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Outline of the Laboratory Exercise in Circuits II Laboratory Activity 1: Second Order Circuits (simulation*) To become familiar with the

second order circuit and the different ty es of natural res onse associated with it! Laboratory Activity ": Second Order Circuits: #LC (simulation*) To become familiar with the #LC series circuit and the different ty es of natural res onse associated with it! Laboratory Activity $: %arallel #LC Circuit & (simulation*) To become familiar with the arallel #LC circuit and the different ty es of natural res onse associated with it! Laboratory Activity ': Com lete #es onse of Second Order Circuits To study the com lete res onse of second order circuits! Laboratory Activity (: %arallel #LC Circuit && To become familiar with actual com onents used in arallel #LC circuit and the different ty es of natural res onse associated with it! Laboratory Activity ): #C *ilter Circuit & To become familiar with an #C low ass filter circuit! Laboratory Activity +: #C *ilter Circuit && To become familiar with an #C hi,h ass filter circuit! Laboratory Activity -: #C *ilter Circuit &&& To become familiar with an #C band ass filter circuit! Laboratory Activity .: #C &nte,rator Circuit To study an #C inte,rator circuit! Laboratory Activity 1/: #0S 1olta,e To study the #0S values of different volta,e waveforms! Laboratory Activity 11: *ilter Circuit %roblem To a ly the 2nowled,e of an #C filter circuit to a roblem Laboratory Activity 1": *ilter Circuit %roblem " To a ly the 2nowled,e of transfer function to a roblem! Laboratory Activity 1$: Transformer & To study the ro erties of a transformer!! %ro3ect4
*simulation: if com uters are not available5 start with laboratory activity ' and as2 the students to do labs 1 to $ one ,rou at a time usin, the com uter in the laboratory while the rest are doin, lab ' onwards!

Laboratory Activity 1 Second Order Circuits

A! Aim To become familiar with the second order circuit and the different ty es of natural res onse associated with it! 6! The Second Order Circuit 7sin, the electronic LTS ice&15 construct the circuit shown in *i,! 1 below!

*i,! 1 Series #LC Circuit Clic2 8Simulate9 and then clic2 8:dit Simulation Command9! :nter ( at 8Sto Time9 bo; and ut a chec2 the bo; for 8Start e;ternal <C su ly volta,e at /19! Once done5 clic2 o2 button! See *i, "

*i,! " :dit Simulation Command The simulation will run for "/ seconds! Then clic2 Simulate menu and clic2 run! Or clic2 the button with icon for run! A lot will a ear! Then move the mouse to lace the cross hair line at


the terminal of ca acitor above ,round! Once it touches the wire5 a volta,e robe will a ear! Clic2 the left button and observe the lot ,enerated! Observe the volta,e5 1(n//$) across the "(/ m* ca acitor! The label n//$ refers to the node number of the wire connection! Then move the robe until it touches the ca acitor device! A current robe will a ear with red arrow showin, the direction of the current! Then left clic2 the mouse button! The current across the ca acitor will be lotted with the current a;is dis layed at the ri,ht hand corner!

*i, $! Si,nal %lots for Circuit in *i,! 1 Clic2 the 81iew9 menu and select and clic2 8S ice =etlist9! >ou will see in o u window the te;t in column 1 Table 1! Column " e; lains the meanin,!
Table 1 Pop Up Spice NetList V1 N001 0 9 R1 N002 N001 5 C1 N003 0 200m L1 N002 N003 1 .t an 20 sta t!p .bac"anno .en# Explanation V1 is t$e so! ce %olta&e connecte# to & o!n# no#e 0 an# 'i e no#e N001. T$e n!mbe 9 is t$e %al!e o( %olta&e R1 is t$e esisto connecte# bet'een no#e N001 an# N002 'it$ 5 o$ms %al!e C1 is connecte# bet'een noo#es N003 an# 0 'it$ %al!e o( 200 mille (a a#s L1 is connecte# bet'een no#es N002 an# N003 'it$ %al!e o( 1 $en ) .t an is a t ansient sim!lation comman# t$at last (o 20 secs. See LTSpice $elp (o (! t$e #etails

C! Tools and :?ui ment 1! %ersonal Com uter "! LTS ice &1 $! Scilab (!" <! Theoretical Analysis 1! @enerate the "nd order ordinary linear differential e?uations (O<:) for *i,! 1! Solve for 1(n//$) the volta,e across ca acitor! "! Transform your "nd order system of linear O<:s into La lace Transform and solve for LA1n//$)B! Then solve for LC1(1n//$) to ,et 1(n//$)! $! Com are your results in item 1 with item "! '! <erive the current across the ca acitor! (! 7sin, Scilab5 for tDE/:!(:"/F5 lot 1(n//$)! Com are your result with *i, $ 1(n//$)! )! 7sin, Scilab5 for tDE/:!(:"/F5 lot &(C1)! Com are your result with *i, $ &(C1)! :! Assi,nment 1! <efine the followin,: a! =atural fre?uency b! #esonant or undam ed fre?uency c! <am ed fre?uency d! <am in, *actor "! *or the circuit in *i,! 15 a! what is the natural fre?uencyG b! #esonant fre?uencyG c! <am ed *re?uencyG d! <am in, *actorG $! 7sin, 11DC1/ v and #1 D15 run the simulation! a! 7sin, La lace Transform5 derive 1(n//$) or 1C1 across ca acitor! b! 1erify your result usin, O<:! c! 7sin, Scilab for tDE/:!(:"/F5 %lot 1(n//$)! d! Com are it with your simulation lot! e! Hhat is the natural fre?uencyG f! #esonant fre?uencyG ,! <am ed *r?uencyG h! <am in, *actorG '! 7sin, 11DC1/ v and #1 D)5 run the simulation! a! 7sin, La lace Transform5 derive 1(n//$) or 1C1 across ca acitor! b! 1erify your result usin, O<:!


c! d! e! f! ,! h!

