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Model: AccuVar ASVC-100/200

2F,4Cell, Tower C, In.Do Mansion,
No.48A Zhichun Road, Haidian District
Beijing, PR China (100098)
Tel. +86 (10) 8275 5151 (reception)
Tel. +86 (10) 8275 5151ext.8887
Fax. +86 (10) 8275 5151-8103

AccuVar ASVC-100]200
1hls manual represenLs Lhe sLaLus of Lechnology as Llme of publlsh only. 8el[lng CnCvC CWL8
AuvAnCLu 1LCP.CC.L1u has reserved rlghL for modlfylng Lechnology and equlpmenL conflguraLlon
aL anyLlme wlLhouL furLher noLlce.
Company intro
8el[lng CnCvC CWL8 AuvAnCLu 1LCP.CC.,L1u ls Lhe hlgh Lech enLerprlse whlch speclallze ln
Lechnology developmenL for power quallLy conLrol and managemenL, professlonal ln developlng
and popularlzlng powerful elecLrlcal and elecLronlcs equlpmenL. 8el[lng CnCvC CWL8
AuvAnCLu 1LCP.CC.,L1u ls Lhe one of four malnsLay lndusLrles company of 8el[lng CnCvC
Company. Cur company develops and manufacLures equlpmenLs for conLrol and manages power
quallLy such as SLaLlc var CompensaLor (SvC), Solld SLaLe Complex SwlLch (SSCS), SLaLlc Synchronous
CompensaLor (SvC), AcLlve ower lllLer (Al), Plgh-volLage fllLer CompensaLor (lC) and Low
volLage 1hyrlsLor SwlLched lllLer CompensaLor (1Sl). Cur producLlons already been wldely applled
ln lndusLrles of meLallurgy, rall way, wlnd power, mlne and lnLelllgenL power grld.
uependlng on long Llme Lechnology accumulaLlon, 8el[lng CnCvC succeeds ln developlng and
manufacLurlng worldwlde advanced elecLrlcal and elecLronlcs equlpmenLs. Company have
esLabllshed whole package of equlpmenL slmulaLlon plaLform and equlpmenL research sLraLegy. Cur
company possesses elecLrlcal and elecLronlcs valve Lechnology and Lechnology for equlpmenL
deslgn, experlmenL, ad[usLmenL and lnsLallaLlon. 8el[lng CnCvC already has LwenLy one paLenLs
(slxLeen of Lhem are paLenLed lnvenLlon), LwenLy sofLware copyrlghLs and several naLlonal awards
for sclence progress and l1 lndusLry lnvenLlon.
8el[lng CnCvC ls capable for large scale producLlon. Company's head quarLer locaLes ln 8e[lng
Zhongguancul hlgh-Lech lndusLrlal park, has pro[ecL deslgn cenLer and research cenLer. 1here are
Lwo manufacLurlng and experlmenLal bases are locaLed ln 8el[lng and Chongqlng. Cur company has
compleLe producLlon llne for elecLrlcal and elecLronlc equlpmenLs, also has naLlonal laboraLorles for
equlpmenLs worklng lnspecLlon, slmulaLlon and power sysLem proLecLlon relay. LaboraLorles' LoLal
area ls 7000m2. ln 2012, 8el[lng CnCvC research & developmenL cenLer and lndusLrlal base wlll be
puL ln servlce. 1he faclllLy covers 46,000m2, has Lhree maln funcLlons of research and developmenL,
global sale and servlce, manufacLure producLs. CnCvC CWL8 AuvAnCLu 1LCP.CC.,L1u wlll
become one of Lhe besL worldwlde power sysLem equlpmenL manufacLurer.
CnCvC has hlghly lnnovaLlve Leam Lo lead our Lechnlcal developmenL. MosL Leam members are
academlclans or docLoral supervlsors, professors and senlor englneers. 1hey are all ellLe ln fleld of
elecLrlcal and elecLronlcs. We also have 300 sLaff wlLh average age of 33 and 33 among Lhem are
