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This, that, a single, another, each, every always singular

Ex: This desk, a single reason, each year, every kid 2. A number of countable! "# an amount of uncountable! Ex: A number of girls, an amount of sugar. $. %rregular &lural nouns Ex: datum, data!, woman, women!, shee&, shee&! '. (ncountable nouns: ) ) *o +es endings ,ome after much, little, a little, an amount of

-. .athematics, mum&s, &hysics, news, aerobics, billiards #ingular /. Ad0ective clauses a. 1ho is followed by "erbs: she is the woman who smiled at me last night. b. 1hom is followed by another sub0ect: he is the man whom % met yesterday. c. 1hich must describe non human ob0ects: this is the &en which he gave. d. The lam& which is in your room is too bright. e. 1hen must modify time: today is the day when % will get bonus. f. 1here must modify &lace: % am going to the 2ed caf3 where my friends are waiting.

4. Another is always singular. 5. 6ther is followed by &lural nouns: other neighbors, other candidates. 7. 6thers is not followed by &lural nouns: some &eo&le like dancing while others &refer singing. 18. table. 11. ) ) ) ) ) 12. 1$. *ouns referring to 9ersons and things: Ty&ist Economist 2esident 9artici&ant Technician ) ) ) ty&ing ) economics There should show existence: there is a big &iece of cake on my

residence ) &artici&ation

techni:ue : will stay, must leave, may come, should work

.odals ; "1

To ; infinitive to show &ur&ose: he teaches mathematics to earn

his living. #he swims every morning to stay fit.


<erund 9re&osition ; ")ing!: % am cra=y about reading novel. They are interested in having more &ro&erty businesses.


>ave?has ; "$:

The battle has begun, the agreement has been made, the boys have finished doing their &ro0ect.

1/. ) ) 14. ) ) ) ) 15.

.ake sure to have &ast form "erbs when there@s &ast years. %n 17'-, the government &roclaimed our inde&endence. 9rices inclined when all the businesses did not run well in 1775. Ae careful w? &resent and &ast &artici&le ad0ectives Aoring? bored ,onfusing?confused %nteresting? interested Ama=ing? ama=ed Ae careful w? noun ad0unct: field tri& not tri& field!, silk

handkerchief not handkerchief silk!, and drug store not store drug!. 17. ,om&arative is always followed by Bthan@C..

a. >e is taller than me. b. The book is more interesting than the movie. 28. Always use Bthe@ for su&erlative:

a. #he is the :uietest woman in class. b. 1e are the most res&onsible team in the festival committee. 21. ) ) ) 22. Ad0ectives end with y always use +er? est >a&&y ,ra=y : ha&&ier, the ha&&iest : cra=ier, the cra=iest

Driendly : friendlier, the friendliest Eouble com&arative: the sooner the better

The older the &rettier 2$. Ae careful with adverbs that ends with +ly:

a. %t modifies verbs: 1. #he walks slowly. 2. That woman finally chose the blue blouse for her sister. $. #he is obviously going to continue her study.

b. %t modifies ad0ectives: 1. The weather is extremely hot the &osition is AF1AG# before ad0ectives! 2. That fish has &oorly develo&ed eyesight. $. >e is a commercially successful com&oser. 2'. Team, committee, audience, staff, flock, ma0ority are always

considered #%*<(FA2. 2-. 2/. ) ) 24. #ome ; &lural: some cha&ters, some &ackages, some envelo&es. #ome of ; singular? &lural #ome of 0ewelry is C #ome of the 0ournals are C 9arallel structure:

a. 9aired con0unctions: ) ) *ot onlyCbut also *either C nor ) both C and ) either C or

b. #am&les of &arallel structure: ) ) ) *ot only studying but also working Aoth teachers and students he comes to England to study, to work, and to get married.

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