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ECE Integrated Unit Plan Rubric/Scoring Guide LTC 4240: Art for Children Name _________________________________________________________________ Date________________ Section

& Block _____________ Unit: Big Idea Criteria ____/20 Satisfactory (15 pts) Exemplary (20 pts) - Big Idea is clearly stated, developmentally appropriate, & highly relevant for the intended grade-level students. - Big Idea addresses a timeless, cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary, life-centered issue with layers of meaning potential. - Key concepts & essential questions are well-chosen, well-sequenced & scaffold understanding of the Big Idea. - Big Idea offers differentiation potential & invites independent inquiry/continued, self-motivated learning. - Big Idea is clearly stated; somewhat appropriate & relevant for the intended grade-level students. - Big Idea addresses a timeless, cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary, life-centered issue with limited meaning potential. - Key concepts & essential questions are appropriate and are somewhat supportive of the Big Idea. - Big Idea offers some differentiation potential, some independent inquiry &/or some self-motivated learning. - Big Idea is somewhat vague; may not be fully appropriate or relevant for the intended grade-level students. - Big Idea is of limited scope in terms of time, culture, &/or discipline. Meaning potential is limited. - Key concepts & essential questions are related to the Big Idea but do not flow smoothly from it. - Big Idea offers some differentiation potential, some independent inquiry &/or some self-motivated learning. - Big Idea is incoherent or not stated; appropriateness & relevance for intended grade-level students is not evident. - Big Idea, if stated, is restricted in terms of time, culture, &/or discipline. Meaning potential is singular. - Key concepts & essential questions, if stated, do not adequately support or flow from the Big Idea. - Big Idea, it stated, does not offer differentiation potential or encourage independent, self-motivated inquiry. - Interdisciplinary connections clearly established, well-developed, & fully integrated. - Integrated content areas demonstrate equal importance; none is predominant or more important than others. - Each interdisciplinary connection flows naturally/organically from others; all are mutually supportive/make sense. - Interdisciplinary connections contribute to/expand student understanding of the Big Idea; suggest future inquiry - Interdisciplinary connections are evident; most of the featured content areas are satisfactorily integrated. - Most integrated content areas are relatively equal in importance, although ________ seems to dominate. - Most interdisciplinary connections flow naturally/organically from others although ________seems less natural. - Interdisciplinary connections contribute to student understanding of the Big Idea. - Interdisciplinary connections were attempted although a parallel instructional model has resulted. - Parallel content areas included remain distinct & hierarchical; one or more content areas dominate. - Most parallel content areas are related, but one or more seem somewhat contrived or forced. - Parallel content areas vaguely support the Big Idea; students may be left to connect them on their own. - Interdisciplinary connections were not attempted. - Content areas are disjointed & only vaguely connect. - Content areas represented do not make sense as presented. - Content areas do not support or contribute to student understanding of the Big Idea. -Unit Overview clearly & concisely summarizes the importance of the Art Integration Unit/Utilizes artist and/or artwork. -Unit Objectives are clearly & concisely stated & support understanding of the Big Idea. -Unit GLEs & CCS Standards soundly connect unit learning to state mandated expectations & standards. -Vocabulary & concepts shared by the integrated content areas are clearly designated & concisely defined. -Unit Overview summarizes the importance of the Art Integration Unit/Doesnt utilize artist and/or artwork. -Unit Objectives generally support understanding of the Big Idea. -Unit GLEs & CCS Standards address state mandated expectations & standards. -Vocabulary & concepts shared by the integrated content areas are satisfactorily identified & defined. -Unit Overview summarizes the importance of the Art Integration Unit/Doesnt utilize artist and/or artwork. -Unit Objectives generally support understanding of the Big Idea.

