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Is Harper doing a Mulroney?

Movin on Up Excerpt from Damage Control Mulroney steals the RCMP ma ing Commissioner a Deputy Minister Prime Minister appoints the !ttorney "eneral# who is over the Chief $ustice# perhaps o aye% &y the "overnor "eneral 'nstea% of ( court !ttorney "eneral in%uces an in)uiry &y their appointe% senators *enators fin% &ri&e receiver from armaments %ealer tax eva%er Mulroney naughty getting caught acting misappropriate with a nasty slap on the wrist hea%e% off to &igger an% &etter not a human achievements

What if you name it and we lived happily ever after Within the spirit please Imagine the PRICE getting Scrooged nd !iny !im a"in getting mended and #es $irginia still virgin when finds out no Satanic Clause Imagine %mas miracle &ringing people together '( )ran" with me I*m thin"ing the "ind that would &ring %mas '+,- eternal What if we used science for peace religiously Religion the antithesis of science you do the math .ill the &astard /// let us pray this means war 0 nun eh? !a1es and death as certain as &eliefs and faith H234ER Humanity 2nderground 3atality 4rows Egalitarian Referendum ,eware the '%es ' %unno - an epiphany. !s recollect on a clear %ay hea% stumpe% for the trees the Rule of /aw the magnificent "o% given user frien%ly &rain a in to a chainsaw meaningless until a min% put to fire up an% then P0E peace on earth no more Et 1u Me fallings of frien%ly fire +a&ric !te Roll Call
+ree%om asserting &elief rights imperative consecrate% !m&iguity truth elusivity Rule of law legal Certainty appropriator2s li)ui%ity logistics

http344www.scri&%.com4%oc411355(6774*pirit8'ntent8Prece%ence8%e8$ure8Constitution8or8Romans8138"aming8 the8*ystem8%e8+acto 9:'M*'C!/ 1

9ar :igh 'n Monetary *overeignty 'mperialist Capitalist !uthentic /uciferian

Religion :igh Elusive 1ruth 0rientation Righteous 'mperialist Capitalism (. Everyone has the following fun%amental free%oms3 ;a< free%om of conscience an% religion= ;&< free%om of thought# &elief# opinion an% expression# inclu%ing free%om of the press an% other me%ia of communication= ;c< free%om of peaceful assem&ly= an% ;%< free%om of association. Political Religious 'nsi%ious Charlatan >leptocracy me%ia inciting +ic le 'nherent ,ias 'gnorant ,liss PR'C> mi +',',

*atanism is a &roa% term referring to a group of 9estern religions comprising %iverse i%eological an% philosophical &eliefs. 1heir share% features inclu%e sym&olic association with# or a%miration for the character of# *atan# or similar re&ellious# promethean# an%# in their view# li&erating figures. 1here were an estimate% ?@#@@@ mem&ers in 166@. 1here may &e as few as a few thousan% in the worl%.A1B

!s chief law officer# the !ttorney "eneral has

a special responsibility
to &e the guar%ian of

that most elusive concept

8 the rule of law. 1he rule of law is a well esta&lishe% legal principle# &ut har% to easily %efine. 't is the rule of law

that protects individuals, and society as a whole,

from ar&itrary measures an% safeguar%s personal li&erties.

!ttorney "eneral has the RUC* Responsi&ly Unaccounta&le Cuances *ystemic !ttorney "eneral# guar%ian of the pu&lic interest
13. ;1< 1he !ttorney "eneral for 0ntario shall serve as the guar%ian of the pu&lic interest in all matters within

the scope of this !ct or having to %o in any way with the practice of law in 0ntario or the provision of legal services in 0ntario# an% for this purpose he or she may at any time re)uire the pro%uction of any %ocument or thing pertaining to the affairs of the *ociety. R.*.0. 166@# c. /.5# s. 13 ;1<= 1665# c. (1# s. 7 ;1<= (@@D# c. (1# *che%. C# s. 13. !%missions ;(< Co a%mission of any person in any %ocument or thing pro%uce% un%er su&section ;1< is a%missi&le in evi%ence against that person in any procee%ings other than procee%ings un%er this !ct. R.*.0. 166@# c. /.5# s. 13 ;(<= 1665# c. (1# s. 7 ;(<. Protection of Minister ;3< Co person who is or has &een the !ttorney "eneral for 0ntario is su&Eect to any procee%ings of the *ociety or to any penalty impose% un%er this !ct for anything %one &y him or her while exercising the functions of such office. R.*.0. 166@# c. /.5# s. 13 ;3<= 1665# c. (1# s. 7 ;3<. 1he Crown has a %istinct responsi&ility to the court to present all the cre%i&le evi%ence availa&le.

Rule of /aw http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4RuleFofFlaw 1he Rule of law in its most &asic form is no one is a&ove the law. Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercise% only in accor%ance with# pu&licly %isclose% laws# a%opte% an% enforce% in accor%ance with esta&lishe% proce%ural steps that are referre% to as %ue process. 1he rule of law is hostile to %ictatorship an% to anarchy. !ccor%ing to mo%ern !nglo8!merican thin ing# hallmar s of a%herence to the rule of law commonly inclu%e

a clear separation of powers,

legal certainty,
the principle of legitimate expectation an% e)uality of all &efore the law. 1he concept is not without controversy# an% it has &een sai% that Gthe phrase the rule of law has &ecome meaningless than s to i%eological a&use an% general over8 useG "0 P0E
"eneral 0ver8use Proclamations 0nly Elusivity pu&licly %isclose% laws ?(. ;1< 1he Constitution of Cana%a is the supreme law of Cana%a# an% any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is# to the extent of the inconsistency#

of no force or effect.
1he !ttorney "eneral %oes not# however# %irect or cause charges to &e lai%. 9hile the !ttorney "eneral an% the !ttorney "eneralHs agents may provi%e legal a%vice to the police# the ultimate %ecision

whether or not to lay charges is for the police. 0nce the charge is lai%

the decision
as to whether the prosecution shoul% procee%# an% in what manner# is for the !ttorney "eneral an% the Crown !ttorney. 't is now an accepte% an% important constitutional principle that the !ttorney "eneral must carry out the MinisterHs criminal prosecution responsi&ilities in%epen%ent of Ca&inet an% of any partisan political pressures. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs responsi&ility for in%ivi%ual criminal prosecutions must &e un%erta en 8 an% seen to &e un%erta en 8 on strictly o&Eective an% legal criteria# free of any political consi%erations. 9hether to initiate or stay a criminal procee%ing is not an issue of government policy. 1his responsi&ility has &een characteriJe% as a matter of the

Attorney General acting as the Queen's Attorney

8 not as a Minister of the government of the %ay.

(I. ;1< !nyone whose rights or free%oms# as guarantee% &y this Charter# have &een infringe% or %enie% may apply to a court of competent Euris%iction to o&tain such reme%y as the court consi%ers appropriate an% Eust in the circumstances. ;(< 9here# in procee%ings un%er su&section ;1<# a court conclu%es that evi%ence was o&taine% in a manner that infringe% or %enie% any rights or free%oms guarantee% &y this Charter#

the evidence shall be excluded

if it is esta&lishe% that# having regar% to all the circumstances# the a%mission of it in the procee%ings

would bring the administration of ustice into disrepute.

1he Crown has a %istinct responsi&ility to the court to present all the cre%i&le evi%ence availa&le.

Clear separation of powers legal certainty

1. 1he Cana%ian Charter of Rights an% +ree%oms guarantees the rights an% free%oms set out in it su&Eect only to such reasona&le limits prescri&e% &y law as can &e %emonstra&ly Eustifie% in a free an% %emocratic society.

7. Everyone has the right to life# li&erty an% security of the person an% the right not to &e %eprive% thereof except in accor%ance with the principles of fun%amental Eustice. Critical thin ing PR0 Political religious optimist ! flea &ac stro ing with reserve% erection calls for the %raw &ri%ge to &e raise% Polls see sanity &ottoms while let us pray tops Priorities eh.

