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han K.</p> </div> <div class="post-taglist"> <a href="" class="post-t ag" title="show questions tagged &#39;arrays&#39;" rel="tag">arrays</a> <a href= "" class="post-tag" title="sho w questions tagged &#39;codility&#39;" rel="tag">codility</a> </div> <table class="fw"> <tbody><tr> <td class="vt">

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</div> <div class="user-gravatar32"> <a href=""><div class =""><img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Overf low_files/4465a949455a46d05925d20e9b3f3df3" alt="" width="32" height="32"></div> </a> </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">ticktack</ a><br> <span class="reputation-score" title="reputation score" dir="ltr">16 </span><span title="1 silver badge"><span class="badge2"></span><span class="bad gecount">1</span></span><span title="3 bronze badges"><span class="badge3"></spa n><span class="badgecount">3</span></span> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="votecell"></td> <td> <div id="comments-9596148" class="comments"> <table> <tbody> <tr id="comment-12171779" class="comment"> <td></td> <td class="comment-text"><div><span class="comment-copy">Is the array so rted?</span> &nbsp;<a href="" title="18 87 reputation" class="comment-user">noMAD</a> <span class="comment-date" dir="lt r"><a class="comment-link" href=""><span title ="2012-03-07 05:08:45Z" class="relativetime-clean">Mar 7 '12 at 5:08</span></a>< /span></div></td> </tr> <tr id="comment-12409964" class="comment"> <td></td> <td class="comment-text"><div><span class="comment-copy">This is this mo nth's Codility problem. I think you should just be patient and wait until April when they'll post a solution. The approach below goes in the right direction for getting a silver certificate. It's still too complicated, though.</span> &nbsp;<a href="" title="736 reputation" class= "comment-user">ahans</a> <span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><a class="commentlink" href=" nt-in-a-array/12660739#comment12409964_9596148"><span title="2012-03-17 23:39:31 Z" class="relativetime-clean">Mar 17 '12 at 23:39</span></a></span><span class=" edited-yes" title="this comment was edited"></span></div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

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<td class="answercell"> <div class="post-text"><p>Here is a C++ solution where complexity is O(n). Note that there are two loops however each iteration the number of element goes by a factor of 1/2 or the search range goes up by a factor of x2. For example the first iteration take N time, but the second iteration is already N/2.</p>

<pre><code>vector&lt;long&gt; ascender(vector &lt;long&gt; A) { long N = A.size(); vector&lt;long&gt; R(N,0); vector&lt;long&gt; IndexVector(N,0); //This vector contains the index of ele ments with R=0 vector&lt;long&gt; RangeVector(N,0); //This vector define the loop range for each element IndexVector[N-1]=N-1; unsigned long CompxTest = 0; for (long counter=0;counter&lt;N;counter++) { IndexVector[counter] = counter; // we start that all elements needs to b e consider RangeVector[counter] = 1; // we start by looking only and neighbors } long Length = N; long range; while (Length&gt;1) { long index = 0; cout&lt;&lt;endl&lt;&lt;Length; long J; for (long counter=0;counter&lt;Length;counter++) { CompxTest++; // Just to test complexity J = IndexVector[counter]; // Get the index that need to be consider range = RangeVector[J]; //cout&lt;&lt;" ("&lt;&lt;A[J]&lt;&lt;","&lt;&lt;J&lt;&lt;")"; if (range &gt; N) { cout&lt;&lt;endl&lt;&lt;"Mini assert "&lt;&lt;range&lt;&lt;" N " &lt;&lt;N; break; } if (J&lt;(N-range) &amp;&amp; A[J+range] &gt; A[J]) { R[J] = range; } if (J&lt;(N-range) &amp;&amp; A[J+range] &lt; A[J] &amp;&amp; R[J+ra nge]==0) { R[J+range] = range; }

