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UNIT-III PART-A 1. Define data directory.

DDL statements are compiled, resulting in a set of tables stored in a special file called a data dictionary or data directory. 2. Which is the subset of SQL commands used to mani u!ate "rac!e Database structures# inc!udin$ tab!es% Data Definition Language (DDL) basic idea: hide implementation details of the database schemes from the users 3. Define DDL Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define the database structure or schema. 4. List the &arious commands in DDL !"#$" % to create ob&ects in the database #L$"! % alters the structure of the database D!'( % delete ob&ects from the database $!)* #$" % remo+e all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records are remo+ed ',,"*$ % add comments to the data dictionary !"*#," % rename an ob&ect -. Define Data 'ani u!ation Data ,anipulation is:
o o o o

retrie+al of information from the database insertion of ne. information into the database deletion of information in the database modification of information in the database

/. Define D'L

# D,L is a language .hich enables users to access and manipulate data. 0. What are the t(o ty es of D'L $here are t.o types of D,L:
o o

procedural: the user specifies what data is needed and how to get it nonprocedural: the user only specifies what data is needed

"asier for user ,ay not generate code as efficient as that produced by procedural languages

1. What are the &arious D)L statements. Data ontrol Language (D L) statements.

2!#*$ % gi+es user3s access pri+ileges to database !"4'5" % .ithdra. access pri+ileges gi+en .ith the 2!#*$ command

6. Define T)L $ransaction ontrol ($ L) statements are used to manage the changes made by D,L statements. 7t allo.s statements to be grouped together into logical transactions. 18. What are the &arious commands in T)L
o o o

',,7$ % sa+e .or9 done :#4"('7*$ % identify a point in a transaction to .hich you can later roll bac9 !'LL;# 5 % restore database to original since the last ',,7$

11. What is the ur ose of Rename " eration !ename: a mechanism to rename both relations and attributes. 12. . What o erator erforms attern matchin$% L75" operator 13. What o erator tests co!umn for the absence of data%

7: *)LL operator 14. List the &arious set o erations :<L has the set operations union, intersect and e=cept. 1-. Which command e*ecutes the contents of a s ecified fi!e% :$#!$ >filename? or @>filename? +,.Define )oncurrency oncurrency is achie+ed by the D;,:, .hich interlea+es actions (readsA.rites of D; ob&ects) of +arious transactions 10 . What is the arameter substitution symbo! used (ith INS-RT INT" command% B 11. . Which command dis !ays the SQL command in the SQL buffer# and then e*ecutes it% !)* 16.. What are the ri&i!e$es that can be $ranted on a tab!e by a user to others% 7nsert, update, delete, select, references, inde=, e=ecute, alter, all 28. What command is used to $et bac. the ri&i!e$es offered by the /RANT command% !"4'5" 21 . Which system tab!es contain information on ri&i!e$es $ranted and ri&i!e$es obtained% ):"!C$#;C(!74:C,#D", ):"!C$#;C(!74:C!" D 22 . Which system tab!e contains information on constraints on a!! the tab!es created% ):"!C '*:$!#7*$: 23 . TRUN)AT- TA0L- -'P1 D"L"$" D!', ",(E

Fill the outputs of the abo+e t.o commands differG ;oth .ill result in deleting all the ro.s in the table ",(. 24 . What is the difference bet(een TRUN)AT- and D-L-T- commands% $!)* #$" is a DDL command .hereas D"L"$" is a D,L command. Hence D"L"$" operation can be rolled bac9, but $!)* #$" operation cannot be rolled bac9. FH"!" clause can be used .ith D"L"$" and not .ith $!)* #$". 2-. What command is used to create a tab!e by co yin$ the structure of another tab!e% !"#$" $#;L" .. #: :"L" $ command "=planation : $o copy only the structure, the FH"!" clause of the :"L" $ command should contain a D#L:" statement as in the !"#$" $#;L" *"F$#;L" #: :"L" $ I D!', "J7:$7*2$#;L" FH"!" 1K2E 7f the FH"!" condition is true, then all the ro.s or ro.s satisfying the condition .ill be copied to the ne. table. 2/.What :"L" $ (i!! be the out ut of the fo!!o(in$ #$H"* LL3,3L3), 2uery% 3L3), 3#*3,

!"(L# "($!#*:L#$"(L$!7,(!$!7,(3LL

3II3),3I3,3$!');L"3) D!', D)#LE $!');L"$H"$!');L" 20.What *' "=planation $he Nuery chec9s .hether a gi+en : string is a numerical digit. (i!! be the out ut of : the fo!!o(in$ 2uery%

:"L" $ D" 'D"($!#*:L#$"(3#3,31234-/01683,311111111113), 313,3M":3, 3*'3 )E

21. Define Seria! schedu!e :erial schedule: :chedule that does not interlea+e the actions of different transactions. 26. Define -2ui&a!ent schedu!es