CE9* +!,R'C !1E

Cever En%ing 9ar *tory +i%uciary !ccounta&le ,enevolence Righteous 'mperialist Capitalist !spiring 1ruth Eva%ers :ow much truth can one &e expecte% to swallow. :oly :ea%line ,atman yep RLR Ro&&ings Ro&in Mein >ampf Me%ia essential intellectual neuter >leptocratic authenticity manifests proficient fools +ree power I humanic of thin air li e &an sters money I satanic 1U1 1ra%ition Unsin a&le 1itanic 1ut irrefuta&le proof ya can2t ta e it with you

Political Religious 0ppress /ight2s Exponential 1ran)uility !ccounta&le Responsi&le 'lluminate 1yranny

!n% the /or% sayeth unto me Kou are "o% an% set out with the cutting e%ge to slice through the shit segregating the human family from 1hy >ing%om Come

Un nown "enius of Ci ola 1esla http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMDpn33Eun"*M

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMvu'Chm13N5K Ci ola 1esla 8 1he secrets hi%%en in the pyrami%s of Egypt Moses stole the !r from Ramesses '' turning the lights out on Egypt Reality is the 1ruth impervious to perception yet precisely %ue to perception 1ruth that which "o% woul% o&serve whether or not :e existe% or whether or not one &elieves :e exists 'DE!/ *imply Reality *anely Dealt 9ith Unite% Perception *oli%arity Ultimate Potential *ociety Epitaph E%ison Profit 'ntellectual 1esla authentic Prophet :umanity ME O Moses E%ison $U*1'CE O $esus Universal *ocrates 1esla 'ntellect Confucius Electromagnetism Kes ya &etter watch out Nirginia no *atanic Clause *anta Clause is coming aroun% with Eu%ges gown Kes we got no &ananas at CD+$' 8 Constitution Diligence +i%uciary $u%iciary 'n%epen%entsPPP

Can we affor% not to as +or%. 9hat cause% him to go crac ers. 9oul% +or% &e crac ers to %ivulge what in%uce% his crac ers an% perhaps more important 9oul% Polly want a crac er. 1U1 1ra%ition Unsin a&le 1itanic 1ut irrefuta&le proof ya can2t ta e it with you www.*ap, *anity a popular ,elief of artificial truths www.0$tas .com 0&struct $ustice truth an% source ill

http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41(D?II@3@40nly8the8Eccentric8>now8the8Cightmare ,ias 0smosis *morgas&or% of alei%oscopic ricochet 1!,/E1* 1ruths antithesis ,eliefs /i)ui% Exponential 1ranscen%ental http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMI3D MK50+CQLfeatureMrelate% 'n the name of "o% an% forgive it2s Eust politics PRE**URE* Political Religious Egalitarian *egregate% *oli%arity U&i)uitous Righteous Explosive *anctimonious G1hy ing%om comeG Mc Pig Musical Chairs Puppets in glomming Puppets in "overnance Me%ia Elusives

P'" ME
1he re)uest for "o%Hs ing%om to come is usually interprete% as a reference to the &elief# common at the time# that a Messiah figure woul% &ring a&out a >ing%om of "o%. 1ra%itionally the coming of "o%Hs >ing%om is seen as a %ivine gift to &e praye% for#

not a human achievement.

1his i%ea is fre)uently challenge% &y groups who &elieve that the >ing%om will come &y the han%s of those faithful to wor for a &etter worl%. 't is &elieve% &y these in%ivi%uals that $esusH comman%s to fee% the hungry an% clothe the nee%y are the >ing%om to which he was referring.

P'" ME09
Puppets in "overnance Me%ia Elusives 0pposition 9e& +orthright +orthwith +orthcoming +++

'n the name of "o% of# for with the People 91+


+ic le +ate +inger 1@

6@R 1ithe Political Religious 'mplicit Complicit Explicit PR'CE Political Religious 'nsi%ious Capitalist Emperors /i e other financial empires in history# *mith claims the contemporary mo%el forms alliances necessary to %evelop an% control wealth# as peripheral nations remain impoverishe% provi%ers of cheap resources for the imperial8centers8of8capital.A1B ,elloc estimate% that# %uring the ,ritish Enclosures# Gperhaps half of the whole population was proletarianG# while roughly the other GhalfG owne% an% controlle% the means of pro%uction. Cow# un%er mo%ern Capitalism# $.9. *mith claims fewer than ?@@ people possess more wealth than half of the earth2s population# as the wealth of 14( of 18percent of the Unite% *tates population roughly e)ual that of the lower 6@8percent.


new GEesuit popeG francis. controlle% &y &lac pope


*'C ,!D *ane 'nsanity Cormalcy ,eliefs !ggresse% Democratically


+acts must have root ( ta e root "o% coherency GCatch ((G must have sem&lance ( catch %o" chase tail

' now ' will never see a poem as lovely as a tree nor a &righter life form

1hey wail &anging hea%s against wall an% we get the Exce%rin hea%aches Ka gotta now ,I /est we +orget ta ing on %ifferent animal
$u%aism 1:'RD 1EMP/E ,E'C" ,U'/1 %emolish M' O Muslim 'slam

99 ''' . :U:. :oly unortho%ox :olocaust CE9* Cever En%ing 9ar *tory

0nwar% Christian *ol%iers http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMeIDFa@@K@uI

Unite% Cations !lien Sionist 'nsi%ious Puppets 1he *tar of Davi% in the /eningra% Co%ex# 1@@5 CE Upon in%epen%ence in 16I5# the new $ewish state was formally name% Medinat Yisrael# or the *tate of 'srael# after other propose% historical an% religious names inclu%ing Eretz Israel ;Gthe /an% of 'sraelG<# Sion# an% $u%ea# were consi%ere% an% reEecte%.A(?B 'n the early wee s of in%epen%ence# the government chose the term 1(

G'sraeliG to %enote a citiJen of 'srael# with the formal announcement ma%e &y Minister of +oreign !ffairs Moshe *harett.A(DB 1he name 'srael has historically &een use%# in common an% religious usage# to refer to the &i&lical >ing%om of 'srael or the entire $ewish nation.A(7B !ccor%ing to the :e&rew ,i&le the name G'sraelG was given to the patriarch $aco& ;*tan%ar% Yisrael# Isrl= *eptuagint "ree 3 TUVWXIsral=

Gstruggle with "o%G




after he successfully wrestled with the angel of the *ord.

$aco&Hs twelve sons &ecame the ancestors of the 'sraelites# also nown as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel. $aco& an% his sons ha% live% in Canaan &ut were force% &y famine to go into Egypt for four generations until Moses# a great8great gran%son of $aco&#A3@B le% the 'sraelites &ac into Canaan %uring the GExo%usG. 1he earliest archaeological artifact to mention the wor% G'sraelG is the Merneptah *tele of ancient Egypt ;%ate% to the late 13th century ,CE<.A31B

+he area is also ,nown as the

-oly *and,
being holy for all Abrahamic

religions including

.udaism, &hristianity, /slam

and the 0ah1'2 3aith.
:oly !&e ,atman harpe% Ro&in yep no 611 loo s li e a Eo& I :.!.!.R.P

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMIwEJy( JR?MLfeatureMrelate% U* cause% $apan 5.6 Earth)ua e - !lter weather 13

1esla ma% science alive an% well :omer# !las a

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch. annotationFi%MannotationF1?3(16LfeatureMivLsrcFvi%MsU?37fI&n+MLvM1M91EM),+DK Depopulate to 1 ,illion 'nteractive Reciprocity an% then there were none finally P0E Peace on Earth 7 come 11 !n exasperating shot in anti)uity an exacer&ating peace eeping volley then all hell &ro e loose
! cry a lie a %efy husha husha L we all pai% the Price from %us ( %ust we r a changing &lowing in the win%

/est we forget 1errorist ma ers 0> if you are the goo% guy 0r is it if you are perceive% as the goo% guy the other a "o% %amn terrorists


http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM1$gn$F9F?JU CCC 't2s 0> 9i ilea s evil