if (J&lt;(N-range) &amp;&amp; A[J] == A[J+range] &amp;&amp; R[J+rang

e]==0) { R[J+range] = - range; } if (R[J]==0) // Didn't find ascender for this element - need to cons ider in next iteration { if (R[J+range]&gt;2) //We can increase the range because the cu rrent element is smaller RangeVector[J] += R[J+range]-2; if (R[J+range]&lt;-2) RangeVector[J] += -R[J+range]-2; RangeVector[J]++; IndexVector[index] = J; index++; } } Length = index; } for (long counter=0;counter&lt;N;counter++) { if (R[counter] &lt; 0) { unsigned Value = abs(R[counter]); if (counter+Value&lt;N &amp;&amp; A[counter]&lt;A[counter+Value]) R[counter] = Value; if (counter &gt; Value &amp;&amp; R[counter-Value]==0) R[counter] = 0; R[counter] = Value + R[counter-Value]; if (counter &gt; Value &amp;&amp; Value &lt; R[counter - Value]) { long PossibleSolution = R[counter - Value] + Value; if (PossibleSolution &lt;N &amp;&amp; A[PossibleSolution]&gt;A[ counter]) R[counter] = abs(counter - PossibleSolution); } } } cout&lt;&lt;endl&lt;&lt;"Complex "&lt;&lt;CompxTest; return R; } </code></pre> </div> <table class="fw">

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<div class="user-info "> <div class="user-action-time"> answered <span title="2012-09-30 11:04:3 6Z" class="relativetime">Sep 30 '12 at 11:04</span> </div> <div class="user-gravatar32"> <a href=""><div class=""> <img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Overflow_ files/579299e25d63bfc780b5228aaf6480a5" alt="" width="32" height="32"></div></a> </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">Adam</a><br> <span class="reputation-score" title="reputation score" dir="ltr">21 </span><span title="2 bronze badges"><span class="badge3"></span><span class="ba dgecount">2</span></span> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr>

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<td class="answercell"> <div class="post-text"><pre><code>// // C++ using multimap. -- INCOMPLETE // The multimap MM is effectively the "inverse" of the input array AA

// since it is ordered by pair(value, index), where index refers to the index in // input array AA, and value is the value in AA at that index. // Input AA is of course ordered as (index, value). // So when we read out of MM in value order, (a sorted set of values), each valu e // is mapped to the index in the original array AA. // int ascender(int AA[], int N, int RR[]) { multimap&lt;int, int&gt; MM; // simply place the AA array into the multimap int i; for (i = 0; i &lt; N; i++) { int value = AA[i]; int index = i; MM.insert(make_pair(value, index)); } // // // // // // simply read the multimap in order, and set output RR as the distance from one value's original index to the next value's original index. THIS code is incomplete, since it is wrong for duplicate values.

multimap&lt;int, int&gt;::iterator pos; for (pos = MM.begin(); pos != MM.end(); ++pos) { int value = pos-&gt;first; int index = pos-&gt;second; ++pos;//temporarily move ahead to next item // NEED to FURTHER CONSIDER repeat values in setting RR RR[index] = (pos)-&gt;second - index; --pos; } return 1; } </code></pre> </div> <table class="fw"> <tbody><tr> <td class="vt">

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<div class="user-info "> <div class="user-action-time"> answered <span title="2012-05-23 22:38:0 9Z" class="relativetime">May 23 '12 at 22:38</span> </div> <div class="user-gravatar32"> <a href=""><div class=""><img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Overflow_files/594446289b77d7d35397e370b45a7a40" alt="" width="32" height="32"> </div></a> </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">Chri s C Napier</a><br> <span class="reputation-score" title="reputation score" dir="ltr">21 </span><span title="1 bronze badge"><span class="badge3"></span><span class="bad gecount">1</span></span> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr>

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<td class="answercell"> <div class="post-text"><pre><code> 1. Sort the array (if not pre-sort ed) 2. Subtract every element with its adjacent element and store result in another array. Example: 1 3 5 6 8 -----&gt; (after subtraction) 2 2 1 2 3. Find the minimal element in the new array. 4. Device a logic which would relate the minimal element in the new arra y to the two elements in the original one. </code></pre> </div> <table class="fw"> <tbody><tr> <td class="vt">

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<div class="user-info user-hover"> <div class="user-action-time"> answered <span title="2012-03-07 05:12:2 6Z" class="relativetime">Mar 7 '12 at 5:12</span> </div> <div class="user-gravatar32">