havlng masLer degree or even hlgher degree, 30 of our sLaff are englneers and Lechnlclans.
ln nexL flve years, 8el[lng CnCvC wlll puL more efforL ln developlng Lechnology for power quallLy
managemenL and relevanL Lechnology ln area of lnLelllgenL power grld, keep lnLroduclng more
advanced producLs Lo lndusLrles of meLallurgy, elecLrlfled rall way, wlnd power. uedlcaLlng ourselves
for power savlng and lmprovlng power quallLy ln power Lransmlsslon and dlsLrlbuLlon.
(SLaLlc Synchronous CompensaLor, also known as SvC). lL ls an lmporLanL devlce for llexlble AC 1ransmlsslon SysLem
(lAC1S), whlch ls Lhe Lhlrd generaLlon of dynamlc vA8 compensaLlon devlce afLer lC, MC8, and 1C8 Lype of SvC (SLaLlc vA8
CompensaLor). lLs appearance represenLs Lhe appllcaLlon of mosL advanced Lechnology for dynamlc vA8 compensaLlon. lL ls also
known as uS1A1CCM when apply ln power dlsLrlbuLlon. S1A1CCM ls connecLed parallel ln power grld and works as reacLlve
currenL source. lLs reacLlve currenL can be flexlbly conLrolled and compensaLe reacLlve power for sysLem auLomaLlcally. lL solves
problem of harmonlcs lnLerfere swlLchlng parallel capaclLor banks. ln anoLher hand, lL can resLraln harmonlcs and lmprove power
quallLy accordlng Lo cusLomers' needs. S1A1CCM has superlor performance ln loLs of aspecL such as respondlng speed, sLablllze
volLage of power grld, reduce sysLem power loss and harmonlcs, lncrease boLh Lransmlsslon capaclLy and llmlL for LranslenL
volLage. lL also has advanLage of smaller ln dlmenslon.
uses Lhree phases powerful volLage Sourced ConverLer as lLs core. lLs volLage ouLpuL connecLs sysLem by Lhrough
reacLor or Lransformer. And regulaLes AC volLage ampllLude and phase of lnverLer Lo absorb or produce reacLlve power for
sysLem. As sourced compensaLlon devlce, S1A1CCM noL only monlLorlng and compensaLes currenL for lmpacL load buL also
compensaLe and monlLorlng harmonlc currenL.
uependlng on advanLages of powerful Lechnology and human resource, 8el[lng CnCvC lnLroduces several Lypes of S1A1CCM
wlLh dlfferenL Lopology Lo meeL cusLomers' varlous needs. Accuvar ASvC - 100 Lype of uS1A1CCM applles chalned-mulLllevel
sLrucLure and feaLured wlLh compacL deslgn, less power loss, fasL respond and module conflguraLlon for easler expanslon and
malnLenance. Ma[or conLrol sysLem adopLs uS and lCA wlLh layered sLrucLure whlch enables hlgh-speed adapLlve
compuLaLlon, mulLl-chalned expanslon and flexlble conflguraLlon for sysLem.
lL has been applled ln lndusLry of coal mlne, wlnd power sysLem, meLallurgy, elecLrlfled rallway and power dlsLrlbuLlon for urban
and rural area (sulLable for power dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem wlLh 3kv Lo 33kv).
Equipment introduction
Accuvar ASvC has superlor advanLages compare wlLh
convenLlonal flxed capaclLor compensaLor, MC8 and 1C8.
1 Fast reactive power adjustment
2.Restrain voItage fIuctuation and fIicker
3.Constant current, effectiveIy restrain voItage drop
4. Compensat e negat i ve sequence, i mpI ement
baIanced power suppIy
Accuvar ASvC provldes conLlnuous dynamlc compensaLlon Lo
