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Eachanari (Post ! Pollachi "ain Roa#! Karpagam UniversityKarpagam University Annual Research Congress- 2013The Convener Coim$atore-%&1021!

'amil (a#u! )(*)A+



,rgani-e# $y

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education- Deemed University (Established Under Section 3 of U ! Act "#$%& Eachanari Post! Coim$atore-%&1021+ Phone. 0&22-%&/1113-01 %&03///1 2230011-1& 4a5. 0&22-2230022! 2230023 6e$. 777+ 8arpagamuniv+com Email. in9o:8arpagamuniversity+ac+in KARPAGAM UNIVERSITY Karpagam University is esta$lishe# un#er section 3 o9 U;C Act 120%! o9 the University ;rants Commission! (e7 *elhi! $y the "inistry o9 <uman Resources *evelopment o9 )n#ia! (e7 *elhi+ =len#ing o9 >uality E#ucation! )n#ustry an# <eritage is the main 9ocus o9 this University! 7hich is

ta8ing a num$er o9 steps to promote <igher E#ucation an# Research in this region+ 'here are altogether 22 #epartments an# /2 programs in the University+ E5tensive Ph+*+ programs! the Karpagam University- )n#ustry Partnership! the Entrepreneur *evelopment Cell! Ashreya! the Counseling Cell an# the )nnovation )ncu$ator are some o9 the special 9eatures o9 this University+ Karpagam University is organi-ing the 0 Karpagam University Annual Research Congress-2013 in Arts! <umanities! E#ucation! ?cience! Pharmacy! Engineering an# 'echnology #uring *ecem$er 0/-03! 2013 at the University premises+ KUARC# 20 ! *+ , '-.t*# /*+&*0.*n,r1 &on2eren&e *nvo.v*n3 ,.. the Ph4%4 (5T6PT) Re+e,r&h S&ho.,r+ o2 K,r0,3,' Un*ver+*t1 ',7*n3 , 0re+ent,t*on o2 the*r ,&,/e'*& re+e,r&h ,&h*eve'ent+ $e9ore an au#ience o9 their peers an# the 9aculty+ 'he participants o9 KUARC # 20 ! may ma8e oral presentations o9 their research papers on tra#itional aca#emic-con9erence-style panels+ A+ *t *+ , 0,rt o2 the*r &-rr*&-.-') *t *+ ',n/,tor1 2or ,.. the Ph4%4 (5T6PT) Re+e,r&h +&ho.,r+ (-0 to the 8-.1 20 2 (,t&h 9 8,n-,r1) 20 ! 5T on.1) to 0,rt*&*0,te *n the KUARC# 20 ! :*tho-t 2,*.+ The o(;e&t*ve+ o2 the KUARC# 20 ! ,re< 1+ 'o provi#e a plat9orm 9or the Research ?cholars o9 Karpagam University! $elonging to various 9iel#s o9 research! to e5change their thoughts an# vie7s an# to share their e5perience! 8no7le#ge an# e5pertise on issues relating to Arts! <umanities! E#ucation! ?cience! Pharmacy! Engineering an# 'echnology+ 2+ 'o 9oster greater aca#emic interactions among aca#emicians! researchers an# pro9essionals! 7hich 7ill enhance the pro#uction o9 @uality research an# #evelopment+ 3+ 'o act as a catalyst 9or an e5cellent aca#emic culture! there$y encouraging the aca#emicians to $e aggressively involve# in e#ucational an# research activities+ )n short! the research 7or8 that the research scholars have #one an# that they 7ant to share 7ith others 7ill ma8e up to the KUARC# 20 !4 'he KUARC# 20 ! is thus #esigne# to give scholars a chance to share their 7or8! in 7hatever 9orm it is! an# to $ene9it 9rom e5changing their i#eas 7ith other scholars! 7ho have the courage to share their o7n less-than-per9ect proAects+ 'here are many reasons 9or the scholars to present their 7or8 at KUARC# 20 !4 4irst! it is a great opportunity to share 7ith others the 8in#s o9 things that they have $een 7or8ing on an# thin8ing a$out+ ?econ#! they are li8ely to get some constructive suggestions an# i#eas 9rom others to enhance their o7n 7or8+ 'hir#! it is a resume-$uil#er+ "a8ing a presentation at a con9erence tells 9uture employers an# e#ucational institutions that the

