviced franchises. Narver, J. C. (1990, October). The effect of a market orientation on business profitability. Retrieved from: Narver, John C. & Slater, Stanley F. (1990) Journal of Marketing. Vol. 54, No. 4 pp. 20-35. American Marketing Association. Retreived from: Sujan, Harish, Weitz, Barton A. & Kumar, Nirmalya (1994) . Journal of Marketing.Vol. 58, No. 3 pp. 39-52. American Marketing Association. Retreived from:

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