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Questions Explain exception handling. When would the finally block not execute. Explain concepts of OOPs Explain serialization.Can we Serialize static variable? What is deep serialization and shallow serialization? What's the difference between an interface and an abstract class? Why would you use a synchronized block vs. synchronized method? How can you force garbage collection? Is it possible to override the main method? How to invoke a superclass version of an Overridden method? Can we instantiate an interface? When should I use abstract classes and when should I use interfaces? How would you use comparable or comparator interfaces Explain cloning with example. Explain all the collections along with their usage. Explain multithreading and life cycle of a thread. Can we restart a dead thread? Can you call one constructor from another if a class has multiple constructors? What can go wrong if you replace && with & in the following code: String a=null; if (a!=null && a.length()>10) {...} Describe the wrapper classes in Java ? What are different types of inner classes ? How can i tell what state a thread is in ? Explain loose coupling and high cohesion ? How can you make immutable class in java ? Why we use String a = "qwer"; instead of String a =new String("qwer"); ? Define working of DriverManager class ?

String("qwer"); ?

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Lifecycle of a Struts application What is ActionServlet? How you will make available any Message Resources Definitions file to the Struts Framework Environment? What is Action Class? What is ActionForm? What is Struts Validator Framework? Give the Details of XML files used in Validator Framework? How you will display validation fail errors on jsp page? How you will enable front-end validation based on the xml in validation.xml? What is RequestProcessor and RequestDispatcher? What are the various techniques of session management? How do you configure session timeout programmatically as well as through config file? Is struts threadsafe?Give an example? What do you understand by DispatchAction? What are the various Struts tag libraries? What is Struts actions and action mappings? What are the uses of tiles-def.xml file, file, validation.xml file? Can I have more than one struts-config.xml file for a single Struts application? What are the contents of web.xml and struts-config.xml? What is the difference between them? What are the contents of web.xml and struts-config.xml? What is the difference between them? How to create a drop down list in Struts? Can I have an Action without a form ?

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Questions 1 Life cycle of a JSP 2 JSP tags,directives. Difference between include directive and include action 3 Custom Tags with example What is EL? what is JSTL? Can you explain in short what the different types of JSTL tags are? How can we use beans in JSP? What are JSP directives? Can you explain taglib directives? How does JSP engines instantiate tag handler classes instances? what are the different scopes an object can have in a JSP page? what are different implicit objects of JSP? what are different Authentication Options available in servlets? Can you explain how do we practically implement security on a resource? How do we practically implement form based authentication? How did you implement caching in JSP?

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Questions Life cycle of a servlet.

Uses and application of redirrection of response in a web application

What are the two important APIs in for Servlets? Whats the use of ServletContext? What's the difference between GenericServlet and HttpServlet? Why is HTTP protocol called as a stateless protocol? What are the different ways we can maintain state between requests? What is the difference between getSession(true) and getSession(false) ? Which are the different ways you can communicate between servlets? What are filters in JAVA? Can you explain in short how do you go about implementing filters using Apache Tomcat? Twist: - Explain step by step of how to implement filters?

Sr No. Questions 1 What are the different types of joins. Explain them. 2 What is a stored procedure?Benefit of using a stored procedure.

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Can you explain in short how you go about using JDBC API in code? Explain Type1, Type2, Type3 and Type4 drivers in JDBC? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using JDBC-ODBC bridge driver? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Native-API/ Partially Java Driver? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Net-Protocol/ All-Java driver? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Native-protocol/ All-Java driver? What is DatabaseMetaData? Can ResultSet objects be serialized? Can you explain ResultSet, RowSet, CachedRowset, JdbcRowset and WebRowSet relation ship? Explain the concept of PreparedStatement Statement interface? How can we call stored procedure using JDBC? How do you get a resultset object from stored procedure? How can we do batch updates using CallableStatement Interface? Define transactions? what is ACID in transaction? Explain concurrency and locking? How can we set transaction level through JDBC API? Can you explain transaction control in JDBC? What are Savepoints in a transaction?

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What is XML? What is the version information in XML? What is ROOT element in XML? If XML does not have closing tag will it work? Is XML case sensitive? What is the difference between XML and HTML? Is XML meant to replace HTML? Can you explain why your project needed XML? What is DTD (Document Type definition)? What is well formed XML? What is a valid XML? What is CDATA section in XML? What is CSS? What is XSL? What is element and attributes in XML? What are the standard ways of parsing XML document? In What scenarios will you use a DOM parser and SAX parser? What is XSLT? Define XPATH? What is the concept of XPOINTER? What is a Web Service ? What is DISCO ? What is SOAP ? What is WSDL ? Can you explain UDDI ? Can you explain JAXP ? What is a XML registry? What is JAXR? What is JAXM? Can you explain how JAXM messaging model works? Can you explain JAX-RPC? Internationalization Can you explain i18n and l10n? Can you explain internationalization and localization? What is Locale? How do we display numbers, currency and Dates according to proper Locale format? what are resource bundles? How do we load a resource bundle file? How can we do inheritance in resource bundles?

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