1ruth !ll Pay Price

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMtEs+*r*C78 U*. war crimes in 'ra) APart 1B http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM0moMuy@vSEc U*. war crimes in 'ra) APart (B http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMKDM(!'ma65 U*. war crimes in 'ra) APart 3B http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM(i@%3C%t'eM U*. war crimes in 'ra) APart IB http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMyow)Y(ng:lI 1he whole truth a&out the 'ra) war
!he War on Ira56 filmma"er Ro&ert 4reenwald chronicles the (ush dministration7s determined 5uest to invade Ira5 following the events of Septem&er 886 '998/ !he film deconstructs the administration7s case for war through interviews with 2/S intelligence and defense officials6 foreign service e1perts6 and 2/3/ weapons inspectors :: including a former CI director6 a former am&assador to Saudi ra&ia and even President (ush7s Secretary of the rmy/ !heir analyses and conclusions are so&ering6 and often distur&ing6 regardless of one7s political affiliations/

www.0$ 0&struct $ustice truth an% source ill 1ruth ills truth saves *ave yourself an% the worl% Ni%eo "one Ni%eo Replace% http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMsP'fgmuCIns
In this lecture &y Michel Chossudovs"y6 he &lows away the smo"escreen put up &y the mainstream media6 that ;,88 was an attac" on merica &y <Islamic terrorists</ !hrough meticulous research6 he has uncovered a military:intelligence ploy &ehind the Septem&er 88 attac"s6 and the cover:up and complicity of "ey mem&ers of the (ush dministration/ ccording to Chossudovs"y6 the <war on terrorism< is a complete fa&rication &ased on the illusion that one man6 =sama &in >aden6 outwitted the ?+9 &illion:a:year merican intelligence apparatus/ !he <war on terrorism< is a war of con5uest/ 4lo&alisation is the final march to the <3ew World =rder<6 dominated &y Wall Street and the 2/S/ military:industrial


comple1/ Septem&er 886 '998 provides a @ustification for waging a war without &orders/ Washington7s agenda consists in e1tending the frontiers of the merican Empire to facilitate complete 2/S/ corporate control6 while installing within merica the institutions of the Homeland Security State/

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM&vay(5lSi:U 1ruth >ills

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM9@xJs&*&NUE !fter overcoming the willing suspension of %is&elief :igh Ran ing U* MaEor "eneral Exposes *eptem&er 11 http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMD5/U:aF80l! C'! 9histle&lower *usan /in%auer EYP0*E* EverythingP GExtreme PreEu%iceG
Military corruption U*! ,illions if not trillions 14(64@( http344www.wantto now.info4corruptiongovernmentmilitary 'ra) 9ar http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM1>hut5x&Y>5LfeatureMrelate% 0ush bro,e every rule in the boo,s of %4 &onstitution and %5 &harter part and parcel http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM5>6%g)>m$?@Lfeature +ema Detention Camps Marshall /aw http344www.infowars.com4o&ama8implementing8martial8law8coup4 http344www.fireflyfans.net4mthrea%.aspx.&i%M15Lti%M?(16@ +,' guy flees stating all insane an% %ie% http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMD7yD0Y"mtro 't2s always the enemy preme%itate% instille% within self once the Posen *peech ta es caught in crossfire

1@ Kears if you thin "overnment corrupt U*!

Posen speech
Main article: Posen speeches
GDie Ausrottung des j dis!hen "ol#esG

!n excerpt from the Posen speeches where :immler %iscusses the on8going extermination of the $ews.

$roble%s listening to this file& 'ee %edia hel()


0n I 0cto&er 16I3# :immler referre% explicitly to the extermination of the $ewish people %uring a secret ** meeting in the city of PoJna[;Posen<. 1he following is a translation of an excerpt from a transcription of an au%io recor%ingA77B that exists of the speech3 ' also want to refer here very fran ly to a very %ifficult matter. 9e can now very openly tal a&out this among ourselves# an% yet we will never %iscuss this pu&licly. $ust as we %i% not hesitate on 3@ $une 163I# to perform our %uty as or%ere% an% put comra%es who ha% faile% up against the wall an% execute them# we also never spo e a&out it# nor will we ever spea a&out it.

*et us than, God

that we ha% within us enough self8evi%ent fortitu%e never to %iscuss it among us# an% we never tal e% a&out it. Every one of us was horrifie%# an% yet every one clearly un%erstoo% that we woul% %o it next time# when the or%er is given an% when it &ecomes necessary. ' am now referring to the evacuation of the $ews# to the extermination of the $ewish People. 1his is something that is easily sai%3 H1he $ewish People will &e exterminate%H# says every Party mem&er# Hthis is very o&vious# it is in our program \ elimination of the $ews# extermination# a small matter.H !n% then they turn up# the upstan%ing 5@ million "ermans# an% each one has his %ecent $ew. 1hey say the others are all swine# &ut this particular one is a splen%i% $ew. ,ut none has o&serve% it# en%ure% it. Most of you here now what it means when 1@@ corpses lie next to each other# when there are ?@@ or when there are 1#@@@. 1o have en%ure% this an% at the same time to have remaine% a %ecent person \ with exceptions %ue to human wea nesses \ has ma%e us tough# an% is a glorious chapter that has not an% will not &e spo en of. ,ecause we now how %ifficult it woul% &e for us if we still ha% $ews as secret sa&oteurs# agitators an% ra&&le rousers in every city# what with the &om&ings# with the &ur%en an% with the har%ships of the war. 'f the $ews were still part of the "erman nation# we woul% most li ely arrive now at the state we were at in 161D an% H17 . . . . \:einrich :immler# I 0cto&er 16I3

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM/u@wosSy&?U Pope +rancis an% the Dirty 9ar 8 Michel Chossu%ovs y on "R1N !rrest warrants for the Pope an% Queen expire March 1( (@13 oops (@1I with innumera&le rile% up now without legal paper purpose March (( (@13 oops (@1I Marshall /aw wipe out +ema camps the whole she&ang - all she wrote as $esuit planne%. Ma es one won%er why only a year provi%e% to arrest such %ea%ly criminals eh. 9arrant inclu%es :arper too eh. Perhaps that explains his senator actions. :arper appoints the senators an% it was a senator that threatene% me. Perhaps a prorogue in or%er to get settle% into an un%ergroun% sa&&atical. !ppears ' Eust wo e up or the March (( (@13 Marshall /aw %elaye% %ue to Rev >evin actions or -. Cever min% go &ac to sleep - '2m gonna try Do you suppose they have spe% up the agen%a may&e E1 go home for Ymas - ever won%er K - Y for Chris http344exopolitics.&logs.com4exopolitics4(@134@34my8entry.html "etting with the 'talian Crusa%e of the essence http344www.scri&%.com4%oc415@@3D(5D4'talian8politicians8agree8to8ai%8against8last8RatJ8Pope 9ell ' cant &elieve that says them that now an% the R0/0DEY 8 Realist 0smosis /earne% 0ppresse% Dimwit Enslave% Mar 17

9ill the RCMP %etermine sufficient evi%ence to ma e charges 9e will have to wait for their consultation with the !ttorney "eneral through to the Prime Minister# through the "overnor "eneral through to the Crown through +rancis to the ,lac Pope an% inevita&ly an% invaria&ly we will pay the Price Clearly a conflict of interest# &ut whoHs gonna say# as the matter &efore the highest material court


new GEesuit popeG francis. controlle% &y &lac pope

http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vM0DP1t*t3D!g http!"""watch#v$)wGw-6%7d89 +/:; /4 %<===))3>>$ :A?&- >> >@13))) A;<B<%*A+/B5)):A?+/A* *AC))G%5 G?A0)) &/D/* CA? CE9* Cever En%ing 9ar *tory