power facLor along Lhe load varlaLlon. lL compleLely
eradlcaLes capaclLlve reacLlve power dellvery Lo Lhe power
grld and malnLaln power facLor ln deslgned value for power
grld. Accuvar ASvC has advanLages:
(1) lasL response, able Lo lmplemenL dynamlc compensaLlon
ln real Llme.
(2) LffecLlvely avold parallel resonance.
(3) Able Lo produce and absorb reacLlve power.
(4) uellver less harmonlc Lo sysLem.
ower grld volLage has flucLuaLlon and fllcker when hlgh power
lmpacL load ls operaLlng. volLage flucLuaLlon and fllcker brlng
negaLlve lnfluence Lo oLher nearby cusLomers' elecLrlclLy usage
and senslLlve load by decreaslng safeLy for elecLrlclLy usage and
decreaslng efflclency for producLlon, lncreaslng rlsk of faulLy
producLlon. Accuvar ASvC's response Llme ls less Lhan 1ms and
lL provldes smooLh dynamlc compensaLlon for reacLlve power. lL
ls more efflclenL Lo resLraln volLage fllcker and reduce volLage
flucLuaLlon, lmprove volLage Lo meeL sLandard.
Accuvar ASvC has characLerlsLlc of consLanL currenL. lL has
advanLage ln volLage conLrol due Lo lLs reacLlve currenL ouLpuL ls
noL affecLed by busbar volLage. SysLem needs more dynamlc
reacLlve power when sysLem volLage geLs lower. Accuvar ASvC's
reacLlve currenL ouLpuL ls noL relaLed Lo sysLem volLage, buL Lhe
convenLlonal capaclLor vA8 compensaLor's reacLlve power
ouLpuL ls proporLlonal Lo square value of volLage. Accuvar ASvC
can provlde beLLer supporL for lmprovlng low volLage rlde
Lhrough (Lv81) characLerlsLlc ln wlnd power.
Accuvar ASvC has unlque chalned sLrucLure Lo allow spllL-phase
ad[usLmenL and reallzes energy lnLerchange beLween dlfferenL
phases. lL provldes balanced compensaLlon Lo load negaLlve
sequence by applylng SLelnmeLz balanced prlnclple. Accuvar
ASvC makes currenL flow lnLo sysLem wlLh balanced power and
deslred reacLlve power.
Main function
rovldes fasL smooLh dynamlc compensaLlon from
lnducLlve Lo capaclLlve ln reacLlve power. Also
eradlcaLes reacLlve power dellvery Lo Lhe power grld. lL
meeLs Lhe maxlmum requesL Lo compensaLe power
facLor, keeps power facLor close Lo 1.0 aL anyLlme.
Low power loss, beLLer economlcal operaLlon.
Pas powerful ablllLy Lo supporL volLage and ablllLy Lo
wlLhsLand shorL-Llme overload. rovlde beLLer supporL
for l mprovl ng l ow vol Lage rl de Lhrough (Lv81)
characLerlsLlc for wlnd Lurblne. uecrease negaLlve
lnfluence whlch caused by repeLlLlve swlLchlng
operaLlon Lo Lhe wlnd Lurblne.
TechnicaI features
5.Resistance to harmonics, abIe to compensate the
part of harmonic current
uue Lo wldely appllcaLlons of nonllnear load, harmonlcs
LhreaL publlc power grld worse Lhan before. Parmonlcs
cause equlpmenL overheaL, lnsulaLlon depleLlon, exLra
power loss, decrease efflclency of power sysLem and
elecLrlcal equlpmenL. lL also cause malfuncLlon of
proLecLlon relay and malfuncLlon of auLomaLlc devlce,
l naccuracy of measuremenL and l nLerfere nearby
communlcaLlon sysLem. lL ls posslble Lo have flre hazard
when 3rd harmonlc flow Lhrough naLural llne and makes
llne overheaL. Accuvar ASvC applles carrler phase shlfL
mulLl-level WM ulse WldLh ModulaLlon conLrol
