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Nash engIneered vacuum systems for

crude dIstIIIatIon brIng you:

OptImIzIng your tower vacuum system

Reduced operalin cosls

Versalilily or allernale eedslocks
Reduced waler lrealmenl cosls
lmproved environmelnal conlrol
lncreased prodeucl yield
Less or no need or slrippin sleam
Abilily lo aulomale syslem
lnduslrial scale vacuum dislillalion has
several advanlaes. 1he vacuum dislillalion
columns, such as lhe one shown al lel,
lypically have diamelers ranin up lo 46 l
(14 m), heihls ranin up lo 164 l (50 m),
and eed rales ranin up lo aboul 160,000
barrels a day.
1he columnss inlernal slruclure musl
provide ood vapor-liquid conlacl while, al
lhe same lime, mainlainin a very low
pressure increase rom lhe lop o lhe column
lo lhe bollom. 1hereore, lhe vacuum
column uses dislillalion lrays only where
wilhdrawin producls rom lhe side o lhe
column. Nosl o lhe column uses packin
malerial or lhe vapor-liquid conlacl because
such packin has a lower pressure drop lhan
dislillalion lrays. 1he packin malerial can
be eilher slruclured sheel melal or randomly
dumped packin such as Raschi rins.
1he absolule pressure o 10 lo 40 mmH in
lhe column is mosl olen achieved by usin
mulliple slaes o sleam jel ejeclors. 1he
ejeclors, in lurn, can be made more eicienl
by lhe addilion o Nash pumps.
Vac00m 0|st|||at|oo
OptImIzIng your vacuum dIstIIIatIon system Is a compIe job.
DoIng It rIght InvoIves much more than meetIng an equIpment
specIfIcatIon. The rewards In performance and cost savIngs
over the IIfe of the system make It very worthwhIIe.
VGO ~ Vacuum as oil
LVGO ~ Lihl vacuum as oil
HVGO ~ Heavy vacuum as oil
PA ~ Pump-around circuil wilh cooler
Cardner Denver
EngIneered Products DIvIsIon
9 1reoil Drive, 1rumbull, C1 06611
phone: +1 800 553 NASH
ax: +1 203 459 3988
EnvIronmentaI 5oIutIons -
HeIpIng You CompIy WIth
EPA and Kyoto Treaty
Gardner Denver Nash is commilled lo providin
environmenlally riendly solulions or your process
needs. Gardner Denver Nash wanls lo be your parlner
in responsible slewardship o lhe environmenl and
buildin more proilable reineries.
2008 All Rights Reserved

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