/ove of 9ar ,usiness Political Religious 'mplicit Complicit Explicit PR'CE Political Religious 'nsi%ious Capitalist Emperors /i e other financial empires in history# *mith claims the contemporary mo%el forms alliances necessary to %evelop an% control wealth# as peripheral nations remain impoverishe% provi%ers of cheap resources for the imperial8centers8of8capital.A1B ,elloc estimate% that# %uring the ,ritish Enclosures# Gperhaps half of the whole population was proletarianG# while roughly the other GhalfG owne% an% controlle% the means of pro%uction. Cow# un%er mo%ern Capitalism# $.9. *mith claims fewer than ?@@ people possess more wealth than half of the earth2s population# as the wealth of 14( of 18percent of the Unite% *tates population roughly e)ual that of the lower 6@8percent. 99 ''' inevita&le if the 1ruth %oes not viral eating away at the virus eating away our min%s 1rue peace eepers &arrage the worl% with truths '2m thin ing 33 &illion something to %o with 33 %egree mason 33r% parallel 15

9hen they say spent 33 ,illion for climate control 1hey mean in effort to prevent &eing run over &y the :ome Race rising Cow experiencing 0R,'1 R0P 8 0utsi%e Routine ,ox 'ntrinsic 1ruths Reverse 0smosis Psychosis humanity rises on their hot air M0/E*1!1'0C Museum of /iars Elusivity *u&stantive 1hic !lteration 1ruth 'ncinerators oppresse% Cews 9'1 9hat is 1ruth. *'C *ane 'nsanity Cormalcy

http344www.scri&%.com4%oc4177(5???64+ran 8,est8,et8:owever8*uperfluous8to8,et80n 'f ya gonna stan% froJen staring into the hea%lights 1ry your %amnest to ma e it coherently through to the last page 'n the C'RC! R whatever they say Circular logistics &ites ass *EE *elf Evi%ent Exposing Up the %own river of no returns C'RC! R . Coherent 'rate Responsi&ly Complicit !ccounta&le Recompense 1ruth2s 'nterest worth one2s weight in "ol% *tic s ' %unno# &ut stones an% glass houses - min% shattering eh. +acts must have root ( ta e root "o% coherency GCatch ((G must have sem&lance ( catch %o" chase tail +ree me%ical for senators allege% an% the incarcerate% ,ut what of me s)uea s the tax paying silent maEority - no oil for you - someone must pay for in%iscretions at our %iscretions. *ome say a me%ical conspiracy theory transparency www.'yffy'.com 'n your face for your 'nformation :ate to harp :arper where2s the cash. Perhaps opposition care to weigh in - may&e the me%ia - any&o%y. 16

Mulroney. 'n the name of "o% of# for with the People 91+


http!"""doc"19@E@@>11":a,ing)4wiss)cheese)of)<ope)s)4wiss)Guard)by)QB?)of)& 1hin air confetti invisi&le tric le %own Can you &elieve them on CP!C %o not suspect they are watche% 0h they now of Democracy 9atch &ut aware one of them - time I a &rea got the time. 9hoooos watching whooooo %onHt give a hoot hooting their epitaph vi%eos to &e vetoe% Eust a wee &it too late PPP Purely Political Purposes :umanity Dou&lethin ' PPP PN 0> 'mpure PPP Partial Nacuum 0 ay >leptocratically http344www.scri&%.com4%oc47133337149ho89oul%8,e8+oolish8Enough8to8/eave8a8Paper81rail

]1here were no %ates in this history# &ut scrawle% this way an% that across every page were the wor%s ,enevolence Righteousness an% Morality - finally ' &egan to ma e out what was written &etween the lines. 1he whole volume was &ut a single phrase# Eat People^

G't is only the wisest an% the stupi%est that cannot changeG ]1hey must often change who woul% &e constant in happiness or wis%om^

1hought my pants woul% never %ry pretty much use to the stin Criminal lawyers nee% criminals for sustaina&le growth Criminal lawyers nee% sustaina&le impoverishe% growth


Respects gla% han% premier step to !E'0U !ppropriation Exponential 'mpoverishment 0rienting U Don2t let them fool you as if Iu when promoting Eo&s promote self in :E :uman Enslavement Cever K as

/i e a thief in the night Remem&er when in trou&le Do not wait for Remem&rance Day /est they allow their sanity to overri%e their &ias (, respecte% 9ho selects the in%epen%ent senate conun%rum state. 1he !&omina&le snowman an% the 'ceman cometh 9e all pay the PR ' ce O Christian Era as the Rule of /aw melts &efore our eyes Crystal meth an% Critical thin ing myth

Discar%ing the ,i&lical ,a&&le on I thy ing%om come

Dust ( Dust Duff Usury *nuff 1ransitive logic %escri&es a given relation &etween terms such that if it exists &etween GaG an% G&G an% &etween G&G an% Gc#G then it also exists &etween GaG an% Gc.G 1ypical transitive relationships inclu%e Gis greater than#G Gis e)ual to#G an% Gis similar to.G http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4CRK*1!/ME1: Duffy2s criticiJing of teaching Critical thin ing foun% his way to :arper2s heart !nti anti8war activist too eh. Clear case of PR'C> Political Religious 'nsi%ious Charlatan >leptocracy self exposure http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4Mi eFDuffy
0n Decem&er ((# (@@5# Duffy was name% a Prince E%war% 'slan% representative to the *enate of Cana%a on the a%vice of Prime Minister *tephen :arper# sitting as a Conservative.A5BA6B :e su&se)uently retire% as a 1N Eournalist at the en% of (@@5. 'n March (@1@# Duffy criticiJe% the University of >ingHs College an% other Eournalism schools in Cana%a for teaching Coam Choms y an% critical thin ing. :e went on to say that Eournalism schools in Cana%a were churning out leftists who thought private enterprise was &a%. 1he hea% of >ingHs *chool of $ournalism reacte% with surprise to DuffyHs criticism# saying that Manufacturing Consent was not part of the curriculum. *he also sai% she woul% not apologiJe for teaching critical thin ing to Eournalism stu%ents.A1@B ! num&er of e%itorial comments were written in response to DuffyHs criticism.A11BA1(BA13B


Critical thin ing is a way of %eci%ing whether a claim is true# partially true# or false. Critical thin ing is a process that lea%s to s ills that can &e learne%# mastere% an% use%. Critical thin ing is a tool &y which one can come a&out reasone% conclusions &ase% on a reasone% process. 1his process incorporates passion an% creativity# &ut gui%es it with %iscipline# practicality an% common sense. 't can &e trace% in the 9est to ancient "reece with its *ocratic metho% an% in the East to ancient 'n%ia with the ,u%%hist alama sutta an% a&hi%harma literature. Critical thin ing is an important component of many fiel%s such as e%ucation# politics# &usiness# an% science.

www.0$tas .com 0&struct $ustice truth an% source ill www.*olar" Constitution %e Eure vs Romans 13 %e facto http344www.scri&%.com4%oc411355(6774*pirit8'ntent8Prece%ence8%e8$ure8Constitution8or8Romans8138"aming8 the8*ystem8%e8+acto

http344www.lin e%in.com4pu&4%ir4$onathan4*wainger4 +acts must have root ( ta e root "o% coherency GCatch ((G must have sem&lance ( catch %o" chase tail ((

Co complaints from within except from them excommunicate% from the Ps Political science ,s &astar% science ,s ,s ,ull shitter ,ac sta&&ers 1oga Party

*uspen%e% with Me%ical coverage approve% &y the Me%ical conspirators www.'yffy'.com 1he !ttorney "eneral is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. 1he responsi&ilities stemming from this role are unli e those of any other Ca&inet mem&er. 1he role has &een referre% to as F udicial)li,eF an% as the

Gguar%ian of the pu&lic interestG.

!s chief law officer# the !ttorney "eneral has

a special responsibility
to &e the guar%ian of

that most elusive concept

8 the rule of law. 8 1he rule of law is a well esta&lishe% legal principle#

but hard to easily define.

't is the rule of law

that protects
in%ivi%uals# an% society as a whole# from ar&itrary measures an% safeguar%s personal li&erties.