sLraLegy and lLs hlgh frequency equlvalenL swlLch can
fllLerlng parLlal load harmonlcs wlLhouL ampllfylng Lhem
and no harmonlc resonance. lL makes posslble for mulLl-
funcLlon ln on equlpmenL.
lasLer response Llme and beLLer effecL for resLralnlng
roduce no harmonlc and fllLerlng parLlal load
harmonlc wlLhouL ampllfylng harmonlc and no
harmonlc resonance. lL has beLLer safeLy and sLablllLy
due Lo lL ls noL senslLlve Lo Lhe sysLem parameLers.
Modul es desl gned, easy for l nsLal l aLl on and
malnLenance. 8edundanL n+1 sLrucLure provldes hlgh
Less space for lnsLallaLlon, also provldes flexlble
l ns L a l l aL l on, equl pmenL c a n be l ns L a l l ed
Low loss and low nolse.
1. Accuvar ASvC clrculL applles hlgh power swlLch
conLrolled elecLrlcal and elecLronlcs componenLs Lo
consLrucL phase-change brldge clrculL. 1he clrculL
connecLs Lhrough lnducLor ln parallel wlLh grld. 1o
lmplemenL reacLlve compensaLlon, ad[usL ampllLude
and phase of AC volLage or dlrecLly ad[usL AC currenL
ln brldge clrculL Lo make clrculL absorb or produce
reacLlve currenL.
ASvC-100 equlvalenL
clrculL Accu-var ASvC
2. Accuvar ASvC has real power/ reacLlve power exchange
wlLh sysLem. 1hls ls lmplemenLed by conLrol Lhe
ampllLude and phase angle of chalned converLer
volLage ouLpuL.
cha|ned vo|tage
sourced convertor
1he dlagram of volLage
ampllLude and phase angle
|s the ang|e of VS |ead|ng Vg
SmarL Crld
3. Accuvar ASvC clrculL connecLlon shows below, phase
converLer ls sLrucLured by chaln knoLs
4. ConverLer's lC81 valve adopLs opLlmlze carrler phase-
shlfL modulaLlon. MulLlple knoLs equlvalenL swlLch has
hlgh frequency and has exLremely low harmonlc
ouLpuL. volLage ouLpuL wave form shows below
Accu-var ASvC
ConnecLlon dlagram of Accu-var ASvC
volLage ouLpuL wave form
Accuvar ASvC ls malnly consLrucLed by clrculL breaker, arresLer, reacLors ln serles/sLep-up Lransformer, sLarL-up clrculL,
chalned modules, conLrol and proLecLlon sysLem, coollng sysLem and oLher asslsLanL clrculLs.
lndoor lnsLallaLlon applles panel assembly sLrucLure whlch ls malnly consLrucLed by sLarL-up cablneL, power cablneL, conLrol
proLecLlon cablneL, reacLor cablneL. CuLdoor lnsLallaLlon applles whole conLalner sLrucLure. lor ouLdoor lnsLallaLlon, Lhe
whole equlpmenL has been preseL ln facLory. lL makes easler for equlpmenL ad[usLmenL ln work slLe and more adapLlve Lo
Equipment configuration
All componenLs lnslde of Modules are exporLed producLlons,
Lhe hlgh performance and hlgh rellablllLy are ensured.
Membrane Lype capaclLors are used as uC capaclLors. 1he
llfeLlme of equlpmenL ls lncreased alLhough Lhe cosL of
membrane Lype capaclLor ls hlgher Lhan cosL of elecLrolyLlc
capaclLor. 1he clrculL for each knoL ls shown below
AS flgure shows, Lhe clrculL ls consLrucLed by P brldge, uC
capaclLors, conLrol Lrlgger clrculL and oLher asslsLanL clrculLs.
ConLroller for each knoL ls poslLlonlng ln hlgh poLenLlal and
communlcaLes wlLh maln conLroller Lhrough opLlcal flber, Lhe
ablllLy of anLl-lnLerference for sysLem ls lmproved ln Lhls way.
extract|ng c|rcu|t
un|t contro||er
tr|gger|ng c|rcu|t
| f

