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Brit Lit

Macbeth Review

Act I 1.) In Scene ii, why does King Duncan give Macbeth a new title Macbeth had !roven hi"sel# an honorable and loyal solider who had a large role in leading Duncan$s troo!s to victory. %.) In Scene iii, a#ter greeting Macbeth as the &hane o# 'la"is, what two !ro!hecies do the witches "a(e &hane o# )awdor and King herea#ter. *.) +hat is the !ro!hecy the witches give Ban,uo in Scene iii -is sons .descendents) will be (ing. /.) +ho does Duncan na"e as his heir .0rince o# )u"berland) -is son, Malcol". 1.) In Scene v, what #ears does Lady Macbeth e2!ress about Macbeth$s character -e is too honorable and loyal to (ill his King. +hy does she as( the s!irits to 3unse2 her4 She needs to harden her e"otions in order to convince Macbeth to "urder. 5.) 62!lain Lady Macbeth$s !ro!osed !lan in Scene v 'et Duncan$s guards drun( and (ill Duncan with their daggers. Re!lace the daggers and s"ear the guards with his blood. 7.) +hat reasons does Macbeth give #or not (illing Duncan


Brit Lit

Macbeth Review

-e has lately honored hi" .)awdor) and now has the King$s, as well as other Lord$s, #avor. -e should en8oy these new res!ects while he can. 9lso, Duncan obviously trust hi" to co"e to his ho"e.

Act II 1.) Describe the ob8ect Macbeth i"agines that he sees .scene i). -e sees a dagger be#ore hi" that eventually beco"es covered with blood. %.) +hat deed is Macbeth about to co""it Murdering his (ing .Duncan). *.) +hat has Lady Macbeth done to the (ing$s servants She !oisoned their drin(s to "a(e the" e2tre"ely drun(. /.) +hat does Lady Macbeth do with the daggers that she ta(es #ro" Macbeth She !laces the" with the guards and s"ears the" with Duncan$s blood. 1.) )ontrast +hat Macbeth and Lady Macbeth say when about washing Duncan$s blood #ro" their hands Macbeth #eels no a"ount o# water can clear the blood on his hands .idea o# his hands #orever being #iguratively dirty) while Lady Macbeth says 3a little water will clear us o# this deed4 showing that she is not "entally:e"otionally a##ected.


Brit Lit

Macbeth Review

5.) 9#ter Macdu## has discovered Duncan$s body, Macbeth rushes in and (ills the two guards. +hat reason does he give #or doing this -e was so !assionately angry at seeing the "en who could do such a thing to his (ing that he couldn$t control his rage and (illed those who should not live. 7.) 62!lain what Malcol" and Donalbain decide to do a#ter learning o# their #ather$s death and why they decide to ta(e this action +hat are they later accused o# &he sons #lee .Malcol" to 6ngland, Donalbain to Ireland) because they do not trust the Scottish lords and #ear #or their li#e. &hey are accused o# convincing the guards to (ill their #ather. ;.) 9t the end o# Scene iv, who is na"ed (ing o# Scotland Macbeth Act III 1.) +hy does Macbeth #ear Ban,uo +hat is "eant by the 3barren sce!ter4 Macbeth re#ers to Macbeth (nows the witches said Ban,uo$s children will be (ings. -e$s a#raid Ban,uo will ta(e action #or the throne, 8ust as Macbeth did. 9 sce!ter is an orna"ental rod held by (ings. Macbeth$s is 3barren4 because his line in barren, "eaning his sons will never be (ing.