:as the !ttorney "eneral &een &riefe%. or woul% that &e meaningless in a partial vacuum 1he !ttorney "eneral %oes not# however# %irect or cause charges to &e lai%. 9hile the !ttorney "eneral an% the !ttorney "eneralHs agents may provi%e legal a%vice to the police#

the ultimate decision


whether or not to lay charges is for the police. 0nce the charge is lai%

the decision
as to whether the prosecution shoul% procee%# an% in what manner#

for the !ttorney "eneral an% the Crown !ttorney. 't is now an accepte% an% important constitutional principle that the !ttorney "eneral must carry out the MinisterHs criminal prosecution responsi&ilities

independent of &abinet and of any partisan political pressures.

1he !ttorney "eneralHs responsi&ility for in%ivi%ual criminal prosecutions must &e un%erta en 8

and seen to be underta,en )

on strictly o&Eective an% legal criteria# free of any political consi%erations. 9hether to initiate or stay a criminal procee%ing is not an issue of government policy. 1his responsi&ility has &een characteriJe% as

a matter of the Attorney General

acting as the QueenHs !ttorney 8 not as a Minister of the government of the %ay. 1his is not to suggest that %ecisions regar%ing criminal prosecutions are ma%e in a complete vacuum.
! wi%e range of policy consi%erations may &e weighe% in executing this responsi&ility# an% the !ttorney "eneral may choose to consult the Ca&inet on some of these consi%erations. :owever any %ecisions relating to the con%uct of in%ivi%ual prosecutions must &e the !ttorney "eneralHs alone an% in%epen%ent of the tra%itional Ca&inet %ecision ma ing process. 'n practice# in the vast maEority of cases# these %ecisions are ma%e &y the !ttorney "eneralHs agents# the Crown !ttorneys. Ultimately the !ttorney "eneral is accounta&le to the people of the province# through the /egislature# for %ecisions relating to criminal prosecutions. *uch accounta&ility can only occur# of course# once the prosecution is complete% or when a final %ecision has &een ma%e not to prosecute. 1he su& Eu%icae rule &ars any comment on a matter &efore the courts that is li ely to influence the matter. 1he su& Eu%icae rule strictly prohi&its the !ttorney "eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are &efore the courts. "iven the stature of the !ttorney "eneralHs position# any pu&lic comment coming from the office

would be seen as an attempt to influence the case.

!lthough the !ttorney general can &ecome involve% in %ecision8ma ing in relation to in%ivi%ual criminal cases#

such a practice would leave the :inister vulnerable to accusations of political interference.
!ccor%ingly# it is tra%itional to leave the %ay8to8%ay %ecision8ma ing in the han%s of the !ttorney "eneralHs agents# the Crown !ttorneys# except in cases of exceptional importance where the pu&lic woul% expect the !ttorney "eneral to &e &riefe% *oon may&e on CP!C will o&serve the wrap up of "0 P0E %ue process Meaningless /egal Certainty (I

Rule of /aw http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4RuleFofFlaw 1he Rule of law in its most &asic form is no one is a&ove the law. Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercise% only in accor%ance with# publicly disclosed laws# a%opte% an% enforce% in accor%ance with esta&lishe% proce%ural steps that are referre% to as

due process.
1he rule of law is hostile to %ictatorship an% to anarchy. !ccor%ing to mo%ern !nglo8!merican thin ing# hallmar s of a%herence to the rule of law commonly inclu%e a clear separation of powers#

legal certainty,
the principle of legitimate expectation an% e)uality of all &efore the law. 1he concept is not without controversy# an% it has &een sai% that Gthe phrase the rule of law has &ecome

than s to i%eological a&use an% general over8 useG "0 P0E "eneral 0ver8use Proclamations 0nly Elusivity

publicly disclosed laws

?(. ;1< 1he Constitution of Cana%a is the supreme law of Cana%a# an% any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is# to the extent of the inconsistency#

of no force or effect.
31. Cothing in this Charter exten%s the legislative powers of any &o%y or authority 3(. ;1< 1his Charter applies ;a< to the Parliament an% government of Cana%a in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament inclu%ing all matters relating to the Ku on 1erritory an% Corthwest 1erritories= an% ;&< to the legislature an% government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.


Resurrection only with reciprocity in lieu 99 ''' purgatory

Ceither political nor religious &e &ut &elieve ' un%erstan% perhaps &ecause neither political nor religious &e. http344www.scri&%.com4%oc415@@3D(5D4'talian8politicians8agree8to8ai%8against8last8RatJ8Pope Reveren% >evin !nnett excommunicate% from the church in%icative of un%erstan%ing within 'n the name of "o% of# for with the People 91+


1esla +ree Energy a no no http344www.youtu&e.com4results. searchF)ueryMtesla_free_energyLo)MteslaLgsFlMyoutu&e.1.@.3?i36l(E@lIE@i3E@E@i3E@.11.1I3?.@.I6?(.I.I.@.@.@ .@.(?5.I71.3E@E1.I.@...@.@...1ac.1.11.youtu&e.mPxrPhnKaNg http344www.youtu&e.com4watch.vMK3x8UEIy!MK Cancer cure% in Cana%a &ut won2t pro%uce it Political Religious 'mplicit Complicit Explicit PR 'CE Political Religious 'nsi%ious Capitalist Emperors
/i e other financial empires in history# *mith claims the contemporary mo%el forms alliances necessary to %evelop an% control wealth# as peripheral nations remain impoverishe% provi%ers of cheap resources for the imperial8centers8of8capital.A1B ,elloc estimate% that# %uring the ,ritish Enclosures# Gperhaps half of the whole population was proletarianG# while roughly the other GhalfG owne% an% controlle% the means of pro%uction. Cow# un%er mo%ern Capitalism# $.9. *mith claims fewer than ?@@ people possess more wealth than half of the earth2s population# as the wealth of 14( of 18percent of the Unite% *tates population roughly e)ual that of the lower 6@8percent. 1ime for the :uman Race to Party P09ER Possi&le 0nly 9hen Egalitarian Reciprocity

http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4:umptyF%umpty :umpty Dumpty sat on a wall# :umpty Dumpty ha% a great fall. !ll the ingHs horses an% all the ingHs men Coul%nHt put :umpty together again.A1B :umpty appears in /ewis CarrollHs 1hrough the /oo ing8"lass ;157(<# where he %iscusses semantics an% pragmatics with !lice. (D

]' %on2t now what you mean &y `glory#2 ^ !lice sai%. :umpty Dumpty smile% contemptuously. ]0f course you %on2t\till ' tell you. ' meant `there2s a nice noc 8 %own argument for youP2 ^ ],ut `glory2 %oesn2t mean `a nice noc 8%own argument2#^ !lice o&Eecte%. ]9hen ' use a wor%#^ :umpty Dumpty sai%# in rather a scornful tone# ]it means Eust what ' choose it to mean\ neither more nor less.^ ]1he )uestion is#^ sai% !lice# ]whether you can ma e wor%s mean so many %ifferent things.^ ]1he )uestion is#^ sai% :umpty Dumpty# ]which is to &e master that2s all.^ !lice was too much puJJle% to say anything# so after a minute :umpty Dumpty &egan again. ]1hey2ve a temper# some of them\particularly ver&s# they2re the prou%est\a%Eectives you can %o anything with# &ut not ver&s\however# ' can manage the whole lotP 'mpenetra&ilityP 1hat2s what ' sayP^A1?B 1his passage was use% in ,ritain &y /or% !t in an% in his %issenting Eu%gement in the seminal case /iversi%ge v. !n%erson ;16I(<# where he proteste% a&out the %istortion of a statute &y the maEority of the :ouse of /or%s. A1DB 't also &ecame a popular citation in Unite% *tates legal opinions# appearing in (?@ Eu%icial %ecisions in the 9estlaw %ata&ase as of !pril 16# (@@5# inclu%ing two *upreme Court cases ;1N! v. :ill an% Sschernig v. Miller<.A17B
/or%y /or%y




Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

1he !ttorney "eneral has a uni)ue role to play as a Minister. 0ne part of the !ttorney "eneralHs role is that of a Ca&inet Minister. 'n this capacity the Minister is responsi&le for representing the interests an% perspectives of the Ministry at Ca&inet# while simultaneously representing the interests an% perspectives of Ca&inet an% conse)uently the "overnment to the Ministry an% the MinistryHs communities of interest. 1he !ttorney "eneral is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. 1he responsi&ilities stemming from this role are unli e those of any other Ca&inet mem&er. 1he role has &een referre% to as GEu%icial8li eG an% as the Gguar%ian of the pu&lic interestG. Much has &een written on the su&Eect of ministerial responsi&ilities an% the uni)ue role of the !ttorney "eneral. 1here are various components of the !ttorney "eneralHs role. 1he !ttorney "eneral has uni)ue responsi&ilities to the Crown# the courts# the /egislature an% the executive &ranch of government. 9hile there are %ifferent emphases an% nuances attache% to these there is a general theme throughout all the various aspects of the !ttorney "eneralHs responsi&ilities that the office has a constitutional an% tra%itional responsi&ility &eyon% that of a political minister. 1he statutory responsi&ilities of the office are foun% in section ? of the Ministr* of the Attorne* +eneral A!t. *ection ? states3 1he !ttorney "eneral# ;a< is the /aw 0fficer of the Executive Council= ;&< shall see that the a%ministration of pu&lic affairs is in accor%ance with the law= ;c< shall superinten% all matters connecte% with the a%ministration of Eustice in 0ntario= ;%< shall perform the %uties an% have the powers that &elong to the !ttorney "eneral an% *olicitor "eneral of Englan% &y law an% usage# so far as those powers an% %uties are applica&le to 0ntario# an% also shall perform the %uties an% powers that# until the Constitution A!t, -./0 came into effect# &elonge% to the offices of the !ttorney "eneral an% *olicitor "eneral in the provinces of Cana%a an% Upper Cana%a an% which# un%er the provisions of that !ct# are within the scope of the powers of the /egislature= (6

;e< shall a%vise the "overnment upon all matters of law connecte% with legislative enactments an% upon all matters of law referre% to him or her &y the "overnment= ;f< shall a%vise the "overnment upon all matters of a legislative nature an% superinten% all "overnment measures of a legislative nature= ;g< shall a%vise the hea%s of ministries an% agencies of "overnment upon all matters of law connecte% with such ministries an% agency= ;h< shall con%uct an% regulate all litigation for an% against the Crown or any ministry or agency of government in respect of any su&Eect within the authority or Euris%iction of the /egislature= ;i< shall superinten% all matters connecte% with Eu%icial offices= ;E< shall perform such other functions as are assigne% to him or her &y the /egislature or &y the /ieutenant "overnor in Council. G 9hat follows is an overview of the various components of the !ttorney "eneralHs roles an% responsi&ilities# primarily as outline% in the !ct.

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

1he role of chief law officer might &e referre% to as the !ttorney "eneralHs overall responsi&ility as the in%epen%ent legal a%visor to the Ca&inet 8 an% some have even suggeste% that the role possi&ly exten%s to the /egislature as well. 1he importance of the in%epen%ence of the role is fun%amental to the position an% well esta&lishe% in common law# statutes an% tra%ition. !s chief law officer# the !ttorney "eneral has a special responsi&ility to &e the guar%ian of that most elusive concept 8 the rule of law. 1he rule of law is a well esta&lishe% legal principle# &ut har% to easily %efine. 't is the rule of law that protects in%ivi%uals# an% society as a whole# from ar&itrary measures an% safeguar%s personal li&erties. 1he !ttorney "eneral has a special role to play in a%vising Ca&inet to ensure the rule of law is maintaine% an% that Ca&inet actions are legally an% constitutionally vali%. 'n provi%ing such a%vice it is important to eep in min% the %istinction &etween the !ttorney "eneralHs policy a%vice an% preference an% the legal a%vice &eing presente% to Ca&inet. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs legal a%vice or constitutional a%vice shoul% not &e lightly %isregar%e%. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs policy a%vice has the same weight as that of other ministers.

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

0ne of the most pu&licly scrutiniJe% aspects of the !ttorney "eneralHs role is the responsi&ility for criminal prosecutions encompasse% in section ? ;%< an% s. 6( of the Constitution !ct# 15D7. *ection 6( gives the provinces authority to legislate in matters relate% to the a%ministration of criminal Eustice an% there&y gives the provincial !ttorney "eneral authority to prosecute offences un%er the Criminal Co%e. 1he !ttorney "eneral %oes not# however# %irect or cause charges to &e lai%. 9hile the !ttorney "eneral an% the !ttorney "eneralHs agents may provi%e legal a%vice to the police# the ultimate %ecision whether or not to lay charges is for the police. 0nce the charge is lai% the %ecision as to whether the prosecution shoul% procee%# an% in what manner# is for the !ttorney "eneral an% the Crown !ttorney. 't is now an accepte% an% important constitutional principle that the !ttorney "eneral must carry out the MinisterHs criminal prosecution responsi&ilities in%epen%ent of Ca&inet an% of any partisan political pressures. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs responsi&ility for in%ivi%ual criminal prosecutions must &e un%erta en 8 an% seen to &e un%erta en 8 on strictly o&Eective an% legal criteria# free of any political consi%erations. 9hether to initiate or stay a criminal procee%ing is not an issue of government policy. 1his responsi&ility has &een characteriJe% as a matter of the !ttorney "eneral acting as the QueenHs !ttorney 8 not as a Minister of the government of the %ay. 3@

1his is not to suggest that %ecisions regar%ing criminal prosecutions are ma%e in a complete vacuum. ! wi%e range of policy consi%erations may &e weighe% in executing this responsi&ility# an% the !ttorney "eneral may choose to consult the Ca&inet on some of these consi%erations. :owever any %ecisions relating to the con%uct of in%ivi%ual prosecutions must &e the !ttorney "eneralHs alone an% in%epen%ent of the tra%itional Ca&inet %ecision ma ing process. 'n practice# in the vast maEority of cases# these %ecisions are ma%e &y the !ttorney "eneralHs agents# the Crown !ttorneys. !n important part of the CrownHs 8 an% thus the !ttorney "eneralHs 8 responsi&ility in con%ucting criminal prosecutions is associate% with the responsi&ility to represent the pu&lic interest 8 which inclu%es not only the community as a whole an% the victim# &ut also the accuse%. 1he Crown has a %istinct responsi&ility to the court to present all the cre%i&le evi%ence availa&le.

1he responsi&ility is to present the case fairly 8 not necessarily to convict. 1his is a fun%amental precept of criminal law# even if it is not a particularly well8un%erstoo% concept among the general pu&lic. 0ne of the !ttorney "eneralHs responsi&ilities in fostering pu&lic respect for the rule of law# is to assist the pu&lic in un%erstan%ing the nature an% limits of the prosecutorial function. Ultimately the !ttorney "eneral is accounta&le to the people of the province# through the /egislature# for %ecisions relating to criminal prosecutions. *uch accounta&ility can only occur# of course# once the prosecution is complete% or when a final %ecision has &een ma%e not to prosecute. 1he su& Eu%icae rule &ars any comment on a matter &efore the courts that is li ely to influence the matter. 1he su& Eu%icae rule strictly prohi&its the !ttorney "eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are &efore the courts. "iven the stature of the !ttorney "eneralHs position# any pu&lic comment coming from the office woul% &e seen as an attempt to influence the case. !lthough the !ttorney general can &ecome involve% in %ecision8ma ing in relation to in%ivi%ual criminal cases# such a practice woul% leave the Minister vulnera&le to accusations of political interference. !ccor%ingly# it is tra%itional to leave the %ay8to8%ay %ecision8ma ing in the han%s of the !ttorney "eneralHs agents# the Crown !ttorneys# except in cases of exceptional importance where the pu&lic woul% expect the !ttorney "eneral to &e &riefe%.

