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You Can Trust The Communists (to be Communists)

Dr. Fred C. Schwarz

Chapter 1 Trust the Communists
Marxism-Leninism Peace Truth Righteousness Love

Chapter 2 The Recruiting o a Communist

Capitalist Disenchantment with Capitalism Materialist Philosophy Intellectual Pride Un ul illed Religious !eed

Chapter ! The "o#ding o a Communist "rigin "rgani#ation Chapter $ The Communist at %or&
The Li$eral%s Dilemma The &irth o a 'ront Captive "rganisations

Chapter $ The Communist at %or& The Li$erals% Dilemma The &irth o a 'ront

Captive "rgani#ations

Chapter ' Techni(ues or Seizing )ower

(ei#ure o Power Revolt Through La$or Union Control

Chapter * Success u# Techni(ues For Seizing )ower

Russia China C#echoslova)ia

Chapter + Conso#idation o )ower Chapter , -##ies o Communism

Intellectual Dishonesty Cultural Interchange Chronic Physical Pain 'ear Indoctrination

Chapter . /rainwashing
*xhaustion Con usion

Chapter 10 The Di icu#t De1ious -nd Dangerous Dia#ectic

'eatures o the Dialectic

Chapter 11 )rogram For Sur1i1a#

Motivation +nowledge "rgani#ation

Trust the Communists2

The thesis o this $oo) is very simple- It is that Communists are Communists- I intend to show that they are exactly what they say they are. they $elieve what they say they $elieve. their o$/ective is the o$/ective they have repeatedly proclaimed to all the world. their organi#ation is the organi#ation they have descri$ed in minute detail. and their moral code is the one they have announced without shame- "nce we accept the act that Communists are Communists0 and understand the laws o their thought and conduct0 all the mystery disappears0 and we are con ronted with a movement which is rightening in its super$ organi#ation0 strategic mo$ility and universal program0 $ut which is per ectly understanda$le and almost mathematically predicta$leIn the $attle against Communism0 there is no su$stitute or accurate0 speci ic )nowledgeIgnorance is evil and paralytic- The $est intentions allied with the most sincere motives are ine ective and utile i they are divorced rom ade1uate )nowledge- Consider a mother who has a small daughter to whom she is devoted- 'or this daughter she is determined to do all that a mother may do- (he eeds her a well-$alanced diet to $uild a healthy $ody. she provides the inest education to develop her mind. she cares or her spiritual well-$eing0 and gives her a lovely home- In the environment o this young girl0 there are men who speciali#e in gaining the con idence o little girls $y giving them candy and enticing them into automo$iles to molest them- I the mother neglects to give her child the speci ic in ormation to meet such a situation0 she will ail in her duty0 and all her loving care will count or nothing when the crisis comes- There is no su$stitute or speci ic )nowledgeIt is the purpose o this $oo) to give that )nowledge- (ome o it is a little technical- (ome o it may seem a long way rom the everyday needs and activities o li e- !onetheless0 the in ormation contained in it is essential to survivalThe statement is re1uently heard2 34ou cannot trust the Communists53 This is incorrect. you can trust the CommunistsThey are extremely trustworthy- 4ou can trust a cancer cell to o$ey the laws o its lawless growth- 4ou can trust an armed $an) ro$$er to ta)e the money and try to escape- (imilarly0 you can trust the Communists to act in accordance with the laws o their $eing6hen people operate according to clearly de ined principles0 they are $oth trustworthy and predicta$le- 6hile we continue to $elieve that the Communists thin)0 eel and $elieve as we do0 the Communist movement is0 as 6inston Churchill descri$ed it0 3a riddle wrapped in an enigma-3 The movements o the heavenly $odies appeared mysterious and unpredicta$le till Copernicus discovered the governing laws- 6hen we understand the philosophy o Communism0 the uni ying purpose concealed in their re1uently chaotic and contradictory conduct is revealed-

!i)ita +hrushchev said2 38nyone who thin)s we have orsa)en Marxism-Leninism deceives himsel - That won%t happen till shrimps learn to whistle-3 6e can trust the Communists to practice Marxism-Leninism6hat is Marxism-Leninism9 (tripped to its $arest essentials0 Marxism is the doctrine o the universality o class war are0 and Leninism is the doctrine o the historic role o the Communist Party to consummate the universal class war in world Communist victory- The $asic doctrine o Marxism-Leninism is that a state o war exists and that the Communist Party has $een created to win this war- The war was originally discovered0 not declared0 $y +arl Marx- It is $etween two classes o society which he called the proletariat and the $ourgeoisieThe $ourgeoisie is the class o property ownership0 the class that owns the means o production- The proletariat he de ined as the class o wage la$or- &etween these two classes0 Marx claimed to discover a state o war - The $ourgeoisie desires pro it. the proletariat desires high wages- I wages go up0 pro its come down- I pro its go up0 wages come down- Thus there is a undamental con lict $etween these two classes- This con lict Marx called the class warMarx taught that the $ourgeoisie is the esta$lished class in Capitalist society- It has created the (tate as an instrument to oppress and exploit the proletariat- In reaction the proletariat creates the Communist Party to wage war against the (tate- Thus the class war mani ests itsel as war $etween the Communist Party and the (tate- 6ith the progress o history0 the Communist Party has come to power in Russia0 China0 and *astern *urope- The $ourgeoisie remains in power in 8merica and her associated allies- Thus the class war has trans erred itsel rom the national to the international plane- The undamental doctrine o Marxism0 there ore0 is that Russia and 8merica are at war. that China and 8merica are at war-- not that they could $e at war. not that they might $e at war. not that they will $e at war. $ut that they are at war- This war is historically declared. it is universal. it encompasses every aspect o society. in it there can $e no vestige o truce- The Communists did not choose it. they simply recogni#ed it- Their duty is to prosecute the war to total and complete victoryThe weapons o this war are are not merely the classical weapons o guns0 tan)s0 $om$s0 and aircra t- The weapons are universal- *ducation is a weapon. language is a weapon. trade is a weapon. diplomacy is a weapon. religion is a weapon. cultural interchange is a weapon- The Communists view every act and /udge every situation as part o the class war- 6hen the &olshoi &allet per orms in the United (tates0 that is an action in the class war. when a group o 8merican clergymen visits Russia0 that is an action in the class war. when the (oviet participates in negotiations or 3peace03 they ight a $attle in the class war- Their participation in the United !ations is part o this war are- The $asic Communist doctrine is2 36e are at war53 This is the rame o re erence within which every action and thought must $e assessed and /udgedIt does not ta)e two to ma)e a ight- 8n idea in the mind o one is enough- Let me illustrateDuring the war against :apan0 I was a doctor in the &ris$ane ;eneral <ospital- &ris$ane0 capital city o the state o =ueensland in north-eastern 8ustralia0 was the head1arters o ;eneral Mac8rthur and the 8merican troops or the advance to the Philippines and :apanInto the hospital0 there came one day a man who told me that he had put his inger down his throat to ma)e himsel vomit $ecause the 8mericans were going to poison him- I loo)ed at him in some astonishment>

3<ow do you )now they are going to poison you93 I as)ed3I saw them watching me as I was having my dinner-3 36hy are they going to poison you93 3I don%t )now-3 I sought or an explanation o his attitude- 3<as your wi e $een running around with the 8mericans93 That was the only time he showed any emotion- <e $ecame 1uite indignant and said 0 3"h0 no0 nothing li)e that53 3They are not going to poison you-3 34es they are-3 3I )now they%re not-3 3I )now they are-3 <e was not angry- <e was not yelling0 shouting0 or screaming- <e did not have piercing0 staring0 penetrating eyes- <e had none o the external characteristics o insanity- <e loo)ed per ectly normal- !onetheless0 I diagnosed him as a mental case and sent him down to the mental ward- <owever0 he was not a $ad case- <is wi e came in and too) him home(ome days later0 an 8merican o icer went into a pu$lic rest room in =ueen (treet0 &ris$ane0 and was shot dead with a sawed-o shot gun- <is assailant ran away- The police0 assuming that the criminal was a man li)e unto themselves0 thin)ing as they thought0 and moved $y their motives0 investigated without success- They considered the normal motives or murder-ro$$ery0 /ealousy0 revenge0 alcoholic ury-- $ut they could not ind one clue8 wee) later in a su$ur$ o &ris$ane0 another 8merican o icer was )illed $y the same sawedo shot gun- This time they caught the assailant- It was the man whom I had treated at the hospital<e had $een wor)ing on a $a)er%s delivery van0 going rom house to house delivering $read to the housewives0 handling the money0 giving the change0 playing with the children- 8pparently he was 1uite normal- &ut deep down in his conscious and unconscious mind0 he $elieved a lie<e )new the 8mericans were going to )ill him- <e wished they were not so determined $ut he )new they were- 8 man must protect himsel - <e too) a shot gun0 sawed o the $arrel0 sawed o the stoc)0 and carried it around with him or sel -protection- <e wal)ed into the rest room<e saw the 8merican o icer- <e )new his li e was in danger- <e pulled out the gun0 shot the o icer dead0 and ran or his li e- 8 wee) later he repeated the same process- <e was ta)en0 convicted o criminal insanity0 and sentenced to an asylum or the insaneIt did not ta)e two to ma)e a 1uarrel- 8n idea in the mind o one was enough- Those 8merican o icers had never seen the man in their lives- Towards him they had no attitude except goodwill- &ut he $elieved that they were $ent on his destruction- (uddenly a gun lashed and a man died- It does not ta)e two to ma)e a 1uarrel- 8n idea in the mind o one is enoughThe Communists $elieve that they are at war with us- This conviction will never $e changed in the slightest degree $y any action o the 'ree 6orld- I 0 tomorrow0 the leaders o the 'ree !ations were to accede to every demand made $y the Communist leaders0 i they were to neutrali#e every (trategic 8ir Command $ase0 i they were to grant the demands on ;ermany0 i they were to neutrali#e 'ormosa0 i they were to recogni#e Red China and admit it to the ?

United !ations0 i the United (tates were to withdraw every serviceman and weapon within the $orders o continental United (tates0 the Communists would merely $elieve they had won massive victories in the class war- 8 step towards our inal con1uest and destruction would have $een ta)en- 6e must either recogni#e this and de end against it0 or ignore it and $e destroyed- 6e have no other choice-

(ince the Communists are at war0 they naturally desire peace- 6herever you ind a Communist0 you ind an advocate o peace- 3Peace3 is one o the golden words o their voca$ulary- They have 3peace3 movements o every )ind. they have peace campaigns0 peace pri#es0 peace con erences0 peace processions- *very Communist is a devotee o peaceMost people0 watching the military preparations o the Communists0 noting the enormous percentage o their $udget devoted to military o$/ectives0 o$serving their ruthless0 $rutal repression o any attempt $y their captive nations to secure reedom0 classi y the Communists as $latant hypocrites- This is ar rom the truth - The Communists are not hypocrites- They are sincerely and genuinely dedicated to peace- I you gave a mature Communist a lie detector test and as)ed him i he desired peace with all his heart0 he would pass with lying colorsThey live or peace. they long or peace. they would willingly die or peace6hat is this peace which they desire9 During the war against :apan0 most 8mericans undou$tedly wanted peace- Peace was the thought that com orted mothers whose sons were in danger on distant $attle ields. peace was the word which sustained wives0 lonely and anxious without their hus$ands. peace was the goal that motivated servicemen who )new the $oredom0 the loneliness0 and the danger o war- <ad they $een as)ed to de ine peace0 they would dou$tless have descri$ed it as the termination o hostilities in the de eat o the enemy $y the allies- !ot under any circumstances would victory $y :apan have $een termed peaceTo the 8merican people0 peace meant only one thing-- 8merican victory- The Communists $elieve they are at war- They desire 3peace3 with all their hearts- &ut to them0 peace is that golden consummation when the progressive orce o Communism totally overwhelms 8merican imperialism and climaxes in Communist world con1uest- &y de inition 0 3peace3 is Communist world con1uest(ince this is true0 any action that advances Communist con1uest is a 3peace ul3 action- 6hen the armies o the Communist Chinese encompass the Ti$etans0 ro$$ing them o their land and ood0 stimulating them to rantic0 hopeless revolt0 and then massacring them0 they are consummating peace- 6hen +hrushchev ordered Russian tan)s into &udapest to ire into the apartment $uildings0 reducing them to ru$$le0 entom$ing man0 woman and child0 in his heart he had a song o peaceThe Communists use the word 3peace3 in their own sense with total sincerity- 6e interpret it in our sense- 6e are the victims0 not o their hypocrisy0 $ut o our own ignoranceThe Communists are not hypocrites- They su er rom paranoid delusions o an intense sincerity- They are so enmeshed in the delusions o Marxism-Leninism that they are $eyond the scope o rational argument and conviction- 8ll o$served phenomena are interpreted within the ramewor) o their preconceived conclusions- I they were hypocrites0 it would $e much easier to deal with them- 4ou can ma)e a $argain with a hypocrite. you can scare a hypocrite6hen you are dealing with paranoics o highly organi#ed delusional patterns0 your sole

recourse is to ac)nowledge and understand these patterns and ta)e appropriate measures to protect yoursel against the conduct which results rom the delusions-

The Communists invaria$ly tell the 3truth03 $ut it is the Marxist-Leninist 3truth3- Those who $elieve that the Communists will lie in the interests o Communism are mista)en- In act0 it is not possi$le or a Communist to lie in the interests o Communism- &y de inition0 i a statement is in the interests o Communism0 it is the truth:esting Pilate as)ed the 1uestion2 36hat is truth93 Christians $elieve that ;od is Truth- Truth is a 1uality o ;od <imsel - 8n a$solute ;od created an a$solute Truth- Truth is- The Communists a irm that this is nonsense- There is no ;od. there are no a$solutes. everything is relative. Truth itsel is a relative o the class struggle- Lenin said2 3The Communist Party is the mind0 the conscience0 and the morals o our epoch- Proletarian morality is determined $y the exigencies o the class struggle-3 Truth is a weapon o the class war0 and any statement that advances Communist con1uest is 3true-3 6e can trust the Communists always to say that which will advance Communist con1uest- 6e can trust them always to tell the MarxistLeninist 3truth-3 Millions o dollars are $eing spent on the production o $eauti ul literature telling this 3truth-3 The truth0 according to their literature0 is simple2 6here Communism comes to power0 everyone is happy0 prosperous0 and ree. 8merica0 on the other hand0 is the vilest0 most evil0 most degenerate nation the world has ever seen8n excellent example o the Marxist-Leninist truth is contained in a $eauti ul0 photographic maga#ine pu$lished in *nglish $y the Communists in !orth +orea- Most o the maga#ine is given over to the portrayal o the radiant happiness and glorious prosperity o !orth +orea under Communism- Towards the end0 however0 they present the picture o 8merica- "n a page entitled 3Massacre Committed $y 8merican &rutes03 there are six photographs o $odies ta)en rom a mass grave lying side $y side upon the ground- Their relatives weep over themUnderneath0 is the ollowing text2 Man)ind remem$ers the shoc)ing atrocities the <itlerites perpetrated in the concentration camps in Ma/dane) and "swiencimRecently another case o atrocities $y the 8merican murderers which exceeds in its cruelty the atrocities $y the <itlerites was discovered in +oreaIn a sha t o the Ra)yun Mine0 :angyun County0 (outh <wanghai Province0 some ABB dead $odies were discoveredDuring their temporary occupation o :angyun County during the +orean 6ar0 the 8merican murderers rounded up miners o the Ra)yun mine and the peasants in the near$y villages and put them through severe torture- Then the 8merican devils )ic)ed the tortured miners and peasants into the sha t ,BB meters deepIn the sha t corpses were piled up on top o one another0 and the torn pieces o the $odies $ore $ullet holes and scars made $y the $ayonets- Many mothers had their $a$ies tied on their $ac)s- The sha t presented a most gruesome sceneC

<onest-minded people can not $ut hate and condemn the 8merican Imperialist murderers whose lust or $lood )nows no end'uneral services or the murdered too) place in the Ra)yun mine in the midst o children%s crying or their lost athers0 old women wailing over their dead sons- The people%s enmity and curses upon the 8merican devils rent the air- %8venge us o the 8merican imperialists53 This was the cry o the ABB murdered&ut even at the moment in (outh +orea0 the 8merican murderers are slaughtering our $rothers and sisters- This we can not tolerate8merican canni$als get out o +orea immediately- , This is the Marxist-Leninist truth- The o$/ective truth is0 o course0 1uite di erent- 6hen the Communists retreated in !orth +orea0 they too) with them all the a$le-$odied personnel to serve as la$orers- Those who could not stand the rigors o the northward /ourney-- old men and women0 pregnant women0 very young children and $a$ies-- they massacred and $uried in a mass grave i they $elonged to the untrustworthy social classes- The advancing 8merican troops time and again ound mass graves illed with the $odies o those murdered $y the Communists- The Communists merely disinterred one o their own mass graves0 and0 with moral indignation0 indicted 8merica or it $e ore the conscience o the world- Their moral indignation was real0 not simulated- This is almost incomprehensi$le<itler wor)ed on the principle2 Tell a lie0 ma)e it $ig0 repeat it o ten0 and the ma/ority o the people will $elieve you- The Communists have urther developed this concept- 8ny lie that advances Communist con1uest is0 $y de inition0 not a lie $ut the Marxist-Leninist truth- The maturity o a Communist can $e /udged $y the extent to which he can divorce himsel rom the evidence o his senses and totally identi y himsel with the verdict o the Communist Party- 6hen con ronted with a choice $etween the evidence o his eyes and the verdict o the Communist Party0 the mature Communist will $elieve with such conviction what the Party has said that0 were he given a lie detector test0 he would pass it with lying colors- <e would experience all the emotions associated with truth when he thought o the decision o the Party6e are astounded when we see evidence o this- 8n 8merican plane was shot down over (oviet 8rmenia- The 8merican orces recorded the conversation o the Russian pilots as they shot down the plane- 6hen Mi)oyan0 visiting 8merica0 was con ronted with the evidence0 he was not con ounded in the least- <e did not $elieve it- It was not true- <e was a Communist0 a Marxist-Leninist- The Communist Party had said that it did not happen0 and the verdict o the Party is the Marxist-Leninist truth8ll Communists do not attain this maturity- Many o them would possi$ly eel a slight element o dou$t in such a situation- 'inal maturity is attained with the a$ility to identi y one%s emotions completely with the verdict o the PartyCommunist scientists inally derive their 3truth3 rom the verdict o the Communist PartyLa$oratory experimentation is secondary and must $e interpreted in accordance with the policy outlined $y the Party-

Korea0 Dol- 7@0 ,E@A0 FPyongyang0 Democratic People%s Repu$lic o +orea2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouseG-

In the late ,E?B%s there arose in Russia a great de$ate in the realm o &iology- It concerned the 1uestion o transmissi$ility to o spring o characteristics ac1uired during the li e o the parent- Most reputa$le $iologists teach that such characteristics cannot $e transmittedThe Communists attri$ute this theory to Mendel and Morgan and call it Mendal-Morgan genetics- 8 Russian $iologist0 Michurin0 developed a theory at variance with this- <is theory was advocated $y a plant $reeder called Lysen)oThe $iological section o the Russian 8cademy o (ciences met to discuss this issue- The 'oreign Languages Press o Moscow pu$lished a ull report o the con erence under the title0 3Proceedings o the 8cademy o (cience on the Teaching o 8cademician Lysen)o-3 The ver$atim speeches o the leading Russian scientists were pu$lished- Many o these0 on the $asis o their long la$oratory experience0 contended that the Michurin-Lysen)o school was in error- 8s scientists0 they detailed the evidence on which they $ased their conclusionsThe issue was resolved very simply- !ear the end o the report there is a chapter entitled0 3Concluding Remar)s o 8cademician L- D- Lysen)o-3 <e reports2 3Comrades0 the 1uestion is as)ed in a note handed to me2 %<as the Central Committee o the Party adopted any position with regard to your report9% I wish to state that the Central Committee o the Communist Party has read my report and has approved it-3 FProlonged ovation. Great applause. All rise.) 8 strange se1uence ensues- The leading Russian scientists who had opposed the Lysen)o position on the $asis o their la$oratory experience0 had a crisis revelation during the nightThe ollowing day0 they as)ed permission to ma)e statements- 6hen permission was granted0 they rose and indicated that the error o their way had now $een revealed to them- They repented o their ormer service to imperialist $iology and dedicated themselves to true proletarian $iologyThe cynic may say2 3That is easy to understand- They were scared- They )now what would happen to them i they did not agree with the Party line-3 <owever0 the 1uestion goes deeper than that- They were scientists and they were Communists- They were Communists irst and scientists second- 8s Communists they $elieved the Communist Party to $e 3the mind o our epoch03 the ountain o all 3truth-3 The verdict o the Party must ta)e precedence over the experience o the senses0 even in the scienti ic experimentIt may $e argued that this situation no longer exists0 that things have changed- Russian scientists do not all agree with Lysen)o nowThe 1uestion at issue is not the rightness or wrongness o the Lysen)o theories0 $ut the right o the Communist Party to determine scienti ic truth $y edict- That situation has not changedRussian scientists may have changed their views0 $ut only $ecause they have $een permitted to do so $y the Party- 3Truth3 remains the exclusive province o the Party-

The Communists demand and develop characters o 3righteousness03 that is0 Marxist-Leninist righteousness- In the $oo)0 How to Be a Good Communist, Liu (hao-chi0 President o Communist China and $rilliant theoretical writer says2 &ut i sacri ice has to $e made or the Party0 or class and national li$eration0 that is0 or the emancipation o man)ind0 or social evolution and or the interests o the greatest ma/ority o A

man)ind em$racing countless millions o people0 countless Communist Party mem$ers will ace death with e1uanimity and ma)e any sacri ice without the slightest hesitation- To the ma/ority o Communist Party mem$ers0 it will $e accepted as a matter o course %to lay down one%s li e or a no$le cause% or %to die or righteousness0% i necessary- 7 6hat is this righteousness or which they are ready to die9 Righteousness is conduct which will advance Communist world con1uest- 8ccording to this de inition0 :oseph (talin was the very personi ication o Marxist-Leninist righteousness- The many who $elieve that +hrushchev attac)ed and condemned (talin missed the point o his speech entirely+hrushchev did two things2 <e descri$ed (talin0 and he condemned him- <is description depicted a man so vile that most ol) too) it or condemnation- 6hat he said0 in e ect0 was this2 (talin was a murderer. he was not a reluctant murderer0 $ut an enthusiastic murderer- <e en/oyed murder- <e got a thrill out o the torture o his own riends- 6hen the :ewish doctors were arrested and accused o poisoning Idanov0 (talin called in the man responsi$le or examining them and indicated the type o torture to $e given to each one- <e gave three undamental rules or getting con essions2 3&eat0 $eat and $eat again-3 <e said2 3I you don%t get a con ession $y this date0 we will shorten you $y a head53 +hrushchev indicated that (talin was a star)0 raving madman- 36hen you went in to see him in the morning0 he would loo) at you and say0 %6hat have you $een up to9 4ou have a shi ty loo) in your eye today-% 4ou never )new whether you would leave as his riend or under armed guard to $e shot-3 <e presents a picture o a murderer o limitless appetite0 a picture o megalomaniacal0 sadistic madness- &ut he concludes $y saying2 3Don%t misunderstand me(talin was a good man- <e was a Marxist-Leninist- <e did these things as a Marxist-Leninist-2 !o higher praise could have $een given $y +hrushchev-3 <ow could he /usti y $oth description and designation9 Let us pro/ect ourselves into the stream o history0 and loo) at (talin in historic perspective- (talin assumed power when the Communists were a $eleaguered garrison and he $rought them to the verge o world con1uestIt was (talin who set up their educational program which today is graduating three times as many engineers and scientists as the 8merican program- It was (talin who $ecame the patron o scienti ic research- It was (talin who esta$lished their su$marine and missile programs which have caused the shadow o impeding death to all over the li e o every person in the 'ree 6orld- It was (talin who organi#ed the con1uest o China- It was (talin who deceived 8merican and 'ree 6orld statesmen- (talin $rought Communism to the very verge o world con1uest- 8 ew generations hence0 when Communism has con1uered the world0 and regenerate man)ind lives in per ect happiness and complete a$undance0 the name o (talin0 who did so much to $ring this to pass0 will $e honored and revered- <is personal idiosyncrasies will $e ignored and orgotten- Dead men do not complain- 6ho worries a$out last year%s allen leaves9 (talin is the super$ exemplar o Marxist-Leninist righteousness

6e can trust the Communists to mani est pure0 Marxist-Leninist 3love-3 "ne o the $est pictures o Marxist-Leninist 3love3 was revealed in the $oast made $y +lementi Doroshilov0 now president o Russia0 to 6illiam C- &ullitt0 8merica%s irst am$assador to the (oviet Union- 8t a $an1uet in Russia in ,E>?0 Doroshilow told &ullitt that in ,E,E he persuaded

Liu (hao-chi0 <ow to &e a ;ood Communist FPe)ing2 'oreign Languages PressG0 pp-@@-C-

eleven thousand C#arist o icers at +iev to surrender $y promising them that0 i they surrendered0 they0 their wives and their amilies would $e permitted to return to their homes6hen they surrendered0 he executed the eleven thousand o icers and all male children0 and sent the wives and daughters into the $rothels or the use o the Russian army- <e mentioned in passing that the treatment they received in the $rothels was such that none o them lived or more than three months- > Doroshilov was merely acting in o$edience to the dictates o Marxist-Leninist 3love-3 &elieving as he $elieved0 he acted in a truth ul0 righteous0 and loving manner- There he stood0 one o history%s anointed0 entrusted with the destiny o world con1uest and human regeneration- There stood a group o male and emale animals which he could utili#e sel ishly $y )eeping his promise to them and ma)ing himsel eel good in the $ourgeois sense0 or which he could utitl#e or the ultimate regeneration and happiness o all man)ind $y destroying them- <is duty lay clearly $e ore him- 8s a Communist he had no choice- <e was nothing. these people were nothing. the will o history was everything- <e saw his duty clearTo the executioners went all the males0 and to the $rothels went all the emales- The Red 8rmy was strengthened0 world con1uest came a day nearer0 human regeneration a little closer0 and Doroshilov had a conscience as clear as spring water0 and a sense o duty no$ly done- <e was com orted $y an acute awareness o the ul illment o Marxist-Leninist 3love-3 Communists $elieve they have a destiny- Their destiny is to create a new world and regenerate man)ind- To do this they must con1uer the world0 shatter the Capitalist system0 and0 $y Communist dictatorship0 esta$lish the regenerative environment o (ocialism- This new environment will rear the young to per ection8n inescapa$le step o their scienti ic program or the regeneration o man)ind is the elimination o the residual diseased social classes ollowing world con1uest- 8 ew years ago0 the 8merican Communist Party would openly ac)nowledge that0 having con1uered this country0 they would need to put to death one third o the 8merican people- This is not punishment. it is (ocial (cience- It is not cruelty. it is 3love-3 It is as though the surgeon too) the scalpel in a loving ashion to cut away the gangrenous tissue so that the new and per ect might come to maturityCommunism is applied godless materialism- (t- Paul writes2 &ecause that0 when they )new ;od0 they glori ied him not as ;od0 neither were than) ul. $ut $ecame vain in their imaginations0 and their oolish heart was dar)ened- Pro essing themselves to $e wise0 they $ecame ools0 and changed the glory o the uncorrupti$le ;od into an image made li)e to corrupti$le man0 and to $irds0 and our ooted $easts0 and creeping things- 6here ore ;od also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts o their own hearts0 to dishonour their own $odies $etween themselves2 who changed the truth o ;od into a lie0 and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator0 who is $lessed or ever- ? *merging rom its lair o godless materialism0 dressed in garments o science0 Communism seduces the young and utili#es their perverted religious enthusiasm to con1uer the world&uilding on the doctrines o godless materialism0 Communism has completely reversed the meaning o our $asic moral terms- 6hen we0 in our ignorance o this act0 insist on

6illiam C &ullitt0 38 Tal) with Doroshilov03 printed in The ;reat Pretense0 prepared and released $y the Committee on Un-8merican 8ctivities0 U-(- <ouse o Representatives0 6ashington0 D-C-0 May ,E0 ,E@C0 pp-,A-ERomans ,27,-7@-


interpreting their phraseology as i they $elieved the Christian philosophy rom which we have derived our $asic concepts0 we aid and a$et them in their program or our con1uest and destruction- "nce it is )nown what the Communists $elieve0 there is no di iculty in understanding0 interpreting0 and predicting their conduct- "n the oundation o )nowledge0 and on that oundation alone0 may an edi ice o survival $e $uilt1. Korea0 Dol- 7@0 ,E@A0 FPyongyang0 Democratic People%s Repu$lic o +orea2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouseG7- Liu (hao-chi0 <ow to &e a ;ood Communist FPe)ing2 'oreign Languages PressG0 pp-@@-C>- 6illiam C &ullitt0 38 Tal) with Doroshilov03 printed in The ;reat Pretense0 prepared and released $y the Committee on Un-8merican 8ctivities0 U-(- <ouse o Representatives0 6ashington0 D-C-0 May ,E0 ,E@C0 pp-,A-E?- Romans ,27,-7@


The Recruiting o a Communist

I there is one 1uestion as)ed more re1uently than any other0 it is this2 6hy do rich people0 educated people0 even religious people $ecome Communists9 People say0 3I can understand the appeal o Communism to the poor0 to the ignorant0 to the exploited0 and to the oppressed6hat I cannot understand is its appeal to the wealthy0 the educated and the religious- 6hy do millionaires0 college pro essors0 and even ministers o religion $ecome Communists93 The truth is that Communism as such has little appeal or the poor0 the oppressed0 or the exploited- The $asic appeal o Communism is to the educated0 and particularly to the studentintellectual8 summary survey o leading Communist personalities will soon show that the great ma/ority were recruited as students- 6hile I was in Portland0 "regon0 I went to collect my laundry- I mentioned to the laundryman the alarming igures o Communist advance- <e had enough intelligence to $e alarmed- <e said0 36e must do something5 6e must do something53 <e thought or a moment and then said0 36e must eed them- !o man ever $ecame a Communist on a ull stomach-3 I loo)ed at him and said0 3I could mention one or two who did2 +arl Marx0 'rederic) *ngels0 Dladimir Lenin0 :oseph (talin0 Molotov0 &ulganin0 +alinin0 Mi)oyan0 +aganovich0 Mao Tsetung0 Chou *n-lai0 Liu (hao-chi0 Chu The0 <o Chi minh0 6hitta)er Cham$ers0 6illiam Remington0 <al 6are-3 I ran out o $reath0 $ut not out o names- ;o to any country in the world0 ta)e the outstanding Communist igures0 and0 i they $ecame Communists in a nonCommunist country0 you will ind almost without exception that they em$raced Communism as student-intellectualsConsider0 or example0 the Communist Party o China- The chairman0 Mao Tse-tung was converted to Communism at the age o twenty-one while he was student-li$rarian at the !ational University in Pe)ing- The Prime Minister0 Chou *n-lai0 son o a wealthy Chinese aristocrat0 was studying at a university in Paris0 'rance0 when he $ecame a Communist- The commander-in-chie o the Red 8rmy0 Chu The0 son o a wealthy Chinese0 was converted to Communism $y Chou *n-lai while he was studying at a Prussian military academy in ;ermany- Liu (hao-chi0 $rilliant theorist and heir apparent to Mao Tse-tung0 em$raced Communism as a young student- The record is the same wherever you go- The sinister truth is that a ma/ority o the students in the world today are attracted to Communism- Until the appeal o Communism to student- intellectuals is understood0 any e ort to com$at its in luence among them is utile'ollowing an address at a &aptist school in the (outh0 two students approached me- "ne was rom Mexico0 and the other rom !orth +orea- The student rom Mexico said0 36hen I was doing the pre-medical course in Mexico City0 AB per cent o the medical students were Communists- They were organi#ed into cells- Their leaders0 utterly godless and materialistic0 were trained in Moscow-3 8ctually0 it is dou$t ul that AB per cent o the students were really mem$ers o the Communist Party- This would $e contrary to the Communist concept o a small0 elite group which in luences0 controls0 and exploits much larger groups- <owever0 his statement does indicate the power ul in luence o Communism among the students o Mexico- The same thing is true ,7

in universities in Central and (outh 8merica0 India0 :apan0 Indonesia0 the !ear *ast0 8 rica0 and0 in a measure0 in *urope and 8merica- The appeal to Communism to the studentintellectual is extensive and power ul indeedIt may well $e as)ed why this is so- (ome insight into this was given $y the second student<e was a re ugee rom !orth +orea- 8merica had opened its arms and its heart and had given him re uge- <e was surrounded $y love and a ection. he was well ed and well clothed0 an individual protected $y the law0 signi icant and important- Despite all this0 the ideas the Communists had planted in his mind as a child were still there<e $egan immediately to tell me all that was wrong with 8merica0 and right with Communism- The trou$le with 8merica0 he said0 was the way the $osses exploited the wor)ers0 particularly in the (outh- 8merican prosperity was a $u$$le that was going to $urst into unemployment0 depression0 crisis0 and civil war- <e went on to say that in !orth +orea0 they had !ew Democracy which was $ad0 so $ad that he had had to lee rom it- &ut !ew Democracy was going to develop into (ocialism such as existed in Russia which was much $etter- (ocialism would inally evolve into Communism which was very good- Under Communism0 human nature would $e so per ect that there would no longer $e the need or any government whatsoeverThe reality had driven him orth in hunger0 na)edness and terror0 $ut the vision still lived within his mindThis student showed rather clearly certain aspects o the appeal o Communism to the student mind- Communism utili#es our things to recruit the young intellectual- These are 2 ,-Disenchantment with capitalism 7-Materialist philosophy >-Intellectual pride ?-Un ul illed religious need-

Capitalist Disenchantment with Capitalism

The irst step in the ma)ing o a Communist is disenchantment with the Capitalist system8ccording to the Marxist analysis o Capitalism0 depression and war are the inevita$le conse1uences o the Capitalist system- Capitalism is also the creator o vice0 crime0 and all the evils o society- This has $een the great recruiting doctrine o Communism- 6hitta)er Cham$ers said that every intelligent person o his ac1uaintance who $ecame a Communist did so in terms o the Marxist analysis o Capitalism as the creator o depression and war- "nce they accepted the Marxist thesis that Capitalism caused recurrent depression and war0 it was a short step to the acceptance o the Leninist program or the destruction o CapitalismThe Marxist analysis super icially0 is very convincing- Marx taught that the Capitalist system does two things2 it produces commodities or distri$ution0 and it circulates purchasing power or money- In other words0 Capitalist society is $uilt upon the production o commodities to $e exchanged or money and the distri$ution o money to secure those commodities- Capitalist society is healthy0 according to Marx0 when the amount o money availa$le to the people is ade1uate to $uy the commodities produced


Marx contended that0 $y the very nature o Capitalism0 this $alance $etween goods produced and money availa$le cannot $e maintained or very long- 8 certain se1uence o events is inevita$le- The goods produced have a certain money value- That money is distri$uted in two ways2 the ma/or portion is paid out in wages to the wor)ers who manu acture the goods-- to the directors0 the supervisors0 and all the la$orers down to the /anitor2 a smaller portion is retained as pro it $y those who own the means o production- During the early stages o the industry0 the money paid to the owners as pro it goes into circulation0 $ecause new capital goods such as $uildings and machinery are necessary- (ince these capital goods are produced and are not availa$le or purchase $y the mass o the people0 the wages paid to the wor)ers producing these capital goods are used to $uy consumer commodities- During the period o capitali#ation0 there is usually enough money in circulation to $uy the consumer goods produced- &ut eventually the point is reached where there are enough actories and machinery0 and there is no longer need or this expenditure- The pro it is then retained and accumulated in $an) $alances0 and the only money circulated is the money paid in wages or producing the goods- (ince this is never 1uite enough to $uy the goods produced0 production inevita$ly leads to over-production8t irst this over-production is small and almost unnoticea$le0 $ut gradually it $ecomes more signi icant- The warehouses o the manu acturers $ecome illed with goods0 the inventories o the distri$utors are complete0 and the point is reached where the actory has enough goods on hand to supply the demand or some considera$le period- 6hen that point is reached0 alternative courses o action present themselves- The manu acturers may say0 3!ow0 the real trou$le is that people haven%t enough money to purchase these goods- 6e had $etter ind some way in which people can get more money-3 "n the other hand0 they may say0 36e have enough goods now- 6e do not need to ma)e any more or a certain period - 6e had $etter cease production until our surplus is used up-3 The normal process is to ollow the latter course and to lay o the wor)ers- 6hen they are laid o 0 the purchasing power is urther reduced0 and the situation $ecomes worse8ccording to Marx0 this cycle is inevita$le- Production leads to over-production which leads to unemployment- This leads to reduced purchasing power0 which aggravates the entire situation $y accelerating the accumulation o surplus products and leading to urther unemployment- The eventual outcome is depression and crisis- 6arehouses are illed with goods which the people cannot $uy- The economy stagnates and grinds to a standstill6hen this happens0 a method must $e ound where$y purchasing power is once again given to the people that the goods may $e $ought and that the wheels o the economy may $egin to roll once again- <istorically0 one method has always put money in people%s poc)ets without simultaneously creating consumer goods- That method is war- 8 war $rea)s out on some pretext or another- Money is ound to inance the war. the wheels o industry $egin to turn on war production. money is distri$uted to the people0 and the surplus consumer products are purchased- 6hen the surplus is consumed0 normal production $egins again0 and the cycle goes on0 repeating itsel again and again- 8ccording to Marx0 there ore0 as long as Capitalism continues0 there will $e recurrent crises o depression and warThis seems a power ul and convincing argument- It is the more dangerous $ecause it is0 li)e most Marxian arguments0 a hal -truth- &y ta)ing some o the varia$les in the situation and concentrating on them0 it produces conclusions which appear very sound- These conclusions0 however0 are not necessarily valid0 or there are many important actors which are ignored-