<a href=""><div class="" ><img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Overflow _files/0fb18252a50d4490a6e330025f3299dd" alt="" width="32" height="32"></div></a > </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">noMAD</a><br> <span class="reputation-score" title="reputation score" dir="ltr">1, 887</span><span title="8 silver badges"><span class="badge2"></span><span class= "badgecount">8</span></span><span title="30 bronze badges"><span class="badge3"> </span><span class="badgecount">30</span></span> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr>

<tr> <td class="votecell"></td> <td> <div id="comments-9596186" class="comments"> <table> <tbody> <tr id="comment-12198740" class="comment"> <td></td> <td class="comment-text"><div><span class="comment-copy">Write a functio n: class Solution { public int[] array_closest_ascenders(int[] A); } that, given a zero-indexed array A of N integers, returns a zero-indexed arr ay R of N integers, such that (for K = 0,..., N-1): if K has the closest ascender J, then R[K] = abs(K-J); that is, R[K] is equa l to the distance between J and K, if K has no ascenders then R[K] = 0.</span> &nbsp;<a href="http://stackoverflow .com/users/1099060/ticktack" title="16 reputation" class="comment-user owner">ti cktack</a> <span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><a class="comment-link" href="ht tp:// 12660739#comment12198740_9596186"><span title="2012-03-08 07:30:15Z" class="rela tivetime-clean">Mar 8 '12 at 7:30</span></a></span></div></td> </tr> <tr id="comment-12198809" class="comment"> <td></td> <td class="comment-text"><div><span class="comment-copy">Write a functio n: class Solution { public int[] array_closest_ascenders(int[] A); } that, given a zero-indexed array A of N integers, returns a zero-indexed arr ay R of N integers, such that (for K = 0,..., N-1): if K has the closest ascender J, then R[K] = abs(K-J); that is, R[K] is equa l to the distance between J and K, if K has no ascenders then R[K] = 0.</span> &nbsp;<a href="http://stackoverflow .com/users/1099060/ticktack" title="16 reputation" class="comment-user owner">ti cktack</a> <span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><a class="comment-link" href="ht tp:// 12660739#comment12198809_9596186"><span title="2012-03-08 07:36:15Z" class="rela

tivetime-clean">Mar 8 '12 at 7:36</span></a></span></div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> <a name="9664296"></a> <div id="answer-9664296" class="answer" data-answerid="9664296"> <table> <tbody><tr> <td class="votecell"> <div class="vote"> <input type="hidden" value="9664296"> <a class="vote-up-off" title="This answer is useful">up vote</a> <span class="vote-count-post ">0</span> <a class="vote-down-off" title="This answer is not useful">down vote</a> </div> </td>

<td class="answercell"> <div class="post-text"><pre><code>public class Solution { final static int MAX_INTEGER = 2147483647; public static int maximal(int[] A) { int max = A[0]; int length = A.length; for (int i = 1; i &lt; length; i++) { if (A[i] &gt; max) { max = A[i]; } } return max; } public static int ascender(int[] a,int length, int k) { int smallest = MAX_INTEGER; int index = 0; if (k&lt;0 || k&gt;length-1) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i &lt; length; i++) { // Index J is called an ascender of K if A[J] &gt; A[K]. if(a[i] &gt; a[k]) { int abs = Math.abs(i-k);

if ( abs &lt; smallest) { smallest = abs; index = i; } } } return index; } public static int[] array_closest_ascenders(int[] A) { int length = A.length; int[] R = new int[length]; for (int K = 0; K &lt; length; K++) { // Note that if A[K] is a maximal value in the array A, // then K has no ascenders. // if K has no ascenders then R[K] = 0. if (A[K] == maximal(A)) { R[K] = 0; break; } // if K has the closest ascender J, then R[K] = abs(K-J); // that is, R[K] is equal to the distance between J and K int J = ascender(A, A.length, K); if (J != -1) { R[K] = Math.abs(K - J); } } return R; } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] a = { 4, 3, 1, 4, -1, 2, 1, 5, 7 }; /* int[] a = {-589630174, 806785750, -495838474, -648898313, 149290786, -798171892, 584782920, -288181260, -252589640, 133741336, -174886978, -897913872 }; */ int[] R = array_closest_ascenders(a); for (int element : R) { System.out.print(element + " "); } } } </code></pre> </div> <table class="fw"> <tbody><tr> <td class="vt">