"Nui+alent schedules: Dor any database state, the effect (on the set of ob&ects in the database) of e=ecuting the first schedule is identical to the effect of e=ecuting the second schedule. 38. Define Seria!i3ab!e schedu!e :erialiOable schedule: transactions. 31 . What does the fo!!o(in$ 2uery do% :"L" $ :#L P *4L( ',,,8) D!', ",(E $his displays the total salary of all employees. $he null +alues in the commission column .ill be replaced by 8 and added to salary. 32 . Which date function is used to find the difference bet(een t(o dates% ,'*$H:C;"$F""* 33 . Why does the fo!!o(in$ command $i&e a com i!ation error% D!'( $#;L" B$#;L"C*#,"E 4ariable names should start .ith an alphabet. Here the table name starts .ith an 3B3 symbol. 34 . What is the ad&anta$e of s ecifyin$ WIT4 /RANT "PTI"N in the /RANT command% $he pri+ilege recei+er can further grant the pri+ileges heAshe has obtained from the o.ner to any other user. 3- . What is the use of the DR"P o tion in the ALT-R TA0L- command% 7t is used to drop constraints specified on the table. 3/ . What is the &a!ue of 5comm6 and 5sa!6 after e*ecutin$ the fo!!o(in$ 2uery if the initia! &a!ue of 5sa!6 is +7777% )(D#$" ",( :"$ :#L K :#L P 1888, ',, K :#LI8.1E sal K 11888, comm K 1888 30 . What is the use of D-S) in SQL% : # schedule that is eNui+alent to some serial e=ecution of the

D": has t.o purposes. 7t is used to describe a schema as .ell as to retrie+e ro.s from table in descending order. "=planation : $he Nuery :"L" $ I D!', ",( '!D"! ;M "*#," D": .ill display the output sorted on "*#," in descending order. 31 . What is the use of )AS)AD- )"NSTRAINTS% Fhen this clause is used .ith the D!'( command, a parent table can be dropped e+en .hen a child table e=ists. 36. Which function is used to find the !ar$est inte$er !ess than or e2ua! to a s ecific &a!ue% DL''! 48. . What is the out ut of the fo!!o(in$ 2uery% :"L" $ $!)* (1234.-/01,%2) D!', D)#LE 1288

41. What are the &arious characteristics of !oc.s H#!# $"!7:$7 : 'D L' 5:

Loc9s 7mplicit


be Loc9s

applied are


data applied

items by

in the


.ays: D;,:

"=plicit Loc9s are applied by application programs. 42. What are the &arious (ays by (hich the !oc.s can be a


Loc9s may be applied to: 1. a single data item (+alue) 2. an entire ro. of a table 3. a page (memory segment) (many ro.s .orth) 4. an entire table -. an entire database

89. Define A A

!ication ro$rammers

!ication ro$rammers are computer professionals interacting .ith the system

through D,L calls embedded in a program .ritten in a host language (e.g. , (LA1, (ascal). 44. Define Na:&e users Nai&e users are unsophisticated users .ho interact .ith the system by using permanent application programs (e.g. automated teller machine).

4-. Define )!ient # client is defined as a reNuester of ser+ices and a ser+er is defined as the pro+ider of ser+ices. # single machine can be both a client and a ser+er depending on the soft.are configuration.

8,. What are the )haracteristics of a c!ient

)haracteristics of a c!ient Q 7nitiates reNuests Q Faits for replies Q !ecei+es replies Q )sually connects to a small number of ser+ers at one time Q $ypically interacts directly .ith end%users using a graphical user 7nterface

8;. What are the )haracteristics of a ser&er

)haracteristics of a ser&er Q *e+er initiates reNuests or acti+ities Q Faits for and replies to reNuests from connected clients Q # ser+er can remotely installAuninstall applications and transfer data to the intended clients 46. Define tier # tier is a distinct part of hard.are or soft.are.

-8. List the &arious ty es of tier $he most common tier systems are: Q:ingle$ier Q$.o$ier Q$hree $ier

<+. Define Sin$!e Tier

# single computer that contains a database and a front%end to access the database. -2. What are the ad&anta$es of a sin$!e-tier system Ad&anta$es # single%tier system reNuires only one stand%alone computer. 7t also reNuires only one installation of proprietary soft.are. $his ma9es it the most cost%effecti+e system a+ailable. -3. Fhat are the disad+antages of a single%tier system Disad&anta$es= ,ay be used by only one user at a time. # single tier system is impractical for an organiOation .hich reNuires t.o or more users to interact .ith the organiOational data store at the same time. <8. Define T(o Tier Systems # t.o tier system consists of a client and a ser+er. 7n a t.o tier system, the database is stored on the ser+er, and the interface used to access the database is installed on the client. <<. What are the ad&anta$es of a t(o-tier system Ad&anta$es= :ince processing .as shared bet.een the client and ser+er, more users could interact .ith such a system. <,. What are the disad&anta$es of a t(o-tier system Disad&anta$es= Fhen the number of users e=ceeds 188, performance begins to deteriorate. $his limitation is a result of the ser+er maintaining a connection +ia R9eep% ali+eR messages .ith each client,

e+en .hen no .or9 is being done. # second limitation of the t.o tier architecture is that implementation of processing management ser+ices using +endor proprietary database procedures restricts fle=ibility and choice of D;,: for applications. Dinally, <;. Define Three Tier Architecture $he three tier soft.are architecture (a.9.a. three layer architectures) emerged in the 1668s to o+ercome the limitations of the t.o tier architecture $he third tier (middle tier ser+er) is bet.een the user interface (client) and the data management (ser+er) components. PART >0 1. Discuss about <uery languages 2. "=plain about DDL commands 3. Discuss the concepts of bac9up and +arious reco+ery systems
4. "=plain about concurrency control

-. Describe about client ser+er architecture based !D;,:.


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