In the irst place0 Marx%s argument is merely diagnostic- *ven i it $e assumed that his diagnosis is accurate0 it does not necessarily ollow that the treatment prescri$ed $y the Communists is correct- "ther groups who accept the Marxian analysis o Capitalism have completely di erent prescriptions or treatment- (ocial Credit devotees0 or example0 say that the pro$lem is not over-production0 $ut lac) o purchasing power- There ore the amount o surplus production should $e assessed periodically0 and a national dividend declared corresponding to the surplus- This money0 given to the people0 can $e used to $uy up the surplus and production will continueIn the second place0 the argument ignores many most important actors in distri$ution8lthough this is not a text$oo) o economics0 some o these ignored actors should $e mentioned- They are2 ,-The dynamic nature o money 7-The role o psychology in the economy >-The relation o advertising to distri$ution ?-Consumer credit @-Continually expanding mar)et C-People%s capitalism H-The role o government and legislation1. The Dynamic Nature o Money Money is not static- The same amount o money spent three or our times will distri$ute three or our times as many goods- There is an intriguing story a$out a man who wrote a chec) or a hundred dollars without having any money in the $an)- 6ith it he $ought a certain articleThe man rom whom he purchased the article too) the chec) and0 without cashing it at the $an)0 used it to purchase certain goods- These he sold or one hundred and twenty dollars0 ma)ing a pro it o twenty dollars on the deal- The person to whom he gave the chec) did li)ewise- This happened ten times0 each person ma)ing a pro it o twenty dollars0 $e ore the chec) inally reached the $an) where it was dishonored- The ten people who had handled it got together and decided that to avoid trou$le0 each o them would contri$ute ten dollars to cover the chec)- This was done. the hundred dollars was paid. and each o them was richer $y ten dollars- This story simply illustrates that the 1uestion o credit and rate o circulation o money must $e considered!. The Role o Psychology in the "conomy (uppose everyone is persuaded that a depression is coming and decides not to $uy another automo$ile or twelve months- The result would $e an immediate depression in the automo$le industry with all the conse1uences that ollow- It is 1uite o$vious that the psychological attitude o the people has a tremendous $earing on the economic situation o a country- This is an aspect o economic theory to which Marx gave little attention#. The Relation o $%vertising to Distri&ution The 1uestion o the psychological outloo) o the consumer naturally leads to the 1uestion o advertising and its role in distri$ution- During the recession in ,E@A0 this actor was understood more completely and a campaign started urging people to $uy- The recession did not develop into a depression- The Marxist cycle was $ro)en- ,@

Marx himsel cannot $e $lamed or his ailure to consider the role o advertising as the advertising industry was not in existence during his li etime- It is the ollowers o Marx who are culpa$le in this respect'. Consumer Cre%it 8n outstanding development o modern Capitalism is consumer credit- ;oods are purchased not with money presently owned0 $ut $y a promise to pay in the uture- This has $ecome such a large actor in the economy that any analysis which does not consider this is o$viously allacious(. The Continually "xpan%ing Mar)et <uman aspirations are limitless0 and under a ree economy these orm a continually expanding mar)et- 8 large percentage o 8merican industry now produces items that did not even exist a ew years ago- The vast electronics industry0 or example0 has $een a very recent development- The dou$le-car garage is now as normal to the modern home as the aucet with running water- (oon the motor$oat will $e the routine companion o the car*. People+s Capitalism Possi$ly the most devastating repudiation o the Marxist doctrine is the development o people%s Capitalism within the United (tates- Marx oresaw the wealth the wealth o the community $eing concentrated in ewer and ewer hands- The class owning this wealth he called the $ourgeoisie0 and the natural orces within Capitalism would constantly diminish the num$er o this classContrary to the expectations o Marx0 the ownership o 8merican industry is constantly enlarging- There are now nearly as many stoc) holders in the United (tates as there are mem$ers o organi#ed la$or- It is 1uite conceiva$le that in a short period0 the num$er o stoc) holders will exceed union mem$ership- The pro its received $y the vast ma/ority o these stoc) holders are utili#ed or purchasingThis renders the whole argument o the 3class war3 ridiculous- !othing does such damage to the principles o Marxism as the development o wor)er ownership in 8merican industryProletarian stoc) holders certainly ma)e the concept o universal class war somewhat ludicrous,. The Role o -overnment an% Legislation 'inally0 the Marxist analysis ignores the role o government and legislation in relation to the economy- The anti-trust laws have restrained the development o monopoly within the 8merican economy- 6hatever the individual viewpoint o the role o government in economic a airs0 it is a actor which cannot $e ignoredIn spite o the oregoing0 the Marxist analysis has convinced many people- It would $e a simple matter to go $e ore any inexperienced student group and0 ta)ing them unprepared0 convince practically every one o them that the Marxist argument is sound- This is what the Communists have done- (tudents throughout the world are $eing taught as a $asic principle that the Capitalist system is evil and the creator o depression and war- Disenchantment with


the Capitalist system is the Communism-

irst step in the conversion o

a student-intellectual to

I the situation is considered o$/ectively0 it will $e seen that there is much to $e said in support o Capitalism- The Capitalist system has produced more goods0 provided a more e1uita$le distri$ution0 and maintained a higher level o personal reedom than any other system in the world has $een a$le to doThe +orean student who spo)e to me said0 3" course0 in 8merican there is ar more reedom than anywhere else-3 3That%s interesting03 I replied- 3<ow did the 8merican people get that reedom93 <e loo)ed at me0 pu##led3Let%s thin) a$out it or a while03 I said- 3The reedom in 8merica has a material and a spiritual oundation- The material oundation is the e icient production o goods in 1uantity and their extensive distri$ution is so that most people have the material re1uirements o reedom-- su icient ood0 shelter0 clothing0 transportation0 and other necessities- The material system within 8merica has produced more ood0 clothing0 and shelter per individual than any other system- 8dd to this material a$undance the spiritual concept o man as the child o ;od0 created0 loved0 redeemed0 in inite in value0 and possessed o certain inaliena$le rights- The result is this reedom you admire-3 Then I as)ed0 36hat is the material system that has produced these goods in such 1uantity and distri$uted them so widely93 3I don%t )now03 he replied34ou most certainly do )now- 4ou have $een telling me or hal an hour how $ad it is- It is the Capitalist system- Did it never occur to you that may$e the Capitalist system that you a$hor so much stands in causal relationship to the reedom you cherish so highly93 <e was lost- This had not $een part o the closed circle o argument that he had heard- <is arguments were all wor)ed out and complete- These new ideas came in and shattered the symmetry and per ectionThe idea o collective ownership ascinates some people0 $ut its $ene its are a mirage- The story is told o a visitor to a Russian actory who as)ed the wor)ers0 36ho owns this actory9% 36e do03 they replied36ho owns the land on which it is $uilt93 36e do-3 36ho owns the products o the actory when they are made93 36e do-3 "utside in a corner o a large par) were three $attered /alopies- The visitor as)ed0 36ho owns those cars out there93 They replied0 36e own them0 $ut one o them is used $y the actory manager0 one is used $y the political commissar0 and the other is used $y the secret police-3 The same investigator came to a actory in 8merica0 and said to the wor)ers0 36ho owns this actory93 ,H

3<enry 'ord03 they replied36ho owns the land on which it is $uilt93 3<enry 'ord-3 36ho owns the products o the actory when they are made-3 3<enry 'ord-3 "utside the actory was a vast par) illed with every ma)e and variety o modern 8merican automo$ile- <e said0 36ho owns all those cars out there93 They replied0 3"h0 we do-3 4ou may ta)e your choice $ut0 personally0 give me the automo$ileThe concept that Capitalism is inherently evil and collective ownership inherently good is contradicted inally $y one unanswera$le act- 6herever Communism is in power0 the people lee $y the millions- They leave everything they love0 and they lee to loneliness and the un)nown to escape the horror o li e under Communist rule "n the other hand0 when all the evils o the Capitalist system have $een admitted0 the act remains that every year multiplied thousands ris) their lives0 not trying to get out o 8merica0 $ut trying to get in- They swim the Rio ;rande River- Their goal is not to live at 8merica%s highest standard0 $ut to live at her lowest- "n a comparative $asis0 the economic system o competitive ree enterprise has produced a$undance and li$erty and is a magnet to the less ortunateMany students0 however0 have a sense o shame concerning Capitalism- They have $een convinced $y Communist arguments that the Capitalist system is evil0 that it has ailed0 and that it must $e replaced- "nce convinced o this0 a student has ta)en the irst step toward $ecoming a Communist-

Materialist Philosophy
The second actor in the creation o a Communist is materialist philosophy- The studentintellectual is taught that there is no ;od. that matter in motion is the sum total o all $eing. that each individual is a $ody in which a stomach secretes gastric /uices0 a liver secretes $ile0 and a $rain secretes emotion and thought- There is no soul. there is no spirit. there is no heaven to gain0 no hell to shun- 8 new scienti ic age has $een $orn0 and the need or ;od has $een a$olished- The modern outloo) is materialism(pea)ing at a university0 I outlined these $asic0 Communist materialist $elie s o communism2 FaG ;odlessness F$G The material nature o man FcG The environmental nature o man%s intellectual and so-called spiritual 1ualities8 woman /umped to her eet and said0 36hy0 I hear these things taught in this university every day- The pro essor o psychology goes to the $oard and draws a diagram- <e says0 %4ou are only a machine- 4ou are no more and no less- 4ou are a pattern o conditioned $ehavior- The machinery o your $ody is very complex- Indeed0 your $rain is so complex that it gives the ,A

impression o reedom0 choice0 and volition- &ut actually0 you are as automatic as an automo$ile- 4ou have no soul0 you have no spirit0 and0 in the last analysis0 you have no mind-% <e laughs at ;od and he laughs at morality-3 That man is not necessarily a Communist- <e may even consider himsel an anti-Communist&ut every student who $elieves what he teaches will ind the Communist program logical and appealing- 'or Communism carries this teaching to its logical conclusionCommunism says that every characteristic and attitude o the human personality emerges rom the $rain- The $rain is ormed $y the accumulation o experiences in the orm o conditioned re lexes- These experiences are provided $y the environment which is predominantly economic- 6hat we thin)0 what we eel0 what we $elieve0 whom we love0 and whom we worship merely re lect our economic environment"nce you accept this0 it ollows0 as night ollows day0 that i you can control completely the environment0 you can generate the mind and character you desire- Thus Communism $ecomes a program or scienti ic0 materialistic regenerationThis program or regeneration opens a wonder ul vista or the human mind- The Russian Communists already claim to have success ully regenerated many people- "ne $oo) they have pu$lished is entitled Peoples Regenerated. They claim they will produce per ect people with per ect $odies0 per ect minds0 and per ect characters0 living together in per ect happinessThis is to $e done $y means o scienceThe irst step in the program is to ace realistically the scienti ic needs- The present environment is Capitalistic and evil0 creating degenerates0 criminals0 and sundry vicious characters- 6hile that environment continues0 human nature cannot $e changed- To try and persuade people to $e di erent while they live in an environment that determines how they act is atuous nonsense- It is li)e trying to dry the $a$y while he is still lying in the $ath waterTo $e success ul0 you must ta)e him out o the water irst- (imilarly0 i man is to $e changed0 he must $e removed rom his Capitalistic environment- To do this0 the Communists must con1uer the world and utterly destroy the Capitalist environment- Capitalism will then $e replaced $y (ocialism which is $uilt not on pro it0 greed0 and sel 0 $ut on service0 cooperation0 and othersIn the new environment o (ocialism0 the $a$es will receive new experiences which will condition them to unsel ish0 voluntary service- The $a$es will grow to children0 the children to adolescents0 and the adolescents to adults- <ow di erent things will $e5 *veryone will wor) $ecause he loves to wor)- *veryone will give $ecause it is $etter to give than to receiveThe hand o none will $e raised in anger against his $rother- !o longer will there $e need or a police orce0 or there will $e nothing or the police to do- There will $e no income tax to pay0 $ecause people0 wor)ing willingly0 s)il ully0 and creatively0 will produce total a$undance0 $ut will parta)e merely to the extent o their limited needs- 8ll that mars the happiness o man will $e gone orever- Dice0 crime0 amine0 pestilence0 and war will $e merely words rom a orgotten past0 while a$undance0 $rotherhood0 and mutual0 co-operative service will $ind lives together in the golden day o Communism that has dawned upon the earth're1uently a ter depicting this promise o Communism0 I am accused o ma)ing it appear too attractive- This is exactly the way it appears to the student- That is why student-intellectuals /oin the Party- This is /ust how Communism is presented to them0 and on their materialist oundation0 it is logical- Liu (hao-chi in his $oo)0 How to Be a Good Communist0 writes2 ,E

6hat is the most undamental and common duty o us Communist Party mem$ers98s every$ody )nows0 it is to esta$lish Communism0 to trans orm the present world into a Communist world- Is a Communist world good or not9 6e all )now that it is very good- In such a world there will $e no exploiters0 oppressors0 landlords0 capitalists0 imperialists or ascists- There will $e no oppressed and exploited people0 no dar)ness0 ignorance0 $ac)wardness0 etc- In such a society all human $eings will $ecome unsel ish and intelligent Communists with a high level o culture and techni1ue- The spirit o mutual assistance and mutual love will prevail among man)ind- There will $e no such irrational things as mutual deception0 mutual antagonism0 mutual slaughter and war0 etc- (uch a society will0 o course0 $e the $est0 the most $eauti ul and the most advanced society in the history o man)ind- 6ho will say that such a society is not good9 <ere the 1uestion arises2 %Can Communist society $e $rought a$out9% "ur answer is %yes-% 8$out this the whole theory o Marxism-Leninism o ers a scienti ic explanation that leaves no room or dou$t- It urther explains that as the ultimate result o the class struggle o man)ind0 such a society will inevita$ly $e $rought a$out-F,G It is on the oundation o materialism that this scienti ic program or human regeneration is $uiltThere are0 o course0 one or two unpleasant steps on the way to this glorious goal- "ne o these is the pro$lem o dealing with those who populate the world when the Communists con1uer it- These people0 ormed in the old environment0 will thin)0 eel0 love0 and worship in an esta$lished pattern- I they are allowed to raise their young0 they will reproduce in them their own 1ualities0 and the Communist aim o generating new characters and per ect human society will $e thwarted- "$viously0 there ore0 they cannot $e allowed to remain where they are(ome o them will $e segregated and used to do some use ul wor) until they die- (ome o them can $e reeducated in re-educational institutions0 namely0 the la$or hospitals- The disease o Capitalist character0 according to the Communists0 is determined $y the alse la$or relationships o the Capitalist system- In Capitalist society0 la$or is associated with pro it or reward0 whereas la$or should $e its own reward- The un ortunate victims o Capitalist society will $e ta)en in their diseased state0 and put into Communist institutions o pure la$or- There they will rise in the morning to la$or0 and will go to $ed at night weary and exhausted with never a thought o any reward- The therapeutic o la$or will cure them o their grievous Capitalistic disease- The Communists consider themselves humane in the extreme or providing these therapeutic institutions o la$or to regenerate diseased Capitalist man)ind- It is our $ourgeois ignorance that causes us to classi y them as slave la$or campsIt is only the young0 however0 who merit the curative process- The older mem$ers o the diseased classes who are esta$lished in their ways must o$viously $e destroyed- This the Communists $elieve to $e their duty- (uch people would not $e happy in the new environment- It is )indness to destroy them--a type o social euthanasia- The Communists have no conscience a$out it $ecause0 according to their materialist philosophy0 it is $ut a step towards the glorious goal o the regeneration o all man)ind- This step may seem a little unpleasant i $ourgeois sentimentality persists0 $ut it is 1uite necessary to the process o regenerating man)indThe record o Communism is one o recurrent ratricide and genocide- Their contempt or individual human li e has )nown no $ounds- 6hether the li e to $e sacri iced was that o riend or oe appears to have $een immaterial- The Communist Party o Russia devoured its 7B

own creators- (talin put to death a ma/ority o the original &olshevi)s- The Communists destroyed not only landlords and Capitalists0 $ut peasants and wor)ers0 +almuc)s and &alts with e1ual erocity- In spite o )nowing this0 the allegiance o many educated0 apparently cultured 8merican Communists has not $een shattered- Many people are ama#ed that they do not turn rom Communism in loathing and repulsion when con ronted with its unuttera$le $ar$arism0 $rutality0 and intellectual prostitutionTo the dedicated Communist0 however0 these are $ut the temporary necessary sacri ices which the glorious uture demands- To wipe out the residual Capitalist de$ris is not murder $ut social science- (ince any individual man is a mere historic accident0 an undergraduate $east0 it is stupid to regard him as o in inite value- It is the species and the class that are important- The Capitalist class has $een re/ected o history and must $e destroyedCapitalism in 8merica has developed to a greater degree than Capitalism in many other countries- There ore the num$er in ected $y the capitalist virus is larger than in other lands- 8 greater program o elimination will thus $e needed- It is pro$a$le and natural that0 should Communism prevail in 8merica0 a program o class li1uidation will ensue that will dwar similar programs in other countriesTo those Capitalists who can regard the triumph o Communism with e1uanimity0 I would as) the 1uestion2 6hat will $e your attitude when you and your amily ace destruction $ecause o your mem$ership in the historically re/ected Capitalist class9 8s the wide-$ore revolver with the so t-nosed $ullet is placed at the nape o your nec) to shatter your pattern o Capitalistically conditioned re lexes into a $loody o$livion0 will you $e a$le to com ort your dying hours with the thought that you are dying in a good cause0 in the interests o the scienti ic regeneration o the animal species homo sapiens and the $irth o the classless society9

.ntellectual Pri%e
8 third actor in the ma)ing o a Communist is intellectual pride- The student o eighteen or nineteen years o age is $eginning to eel the reedom o his new intellectual environment- <e is /ust $eginning to reali#e how little his parents )now- 'or sixteen or seventeen years the truth o their $ac)wardness and ignorance passed him $y0 $ut now the light is dawning- <e has come to reali#e the sordidness o the traditions o his own country and to discover that national heroes0 even men li)e 6ashington and Lincoln were motivated $y personal0 sel ish greed- &ecoming disenchanted with his amily and national heritage0 he is ripe or conversion to Communism- Convinced o his intellectual $rilliance0 he sees himsel as master o the situation0 as one who is entitled0 $ecause o his superior intelligence0 to $e the executive o the great program or the regeneration and per ection o all man)ind- Man)ind certainly needs changing0 and he is /ust the man to do it-

/n ul ille% Religious Nee%

The ourth actor in the ma)ing o a Communist is un ul illed religious need- 3Man shall not live $y $read alone-3 Li e needs a purpose- Man is $orn with a heart to worship ;od0 to reach out or something $igger and $eyond himsel 0 to see) some no$le vision or which to sacri ice0 some purpose or which to live and die- 6hen denial o the existence o ;od


deprives him o his natural ul illment0 Communism provides a su$stitute- It gives him a sense o purpose and destiny0 gives meaning to li e0 and provides a motive or sacri icePeople are mysti ied when a man $orn to great wealth and social position $ecomes a Communist0 spends his ortune or Communist purposes0 and even goes to /ail in the interests o the Communist cause- To many people0 this does not ma)e senseLet us try to put ourselves in his position- 8s a child he has the inest tutors- <e is very intelligent- Dery early in li e he learns that there is no ;od0 that the idea o ;od is or dull and second rate minds0 and that he0 in the purity and per ection o his intellect0 has no need or ;od- <e accepts the Darwinian hypothesis concerning the origin o man0 and the Marxian hypothesis concerning the origin o civili#ation0 culture0 morality0 ethics0 and religion8s a young man he sits on the mount o learning and watches the progress o the animal species rom the /ungles via savagery and $ar$arism to civili#ation- <e watches the productive orces as they operate on the human species dividing it into nations and classes0 creating cultures0 civili#ations0 moral codes0 educational and political institutions and religious aith- <e sits a$ove it all0 and $eyond it all- <e is lost in lonely isolation- Li e is devoid o meaning0 purpose0 and o$/ective- 4et he is a young man with all the idealism and emotional urgency o youth- 6here can he ind ul illment9 (ome see) it in sporting li e. some in the li e o a play$oy- These outlets have little appeal or him(uddenly he hears a whisper on the $ree#e that history in the goodness o its heart is calling unto itsel a ew o its inest and its $est-- superior intellects0 courageous characters with an insight into its mind and its purpose0 and a )nowledge o historic law and historic will. that it is uniting them into its inest organi#ation and giving them the destiny o con1uering the world and regenerating man)ind- It comes as a vision o glory- It sets a song singing in his heart- It puts stars $e ore his eyes- It leads him orward to live and0 it necessary0 to die in the Communist cause- In it he inds a religious re uge or his godless and un$elieving heartCommunists are not $orn. they are made- They are $eing ormed constantly on the campuses o the world- 8s long as youth is disillusioned0 materialistically orientated and spiritually un ul illed0 there will $e no dearth o Communist recruits- <erein lies our greatest challenge,- Liu (hao-Chi0 <ow to &e a ;ood Communist FPe)ing0 China2 'oreign Languages Press0 ,E?EG0 pp- >H->A


The "o#ding o a Communist

Communist )art34 5rigin and 5rganization

The achievements o Communism are unprecedented in the annals o human history- The Communists have repeatedly achieved the impossi$le- They have made idiots o every expert8ny man who had predicted twenty years ago0 the situation that exists in the world today0 would have $een laughed to scorn- <ow have they done it9 6hat orce has $een let loose upon the world9 The achievements o Communism are the achievements o organi#ation- The Communist Party was ormed0 not on a principle o economic doctrine or philosophy $ut upon a principle o organi#ation- Communism is the great illustration o the truism that organi#ation will inevita$ly con1uer disorgani#ation and spontaneity-

+arl Marx and 'rederic) *ngels were the authors o the $asic philosophic and economic Communist doctrines- They lived and wrote rom a$out ,A?B to ,AEB- During their lives0 many movements were ormed to advanced Marxist teaching- 8 Marxist party was inally ormed in Russia under the name o the (ocial Democratic La$or Party- The individual largely responsi$le or its ormation was a man called Ple)hanovIn ,EB> a con erence o the Russian (ocial Democratic La$or Party was held in &russels0 &elgium- The police0 o$/ecting to this international gang o rac)eteers and revolutionaries meeting in their air city0 as)ed them to move0 whereupon they went across to London0 *ngland0 the historic haven o re ugees- This congress in ,EB> is one o the signi icant events in world history8 young man named Dladimir Ilyich Lenin came to the congress with very de inite ideas a$out the type o organi#ation that was necessary to achieve $asic Marxist o$/ectives- Lenin desired a party organi#ed on military lines0 composed o pro essional revolutionaries su$/ect to maximum discipline and indoctrination- <e desired a party o total o$edience and su$mission that would operate with a single mind and will- 8t the congress0 he introduced a motion to implement his ideas concerning the nature o the Party- <e moved that no one $e accepted as a mem$er o the Party unless he served in a disciplined capacity in one o the Party organi#ations- 8 man could not come and say0 3I approve the doctrines0 the aims and the methods o your Party- I%d li)e to /oin- I%ll pay my mem$ership dues- I%ll a$ide $y the rules(ign me up-3 This was not the way it was to $e done- Lenin declared that i a man wished to /oin the Party0 he should irst lin) up with one o its wor)ing units- The Party operated through multiple local organi#ations- (ome o these units met in neigh$orhoods0 others met in actories0 while still others met in the military orces- <aving /oined one o these units0 the individual could prove himsel $y wor)ing within it in a disciplined0 o$edient ashion- "nly in this way should he come into Party mem$ershipLenin%s motion was opposed $y Martov who approved the idea in principle0 $ut who thought it a little too extreme- <e pointed out that there were certain important individuals who would 7>

$e em$arrassed i they had to serve in a hum$le0 disciplined capacity in one o the Party organi#ations-- such people as mem$ers o the aristocracy0 important $usinessmen0 leading government servants0 university pro essors- Many o these people approved o the Party and were willing to support it0 $ut they would $e em$arrassed i they had to /oin a street corner group and engage in its activities- There ore he suggested a special clause that would allow general mem$ership or special people who could come into mem$ership without /oining one o the wor)ing unitsLenin0 however0 stood irm0 insisting that they did not want such people- They needed a party o unity0 discipline and o$edience0 with every mem$er under o$servation and control- Those unwilling to /oin on these conditions could $ecome sympathi#ers and helpers0 $ut they must remain on the outside- The Party wanted no mem$er who was not totally su$/ect to Party disciplineThe vote was ta)en and Lenin o$tained a ma/ority- The Russian word or ma/ority is a)in to 3$olshevi)3 and the word or minority is a)in to 3menshevi)-3 The ollowers o Lenin $ecame )nown as the &olshevi)s0 and those o his opponent0 Martov0 were )nown as the Menshevi)sIt was a seemingly unimportant di erence o opinion concerning Party mem$ership0 $ut the cle t that is caused has $ecome the determinant o the destiny o the world- !either Lenin nor Martov reali#ed its depth and signi icance- They held unity con erences periodically0 $ut there were 1uarrels and the cle t widened- In ,E,H the division $ecame ormal and inal- In that year0 Lenin returned to Russia rom exile in ;eneva0 (wit#erland0 a ter the revolution that had overthrown the C#ar0 and renamed the &olshevi) segment o the Russian (ocial Democratic La$or Party the Communist Party o Russia F&olshevi)G- 'rom that tiny ragment0 the entire present world Communist movement has developedThere has never $een any growth li)e that o the Communist Party in the history o man)ind(ome measure o its growth is revealed $y the act that0 in one generation0 the Communists have con1uered more people than Christians have even told a$out Christ a ter nearly two thousand years- (ome measure o their progress is indicated $y the act that today there are ive children in school learning in detail the godless doctrines o Communism or every one child in school learning anything a$out Christ- The success o the Communist Party has $een due to the ceaseless activity o this Leninist organi#ationThe irst step is the recruitment o an intellectual elite to $e the core o the Communist PartyThe idea is not to recruit great masses o people- The concept is that o a disciplined and dedicated minority who con1uer the masses $y reason o their superior )nowledge and organi#ation- (ome o the in luences that lead to the recruitment o the intellectual have already $een discussed- It is no light thing to /oin the Communist Party- The mem$ership price is very heavy- It is yoursel - *verything you are and everything you hope to $e is given utterly to the Communist Party- (ome idea o the concept that the Communists have o their role and destiny is given $y the speech o :oseph (talin on the death o LeninComrades0 we Communists are people o a special mould- 6e are made o a special stu - 6e are those who orm the army o the great proletarian strategist0 the army o Comrade LeninThere is nothing higher than the title o mem$er o the Party whose ounder and leader was Comrade Lenin- It is not given to everyone to $e a mem$er o such a party- It is not given to everyone to withstand the stresses and storms that accompany mem$ership in such a party- It is the sons o the wor)ing class0 the sons o want and struggle0 the sons o incredi$le privation 7?

and heroic e ort who $e ore all should $e mem$ers o such a party- That is why the Party o the Leninists0 the Party o the Communists0 is also called the Party o the wor)ing classDeparting rom us0 Comrade Lenin ad/ured us to hold high and guard the purity o the great title o mem$er o the Party- 6e vow to you0 Comrade Lenin0 that we will ul il your $ehest with credit-F,G In his $oo)0 How to Be a Good Communist0 Liu (hao-chi0 President o Communist China0 outlines the 1ualities demanded o a Communist6hether or not a Communist Party mem$er can a$solutely and unconditionally su$ordinate his personal interests to the Party%s interests under all circumstances is the criterion with which to test his loyalty to the Party0 to the revolution and to the Communist causeTo sacri ice one%s personal interests and even one%s li e without the slightest hesitation and even with a eeling o happiness0 or the cause o the Party0 or class and national li$eration and or the emancipation o man)ind is the highest mani estation o Communist ethics- This is a Party mem$er%s highest mani estation o principle- This is the mani estation o the purity o proletarian ideology o a Party mem$er-F7G The demand is or a$solute and unconditional su$-ordination o personal interests to the Party%s interests under all circumstances- The Communist must not only $e prepared to die or Communism0 $ut he must eel happy while he is dying- Lenin de ined Communists as 3dead men on urlough-3 The Communist dies to sel 0 and gives the Community Party his li e-

The principle o Communist Party organi#ation is )nown as 3democratic centralism-3 The Party0 at the $ase0 is made up o local units0 each containing a small num$er o people- This unit may $e called a cell0 a clu$ or any innocuous name- It may $e a neigh$orhood group0 a actory group0 a school group or a nationality group- *ach local group elects a representative to a district council which co-ordinates the actions o the local units- This election o representatives is the democratic aspect o the organi#ation- <owever0 the local unit may not instruct its representative how to vote at the district council- "nce elected0 he is responsi$le to the district council0 not his local group6hen the district council meets0 each issue is openly de$ated with arguments or and against0 until the vote is inally ta)en- 6hen the vote is ta)en0 a change comes over the situation- "nce the vote is ta)en0 the decision is unanimously $inding on every mem$er o the committee&ac) they go to their local units to carry the verdict to them- They may not go $ac) and say0 3This is how the committee voted0 $ut personally I was against it-3 They must present the verdict enthusiastically and with conviction- The decision o the district council is $inding on every mem$er o the local group- !o decision can ever $e appealed $elow- Under special circumstances it can $e appealed to a higher committeeIn a similar ashion0 the district committees elect representatives to a higher committee- The decisions o that higher committee0 once made0 are unanimously $inding on every mem$er0 and $inding everywhere $elow it0 with a possi$ility o appeal a$ove- 'inally0 the Central Committee o the Party is reached- 'rom the Central Committee there is elected the executive 7@

o the Central Committee0 )nown as the Presidium0 ormerly called the Polit$uro- 6ith this committee the ultimate is reached- (ince decisions made at each committee level are unanimously $inding everywhere $elow it0 decisions made $y the top committee0 the Presidium o the Central Committee0 are a$solute and inal- There is no possi$ility o appealTheir decisions carry the character o a$solute truthThe mem$ers o this Presidium are tried0 proven Communists- They have wor)ed their way up $y hard0 dedicated service- They are long esta$lished in the principles o Communist discipline and o$edience and they o$serve un alteringly the principle that the ma/ority vote it inal and a$solute- &e ore the vote is ta)en0 they may oppose a proposal vehemently0 $ut once the vote is ta)en they must $elieve that the ma/ority decision is right with their whole heart!o vestige o conscientious o$/ection remains- 8s a united $ody they report to the Central Committee- The Central Committee hears the report0 is instructed in the reasons or it0 and unanimously approves it- 'rom the Central Committee0 the delegates go down to the next committee level where the same process is repeated- The report is given0 unanimously approved0 and processes to wor) it out are esta$lished- In this way0 a decision reached at the top committee level $ecomes $inding on every mem$er throughout the entire organi#ationPeriodically0 we see evidence o what appears to $e undamental division within the Communist Party- Leading Communists are suddenly hurled rom their seats o power- They plunge into the a$yss o shame0 disgrace0 and0 re1uently0 o death- 6hen we hear o 1uarreling in the top ran)s o Communism0 we smile happily and wait or the split to come0 and or Communism to disintegrate- &ut our hopes are always doomed to disappointment $ecause we do not understand that 1uarreling at the top level o Communism leading to the disgrace o leading Communists is not an evidence o division0 $ut a proo o unity- It is not a mani estation o wea)ness. it is a sign o strength<istorically0 this is 1uite easy to prove- In ,E7?0 Lenin died- <e le t the destiny o world Communism in the hands o a Polit$uro o seven men- 8ll were Communist world igures0 each o them utterly dedicated to the Communist cause- 8ll o them had given a li etime o service to Communism0 had orsa)en home0 amily0 and ortune0 had undergone hardship and su ered imprisonment and privation or the sa)e o Communism- 6hen Lenin died0 they turned on one another in an orgy o mutual destruction- 6hen the inal record was written0 (talin had emerged victorious and the other six died violent deaths- 8ccording to our customary interpretation0 the Communist Party should have $een rent asunder and have shivered into ragments- In actual act0 the very reverse too) place- It ac1uired a monolithic unity and strength0 and went ahead to con1uer well nigh hal the worldThis seems incomprehensi$le $ecause the principle o democratic centralism has not $een understood- 8ccording to this principle0 the decision o the Presidium is a$solute- I that committee votes that one mem$er is a traitor0 he must $elieve that he is a traitor0 he must con ess that he is a traitor0 and he must welcome his own execution- 'or his mind is the mind o the Party0 and his li e $elongs to the Party- The willingness o the top Communist leadership to act in this way is an evidence o unity and strength0 not o division and wea)ness- It reveals their total dedication and devotion to the party6hen Lenin died0 the great name in Communism was Leon Trots)y- The name Trots)y was lin)ed with that o Lenin throughout the chancelleries o the world as the author o the Communist revolution- Most people expected Trots)y to assume power- Trots)y was a great orator0 a military genius0 a $rilliant philosopher0 historian and author-


&ut Trots)y had /oined the &olshevi)s only in ,E,H- <e was more or less a 3:ohnnie come lately-3 In ,EB>0 he had $een called 3the dagger o Lenin03 and was Lenin%s spo)esman- In ,EB@0 when revolution $ro)e out in Russia0 Trots)y was the chairman o the Petrograd (oviet6hen the revolution ailed he was arrested and $rought to trial- <e made a great oratorical de ense o the right o revolution0 $ut was convicted0 and sentenced to li etime (i$erian exileC#arist treatment o political prisoners was $enign and compassionate compared with the treatment meted out $y the Communists- <e escaped shortly a ter he arrived in (i$eria0 and went into *uropean exile&etween ,EB@ and ,E,H Lenin and Trots)y 1uarrelled constantly a$out points o doctrineLenin led the &olshevi)s. Martov led the Menshevi)s. and Trots)y led an intermediate group trying to conciliate the &olshevi)s and the Menshevi)s- Trots)y called Lenin the exploiter o the worst elements o the proletariat- Lenin called Trots)y a compromiser without principleLenin returned to Russia in 8pril0 ,E,H0 and ormed the Communist Party rom the &olshevi) segment o the Russian (ocial-Democratic La$or Party- Trots)y arrived in May rom !ova (cotia0 Canada0 where he had $een interned- <e was met at the railway station $y cheering throngs and made a speech in line with the policies o Lenin- In :uly0 ,E,H0 he /oined the &olshevi)s- 6hen the :uly revolution was a ailur0 Trots)y was arrested and Lenin went into hiding- <owever0 in luences were $rought to $ear or Trots)y%s releast- <e was re-elected chairman o the Petrograd (oviet0 and chairman o the Military Revolutionary Committee- 8s such he was o icial military head o the Communist revolution- 'ollowing the success o the revolution0 he was 'oreign Minister and creator and Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy<e was leader o the Red 8rmy while it de eated the armies o intervention- <e was a mem$er o the Polit$uro until ,E7?Trots)y had a great name and a great popular ollowing - <e was a hero to the Red 8rmy- &ut the act that he had a great name was unimportant- The act that he was Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy0 and its idol0 was also unimportant- The only important thing was the vote he could get in the Polit$uro o the Communist party a ter Lenin%s death- Trots)y received practically no votes at all0 or Iinoviev0 +amenev0 and (talin ormed a triumvirate to )eep him out o power- The death o Lenin was ollowed $y an interregnum o collective leadership- Trots)y was expelled rom the Polit$uro0 dismissed as Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy0 and exiled rom Russia- <e could have ta)en the Red 8rmy and turned it against the Communist Party0 $ut he re used to do so- The Communists have a name or the act o using military power or political purposes- They call it 3&onapartism-3 Trots)y scorned &onapartism- <e said0 3<istory has given one instrument only or the ul illment o its purpose- That instrument is the Communist Party-3 6hen he was escorted to the Tur)ish $order0 he ma)e them push him across- <e wanted it on record that he had not le t Russia o his own volition<e settled eventually in Mexico City where he organi#ed and wrote- <e ormed the 'ourth International- <is name0 meanwhile0 had $ecome the synonym o evil and hatred within the Communist empire- The word 3Trots)yite3 was the vilest curse word their tongues could ind'inally he was assassinated $y a young man who wormed his way into the Trots)y organi#ation and awaited his opportunity- 6hen that moment came0 he too) a short-handled ax0 the )ind used or mountain-clim$ing0 and crashed it through the s)ull and into the $rain o Leon Trots)y-