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<div class="user-info "> <div class="user-action-time"> answered <span title="2012-03-12 09:15:0 1Z" class="relativetime">Mar 12 '12 at 9:15</span> </div> <div class="user-gravatar32"> <a href=""><div class =""><img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Overf low_files/4465a949455a46d05925d20e9b3f3df3" alt="" width="32" height="32"></div> </a> </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">ticktack</

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<td class="answercell"> <div class="post-text"><p>Some notes about the code. I guess <code>break</co de> in <code>array_closest_ascenders</code> method should be replaced by <code>c ontinue</code> so that all elements are analyzed for their ascenders.<br>

And, surely, <code>maximal(A)</code> have to be moved out of a loop; instead ass ign maximal value to some variable before entering the loop and use it within th e loop, thus avoiding redundant calculation of max value.</p> </div> <table class="fw"> <tbody><tr> <td class="vt">

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<div class="user-info "> <div class="user-action-time"> answered <span title="2012-03-15 05:23:5 7Z" class="relativetime">Mar 15 '12 at 5:23</span> </div> <div class="user-gravatar32"> <a href=""><div class="">< img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Overflow_f iles/b30eedd72e794008b19f842773529aac" alt="" width="32" height="32"></div></a> </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">Bazi</a><br> <span class="reputation-score" title="reputation score" dir="ltr">48 </span><span title="4 bronze badges"><span class="badge3"></span><span class="ba dgecount">4</span></span> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr>

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<td class="answercell"> <div class="post-text"><p>After Above implementation i got WRONG ANSWER. wil l update code after going in deep. // WRONG ANSWER [ got [1, 0] expected [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5.. ]</p> <p>I'm using Direct method for getting maximal and minimal for getting the valu e.</p> <p>Any though ?</p> </div> <table class="fw"> <tbody><tr> <td class="vt">

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<div class="user-info "> <div class="user-action-time"> answered <span title="2012-03-15 11:27:5 7Z" class="relativetime">Mar 15 '12 at 11:27</span> </div> <div class="user-gravatar32"> <a href=""><div class="" ><img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Overflow _files/36c1c27bef532969bd756766f59972f1" alt="" width="32" height="32"></div></a > </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">Satya</a><br> <span class="reputation-score" title="reputation score" dir="ltr">1< /span> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr>

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<td class="answercell"> <div class="post-text"><p>Here is C# Solution</p> <pre><code> class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int[] A = new int[] { 4, 3, 1, 4, -1, 2, 1, 5, 7 }; int[] B = new int[A.Length]; int[] R = new int[A.Length]; Program obj = new Program(); obj.ABC(A,B, R); } public void ABC(int[] A,int[]B, int[] R) { int i, j, m,k; // int temp = 0; int n = A.Length - 1; for (i = 0; i &lt; n; i++) { for (j = 0; j &lt;= n; j++) { if (A[i] &lt; A[j]) { m = Math.Abs(j - i); R[i] = m; break; } } for (j = i-1; j &gt; 0; j--) { if (A[i] &lt; A[j]) { k = Math.Abs(j - i); B[i] = k; break; }

} } for (i = 0; i &lt; n; i++) { if (R[i] &gt; B[i] &amp;&amp; (B[i] == 0)) { R[i] = R[i]; //Console.WriteLine(R[i]); //Console.ReadLine(); } else { R[i] = B[i]; } } } } </code></pre> </div> <table class="fw"> <tbody><tr> <td class="vt">

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<div class="user-info "> <div class="user-action-time"> answered <span title="2013-06-26 22:05:4 0Z" class="relativetime">Jun 26 at 22:05</span> </div> <div class="user-gravatar32"> <a href=""><div cl ass=""><img src="./codility - how to get ascender element in a array - Stack Ov erflow_files/3ee467a43002dc846b8db4c43d5a5058" alt="" width="32" height="32"></d iv></a> </div> <div class="user-details"> <a href="">user252

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