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

1he !ttorney "eneral has &roa% responsi&ilities associate% with "overnment legislation. 1hese responsi&ilities have &een %escri&e% as twofol%. 0ne is to oversee that all legislative enactments are in accor%ance with principles of natural Eustice an% civil rights ;see also s. ?;&< a&ove<. 1his is o&viously an important an% &roa% area of responsi&ility. 1he secon% aspect of this responsi&ility is to a%vise on the constitutionality an% legality of legislation. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs legislative responsi&ilities are playe% out in a variety roles. 1he 0ffice of /egislative Counsel reports to the !ttorney "eneral. /egislative Counsel plays a ey role in ensuring the legal integrity of "overnment legislation. !lthough the /egislative CounselHs reporting relationship to the !ttorney "eneral %oes allow the !ttorney "eneral to provi%e gui%ance an% set stan%ar%s# in%ivi%ual pieces of legislation are %rafte% on instructions from client ministries an% are not within the sole control of /egislative Counsel or the !ttorney "eneral. 't shoul% also &e note% that /egislative Counsel also has a %irect responsi&ility to the /egislature as the 0ffice also %rafts all private mem&erHs &ills. 31

1he !ttorney "eneral has a further role to play as part of whatever Ca&inet Committee is forme% to review legislation an% regulations. :ere the Minister has an opportunity to comment on the technical issues relate% to legislation an% regulations prior to Ca&inet consi%eration. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs role on legislative matters is as an a%viser to the Ca&inet. !lthough unli ely# Ca&inet coul%# in theory# receive the !ttorney "eneralHs legal opinion on legislation an% choose to %isregar% it. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs role is not in%epen%ent of Ca&inet %ecision ma ing as in the area of criminal prosecutions. !s was note% earlier# the !ttorney "eneral must ma e careful %istinctions a&out the legal opinions an% policy or political preferences &eing offere% a&out legislation.

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

'n a%%ition to the specific responsi&ilities to con%uct civil litigation on &ehalf of the "overnment an% its agencies ;s. ?;h<<# the !ttorney "eneral has &roa%er litigation responsi&ilities flowing from the historical powers of the !ttorney "eneral referre% to in s. ?;%< of the !ct. 1hese powers are &ase% on the CrownHs parens patriae ;parental< authority. 1he !ttorney "eneralHs authority# therefore# is not only to con%uct litigation in cases %irectly affecting the government or its agencies &ut also to litigate cases where there is a clear matter of pu&lic interest or pu&lic rights at sta e. 1his has &een characteriJe% as a constitutional responsi&ility to ensure that the pu&lic interest is well an% in%epen%ently represente%. 't may involve interventions in private litigation or Charter challenges to legislation# even if the arguments conclu%e that the legislation %oes contravene constitutionally protecte% rights.

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))

! ey component of the !ttorney "eneralHs responsi&ilities to ensure the a%ministration of Eustice in the province is the a%ministration of the courts an% as a result the responsi&ility for maintaining liaison with the Eu%iciary. "iven the fun%amental importance of the in%epen%ence of the Eu%iciary# the responsi&ility for courts a%ministration is often a very sensitive an% %elicate issue. "reat care an% respect for the principles of Eu%icial in%epen%ence must &e exercise% in this area.

1he !ttorney "eneral is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. 1he responsi&ilities stemming from this role are unli e those of any other Ca&inet mem&er. 1he role has &een referre% to as GEu%icial8li eG an% as the Gguar%ian of the pu&lic interestG.



March (6# (@@7 0n several occasions ' have re)ueste% ,ruce :erri%ge inform me as to what efforts he has ma%e to this promise with no response.


http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D1D(D4/awyer8+ile81 http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D17(@4/awyer8+ile8( http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D151@4/awyer8+ile83 http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D15714/awyer8+ile8I http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D16314/awyer8+ile8? http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D16??4/awyer8+ile8D http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D(@@74/awyer8+ile87 http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D(@7I4/awyer8+ile85 http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D(@6I4/awyer8+ile86 http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D(13@4/awyer8+ile81@ http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D((@54/awyer8+ile81( http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D((3D4/awyer8+ile813 http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D(3(74/awyer8+ile813! http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41?13D(3754/awyer8+ile81I /awyer +ile 11,?iCc*NDN"!P1J J9EK1cC1'0NE4e%it *cri&% woul% not pu&lish %ue the frau%s re)uest %ue copy right issues Document contains his prospectus that has &een proven frau%ulent /awyer +ile Z 1 0R:18Ric :ennessey /awyer +ile Z ( 'EU 8 Dave "rech /awyer +ile Z 3 Minister Municipal !ffairs an% :ousing 8.ohn Gerretsen /awyer +ile Z I 0m&u%sman8"erry Carlino /awyer +ile Z ? MK MPP $ulia Munro /awyer +ile ZD Premier Dalton Mcguinty /awyer +ile Z 7 !ttorney "eneral Michael ,ryant /awyer +ile Z 5 0PP 8 Det *gt. Ran%y Craig /awyer +ile Z 6 KRP 8 Deputy Chief ,ruce :erri%ge /awyer +ile Z 1@ 0ntario Civilian Commission on Police services /awyer +ile Z 11 0ffice 0ntario !ttorney "eneral /awyer +ile Z 1( KRP 8 Phil Moreau8*tan%ar%s /awyer +ile Z 13 Crown !ttorney8Ro&ert McCreary8Cew Mar et /awyer +ile Z 13! Crown !ttorney 8 Paul Culver81oronto /awyer +ile Z 1I RCMP 8 *gt. Michael 1hompson


http344www.scri&%.com4%oc4173?1(D5@4,eing8Marrie%8:appy8an%8"ay8is8as8Catural8as81axing8an%8Dying 1he Pope an% his merry men hate the common gay as they %o not pro%uce slaves http344www.scri&%.com4%oc415@@3D(5D4'talian8politicians8agree8to8ai%8against8last8RatJ8Pope Reveren% >evin !nnett excommunicate% from the church in%icative of un%erstan%ing within *ane 'nsanity Cormalcy *'C *uici%e 'llegal Cuances www.0$tas .com 0&struct $ustice truth an% source ill !ny more help from them an% ' will &e %ea% ma ing the *enator that threatene% me a prophet maintaining their exploite% profit exponentially secure *enator2s Eu%ge% &y their peers ensures the last nail in my coffin www.*ap, *anity a popular ,elief of artificial truths

www.'yffy'.com 'n your face for your 'nformation

+orgive me /or% for ' new what they woul% %o

Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk


On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow


Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life

35 RPM Religious Political Media

Monkey Business

http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4*eeFnoFevil#FhearFnoFevil#Fspea FnoFevil 1he three wise mon eys ;$apanese3 # sanHen or sanJaru# or # san&i i no saru# literally Gthree mon eysG<# sometimes calle% the three

mystic apes,A1B are a pictorial maxim.

MiJ >i ' 9aJ *hiJ 'f a *hiJ &ares truth of the forest no min% to see hear to spea of the *hiJ illing :ow much woul% a woo% chuc get for their min%s ... presuma&ly why the woo% chuc chuc s woo% 1ogether they em&o%y the prover&ial principle to Gsee no evil# hear no evil# spea no evilG. 1he three mon eys are MiJaru# covering his eyes# who sees no evil= >i aJaru# covering his ears# who hears no evil= an% 'waJaru# covering his mouth# who spea s no evil. *ometimes there is a fourth mon ey %epicte% with the three others= the last one# *hiJaru# sym&oliJes the principle of G%o no evilG. :e may &e shown crossing his arms. 0R' :!D 0r Raising in :opelessness an% Despair http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4:umans :umans are one of only nine species nown to pass the

mirror test
\which tests whether an animal recogniJes its reflection as an image of itself\along with all the great apes ;gorillas#chimpanJees# orangutans# &ono&os<# ,ottlenose %olphins# !sian elephants# European Magpies# an% 0rcas.A1@@B Most human chil%ren will pass the mirror test at 15 months ol%.A1@1B :owever# the usefulness of this test as a true test of consciousness

has been disputed,

an% this may &e a matter of %egree rather than a sharp %ivi%e.