Trots)y had the greatest reputation in Russia on the death o Lenin- &ut Trots)y was voted out $y the Polit$uro0 and his ame availed him nothing- 8ccording to the principle o democratic centralism0 the decision o the Polit$uro o the Communist Party is inal and a$soluteThe men who caused Trots)y%s overthrow in the Polit$uro were Iinoviev0 +amenev0 and (talin- Iinoviev and +amenev had $een Lenin%s li elong colla$orators and co-wor)ers- They were $rilliant writers with amous names- Iinoviev was in charge o the Leningrad (oviet organi#ation and head o the Communist International- +amemev was President o (oviet Russia- (talin did not have the $rilliance0 the oratory0 or the writing s)ill o the other two0 $ut he was (ecretary o the Polit$uro and the Party- 8s secretary0 he was the man who appointed all the provincial o icials- <e was the $ureaucrat par excellence- (uddenly0 to their ama#ement0 Iinoviev and +amenev ound themselves isolated in the Polit$uro- They were expelled rom the Polit$uro0 and rom the Communist Party- They hum$led themselves0 con essed their sins0 and pleaded or readmission to the Party as ordinary mem$ers- Their re1uest was granted- Thus $egan the mad0 recurring cycle o con ession0 expulsion0 and readmission until0 inally0 the great (talinist purges o ,E>C0 they stood up and said0 36e are un it to live- 6e have $etrayed the wor)ing class- Please ta)e us out and shoot us-3 (talin hastened to grant their last re1uestThe rise o (talin to complete power was unnoticed until accomplished- It was widely anticipated that the mantle o Lenin%s power would inally rest on the capa$le shoulders o !i)olai &u)harin- &u)harin was a $rilliant Communist theorist0 the author o The A B C o Communism0 head o the Communist International a ter the decline o Iinoviev. a man o the cali$er o Lenin himsel - 6hen the vote was ta)en0 however0 (talin was victorious $y a ma/ority o our to three- "nce the vote was ta)en it was $inding on all seven mem$ers o the Polit$uro- Unanimously they went down to report the verdict to the Central Committee and0 inally0 the vote at the top $ecame the $elie and the marching orders o the entire Communist Party- There is no way where$y 1uarreling among the leadership can trans er itsel to Party mem$ership(talin was then in complete power- <e appointed those whom he approved- 8s secretary o the Polit$uro0 he was in charge o the calling o the meetings and determined the agenda o those meetings- 'rom ,E7E until his death in ,E@> his power remained a$soluteThe rise o (talin to personal and a$solute dictatorship was not due to the 1ualities o his personality0 $ut due to the nature o the structure o the Communist Party- 8n accepted Communist principle is that every mem$er is su$/ect to Party discipline- This is a euphemism or the reality that every mem$er is under constant0 personal0 intimate supervision- The organi#ed instrument to administer Party discipline was called "rg$uro- 8ssociated with it was the internal Party police- Individuals rose to great heights o administrative power within the Communist Party0 yet the secret police supervised their lives in minute detail- Their telephone calls were monitored- Their individual interviews recorded- Their papers0 $oth personal and pu$lic0 were at the disposal o the secret police who possessed a )ey to the sa e o every o icial- The only Communist o icial to whom this did not apply was the num$er one man0 :oseph (talin- To him the secret police inally reported and rom him they too) their ordersThus every mem$er o the Polit$uro0 power ul as he was0 was isolated rom all other mem$ers- There was no possi$ility o the prior consultation necessary i united and planned action was to $e ta)en at a Polit$uro meeting- I two mem$ers should meet and (talin should $ecome suspicious0 they could 1uic)ly $e arrested and thus prevented rom reaching the next 7A

meeting- In this way0 each meeting o the Polit$uro was under the complete domination o (talin- 8ll other mem$ers in attendance were isolated rom each other and the in ormation on which their decisions were to $e made was given to them $y (talin himsel - In this manner his power $ecame limitless<is achievements are un$elieva$le- +hrushchev recounts them in detail in his speech attac)ing the cult o personality and outlining the 3mista)es3 o (talin0 $ut he does not clearly indicate how (talin did it- <e tell us0 or example0 that (talin put to death the military leaders o Russia who were the idols o the armed orces- <e tells us that (talin caused to $e arrested and shot or treason HB percent o the Central Committee that elected him to power in ,E>?-EA mem$ers out o ,>H- <e tells us o entire nationalities that (talin destroyed- <e relates how0 during the war0 (talin sat in an o ice with a glo$e in ront o him and gave speci ic orders to the military commanders in the ield- In one operation alone0 $ecause o the ignorance o (talin and his re usal to heed the plea o the commanders in the ield0 hundreds o thousands went to their deaths- +hrushchev tells us what (talin did0 $ut he does not explain what gave him the power to do it- <ow does a man put to death the ma/ority o the military commanders9 <ow does he put to death the ma/ority o the leaders o his own political party9 +hrushchev gives an indication when he says- 3Di erent mem$ers o the Polit$uro reacted in di erent ways at di erent times-3 To understand this statement0 we must understand the situation that existed- The Polit$uro was made up o seven men0 each o them all-power ul within his administrative department0 $ut each o them under constant0 hourly surveillanceThe internal Communist secret police chec)ed everyone they met0 listened in on every phone conversation0 had a )ey to every sa e0 read every document0 and reported everything they did to (talin- Two o them might desire to con er on some 1uestion to come $e ore the Polit$uroThey could not do it- I (talin heard o their meeting0 he would have them arrested $e ore the next session o the Polit$uro was called- Thus each o them came to a Polit$uro meeting completely unaware o the attitude o other mem$ers- !ot one o them had any idea how the others were going to vote- I a man voted against (talin and the motion was de eated0 his li e was ultimately or eit- This was the end result o the all-or-nothing law o Communism- "nly when this situation is clearly visuali#ed can we understand why the other mem$ers o the Polit$uro were powerless to halt the cataract o (talinist criminality- "nly in the light o the understanding o Communist organi#ation does the plaintive plea o +hrushchev0 3Di erent mem$ers o the Polit$uro reacted in di erent ways at di erent times03 $ecome signi icant(talin occupied a position o limitless power rom which he operated as a tyrant une1ualed in the annals o history- &ut it was Communism0 not (talin0 that was responsi$le or his tremendous power- It was the organi#ational structure o Communism that pro/ected him to his all-power ul positionCommunist organi#ation remains the same- It has not changed- The events ollowing the death o (talin recapitulate minutely the events ollowing the death o Lenin- Multitudes o people stand up and say0 38h0 $ut there is a di erence5 (talin used to execute those he expelled0 $ut +hrushchev does not-3 (uch people have no )nowledge o history- Lenin died in ,E7?- (talin came to total power in ,E7E- The expellees rom the Polit$uro were not executed until ,E>CIn the meantime0 they were re1uently given /o$s appropriate to their a$ilities in distant areasThe same thing has happened since (talin died- Immediately a ter the death o (talin0 there was a period o collective leadership ollowed $y the emergence o &ulganin and +hrushchev&ulganin was eventually overthrown and appointed to some minor position- Today at the top


is the all-power ul +hrushchev0 pro/ected $y the Communist Party to leadership o the Communist movement throughout the worldThose who prate on the importance o pu$lic opinion within Russia0 and proclaim the power o the Red 8rmy0 are ignorant o the political acts o li e in Communist countries- 8ll power resides in the Communist Party- (ome time ago a name re1uently in pu$lic discussion was that o Ihu)ov0 Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy0 riend o President *isenhower- "ur pundits advised that President *isenhower and Ihu)ov meet and negotiate- They pointed out that the Red 8rmy was a very power ul organi#ation and claimed that Ihu)ov as its Commander-in-Chie was the real power in Russia- Let Ihu)ov and President *isenhower get together and they could iron out the pro$lems o the worldIn truth0 Ihu)ov%s position as Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy gave him no more power than i he had $een head o the &oy (couts- 8ll power is in the Communist Party- The Communist Party is a uni ied0 disciplined party- The man at the top has all authority- 'rom its mem$ership one disciplined man it ta)en and made Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy- In his administrative position within the army he is very power ul0 $ut as a Communist he is totally su$/ect to the orders that come down rom the top o the Communist Party- (imilarly0 other men are selected to ill all signi icant governmental0 educational0 cultural and religious positions0 $ut each o them owes complete o$edience to the head o the PartyThe di erence $etween the (tate and the Party is rarely understood- The head o the Russian (tate may $e an insigni icant individual- 6hen (talin was all-power ul within Russia0 while he was putting to death the ma/ority o the o icers o the Red 8rmy0 the ma/ority o leading Communists0 the ma/ority o industrial managers0 he was merely (ecretary o the Communist Party- 6hen it was necessary or him to meet with President Roosevelt in the capacity o chie o the (oviet (tate0 he appointed himsel to that position- 6hen he thought it advisa$le0 he appointed himsel Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy- &ut his power never depended on his $eing President o Russia0 or Commander-in-Chie o the Red 8rmy- <is power was derived rom his position as head o the Communist Party'or the Communist0 the Party $ecomes the very voice and $reath o ;od- The statement $y !i)olai &u)harin $e ore his execution is most revealing- (aid he0 3Comrades0 I eel it is my duty to ma)e the ollowing statement- 4ou all )now that or three months I would say nothing- (uddenly I changed and con essed to everything o which I was accused $y the Comrade Prosecutor- 6hy the change9 I thin) you are entitled to )now- 8s the moment o death approaches and one goes out into the great loneliness0 the thought o going out alone0 un orgiven0 apart orm the Party in which I have lived and which to me has $een li e itsel 0 was a prospect I could not ace. and0 i $y some miracle I should not die0 li e outside the Party would to me $e worse than death itsel -3 There is something rightening a$out a movement that can evo)e such devotion in one it is a$out to destroyThe curse o Communism is that $y the Party it creates0 it ta)es the idealism o its young recruits and uses it as an ultimate instrument o dictatorship0 tyranny and genocide- Their intelligence is prostituted0 their idealism de$auched0 and they are molded into intellectual ro$ots o un1uestioning o$edience and rightening e iciency at the disposal o the dictator o the Party,- (elected 6or)s o D- I- Lenin FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouse0 ,E@7G0 p-7,7- Liu

(hao-chi0 op-cit-0 p- @B-


The Communist at %or&

Communists Fronts -nd Capti1e 5rganizations

The Communists have never aimed at the conversion o great masses o people to Communism- Their whole concept is that o a small party0 compact0 mo$ile0 disciplined and dedicated0 consisting largely o an intellectual elite- It is the tas) o this small group to utili#e scienti ically the social orces that move and direct the masses o the people so that the Communist Party may come to power over them0 and impose orci$ly the Communist program- The program o Communism0 then0 is to recruit into the service o the Party great num$ers o individuals most o whom are unconscious that they are serving the Communist purpose're1uently it is as)ed0 3<ow do you tell a Communist93 It is not always easy- I a Communist does not wish to reveal his Communist mem$ership0 it may $e di icult indeed to esta$lish the act that he is a Communist- "ne test that may give valua$le in ormation could $e called the 3word test-3 There are certain words in rather common usage which mean one thing to people in general0 and something entirely di erent to the Communists- I such a word is introduced into conversation0 a person%s position may $e indicated $y his interpretation o that word"ne such word or example0 is 3sectarian-3 To most people0 this word is primarily associated with religion- To the Communist0 however0 it means 1uite another thing- The term 3sectarian3 would $e applied to a Communist who pu$licly advocates Communism and there$y isolates himsel 0 instead o /oining an organi#ation and wor)ing hard or its o$/ectives so that he can inally use that organi#ation or Communist purposes0 there$y multiplying his own power many timesLenin clearly discusses sectarianism in his remar)a$le $oo)0 Le t 6ing Communism2 an In antile Disorder- The $oo) was written as a text$oo) to direct the Third International or Comintern which had $een organi#ed in ,E,E to wor) or world revolution- It is directed primarily against a group o enthusiastic young ;erman Communists- The position they too) was that they were Communists and proud o it- They wanted the whole world to )now- They disguised neither their o$/ectives nor their methods- 6ith their goal clearly in view they marched towards it0 spurning compromise and deceit- 6hatever the di iculty or danger0 they neither turned nor linched- They would die or Communism0 $ut they would not cooperate with their enemies or compromise their principlesLenin turned upon these young enthusiasts0 whom he called Le t 6ing Communists0 the ull power o his invective which $oth his riends and enemies ac)nowledge as considera$le8lthough he did not $elieve in ;od he said0 3;od <imsel has ordained that the young should $e stupid-3 <e ridiculed their unwillingness to indulge in compromise and deceit- <e stated that they had accepted the limitations imposed $y the $ourgeois enemy- Compromise and deceit were very power ul instruments in the Communist program- <e pointed out that a spea)er openly advocating Communism was isolating himsel rom the great ma/ority and limiting himsel to a hand ul o ra$id ollowers- True Communist strategy was to discover an issue that was important to a large num$er o people0 to ocus upon it0 and to rally to it a large


popular group- The test o their Communist cali$er was the s)ill they showed in directing the people thus rallied into the service o the ultimate Communist purposeIn illustration o this principle0 Lenin gave speci ic instructions to mem$ers o the Communist Party o *ngland to /oin the &ritish La$our Party i they could0 and to wor) or <enderson who was the La$our candidate or Prime Minister at that time- <e said2 8t present the &ritish Communists very o ten ind it hard to approach the masses and even to get a hearing rom them- I I come out as a Communists and call upon the wor)ers to vote or <enderson against Lloyd ;eorge0 they will certainly give me a hearing- 8nd I will $e a$le to explain in a popular manner not only why (oviets are $etter than parliament and why the dictatorship o the proletariat is $etter that the dictatorship o Churchill Fdisguised $y the sign$oard o $ourgeois 3democracy3G0 $ut also that I want with my vote to support <enderson in the same way as the rope supports a hanged man-F,G To $e sectarian0 then0 is to operate in isolation instead o utili#ing the great social orces that activate large groups o people- (ectarianism ran)s high in the list o cardinal Communist sinsThe Communist ormula or e ective action is a simple one- It may $e summed up2 Discover what people want0 promise it to them0 and go to wor) to get it or them that you may come to power over them- This is the Communist program o action in any situationIn Marxist schools the Communists study the groups that compose a given society- They study the emotions o each group0 their longings and their grievances0 and they devise a program to exploit these am$itions and resentments- They $elieve that each group o people is so short sighted and so sel ishly motivated that0 provided you are wor)ing in the interests o their most pressing desires in the immediate environment0 they will pay no attention to what you are promising and promoting at a distanceThe Communist is not at all distur$ed $y the act that he may $e wor)ing simultaneously or two groups with con licting interests and o$/ectives- This is not inconsistency. it is the application o scienceThe Communists have one o$/ective-to come to power- They will do whatever is necessary or them to achieve this goal- In the economic realm0 or example0 they have no consistent economic program rom country to country- Communist economic policy is to ind out what any group wants and promise it to them- Classical Marxist economics advocated the collective ownership o land0 $ut the Communists came to power in Russia and China $y the reverse policy o the distri$ution o land0 $y ma)ing every$ody a little Capitalist- Communist policy is to do whatever is necessary to advance the Communist Party%s drive to dictatorial power(pea)ing at a girl%s school in Dallas0 Texas0 I outlined to them the Communist ormula or advance2 'ind out what people want0 promise it to them0 and go to wor) to get it or them in order to come to power over them- "ne girl as)ed the very natural 1uestion0 3I Communists promise people all sorts o thing $ut do not ul ill their promises when they come to power0 why are they not thrown out93 I replied0 3I I get into this room $y promising you girls that I have a lotion that will ma)e each o you very $eauti ul0 and i 0 as soon as I get in here0 I pull out a machine gun and train it on you0 why don%t you throw me out93 Communism is0 in essence0 the ul ilment o the dearest am$itions o the populace0 and retaining power $y the e icient use o orce-


The Communists go to the wor)ing man and promise him higher wages0 shorter wor)ing hours and $etter conditions generally- They approach the employer with the glittering prospect o industrial peace0 good trading relations and higher pro its- To the colored man they promise irst-class citi#enship- They will strive so that he may live where he wants to live0 wor) where he wants to wor)0 and marry whom he wants to marry- They promise the opponents o the !egro that they will )eep the colored man where he $elongs- To the :ew the vision they present is that they will end anti-(emitism or all time- To the 8ra$ they vow that they will eliminate the :ews- They tell the Christian o glorious religious reedom and Christian revival under Communism- Their promise to the <indu is to aid in the conversion o every Christian and Moslem to the <indu religion- The Moslem is lured $y the promise o assistance in promoting the cause o IslamTheir program o deception is so o ten success ul or two reasons- In the irst place0 as ar as people can o$serve in the local situation0 the Communists are sincere and )eep their promisesIt is a characteristic o Communist conduct to wor) hard and sacri icially or the immediate needs o the group they are endeavoring to exploit8 Communist attorney will re1uently accept a case without any charge0 and will wor) tirelessly and e ectively on $ehal o his client in the courts o the land- To the individual and his riends he appears a true angel o mercy- They )now nothing o the deeper motives that lie $ehind his conduct8n example o the e ective and apparently sincere assistance Communism can render to oppressed minorities comes rom Italy- 8 missionary representing an evangelistic Protestant denomination came into con lict with the local authorities and was prevented rom conducting his (unday evening services- <e was approached $y the Communist leader o that city who sympathi#ed with him in his predicament and claimed that it was a violation o the Italian constitution which granted reedom to religionTo prove his sincerity he invited the missionary to utili#e the acilities o the Communist Party head1uarters to conduct his evening service- Thus the preacher stood on the plat orm provided $y the Communist Party under the photograph o the $enign and smiling :oseph (talin and proclaimed the Christian gospel- It is easy to imagine how di icult it would $e to convince such a man that Communism is incompati$le with religious li$erty- <is own experience assures him that they are the great practical supporters o religious li$erty- <e is entirely o$livious to the act that once Communism assumes power not only his li$erty to preach $ut also his li$erty to $reathe would $e in serious /eopardyIn the second place0 the local o$/ective advanced $y the Communists is re1uently one which0 ta)en in isolation0 would merit support- They go to religious groups0 or example0 in the name o peace- They are ardent advocates o slum clearance and improved housing- Today they are the exponents o a puritanical morality in contrast to their position some time $ac)In oreign countries0 Christian missionaries teach the natives such Christian principle as 3Thou shalt love thy neigh$or as thysel 03 and 3Love your enemies-3 The Communist then approaches the mission convert with a program which seems to do nothing $ut advance the immediate well $eing o his neigh$or and there ore merits his support as a Christian- <e teams up with the Communist or this one purpose and the irst step is ta)en on the $itter pathway o deviation and doom which Communism has mar)ed out or his unwary eet8 )nowledge o the true program o Communism and its strategy and tactics is the only protection good people o every sort have against the Communist snare>>

In order to involve as many people as possi$le0 the Communists organi#e large num$ers o 'ronts0 each o them designed to exploit the sel -interest o a given group- (ome o these are local and temporary0 simple in ormation and outline0 and designed to exploit some local situation to the ull- "thers are on a world-wide scale with vast0 permanent apparatus wor)ing year a ter year throughout the world- 6hether large or small0 the purpose o these 'ronts is to recruit well-meaning people to serve unconsciously the Communist conspiracyThe ollowing experience illustrates rather well a simple Communist method o operation8 ter addressing a civic clu$ one noon0 I visited the Communist $oo) store in &er)eley0 Cali ornia- It was called the Twentieth Century &oo)store and at that time was located outside the gate o the University o Cali ornia- 6ith me was a minister who was very well in ormed on the su$/ect o Communist techni1ues"ne entire window o the store was given over to a display o $oo)lets prepared $y the Communists on $ehal o a !egro called 6ells- 6hile serving a li e sentence in (an =uentin prison0 6ells had thrown a cuspidor in the ace o his guard and had smashed his ace- Under Cali ornia law0 a prisoner serving a li e sentence who uses violence against a guard is customarily condemned to death- The death sentence had $een passed- Many people thought that the death sentence was excessiveThe Communists saw in this situation a social orce0 an emotion common to a group o people which could $e exploited or the Communist purpose- They set out to stir up agitation on $ehal o 6ells- 8 ter some months o agitation0 they had prepared a $oo) o some eighty or ninety pages showing what they had allegedly done on 6ells% $ehal - The $oo) did not help 6ells very much0 $ut it presented the Communist Party in a very $enign and humane lightThe minister who was with me too) the $oo) and started to $rowse through it- <e had glanced through the Legal Committee or :ustice or 6ells0 and was reading through the Religious Committee or :ustice or 6ells when he was startled to ind there the name o a riend o his0 the minister in whose church I was to spea) that evening- <e said0 3Ta)e this $oo) out to him0 tell him where you ound it0 and see what he has to say-3 That evening we had a ine meeting- The minister was intelligent and patriotic- <e was a ervent evangelical Christian and apparently an in ormed anti-Communist- Disiting a ter the meeting I produced the $oo)0 told him where I had ound it0 opened it0 and showed him his name- <is ace ell- <e said0 3'ancy their doing that53 3<ow did you come to get mixed up in this93 I as)ed3I didn%t sign that the sentence $e changed03 he replied0 3$ut only that it $e reviewed-3 3!o you didn%t03 I said0 and I read him the letter to which his signature was attached- 3<ow did you $ecome involved in it93 <e said0 38 man said to me that here we had an example o cruelty and $ar$arity0 and that as the Christian ministry was the servant o the orgiving and loving Christ0 and that surely it was their duty to protest against the cruel0 $ar$arous treatment o this man- I they did not protest0 who would9 <e gave me the names o other ministers who were associated with this protest0 and I thought it would not do any harm i I let my name go in too-3 36hat was the man%s name93 I as)ed-


3<e didn%t tell me his name03 was the reply36hat did he loo) li)e93 3I didn%t see him-3 3<ow did he get in touch with you93 3<e called me on the phone-3 3Do you mean to tell me03 I said0 3that a man called you on the phone0 and0 without )nowing who he was or what he represented0 you allowed your name to go into an organi#ation o this nature9 Do you )now what will happen9 The 8ttorney ;eneral%s Department0 the <ouse Un8merican 8ctivities Committee0 or some o icial investigative agency will classi y this movement as a Communist 'ront- (ome$ody will then o$serve your name and you will $e classi ied as a supporter o Communist 'ronts- 6hat is more0 the truth is that you are supporting a Communist 'ront- 4ou did not do so willingly0 $ut you have $een outsmartedThey have exploited your $asic Christian compassion or their purpose-3 This is a regular Communist method o operating- 8ny$ody not speci ically in ormed a$out their methods could have $een trapped in a similar ashion- I has happened to thousands- :-&Matthews made the statement that seven thousand Protestant ministers in the United (tates have $een involved in the Communist apparatus $y allowing their names to $e associated with some Communist 'ront- <is statement was met with indignant and angry protests and treated as an attac) on the Protestant ministry- There were a ew honest ministers such as Daniel Poling o !ew 4or) who hum$ly and courageously ac)nowledged the truth- Daniel Poling said0 38s one o the seven thousand0 I thin) the igure is ar too low-3 The principles according to which a Communist 'ront is organi#ed can $est $e understood in terms o a series o concentric circles- 8t the center is the Communist Party0 a small group whose mem$ers are organi#ed0 disciplined0 and dedicated0 and which has a single mind0 will and purpose- This Party is composed o $oth open Communists such as 6illiam I- 'oster0 Chairman o the 8merican Communist Party0 and crypto or hidden Communists0 people who deny their Communist association and a iliation0 $ut who are nevertheless dedicated Communists- The Communist Party is never entirely a$ove ground- Clear rules to this e ect were laid down in the $y-laws o the Comintern where it is stated that in countries where a Communist Party is allowed legal existence0 the legal party must $e associated with an illegal party0 and that the legal party must $e under the control o the illegal party- The controlling segment o the Party is always underground(urrounding this small party at the center there is the #one o ellow travellers- 8 ellow traveller is one who approves Communist philosophy0 Communist o$/ectives0 Communist organi#ation and tactics0 $ut who0 or some personal reason0 has not su$mitted himsel to total Party discipline- <e has never $een a$le to reach the point o complete personal surrender necessary or actual Party mem$ership- 'ellow travellers re1uently have guilty consciences $ecause they are not Party mem$ers- They are su$/ect in large measure to Party discipline0 and they will willingly and sacri icially wor) with the Communists0 $ut they can go into any court in the land0 and swear under oath that they are not Communists $ecause they are not mem$ers o the Party- (ome o the prominent and power ul 8mericans who have served Communism most aith ully have $een ellow travellers- There is no evidence0 or example0 that <arry Dexter 6hite0 who $etrayed 8merican governmental secrets to the enemy and provided aid to the Communists in every possi$le way0 was a Communist- <e was a ellow traveller>@

(urrounding the #one o ellow travellers is the #one o sympathi#ers- This #one contains di erent groups who are sympathetic to the Communist Party-various $rands o (ocialists0 colla$orators0 and paci ists- (ympathi#ers are against certain eatures o Communism- They claim to $e against the $rutality o the Communists0 as well as against their use o censorship and their denial o individual li$erty- !evertheless they $elieve that0 on the whole0 Communism has achieved many good things- 6hile they cannot approve o Communism altogether0 they eel that there are many good eatures a$out it0 and that it is progressive and in the interests o the wor)ing class0 and that it is possi$le to associate with the Communists in a local worthy o$/ective- They eel that i they wor) with the Communists0 are tolerant o them0 and love them a little0 they will win them rom their extreme practices0 and that the evil eatures o Communism will wither away leaving only that which is worthwhile- In the group there are a num$er o religionists who are particularly prone to argue in this way(urrounding the #one o sympathi#ers is the #one o pseudo-li$erals- Most o these li$erals are to $e ound in the ivory cloisters o colleges and universities0 re1uently occupying pro essorial chairs0 and usually characteri#ed $y a pseudo-intellectual outloo)- They ta)e this attiude2 3I am against Communism- I am against the Communist restraint o human li$erty0 I am against their censorship0 I am against their dictatorship0 and I am against their $rutality!evertheless0 I re use to $ecome li)e my enemies in order to oppose them0 and while I hate what the Communists say and do0 I will ight or the rights o the Communists to spea) and organi#e even as I will ight or my own rights-3 Thus in e ect0 they $ecome the protectors and the runners o inter erence or the Communist conspirators- They uphold the right o Communists to $e pro essors in schools and universites- They are the great de enders o the 'i th 8mendment- They contend that no restraint or restriction o any )ind should $e applied to an individual $ecause he has availed himsel o the 'i th 8mendment- 8pparently their viewpoint is that no$ody should su er any social restraints or disadvantages unless there is evidence that is valid in a court o lawTheir argument is allacious $ecause they pro/ect certain conditions which prevail in the realm o law into the realm o privilege and social activity where they do not apply- 'or example0 a man approaches the president o a $an) see)ing employment- The president0 however0 has heard a rumor that he was dismissed rom his last employment $ecause he had em$e##led unds0 and as)s the man i this is true- The man re uses to answer on the grounds that he might incriminate himsel - The man is 1uite within his rights in re using to incriminate himsel 0 and certainly cannot $e sent to prison $ecause o his reply0 $ut i the $an) president were to employ that man0 he would $e oolish indeed- The 'i th 8mendment re ers merely to imprisonment and legal penalty- 8ny attempt to pro/ect it $eyond that realm is not intellectualism or li$eralism0 $ut stupidityThe ollowing little antasy which I have called 3The Li$eral%s Dilemma3 outlines the position reached when it is claimed that no restraints can $e placed on anyone in any situation unless there is evidence that is valid in a court o law0 and that the 'i th 8mendment carries no implication o guilt-

The Li&eral+s Dilemma

Motherhood is gathered in its $eauty and its purity0 desperately concerned $ecause o the increase in /uvenile delin1uency due to the prevalence o organi#ed vice in the district- (o widespread is /uvenile delin1uency $ecoming that the very oundation o the amily itsel is in danger- The mothers are determined that something must $e done to eliminate organi#ed vice>C

It is decided to orm a Committee o Maternal Purity- The meeting is called0 and a woman o great li$eral outloo) is installed as temporary chairman- (he calls or nominations rom the loor or the position o permanent chairman o the committee- To every$ody%s astonishment0 the name o Madame Dice0 madame o the local $rothel0 is nominated or the position- The chairman loo)s startled0 then says0 3I hear the name o Madame Dice nominated or the position o chairman o our Committee o Maternal Purity- Does anyone wish to spea) on this motion93 8n indignant voice cries out0 3&ut that%s ridiculous5 (he%s the cause o most o the trou$le5 (he%s a prostitute and a )eeper o a house o prostitution-3 3These are serious charges03 the chairman says- 3They must $e supported $y unimpeacha$le evidence- 8ny$ody who can rise and say that they have irst hand evidence that this woman has indulged in these alleged practices0 please rise and spea)-3 !o$ody movesThe chairman says0 3(ince there is no evidence0 apparently0 to support these charges0 I%ll as) the woman hersel - Madame0 are you0 as alleged0 a prostitute and a )eeper o a house o prostitution93 The ur clad igure indignantly rises0 3I ain%t going to answer that 1uestion5 4ou have no right to as) it5 I ain%t going to incriminate mysel -3 34es03 says the chairman0 3that is your privilege- Certainly no in erence can $e ta)en rom that reply- There is no evidence to support these charges- 'rom the woman%s own words we can get no indication o their truth or alsehood- I have $ut one recourse- <as this woman $een indicted and convicted in a court o law93 (ilence again prevails0 and the voice o li$eral learning0 rich and mellow0 is heard- 3I accept the nomination o Madame Dice as the Chairman o the Committee o Maternal Purity o this city-3 &y the same process0 it is easy to conceive the election o 8l Capone as Chairman o the Committee or Pu$lic (ecurity o the Chicago o ,E>B- (uch ridiculous situations $ecome possi$le when a provision o the Constitution designed solely to grant immunity rom legal punishment is pro/ected into the realm o normal li e which involves privilege and responsi$ility ar removed rom legal punishment- This is the error which is made $y the pseudo-li$erals who ail to see the $asic malignancy o Communism and thus $ecome a #one o protection $ehind which the Communist conspirators pursue their evil schemes(urrounding the #one o pseudo-li$erals is the #one o dupes- In this #one are to $e ound the genuinely patriotic 8merican citi#ens rom a great variety o wal)s o li e- They have simply $een deceived- Many solid citi#ens are astonished when they discover the trap into which they have allenConsider the hypothetical case o a success ul $usinessman whose name appears on the letterhead o a Communist 'ront- <e is whole-heartedly against Communism $ut is also exceedingly $usy- <e wishes to help good causes and will support them inancially and with the use o his name- <owever0 it must $e remem$ered that he has many pressing demands upon his time and he cannot attend meetings or participate in the day to day activities o the organi#ation- That tas) he must leave to others- In this manner0 the Communists have success ully utili#ed the money and the prestige o many o their most ervent opponents-


The 3irth o a 2ront

The essential purpose o the Communist 'ront must $e camou laged with an alleged purpose o wide popular appeal- The Communists are very well aware o what the true o$/ective is0 while most o the 'ront mem$ers see only the camou lage- 8 permanent Communist o$/ective is to shi t the $alance o world military power in avor o Communist military strength6herever they can wea)en the military strength o any ree country0 they help to achieve this purpose- "ne $asic o$/ective0 then0 is to wea)en militarily all those countries opposed to Communism- "$viously i that real o$/ective were proclaimed0 it would not recruit many people in those countries- 8n organi#ation which had the announced purpose o wea)ening 8merica militarily so that Communist con1uest would $e easier would rally ew supportersThere ore there must $e an announced o$/ective which will accomplish the same purpose0 $ut which will present itsel in a totally di erent guise- "ne announced purpose could $e the preservation o peace in the ace o the possi$le horrors o a thermo-nuclear war- This is the $asis o the array o unholy peace movements spawned $y CommunismCommunist personnel are allotted to set up the organi#ation o the 'ront- They enlist a ew ellow travellers and together they decide the precise nature o the organi#ation to $e ormedThe purposes are clearly designated0 the $asic executive o icers are selected0 mostly rom the ran)s o Communists or ellow travellers0 and the slogans which are to recruit the people are ormulated- 6hen these preparations have $een made0 the ellow traveller approaches the sympathi#er- The Communist himsel does not customarily approach the sympathi#er0 or the sympathi#er has certain 1ualms a$out the Communists- <e )nows that they cannot always $e trusted- &ut the ellow traveller is a$le to assure him that he is not a Communists0 and thus can ma)e the approach with every hope o success<e outlines to the sympathi#er the o$/ective0 namely0 the preservation o peace in the ace o the desperate threat o war and annihilation that hangs over us all- <e descri$es the demands or disarmament which are to $e made0 to Communists and non-Communist countries ali)e<e does not point out0 o course0 that these demands cannot possi$ly have any e ect in Communist countries $ecause there is no pu$lic opinion there that they can in luence0 and that the people o the Communist countries cannot even ind out a$out these demands unless the Communist Party decides to tell them- <e does not indicate that the real purpose is to in luence pu$lic opinion in ree countries where the government is elected and controlled $y the people- The sympathi#er0 satis ied when these demands are nominally extended to all countries0 is sold on this magni icent idea and is enlisted in the causeThe sympathi#er then approaches the pseudo-li$eral who thin)s it a wonder ul idea- <e would not $e happy to participate in a Communist plan0 $ut he )nows the sympathi#er is not a Communist- <e is aware0 may$e0 that the sympathi#er has some radical ideas0 $ut he0 unli)e most other people0 is open-minded0 and does not hold that against him- "$viously the idea is an excellent one and merits his support- Thus the pseudo-li$eral $ecomes the spo)esman who approaches the dupe0 the patriotic $usinessman who will supply the inance and the respecta$ility- 8t the periphery0 then0 the patriotic $usinessman is approached $y an antiCommunist li$eral or a worthy o$/ective- The money is provided0 names are written on the letterhead0 a pu$lic relations department is esta$lished0 the propaganda is proclaimed0 and the organi#ed Communist 'ront goes into operation- (uper icially0 it appears to $e the wor) o patriotic $usinessmen0 educators0 scientists and others o repute0 $ut $ehind these dupes are the pseudo-li$erals. $ehind them are the sympathi#ers. and $ehind the sympathi#ers0 at the


very center0 are the unseen Communists and ellow travellers who are in control o policy and program'ronts such as this have $een ormed a thousand times and in a thousand ways- They have recruited many well-meaning anti-Communists into the service o Communism- Thus is Communist science applied where$y the organi#ed ew multiply their e ectiveness $y organi#ing a mass movement that0 on speci ic issues0 can sometimes ma)e and $rea) democratic0 anti-Communist governments- 8gain the conclusion is clear that an understanding mind and an alert attitude is the only protection the individual has against involuntary involvement- *ternal vigilance is the price o li$erty-

Captive 0rgani1ations
Communist 'ronts have $een organi#ed to exploit la$or0 religion0 art0 civil li$erties0 culture and nationalism- The 'ronts that proclaim Peace and !ational Li$eration have $een particularly e ective- In addition to these specially organi#ed 'ronts0 the Communists ma)e use o organi#ations that have $een in existence or long periods- 're1uently0 these organi#ations were ormed $y non-Communists or non-Communist purposes0 $ut nonetheless they $ecome captives o Communism- This is made possi$le $y the Communists% willingness to wor) hard at unpleasant tas)s in the interests o such organi#ations- In every organi#ation0 there is a certain amount o routine wor) to $e done0 wor) that is not spectacular or interesting0 and there ore not very appealing to most people- 6hen the Communists /oin the organi#ation0 they wor) hard- They are availa$le or dull and menial tas)s- They write the letters0 they wrap the pac)ages0 they prepare the mimeographed materials- Dery o ten they are the inest wor)ers that the organi#ation has- 6hen election time comes round0 nothing is more natural than that they should $e elected to executive o ice- Thus the Communists0 $y reason o their clarity o purpose0 their drive towards an o$/ective0 and their hard0 dedicated wor)0 ta)e over institutions that have $een created with the money o Capitalist enterprise and use them to destroy li$ertyThe Communists are magni icently organi#ed- They have dedicated personnel and they have ac1uired vast experience- "nly on a $asis o understanding0 organi#ation and dedication can we hope to meet and de eat them- To hate them is utile- (ome o their most e ective servants have $een their $itterest enemies- *yes that see and minds that thin) must merge with hearts that love reedom0 to meet this challenge,- D- I- Lenin0 3Le t-6ing3 Communism0 an In antile Disorder FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouse0 ,E@BG0 pp- ,7B-,-



Techni(ues or Seizing )ower

)hi#osoph3 o 6io#ence

The Communists have wor)ed out $oth theoretical and practical techni1ues or the achievement o their goal o world con1uest- "ne o their undamental theoretical texts is Lenin%s $oo)0 The (tate and the Revolution which has now $ecome the world%s most translated $oo)Lenin was in the process o writing this $oo) when he le t (wit#erland to return to Russia in ,E,H to organi#e the Communist sei#ure o power- The revolution that overthrew the Russian C#ar in 'e$ruary0 ,E,H0 was not a Communist revolution0 $ut a spontaneous mass rising supported $y many di erent groups o people- 6hen this genuine revolution too) place0 most o the important Communist personalities were in exile either in (i$eria or in countries outside Russia- "nce the revolution was accomplished0 a political amnesty was declaredThereupon0 &olshevi)s and revolutionaries who had $een scattered throughout the world converged on Petrograd- (talin returned rom exile in (i$eria to assume editorship o the Communist Party paper0 Pravda- Trots)y returned rom !ova (cotia- Lenin returned rom ;eneva0 (wit#erland0 where his pen had $een pouring orth a loodtide o literature urging civil war in Russia- Upon his arrival in Petrograd0 he in ormed the revolutionary wor)ers that he had returned to con1uer and govern Russia- <is claim caused considera$le astonishment0 particularly in the ran)s o the orthodox Marxists- It must $e remem$ered that the &olshevi)s o whom Lenin was leader were $ut a small party num$ering some twenty thousand mem$ersLenin%s Marxist critics0 when they heard his claim0 said0 3'arewell0 Lenin the Marxist. welcome0 Lenin the anarchist53 !onetheless0 Lenin achieved the impossi$le- 6ithin six months0 with a small $and o aith ul ollowers0 he had stolen the legitimate ruits o the revolution0 $etrayed the wor)ing people o Russia0 and esta$lished the greatest tyranny and dictatorship the world has ever )nown- The (tate and the Revolution which he was writing at that time is still considered a undamental theoretical text$oo)- In it Lenin sets orth how the Communists are to come to power within the state0 and what they must do once they are in powerLenin here concentrates upon the necessity o violence- <e considers government the instrument $y which the ruling class controls and exploits the su$/ect class- 8ll government is class government0 and the institutions o a state such as the legislature0 the executive0 the /udiciary0 the police power0 the tax power0 and the educational institutions0 are the instruments o the ruling class or the exploitation o the su$/ective class- 8ccording to Lenin%s thesis0 the governments o *urope and 8merica were $ourgeois governments which existed to exploit the people- These governments could $e overthrown only through violence and $loodshedTo Lenin the use o orce and violence was not to $e merely a reaction to orce and violence used $y the Capitalists- To him orce was an instrument o positive purpose and he was totally devoid o any apologetic attitude towards its use- <e states categorically that violence is essential to their purpose2 3The supersession o the $ourgeois state $y the proletarian state is impossi$le without a violent revolution-3 F,G