Brit Lit

Macbeth Review

%.) Macbeth instructs "urderers to (ill Ban,uo and who" +hy <leance= In order to !revent the witches$ !ro!hecy #or Ban,uo #ro" co"ing true. *.) +hat reason does Macbeth give #or his "ind being 3#ull o# scor!ions 4 -e can$t thin( or #eel easy (nowing Ban,uo and <leace live still. /.) +hat ha!!ens to <leance -e esca!es the "urders. 1.) +hat unwelco"e guest a!!ears at Macbeth$s ban,uet .scene iv) +hat !sychological e##ect is achieved by this Ban,uo$s ghost arrives at the #east, which is debatable whether or not Macbeth is si"!ly hallucinating. -owever, he is the only one who sees hi". 5.) +hat is Macbeth$s reaction to this sight, which he alone can see -e believes they are !laying a !ran( on hi" and starts reacting as though Ban,uo is real. 7.) +hat e2!lanation does Lady Macbeth give #or her husband$s strange behavior Macbeth has had "o"entary 3#its4 since his youth and they !ass soon. ;.) In Scene v, Lenno2 and a lord discuss the events in Scotland. +hat do we learn about Malcol" and Macdu## +hat is Lenno2$s tone Macdu## has gone to 6ngland to get Malcol" and gain the assistance o# the 6nglish in overthrowing Macbeth. Lenno2 is o!ti"istic.


Brit Lit

Macbeth Review

Act IV: 1.) 9ct I> begins with Macbeth returning to the witches. &hree a!!aritions a!!ear to Macbeth. +hat !ro!hecy does each give Beware Macdu##, no "an worn?born can (ill hi" and he won$t be van,uished until Birna" +ood co"es to Dunisane -ill. %.) +hen Macbeth insists on (nowing what the #uture holds #or Ban,uo$s children, what !anto"i"e o# a!!aritions do the witches show hi" 62!lain why.

9 line o# (ings who all loo( ali(e #ollowed by Ban,uo. @ne is holding a "irror. &hey re!resent all o# Ban,uo$s #uture generations who will be (ing. *.) 9#ter seeing these visions and receiving news that Macdu## has #led to 6ngland, what resolution does Macbeth "a(e -e will act on his e"otions and #irst instinct. -e will send "en to "urder Macdu##$s #a"ily. /.) In Scene ii Ross, trying to e2!lain to Lady Macdu## why her husband has #led to 6ngland, describes what Scotland is li(e under Macbeth$s ruleA a.) +hat does Ross say about Macdu## thought his actions through. b.) +hat does he say about Scotland uneasy. 9ll !eo!le are a#raid and -e is an honorable "an who


Brit Lit

Macbeth Review

1.) +hat ha!!ens to Lady Macdu## and her children a#ter Ross leaves &hey are "urdered on Macbeth$s orders. 5.) In Scene iii Macdu## has co"e to 6ngland to !ledge his su!!ort to Malcol". 62!lain how Malcol" tests his loyalty. -e clai"s to have horrible vices and contains no royal traits. 7.) +hat news does Ross bring Macdu##$s #a"ily has been "urdered. ;.) +hat action will the three "en ta(e 'ather 6nglish #orces to "eet with Scottish #orces to overta(e Macbeth. Act V: 1.) Lady Macbeth tal(s while slee!wal(ing. +hat are three !ast events she "entions &he "urders o# Duncan, Lady Macdu## and Ban,uo. %.) In Scene iii Macbeth insists on disregarding the advancing ar"ies. +hy -e uses the latest !ro!hecies as reasons o# why he cannot be van,uished. *.) +hat does Malcol" order his soldiers to do while they are in Birna" +ood )ut down and carry branches to hide their nu"bers. /.) +hat news does Macbeth receive in Scene v Lady Macbeth is dead.


Brit Lit

Macbeth Review

1.) -ow does Macbeth describe how he now views li#e .su""ariBe the 3&o"orrow s!eech4). Li#e only leads to death. 5.) -ow do the !ro!hecies in 9ct I> co"e true in 9ct > +ho (ills Macbeth +ho is crowned (ing a#ter Macbeth$s death Birna" wood co"es to Dunsinane -ill, Macdu## was born o# a 3)? section4 and Malcol" is (ing. 7). Is Macbeth a tragic hero +hat is his tragic #law -is lust #or !ower and his sel#?con#idence:#alse sense o# security. ;.) Did Macbeth have seeds o# ruthless a"bition be#ore he received the !ro!hecies #ro" the witches, or did the witches !lant the seeds +ere his actions o# his own "a(ing or did others in#luence hi" In the end, who is ulti"ately res!onsible #or the various "urders and Macbeth$s down#all


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