:on,eys have been trained to apply abstract rules in tas,s.G1@>H


httpA,,en/wi"ipedia/org,wi"i,HumanBrights Human rights are <commonly understood as inaliena&le fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply &ecause she or he is a human &eing/<C8D Human rights are thus conceived as universal Eapplica&le everywhereF and egalitarian Ethe same for everyoneF/ !hese rights may e1ist as natural rights or as legal rights6 in &oth national and international law/C'D !he doctrine of human rights in international practice6 within international law6 glo&al and regional institutions6 in the policies of states and in the activities of non:governmental organiGations6 has &een a cornerstone of pu&lic policy around the world/ In The idea of human rightsCHD it saysA <if the pu&lic discourse of peacetime glo&al society can &e said to have a common moral language6 it is that of human rights/ 3E R CH =S 3o Evidence chieved Reality Coherence rtificial =rientation Satanic < Iespite this6 the strong claims made &y the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and @ustifications of human rights to this day/ Indeed6 the 5uestion of what is meant &y a <right< is itself controversial and the su&@ect of continued philosophical de&ate/

httpA,,en/wi"ipedia/org,wi"i,Mon"eyBsee6Bmon"eyBdo Mon"ey see6 mon"ey do is a saying that originated in Jamaica in the early 8Kth century and popped up in merican culture in the early 8;'9s/

!he saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it wor"s/
nother definition implies the act of mimicry6 usually with limited "nowledge of the conse5uences/C8D

1he gra%ual# often unconscious# a&sorption of nowle%ge or i%eas through continual exposure

rather than deliberate learning

&onfucius II1 0& ) JEK 0&

F+he people :on,ey may be made to follow a course of action, but may not be made to understand F/+F
0smosis set in li e rigger mortise ma ing self useless for self some what )ua%raplegic http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4Mon ey *ome organiJations# for example :elping :an%s3 Mon ey :elpers for the Disa&le%#A6B train capuchin mon eys as mon ey helpers to assist )ua%riplegics an% other people with severe spinal cor% inEuries or mo&ility impairments. !fter &eing socialiJe% in a human home as infants# the mon eys un%ergo extensive training &efore &eing place% with a )ua%riplegic. !roun% the house# the mon eys help out &y %oing tas s inclu%ing microwaving foo%# washing the )ua%riplegicHs face an%

opening drin, bottles.


"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

]Confucius thought that the way to reform society was to cultivate ethical &ehaviour in in%ivi%uals#

especially in rulers and their ministers

&ecause lea%ers serve as important role mo%els for their people^ ECCEC1R'C E)uality Conscious Conscience Extrapolate Caivety 1ruths Relativity 'naliena&le Coherence 9010>* 9iJar% of the outhouse nows shit www.+ran +i%uciary Responsi&ly !ccounta&le Cefarious >in 1ruths :olistic 'nteractive Retrospect 1ranscen%ental Electromagnetism Enslavers Cemesis


*0 *ee 0ut 1hese pros that have a way with mon eys to see if '1 is possi&le to convert the UC Ultimate Cean%erthal ME I :E Mon ey Evolve I :umanity Elevation

9e en%eavor to have 3

:ystic Apes !: 8 !pe :umanity I

(, or Cot (,

:! :uman !chievement

0ne way or the other (@13 will &e recor%e% as the 0*B+ ,right /ight 0f 1ruth
Trans is a >atin noun or prefi16 meaning <across<6 <&eyond< or <on the opposite side</ !ranscendental 8/ 3ot e1perienced &ut "nowa&le Philosophy independent of human e1perience of phenomena &ut within the range of "nowledge '/ Mystical Relating to mystical or supernatural e1perience and therefore &eyond the material world

Remaining &lotto is (, ,0 8 ,lotte% 0ut

+or% wants to &e crystal clear

Meth or Myth
. *anctimonious a%8hoc %emonstra&le *a% *ac 8 *orry as caught


1hey say +or% nee%s to get help http344www.scri&%.com4%oc417(@?(3314Dear8/or%89hich8/ife8+orms8,elief8is8the8"reater8*anctimonious 0> then http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41755135664Dear8/or%8who8shoul%8&e8fire% ,less em !ll R!CE Reality !lmighty Consecrate% Element Exists with or without ME Mother Earth :umanity one mother earth Reality almighty consecrate% element http344www.scri&%.com4%oc415@@3D(5D4'talian8politicians8agree8to8ai%8against8last8RatJ8Pope "oo% /or% stop them in the name of the *anctity of the CE9* Cever En%ing 9ar *tory +or inevita&ly tra%itionally we must all pay the Political Religious 'mplicit Complicit Explicit PR'CE Political Religious 'nsi%ious Capitalist Emperors /i e other financial empires in history# *mith claims the contemporary mo%el forms alliances necessary to %evelop an% control wealth# as peripheral nations remain impoverishe% provi%ers of cheap resources for the imperial8centers8of8capital.A1B ,elloc estimate% that# %uring the ,ritish Enclosures# Gperhaps half of the whole population was proletarianG# while roughly the other GhalfG owne% an% controlle% the means of pro%uction. Cow# un%er mo%ern Capitalism# $.9. *mith claims fewer than ?@@ people possess more wealth than half of the earth2s population# as the wealth of 14( of 18percent of the Unite% *tates population roughly e)ual that of the lower 6@8percent. www.!


(. Everyone has the following fun%amental free%oms3 ;a< free%om of conscience an% religion= ;&< free%om of thought# &elief# opinion an% expression# inclu%ing free%om of the press an% other me%ia of communication= ;c< free%om of peaceful assem&ly= an% ;%< free%om of association.

9ar is Money *anctity of *ustaina&le "rowth eh.

http344en.wi ipe%ia.org4wi i4*atanism

"atanism is a &road term referring to a group of Western religions comprising diverse ideological and philosophical

!heir shared features include sym&olic association with6 or admiration for the character of6 Satan6 or similar re&ellious6 promethean6 and6 in their view6 li&erating figures/ !here were an estimated L96999 mem&ers in 8;;9/ !here may &e as few as a few thousand in the world/C8D


http344www.youtu&e.com4watch. featureMivLannotationFi%MannotationF1?3(16LvM1M91EM),+DKLsrcFvi%MsU?37fI&n+M Re%uce population to 1 ,illion ,rea out the ( I ehPP I the sanctity of ;(< (I. ;1< !nyone whose rights or free%oms# as guarantee% &y this Charter# have &een infringe% or %enie% may apply to a court of competent Euris%iction to o&tain such reme%y as the court consi%ers appropriate an% Eust in the circumstances. ;(< 9here# in procee%ings un%er su&section ;1<# a court conclu%es that evi%ence was o&taine% in a manner that infringe% or %enie% any rights or free%oms guarantee% &y this Charter# the evi%ence shall &e exclu%e% if it is esta&lishe% that# having regar% to all the circumstances# the a%mission of it in the procee%ings woul% &ring the a%ministration of Eustice into %isrepute. Creatures of ha&it ,a&&le on through the night &efore Ymas not a creature was %iscerne% stirring I'R1 Permit me to Eu%ge lest ' &e Eu%ge%


,ut 9ait http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41I6575(3741hey8of8the8Material89orl%8Cannot81ouch8the8*pirit8of8the8/aw8as8't8 's 99 ''' 9orl%ly 9ise 'nvisi&le 'nvinci&le 'naliena&le


http344www.scri&%.com4%oc41(?53?II?4$':!D8138Cow8!ctivate% :olians :ome8grown original local in%igenous a&original native sovereigns :ome Race :olians one mother earth Reality almighty consecrate% element Reality is the 1ruth impervious to perception yet precisely %ue to perception 1ruth that which "o% woul% o&serve whether or not :e exists or whether or not one &elieves :e exists 'DE!/ *imply reality sanely %ealt with Unite% Perception *oli%arity Ultimate Potential *ociety




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