In saying this0 Lenin went urther than his mentor0 +arl Marx0 had done- Marx had allowed the possi$ility o $loodless revolutions in *ngland and 8merica- Marx claimed that since the $ureaucracy was not developed to the same extent in these countries as in other *uropean countries0 and since the police and military power o these states was not so great0 there existed the possi$ility o a peace ul transition to (ocialism- Lenin said that these conditions no longer applied- In *urope0 in *ngland0 and in 8merica0 the revolution to $ring a$out the transition rom the $ourgeois state to the proletarian must $e violent- There could $e no possi$ility o non-violent0 success ul revolution"ne o the speci ic crimes or which Lenin mercilessly chasti#ed +arl +auts)y0 the leading Marxist theorist o the (econd International0 was his continued clinging to the possi$ility o a peace ul transition to (ocialism in *ngland and 8merica as had $een admitted $y Marx- In his tirade0 The Proletarian Revolution and the renegade +auts)y0 Lenin writes2 'urther0 was there in the seventies anything which made *ngland and 8merica exceptional in regard to what we are now discussing9 It will $e o$vious to anyone at all amiliar with the re1uirements o science in regard to the pro$lems o history that this 1uestion must $e put- To ail to put it is tantamount to alsi ying science0 to engaging in sophistry- 8nd0 the 1uestion having $een put0 there can $e no dou$t as to the reply2 the revolutionary dictatorship o the proletariat is violence against the $ourgeoisie. and the necessity o such violence is particularly created0 as Marx and *ngels have repeatedly explained in detail Fespecially in 3The Civil 6ar in 'rance3 and in the pre ace to itG0 $y the existence o a military cli1ue and a $ureaucracy- &ut it is precisely these institutions that were non-existent precisely in *ngland and in 8merica and precisely in the ,AHB%s0 when Marx made his o$servations Fthey do exist in *ngland and in 8merica nowG5F7G The Communist attitude on violence is re1uently misunderstood- *ven the opponents o Communism thin) that the Communists do not necessarily want violence0 that they use violence only $ecause the exploiting class resists their assumption o power- This was never the viewpoint o the Communist leaders0 particularly Lenin and *ngels- +auts)y0 who was reputed to have learned the entire wor)s o Marx $y heart0 was viciously attac)ed $y Lenin or his lu)ewarm attitude toward violence- +auts)y%s attitude was that they might have to use violence $ut that i they had to do so it would $e regretta$le0 or violence was $ad and corrupted those who used it- In reply Lenin 1uoted rom *ngel%s $oo)0 8nti DJhring2 - - - That orce0 however0 plays also another role Fother than that o a dia$olical powerG in history0 a revolutionary role. that0 in the words o Marx0 is the midwi e o every old society which is pregnant with a new one0 that it is the instrument with the aid o which social movement orces its way through and shatters the dead0 ossili#ed political orms-o this there is not a wor) in <err DJhring- It is only with sighs and groans that he admits the possi$ility that orce will perhaps $e necessary or the overthrow o the economic system o exploitationun ortunately0 $ecause all uses o orce0 orsooth0 demorali#es the person who uses it- 8nd this in spite o the immense moral and spiritual impetus which has $een given $y every victorious revolution5 8nd this in ;ermany0 where a violent collision-which indeed may $e orced on the people-would at least have the advantage o wiping out the servility which has permeated the national consciousness as result o the humiliation o the Thirty 4ears% 6ar- 8nd this parson%s mode o thought-li eless0 insipid and impotent-claims the right to impose itsel on the most revolutionary party that history has )nown-F>G


Lenin was an enthusiastic advocate o violence- <is revolution was to $e no peace ul transition- It is possi$le to sense the delight with which he proclaimed *ngels% teaching on this su$/ect2 <ave these gentlemen Fthe anti authoritariansG ever seen a revolution9 8 revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is. it is the act where$y one part o the population imposes its will upon the other part $y means o ri les0 $ayonets and cannon-authoritarian means0 i such there $e at all. and i the victorious party does not want to have ought in vain0 it must maintain this rule $y means o the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionaries6ould the Paris Commune have lasted a single day i it had not made use o this authority o the armed people against the $ourgeois9 (hould we not0 on the contrary0 reproach it or not having used it reely enough9F?G The second eature o the revolution descri$ed $y Lenin in The (tate and Revolution was its purpose- The purpose o the revolution was not to sei#e control o the (tate0 $ut to destroy itMost o the $oo) is given over to the thesis that the (tate must $e destroyed- The (tate unctions in many ways- It unctions through the constitution. it unctions through the executive authority-the President0 the Ca$inet0 the :ustice Department0 the Police Department0 the De ense Department. it unctions through the legislature0 through the /udiciary0 and through the civil service- The goal o Communism was not to secure a president exercising constitutional power- It was not to appoint the ca$inet o icers such as the (ecretary o (tate or De ense- The appointment o the /udges was not their avowed o$/ective- The purpose was to destroy utterly the constitution0 the legislative system0 the /udicial system0 and the administrative system0 to wipe out the (tate and $uild a new one in a totally di erent ormLenin%s argument is $ased on Marx%s analysis o what had happened to the 'rench Commune in ,AH, when the Communards tried to ta)e over the Capitalist (tate and use it as an instrument o government- The Commune was soon overthrown- Lenin said that when a (tate is allowed to continue0 it inevita$ly carries within itsel the seeds o counter revolution- Its mem$ers have their vested interests in the old society- The (tate must $e destroyed- This was expressed $y 6illiam I- 'oster0 Chairman o the Communist Party o 8merica in his statement2 !o Communist0 no matter how many votes he should secure in a national election0 could0 even i he would0 $ecome President o the present government- 6hen a Communist heads a government in the United (tates-and that day will come /ust as surely as the sun rises-that government will not $e a capitalistic government $ut a (oviet government0 and $ehind this government will stand the Red 8rmy to en orce the Dictatorship o the Proletariat-


4ei1ure o Power
The assumption o power0 then0 is $y violent revolution leading to the destruction o the (tate and the esta$lishment o the dictatorship o the proletariat- The Communists wor)ed out theoretical processes $y which this sei#ure o power was to $e reali#ed- <istory now records the practical methods $y which they have sei#ed power in a num$er o countries0 speci ically0 Russia0 China0 and the misnamed People%s Democracies o *astern *uropeThe assumption o power may $e $y various methods o which three will $e discussed- They are2 ,-Internal revolt through control o the la$or unions 7-Military con1uest >-Piecemeal surrender to military $lac)mail-

Revolt Through La&or /nion Control

This traditional method which the Communists have advocated or many years has not as yet succeeded in the esta$lishment o e ective Communist power in any country- "riginally they saw the la$or unions as the instrument through which the Communist Party was to come to power- The program was as ollows- The Communists were to in iltrate the la$or unions and secure executive power within them- They were then to call an industrial stri)e- This industrial stri)e would $ecome a political stri)e0 then a general stri)e and inally a revolutionary stri)e leading to armed insurrection and the con1uest o powerThe irst necessity was to in iltrate the la$or unions- Lenin speci ically states this in his $oo)0 3Le t-6ing3 Communism0 an In antile Disorder- <ow they got into the la$or unions did not matter- They were to wor) their way in0 lie their way in0 or $uy their way in- The all important thing was that they get in6e must $e a$le to withstand all this0 Fi-e- insults and persecutionG0 to agree to all and every sacri ice0 and even-i need $e-to resort to various stratagems0 arti ices0 illegal methods0 to evasions and su$ter uges0 only so as to get into the trade unions0 to remain in them0 and to carry on Communist wor) within them at all costs-F@G .n%ustrial 4tri)e "nce in power0 at the appropriate moment0 they were to call an industrial stri)e- 8n industrial stri)e is de ined as one directed at the achievement o an industrial goal such as higher wages or shorter wor)ing hours- ;enerally spea)ing0 such a stri)e can always $e called- There are always grievances0 and desires or improved conditions that any intelligent Communist leader can exploit- Moreover0 an industrial stri)e is0 generally spea)ing0 the only type o stri)e which can $e organi#ed and maintained with the support o the wor)ers- The industrial stri)e must then $e trans erred into a political stri)ePolitical 4tri)e 8 political stri)e is not designed to secure immediate0 tangi$le0 industrial $ene its or the wor)ers0 $ut to destroy the Capitalist system- 8 political stri)e is designed to undermine the oundations o authority $y creating chaos0 unemployment0 $itterness0 hunger and ear?>

Usually0 a political stri)e0 as such0 cannot $e called0 $ut an industrial stri)e can $e trans ormed into a political one- 8s the political stri)e extends and grows into a general stri)e0 many situations will arise where the stri)ing wor)ers come into con lict with organi#ed authority0 usually with the police0 $ut sometimes with the military orcesRevolutionary 4tri)e 8s acts o violence come to $e associated with it0 the political stri)e trans orms itsel into a revolutionary stri)e- 6hen the revolutionary stri)e has developed su iciently and drawn into its or$it enough wor)ing people0 a general insurrection can ta)e place- Thus the insurrection is success ul0 the Communists0 through their control o the la$or unions0 will $e a$le to esta$lish their dictatorship o the proletariatThis method0 their traditional method or the sei#ure o power0 has not yet $rought them success in any country- &ut it has $een a most important ad/unct to their sei#ure o power and rehearsals o the process have ta)en place in many countriesThe last great stri)e wave organi#ed $y the Communists or this purpose was in the year ,E?EDuring that year there were world-wide0 co-ordinated0 organi#ed stri)es- There was a doc) wor)ers% stri)e in *ngland when the &ritish authorities expelled rom &ritain as an international Communist agent Louis ;old$latt0 secretary-treasuser o the International Longshore 6or)ers and 6arehousemen%s Union- The islands o <awaii approached economic strangulation during the doc)wor)ers% stri)e that year- In 8ustralia there was a coal-miners% stri)e- These stri)es were co-ordinated on a world-wide scaleThe coal-miners% stri)e in 8ustralia is o special interest as it was a rehearsal o the Communist program or the assumption o total power- In 8ustralia0 the Communist Party is an open political party and nominates candidates or political o ice in ederal0 state0 and municipal government- These nominations are made in the name o the Communist Party- &ut the Communists in 8ustralia have always $een a small0 politically insigni icant minority0 and their candidates invaria$ly ail misera$ly- There is a system in 8ustralia where$y a candidate0 when he nominates or an elective o ice0 must pay a deposit which is re unded i he secures a certain percentage o the votes o the leading candidate- This is designed to prevent rivolous candidates with no prospect o victory rom swamping the candidate list- It is a great day or the Communist Party i one o their candidates saves his deposit- The Communists in 8ustralia do not get elected to political o ice<owever0 their industrial power is very strong indeed- &y ollowing Lenin%s techni1ue0 this hand ul o Communists has come to power in a vast segment o 8ustralia%s la$or unions- They are very hard wor)ers0 they are good organi#ers0 and they are dedicated- &ecause o their organi#ing a$ility and dedication0 they are re1uently elected to executive union o ice6hen I was a resident medical o icer in the ;eneral <ospital in &ris$ane0 8ustralia0 the largest hospital in the (outhern <emisphere0 the la$or situation was most interesting- The o icial union o the non-medical wor)ers at the &ris$ane ;eneral <ospital was the 8ustralian 6or)ers% Union which0 in its leadership0 was ervently anti-Communist- The representative o the wor)ers at the hospital was a man called +ing who was a anatical Communist- +ing was elected $y the wor)ers as their representative in the hospital not $ecause he was a Communist0 $ut $ecause he was prepared to wor) or them assiduously and courageously- *very day when they received their pay chec)s0 +ing stood at the o ice and waited- I one o them had a grievance0 he went to +ing who immediately went to the management- There he yelled and ??

shouted i necessary0 in order to have the supposed wrong righted- Those wor)ers )new that i they had a grievance0 +ing would $e on their side0 right or wrong0 and that they could depend on him- There ore0 they made him their representative- The union itsel was anatically antiCommunist in its leadership and in its o icial pu$lication- &ut local Communists such as +ing were a$le $y sheer hard wor) to exercise considera$le in luence and authority- The wor)ers served $y such men saw only the dedication0 not the ultimate purpose&y this method the Communists were a$le to come to power in a large num$er o 8ustralian unions- These unions included the (eamen%s Union o 8ustralia0 the secretary to which was a ervent0 sel -proclaimed Communist0 the 6aterside 6or)ers% 'ederation o which the secretary0 :im <ealy0 was a prominent Communist0 and the Coal Miners% 'ederation which was under e ective Communist control- In ,E?E0 the steelwor)ers% union o 8ustralia0 )nown as the 'ederated Ironwor)ers% Union0 was directed $y Communist o icials0 though these have since $een expelled- Thus the Communists were in considera$le power in a very signi icant section o organi#ed la$or in 8ustraliaIn the winter o ,E?E0 a stri)e was called in the coal mining industry- Coal is the li e $lood o 8ustralia- The country has no natural petroleum and no natural gas- Coal is the source o gas0 electricity0 and0 $asically0 the source o transportation- It is the economic li e $lood o the country- This was particularly true in ,E?E- There had $een a severe coal shortage since the end o the war- There were no coal stoc)s at grass anywhere in 8ustralia- Coal that was mined one day was transported or use the ollowing day- The coal that is used to provide gas or heating and coo)ing in (ydney comes rom !ewcastle which is one hundred miles to the north- I a storm was raging and a coal ship was held up0 it was 1uite common or gas rationing to $e imposed till the coal arrived- Pu$lic utilities generally operated under the constant threat o coal starvationIn this situation a coal stri)e was called- It was called in de iance o the esta$lished law ul processes or the settling o disputes0 while the dispute was still $e ore the ar$itration authorities- It was called as an industrial stri)e demanding increased wages and ringe $ene its6hen the stri)e $egan0 chaos $ecame the order o the day- There was immediate rationing o gas and electricity- Industries that depended upon electricity had to close down- <undreds o thousands o men were thrown out o wor)- It was illegal to $urn more than one electric light $ul$ in a home at any one time- ;as was allowed or an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening or coo)ing purposes only- It was mid-winter- ;as ires and electric radiators0 which provide the only heat in most 8ustralian homes0 were prohi$ited without a medical prescription- There were a num$er o tragedies- "ld age pensioners0 living in rooms $y themselves and eeling desperately cold0 would illegally light their gas ires and go to sleep8s they slept0 the gas would $e turned o at the main- Later the gas would $e turned on again and lood their rooms with deadly umes while they slept on- Many did not awa)enThe government in power at that time was the 8ustralian La$our Party0 an avowed0 sel proclaimed (ocialist Party- They declared that this was a revolutionary assault upon the authority and economy o the country and introduced drastic legislation- They sent the armed orces into the strip coal mines to mine coal or the people- The 6aterside 6or)er%s 'ederation0 the Miner%s 'ederation0 and the (teel 6or)er%s Union under Communist leadership had withdrawn large sums o money rom the $an) to use as stri)e pay- The executive o icers o these unions were ta)en $e ore the courts and ordered to produce these sums o money


which they had withdrawn $e ore the law ree#ing their unds was introduced- 6hen they re used0 they were sentenced to imprisonment or contempt o courtChaos developed- *verywhere there was stri e and $itterness- The unemployed and the cold were ripe or Communist agitation- The Communist agitators placed the whole $lame on the Capitalist system urging its overthrowThere was a rehearsal or the armed insurrection- 6hen :im <ealy0 the secretary o the 6aterside 6or)er%s 'ederation0 was sent to prison or re usal to o$ey the court%s order to produce the money which had $een withdrawn rom the $an)0 the Communists agitated on the water ront- They gathered the longshoremen together and told them that this was an assault on them- This man was their representative- They had elected him- It was their duty to stand $y him- I they let this go without protest0 soon more serious measures would $e ta)en against them such as reductions in wages- The men were stirred up and0 thousands strong0 they marched through the streets- It did not $rea) out into open violence0 $ut all the potentials were there- I the moment had $een considered ripe0 an incident could have $een started0 leading to ighting- In this way a political stri)e $ecomes a revolutionary stri)e0 and a revolutionary stri)e $ecomes armed insurrectionThe most revealing aspect o the whole situation was the helplessness o the wor)ers and the power o the leaders in the crisis hours- *very la$or union in 8ustralia lined up0 not in terms o the patriotism o its mem$ership0 $ut in terms o the Communist a iliation o its leadersThe mem$ership o the unions was helpless while the leadership was all-power ul- This was very well illustrated $y the di erent $ehavior o the railwaymen in the states o Dictoria and !ew (outh 6ales- Dictoria and !ew (outh 6ales0 the two most populous 8ustralian states0 are contiguous to each other- There is no possi$le way $y which you could di erentiate the Dictorian wor)ers rom those in !ew (outh 6ales- They are similar in every respect!evertheless0 the Dictorian railwaymen were part o the Communist revolutionary ront- They sided with the stri)ers and re used to move the coal mined $y the army0 declaring it hot- The railwaymen o !ew (outh 6ales0 on the other hand0 handled the coal0 transported it0 and delivered it to pu$lic utilities0 thus playing a large part in the maintenance o essential services- The railwaymen o !ew (outh 6ales e ectively thwarted the Communist o$/ective o a transport stri)e to advance the revolutionThere was one all-important di erence $etween the railwaymen o the two states- In Dictoria0 the secretary o the railwaymen was :ac) &rown0 a Communist0 while the secretary in !ew (outh 6ales was :ac) 'erguson0 an anti-Communist- That was the sole di erence0 $ut in the crisis hour0 these men had legal authority to ma)e decisions which were $inding on thousands o other men- The executives had the power to ma)e the decisions unless a mass meeting was called to overthrow them- This was well nigh impossi$le since mass meetings may re1uire up to ourteen days% notice- Multitudes may starve in ourteen days're1uently the argument is made that0 provided that wor)ers are patriotic0 a ew extreme union leaders do not matter very much- <istory has proven this to $e nonsense- The International Longshore and 6arehouse 6or)ers% Union o the 6est Coast o the United (tates was expelled rom the CI" $ecause it was a consistent instrument o the international Communist conspiracy- The longshore wor)ers o Cali ornia are no less patriotic than the longshore wor)ers o the *ast Coast0 $ut on the 6est Coast they are controlled $y a hand ul o Communist o icialsThat the I-L-6-U- is slavishly devoted to Communist purposes is revealed in the pu$lished report o the (u$-committee to Investigate the 8dministration o the Internal (ecurity 8ct and ?C

"ther Internal (ecurity Laws to the Committee on the :udiciary 0 United (tates (enate- This report reveals that during the collective or popular ront period o the Communist Party0 the I-L-6-U supported Roosevelt%s anti-aggression program- 6ith the signing o the (talin-<itler pact0 however0 the I-L-6-U- suddenly discovered that the war in *urope was o no concern to it- It attac)ed President Roosevelt and his policy o giving aid to the allies- 'ollowing the opening o hostilities $etween ;ermany and Russia in :une0 ,E?,0 the I-L-6-U- leadership reversed its policy and declared that the war in *urope was0 a ter all0 o vital concern to the la$or movement- In the summer o ,E??0 &ridges and the I-L-6-U- executive $oard urged that the no stri)e pledge $e extended into peacetime- 6ith the end o the war in *urope and the collapse o the wartime colla$oration $etween the (oviet Union and the Democratic !ations0 the position o the I-L-6-U-0 li)e that o the Communist Party0 underwent another change0 and the no stri)e pledge was orgotten6hen the Truman Plan or ;reece and Tur)ey was announced in the spring o ,E?H0 it was $itterly attac)ed in the newspaper o the I-L-6-U-0 The Despatcher- In a ront page editorial0 it was compared with the international gangsterism o <itler- 6hen the Marshal Plan was enunciated0 it too was condemned $y the I-L-6-U- The I-L-6-U- has demanded that the United (tates cease testing and producing the atomic $om$ without calling or international inspection o the (oviet%s production o atomic weapons- The I-L-6-U- has opposed the !orth 8tlantic 8lliance- In :une0 ,E?E0 The Despatcher hailed the li$eration o China0 comparing it with the 8merican and 'rench Revolutions- Thus thousands o men ollow in minute detail every twist in the Communist Party line0 $ecause they are helpless in the hands o a ew Communist leaders who control and direct their assets and utili#e them or the Communist purpose8 sample o this Communist process or the sei#ure o power has occurred here in 8merica- It too) place in (an 'rancisco in ,E>?- (am Darcy0 ormer district organi#er o the Communist Party o Cali ornia0 outlined the Party%s plan o operation in his article on the (an 'rancisco &ay area general stri)e in The Communist or "cto$er0 ,E>?- The su$stance o the article was later presented in a report $y Darcy to the seventh congress o the Communist International meeting in Moscow in 8ugust0 ,E>@- The report reads as ollows2 3Let me state here that there would have $een no maritime or general stri)e except or the wor) o our party- The very act that it was a sympathy stri)e gives it its political characterThe ight $egan in the decisive sector o (an 'rancisco%s economy0 namely 0 the maritime industry- It is apparent rom the stated acts that the stri)e had a de inite political character38$out a wee) previous Fto :une ,AG 0 in anticipation o the possi$le needs or a general stri)e0 we had succeeded in convincing the Painters Local ,,@A to sign a circular letter addressed to all other locals o the 8-'- o L-0 declaring their own support or a general stri)e0 and as)ing their vote or it0 so that0 should a general stri)e $ecome necessary0 it would $e possi$le to call it at the critical moment without any harm ul delay3The very next day the Machinists Local CA0 the oldest0 and very in luential 8-'-o L- local in (an 'rancisco voted to /oin the general stri)e movement3" course0 the general stri)e movement was in no sense a spontaneous movement- It too) long and care ul preparations- 8t irst the militants Fi-e- the CommunistsG sent small committees0 chie ly rom the longshoremen%s local0 to other 8-'- o L- locals0 appealing or support $y a vote or a general stri)e- 'irst we tac)led only those locals that we )new were most militant- 8s we $egan to tac)le the larger locals and those in the )ey industries which would $e critical or the outcome o the general stri)e0 we sent0 not small delegations0 $ut ?H

delegations ranging rom i ty to as much as our hundred- The general stri)e movement was actually advancing very rapidly0 $y the votes which were daily ta)ing place in the local unions stimulated largely $y the delegations o militants34et the wor)ers in the Longshoremen%s local0 an 8-'- o L- a iliate and a cra t union0 were a$le under the pressure o circumstances0 1uic)ly to $rea) down their own routine wor) inside their own local0 and reach out to other locals as ar removed rom longshore wor) as $a)ers and cleaners and dyers0 and help organi#e them or the general stri)e- "ur strategy was to use the :oint Maritime (tri)e Committee as a $ase3"n :uly @ the !ational ;uard too) control o the water ront- "n that day inally the :oint Maritime (tri)e Committee issued a lea let openly calling or the general stri)e3;etting the Teamsters to /oin the stri)e was at this time the main orce needed to ma)e certain the eventuality o the general stri)e- This was due to the prestige and strategic post which the Teamsters had- "n the night o the ,,th the Teamsters met- This was0 in a sense0 a point which was decisive or the general stri)e- The Teamsters demanded to hear &ridges0 who was given a tremendous ovation0 and they inally voted to go out the next morning3&y the next morning0 :uly ,70 CB local unions had voted or the general stri)e and a$out ,B locals were already out3(aturday and (unday were used $y the militants or two activities0 irst0 to pull the remaining locals out0 and0 secondly0 to mo$ili#e or organi#ational contact- 6e had to develop a movement within all the local unions0 or special mem$ership meetings to elect the ive to the ;eneral (tri)e Committee instead o appointing them- The militants also tried through agitation0 such as a lea let issued $y the Longshoremen%s local0 a statement $y <arry &ridges0 an appeal $y the party and the 6estern 6or)er0 etc-0 to stimulate the wor)ers to orce the election o the delegations o ive to the ;eneral (tri)e Committee in their locals- 6e tried to get an appeal rom the (an 'rancisco ;eneral (tri)e Committee to the Portland wor)ers3"n Monday morning the general stri)e was e ective $eyond all expectations- !othing moved in or out o the city- 'or practical utility there are six ways o entrance to the cityThese are2 F,G &ay (hore <ighway. F7G U-(- ,B, road. F>G ()yline &oulevard. F?G the erries. F@G $y sea. FCG the railroads- *very one o these ways0 excepting the erries and railroads0 was patrolled $y our pic)eting s1uads o wor)ers- !othing moved without permission o the stri)e committee- 6ithing the city0 transportation was tied up. production stood at a standstill- It was o$vious that the military orces were helpless against such a stri)e movement3In a widely populari#ed radio address $y ;overnor Merriam that very day0 he said2 %&y its very nature the general stri)e challenges the authority and a$ility o the ;overnment to maintain itsel -%3FCG 8 similar situation is potentially possi$le again- The ormation o all transport unions into one association such as that $eing considered at present under the leadership o <o a and &ridges carries potentials o great danger- 8 mass transport stri)e could so paraly#e this country that starvation and death would $e rampant in every part- The danger is not limited to 8merica- 8n international transportation tie up could $e ear ul in its outreach through all the worldThe mechanism outlined $y the Communists is still in operation- It is not completely out o date- Though it has not as yet ully succeeded in ta)ing over a country0 any person o intelligence has great reason or concern when wor)ers can $e compelled to /oin organi#ations0 contri$ute their money0 and o$ey the leadership imposed $y a small group?A

6hen that money can $e used or political purposes $y a constant propaganda campaign $y press0 radio and television so that the pu$lic may $e in luenced to elect legislators under o$ligation to the union leadership0 the very oundation o repu$lican0 democratic government is in danger- 6hen government $ecomes irreversi$le0 dictatorship is at the door,- D- I- Lenin0 The (tate and Revolution FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouseG0 p>@7- D- I- Lenin0 The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade +auts)y FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouse0 ,E@7G0 pp- 7>-?>- =uoted $y Lenin in The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade +auts)y0 p- 7H?- =uoted $y Lenin in The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade +auts)y0 p- 7H@- D- I- Lenin0 3Le t-6ing3 Communism0 an In antile Disorder FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouse0 ,E@BG0 p- C@ F6ords in parenthesis added-G C- The 8lliance o Certain Rac)eteer and Communist Dominated Unions in the 'ield o Transportation as a Threat to !ational (ecurity 0 Report $y the (u$committee to Investigate the 8dministration o the Internal (ecurity 8ct and "ther Internal (ecurity Laws to the Committee on the :udiciary0 United (tates (enate0 A@th Congress0 (econd (ession0 Decem$er ,H0 ,E@A0 United (tates ;overnment Printing " ice0 6ashington0 ,E@A0 pp-7A->B-


Success u# Techni(ues For Seizing )ower

The Communist attempt to sei#e power through la$or union control has not yet achieved complete victory or the Communists in any country- In those countries where they have esta$lished their rule0 the means employed have $een 1uite di erent- The methods $y which they achieved power in Russia0 China0 and C#echoslova)ia merit special study- In each case they sei#ed power utili#ing deception0 esta$lished themselves $y violence0 and maintained their dictatorship $y totally enslaving helpless people-

Revolution $ro)e out in Russia in 'e$ruary0 ,E,H- The C#ar was overthrown0 and a repu$lican order was esta$lished- The declaration o a political amnesty $rought into the open the various Russian revolutionary parties- These parties were numerous0 and the degree o their revolutionary ervor and devotion to violence varied considera$lyThe most moderate o these parties was the Constitutional Democratic Party )nown as the Cadets- They avored the esta$lishment o a Parliamentary Repu$lic and change via the $allot $ox8 second was the historic Russian revolutionary party0 the (ocial Revolutionaries whose program was agrarian re orm rather than industrial development- The (ocial Revolutionaries were also called the populists $ecause o their slogan0 3to the people-3 Desiring to improve the lot o the peasants0 young Russian intellectuals went out to the people with their revolutionary message- They advocated land ownership $y the peasants themselves- They were not a Marxist Party and did not $elieve that Russia should ollow the pathway o Capitalist development- 8s their name indicates0 they avored radical action and were addicted to violence- Lenin attac)ed them re1uently during his careerThe anarchists were another signi icant group- They were addicted to violence0 assassination and sa$otage0 and had a long revolutionary tradition and a total contempt or governmental authority o every ormThe Marxists were divided primarily into the &olshevi)s and the Menshevi)s0 the ormer $eing under the leadership o Lenin- 8s has $een related0 the &olshevi)s $ecame the Communists'inally0 there were various independent revolutionary groups0 as well as individuals who owed allegiance to no party $ut were devotees o violent revolutionary actionThese various parties set to wor)0 organi#ed0 and pu$lished their newspapers- They participated in common organi#ations )nows as the soviets- The soviets were $orn in the ,EB@ Russian revolution when the historic techni1ue o the mass stri)e had $een tried and had ailed- The soviets were committees ormed in strategic areas to direct the stri)e and the revolution- They were called soviets o wor)ers0 soldiers and peasants% deputies- Their delegates were elected rom the proletariat wor)ing in the actories0 rom the peasantry and rom the ran)s o the common soldiers and sailors- They $egan as completely uno icial $odiesThe soviets were re- ormed in the days o the Russian Repu$lic a ter the overthrow o the C#ar- The Menshevi)s and the (ocial Revolutionaries were well represented in these soviets@B

The latter were divided into two groups0 Le t and Right- The &olshevi)s were in a small minority in the irst hal o ,E,H- The slogan at this time was0 38ll power to the soviets03 $ut Lenin0 illed with a desire to sei#e complete power in Russia and aware that the soviets were ar rom $eing under &olshevi) control0 was only hal hearted in his support o this sloganMeanwhile0 Russia was staggering under the $lows o the ,E,?-,E,A war- *normous losses had $een su ered on their western ront- The soldiers0 short o necessary weapons0 were in a mutinous mood0 while at home0 the people were consumed $y a desire or peace and or landLenin0 the dynamic Marxist who sei#ed every oppportunity to advance his cause0 developed a program which promised peace and land- *verywhere he agitated or the end o the war- <e urged the peasants to throw down their arms0 return to their homes0 and sei#e the ields o their landlords which0 he said0 were right ully theirs- The slogan0 3Peace and land03 was very popularIn adopting such a program0 Lenin had contravened all the accepted standards o Marxist doctrine- Classical Marxist doctrine had $een that private ownership o land was to $e replaced $y collective ownership- Lenin utterly reversed this policy $y promising land to every$ody- The other Mar#ist parties indignantly accused him o stealing the program o the (ocial Revolutionaries- This is exactly what he had done0 $ra#enly and shamelessly- Lenin was a dynamic Marxist0 a $eliever in the dialectic which0 as we will see0 allowed him complete reedom o action and policy- I his goal o power could $e achieved $y doing the exact opposite o what he had long advocated0 then that is what he should do- The $asic doctrine o Marxism-Leninism is2 Come to power- The Marxist-Leninist will promise whatever is necessary in order to achieve that end- Lenin0 there ore0 promised peace and land&ut the gi t o land was merely the $ait that covered the $ar$ed hoo) o Communist dictatorshipIt is interesting to notice in passing how Communist policy with regard to the ownership o land varied in the years that ollowed- In ,E,H0 Lenin gave the land to the peasants0 $ut con iscated the crops when they were harvested- The disgruntled armers lost their enthusiasm and the harvest diminished- The grain shortage $ecame serious and a desperate amine aroseIn ,E7,0 a ter our years o power0 the Communists were on the verge o $eing overthrownTo avert this0 Lenin made a dramatic reversal in policy- <e re-esta$lished Capitalism- <e introduced the !ew *conomic Policy which allowed private trading in grain- Many o the Communists regarded this as a con ession o utter de eat and some ideological extremists committed suicide on the streets- &ut Lenin0 regarding the situation in the light o the dialectic0 saw it as a temporary withdrawal or uture advanceDuring the period o the !ew *conomic Policy0 the arm produce o Russia increased0 and the ood situation improved greatly- The Communists0 meanwhile0 were esta$lishing their power in the cities- &y ,E7A0 (talin0 who had succeeded Lenin0 elt that they were strong enough to put their real program into operation- <e there ore reversed the !ew *conomic Policy0 and declared war on the peasants- The most prosperous o the peasants0 who were )nown as 3)ula)s03 were arrested0 herded together0 and deported to (i$eria- The slogan was0 3Li1uidation o the )ula)s as a class-3 The )ula)s were not landlords- The landlords had $een annihilated in ,E,H-,A- The )ula)s were peasants who had armed e iciently and employed la$or on their armsThe )ula)%s land was made the $asis o the collective arms to which the middle and poor peasants were urged to contri$ute their land and livestoc)- These peasants0 however0 resisted


attempts to ma)e them /oin the collectives0 pre erring to wor) their own land- 6hen they were orced to /oin0 many o them slaughtered their animals and a great amine rose in the landIn ,E>, (talin decided to teach the peasants a inal lesson- <e too) all the wheat rom the U)raine and dumped it down in 6estern *urope0 leaving the U)rainians to starve- During that ear ul winter o ,E>,0 it is reported seven million starved to death- (pea)ing at a meeting in Cali ornia0 I was in ormed $y a young woman who had $een a school child in +iev in the U)raine at that time that the game they had played on the way to school was counting the dead $odies in the streets- In this manner0 (talin ul illed Lenin%s policy o giving the land to the peasants long enough to consolidate Communist power as a prelude to ta)ing it rom them to esta$lish collective ownership which had remained the real o$/ective even while land was $eing distri$uted<owever0 in mid ,E,H0 all this was in the wom$ o the uture- The war against ;ermany dragged on0 and the situation in Russia $ecame worse- The &olshevi)s gained in popularity through their 3peace and land3 program0 and constantly increased their representation in the soviets $y means o their magni icent organi#ation- In :uly0 ,E,H0 they organi#ed a revolt0 $ut it was ill-timed and unsuccess ul0 and Lenin was orced into hiding- In "cto$er o that year0 however0 the &olshevi)s secured a small ma/ority in the Petrograd (oviet- Lenin decided that the hour o revolution had come0 or they could now spea)0 not only in the name o the Communist Party0 $ut in the name o the soviet which represented the entire wor)ing classThe revolution was opposed $y some o Lenin%s co-wor)ers0 particularly Iinoviev and +amenev0 $ut Lenin%s desires dominated0 and the revolution was called $y the soviet- The &olshevi)-led revolutionaries marched on the C#ar%s winter palace and arrested the provisional government which was in power until the election o a constituent assem$ly0 and which included many Menshevi)s and (ocial Revolutionaries in its ran)sThe &olshevi)s did not have wide popular support- The only group in the soviet to stand $y them at that time was the le t wing o the (ocial Revolutionary Party- &olshevism thus came to power with a tiny minority o the people0 $ut they esta$lished their terror0 and Lenin $ecame the ruthless lord and master o RussiaIn all rural areas peasants% committees were ormed- These were composed largely o poor peasants and criminal elements- (ome were motivated $y idealism0 while others were motivated $y hatred- These aggressive peasant $odies $ecame a )ey tool o Lenin%s reign o terror- <e encouraged them to sei#e the land0 )ill the landlords and divide the estates among themselves- 're1uently the letters ended thus2 38nyone who opposes this is to $e shot without mercy-3 Resistance to the Communist regime developed in every area o li e- The irst group to revolt openly were the anarchists who were shot down mercilessly in the streets- 'ollowing the anarchists0 the Le t 6ing (ocial Revolutionaries revolted and met a similar ateCon ronted with such pro$lems at home0 the new regime was aced with the necessity o ending the war against ;ermany- 6hen the Commander-in-Chie re used to o$ey the Communist order to lay down arms0 Lenin and (talin telephoned his dismissal and appointed a private as general o the army to conclude the surrenderLenin reali#ed that to remain in power he needed a ear ul instrument o terror- The C#ar had always had a secret police orce called the ")rana- The Communists too) it over0 renamed it Che)a0 and re ined and sharpened it into the most ear ul instrument o terror the world has ever )nown- (ee)ing or a man to head up this organi#ation0 Lenin ound a remar)a$le young @7

Polish &olshevi) named D#erins)i- &orn o wealthy0 aristocratic parents0 D#erins)i had0 as a child0 orsa)en the com orts o his home to dedicate himsel to the poor o the earth as a revolutionary organi#er- <is teen-age years were largely spent in Polish prisons where his rule o conduct was that he0 as the most enlightened and advanced0 was duty $ound to per orm the most menial tas)s- <e there ore insisted on cleaning the latrines o the other prisoners as an example o enlightenment and dedication- 6hat $etter man could Lenin have ound to serve as a sel less instrument o murder and extermination9 Motivated $y his idealistic dedication0 D#erins)i $ecame the organi#er o the red terror0 and the master murderer o modern timesThe story is told that one day as the &olshevi) leaders sat in con erence0 Lenin as)ed D#erins)i how many traitorous (ocial Revolutionaries they held in prison at that timeD#erins)i replied that there were a$out i teen hundred0 whereupon Lenin as)ed or the list so that he might see which were old riends and supporters- <aving read the list0 Lenin mar)ed the corner o the sheet with a tiny cross- D#erins)i too) the sheet0 noted the cross0 loo)ed at Lenin0 and 1uietly le t the room- The ollowing day he in ormed Lenin that the i teen hundred had $een executed- The cross which Lenin had made to show that he had read the paper had $een interpreted as an order or the execution o i teen hundred people- Lenin had merely intended to indicate that he had read the document- "n the misinterpretation o a doodle o Lenin%s pencil0 i teen hundred people went to their deathCommunist power in Russia was consolidated $y limitless0 pitiless violence- Lenin had said0 36hat does it matter i three 1uarters o the world perish providing the remaining 1uarter is Communist53 8ny act o terror was /usti ied i it assured continuing Communist control;roup $y group0 the opposing orces were li1uidated until at last the impossi$le was achieved and the Communist Party held Russia in total enslavement- 6hen the Communist monster had devoured all other revolutionary groups0 it turned and destroyed most o its own creators-

The Communist con1uest o China is a classical mani estation o the ive steps o Communist con1uest2 ,-The con1uest o the student mind 7-The organi#ation o the student into the Communist Party >-The scienti ic exploitation o group sel interest to $ring that party to popularity and power ?-Revolutionary con1uest o power @-Communist dictatorship and universal slavery1. The Con5uest o the 4tu%ent Min% The students in China were a very special class- The scholar was always an o$/ect o veneration to the Chinese and the in luence o the students was very considera$le- The Communists were highly success ul in recruiting students into the ran)s o the Communist Party- 8lmost the entire leadership o the Chinese Communist Party /oined that Party as students- The arguments used to recruit the student intellectual have already $een discussed-


!. 0rgani1ation o 4tu%ents into the Communist Party The Communist Party o China was ormed on typical Leninist lines- The inner core came rom the ran)s o the intellectuals- The $ul) o the general mem$ership came rom the peasants- The mem$ers derived rom the wor)ing class were ew indeed- This is a peculiar structure or a party claiming to $e proletarian- The Party was ormed with a single leader0 Mao Tse-tung- 6ith complete discipline the entire Party mem$ership a$sor$ed the thought and o$eyed the orders o Mao Tse-tung#. 4cienti ic "xploitation o -roup 4el -.nterest The disciplined0 anatical Communist cadres wor)ed everishly among the masses o the people- Their o$/ective was not to convert them to the theories o Communism0 $ut to exploit their desires and grievances- Many o the Chinese people were landless tenant armers- 8 great $urden o de$t hung round their shoulders- Their $urning desires were centered round the ownership o the land on which they la$ored0 and reedom rom their $urden o de$tThe Communist approach was there ore very simple- They promised the people the ownership o the land on which they wor)ed and the a$olition o all de$t- In addition0 China had )nown the oppression o oreign power0 so the Communists exploited Chinese nationalism with a program to exclude the white man rom 8sia- 6ith such a program so closely tuned to the deep-seated desires o the masses o the people0 it is easy to understand why the Communists achieved a certain popularity- 'rom the peasants attracted $y the Communist promises0 Mao Tse-tung gathered the youth0 trained them with great e iciency0 and $uilt the Chinese Communist 8rmy'. Revolutionary Con5uest o Power The con1uest o China was success ully accomplished through the strategy o the $rilliant Chinese Communist leader0 Mao Tse-tung- <e developed two new techni1ues which were in large measure responsi$le or Communist success in the ace o great odds- The irst o these was the principle o political war are in association with military con lict- The was was waged not only $y the armed orces0 $ut $y political agents as well who always preceded the Communist soldiers into any given area- Their tas) was to in iltrate and to undermine the will o the people to resist- They spread rumor and utili#ed $lac)mail and terror- They too) advantage o civil li$erty to destroy civil li$erty- They com$ined assassination with sa$otage so e ectively that many communities were neutrali#ed and ell easy prey to the Communist military advance- !o advance was made $y Communist troops until the way had $een prepared $y the Communist political agentsThe second techni1ue developed $y Mao Tse-tung was that o guerilla war are- &y means o this art0 he was a$le to trans orm strategic in eriority into tactical superiority- 8lthough his army was outnum$ered or many years0 he was a$le to manipulate his troops with such s)ill that he never engaged in pitched $attle unless he outnum$ered the enemy $y three to one- <e was a$le to achieve this $ecause o the superior mo$ility o his troops and $y the techni1ue o guerilla war are which he per ected- <e would gather together a considera$le num$er o his soldiers in a given area0 launch a lightning o ensive against the enemy at a point where they were gathered in smaller num$er0 and disappear with his troops $e ore the enemy could rally<is soldiers would hide their uni orms0 adopt the character o the surrounding peasantry0 and mingle with the people- &y the time the superior orces o the enemy had gathered0 the @?