Rudimentary (10 pts)

Undeveloped (0-5 pts)

Unit: Integration Criteria ____/20

Exemplary (20 pts)

Satisfactory (15 pts)

Rudimentary (10 pts)

Undeveloped (0-5 pts)

Unit: Basic Elements (p.1) ____/20

Exemplary (20 pts)

Satisfactory (15 pts)

Rudimentary (10 pts)

Undeveloped (0-5 pts)

Unit: Lesson Plans ___/35

Exemplary (35 pts)

Satisfactory (28 pts)

Rudimentary (20 pts)

Undeveloped (0-5 pts)

-Unit GLEs & CCS Standards address state mandated expectations & standards. -Vocabulary & concepts shared by the integrated content areas are satisfactorily identified & defined. -Unit Overview, if completed, does not address the importance of the Art Integration Unit. -Unit Objectives, if present, do not clearly support the Big idea. -Unit GLEs & CCS Standards, if present, are not clearly related to unit learning. - Vocabulary & concepts, if present, are not satisfactorily identified or defined. -Key Concepts & Essential Questions powerfully & sequentially scaffold student understanding of lessons & Big Idea. -Lesson objectives successfully & simultaneously address Key Concepts, Essential Questions, GLEs, & CCS Standards. -Lessons are well-sequenced, demonstrating variety & innovation; consider interests, needs, & abilities of all. -Lessons encourage student responsibility & active participation in the learning direction & design. -Lessons offer frequent opportunities for students to self-assess, peer-assess, & share products of their learning. -Key Concepts & Essential Questions satisfactorily support each lesson and connect to the Big Idea. -Lesson objectives reflect most of the Key Concepts, Essential Questions, GLEs, & CCS Standards. -Lessons are well-sequenced & are somewhat considerate of the interests, needs, & abilities of most students. -Lessons encourage student responsibility somewhat; offer students limited participation in learning direction/design. -Lessons offer limited student opportunities to assess & share products of their learning. -Key Concepts & Essential Questions vaguely support each lesson & vaguely connect to the Big Idea. -Lesson objectives reflect a few of the Key Concepts, Essential Questions, GLEs, & CCS Standards. -Lesson sequencing is confusing & does not appear to consider interests, needs, & abilities of students. -Lessons encourage student responsibility somewhat; offer students limited participation in learning direction/design. -Lessons offer very limited student opportunities to assess & share products of their learning. -Key Concepts & Essential Questions, if present, do not connect clearly to the Big Idea. -Lesson objectives, if present, do not clearly connect to Key Concepts, Essential Questions, GLEs, &/or CCS Standards. -Lesson sequencing is haphazard; concern for student interests, needs & abilities is not evident. -Lessons do not encourage student responsibility or invite participation in the learning direction or design. -Lessons offer very limited, if any, student opportunities to assess & share products of their learning. -Reflective responses impressively demonstrate the students ability to consider/ plan for the multiple aspects of teaching. -Reflective responses demonstrate thorough understanding of children as learners. -Reflective questions evidence a high degree of pedagogicial knowledge, creativity, & insight. -Reflective responses evidence some ability to consider/ plan for the multiple aspects of teaching. -Reflective responses demonstrate some consideration of children as learners. -Reflective questions evidence a degree of pedagogicial knowledge, creativity, & insight. -Reflective responses evidence minimal ability to consider/ plan for the multiple aspects of teaching. -Reflective responses demonstrate minimal consideration of children as learners. -Reflective questions evidence a limited pedagogicial knowledge, creativity, & insight. -Reflective responses, if completed, do not evidence ability to consider/ plan for the multiple aspects of teaching. -Reflective response, if completed, do not appear to consider children as learners. -Reflective questions, if completed, do not evidence pedagogicial knowledge, creativity, or insight. -Visual Art Example created exhibits a meaningful experience for the students the unit is planned for.

Unit: Reflective Questions (p. 2) ____/20

Exemplary (20 pts) Satisfactory (15 pts) Rudimentary (10 pts) Undeveloped (0-5 pts)

Art Example: ____/20

Exemplary: 20 Satisfactory: 15 Rudimentary: 10

Total Points: _____/135 Comments:

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