| f

d|scharge c|rcu|t n br|dge bypass c|rcu|t
ConLrol proLecLlon sysLem applles advanced
layered sLrucLure, uslng hlgh speed dlglLal
slgnal processor (uS) and large scale fleld
programmable gaLe array (lCA) Lo lncrease
calculaLlon speed for sysLem. And sysLem has
flexlble sLrucLure, easy for malnLenance.
8aLed frequency: 30 Pz
8aLed volLage: 3kv/6kv/10kv/20kv/33kv
8aLed capaclLy: 1 ~ 18Mvar (ASvC-100) 10 30Mvar (ASvC-200)
8ang of reacLlve power ad[usLmenL: capaclLlve ~ lnducLlve conLlnuous smooLh ad[usLlng
Cverload capablllLy: runnlng Llme for overload of 1.13 30mln
ConLroller response Llme: < 1ms
volLage ouLpuL 1Pu before connecLlng wlLh grld: 1Pu < 3
CurrenL ouLpuL 1Pu: < 4
volLage ouLpuL unsymmeLrlcal degree: < 3
8unnlng efflclency: > 99
ower cablneL dlmenslon: 120010002400 (WuP)
SLarLup cablneL dlmenslon: 120010002400 (WuP)
ConLrol cablneL dlmenslon: 8008002260 (WuP)
Surroundlngs LemperaLure: -40 ~ +30
lnsLallaLlon sLrucLure: lndoor/box-Lype
Coollng sysLem: forced alr coollng (ASvC-100)/sealed waLer coollng (ASvC-200)
ueslgned llfeLlme: 30 years
TechnicaI specification
contro| un|t
contro| un|t
contro| un|t
opt|ca| f|ber
L8Ccha|ned contro| un|t
h|gh speed ser|a| port
ma[or regu|at|on and protect|on un|te
|nput]output un|te
AppIication area
Urban power d|str|but|on and power supp|y for rura| area
lmprove power facLor and reduce reacLlve power loss
8esLraln volLage flucLuaLlon and fllcker caused by flucLuaLlng
SLablllze Lermlnal volLage
SulLable for concenLraLed compensaLlon Lo harmonlc caused
by mulLlple user, especlally for area wlLh lmpacL loads
EIectrified raiIway and urban raiI transportation
ConLrol reacLlve power and manage harmonlc for power
supply sysLem, lmprove power quallLy, save power and
reduce power loss
8alance negaLlve sequence currenL caused by locomoLlve
Electric Railway
Renewable Energy
ntelligent Power Grid
Urban Power Distribution
RenewabIe energy connection
ConLrol reacLlve power ln power source connecLlon polnL for
wlnd power and phoLovolLalc power generaLlon equlpmenL
SLablllze grld volLage, reduce volLage flucLuaLlon caused by
power varlaLlon durlng power generaLlon
MalnLaln volLage level ln connecLlon polnL, lmprove low
volLage rlde Lhrough (Lv81) characLerlsLlc

SteeI and MetaIIurgy industry

lmprove power facLor and reduce reacLlve power loss
8esLraln volLage flucLuaLlon and fllcker, lmprove efflclency of
lllLerlng harmonlc and keep equlpmenL safeLy
8alance negaLlve sequence
Heavy industry such as petrochemicaI industry, mine
and harbor
SLablllze supply volLage
rovlde concenLraLed compensaLlon for hlgh/low power
rovlde on spoL compensaLlon for large scale moLor
8educe flucLuaLlon and harmonlc for LracLlon Lransmlsslon
ConcenLraLed compensaLlon for equlpmenLs of heavy crane,
shlp-lock conLrol sysLem and forglng
Rolling Mill

Model: AccuVar ASVC-100/200

2F,4Cell, Tower C, In.Do Mansion,
No.48A Zhichun Road, Haidian District
Beijing, PR China (100098)
Tel. +86 (10) 8275 5151 (reception)
Tel. +86 (10) 8275 5151ext.8887
Fax. +86 (10) 8275 5151-8103

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