Communist army was nowhere to $e ound- &y this dual o ensive o political war are and guerilla mo$ility0 the Chinese Communist orces advanced to victory0 con1uering the vast land mass o ChinaIn addition to the internal orces operating within China0 the International Communist machine wor)ed ceaselessly on their $ehal - Russia provided military instructors and weapons- Throughout the world the Chinese Communists were pictured as $enign agrarian re ormers and the Chiang +ai-she) government as the epitome o corruption- The 8merican government endeavored to achieve the impossi$le0 esta$lish a permanent0 peace ul coexistence $etween Communism and the Chinese government- This played right into Communist hands and a ter the de eat o :apan0 Russia delivered the vast weapon hoard o the :apanese Manchurian 8rmy to the Chinese Communists0 and their success ul southward march $egan(. Communist Dictatorship an% /niversal 4lavery "nce in power the Communist Party systematically set a$out the process o securing a monopoly over the lives o all Chinese citi#ens so that the Party could remain all-power ul permanently while the people were reduced to the impotence o isolated slaves- *very vestige o alternative authority was smashed- The Communist Party secured a monopoly o all police power0 all economic power0 all military and educational power- It $ecame the universal policeman0 employer0 administrator0 /udge0 newsman0 entertainer and teacher- It imposed the 3Dictatorship o the Proletariat-3

The means adopted $y the Communists or the con1uest o C#echoslova)ia di er somewhat rom those used in Russia and China- (ince it is closer to the method which they pro$a$ly envisage or the con1uest o 8merica0 it merits some attention- They came to power in C#echoslova)ia $y utili#ing an internal Communist minority which operated in the $lac)mailing shadow o massive external Russian military power- <anging li)e a threatening cloud over C#echoslova)ia was the Red 8rmy8t the conclusion o the second 6orld 6ar0 C#echoslova)ia was the most industriali#ed0 the most prosperous0 and the most democratic o the *astern *uropean states- Communism was an insigni icant orce- Three years later C#echoslova)ia was $ound hand and oot as a Communist slave- This was $rought to pass $y a series o small concessions to Communism0 each relatively insigni icant in itsel 0 each presented as an alternative to attac) $y the Red 8rmy0 and o$viously to $e pre erred to such an attac)- The cumulative e ect0 however0 was the surrender o C#echoslova)ia to Communism- This is the program or 8merica- The concessions are to $e o$tained $ecause they are pre era$le to an atomic war- *ach in itsel may appear indecisive0 $ut each will $e a step to surrender- *very time the Communists can persuade 8mericans the alse alternative exists0 that is0 to ma)e this concession as the only alternative to atomic or thermonuclear war0 they win a great victory6ithin C#echoslova)ia0 government was administered $y various departments o executive authority0 each department $eing headed $y a ca$inet minister- 8uthority in each department o government was thus largely centrali#ed in the hands o one man- Police power0 or example0 was in the hands o the Minister o Internal (ecurity- This applied in education0 communications0 transportation0 agriculture0 /ustice and de ense@@

The irst step ta)en $y the Communist minority was to esta$lish themselves in a coalition government with democratic and socialist parties- They then proceeded to in iltrate Communists into the top positions in all $ranches o government- "nce the top position in each department o government was illed $y a Communist0 non-Communists and antiCommunists within the organi#ation were powerless to withstand his total authority and power- 6hen0 or example0 the Communists too) over the police orce0 they used the power so gained to arrest and destroy all those who di ered rom them politically0 including those to whom they had temporarily showed riendship- Thus did Communism ta)e over the most democratic nation in *astern *urope- It is to $e noted that it was not done $y the use o the Red 8rmy0 $ut simply $y the threat o its useIt is a program o this nature which the Communists pro$a$ly envisage or 8merica- 6hen 8merica is encircled economically0 and militarily0 when oreign mar)ets are disrupted and oreign trade destroyed0 when 8merica is an island in a Communist sea0 and lies under the shadow o military annihilation0 the Communists $elieve that 8merica will ma)e concessions as did C#echoslova)ia- 8uthority will $e centrali#ed and a ew Communists will wield great power- 8t the chosen moment the inal Communist assault will ta)e place and resistance will $e to)en and hal -hearted-


Conso#idation o )ower

The Dictatorship o the )ro#etariat

6hen once the Communists have come to power0 whether it $e in Russia0 China0 C#echoslova)ia0 or 8merica0 the next step is to esta$lish the dictatorship o the proletariatLenin de ined this as 3the rule-unrestricted $y law and $ased on orce-o the proletariat over the $ourgeoisie0 a rule en/oying the sympathy and support o the la$oring and exploited masses-3 F,G This rule is theoretically exercised $y the proletariat0 or0 in other words0 $y the toiling masses o the people- &ut since the Communist Party considers itsel the executive o the proletariat0 this rule is exercised in practice $y the Communist Party- The de inition o the dictatorship o the proletariat0 then0 is 3the rule0 $ased on orce and unrestricted $y law0 o the Communist Party over every$ody else-3 (ince this rule is $ased on orce0 the irst act o Communist power is invaria$ly to disarm the people as was done in China- (ince this rule is $ased on orce0 and since orce inevita$ly generates revolt0 a second precaution ta)en $y the Communists is to destroy the potential leadership o a counter revolution $e ore such a revolution can occur- 8ny individual with 1ualities o leadership who is not su$/ect to Communist discipline is arrested and executed6hether he is pro-Communist or anti-Communist is immaterial- I he has 1ualities o leadership which may $e used when the people awa)en and desire to end Communist rule0 he is a danger and must $e destroyedThe dictatorship o the proletariat is accompanied $y a monopoly o the means o communication $y the Communist Party- *very medium o mass communication is ta)en over- *very newspaper is a Communist newspaper- *very radio station0every television channel0 every pu$lishing house0 every $oo)0 every maga#ine0 every school class is completely controlled $y the Communist PartyUnder the dictatorship o the proletariat0 an economic monopoly is gradually esta$lished where$y the Communist Party $ecomes the sole employer- 8 man then has $ut one choice-he wor)s or the Communist Party where he is told to wor)0 or he starves to death- <e may not leave his /o$ and go to another0 or there is only one employer-the Communist Party4et another eature o the dictatorship o the proletariat is the esta$lishment o a vast0 internal espionage networ)- This espionage system is patterned on the human $ody- The $ody is made up o $illions o cells- The $ody preserves itsel against the external orces which threaten it $y a vast grouping o espionage agents- Certain cells $ecome in ormers- Physiologically0 they are called sensory receptors and are to $e ound in the s)in0 muscles and various organsThese sensory receptors perceive heat0 cold0 pain0 and contact with other o$/ects- In other words0 they collect in ormation rom their environment and send it to the $rain- The $rain assem$les this in ormation and sends orders down another nerve pathway to the executive authority0 the muscles0 whereupon muscular reaction is ta)en in relation to the in ormation collected $y those sensory nerve cells in the environment- The simple act o $lin)ing which closes the eyelids to protect the sensitive eye against an advancing oreign $ody is a good example o such a mechanism-


The Communists see the (tate0 not as a mass o individuals0 $ut as an organic unity0 a higher orm o $eing- :ust as the $ody has sensory receptors0 so throughout the (tate there are in ormers who collect in ormation in their environment and send it $ac) to the central nervous system-the secret police- Children are set to spy on their parents0 wives on their hus$ands0 employees on employers0 pastors on their congregations0 parishioners on their pastors- *very group0 large or small0 would have in its midst a num$er o in ormers- !one o these in ormers would )now who the others were- In one in ormed and the others did not0 those ailing to report would automatically $e discovered- Thus a stream o in ormation rom every segment o the community lows $ac) to the central authority6ith such a system in existence0 it is inevita$le that a revolt that has any organi#ation whatsoever will $e discovered at $irth and strangled in in ancyIn the days o the C#ar0 a thousand men armed with stic)s and stones were 1uite a ormida$le orce- I revolution $ro)e out somewhere in (i$eria0 it too) three months or the news to reach Moscow and six months or troops to get there and 1uell the uprising- 6ith modern methods o communication0 however0 the news is $ac) in seconds0 and an air orce detachment is there in minutes to deal with the trou$le- The people are helpless against machine guns and $om$sThe 1uestion is re1uently as)ed2 3Is it li)ely that the people o Russia will revolt93 " course they will- They have already revolted a thousand times5 &ut the revolts are spasmodic and unorgani#ed0 and they are wiped out almost casually- Ten miles away it is not even )nown that the revolt has ta)en place $ecause o the power o the Communist dictatorshipThe steps $y which the dictatorship o the proletariat was esta$lished in China show the situation very clearly- The Communists came to power in China $ehind the seductive promises o land ownership and de$t a$olition- Immediately a ter sei#ing power0 they )ept these promises- The landlords were wiped out and their land was divided and given to the peasants whose de$ts were simultaneously canceled- 'or a $rie period happiness looded the land- The peasants set to wor) to till the land which was now theirsMeanwhile0 the Communists consolidated their power in anticipation o the day when they could ta)e away the land rom the peasants- They )new that when they did this0 resistance would develop0 and that such resistance would re1uire leadership- They surveyed the community to discover those with potentials o leadership- I these people were not su$/ect to Communist discipline0 they were arrested on some pretext or another and destroyedThe Communists set a$out to disarm the people completely- ;reat rewards were given to those who could tell where weapons were hidden0 and the rush to deliver concealed weapons $egan- They introduced a system o universal espionage in which everyone spied on everyone else- This had special re erence to the children who were encouraged to spy and report on their own parentsThey stopped reedom o movement and introduced internal passports- !o one could travel rom village to village without o icial permission- Upon arriving at the village0 the visitor was not ree to go and stay with riends0 $ut had to stay at an inn set aside $y the Communists and closely scrutini#ed $y them- They stopped reedom o association- !o group could gather except under o icial Communist sponsorship and control*very individual was compelled to write or give a li e con ession detailing all the crimes committed throughout his entire li e and naming all other persons implicated in these crimesThis provided the Communist government with a vast hoard o in ormation to $e used against any individual as they desired@A

8 ma/or assault was made on the child mind- They were illed with pride- Their a ections were turned rom their parents towards the (tate- They were given guns and appointed sentries with orders to challenge and0 i necessary0 to shoot adults- The school children would $e marched out and given the tas) o searching all shops in an area or weapons and currency0 and o accosting and searching all adults in the area'inally there came the day o the mass trials and executions- 8 $and would march through the streets o the city- &ehind the $and a group o prisoners would march with hands $ound $ehind their $ac)s- Into the $onds o each prisoner a stic) would $e stuc) with a placard on top telling the crimes o which he was allegedly guilty- &ehind the prisoners the school children would march to o$serve the execution- Then came the general populace- Mothers were compelled to ta)e their $a$ies in arms to o$serve the hideous spectacle- *ye witness reports a$ound concerning these things- Multitudes o missionaries o impecca$le character testi y that these things really happened<arvest day arrived and the peasants who had $een so thrilled to $ecome owners o their land were now or$idden to thresh their own grain except in the presence o an armed soldier6hen the harvest was reaped0 the government too) ar more than the landlords had ever ta)en8t this point hatred o Communism was the dominant emotion amongst the people0 $ut they were so leaderless0 so weaponless0 so immo$ili#ed0 so disassociated0 so spied upon and so cowed that organi#ed revolt appeared unattaina$le- The Communists had imposed their total tyrannyThe period o peasant land ownership was $rie indeed- (oon came the period o collective arms and then the great communes0 which have attac)ed the very a$ric o the Chinese nation0 the Chinese amily and the character o the Chinese people- !o Chinese individual now owns one acre o ground- <e has $een $etrayed to a new ser dom more terri$le than that o the past0 a ser dom in which he is the helpless slave o the gargantuan Communist (tateThe dictatorship $ecomes ever more intense- The powers in the hands o the top ew $ecome greater and greater until inally there emerges the man o all power0 the :oseph (talin0 who sits in the seat o the mighty while millions o slaves rush to and ro to do his $idding- (uch is the reign o $rutality0 violence and tyranny which inevita$ly comes $ehind the $eauti ul promise with which Communism deceives its way to power- "nly )nowledge can ena$le us to stand against the intermediate seductive phase o limitless deception practised $y those whom :- *dgar <oover de ines as 3Master o Deceit-3 ,- =uoted $y :oseph (talin0 Pro$lems o Leninism FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouse0 ,E@>G0 p- @,


-##ies o Communism

The signi icance o Communism can never $e measured $y the num$er o CommunistsLenin%s slogan was 3 ewer $ut $etter-3 It has $een a long-esta$lished slogan that 3the Party grows strong through purging itsel -3 The theory o Communism is that o the chosen ew who are organi#ed0 disciplined0 dedicated0 and e1uipped with superior intelligence and understanding o the laws o history- &y this chosen ew0 the con1uest o the world and the regeneration o man)ind will $e accomplished- The num$er o actual Communists has never $een great*ven acute o$servers0 noting the numerical wea)ness o the Communists0 have ta)en alse hope rom this act- (uch people ail to understand that the Communists are a$le to rally into their service multitudes who are completely unaware that they are serving the Communist cause- "ur purpose here is to study those attitudes which trans orm well-meaning0 patriotic0 Christian people into the allies o Communism-

.ntellectual Dishonesty
"utstanding among these attitudes is intellectual dishonesty- 6hen the truth is too unpleasant0 a natural tendency is to re use to $elieve it- 8s a medical man0 I have seen this o ten- 8 man o character and intelligence is a licted with cancer- <e )nows the symptoms per ectly well0 and i he saw them in another0 would never have a moment%s dou$t a$out the inal outcome- 6hen he o$serves these symptoms in himsel 0 however0 a strange thing happens- <is characteristic honesty and clarity o /udgement disappear- <e ignores the central0 symptomatic stream0 and sei#ing on peripheral symptoms0 $uilds them into a dream world in which to ta)e re uge while doom advances!o matter how clear the evidence is0 people can always ind an interpretation that will allow them to cling to what they want to $elieve- This is well illustrated $y the story o the priest and the ra$$i who were driving along the road0 the ra$$i in ront and the priest $ehind- 8s they approached the intersection0 the ra$$i gently stood on the $ra)es and $rought his car to a halt- The priest0 however0 had $een ga#ing all round the countryside- !oticing at last that he was right on top o the ra$$i%s car0 he /ammed on the $ra)es0 $ut to no avail- <e crashed into the rear o the ra$$i%s carThe priest and the ra$$i were surveying the damage when along came an Irish policeman8 ter he had examined the wrec) and had ascertained the respective owners o the two cars0 he was clearly a man in great mental and emotional distress- <e ound himsel in the grip o two simultaneous0 con licting duties0 his duty to the Church and his duty to the law- <e $egan to trem$le and stammer- (uddenly the answer to his prayer came- The wrin)les le t his $row0 and a loo) o con idence and serenity came over his ace- <e loo)ed sternly at the ra$$i0 and then0 turning to the priest0 he as)ed0 3'ather0 what speed was this man going when he $ac)ed into you93 <ow o ten the wish $egets the thoughtThe situation con ronting us is dar) and ear ul- To ace the true situation re1uires courage and honesty- The vast ma/ority o people are 1uite unwilling to ac)nowledge the truth0 pre erring to ignore the evidence0 or to select only those acts which will support their preconceived ideas and will not threaten the ul illment o their desiresCB

(ome time ago I met a man I had long admired- 8s a /ournalist sympathetic to the (oviet government0 he had $een sent to Russia in the ,E>B%s- There he discovered what was really ta)ing place0 and set out to in orm the world o the truth a$out Communism- <e wrote splendid $oo)s which in luenced me pro oundly when I read them some years ago- 6hen I met him0 I than)ed him or what he had done0 and told him how greatly his $oo)s had in luenced me- <e loo)ed at me with a gloomy expression and said0 3It didn%t do much good0 did it9 6hen I wrote those $oo)s0 the Communists had a hundred and sixty million- !ow they have a $illion- 6estern civili#ation is doomed- 6e are as certain to $ecome extinct as the Indian civili#ation was $e ore the advance o the white man-3 4ou may dismiss this man as an a$/ect pessimist i you will0 $ut you cannot so easily dispose o the acts- I we weigh the evidence o impending Communist con1uest $y any o the standard methods o /udging human )nowledge0 it is very di icult to escape the conclusion which he reached- This evidence may $e considered under ive headings2 ,-The numerical evidence 7-The military evidence >-The educational evidence ?-The economic evidence @-The communications evidence1. The Numerical "vi%ence In the year ,EB>0 Lenin esta$lished the movement called &olshevism with seventeen supporters- In the year ,E,H0 Lenin con1uered Russia with a Party o approximately orty thousand mem$ers- &y ,E@E0 the party o Lenin had con1uered one $illion people- In one generation0 the godless Communists have $rought under their control twelve times as many as <itler ruled at the $eginning o 6orld 6ar II0 twelve times as many as :apan ruled0 and six times the population o the United (tates- In less than hal a century0 they have con1uered ar more than the total num$er o the world%s population who have heard the minimum story o Christ rom any source a ter nearly two thousand years- Those who have heard o Christ rom any source-Protestant0 Catholic0 :ehovah%s 6itness0 Mormon0 or Christian (cientist-add up to approximately seven hundred and i ty million- In one generation the Communists have con1uered a $illion- There are in the world today ive children in school learning in detail the godless doctrines o Communism0 or every one child in any school anywhere learning anything a$out Christ- These acts are ear ul to contemplate0 $ut they are inescapa$ly trueThese igures are the more rightening when they are examined as any honest $usinessman would examine them- I spo)e in (t- Louis0 Missouri0 to the management clu$ o a small $ut very prosperous irm- The president o the irm told me that he wanted to show me the secret o their success- Ta)ing me into a room0 he showed me an electronic computer- (aid he0 36e are not satis ied to )now the past and the present- 6e need to )now the uture- 8t last we have ound how to discover the uture- This machine is the answer- 6e eed into it the igures o the past and we get rom it the predictions o the uture- Those predictions are so accurate0 that upon them we $ase our production and mar)eting schedules-3 The machine was so valua$le that they were paying over K70BBB a month rental or it though they were a small company employing only a$out three hundred peopleI said to him0 3<ere is a set o igures to eed into the machine- Lenin esta$lished &olshevism with seventeen supporters in ,EB>- <e con1uered Russia with orty thousand in ,E,H- Today0 C,

the party o Lenin has con1uered one $illion- The population o the world is two and three 1uarter $illion- &y what year will that igure $e reached93 <e replied0 3I%m rightened to try it-3 <e had every reason to $e rightened- The result would have $een terri ying indeed!. The Military "vi%ence The oceans that surround 8merica0 traditionally the $arrier o protection against the enemy0 have $ecome the source o an in inite danger- The Communists have at their disposal some ive hundred su$marines- Many o these are long range0 and many can ire missiles which have a radius o several hundred miles- They can carry an atomic or thermo-nuclear warhead8t any time the Communist leader so chooses0 su$marines can emerge rom the waters o the Paci ic0 the 8tlantic0 and the ;ul o Mexico0 discharge their guided missiles0 and su$merge(imultaneously0 6ashington0 D-C-0 &altimore0 Philadelphia0 &oston0 Miami0 !ew "rleans0 <ouston0 (an Diego0 Los 8ngeles0 (an 'rancisco0 Portland0 and (eattle could $e wiped rom the ace o the earth- The power to do this is in $eing right now- There is no e ective de ense against it- It is true that the United (tates could retaliate through her (trategic 8ir Command0 and $y means o her missiles located in *urope- (hould she do so0 devastation in Russia would $e terri$le indeed- &ut this would not $ring $ac) to li e one destroyed 8merican citi#en0 or re$uild rom the vapors one shattered cityRichard 8rens0 director o the <ouse Un-8merican 8ctivities Committee0 tells how they called $e ore their committee the military man they considered $est e1uipped to deal with the su$/ect o Communism0 ;eneral 6edemeyer0 aide to ;eneral Mac8rthur in the 'ar *ast8rens as)ed him0 3;eneral 6edemeyer0 how late do you consider it to $e on the Communist timeta$le or world con1uest93 ;eneral 6edemeyer thought or a ew moments0 and then replied0 3Too late- I I were advising the Communist leaders0 I would say0 %Don%t change one thing you are doing- 4ou are winning as certainly as any group ever won any $attle in the history o man)ind-%3 8t the conclusion o the general%s testimony0 Richard 8rens as)ed0 3;eneral0 in the light o these rightening things that you have told us0 what do you advise that we should do93 ;eneral 6edemeyer replied0 3<ad you as)ed me that 1uestion i teen years ago0 I could have answered it with ease- <ad you as)ed it ten years ago0 I could have answered it with di iculty6hen you as) it today0 the only honest reply that I can ma)e is that I do not )now-3 &ig $usiness in 8merica ta)es considera$le trou$le to ma)e long range uture predictions- In one city they have esta$lished what in )nown as a 3thin) center-3 <ere they have gathered together the inest electronic e1uipment and shill personnel to ma)e these predictions- Into the e1uipment they ed all the data they were a$le to collect related to the relative war-ma)ing capacities o 8merica and Russia to determine $y what year the $alance o power would $e avora$le to Russia in a uture war- The date delivered $y the machine was the year ,EC@#. The "%ucational "vi%ence &y a tremendous concentration on education0 the Communists are today graduating in Russia alone three times as many engineers and scientists as the United (tates- 6hen their China program matures0 they will graduate ten times as many- They are graduating0 at a rough


estimate0 one hundred times as many language specialists- 6hen their China program matures0 their linguistic superiority will $e astronomical8 common reaction to this in ormation is to draw com ort rom the act that in Communist countries there is no academic reedom- "ne o the great delusions o 8merican educators has $een that academic reedom is necessary or the achievement o material results- I a child is trained in ha$its o study0 and then orced to study mathematics0 science0 and oreign languages0 he will learn a low whether the system is ree or not- Regimentation and tyranny have always $een a$le to achieve great things- The pharaohs $uilt the pyramids. the Chinese $uilt the ;reat 6all o China. <itler achieved miracles in ;ermany0 and there is no evidence whatsoever that he had any trou$le controlling his educated classes- Under an authoritarian system o regimented education0 the ;ermans made tremendous progress in the science o roc)etry and electronics0 and in the development o the /et aircra t- In a similar way0 the Communists with their emphasis on science0 oreign languages0 and mathematics0 are ma)ing tremendous progress- It is not a 1uestion o which system o education develops $etter $alanced personalities- The 1uestion is2 6hich system o education will win this universal war9 I was visiting an 8merican college- &e ore I had $een there ten minutes0 the president told me with great pride o a young man who had $rought glory and honor to their school- 6herever I went on the campus0 I heard his praises sung- 8t last I met him0 and a ine young man he was<is $ody was lithe and slender0 and he stood some six eet two inches tall- <e was their leading $as)et$all player- <is s)ill at the game was to great that he had $een chosen to go to Mel$ourne0 8ustralia0 to represent the United (tates in the "lympic ;ames in ,E@C- 6hat an honor or the school5 're1uently I as)ed0 36ho is your leading science student93 <e loo)ed at me in wonder and ama#ement- <e could not answer the 1uestion- To ind out in ormation li)e that a care ul study o the records would $e re1uiredI want to ma)e it 1uite clear that I have nothing against $as)et$all- I thin) it is a splendid sport- The a$ility to pro/ect accurately an in lated spherical $all through an iron hoop is a remar)a$le gi t indeed- <owever0 it is di icult to envisage how $allistic missiles can $e e ectively stopped with $as)et$alls- 'aced as we are with a struggle or survival against an enemy who spares no e ort to educate the young in those ields which will help to secure victory0 it would seem that the scale o values in the 8merican educational system might well $e revised'. The "conomic "vi%ence I we were to plot on a graph the total economic product o Russia and 8merica and their rates o growth0 the lines would cross within a measura$le period ahead- The exact length o that period o time has $een variously estimated- 8 ew years ago it was said that they would cross within i teen years- +hrushchev has claimed that they will overta)e 8merica within seven years- 8ll authorities agree that the gap $etween Russian and 8merican production is closingThe pro$lem0 however0 is not merely that the Russian total economic product may soon e1ual that o 8merica- The great pro$lem lies in the percentage o the Russian economic product that is availa$le to the Communists or class war are- &ecause the Communist Party has a monopoly ownership o the entire Russian economic product0 it can use the economic product as it will- &ecause o their monopoly ownership0 the Communists can decide how much the C>

individual Russian may have0 and how much o the total product will $e retained to $e used in economic war are against the United (tates- &y )eeping the people at a very low standard o living0 they are a$le to use a large proportion o their economic product to destroy 8merican oreign mar)ets $y underselling the 8merican productMonopoly has a tremendous advantage in competition with small industry- Unprotected $y law0 no small concern with only a ew employees could stand against any o the great national corporations- 6ere it not or the protection a orded $y antitrust laws0 a $ig chain store could very easily put out o operation the little grocer on the corner- 8ll the chain store would need to do would $e to open up a mar)et near$y- (ince this mar)et would $e only one o hundreds owned $y them0 they would not need to ma)e a pro it- They could undersell on every lineTheir little competitor0 however0 has limited inancial resources- <e has to ma)e a pro it to pay his de$ts and to carry on his $usiness- The time he can compete is limited- In time his resources are exhausted and he is orced to close downThe Communists are doing a similar thing on a world scale- They can move into any 8merican oreign mar)et they consider desira$le- They do not need to ma)e a pro it. their pro it is in the chaos they create in the 8merican economy0 in the agents they in iltrate into the country through their trade8n example o Communist techni1ues o economic war are may $e seen in their activities in Ira1- Ira1 had vast sums secured rom oil royalties to $e invested in developmental pro/ects- 8 large num$er o the contracts or these pro/ects went to Russia- To secure a contract0 the Communists ollowed this simple procedure2 they ound out rom pro-Communist elements in the Ira1i government the lowest $id made $y any 6estern irm0 and tendered a $id twenty per cent $elow it- They did not need to ma)e a pro it directly or their pro it was in the Communist agents they in iltrated and the su$versive literature they distri$uted0 as well as in the wea)ening o the 8merican economy- It is di icult to see how any concern that must ma)e a pro it to survive can compete against themThe advancing Communist economic penetration is causing grave concern among $usiness leaders and the government authorities- The situation grown more serious year $y year-

(. The "vi%ence in the 2iel% o Communications The world is divided into three ma/or areas2 there is the Communist area0 a great prison containing a $illion slaves. there is what is )nown as the 'ree 6orld consisting o 8merica and her allies. and $etween these two0 there is the vast0 uncommitted area o the world which num$ers one $illion people- This uncommitted area is composed primarily o the new nations o 8sia and 8 rica- 6ith them should $e included the nations o Central and (outh 8mericaThese countries are the great $attle ground $etween *ast and 6est- I the Communists secure them0 they will have two $illion and their superiority will $e a$solute- I the 'ree 6orld can )eep them outside the Communist old0 there may $e some hope o maintaining the present unsta$le $alance o powerThe peoples o these countries are $eing wooed and won $y the Communists0 not with $om$s and $ullets0 $ut with words and $oo)s- "ne hundred people are $eing reached with Communist lies or every one $eing reached with the Christian or the democratic truth- The Communists are engaged in the greatest literature crusade man)ind has ever )nown- They are producing $eauti ul literature in almost every language and distri$uting it in every corner o C?

the earth- In many countries this literature costs practically nothing- 8n example o this is Pro$lems o Leninism $y :oseph (talin- This $oo) o more than eight hundred pages may $e purchased in a Communist $oo)store in 8merica or our dollars2 in Canada it costs a dollar and i ty cents. in 8ustralia0 it costs seventy cents. in India or :apan it may $e purchased or ten cents- The price charged has no relationship to the cost o production. it is related merely to the economic capacity o the purchasers8n example o their $eauti ul color maga#ines is China Pictorial which is printed in Pe)ing every two wee)s in Chinese0 Mongolian0 Ti$etan0 Uighur0 +orean0 *nglish0 Russian0 ;erman0 'rench0 :apanese0 Diet-namese0 Indonesian0 <indi0 (panish0 8ra$ic and &urmese- *very ace wears a radiant smile- The color photography is $eauti ul- The moral tone is excellent2 there is no violence0 no crime0 no na)edness0 no sex0 and no alcohol- *very page portrays a$undance0 $eauty0 prosperity0 li$erty and peace- 4ou cannon loo) through such a maga#ine without $eing impressed<ow thoroughly the Communists are carrying out this literary crusade is indicated $y the children%s $oo)s which they are producing in practically every language- Disit any Communist $oo)store in the United (tates and you will ind $oo)s printed in Moscow and Pe)ing in *nglish or one0 two and three-year-old $a$ies- These have titles such as The Rose and the *arthworm0 The ;olden 8ss0 The Little &ird 6ho <urt <is 6ing0 The Caterpillar0 Punchy the *lephant0 Chic)ens and *ars0 The Lam$ and the 6ol 0 The 8nt and the ;rasshopper0 The 8dventures o the Little (wallow0 <ow the Mon)eys Reached or the Moon0 &eauti ul Leaves0 6ow-wow%s <ouse0 Tolstoy%s (hort (tories- The Communists want the children- They do not care so much a$out the adults whom they consider as already contaminated with the disease o Capitalism and conse1uently o little use to them- 6hen the Communists rule the world0 the diseased social classes will have to $e eliminated- &ut the children are di erentThey can do something with them- This children%s literature is a preliminary step towards winning the children o the world8n examination o some o the children%s literature produced $y the Communists induces $ewilderment in most loyal 8mericans0 or they can discover nothing wrong with these $oo)sThe stories are well told0 $eauti ully illustrated0 and do not teach Communism in any wayThe trou$le with these $oo)s is that there is nothing wrong with themI a )idnapper wishes to gain the con idence o a child to entice her into an automo$ile or dread ul purposes0 he does not give a long lecture a$out what will happen a ter she gets into the automo$ile- <e gives her candy to win her con idence- The candy he gives is not $itter or poisoned candy0 or the sweeter and $etter the candy0 the greater the li)elihood that the child will get into the automo$ile- These children%s $oo)s are the Communist literary candy with which the Communists are endeavoring to entice the children o the world into the Communist automo$ile or their /ourney into slavery and deathThe Communists divide their literature into two categories2 Propaganda and 8gitationPropaganda they de ine as that which conveys many ideas to a ew people- Propaganda teaches Communist theory0 philosophy0 organi#ation and doctrine- It is designed primarily or the thin)ing0 student mind'or the many0 they pu$lish 8gitation- 8gitation they de ine as that which conveys one idea to many people- The Communists% great literary crusade is designed to convey to the people o the world the simple idea that whenever Communism comes to power0 the people immediately $ecome happy0 healthy0 prosperous and ree0 whereas 8merica is evil and degenerate0 and a threat to the peace o the entire world- The Communists are reaching one C@

hundred people with these $latant lies or every one $eing reached with the Christian or democratic truthThe truth is very simple- !o matter what promises Communism ma)es0 this act stands out with crystal clarity2 wherever people can escape rom Communist rule0 they do it $y the million- Try to imagine what it would ta)e to cause parents to gather together their children and what ew articles they could carry in their arms0 and go on oot into the night0 not to a $right uture0 $ut to the $lea) un)nown- <ow $ad would things have to $e to cause people to do that9 Millions are doing this wherever Communism comes to power- 6hen aced with these unanswera$le acts0 the Communist spo)esmen are helplessDuring his visit to the United (tates0 !i)ita +hrushchev was as)ed the ollowing 1uestion $y +arl 'eller0 president o the International Union o United &rewery0 'lour0 Cereal0 (o t Drin) and Distillery 6or)ers o 8merica2 3Mr- Chairman0 I cannot understand0 since the Communist Party proclaims itsel to $e the li$erator o the wor)ing class0 yet we see a mass exodus o wor)ers in other countries ollowing the Communist sei#ure o power- 4ou have the example o three million wor)ers leeing rom *ast ;ermany to 6est &erlin0 and a$out three million leeing rom !orth +orea to (outh +orea and0 as mentioned a moment ago0 three hundred or so thousands o <ungarians $raved arrest and death in escaping to reedom- Mr- +hrushchev0 can you tell us o a single instance where0 ollowing Communist sei#ure o power0 there has $een a mass in lux o wor)ers rom surrounding non-Communist countries into the Communist country9 I the Communist Party is the li$erator o the wor)ing class0 why don%t we see this phenomenon93 Mr- +hrushchev2 3Is that all9 Thin) it over- Drin) your $eer- Perhaps that will help you to ind the answer to your 1uestion-3 Mr- 'eller2 3That certainly is no answer0 and apparently nothing will ma)e you understand why millions want to escape rom Communism-3 Mr- +hrushchev2 3I%ve told you0 I%m not even a raid o the devil-3F,G There are many things which may $e said $y way o criticism o 8merica0 $ut when all has $een said0 the act remains that 8merica is the magnet that draws to its shores people rom all over the world- It is still the land o hope and promise0 a vision living in the hearts and minds o millions- The un ortunate thing is that these acts do not spea) or themselves- They must $e made )nown $y the means o communications- &y an extensive and e ective use o the means o communication0 the Communists have convinced two thirds o the people o the world that the exact opposite o these acts is true- 8 lie that is $elieved has great power or evil8n honest consideration o the evidence-numerical0 military0 economic0 educational0 and communicational-is rightening indeed- The most com orting thing to do is to put it out o the mind or to re use to $elieve it- This is the attitude adopted $y a large num$er o people6hile visiting Philadelphia0 I went to a radio station at eleven o%cloc) one night to $e interviewed- 8 psychiatrist was to $e interviewed at the same radio station on the su$/ect o mental health- <is interview was to ollow mine- <e arrived early0 and we tal)ed or some minutes $e ore I went on the air- During that time0 I gathered that he was 1uite unsympathetic towards my position and viewpoint6hen I went on the air0 I explained0 as I re1uently do0 that my greatest pro$lem is to persuade people that Communists are Communists- :ust as the Catholics are Catholics and CC

have certain $elie s and programs0 the Communists are Communists and have clear $elie s0 and a very well developed program- The aim o their program is to con1uer the world- The reali#ation o the plan necessitates the encirclement and demorali#ation o the United (tates0 leading inally to surrender- I pointed out that many intelligent people are unwilling to ac)nowledge that these things are so0 even though all the acts point in this directionI went on to descri$e how the program o the Communists is $eing ul illed- 6hile 8merica is $eing lulled to sleep with a alse picture o riendship and tal) a$out co-existence0 the Communists are ma)ing devastating progress in many parts o the world- They are operating in all the 8sian countries0 in 8 rica and the !ear *ast0 and are loo)ing orward to the time when 6estern *urope will $e economically strangulated and de enseless. they are invading (outh and Central 8merica $y their in iltration o the colleges and universities- 6hen these countries have $een ta)en0 8merica0 isolated0 con used0 and demorali#ed0 economically and militarily encircled0 will $e o ered the choice o surrender or annihilation- The Communists are certain that she will choose surrender8s I was spea)ing0 the psychiatrist seethed- 8t last he could stand no more and spontaneously came onto the program to try and counteract the damage I was doing- 6hen a man%s evidence cannot $e discredited0 the simplest alternative is to discredit the man himsel - This he proceeded to do- <e told the listening audience that I was apparently the victim o certain deep-seated0 inner emotional con licts which I was pro/ecting into my external environment"ut o this inner con lict sprang this vision o a great encircling orce- The in erence was clearly my need o psychiatric treatment6hen he had inished spea)ing0 I than)ed him very much or giving me the per ect example o what I had $een tal)ing a$out- <ere was an apparently intelligent man who was 1uite unwilling to ace the truth- I had with me the good <ow to $e a ;ood Communist- I showed him that the author was Liu (hao-chi0 President o Communist China- I opened the $oo) and as)ed him to read2 36hat is the most undamental and common duty o us Communist Party mem$ers9 8s every$ody )nows0 it is to esta$lish Communism0 to trans orm the present world into a Communist world-3F7G "n another page I showed him the ollowing passage2 - - - the cause o Communism has $ecome a power ul0 invinci$le orce throughout the worldThere is not the slightest dou$t that this orce will continue to develop and advance and will win inal and complete victory- Despite this0 however0 the strength o the international reactionary orces and o the exploiting classes are still more power ul than ours0 and or the time $eing are still predominant in many respects- Conse1uently0 we shall have to go through a long0 $itter0 circuitous and arduous process o struggle $e ore we de eat them-F>G 6hen he had inished reading0 the psychiatrist indicated that I was putting my own interpretation on these passages and giving my own opinion as act3In the name o all that%s honest03 I replied0 3please tell me what other interpretation these words can have0 %the undamental duty o Communist Party mem$ers i to trans orm the present world into a Communist world%93 6e have always had people in our midst who thought that ire would not $urn0 that i you /ump out o a tenth story window0 you may go down0 $ut then again0 you may go up- 6e used to call it insanity- "nly recently has it ta)en to itsel the name o mental healthThe malady o intellectual dishonesty has a licted large segments o the educated and the religious groups leaving them 1uite una$le to ace the unpleasant truth- Intellectual dishonesty CH

is one o the greatest allies o Communism- Li)e cancer0 it cannot $e treated ade1uately till its malignancy recogni#ed-