scholars have ta8en learning seriously an# have $egun to master a particular #omain+ C,.. 2or A(+tr,&t+< All the research scholars o9 Karpagam University are invite# to sen# the e5ten#e# a$stracts ('itle! KU A99iliation 7ith (ames o9 the scholar an# the ;ui#e! )ntro#uction! Aims an# ,$Aectives! "aterials an# "etho#s! Result an# *iscussion! Conclusion- "o#el enclose# o9 their research 7or8! not e5cee#ing t7o pages ("? 7or# 2000! #ou$le-space#! 'imes (e7 Roman! 4ont si-e 12 ! to reach us on or $e9ore 54 420 ! $y e-mail to 7-re+e,r&h&on3re++=3',*.4&o'4 'he name o9 the paper presenter must $e in $ol# letters+ All correspon#ence 7ill $e #one only through electronic mo#e+ A(+tr,&t+ re&e*ve/ ,2ter the .,+t /,te :*.. not (e *n&.-/e/ *n the Pro&ee/*n3+4 Atten/*n3 the Re+e,r&h Con3re++ *+ &o'0-.+or14 I2 the Ph4%4 S&ho.,r+ /o not ,tten/ the Con3re++) the*r Ph4%4 Re3*+tr,t*on :*.. (e &,n&e..e/4

Karpagam University %r4 M4 ?ALASU?RAMANIAN Eice Chancellor %r4 P4 LAKSHMANAPERUMALSAMY Registrar! Karpagam University %r4 P4 PALANIVELU! Controller o9 E5aminations Karpagam University Convener+. 4 %r4 S4 R,v* *irector (Research ! Karpagam University 24 %r4 M4 R,',+:,'1 *eputy *irector (Research ! Karpagam University

Ven-e< 'he Congress 7ill $e hel# at Karpagam University! Eachanari-Post! Pollachi "ain Roa#! Coim$atore B %&1 021! 7hich is a$out 10 8m+ 9rom Coim$atore Rail7ay ?tation! on the Coim$atore B Pollachi "ain Roa#+ Re3*+tr,t*on 2ee< R+4 5006#
'he registration 9orm! (7hich can also $e #o7nloa#e# 9rom our 6e$ site ! along 7ith a crosse# ** to7ar#s registration 9ee! #ra7n in 9avour o9 CKarpagam UniversityD! paya$le at Coim$atore! may $e sent to.

The Convener K,r0,3,' Un*ver+*t1 Ann-,. Re+e,r&h Con3re++# 20 !) K,r0,3,' Un*ver+*t1 Eachanari (Post ! Pollachi "ain Roa#! Coim$atore-%&1 021! 'amil (a#u! )(*)A+ A(+tr,&t+ :*tho-t Re3*+tr,t*on 2ee :*.. not (e ,&&e0te/4 ORGANI>ING COMMITTEE Ch*e2 P,tron %r4 R4 VASANTHAKUMAR Chancellor! Karpagam University P,tron+ Shr*4 K4 MURUGAIAH Chie9 E5ecutive ,99icer

Co# Convener+ 4 %r4 8,'e+ A.(ert *ean! Arts! ?cience an# <umanities 24 %r4 C4 R4 He', *ean! Engineering !4 Mr4 Moh,''e/ A.* Sh,r*22 *ean! Architecture @4 %r4 M4 P,.,n*+:,'1 <ea#! *epartment o9 "icro$iology 54 %r4 E4 P4 K-',r Principal! Karpagam College o9 Pharmacy A4 %r4 V4K4 Go0,.,7r*+hn,n) <ea#! *ept+ o9 =iochem+ F =ioin9ormatics "4 %r4 R,;e+:,r* S*v,r,; <ea#! *epartment o9 =iotechnology $4 %r4 K4 V*+:,n,th,n) <ea#! *epartment o9 Physics B4 %r4A4P-+h0,r,;,n <ea#! *epartment o9 Physical E#ucation 04 %r4 M4 A+ho7 K-',r <ea#! *epartment o9 "anagement 4 %r4K-'-/h, %ev* <ea#! *epartment o9 Commerce 24 %r4 K4 Pr,'*., *epartment o9 English 4aculty o9 Arts! ?cience F <umanities !4 %r4P4Th,'*.,r,+* <ea#! *epartment o9 'amil

@4 %r4 P4T4 He',',.*n* <ea#! *ept+ ?cience F <umanities 4aculty o9 Engineering 54 %r4 K4 P4 V*/h1,/,r,n <ea#! *epartment o9 Astrology

Name of the Research guide

The .,+t /,te 2or +-('*++*on o2 eCten/e/ ,(+tr,&t :*th Re3*+tr,t*on 2ee *+ 54 420 ! A(+tr,&t+ re&e*ve/ ,2ter th*+ /,te :*.. not (e *n&.-/e/ *n the Pro&ee/*n3+4

#ignature participant Date: $lace:




Name Designation Institutional Address (Telephone, e-mail)


!"#"$%"& 2013
: : :

Residential Address (Telephone, e-mail) Title of the paper Registration fee enclosed DD No Name of the !an" Date

: : Yes/No : : :

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