Cultural .nterchange
8 second ally o Communism is the naive $elie that the truth a$out Communism can $e learned $y super icial o$servation- 8n idea which has currently gained wide acceptance is that legitimate in ormation a$out Communism may $e secured $y a $rie visit to a Communist country8s I travel throughout 8merica lecturing on Communism0 I am re1uently as)ed i I have visited Russia- The in erence is that i I have not0 I cannot possi$ly understand very much a$out Communism- To audiences which pose this 1uestion0 I reply that I have not $een to Russia and that I reali#e that this is a serious disadvantage- I then express the hope that a ter I have outlined my 1uali ications0 they will all eel moved to contri$ute generously in order to send me- To prove my 1uali ications or such a visit I proceed to give them the ruit o my acute o$servations concerning 8merica- I have $een in 8merica0 on and o 0 or a$out nine years- I have traveled in orty-six states. I have addressed hundreds o thousands o people0 and have en/oyed complete reedom o movement and reedom o speech- 8s ar as I )now0 I have never $een ollowed $y an agent o any investigative group0 or $y the police- 8s an 8ustralian0 I spea) the *nglish language exceedingly well0 though I have great di iculty persuading 8mericans that this is so- During this time0 there ore0 I have had ample opportunity to o$serve 8merica and 8mericansThe irst thing that astonished me when I arrived was that apparently no$ody approved o the character or record o President Roosevelt- In 8ustralia we had thought him to $e a universal 8merican hero- 6hen the irst i ty people to whom I spo)e unanimously castigated him0 I received the shoc) o my li e- During my nine years in this country0 I have never heard a !egro complain o discrimination though I have addressed thousands and conversed with hundreds o them- I have never seen a violent crime. I have never witnessed a ma/or automo$ile accident. I have never seen a $as)et$all match. and as ar as I )now0 I have never seen a pro essional gam$ler or a prostitute- 8 ter ten years o personal0 irst hand o$servation0 I ma)e my report2 3Inside 8merica3 $y 'red C- (chwar#- 3!o$ody in 8merica voted or President Roosevelt. no !egro is concerned with discrimination. there is no violent crime. there are no automo$ile accidents. no$ody plays $as)et$all. there is no gam$ling and there is no prostitution-3 This is the truth $ecause I have $een there and have seen it or mysel I someone would /ust send me to Russia or three wee)s or so0 I could $ring $ac) the truth a$out what is happening over there- 8dmittedly I would $e slightly handicapped $ecause I cannot spea) the language- <owever0 this is not really important $ecause the Communist government thought o it long in advance and has made ade1uate provision or it- They have trained as interpreters some o their inest young Communists who are totally dedicated to the Party0 and very 1uic) o mind and tongue- These interpreters have a three- old tas)- In the irst place0 they are to ta)e me round and supervise what I see and whom I meet- (econdly0 they are to )eep an eye on the contacts I do ma)e so that i any o them get out o line they can $e dealt with later- Thirdly0 they are to misrepresent my 1uestions and misinterpret the answers- I approach a group o people and as) the interpreter to as) them i they love the Communist government- <e turns to them and utters a stream o what0 to me0 is unintelligi$le gi$$erishThey answer in a similar vein- <e turns to me and says0 3They love Communism with all their CA

hearts-3 The only di iculty is that I have no way o )nowing what he as)ed them or what they said in reply- <e may have said0 3<e wants to )now what you had or $rea) ast-3 They may have said0 34ou )now very well that we didn%t have any $rea) ast-3 (ince he is a devoted Communist0 utterly dedicated to the interests o the Party0 it is highly impro$a$le that he will repeat anything that re lects $adly upon it!inety-nine out o a hundred people who visit Russia and come $ac) to tell their riends and ac1uaintances all a$out it are in exactly the same position I would $e in i I went- They have no way o )nowing how much o what they have $een told is really true- The tragic part is that most o them do not reali#e this- They 1uote authoritatively what they have $een told $y the Communist interpreter as the o$/ective truth8 well )nown $usinessman0 a prominent clergyman0 or a politician goes to Russia or a $rie tour- "n his return he is met $y representatives o the press at the airport where he gives his impressions o the present mood o the Russian masses- <e is whis)ed o to a radio station where he discusses the changes that have occurred in the personal relationships o the Presidium o the Communist Party- <e may even appear on television where he tal)s at some length a$out the present attitude o the Red 8rmy towards their Communist masters- The only people who are $igger idiots than he are those who ta)e any notice o what he says- &y the very nature o things0 he can $e nothing $ut an unconscious agent o Communist propaganda<e can report only what he saw and heard- 6hat he saw was limited and super icial0 and what he heard was channeled to him through the Communist PartyIt has $een well said0 38 ool learns $y his own experience. a wise man learns $y the experience o others-3 The ma/or portion o our )nowledge is gained through the means o communication- In Russia these are completely controlled $y the Communist Party- *very newspaper is a Communist propaganda sheet- 8ll radio and television programs are designed to convey messages selected $y the Communist Party- *very text$oo)0 every novel0 every play and movie is designed to advance the ideas approved $y the Party- Thus in ormation which is the raw material o thought is ed to the Russian people $y the Communists- Pu$lic opinion in Russia is care ully molded $y the Communist PartyI a tourist reali#es the serious limitations o his situation0 in certain speciali#ed ields0 he can o$tain valid in ormation rom his trip- 'or example0 he can secure clear in ormation a$out the Russian $oast that they have e1uali#ed the status o women- Their $oast is 1uite /usti ied8mericans do not really treat their women with e1uality- They do not allow them0 or example0 to mine coal or to per orm heavy manual wor) on the roads- (uch tas)s are )ept solely or men- There is no such $ourgeois discrimination in Russia0 and tourists to Russia may o$serve that this is so- "ne tourist told me that when he came out o a theatre at eleven o%cloc) at night he saw a group o old grandmothers wor)ing in the rain laying $lac)top on the roads- 8s he travels in the train0 the tourist may see women swinging their pic)s in the railway gangs0 usually under the supervision o a male oreman- (uch things a tourist may see0 $ut to secure a genuine insight into the minds and eelings o the people is an impossi$ility in the situation existing in RussiaDiscussing this with some wide-eyed innocents recently returned rom Russia0 I made the statement that tourists returning rom $ehind the Iron Curtain are very re1uently the instruments o Communist propaganda- They were horri ied at the suggestion- 8s we continued in conversation0 one o the women commented on the encouraging progress $eing made $y Russian &aptists- (aid she0 3They now have seven thousand churches-3


3<ere is the very )ind o thing to which I was re erring03 I replied- 34ou are unconsciously giving Communist propaganda-3 3I resent that very much03 she said3Let%s consider your statement03 I said- 34ou tell me that there are seven thousand &aptist churches- <ow do you )now93 (he mentioned the name o a riend o hers as the source o her in ormation38nd how does he )now93 3<e )nows the &aptist preacher in Moscow and has )nown him or years03 was the reply3I )now one o the &aptist preachers here in Los 8ngeles and have )nown him or years- 6ere I to go to him and as) how many &aptist churches there are in Cali ornia0 what would he do9 <e%d pull down a &aptist year$oo)0 see) the in ormation0 and give me the answer or the di erent &aptist segments- (ome$ody has to ta)e the statistics- 6ho do you suppose too) these statistics that you are giving me93 (he said0 3I don%t )now-3 3The Communists too) them0 o course- 6hether they are true or alse0 we have not the aintest idea-3 !o tourist o Russia can get any idea whatsoever o the strength o &aptist wor) in Russia- 8ll he can do is to go and see one or two &aptist churches0 usually those in Moscow or Leningrad- 6hen &o$ Pierce0 President o 6orld Dision0 was in +iev0 he as)ed the guide to show him the &aptist church there- The guide was at a loss- Tourists do not as) to visit the &aptist church in +iev- They go only in Moscow and Leningrad- In the city o +iev which has a population o a million people0 she did not )now where a &aptist church was to $e ound&y the ollowing day0 however0 she had discovered one- It consisted o a mere hand ul o people meeting in a house- 6hen we consider that the Protestants o Russia are all in these &aptist churches0 the complacency o Christians is appallingThe statistics regarding the strength o &aptist wor) in Russia vary greatly rom time to time6hen the leaders rom the Russian &aptists toured 8merica a$out ,E@@0 they 1uoted the num$er o &aptists then in Russian as $eing three million- In ,E@E0 the num$er was given as ive hundred thousand- *ither the &aptist in Russia $ac)slid greatly in those ew years0 or someone manipulated the statisticsIn Indianapolis0 I spo)e to the arm editor o the television station who was a$out to visit Russia- I told him that he would come $ac) a propagandist or the Communists- <e replied0 3I )now I will- <ow can I help it93 3"h0 that%s easy03 I said- 38s soon as you get there0 overthrow the Communist government and re-esta$lish reedom o speech0 reedom o movement0 reedom o the press0 and reedom o communication- 8$olish all the psychological inhi$itions Communism has produced in the people during their rule o orty years- Then go round and dig under every child%s playground and see what you ind-3 In the U)raine0 the ;ermans were welcomed $y the U)rainians as li$erators- In the city o Dinnit#a there were discovered mass graves o ten thousand $odies- "ver some o these graves the Communists had $uilt Par)s o Culture and Rest including a child%s playground and a sporting arena- 8 tourist going there at normal times would see nothing except excellent recreational acilities or the citi#ens and particularly or the childrenHB

Delegations are the source o dangerous delusions indeed- 6hat we see with our eyes is limited- "$servation is no su$stitute or understanding- 8 man can learn more a$out Communism in an hour $y ta)ing a $oo) li)e <ow to $e a ;ood Communist $y Liu (hao-chi or Pro$lems o Leninism $y (talin than he can in a year as a tourist who sees nothing $ut what the Communists show him- "$servation may $e minutely accurate and interpretation completely erroneous8 visitor went on a tour o a tu$erculosis sanitarium- <e wal)ed through the grounds0 irst o all0 and there he was greatly impressed $y the well )ept lawns and the $eauti ul landscaped gardens- Upon entering the $uilding he was met $y a charming receptionist who smiled at him warmly and too) him on a tour o the sanitariumIn the spotless )itchen0 he ound the inest coo)ing e1uipment he had ever seen- <e examined the plum$ing and ound it exceptional in 1uality and e iciency8 ter duly admiring the acilities o the institution0 he was escorted into the wards- In preparation or his coming0 the patients had all $een given a dose o anti-pertussive mixture0 otherwise )nown as cough syrup- The peace ul atmosphere was not distur$ed $y undue coughing- The patients were propped up neatly on snowy white pillows- Many o them had a $ecoming lush on their chee)s- <overing around were nurses who were giving them personal attention ar $etter than any service availa$le in the $est hotel- 6hen mealtime arrived0 each patient was served with tasty ood which have $een care ully prepared and attractively served on individual trays6hen his tour was ended0 the visitor was duly impressed $y all he had seen- (aid he0 3There are many good eatures a$out tu$erculosis0 eatures which are at least e1ual0 i not superior to the eatures o a healthy li e- The patient lives in an environment o cleanliness and $eauty- <e has economic security- <e does not need to rise at six o%cloc) each morning to $attle his way through the teeming tra ic and compete in the struggle to earn a living- 'ood0 clothing0 and shelter are all provided- *very need is supplied $y attentive young emale nurses- <e has reached the goal o economic security or which we all strive- I thin) that the dangers o tu$erculosis are grossly exaggerated- 6e can at least co-exist with it-3 <earing this0 some pu##led person might turn to him and say0 3&ut what a$out the tu$erculosis germ93 3I didn%t see one-3 3Did you loo)93 3" course I loo)ed- I loo)ed everywhere-in the drawers0 under the $eds0 $ehind the doors0 everywhere-and I swear I did not see a single tu$erculosis germ- I don%t $elieve they exist-3 (uppose that such a report was made $y a medical man who had $een trained to )now that what he saw was merely super icial0 and that out o human sight was an evil0 patholgical organism doing its ear ul wor). who should have )nown that $ehind the apparent calm0 there was a world o agony and rac)ing coughs which would cause the patients to spit up their lungs in pus and $lood and would send them to their deaths- 8 medical man who made a report li)e that would $e /udged criminally insanePreachers should $e physicians in the realm o the spirit as medical men are in the realm o the $ody- 6hen preachers report only the super icial things they see0 and0 $y in erence0 minimi#e the gravity o the germ o godlessness0 they $etray their responsi$ility as Christian leaders- The tragedy is that they do it all unwittinglyH,

8 preacher visited Russia in ,E>A- <e saw some splendid new $uildings going up0 and he reported that Russia was ul illing the )ingdom o ;od on earth- 6hat was going on at that time was horri$le to imagine- It was the period o the great (talinist purges0 when (talin was watering the soil o Russia with the $lood o the Communist elite- 8s a visitor0 the clergyman did not see one execution or one trial- <e saw only magni icent new $uildings and on the $asis o this he made his report- (eeing without understanding is the certain pathway o delusion(eeing is not necessarily $elieving- I seeing is $elieving0 you cannot tell me anything a$out 8merican oot$all $ecause I have seen it with my own eyes- I want to descri$e to you what I saw- I you do not $elieve me0 I am prepared to go into any court in the land and swear under oath that this is what I sawIt was in Los 8ngeles at the Coliseum- The University o (outhern Cali ornia was playing the University o Cali ornia in a home-coming match- It was a magni icent spectacle- 8 hundred thousand people were gathered together- 8 hundred thousand people is a huge crowd- They must $e entertained $ecause the devil inds wor) or idle hands to do- Clowns have always $een ound to $e very entertaining0 so with typical 8merican genius the organi#ers hit upon a remar)a$le scheme- They dressed all the oot$all players up li)e clowns- They put them in the most ridiculous and grotes1ue garments I have ever seen- They were padded and patted in every direction li)e an *s)imo $ride at a winter wedding $rea) ast- They had $aggy pantsThey protruded at the rear and at the )nees- They wore enormous helmets with protruding /aws- It was the unniest loo)ing sight I had ever seen8$out i ty o these clowns ran on to the playing ield and a strange thing happened- Instead o $ursting out laughing as would have $een 1uite natural0 every$ody $egan clapping and cheering- I admit $ewilderment at this incomprehensi$le mani estation o 8merican psychology- 8 ter these clowns had run around throwing the $all to one another or ten or i teen minutes0 most o them $ecame weary or $ored and went to sit down on some $enches at the side o the ield- *leven clowns remained on each side o the line running across the middle o the playing ield0 and seven o them )nelt down opposite one another and started to pray- 6hen they had said their prayers0 one o them lic)ed the $all $ac) to a guy standing $ehind- <e apparently too) a li)ing to it0 and thought he would ta)e it home0 so he cut across that ield li)e a strea) o lightning- The others saw what he was doing and rushed a ter him<e swerved and weaved- <e approached the sideline- It loo)ed as though he was going to get away- &ut suddenly0 hurtling through the air came a massive $ody which crashed into him and )noc)ed him right over- This was rather cruel0 $ut may$e it was air enough since he was trying to steal the $all li)e that8t this point no$ody seemed to )now 1uite what to do- 8 clown in a costume all o his own with up and down stripes which made him loo) li)e a convict $lew a whistle and the game stopped- "ne side called a committee meeting- 6hat too) place at this committee meeting0 I do not )now exactly- "ne thing they did was to interchange a ew o the clowns who had apparently grown tired in the struggleThey resumed with another session o prayer- I eel that this recurrent prayer in 8merican oot$all is one o the hope ul signs o the day- 6hen the center man lic)ed the $all $ac) to the one standing $ehind him0 he played them a dirty tric)- In all my living days0 I have never seen a dirtier deed- <ow he had the gall to do it $e ore two hundred thousand staring eyes0 I will never )now- Right in the middle o the game0 he changed his side- Instead o running orward0 he turned and ran round $ac)wards- 6hen he had gone $ac) a$out ten yards0 H7

however0 someone caught him and )noc)ed him over- 6asn%t that a dirty tric) to change his side in the middle o the game li)e that9 I )now he did- I saw him with my own eyes4ou say to me0 3"h0 you%re cra#y5 That man hadn%t changed his side at all- <e%d gone $ac) to get in a good position to ma)e a orward pass and they trapped him-3 4ou )now this $ecause you )now the rules o the game- 4ou )now its purposes and you )now its motives- 4ou are in tune with its spirit- &ut i you )new none o these things0 i you came0 as I do0 rom another land where the rules or oot$all are 1uite di erent0 where the game has no orward pass0 and i you too) the rules which were amiliar to you and interpreted what you saw in terms o them you would $e apt to ma)e conclusions very similar to those which I reached6hen we o$serve what the Communists do without )nowing the rules o the game0 without )nowing Communist doctrine0 morality0 o$/ectives0 and methods0 when we pro/ect upon them our own $asic Christian standards0 our conclusions are as ridiculous as my interpretation o an 8merican oot$all match- They are ar more dangerous- There must $e assiduous study o the doctrines o Communism i the necessary understanding o their psychology0 morality0 and program is to $e achieved- There is no su$stitute or )nowledge- Ignorance is evil and paralyticThe greatest ally Communism has is the existing ignorance concerning its true nature- 6ar must $e declared on this ignorance,- U-(- !ews and 6orld Report0 "cto$er @0 ,E?E0 p-E@- *xcerpts rom a discussion $etween !i)ita +hrushchev and 8merican la$or leaders at a meeting in (an 'ransisco0 (eptem$er 7,0 ,E@E7- Liu (hao-chi0 op-cit-0 p- >H>- I$id-0 p- ?,-



The word 3$rainwashing3 is a very recent addition to the *nglish language- 8 new word was necessary $ecause it signi ied an experience that was previously un)nown- (ince its introduction it has passed into common speech and is used routinely $y large num$ers o people0 many o whom have only the vaguest idea o its meaning- In many cases it is used to descri$e processes that have existed or centuries0 and its speci ic meaning has0 to a large degree0 $een lost- &ut the phenomenon o $rainwashing is one o the more rightening developments o the twentieth century- It is an accurate and destructive science- It is an assault upon the human mind itsel - The Communists have proved they can distort the human mind as the torturers o history distorted the $ody8n 8merican girl went to China as a 'ul$right scholar- (he was not a Communist0 $ut neither was she an active anti-Communist- 8 ter studying or a year or so in Communist China0 she was arrested and underwent various mysterious treatments- 8t the end o this treatment0 she con essed that she had gone to China as an imperialist spy0 and pro essed pro ound repentance or her treachery- (he was then allowed to go ree8s she crossed into <ong +ong0 she was met $y newspaper reporters0 and a remar)a$le story un olded- (he told the reporters she had $een a vicious spy on $ehal o the 8merican imperialists- <er attitude was a composite o guilt and sel -loathing0 mingled with hatred o her own country and a passionate love or the Chinese Communists- (he was almost lyrical in her gratitude and devotion to her captors- (he descri$ed how wonder ul they were- (he had deserved to die0 $ut they had spared her li e- In their hands she had $een $orn again- To them she owed an eternal de$t o gratitude or the new li e she now livedThe reporters 1uestioned her a$out her treatment in prison- <ad not her eet $een in chains9 "h0 yes0 her eet had $een in chains0 $ut what loving0 )ind0 wonder ul people the Communists were- 6as it not true that her hands had $een handcu ed $ehind her $ac)9 4es0 her hands had $een handcu ed $ehind her $ac)0 $ut they had treated her with a$solute )indness and wonder ul love6hat were the experiences which had $rought a$out this remar)a$le situation where she $elieved she had done things she had not done0 elt guilt or crimes she had not committed0 and loved with a passionate intensity those who had tortured and tormented her9 6e see in this young woman an end product o the phenomenon )nown as $rainwashing8 young man /oined the armed orces o his country and crossed the sea to ight in +orea*arly in the +orean 6ar0 he was ta)en prisoner $y the Communists- <e very soon con essed that he had engaged in germ war are- 6hile in the hands o the Communists0 he ell ill and was trans erred $ac) to 8merica at operation 3Little (witch3-the interchange o sic) prisonersUpon his return0 he needed to $e institutionali#ed- In the institution he sat s1uat-legged in his cell in the grip o a pro ound0 irreduci$le melancholy0 with a tendency towards sel destruction- <e was in love with his mistress0 Death- This young soldier is a second example o the results o $rainwashingThe word is sometimes used to descri$e the experience on a mass scale0 o 8merican prisoners in the hands o the Chinese Communists- 8merica has ought in a num$er o wars in which prisoners have $een ta)en- (uch prisoners always proved a thorn in the side o their H?

captors- They were very di icult to control0 they were courageous0 they were su$/ect to the discipline o their o icers in the prison0 they were gripped with a comradely devotion to their ellow prisoners0 and they made numerous attempts at escape- 6hen 8merican prisoners o war ell into the hands o the Communists0 however0 a distur$ing trans ormation occurredThey were reduced to a sel ish0 unco-ordinated ra$$le without discipline or unity- In orming on one another was the order o the day- 8 hand ul o Communist Chinese )ept large groups o 8merican prisoners under control without $rutal $ashings0 without $ar$ed wire entanglements0 and with little apparent di iculty- " many thousands o prisoners0 not one made any attempt to escape during the entire period o the imprisonment- "nly a small segment were a$le to withstand completely the attempts o the Communists to indoctrinate them- 8nother small group $ecame openly pro-Communist- The remainder were demorali#ed'orty per cent o them died- The Tur)ish prisoners0 on the other hand0 maintained an excellent record- Their discipline was had completely rom top to $ottom- !ot one Tur)ish prisoner died0 and not one colla$orated(o concerned were 8merican authorities that they instituted an in1uiry to see) the causes o this revolution in the conduct o 8merican prisoners- 8 team o trained medical o icers examined the prisoners0 collected details o the treatment they had received0 and pro$ed or the causes o the de$acle- This evidence was pu$lished in the $oo)0 In *very 6ar $ut "ne- 1 Their inding were alarming indeed- In an e ort to prevent similar occurrences in the uture0 the army sought to esta$lish a code o conduct or any soldier so un ortunate as to all into the hands o the Communists in the uture- The Communist assault on the human mind is historically uni1ue and alarming in its e ectivenessTo understand the rationale o this attac) we need to understand the Communist concept o the mind itsel - The Communists are complete materialists- They $elieve that matter in motion is the sum total o all $eing0 that there is nothing in the universe $ut matter in motion- Man is a material machine- 6ithin his $ody a stomach secretes gastric /uice0 a liver secretes $ile0 a $rain secretes emotion and thought8 materialist scientist $uilt a mechanical dog which he )ept in a room in his home- 6hen he opened the door and allowed the light to shine on the eyes o the dog0 it moved orward and growled- 6hen he shut the door0 it moved $ac) into position- I he stro)ed the dog along the $ac)0 it wagged its tail- I he tic)led it underneath0 it lay down- (aid the scientist0 3The only di erence $etween this dog and my pet dog that runs0 /umps0 $ar)s0 and comes with me when I ta)e a wal) is one o degree- There is no di erence in )ind-3 The Communists go urther- The only di erence $etween the mechanical dog0 the living dog0 and the human $eing is one o degree- There is no di erence in )ind- The human $ody is simply a material machine- It is as automatic as an automo$ile- Man is a complex o conditioned $ehavior- The machinery is very complex0 particularly the $rain which is so complex that it gives the impression o reedom0 choice0 and volition- &ut thought is merely a re lection o certain electronic impulses within the $rain- The Communists0 there ore0 $elieve that i they can understand $rain structure0 the $uilding up o $rain patterns and $rain circuits0 they will $e a$le to understand the ormation o human thought and will $e a$le to control and direct human thoughtThe unctional unit within the $rain is the conditioned re lex- The Communists have studied the ormation0 control and elimination o conditioned re lexes- 8 re lex is an unlearned muscular response to a natural or unconditioned stimulus- 8t $irth a $a$y has certain remar)a$le s)ills- 'or example0 it can cry0 and crying is a complex mechanical process H@

re1uiring the coordination o a num$er o groups o muscles- 8gain0 a $a$y can suc)- These muscular s)ills are the external mani estations o certain in$orn $rain patterns- They are unconditioned re lex actions8t $irth0 the process o development and learning $egins- Learning is the accumulation o new $rain patterns leading to muscular co-ordination o a more complex nature- The $a$y is ta)en and laid in a $assinet over which is suspended a little colored $all- The little hands stri)e at the $all- 8t irst the movements are unco-ordinated and multi-directional0 $ut gradually s)ill is ac1uired until at length the little hand can hit the $all at will- The s)ill is revealed in co-ordinated muscular activity0 $ut the controlling mechanism is the pattern that has $een developed within the $rain- The s)ill is a conditioned re lex8s experience continues0 the $a$y learns to sit up0 to wal)0 to tal)0 to write0 to ride a $icycle0 to play the piano0 to use a typewriter0 to drive an automo$ile- 8ll these s)ills are conditioned re lexes- *xperience shows itsel in intricate patterns o muscular activity0 $ut the real pattern is esta$lished within the $rainThe Communists $elieve that the mind is simply a complex o conditioned re lexes0 and that i they can understand the techni1ues $y which these conditioned re lexes are $uilt up and how they can $e $ro)en down0 they have ac1uired mastery over the mind itsel The great scientist who studied the conditioned re lex thoroughly and systematically was the Russian0 Pavlov- <e $egan his scienti ic experiments under the rule o the C#ar- Lenin early reali#ed the vast signi icance o Pavlov%s studies or the Communist program o changing the entire mental outloo) o the Russian people- Pavlov was there ore given avored treatment $y the Communist regimeThe experimental animal that he used was the dog- The $asic re lex that he studied was the salivary re lex- 6hen a dog is hungry and is shown some meat0 his mouth waters- The sight or the smell o the meat is the normal stimulus or the low o saliva- In preparation or this experiment0 Pavlov operated on these dogs and introduced a tu$e into the salivary duct to divert the saliva rom the intestinal tract into a $ottle so that its low could $e measured6hen the dogs were hungry0 he showed them meat and the saliva lowed- The next step was to associate the ringing o a $ell with the viewing o the meat and the lowing o the saliva- 8t irst he rang a $ell at the same time as he showed them the meat- Then he rang the $ell a ew seconds $e ore he showed them the meat- In this way0 the ringing o the $ell was associated with the normal stimulus in such a way that the ringing o the $ell itsel was su icient to start the salivary low- ;radually the time interval was extended until0 inally0 the dogs were so conditioned that whenever the $ell rang0 the saliva lowed- The lowing o the saliva in this situation was a conditioned re lex- The ringing $ell was the arti icial stimulus that produced the re lex responsePavlov experimented with a large range o stimuli to re lex action- <e too) colored lights that moved in a circular pattern0 lights that moved in an elliptical pattern0 and0 a ter due training and conditioning0 was a$le to o$tain speci ic responses or each o the lights that he showed<e su$/ected the dogs to contradictory stimuli and studied their $ehavior to see which re lexes were more power ul- <e had a whole )ennel o dogs each o which was conditioned to react to a given stimulus in a ixed mannerIn ,E7? Leningrad experienced a ma/or lood- Pavlov%s dogs were trapped and0 or several days0 were cut o rom human help- 6hen inally they were rescued0 their mu##les were /ust stic)ing out o the water- 'or several days0 they had $een cold0 rightened0 hungry0 and HC

exhausted- 8 ter their rescue0 the acute o$server0 Pavlov0 noticed a strange thing- (ome o his dogs went into a state o pro ound depression- They lost interest in ood0 and in the normal activities o a dog%s li e- There was no $ar)ing and no rushing a$out- Their movements were slow and in re1uent- To them li e seemed to have lost its luster- Most interesting o all was the act that in this state their conditioned re lexes were a$olished- Pavlov ound that he could then condition them according to an entirely di erent patternPavlov applied the in ormation thus accidentally discovered to experiments to destroy conditioned re lex patterns- 8t irst he continued to experiment with dogs $ut during the last ten years o his li e0 man $ecame his experimental animal- <e developed techni1ues which could shatter the esta$lished pattern o human personality so that the ragments could $e integrated into a new structure o memory0 /udgement0 and emotion in line with the desires o the Communist cra tsmenThe irst step in the process was to $ring a$out a state o $rea)down similar to that experienced $y the dogs- Pavlov called it cortical inhi$ition o the higher cere$ral unctionThis is the state commonly )nown as a mental $rea)down which has occurred naturally in humans or many years- Pavlov esta$lished techni1ues where$y he could cause an arti icial mental $rea)down- The our things necessary to $ring a$out this state were present in the $rea)down o the trapped dogs- They are exhaustion0 con usion0 chronic physical pain0 and emotional tension or ear-

To parody a statement o Tolstoi2 36hen the Communists wish to $rainwash0 they irst exhaust-3 The irst step0 then0 is to exhaust the individual- <e is su$/ected to long periods o wa)e ulness- Darious tactics are adopted to ma)e sure that he cannot rest- <e may have to snatch $rie periods o sleep with a light shining in his ace- I he turns over0 the attendant comes along and awa)ens him with a command to get $ac) into position- (leep is short and sporadic- The techni1ues to induce prolonged wa)e ulness may vary rom pleasura$le0 continuous excitement0 to physical pain- The essential eature is to ro$ the $ody o sleep so that utter exhaustion prevails-

Con usion
6ith exhaustion0 there is the concurrent development o con usion- 6hile the de enses o his mind are wea)ened and undermined $y his extreme weariness0 the patient is su$/ected to lengthy periods o 1uestioning- <e sits acing his interrogator- 8 $right light shines relentlessly into his eyes- =uestions are as)ed one a ter the other- There is no attorney present to warn him against loaded 1uestions- There is no privilege o re raining rom answering or ear o possi$le sel -incrimination- *very 1uestion must $e answered- 8t irst the 1uestions are simple- They o ten concern this social origin0 early childhood and amily- The 1uestioner o ten shows a conciliatory attitude- ;radually the 1uestions pry deeper and deeper into the hidden recesses o his mind- =uestions are ramed in such a way that any simple answer contains a damaging admission- =uestions relative to imaginary crimes he is alleged to have committed are su$tly introduced"ne o the most re1uent accusations made against missionaries in China was that they operated secret radio transmitters to $roadcast the ruits o their espionage to Chiang +ai-she) HH

or 8merica- The 1uestioner might suddenly as)0 38re you sorry now that you transmitted this in ormation93 I he answers simply 34es3 or 3!o03 he is admitting association with a 3transmitter-3 I the mind is alert0 the trap is seen and avoided0 $ut this re1uires clear insight and lucid expression- 8s exhaustion develops0 the de enses o the mind $rea) down- 8 1uestion containing a trap is as)ed. a simple answer is given. and the su$/ect is caught- 8 ter a ew more 1uestions0 they con ront him with the hidden admission contained in the simple answer he gave- <e denies it- They ta)e him $ac) to his original answer and as)0 3Isn%t this what you said93 <e replies that this is so36ell0 does this not ac)nowledge so and so93 <e has to admit that it doesRelentlessly they continue- 3Previously you ac)nowledged this. now you deny it- 6hen were you lying0 then or now93 <e insists that he is spea)ing the truth now3I you were a liar then0 how can we $elieve you now93 they demand- <e $ecomes so con used that the $orderline o truth and alsehood $ecomes $lurred- The connection $etween reality and antasy is lost and he is no longer sure what is true and what is alse- In such a condition0 he $ecomes an easy prey or the suggestions o the Communist $rainwashing therapist-

Chronic Physical Pain

8long with exhaustion and con usion0 the 3$rainwashee3 is su$/ect to chronic physical painThis is applied with great care or their goal is always clearly $e ore them- They are not aiming at torturing their victim till he con esses to something he )nows to $e untrue- They desire to reduce him to the state where he $elieves the untruth to $e true- They do not want a physical $rea)down $e ore they get a mental one- Physical damage should not $e permanent or leave clearly visi$le scars- The physical pain0 there ore0 is chronic in nature0 and not acute torture- I the weather is cold0 the victim may $e le t without ade1uate covering so that hands and eet $ecome rost$itten- <e may $e made to endure hunger and thirst- Chronic sores may $rea) out- <e may $e le t in a position o extreme discom ort0 una$le to stand up and una$le to sit or lie down- Physical movement may $e restricted $y handcu s or chains- <e longs and prays or an end to his apparently endless ordeal-

In addition to exhaustion0 con usion0 and chronic physical pain0 there is the constant application o emotional tension or ear- The emotional personality is analy#ed to determine the wea)est point- I there is intense devotion to wi e or amily0 threats to them may $e held constantly $e ore the victim%s eyes- 8 group may inha$it a cell- "ne $y one they are called out at intervals o a ew days- The sound o a shot is heard- The man ta)en out does not return8nxiety and ear are experienced $y those who remain- *ach lives in constant inner emotional torment- &y such processes as these0 a mental $rea)down is induced- The old personality pattern is shattered and the victim is ready to $e molded according to the desires o the Communist Party*xhaustion0 con usion0 chronic physical pain and emotional tension0 employed in scienti ic $alance0 inally achieve the irst goal- 8 $rea)down occurs- The mind ragments- In Pavlovian language0 cortical inhi$ition o the higher cere$ral unction occursHA

The characteristics o this $rea)down are as ollows,- Ph!si"al retardation. The victim tends to remain almost motionless in the same position or long periods o time- Movements when they do ta)e place are slow and ponderous- There is a total lac) o vitality0 interest and enthusiasm7- #emor! ragmentation. The integrated pattern o past experience em$racing memory0 interpretation and /udgment is shattered- 'ragments o past experience are remem$ered dimly $ut without relation to other memories o events- The time se1uence o events is lost- The $orderline $etween act and ancy0 $etween memory and dream is $lurred>- #elan"hol!. The typical pattern is one o deep melancholia- The mind is gripped $y a nameless woe- There is deep and enduring depression- 're1uently suicidal tendencies develop as the misery appears too heavy to $e $orne- I the physical means are availa$le0 the su erer will readily end his own li e?- $n"reased suggesti%ilit!. The $arriers o the mind are down- Memory is aded- Logic is impaired- :udgement is impossi$le- In the a$sence o the restraints o the healthy mind0 the power o suggestion is enhancedThe Communists ta)e advantage o this wea) and unresisting state0 and0 $y suggestion0 lin) the shattered ragments o memory into the new pattern- They suggest the new ideas which they want $elieved- To these ideas they attach the sense o guilt which the victim is already eeling- They remove the excess emotional depression and then identi y themselves with measures to alleviate his su ering0 $ut they are care ul to leave the delusional $elie s unaltered- They now have their end product-a person with memories o things he has not done0 with a sense o guilt or crimes he did not commit0 and with a passionate love or those who have persecuted and tormented him(uggestion is a power ul orce even under normal conditions- This has $een discovered $y advertisers and used to considera$le advantage- I mysel have re1uently carried out an interesting little experiment on the power o suggestion- "ne o the pro$lems con ronting me in my itinerant li e is that per ectly well-meaning0 hospita$le 8mericans try to persuade me to drin) that dar)0 viscous0 $itter $everage called co ee- (ometimes I drin) it0 $ut sometimes I say2 3I used to drin) it0 $ut I carried out some research and discovered what co ee really isDo you )now what it really is9 They ta)e the castor oil $ean0 soa) it in shellac until it is thoroughly impregnated- They put on a great advertising rac)et and pretend that it comes rom &ra#il so that they can tre$le the price- They grind it up and they $rew it- The castor oil gives it the lavor0 the shellac gives it the color0 and the idiots drin) it-3 It is ama#ing how many people have loo)ed at me with wide open eyes and said2 3Is that true93 !o matter how stupid the statement0 i it is made with an attitude o apparent sincerity and conviction0 there are always those who will $e convinced o its truth"nce people are conditioned so that a certain word is associated with emotions o repulsion or anger0 that word $ecomes a trigger $y which those emotions may $e discharged- Reason and logic are 1uite unnecessary- That word is used0 the trigger is pulled0 and out come the emotions- This was $rought home to me very power ully one evening when I was spea)ing upon the su$/ect o $rainwashing at a church- I used my illustration a$out co ee to indicate how suggesti$le people are- I reached the climax2 the castor oil gives it the lavor0 the shellac gives it the color0 and the idiots drin) it- To my great surprise0 the whole audience $ro)e out into loud0 sustained applause- I was startled- I had thought I was telling a /o)e- (uddenly the truth dawned on me- The audience consisted o a group o co ee haters- This was a group to HE

whom drin)ing co ee was a sin- They did not examine my argument critically. they responded to the trigger- The word $ecame stimulus to a re lex response- "nce people are conditioned li)e that0 there is no need or logic0 reason or truth- 8ll that is needed is or the word to $e said and out will come the emotionsThe Communists have ta)en the words 3Capitalism03 38merican imperialism03 and even the word 3peace3 and made them trigger words and used them in slogans- 3Capitalism3 immediately con/ures up a picture o greed and exploitation0 and releases emotions o scorn and anger- 38merican imperialism03 attached to the most altruistic 8merican actions0 ma)e them appear sha$$y and shame ul- The word 3peace03 associated with Communist treachery0 $rutality and tyranny0 clothes Communism in garments o hope and $eauty- To these trigger words0 young people throughout the world are $eing conditioned to respondThis campaign o the Communists has $een so success ul that even the most ardent supporters o Capitalism hesitate to use the word and search or some less o ensive synonym- It needs to $e constantly taught that Capitalism has produced a standard o economic well-$eing and simultaneously sustained individual li$erty to a degree unapproached $y any other systemCapitalism is a dynamic system that can ad/ust to changing conditions and it is in initely pre era$le to the tyranny o regimentation under the dictatorship o a sel -proclaimed elite0 whether this latter system calls itsel 3Communism3 or some more euphemistic nameLet us return to our victim undergoing $rainwashing- <e has reached the point o mental $rea)down with ragmentation o mind and memory- &y a process o suggestion0 the Communists lin) together the shattered ragments o their victim%s mind- Certain memories they care ully retain- "thers they deli$erately con use and eliminate- 8 missionary serving with the China Inland Mission when the Communists too) over China underwent the experience o $rainwashing- <e tells how they convinced him that under every church that he had $uilt he constructed a storeroom or ammunition or Chiang +ai-she)%s soldiers- It was true that he had $uilt a room under each church where he had $een- This room was the $aptistry or the $aptism o adults $y immersion- 6hen the Communists had him thoroughly exhausted0 depressed and con used0 they illed these rooms with weapons and showed them to him- They had him handle the weapons and ammunition- Later on0 they too) his inger prints rom the ammunition that he had handled in these rooms and used them to convince him that he had $uilt the rooms and illed them with weapons or the use o the orces o Chiang +aishe)- <e remem$ered $uilding the rooms0 and he remem$ered handling the weapons- &y clever suggestion0 the Communists were a$le to weave these scraps o memory together and to convince him o the truth o their accusations- <e was then overwhelmed with guilt or his treacherous acts8 ter the experience o $rainwashing0 the victim su ers rom severe emotional depressionThe excessive elements o this depression are removed in various ways- They allow time to do its healing wor)- It is possi$le that they use electric shoc) treatment- The advantage o shoc) treatment is that is can remove emotional depression without a ecting the ideas associated with the depression- I an individual is convinced that his grandmother le t him a million dollars and that his wic)ed step-sister stole it rom him0 he is li)ely to $e exceedingly misera$le in his delusional state- 8 ter shoc) treatment0 he remains convinced that his grandmother le t him the million dollars and that his wic)ed step-sister stole it rom him0 $ut can now ace this act with a measure o e1uanimity- Moreover0 shoc) treatment is ollowed $y an amnesia0 and there is no memory o the treatment%s $eing received- It could $e given privately and the individual would never remem$er that he had received itAB

In time0 the victim o $rainwashing is $rought out and presented in court- <e ma)es his con ession- <e is o$served and interviewed $y the reporters- !o apparent physical damage is noted0 and his con ession goes out to all the worldIt is possi$le to recover rom $rainwashing /ust as recovery is possi$le in cases o mental collapse induced $y the pressures o society- 'or a cure to $e e ected0 the victim must $e removed rom the environment containing the pressures that produced the collapse- The missionary who $elieved himsel guilty o $uilding ammunition storerooms in the churches was )ept 1uiet in a dar) room0 a ter his release rom China0 and allowed to tal)- 8s he released his tensions0 the real $ecame disassociated rom the alse0 and he returned to a normal mental and spiritual state- Most people do recover0 $ut not all- In any case0 the scars o their ordeal remain-

The term 3$rainwashing3 is not always used to indicate the process descri$ed- The word has captured pu$lic imagination and is used very loosely- The process o indoctrination $y repetition rather than reason is re1uently termed $rainwashing- The Communists are adept at this also- They tell a lie0 ma)e it $ig0 repeat it o ten0 and the ma/ority o people $elieve themThis0 o course0 is a principle which has long $een practiced $y advertisers- There are some particularly remar)a$le examples in the ield o to$acco advertising- There is little attempt at a reasoned0 logical argument- They see) a catchy slogan to repeat over and over again- (ome years ago when a certain company was promoting an especially long cigarette0 the slogan adopted was2 3(creens out irritants $ut never screens out lavor-3 The idea apparently was that the length o the cigarette acted as a ilter- The 1uestion which should arise at once is2 6hat happens when the cigarette $urns down to the normal si#e9 4et this o$vious lac) o logic and common sense apparently made no di erence to the e ectiveness o the advertising campaign- The slogan was repeated so many times that large num$ers o people un1uestiona$ly assumed its truthDriving $ac) one night rom Milwau)ee to Chicago0 I listened to a remar)a$le interview on the radio- The man $eing interviewed was a prosecuting attorney- <e was discussing drin)ing drivers- <e was devastating- <e said0 38nyone who drin)s and drives an automo$ile is a potential murderer- 8nyone who drin)s0 drives an automo$ile and )ills is an actual murdererThere is no di erence $etween )illing as a result o drun)en driving0 and )illing with a gun(ince every$ody drives0 no$ody should drin)- "ne drin) lowers your e iciency and increases your reaction time- There is only one place or drin)ing drivers and that is prison- &y ;od%s grace0 that%s where I intend to put them53 !o sooner had he inished than the announcer%s voice was heard2 3The oregoing interview was sponsored $y a well-)nown $rand o $eer-3 There ollowed a specious statement that since this $eer was the $est o all $eers0 you owed it to yoursel and your riends to pic) up a carton o it on the way home and to )eep it in the re rigerator as you never )new when your riends might drive $y and call on you- I you did not have a drin) there to welcome them0 you were certainly a poor host and no gentlemanThe sponsors o this program were not trying to ruin their $usiness- They dou$tless )new very well that the program would do them no harm0 or they were well aware that repetition would con1uer reason- The listening audience would hear the prosecuting attorney once0 and perhaps they would agree with him. $ut they would hear the $eer announcement a hundred times- A,

Reason may reach the conscious mind while repetition in luences the unconscious mind which is the source o so much human conductThe Communists )now that i they want something accepted without 1uestion0 they must say it0 say it0 and say it again- There ore they are repeating day and night $y radio0 $y television0 $y literature o every type0 two simple lies2 one is that wherever Communism is in power0 the people are prosperous0 healthy0 happy and ree. the other is that 8merica is vile and evil $eyond measure0 a land o hunger0 malnutrition0 depression0 exploitation0 poverty and ear0 and a desperate threat to the peace o the world- 8n evidence o this Communist techni1ue is a $oo) which they have pu$lished in 8ustralia called This is 8merica- There is not one word in this $oo) which is not 1uoted directly rom the non-Communist 8merican press- "ut o the tremendous 1uantity o material pu$lished0 the Communists have ta)en any statement which can help to $uild a picture o a poverty-ridden0 oppressed 8merica- 8ll the articles and statements that suggest otherwise0 they have ignored completely- The ollowing are some 1uotations rom the $oo)3"ne third o the city%s $a$ies0 $orn and un$orn0 su er rom malnutrition as a result o high prices0 the Right Rev- Charles +- ;il$ert0 &ishop o the *piscopal Diocese o !ew 4or)0 told the Congressional Committee-3 !ew 4or) 6orld Telegram0 (eptem$er 7@0 ,E?H36e eed our hogs $etter than our children-3 <eading on an article in the 8merican Maga#ine0 "cto$er0 ,E?H0 $y 'red &ailey0 *xecutive Director o !ational 8gricultural Research0 Inc38pproximately 70@BB0BBB residents o !ew 4or) ace undernourishment and de iciency diets due to the in lated costs o ood- This is the grim0 outstanding evidence produced $y a ourday hearing on ood prices $y the eastern su$-committee o a /oint Congressional Committee-3 =uoted in the Christian (cience Monitor0 (eptem$er 7C0 ,E?H3Three ourths o the nation%s children su er rom undernourishment0 a study o Pennsylvania (tate College esta$lished-3 =uoted $y 8ssociated Press on Decem$er 7B0 ,E@BThe Communists do not need to tell lies in order to create the picture they desire- 8ll they need to do is to select rom the total picture those things that it into their pre-conceived pattern- 8s Tennyson said2 A lie that&s hal a truth is the wi"'edest lie o all, (or a lie that&s all a lie "an %e met with and ought outright, But a lie that is hal a truth is a harder matter to ight. The Communists are creating a picture o 8merica which is completely alse and are pro/ecting this picture into the minds o the people o the world- 6hat 8merica does or does not do ma)es little di erence to this picture- It is easy to say0 3Let the acts spea) or themselves-3 Un ortunately acts have a very so t voice0 and their message is not heard $y those who are not in the immediate environment- The United (tates-Canadian $order is a actThe a$sence o military esta$lishments0 the re1uency and ease o two-way transportation are indisputa$le acts- They have not $een a$le to contradict or millions o people the constantly reiterated Communist lie that the United (tates is viciously imperialistic0 threatening the peace and integrity o all the people o the world- A7

In the ormation o pu$lic opinion0 it is not what you do that counts0 $ut what people $elieve you do- "pinions vary concerning the wisdom o the action o President *isenhower in sending troops into Little Roc)0 8r)ansas0 in (eptem$er0 ,E@A- The act is indisputa$le that they were sent to ena$le !egro children to attend school- <owever0 competent o$servers report that the ma/ority o people in 8 rica $elieve that they were sent in to prevent !egro children rom attending school- The attitude o these people towards 8merica is ormed rom their erroneous $elie s0 not rom the acts- The Communists spare no expenses and ma)e prodigious e orts to print and distri$ute literature giving a completely alse picture o li e and character in the United (tates- The alsity o this picture o 8merica is only surpassed $y the picture they present o alleged universal happiness and contentment under CommunismThe di erence $etween li e under Communist rule and li e in 8merica is well illustrated $y the act that whenever Communism comes to power0 in spite o the glory o their promises0 the ear ul reality proves the magnitude o their deception and people lee $y the million- 8t every Communist $order in the world where there is any possi$ility o escape0 this exodus continues- The United (tates0 on the other hand0 is a magnet to her neigh$ors- 8 million people a year ris) their lives not trying to get out0 $ut trying to get in0 not to live at the highest standard0 $ut at the lowest standard- ;reat num$ers cross the Rio ;rande River and enter illegally rom Mexico- Conditions in Mexico are certainly very poor0 $ut this alone would not account or the in lux- Conditions in Tur)ey are ar rom ideal- Poverty there is ri e also- 4et there is no stream o re ugees rom Tur)ey into Russia- These acts must $e told till they are )nown in every noo) and cranny o the earth- 8merica should mo$ili#e her remar)a$le s)ill with the means o communication to achieve this end- The alternative is to $ecome an island o unease in a surrounding sea o hatredThe phenomenon o $rainwashing is one o the mani estations o the true nature o Communism- It is re$ellion against ;od. it is re$ellion against the human mind. it is re$ellion against the purpose0 signi icance and value o the individual- The way to de eat it is to de eat the program o Communist expansion- 6hen the door closes $ehind you in the $rainwashing cham$er0 it will $e too late,- *ugene +in)ead0 In *very 6ar $ut "ne0 6- 6- !orton L Co-0 !ew 4or)0 ,E@E-


10 The Di icu#t7 De1ious7 -nd Dangerous Dia#ectic

The dialectical philosophy is the most di icult0 the least understood0 and possi$ly the most important aspect o Communism- It is this philosophy which directs the apparently unpredicta$le and constantly changing Communist courseMost people are very practical- They $elieve the evidence o their senses- They loo) or an enemy which is o$vious and tangi$le- They say0 3I am interested in the Communists0 and concerned $y their actions- Tell me who they are and show me where they are and I will )now how to act-3 "r they may say0 3I am interested in Communist economic theory0 in their military power and in their su$versive organi#ation0 $ut don%t tal) to me a$out philosophyThat is too deep or me- Tal)ing a$out their philosophy only con uses me-3 (uch people are interested in the super icial mani estations o Communist organi#ation0 $ut they are not interested in the philosophic credo rom which they draw their motivating orces0 their $asic strategy0 and their con idence in the uture- They are reminiscent o dairy armers who are interested in mil)0 $ut not in cows0 orchardists who are interested in ruit0 $ut not it trees0 or apiarists who are interested in honey $ut not in $ees- The super icial mani estations o Communism are insepara$ly related to its underlying philosophic concept8s I have travelled throughout this country addressing civic clu$s0 patriotic groups0 churches and schools0 I have re1uently as)ed three simple 1uestions- The irst is that all those present who have heard o Communism and who )now that it exists should raise their hands- 8ll hands are immediately raised- The second re1uest is that all those present who are opposed to Communism and not ashamed to say so should raise their hands- 8gain all the hands shoot into the air- The vast ma/ority o people readily a irm their opposition to CommunismThe third 1uestion I pre ace $y the ollowing remar)s2 3&e care ul how you answer this 1uestion0 or i you answer it in the a irmative0 I will test you out $y as)ing one urther 1uestion- It will not $e a di icult 1uestion0 $ut i you cannot answer it0 you have no right to answer this 1uestion in the a irmative- The third 1uestion is2 6ill those who )now what Communism is please raise their hands93 "ne or two hands creep hesitantly and tentatively into the air- I then say0 3Communism has a system o philosophic thought0 an interpretation o $eing0 a $oo) o undamental rules )nown as its philosophy- To the ounders o Communism0 this was the most important eature o their entire program- It underlies0 uni ies0 integrates0 and directs the apparently contradictory phenomena o Communist conduct and unites them into a purpose ul whole- It is the ma/or su$/ect in every Communist school in the world- 'rom it they derive their de initions o such terms as peace0 truth0 righteousness0 /ustice0 and democracy- I you do not understand something a$out the philosophy o Communism0 you understand little a$out Communism itsel - 6hat is the name o the philosophy o Communism93 This 1uestion elicits a considera$le range o answers $ut seldom the right one- The answer is0 o course0 Dialectical Materialism- The Communists have made no secret o this- They have written it down0 they have announced it to all the world0 they teach it in every school that they control- 4et it is a som$er act that many anti-Communists have never even heard the nameUntil recently0 it was most unusual to ind individuals in most groups who could so much as A?

name their philosophy- *ven today0 the num$er o those who have any understanding o Dialectical Materialism is very small indeed"ne (unday a ternoon0 $y a peculiar accumulation o circumstances0 I ound mysel spea)ing rom the Communist plat orm in the Domain in (ydney0 8ustralia- The (ydney Domain0 a lovely par) ad/acent to the (ydney har$or0 is possi$ly the world%s greatest open orum- To this par) each (unday a ternoon come all those with a message0 real or imaginary0 and there they harangue the passing throng- People gather in the thousands- The Communists always have a large0 well organi#ed meeting- 8s I spo)e rom the Communist plat orm0 I mentioned Dialectical Materialism0 whereupon the Communists leader challenged me- 36hat is Dialectical Materialism93 he as)ed- I replied0 3Dialectical Materialism is the philosophy o +arl Marx that he ormulated $y ta)ing the dialectic o <egel0 marrying it to the materialism o 'euer$ach0 a$stracting rom it the concept o progress in terms o the con lict o contradictory0 interacting orces called the Thesis and the 8ntithesis culminating at a critical nodal point where one overthrows the other0 giving rise to the (ynthesis0 applying it to the history o social development0 and deriving there rom an essentially revolutionary concept o social change-3 The 1uestioner loo)ed at me with wide-open eyes- I added0 3Don%t $lame meIt is your philosophy0 not mine- 4ou are the one who $elieves it-3 I we examine the philosophy o Dialectical Materialism in more detail0 we see that there are two elements in it- There is the dialectical portion0 and there is the materialist portion- Let us irst consider $rie ly the materialism- The Communists are materialists- They a irm con idently0 arrogantly0 and repeatedly that there is nothing in the world except matter in motion- The precise orm o their materialism was ta)en rom the ;erman philosopher0 'euer$ach0 a renegade theologian who orsoo) Theism and em$raced materialism- <is $asic slogan was2 3Man is what he eats- 6e are matter in motion0 nothing more-3 The argument $etween the materialist and the idealist is as old as the history o human thought- Into the two categories0 realists and idealists0 the philosophers o the world have $een divided- The realists or materialists contend that matter is the ultimate reality0 and that thought is a secondary mani estation o matter- "n the other hand0 the idealists contend that matter is )nown only through thought- Ta)e away thought and matter would $e non-existent- The $asic reality0 there ore0 is thoughtThe ollowing simple 1uestion is 1uite an e ective instrument or distinguishing realists rom idealists- The 1uestion is2 Do the wild waves $eating on the shore ma)e a noise when no one is there to hear them9 Those who $elieve that the wild waves do ma)e a noise whether anyone is there or not are realists. those who $elieve that the wild waves ma)e no noise unless someone is there to hear them are idealists- The realists $elieve that the noise is in the movement o the water itsel . the idealists $elieve that it is a concept in some mind ollowing the sensory mechanisms o perception- To the idealists0 the noise is actually a mani estation o the mind- It is interesting to note that when this 1uestion is put to audiences0 the realists or materialists usually outnum$er the idealists $y three to oneIt is to $e noted that the word 3idealism3 $ears no moral connotation- (ince this word is associated in many minds with moral issues0 it is di icult or those minds to divest the term o its moral attri$utes- In this sense the terms 3idealist3 and 3materialist3 re er merely to concepts o ultimate realityThe Communists have no dou$t as to where they stand- They are matierialists- 8s ar as +arl Marx was concerned0 the idealist philosophers were simply the instruments o clerical reaction0 servants o the clergy in their $asic purpose o oppressing the wor)ing class in the A@

interests o the Capitalist reactionaries- That disciple o Marx0 Mao Tse-tung0 expresses it thus2 3There is nothing in the world except matter in motion-3F,G Most o the materialistic philosophers o Marx%s day were mechanists- They $elieved that materialism allowed no room or individual0 volitional action- Their view was that all nature was automatic0 that all actions were compulsory $ecause o the orces that operated on the individual- *ach man%s destiny was $eyond his control- Materialist philosophy thus resulted in nihilism in action and conduct- This philosophy is very well expressed $y :ames Thomson in his poem0 3The City o Dread ul !ight03 where he portrays a man as the helpless plaything o the orces o nature$ one is %orn a "ertain da! on earth, All times and or"es tended to that %irth, )ot all the world "ould "hange or hinder it. In marrying materialism to the <egelian dialectic0 Marx per ormed a remar)a$le operation<e $rought into materialism an element o devotion0 sacri ice0 initiative0 and purpose- <e enunciated a deternimistic0 materialistic philosophy and0 at the same time0 $rought into $eing intense0 passionate dedication to ma)e the inevita$le come to pass- This is a truly remar)a$le Marxist achievement- I a group o people are utterly convinced that the sun is going to rise at @2>B a-m- it should $e a very di icult tas) to persuade these same people to awa)en an hour early and wor) li)e slaves to ma)e the sun do what they )now it is going to do- Marx%s achievement was somewhat similar to this- <e too) materialistic philosophy which taught that the orce o history had decreed that certain things must inevita$ly happen0 and married this philosophy to an intense personal0 sacri icial dedication to ma)e these things come to pass- <e did this $y introducing a mystical element rom the <egelian dialecticalThe ;erman philosopher0 <egel0 was the great philosopher o the early nineteenth century<is were the wor)s and ideas which were discussed $y the young intellectuals in the universities o that day- <egel was an idealist0 $elieving in the primacy o thought rather than o matter- 6ithin the ramewor) o his idealistic philosophy0 he developed the dialectic<egel%s philosophic thought is very di icult to understand- <egel himsel is reported to have said0 3"nly one man has understood me0 and even he has not53 Marx contended that he was the one man who understood <egel0 and claimed that <egel did not understand himsel - Marx too) the dialectical portion o <egelian philosophy0 married it to the materialism o 'euer$ach0 and produced dialectical materialism- Closely associated with him in his wor) was 'rederic) *ngels who $ecame his li elong colla$orator0 co-wor)er0 supporter0 and interpreterTogether Marx and *ngels $uilt the philosophic $asis o Communist practice-


Features o the Dia#ectic

1. Progress The irst eature o the dialectic is the axiom that progress is inherent in change- The dialectic is a dynamic philosophy- It says that nothing is0 that everything is in a state o lux or development- The dialectic would teach0 or example0 that no man can stand twice on the $an) o the same river0 or the second time it is a totally di erent river- In a similar way0 everything is in process o development and change- 8round us is a vast panorama o changing circumstances and conditions- 6ithin the vastness o this change0 there is a principle o developing organi#ation0 there is movement rom lower to higher- <idden within the diversity and apparent purposelessness o change there is a principle o progressThe Communists ma)e no attempt to prove that progress is at the heart o change- It is one o their axioms- They accept it $y aith- In this sense0 it is a pseudo-religious $elie The word 3progressive3 has $ecome one o their $asic words- The Communist $oo)store in Los 8ngeles is called the 3Progressive3 &oo)store- The last ma/or political assault the Communists made on the presidency o the United (tates was through the 3Progressive3 Party- The Communists in la$or unions always re er to themselves either as the 3Militants3 or the 3Progressives-3 The Communists apply this principle o progress in change to their own status within societyLiu (hao-chi writes2 - - - the 1uestion arises2 Can Communist society $e $rought a$out9 "ur answer is 3yes-3 8$out this the whole theory o Marxism-Leninism o ers a scienti ic explanation that leaves no room or dou$t- It urther explains that as the ultimate result o the class struggle o man)ind0 such a society will inevita$ly $e $rought a$out-F7G They are the wave o the uture- Their victory is as certain as the rising o the sun $ecause the same material law that causes the sun to rise in the morning has ordained that they shall con1uer and rule the world- " this they have no vestige o dou$t(ince they $elieve this completely0 their convictions are undistur$ed $y any evidence to the contrary that may appear day $y day- They stand a$ove the changing scene o daily e$$ and low and see the currents and tides o history- The idea that their aith can $e shattered $y anything they see at present is naive to the point o im$alance- :ust how how widespread the ignorance o this is was revealed $y many o the reasons advanced in support o +hrushchev%s visit to the United (tates in (eptem$er0 ,E@E- 8n argument re1uently put orward was2 Let us show +hrushchev how the people o 8merica live. let him see their ine homes0 their modern automo$iles0 their open churches- 6hen he sees all this he will $e impressed and will reali#e the error o his previous viewpoint- (uch an argument as this displays gross ignorance o +hrushchev%s dialectical aith- In the irst place0 +hrushchev%s espionage system is such that he was a$le to discover the most intimate secrets o 8merican atomic science- To imagine that he needed to come to 8merica to discover how the 8merican people lived0 in what )ind o houses they lived and how many cars they had is utterly in antile- <e was e1ually well aware o the power and preparedness o 8merica%s military might- &ut even i this were not so0 even +hrushchev%s tour o 8merica had revealed to him many unsuspected acts a$out the 8merican way o li e0 none o these could have changed him undamentally- 'or present AH

conditions and circumstances have little authority to him- +hrushchev is a Communist0 not $ecause o the present0 $ut $ecause o the uture- <is li e is governed $y a vision o the utureThe uture $elongs to the Communists- They will inevita$ly con1uer the world- 4ou do not /udge a $uilding $y the temporary sca olding on which its $uilders wal)- 4ou see the vision in the mind o the architect8n analogy may $e drawn rom the production o steel- The manu acturer promises a $eauti ul0 $urnished steel- In order to o$tain this end product0 the metal must go through certain dirty unattractive stages- 8t one stage it is treated in the searing0 laming heat o the urnace- 6ere you to go to the manu acturer at this particular stage and say0 34ou have not )ept your word- This is not steel- It is merely lame and heat- I can%t use this53 he would loo) at you in utter ama#ement6hen the Communists listen to our arguments $ased on present circumstances and conditions0 they must certainly $e ama#ed0 or their whole program rests on the uture- +hrushchev was well aware o 8merica%s present wealth and power- <e is reported as having said0 38nyone who does not )now that 8merica is rich and strong is un$elieva$ly stupid-3 This reali#ation merely con irms his aith in the greater glory o the uture Communist stateIt is this uture in which he is interested and in which he irmly $elieves- In the last analysis0 he $elieves in the inevita$le triumph o Communism not $ecause o the evidence0 $ut $ecause o his aith in the dialectic- 8s a true $eliever he has lived and la$ored during orty years o sacri ice0 danger and $rutality!. The Dialectic Nature o Progress The second eature o the dialectic is the nature o progress- Dialectical progress ta)es place in a certain pattern- The Communist slogan is2 3!ature acts dialectically-3 6ishing to advance dialectically in a room ull o people0 I do not wal) through the aisle and straight toward my goal- !or do I move slowly through the crowd sha)ing hands with riends and ac1uaintances0 discussing points o interest0 gradually nearing the o$/ective- The dialectical pathway is di erent- It consists o a resolute orward advance ollowed $y an a$rupt turn and retreat<aving retreated a distance there is another turn and advance- Through a series o orward$ac)ward steps the goal is approached- To advance thus is to advance dialecticallyThe Communist goal is ixed and changeless0 $ut their direction o advance reverses itsel rom time to time- They approach their goal $y going directly away rom it a considera$le portion o the time- Lenin wrote the text$oo)0 "ne (tep 'orward0 Two (teps &ac)- Chinese Communist schoolchildren are taught to do the dialectical march ta)ing three steps orward and two steps $ac)- I we /udge where the Communists are going $y the direction in which they are moving0 we will o$viously $e deceivedThe Communist method o advance may $e li)ened to the hammering o a nail- It is a very oolish person who $rin)s the hammer down with a crashing0 resounding $low and then )eeps pushing- 6hen the irst $low has spent itsel 0 $ac) must go the hammer in preparation or the next $low- 8 person seeing the reverse movement o the hammer as an isolated act in time and not understanding the process o which this was a part0 might ind it di icult to $elieve that this hammer was driving in the nail- 6hen he sees the $ac)ward swing as portion o a complete process0 he reali#es that the withdrawal is as important as the downward thrust to the reali#ation o the o$/ective-


'or those not trained in dialectical thin)ing0 it is very di icult to understand that the Communists have a ixed and changeless goal0 $ut that their method o approach reverses itsel all the time- The tendency is to /udge where they are going $y the direction in which they are moving- Many colleges taught0 or example0 that Communism as practised in Russia $y Lenin and (talin was a departure rom Marx- They claimed that Marx%s teaching had many good eatures a$out it0 $ut that Lenin and (talin put into practice something entirely di erent(uper icially the argument is reasona$le- Ta)e0 or example0 Marx%s teaching concerning marriage and what is practiced in Russia with regard to marriage- Marx taught the a$olition o marriage- The Communist Mani esto says2 "n what oundation is the present amily0 the $ourgeois amily0 $ased9 "n capital0 on private gain- In its completely developed orm this amily exists only among the $ourgeoisie- &ut this state o things inds its complement in the practical a$sence o the amily among the proletarians0 and in pu$lic prostitutionThe $ourgeois amily will vanish as a matter o course when its complement vanishes0 and $oth will vanish with the vanishing o capital-F>G In the light o this teaching0 it might $e expected that in Russia they would $e wea)ening the amily prior to its a$olition- The truth is that they are presently strengthening the amilyDivorce is discouraged. puritanic morals are encouraged. rewards are o ered to those who have large amilies- They are strengthening the amily in every way- Logically it would seem that since they are strengthening the amily in Russia0 they must have orsa)en Marxism- The Communists0 however0 thin) and act dialectically- They reali#e that it is dialectical to approach their goal $y going directly away rom it- Their ultimate goal is to a$olish the amily- &ut they cannon a$olish the amily until they have changed human nature. they cannot change human nature till they control completely the environment that generates human nature. they cannot totally control the environment until they have con1uered the world and destroyed the present environment. and they cannot con1uer the world unless they develop a more courageous0 more patriotic0 more nationalistic people than their enemy- They have ound $y experience that they cannot develop a strong0 nationalistic0 patriotic people without encouraging a irm amily $ase- They must there ore strengthen the amily to develop the patriotism and courage o the people to increase the power o the Communist (tate so that they may con1uer the world0 esta$lish a Communist dictatorship0 and regenerate man)indThey will then a$olish the amily- &y strengthening the amily0 they are dialectically a$olishing it- There is no inconsistency here- They are applying dynamic MarxismThe same thing applies in the realm o religion- The ultimate goal o Communism is the a$olition o all religion- Lenin says0 38theism is a natural and insepara$le portion o Marxism0 o the theory and practice o scienti ic socialism- "ur propaganda necessarily includes propaganda or atheism-3 It would $e logical0 there ore0 to expect the persecution o religion wherever Communism is in power- In many places this is happening0 $ut not in all- In some states under Communist rule0 religion is $eing patroni#ed and encouragedReligion constitutes a orce that moves to action a certain segment o the CommunityCommunism utili#es existing orces- Religion0 there ore0 must $e utili#ed to advance the inal goal o Communism which is world con1uest and thus contri$ute to its own destructionThere are various ways in which religion may $e used- They may instruct various mem$ers o the Party to /oin various religious aiths. or while it is 1uite impossi$le or a Christian to $e a AE

Communist0 there is no inconsistency whatever in a Communist%s pro essing Christianity to aid the triumph o Communism- 8s +hrushchev said to the 'rench (ocialists2 3(ome o our comrades are atheists in the Party and $elievers at home-3 "ne Communist0 then0 may $e instructed to /oin the Catholic Church- <e is told to $e $apti#ed0 to $elieve everything he has to $elieve0 to $e the very inest Catholic imagina$le and to secure in luence in Catholic organi#ations- <e will then have opportunity to in luence Catholic organi#ations in a program which may appear to $e completely unrelated to Communism $ut which may $e important to their dialectical advance- (imilarly0 Communists are told to /oin various Protestant churches8gain they are to $e ervently Protestant0 orthodox to the core0 ardent in spirit0 and industrious in the program o that church- 8t the appropriate time0 they too will $e a$le to in luence various church mem$ers and organi#ations or the Communist cause- (ince to the Communists none o these religious systems has any ultimate validity0 $ut all o them constitute social orces which exist at present0 there is nothing inconsistent in an atheistic Communist%s $eing an apparently ervent religionist in the interests o the inal Communist o$/ective8n 8ustralian *piscopal delegation to Communist China ound well- illed churches0 and heard good sermons rom apparently well-paid and contented preachers- Many reported that Christianity was lourishing in China- This report given $y anti-Communists who were unaware o the Communist dialectic greatly helped the Communist cause- The Communist program or the church is three- old2 to enslave0 to utili#e0 and inally to destroy- The mem$ers o the delegation o$served the phase o utili#ation- The initial stage o enslavement was $rought a$out $y extreme persecution- ;enuine church leaders who were devoted to Christ were arrested0 $rainwashed0 tried0 and destroyed- The church $uildings $ecame halls in which accusation meetings were held rather than houses or the worship o ;od- 6hen the church was thoroughly cowed and leaderless0 a dialectical reverse too) place and the persecution suddenly ceased- The Communists united all the non-Catholic churches into one organi#ation which they called the Three (el Movement- They appointed a pro-Communist leader to ormulate the policy o this organi#ation. they appointed a Communist Commissar o Religion. and they paid the salaries o the preachers- Communist pressure was exerted to orce everyone registered as a Christian to attend church- The preachers were o$liged to meet twice a wee) with the godless Commissar o Religion to get the political line that they must proclaim on the ollowing (unday- "ne o the goals o the Three (el Movement is the li$eration o 'ormosa- 8 certain (unday could $e designated 3Li$erate 'ormosa (unday-3 The preachers0 meeting with the political commissar would $e given stories o the dread ul 8merican persecution o their Chinese $rethren in 'ormosa- They hear the tear-drenched pleas o the 'ormosan people or their Chinese Communist $rethren to come and li$erate them- They are instructed to pass on this in ormation to their congregations0 and to o er prayers or the li$eration o 'ormosa- The preachers have no way o )nowing that these stories are not true- They live in a closed environment- 8ll media o in ormation are controlled $y the Communist Party- Provided they o$ey instructions and ollow the right political line0 they may preach what they li)e- Disitors to China0 there ore0 see illed churches hear good sermons $y preachers who are well-paid and who are certainly not going to tell them anything that might $ring $ac) the previous period o persecution- I they are unin ormed and unaware o the su$tleties o the Communist dialectic0 they will report that Christianity is lourishing in ChinaThe dialectic gives the Communists complete moral maneuvera$ility- They may wear any garments- They may accept any aith- They may wor) to advance the sel -interest o any EB

nationalist or economic grouping- Their strategic mo$ility is e ective indeed- Christians are prevented rom ollowing many courses o action $y certain a$solute standards- 8 Christian may not0 or example0 accept the Muslim aith0 rise in the Moslem ran)s0 and then use his position to su$vert Moslem customs and introduce Christianity- The Communists0 however0 have no a$solutes- Their dialectical relativity gives them a total strategic mo$ility- They may adopt the coloring0 the shape0 the ideology0 the morality0 or the religious aith o any groupThey $ecome all things to all men that $y all means they may enslave all#. Con lict The third eature o the dialectic is the role o con lict in the process o change- 8ccording to the dialectic0 the driving orce in any situation is the con lict o two opposing orces- There is the esta$lished orce called the thesis and there is the con licting orce called the antithesisThe con lict $etween these two orces is the dynamic o progressIn dialectic language0 everything is interpenetrated $y its opposite- !othing exists in isolation4ou cannot have up without down. you cannot have plus without minus. you cannot have $eauty without ugliness. you cannot have li e without death- To every action there is an e1ual $ut opposite reaction- *verything exists in a state o con lict with its opposite- This con lict is the dynamic o $eingInitially this con lict gives a period o slow0 relatively sta$le progress0 a period o gradual change- This slow change never continues inde initely- 8s change continues0 a critical point is reached- 8t this point0 certain things happen- (low0 gradual change gives way to rapid0 undamental change- In dialectical terminology0 the antithesis negates the thesis. there is a trans ormation o 1uantity into 1uality and the emergence o a totally new direction o progress )nown as the synthesis- The synthesis now $ecomes the new thesis- The new thesis generates a new antithesis0 and the new con lict $etween thesis and antithesis $ecomes the dynamic o the next stage o progress- 8gain a critical nodal point is reached- The new antithesis negates the new thesis and there is another trans ormation o 1uantity into 1ualityThis is termed the !egation o the !egation and results in the emergence o a direction o progress parallel to the original one0 $ut di erent in 1uantity and 1ualityThe Communists $elieve that this dialectical con lict or contradiction is universal in $eingMao Tse-tung writes in the introduction to his text$oo) on dialectics entitled "n Contradiction2 3The law o contradiction in things0 that is0 the law o the unity o opposites0 is the most $asic law in materialist dialectics-3F?G Lenin said0 3In its proper meaning0 dialectics is the study o the contradiction within the very essence o things-3F@G The dialectic is very valua$le to the Communists- It can $e used to express in pseudo-logical orm a conclusion empirically reached- It is a very valua$le tool or deceiving the intellectuals and clothing with a pseudo-logic the edicts o the top Communist authorityIt was rom the dialectic that Marx derived the doctrine o the inevita$ility o revolution as the climax o the class war- (urveying Capitalist society he said that the dynamic o Capitalism was a per ect illustration o the dialectic- 6ithin Capitalism there are two con licting orces2 the $ourgeoisie0 consisting o the Capitalists who own the means o production0 and the proletariat consisting o the wor)ers in industry who la$or or wages- &etween these two orces there is a state o a$solute0 truceless con lict- The owners o the means o production want pro it0 while those who wor) or them want higher wages- I wages go up0 pro its come down- Thus there is a undamental con lict $etween these two groups0 which Marx called the E,

Class 6ar- 8ccording to the dialectic0 this state o con lict $etween Capital and La$or gives a period o slow0 gradual change0 $ut0 inevita$ly0 a critical point is reached- 8t this point0 the slow0 gradual nature o change disappears- It $ecomes rapid and violent- Revolution $rea)s out- Capitalist society is negated- There is a trans ormation o 1uantity into 1uality and the emergence o a new synthesis called (ocialismThe Communists are proudly revolutionary in theory and practice- The term 3re ormist3 is to them a synonym or one who is ignorant o 0 and treacherous to0 historic reality- 8 re ormist is so ignorant that he $elieves that undamental changes in society can come a$out $y slow0 gradual means- The Communists are convinced that this cannot $e0 or they $elieve that history and nature declare that change must $e wrought $y revolution- To the Communists0 the revolution is the golden experience o the uture towards which they loo) with longing- 8s the $ride loo)s orward to the day o her adorning0 as the expectant mother loo)s orward to the day o her deliverance0 so0 with lashing eye and $ated $reath0 with leaping pulse and exultant heart0 the true Communist loo)s orward to the coming0 glorious day o the revolutionCommunist $elie in the inevita$ility o revolution is derived rom the dialectic- Unless we understand the dialectic0 we will $e deceived on every hand- Unless we understand the dialectic0 we cannot intelligently counter-act Communism- 6hen we do understand it0 we are in a position to anticipate their actions and to ta)e de ense against themThe most serious accusation that can $e made against a Communists theorist is that he does not understand dialectics- 6ith this accusation (talin helped to destroy &u)harin- In Russia in ,E7A-7E there developed what (talin termed the 3Right Deviation3 led $y &u)harin- &u)harin was a $rilliant Communist intellectual- &e ore the revolution0 he had $een a theorist compara$le with Lenin himsel - 8 ter the revolution0 he occupied many important posts culminating in the leadership o the Communist International )nown as the Comintern- <e was the author o the 8&C o Communism and most authorities agree that he was the principal ramer o 3The (talinist Constitution-3 <is prestige and popularity among Communists were tremendous- It was thought $y most people that he would emerge supreme in the struggle or power in ,E7A-7E- 6hen the climax o the struggle was reached0 however0 it was (talin who had the votes- 'inally &u)harin received the reward (talin gave to most o his old comrades-a $ullet in the $ac) o the head(talin had to ind some /usti ication or the ideological destruction o &u)/arin- In the peculiar ashion o Communist theoretical de$ate0 some 1uotation had to $e ound in the wor)s or Marx0 *ngels0 or Lenin that could $e used against &u)harin- (talin ound his /usti ication in a statement $y Lenin- (talin writes2 Re erence is made to a letter in which Comrade Lenin spea)s o &u)harin as a theoreticianLet us read the letter3" the younger mem$ers o the Central Committee03 says Lenin0 3I should li)e to say a ew words a$out &u)harin and Pyata)ov- In my opinion0 they are the most outstanding people Fo the youngest orcesG0 and regarding them the ollowing should $e $orne in mind2 &u)harin is not only a very valua$le and important theoretician in our Party0 he is also legitimately regarded as the avourite o the whole Party. %ut it is ver! dou%t ul whether his theoreti"al views "an %e "lassed as ull! #ar*ian, or there is something s"holasti" in him +he has never studied, and, $ thin' he has never ull! understood diale"ti"sG-3


Thus0 he is a theoretician without dialectics- 8 scholastic theoretician- 8 theoretician a$out whom is was said2 3It is very dou$t ul whether his theoretical views can $e classed as ully Marxian-3 This is how Lenin charateri#ed &u)harin%s theoretical complexion4ou can well understand0 comrades0 that such a theoretician has still much to learn- 8nd0 i &u)harin understood that he is not yet a ull- ledged theoretician0 that he still has much to learn0 that he is a theoretician who has not yet assimilated dialectics-and dialectics is the soul o Marxism-FCG Upon this statement o Lenin0 (talin $ased his condemnation o &u)harin- (ince &u)harin did not understand dialectics0 he was second rate and could sa ely $e destroyedThe proo that &u)harin was not dialectical was to $e ound0 according to (talin0 in his attitude towards the (tate- Communist theory taught that in the esta$lishment o Communism0 certain steps were necessary- 8 revolutionary situation had to $e created0 a violent revolution had to ta)e place0 and the $ourgeois state had to $e destroyed- The Communists had then to esta$lish the dictatorship o the proletariat and to eliminate the residue o the $ourgeoisie6hen they had eliminated all possi$le counter-revolutionary elements o the old regime0 the dictatorship could $ecome less rigid and more $enign0 and $egin to wither away- 6ith the change o human nature0 the dictatorship would $ecome unnecessary and (ocialism would turn into Communism&u)harin wanted to )now why events in Russia were not ollowing this pattern- <e contended that in the eleven years since the revolution0 they had consolidated their power0 that they had li1uidated all remaining mem$ers o the $ourgeoisie0 and that it was time that the powers o the dictatorship $ecame a little less centrali#ed and showed some signs o $eginning to wither(talin sei#ed upon these views o &u)harin%s as proo that Lenin had $een right0 that &u)harin was a scholastic who did not understand dialectics- &u)harin thought that the (tate was not withering away $ecause it was growing stronger whereas0 according to (talin0 the act that the (tate was growing stronger was the dialectical proo that it was withering away- Contradiction is the core o dialectics and dialectics is the heart o Marxism- 6hen a $a$y is $orn0 it immediately $egins to wither0 $ut the process o withering demands growth to maximum strength- The growth in strength o the Communist dictatorship was dialectical proo that is was 3withering away-3 Communist theory contains some strange dialectical anomalies- It teaches that Capitalism must change into (ocialism $y a 3revolutionary3 or dialectical process- (ocialism will then evolve into Communism $y a slow0 non-violent0 non-dialectical development- I have as)ed numerous Communist theorists the ollowing 1uestion2 3I Capitalism MU(T change into (ocialism $y dialectical process0 why MU(T (ocialism turn into Communism $y a nondialectical process93 I have always $een re erred to some comrade o higher theoretical statueI am still see)ing the Communist theorist who can provide the answerThe di icult0 devious0 and dangerous dialectic $ecame the tool with which (talin /usti ied the murder o millions- Unless we understand it0 it is pro$a$le that it may $e used historically to /usti y the demise o all ree peoples,- Mao-Tse-tung0 "n Contradiction FPe)ing2 'oreign Languages Press0 ,E@CG0 p-,C7- Liu (hao-chi0 <ow to $e a ;ood Communist0 p- >A-


>- +arl Marx and 'rederic) *ngels0 Mani esto o the Communist Party FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouse0 ,E@HG0 pp- HE-AB ?- Mao Tse-tung0 "n Contradiction0 p- ,@- Lenin0 <istory o the Communist Party o the (oviet Union F&G0 (hort Course0 *nglish *dFMoscow2 ,E@BG0 p- ,>>C:oseph (talin0 Pro$lems o Leninism FMoscow2 'oreign Languages Pu$lishing <ouse0 ,E@>G0 pp- >?7->-

11 )rogram For Sur1i1a#

It is apparent that on the record to date0 anti-Communist programs have completely ailed to halt Communism- The Communists are riding high- Their program is in top gear- They are going rom strength to strengthMany groups thin) that they are success ully ighting Communism0 $ut the record does not support their opinion- 6hen giving evidence $e ore the <ouse Un-8merican 8ctivities Committee in ,E@C0 I was as)ed i I could name any uni ied0 world-wide organi#ation which was success ully ighting Communism- I replied that I could not do so- The reply has drawn more criticism than any other statement I made in that testimony- 8 num$er o groups have written in to recti y my ignorance on that point0 and to tell me a$out their own organi#ation which is success ully com$atting Communism- !o matter what the group0 the measure o their success is limited indeed- The Communist program or world con1uest continues to ma)e phenomenal gainsThe act is that progress is a relative thing- Many anti-Communist groups are moving in the right direction0 $ut their progress up to the present time has $een rather insu$stantial- The degree o their success is somewhat similar to that o the missionary priest who had $een wor)ing on a canni$al island- 6hen as)ed what sort o success he was having0 he replied0 36ell0 we are certainly ma)ing progress5 !ow the natives will eat only ishermen on 'ridays-3 <e was0 perhaps0 ma)ing progress0 $ut it must $e admitted that he had a long way to go'or any program to $e e ective0 there are three essential elements0 namely0 motivation0 )nowledge0 and organi#ation- 6ithout ade1uate motivation0 )nowledge0 and organi#ation0 any program must ail-


I people are to per orm unpleasant tas)s sacri icially and on a continuing $asis0 they must have a reason or doing so- 8n e ective program against Communism demands time0 money0 energy and sacri ice- The irst 1uestion to $e considered is what motivating orces are availa$le- 6hat are the things which move people to action9 It is regretta$ly true that most people are moved most e ectively $y immediate0 sel ish interest- In most cases0 sel -interest dominates all other considerations- I a patriot wishes to arrange or an anti-Communist spea)er to address a civic clu$ or some corresponding group0 there are two approaches which he may use- <e may approach the program chairman with arguments such as these2 3This man has a message your clu$ should hear0 a message which is vital to their $usinesses0 to their homes0 to their amilies0 and to their very lives- It is your duty to have him $ring them this message-3 (uch an approach is li)ely to meet with little success"n the other hand0 he may approach the program chairman and say0 3<ere is a good0 entertaining0 stirring spea)er- 6herever he has spo)en $e ore0 he has had a wonder ul reception- <e will really give you a good program-3 8n approach li)e that is nearly always success ul $ecause it appeals to the sel -interest o the program chairman- <e wants to have people come up and pat him on the $ac) or securing a good spea)erThis is true not only o civic clu$s0 $ut o all groups- Churches0 or example0 have their own program and they are mainly concerned with the success o that program- 4ou may approach a pastor with the argument that here is a message which is a$solutely vital to his people- 4ou may point out to him that Communism has con1uered one $illion people0 or a more than the Christian church has reached a ter its entire history. that Communism is rapidly closing the mission ields o the world. that Communism is the enemy o ;od0 and that these things should $e told to the people- (uch an approach is not usually success ul- 4ou may0 on the other hand0 point out to the pastor that here is a man whom people li)e to hear and that i he holds a metting in this church0 he will attract into the church many people who do not normally attend- This is a very power ul argument and one which is apt to $e success ulMotivating orces must $e ound which are so power ul that they can overwhelm the lethargy0 the immediate sel -interest0 the greed0 and the routine that dominate so many lives- Li e is a daily competition $etween con licting interests or most intelligent and e ective individualsThey must select rom a host o matters clamoring or their attention those which appear to $e the most urgent0 the most entertaining0 or which o er the greatest prospect o reward- The struggle against Communism must success ully compete with other matters clamoring or attentionIt would seem that a su icient motivation would $e ound in the act that a $illion people under Communist control are $eing prepared to encompass the con1uest and destruction o the 'ree 6orld- The truth is0 however0 that generally spea)ing0 an immediate motive o appetite or personal advantage will triumph over the long-range0 distant motivation o dangerTo most people0 Communism is still a long way o - It is causing a lot o trou$le in many parts o the world0 $ut it does not present0 as ar as they can see0 a real0 immediate threat to themselves or to their amilies8 primary necessity0 then0 is an honest ac)nowledgment o the gravity o the danger- There must $e a willingness to ace the truth0 avoiding the temptation to gloss over the dangers0 or to ta)e re uge in vain imaginations and pious phraseologies- The Communist enemy must not $e


sold short- !othing is to $e gained $y a denial o his material assets0 his strategic mo$ility and his in lexi$le determination to con1uerThere is certainly the danger that a true understanding o the perilous situation may lead some to the a$yss o despair- The temptation is to shrug the shoulders and to declare that the tas) is hopeless- 8n alternative attitude is to search or some vast organi#ation that can meet the danger- Responsi$ility is laid at the door o the government0 the (tate Department0 the military orces0 or the churches- It is a rare individual who as)s0 36hat can I do to avert disaster93 Two students came up to me a ter I had spo)en at a college in the Middle 6est- "ne o them was $urning with anger- 3<ow is it possi$le that our elected o icials can $e so ignorant93 he wanted to )now- 3It%s their nec)s that are a sta)e5 6hy don%t they do something93 I endeavored to redirect his attention rom what the government should $e doing to what he should $e doing0 $ut in vain- <e was too illed with concern and anger against the government or its ailureThe second student reacted very di erently- (aid he0 3Let%s orget a$out the government and loo) at ourselves5 I eel ashamed to thin) o the little I have done- I don%t )now /ust what I can do0 $ut I am going to try to ind out- I want to read and study and discover what I can do $e ore I start worrying too much a$out some$ody else-3 This is the )ind o attitude that is needed- *ach person must ace his personal responsi$ility $e ore he starts to critici#e others6hen aced with this challenge0 the average person raises the o$/ection that the power o the individual is very limited- 'rom one point o view0 that is true. $ut rom another point o view0 what can $e accomplished $y individuals is un$elieva$le- Most o my time is spent trying to in orm people and to arouse them to the Communist threat- <owever0 even i I were to spea) to a thousand people every night and could convince the thousand0 it would ta)e me ive hundred years to spea) to every$ody now living in the United (tates0 and I would go $ehind at the rate o two and a hal million a year due to the continuing population increase- I 0 on the other hand0 I were to spea) to one person a wee) and could convince0 in orm and instruct that person0 and i we each convinced0 in ormed and instructed another person the ollowing wee)0 and the our o us enlisted another the ollowing wee)0 $y this process everyone in the world could $e reached in less than twelve monthsThe power o individuals is limitless- The time has come or people to cease loo)ing or great organi#ations a ar o 0 and to $egin loo)ing or things that can $e done close at home- *very man who invites a riend into his home0 gives him literature to read and in orms him o the danger0 is helping to thwart the Communist program- The powers o multiplication are limitless- The principle on which to wor) is the recruitment o individuals one $y one on a $asis o )nowledge0 understanding0 and motivated service8 stirring address at a mass meeting may stimulate the emotions and provo)e great enthusiasm- (uch a response is li)e a tropical thunderstorm that creates a lash lood rather than the consistent soa)ing the thirsty soil needs- The pro$lem is to convert temporary emotional enthusiasm into sacri icial study and dedicated wor)- This is a di icult tas) and one that cannot $e done on a mass $asis8 short time ago0 I spo)e to the legislature o one o the !ew *ngland states- It was a magni icent meeting- My coming had $een well prepared- The governor escorted me into the cham$er- The cham$er was pac)ed and the galleries were illed- 8s I spo)e0 the legislators listened most attentively- 6hen I had inished0 they arose as one man in ecstatic0 tumultuous0 prolonged applause- The governor shoo) my hand- The legislators crowded around- "ne o EC

them said0 with the spar)le o a tear in his eye0 3That was an emotional experience- I su ered with you-3 It was truly a great meetingThat same evening0 a ter a mass rally in a near$y city where I had spo)en0 the 8ttorney;eneral o the state came up to me and said0 3I was dying to have you tell the people that this morning the legislature was shattered to it oundations0 and that this a ternoon0 they went $ac) to the real $usiness o their existence2 whether to have greyhound or horse racing in this state-3 Many ind it appalling that a situation o such gravity should $e treated so casually- 8nd yet this happens with ninety-nine out o every hundred who hear the message- This is the reality within which we must wor)- People will never $e enlisted on a mass $asis- They must $e enlisted and trained one $y one- I that is done0 the powers o multiplication are miraculousThe 1uestion o motivation is o $asic importance in the struggle against Communism- It is not only a 1uestioning o the orces that will motivate people in the United (tates0 $ut a 1uestion o the orces that will move people in (outh 8merica0 :apan0 8ra$ia0 and India- 6hat motives are ade1uate to ma)e the people in these areas stand irm against the deception allurements o Communism9 Despite its vital importance0 this 1uestion o motivation has received very little attentionI had occasion to address the Texas Legislature0 and received the warm response so characteristic o the generous people o that state- 8 ter the address0 one o the legislators came up to me and said0 3India%s the trou$le5 6e must stop them rom getting India53 <e thought or a moment0 and suddenly the answer came- It was the legislator%s answer to all pro$lems- (aid he0 3I%ve got it5 6e must spend a lot more money53 3Let%s thin) a$out that a moment03 I replied- 34ou spent a lot o money in Ira1 and &olivia0 didn%t you9 6hat did your money achieve in these countries9 In Ira10 it provided the weapons with which the pro-Communists destroyed their enemies- In &olivia0 the 8merican em$assy personnel had to lee in shame rom raging0 Communist-led mo$s- 4our money does not seem to have done much good there0 does it93 8ll the money in the world is useless without dedicated personnel through whom it can $e channelled- The great need is or dedicated0 motivated personnelThere are various motivations e ective within a ree society- 8 primary one is the pro it motive- In its proper environment0 this has $een very e ective- It has produced a$undance0 and has improved the material well-$eing o millions o people- There are certain spheres0 however0 in which it is 1uite inade1uate as a motivation orce- It certainly will not stir to sel less devotion the student intellectuals who are attracted to Communism- The appeal to them must $e much more idealisticThe pro$lem o the Communist appeal to the student intellectual is one which money alone cannot solve- It is 1uite o$vious that should a student rise in a university in Central or (outh 8merica and say0 3I%m opposed to Communism $ecause it is against the interests o 8merican $ig $usiness03 or even0 3I%m against Communism $ecause it will prevent my ma)ing a personal ortune03 he would $e scorned $y a ma/ority o his ellows- Reasons given or opposing Communism must $e meaning ul to the people concerned- People are needed who will oppose Communism in terms o an ideology that will command respect rom the other students to whom they are spea)ing-


(uch ideological orces are numerous- 'orces that operate widely are religion0 nationalism0 morality0 and love o amily0 as well as the desire to improve general economic well-$eingThe great paradox is that people with a rich spiritual culture appear unaware o the motivating strength o spiritual orces and overwhelmingly convinced o the dominant power o the materialist motivation o improvement in economic conditions- "n the other hand0 the Communists $oast o $eing complete materialists- They a irm there is nothing in the entire world $ut matter in motion- !evertheless0 they have shown a deep appreciation o the multiplicity o orces that lead groups o people to action0 and have used these orces with great s)ill- The appeal o economic $etterment has $een $y no means the only motive utili#ed $y Communism- In actuality0 they have made ar more e ective use o the appeal o nationalismThe strange situation has developed in which the materialistic Communists are con1uering the world with idealistic promises0 while the pro essedly idealistic 'ree 6orld is endeavoring to com$at them with material gi ts- 8n idea widely accepted $y leading 8mericans is that Communism will not appeal to people with a degree o economic security- The policy adopted to com$at Communism0 there ore0 is to improve the economic conditions o those who are still outside the Communist old8 program to com$at Communism that rests upon such an economic oundation0 is doomedTo eed the hungry and the poor is a Christian act- To assume that as a result o $eing ed0 clothed0 and housed they will automatically thin) the right thoughts and eel the right emotions is Marxism0 not Christianity- 8 well- ed Communist is /ust as dangerous as a hungry one- <e is li)ely to $e more e icientThere are things more important to many people even than li e itsel - The devout <indu will eed his sacred cow while he starves to death- The devout Moslem will willingly die or Islam- There was a day when it was considered the normal thing or Christians to die or their aith- Power ul motivations indeed reside in religious aithCommunism is the mortal enemy o these idealistic orces- It is the enemy o all religion- It will destroy the national integrity o every country- It will inally a$olish home0 amily0 and all moral codes- <ere is a great unexplored pool o motivating orces or the struggle against Communism6hat must $e reali#ed is that government as practiced in 8merica has little access to these deep motivating orces- Constitutional government is limited government- There is strict separation o church and state- The government cannot directly mo$ili#e a speci ic religious group in any land and utili#e its motivating religious sel -interest to thwart Communism- They would appear to $e avoring one religious group as against another- Thus the role o the government in the struggle against Communism is limited- Individuals and groups o individuals can and must do what the government cannot do- The urgent need is to discover individuals and groups in all countries with motives that will lead them to e ective service against Communism and to provide them with the )nowledge and the tools o communication to ma)e their wor) e ective(tudents educated in the universities o the ree countries have $een among the most e ective agents o Communism- The Communists have always reali#ed the potential o such students0 and have concentrated upon recruiting them0 training them0 and providing them with what they needed to serve Communism e ectively in their own lands- 'or a num$er o years0 it was almost routine or 8ustralian Rhodes scholars who went to *ngland to study0 to return to EA

8ustralia as dedicated Communists- 'ortunately this tendency has eased o in recent years0 $ut the Communist attempt to recruit the lonely oreign student continues0 and is all too re1uently crowned with success8 ter I had spo)en at a Midwestern university0 I was somewhat startled when an exchange student rom 8 ghanistan pu$licly and unashamedly extolled the virtues o Communism- <is mentor was an 8merican girl who sat $y his side- <e inished with the ringing assertion2 3Communism is science- 4ou said so yoursel - The Communists say that any advance in science helps them- 4ou must there ore ac)nowledge Communism or repudiate science-3 I replied0 38rson is ire- I ac)nowledge it- *veryone )nows it- I must there ore ac)nowledge arson and $ecome an arsonist or repudiate ire to coo) my meals and heat my home- Is that what you are trying to say93 It is not enough to train students in technical science in 8merican universities- They must $e trans ormed into devotees o reedom- This can $e done as they are the recipients0 not only o )nowledge0 $ut o riendship and love- The student in a oreign land is o ten homesic) and heartsore- The Communists provide not merely Marxist-Leninist ideology $ut also hospitality0 companionship and social li e- They ma)e this lonely student eel they are interested in him as an individual0 that he is important- 6hen they have won him to Communism0 they e1uip him with organi#ing s)ills and the necessary tools to serve Communism in his homeland6e can and we must do li)ewise0 not or Communist slavery0 $ut or Christian li$erty- This can $e done- 8n illustration is ound in the story o an exchange student rom India whom I met in (eattle0 6ashington- <e had /ust completed his degree as Doctor o Philosophy at the University o 6ashington- <e was a handsome young Indian0 a splendid student0 and devoted to the principles o individual li$erty- <e was an evangelical Christian- Upon completing his degree0 he was o ered a /o$ with the United !ations- <e could have lived li)e an 8merican gentleman0 $ut he chose to return to his home in +erala0 India(hortly $e ore his return0 +erala had $ecome the irst Indian state to elect a Communist government- It might have $een expected that +erala0 the $est educated and the most Christian o the Indian states0 would have $een the last state to elect a Communist government to power- The act is0 however0 that the ma/ority o the Christians voted Communist $ecause o their ignorance o the true nature o Communism and the deceptive $ut glowing Communist promises<e understood the nature and program o Communism- <e determined to do what he could to in orm his countrymen- (ince the Communist government in +erala was merely a state government which had to operate under the eye o the ederal government and within the ramewor) o the Indian constitution0 the Christians still had their $asic li$erites- The Christian group to which he $elonged $egan to pu$lish a Christian maga#ine called The Light o the 6orld- <e and his helpers too) the inest anti-Communist literature0 translated it into the language o the people and circulated it in the very ace o Communist terror- Their $asic motivation was their in ormed Christian aith(ome months later0 I received a letter saying2 3Do we really mean $usiness9 4ou and I )now that the con1uest o India is a step in the encirclement and surrender o 8merica- The Communists are not con1uering India with guns0 $om$s0 and missiles0 $ut with promises0 photographs0 maga#ines and newspapers- In +erala we have a uni1ue opportunity- The Communists will have to run or re-election- 6hen this time comes0 they can $e expelled without violence i the people can $e told the truth- The tragedy is that we have not the means EE

to tell the people the truth- The Communists have many daily newspapers0 and large num$ers o maga#ines- Can you help us to get a daily newspaper dedicated to truth0 democracy0 and reedom and resting on a Christian oundation93 In reply to my 1uestion a$out costs0 he said that it would ta)e K@B0BBBRaising such a sum o money posed something o a pro$lem- I sought help rom one o the very large oundations in !ew 4or)- I had $een told that the mem$ers o this oundation were interested in India- The o icials were courteous and riendly- They listened with great interest to the program0 and commended it highly- Then they said0 3Magni icent as the pro/ect is0 much as we commend it0 we cannot help you $ecause you are Christian- 6e cannot get mixed up in religion in India-3 I tried to argue with them- 3Can%t you see what you are doing9 4ou have told me yourselves that you have di iculty securing anyone to go to India representing your group unless you increase his salary $y twenty- ive per cent- 6hen that individual with his increased salary gets to India0 what does he do9 Does he go out into the villages where the temperature may $e ,7B degrees in the summer0 where the drin)ing water may $e illed with dysentery0 $acilli and amoe$ae9 "r does he sit in an air-conditioned room at some hotel and write reports9 3*ach year the Communists appoint thousands o ull-time Communist agents0 primarily recruited rom students who are motivated0 dedicated0 and thoroughly indoctrinated with Communism- They e1uip them with $eauti ul literature0 and send them round the villages to deceive the people $y o ering them heaven on earth- 6e do not have thousands0 $ut we do have some hundreds who have a motive to sacri ice in the ight against CommunismCommunism is the enemy o their ;od0 their Christ0 and their reedom- &ecause o this0 they are willing to go to their people and warn them o the dangers o Communism- 4ou may not approve o their motive0 $ut surely you approve what they are doing- 4et you are saying0 %6e cannot help them $ecause they are Christian- 6e cannot help them $ecause they have a motive- Ta)e away their motive so that they won%t do it0 and then may$e we can help them to do what they won%t do-%3 Despite this discouraging response0 we determined to accept the challenge and help our Indian Christian riends in their struggle which is also our struggle- The irst edition o this paper was pu$lished in 8ugust0 ,E@E(hortly $e ore the pu$lication o this irst edition0 crisis hour arrived in +erala- The Communist government o +erala was expelled $y the central government0 and elections were scheduled to ta)e place within six months- The newly $orn newspaper was thus aced with tremendous responsi$ility and opportunity- This came a$out $ecause a group possessed o motivation and )nowledge received the material aid needed to $e e ective- 6ithin a ree society0 motivations are multiple and may even appear contradictory- They must $e utili#ed and not destroyedMy personal motivation is two old- In the irst place I have a wi e and amily whom I love very dearly- The Communists consider them diseased social animals- 8t present rates o progress0 Communism will have con1uered the world within a generation0 and0 as mem$ers o the residual diseased $ourgeois class0 my wi e and amily will $ecome historically redundant with o$vious ugly implicationsIn the second place0 I have a Christian aith- I $elieve in ;od and <is love0 Christ and <is redemption0 and the great commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel-


Communism is the enemy o ;od and o Christ and <is gospel- These two acts have motivated me to do everything within my power to stay the advance o Communism"thers share this motivation- 8 $rilliant orthopedic surgeon was aced with the acts a$out Communism- <e said to me2 3I wa)e up every morning and I see one $illion people encircling us or our con1uest and our destruction- I don%t li)e it0 so I assume that it cannot $e so and try to put it out o my mind- I have $een trained to examine evidence and ace acts0 and the evidence )eeps returning to haunt me- I examine it and I cannot escape it- I then examine my own li e- I loo) at my wi e and children and I say0 %6hat am I doing to preserve their uture9% Certainly I am $uilding a good surgical practice0 ac1uiring a good name0 getting a good $an) $alance0 $ut what will that matter i the Communists ta)e over9 The only thing that is important is stopping the Communists0 and I am not doing anything to do that- I don%t )now what to do $ut I intend to ind out and when I do ind out0 I don%t care what it costs- &y ;od%s grace0 I%ll do it-3 <e is ready to leave home0 country0 and economic security to do his duty to his home and countryI the acts a$out the Communist advance are true0 his attitude is not merely praiseworthy0 it is per ectly reasona$le and intelligent- The trou$le is that most people simply do not $elieve these acts- They thin) they do0 $ut actually they do not- I they were convinced0 they would $e prepared to pay any price and spend any amount o time and money to try and avert the threat- Until our actions match our pro essed $elie s0 onloo)ers can $e orgiven or denying our sincerity and despising our hypocrisy-

The inest motivation is impotent without ade1uate )nowledge- 'or generations mothers have longed to $e a$le to protect their children rom the scourge o poliomyelitis0 $ut they could not do it $ecause they did not )now how- "nly out o )nowledge ac1uired rom continuing study has a program to com$at it emerged- It is possi$le to hate Communism ervently and simultaneously to serve it aith ully and well- Those who spread poliomyelitis hated it0 $ut that did not prevent their disseminating it- They did not even )now they were spreading itThe same )ind o thing is happening with Communism- It is $eing spread ar and wide $y people who do not )now what they are doing6hen people are ound who are motivated and concerned0 they must $e given )nowledge"ne way in which this may $e done is through literature- The literature on the su$/ect o Communism is extensive- It must $e studied- Invalua$le training can $e gained in study circles where discussion aids in true understanding- There is no su$stitute or speci ic )nowledgeCommunism should $e taught in the schools $ut it should $e taught with a moral directive- It should not $e taught as an alternative economic philosophy $ut as a system o tyranny- The o$/ect o the teaching should $e to protect the students against the deceptive su$tleties o Communist dialectics and to promote within them a greater devotion to reedom- It should $e taught as a medical school teaches cancer or tu$erculosis-as an aid to its eliminationTeaching that merely compares and contrasts certain eatures o Capitalist and Communist economics is dangerous indeed- In a ree society0 the students continuously en/oy the privileges o reedom and it is di icult or them to conceive o a system where these values do not prevail- Isolated aspects o Communist economics assume a glittering luster when


illuminated $y the radiance o the star o li$erty- In the environment o Communist tyranny0 they are tawdry and repulsive+hrushchev told the 8merican people that in Russia they are on the verge o a$olishing income tax- 6ithin 8merican society that seems a highly desira$le goal- To a$olish income tax under Communist tyranny is a sham and delusion- The $ig 8merican corporations do not need to tax their employees- The Communist Party is the monopoly corporation that owns the entire Russian economy- It ixes all wages and prices- It can impose a one hundred per cent sales tax without announcing it in any wayI students are taught that Communist economy can run without income tax and are not taught the tyrannical role o the Communist Party0 great damage is done- 8t an early age0 each student should $e taught that the issue is clear cut- reedom versus slavery- They then should $e taught the techni1ues $y which Communism see)s to deceive0 con1uer0 and enslaveLove without )nowledge is re1uently impotent- I had $een spea)ing to a church group in Cali ornia a$out the necessity or )nowledge- 'ollowing the message0 the minister stood up to give a devotional0 apparently in the hope that he could counteract any $ad in luence I might have had- The theme o his devotional was that love is the greatest orce in the world- <e said that we are told to love all ;od%s children- *very$ody is ;od%s child- The Communists are ;od%s children- 6e should there ore love the Communists- +hrushchev is ;od%s child- 6e should love +hrushchev8 ter the meeting we ell into conversation- <e was apparently conscious that what he had said might have appeared as a re$uttal o what I had stressed0 that is0 the need or )nowledge<e said that this had not $een his intention0 $ut that I had seemed to exalt )nowledge a$ove love- I told him that as ar as I was concerned0 he had not said anything0 or love cannot operate without )nowledge- I a mother spends all her time )issing her child and ails to have it inoculated against polio0 has she shown love towards it9 (uppose you see an insane hoodlum )ic)ing a little girl to death a hundred yards down the street- &e ore you can get there0 the little girl will $e dead- In your hand you have a gun- <ow do you show love in a situation li)e that9 6hat is needed is not pious phraseology0 $ut a loving spirit and the )nowledge to apply it in a given situation- Love without )nowledge is $lind0 and )nowledge without love may lac) dynamic power- 6e need a synthesis o love o )nowledge- Then truth shall prevail8ny program to com$at Communism must $e $ased on a thorough study o the Communist mind0 motives and techni1ues- 6hen we understand these0 we can see clearly in the mur) o the Communist dialectic0 detect the tactic o the enemy and devise a program to a$ort his plans-

"rgani#ation is the genius o Communism- Communism is the triumph o organi#ation over undirected economic and social orces- It is a truism that organi#ation will prevail over disorgani#ation- 8n anti-Communism program needs organi#ation8 commonly held view is that unity is the great need in this organi#ed anti-Communism program- 8n argument such as the ollowing is assured o a tumultuous reception with almost any group o $usinessmen2 3Communism is the universal enemy- It is the enemy o every segment o a ree society- It is the enemy o $oth Management and La$or- It is the enemy o ,B7

all religions. Protestant0 Catholic0 :ewish0 <indu and Moslem- (ince it is the enemy o all ree political parties0 it is the common enemy o Repu$lican and Democrat- (ince it is our universal enemy0 it should cause us to su$merge our di erences and unitedly throw ourselves into the struggle against it-3 (uch an argument will $e cheered to the echo yet it ignores the important 1uestion o motivation- 6hen groups su$merge their di erences0 they re1uently su$merge their motivating orces and the organi#ation so ormed is li)e an automo$ile without gasoline $ecause the dynamics o action reside in the su$merged di erences(uppose0 or example0 a /oint Catholic-Protestant organi#ation is ormed- The li$erty o the Catholic conscience necessitates reedom to propagate the doctrines o the aith- The li$erty o conscience o an evangelical Protestant depends upon his reedom to preach the gospel o Christ- I the Protestant gets into an organi#ation where he must re rain rom preaching the gospel0 and the Catholic in that organi#ation must re rain rom advancing Catholicism0 $oth are em$arrassed0 and rendered so much less e ective- I 0 however0 they are in di erent organi#ations where the consciences o $oth are clear0 they can do ar more e ective wor)The Christian 8nti-Communism Crusade held a school or anti-Communists in the educational $uilding o the Tower ;rove &aptist church in (t- Louis0 Missouri- The school was attended $y a considera$le num$er o Catholics- 8 ter the school0 the Catholics were very eager to orm a /oint Protestant-Catholic anti-Communist organi#ation- I replied that0 should we do so0 each would paraly#e the e ectiveness o the other- *ach group has a dominant purpose- The emotional attitudes o the mem$ers are tuned to the ul illment o that purposeUnless the message is in tune with that purpose0 it will not produce the maximum result"pposition to it may $e unconscious0 $ut it will $e real nevertheless- I the message against Communism is tuned to the $asic purposes o the organi#ation0 it will rally the enthusiastic support o the group- 6hen an organi#ation consists o elements with contradictory purposes0 it is di icult to mo$ili#e the enthusiastic support o all elements- May$e this should not $e so0 in relation to such a universal enemy0 $ut as a practical issue0 it is soI suggested that the Catholics orm a Catholic organi#ation so that they could spea) to Catholics without the em$arrassment o a Protestant leader- Rather hesitantly0 they agreed0 and ormed the Cardinal Minds#enty 'oundation- This organi#ation is now doing a most e ective wor) and its leadership is now convinced o the wisdom o the course pursuedInstead o uniting0 Catholic spea)s to Catholic0 and Protestant spea)s to ProtestantIn ormation is shared- :oint pro/ects may $e underta)en- &ut organi#ational unity is not sought- !either in ringes his conscience- *ach has the dynamic o his aith0 and can $e much more e ective than i a united organi#ation had $een ormed"rgani#ational unity is a mirage- The great need is multiplicity0 not unity- The unity o a ree society resides in its diversity- Movements must $e ormed with conserve the motivating orces within each group and channel them into the struggle or reedom and survival- The Communists understand this very well- That is why they operate through a great num$er o ront organi#ations0 each o which is tuned to some speci ic motivating dynamic- *very religious0 pro essional0 economic0 and cultural group should organi#e an anti-Communist programThere is always the temptation to try to orm a totalitarian organi#ation modelled on Communism- 8 ter I had spo)en at a school in *ugene0 "regon0 I received a letter orm one o the students which $egan0 3Dr- (chwar#0 you hypocrite5 4ou came to us and you showed us the power o Communist organi#ation0 their dedication0 their devotion0 and their discipline4ou told us how the Communist leader can sit and order every individual to do a certain tas)0 ,B>

and how the individual o$eys whatever the cost- Then you start an organi#ation with a mem$ership ee o K,B a year0 and li e mem$ership at K,BB- <ow will you ever com$at them li)e that9 Let%s orm an organi#ation li)e that o the Communists where we have discipline and authority and where people do what is necessary at whatever cost to themselves-3 I replied that I appreciated the spirit o his letter- I did not o$/ect to his calling me a hypocrite0 or I o ten elt that way mysel - 4et I was a raid that he did not ully understand the con lict $etween totalitarian organi#ation and the Christian li$erty o conscience- This li$erty o conscience itsel should direct the individual into unsel ish service to ul il his responsi$ility towards ;od and to the preservation o that li$erty or all men- 8ny organi#ation that louts this principle is anti-li$ertarian and anti-Christian- Discipline must $e largely sel -discipline. sacri ice must $e voluntary0 not compulsory- The mainspring o our organi#ation must $e rom within the character o ree citi#ensI cannot compel you to do anything in this struggle- ;od <imsel renounced <is right to compel- It depends upon voluntary choice and ree will6ho will win9 The Communists are supremely con ident o complete victory- They claim that their victory is assured $ecause o the 1uality o character in democratic lands- They a irm that the environment generating this character is Capitalism in its dying phase- (ince Capitalism is dying phase- (ince Capitalism is dying0 it creates character without survival virtue- They are convinced that the average citi#en o the 'ree 6orld is so intellectually la#y and dishonest0 so greedy and sel ish0 so intoxicated with entertainment0 so consumed with his immediate pro$lems that no matter how clear the evidence o impending doom0 that evidence will never $e ac)nowledged0 and the organi#ational steps necessary or survival will never $e ta)en6e categorically re/ect this claim- 6e are not the helpless victims o our environment0 doomed to destruction- The ault lies not in our environment $ut in ourselves- The political0 /udicial0 educational and cultural organi#ations o a ree society can unction only when the individual citi#ens have enlightened the minds and are dedicated to the oundations o reedom- The $asic responsi$ility rests on each one- The success o this $oo) can $e measured $y the num$er o readers whose attention has $een redirected rom the responsi$ility o others to their own responsi$ility. who are as)ing the 1uestion0 36hat can I do93 Upon such a oundation the political0 legislative and cultural programs necessary can $e $uiltMaterial orces alone do not determine the destinies o men- The resources o an in inite ;od can change the $alance o material assets- These resources are li$erated through prayer0 the sacri ice0 and the intelligent organi#ation o people illed with the love o ;od'undamentally0 the pro$lem is a moral and spiritual one- The oundations o reedom must $e girded with a moral and spiritual revival- 8s ree men hum$ly see) ;od and present their $odies0 minds and hearts to their country and the cause o all man)ind0 we may well $elieve that tyranny shall not triumph and reedom shall not perish rom the earth-


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