7sin, Scilab for tDE/:!(:"/F5 %lot 1(n//$)! Com are it with your simulation lot! Hhat is the natural fre?uencyG #esonant fre?uencyG <am ed *r?uencyG <am in, *actorG

Laboratory Activity 2 Second Order Circuits: RLC

A! Aim To become familiar with the Source *reeC#LC series circuit and the different ty es of natural res onse associated with it! The #LC Series Circuit

*i, "!1 Source *ree #LC Circuit

Construct the circuit in *i, "!1 in LTS ice&1! 1iew your s ice netlist! &t should be identical to the one shown in *i, "!" )

*i, "!" =etS ice List of the circuit in *i,! "!1 #un the simulation and view the waveforms of 1(n//))5 1(n//$)! Then double clic2 on 1(n//') to clear and lot 1(n//') only and then sin,le clic2 1(n//() to lot it in su er osition! &t should a ear similar to *i, "!$ S1 switched on for 1/ ms and turned off afterwards! This is to char,e ca acitor C1 for 1/ ms! Then S" turned on after an interval of "/ ms! Another 1/ ms interval when both switch S1 and S" were o ened ensured isolation of #LC from su ly volta,e 11! 6! Activities 1! #e lace # with "// ohms and show the 1(n//)) and 1(n//$) waveform! Try # D (//5 125 and 1/2! "! Hrite the differential e?uation in term of IirchoffJs 1olta,e Law! <etermine the characteristic e?uation and find its roots5 the natural fre?uencies! Then determine the 1(n//)) and 1(n//$)! $! 7sin, Scilab5 lot 1(n//)) and 1(n//$) for #D "//5 (//5 125 and 1/2! Are they similar to LTS ice&1 lotsG &s your e?uation for #D1//5 "//5 (// still holds on #D125 1/2G whyG

'! <etermine the value of # such that the res onse is critically dam ed! <etermine the e?uation for 1C1(t) at critically dam ed and lot it usin, Scilab! Hhat do you noticeG


(b) *i, "!$ Timin, <ia,ram of circuit in *i, "!1 (a) Haveform for 1(n//$) and 1(n//)) (b) Haveform for 1(n//() and 1(n//))


Laboratory Activity Second Order Circuits: RLC

a! Aim

To become familiar with the Source *reeC#LC arallel circuit and the different ty es of natural res onse associated with it! 6! The #LC %arallel Circuit

*i, $!1 Source *ree #LC Circuit Construct the circuit in *i, $!1 in LTS ice&1! L1D1 K5 C1D!"(/ *5 #D15 11D"5 &1DC$! Study the switches timin,s and the volta,e and current sources! =ote that sources are time defined! #un the simulation and lot the 1(n//$) node! &t should loo2 the same as *i,! $!"

*i, $!" LTS ice %lot of 1(n//$) and &(L1)



1! #e lace the time define current source with C$ A constant source and observe the chan,es in the lot! :; lain what ha ened!

*i, $!$ LTS ice %lot of 1(n//$) and &(L1) with constant current source of C$A :; lanation: The LTS ice em loys ideal current source! Kence5 even if the switch is o en5 the current is still forced throu,h the inductor! Kence inductor current remain constant after a lon, eriod of tiem! #estore the current source ori,inal confi,uration! "! <etermine the 1(n//$) e?uation of the circuit above usin, La lace Transform! &s there a drivin, functionG Hhat were the uses of switchesG %lot your result in Scilab usin, tDE/:!/1:(F! Com are your results with LTS ice&1 lot in *i,! $!"! $! #e lace L1 with 1 mille Kenry! #un the simulation and lot the results! Show the LTS ice lot! Solve for the 1(n//$) and &(L1) usin, La lace Transform! >our result usin, Scilab for tDE/:!/1:(F! <o you have the same lot with LTS ice&1G '! #e lace L1 with 1 K and increase the current source to C1 A! #un the simulation! Show the LTS ice lot! Solve for the 1(n//$) and &(L1) usin, La lace Transform! >our result usin, Scilab for tDE/:!/1:(F! <o you have the same lot with LTS ice&1G

Laboratory Activity "


Com#lete Res#onse of Second Order Circuits

S$ECIAL AC%I&I%': LA(ORA%OR' RE$OR% After answerin, the usual e;ercises and ?uestions in Laboratory Activity '5 you are re?uired to submit a Laboratory #e ort! *ollow the laboratory re ort ,uidelines! A! Aim To study the com lete res onse of second order circuits! 6! %he Second Order Circuit Construct the circuit shown in *i, '!1 in LTS ice&1 simulation software!

*i,! '!1 LTS ice&1 Circuit Confi,uration

#un the simulation circuit in *i, '!1 for (/ ms! %robe 1(n//1) node5 the out ut of LT1//1 O erational am lifier! 11D(*sin("///*t)

*i, '!" LTS ice&1 lot of 1(n//1) C! %reliminary Activities 1! The :?uivalent circuit of O Am in *i, '!1 is shown in *i,! '!"! 1ary the ,ain @ and see what ha en to the out ut 1n//1! "! 7sin, La lace Transform solve for the articular solution of 1(n//1)! %lot in Scilab 1(n//1) for tDE/:!!/1:(F*1dC$! Hhy is it the fre?uency is about $1- KL! $! #e lace 11 with constant ( v source! #un the LTS ice&1 simulaton and obtain the lot for 1(n//1)! 7sin, La lace Transform solve for the articular solutin of 1(n//1)! %lot in Scilabe 1(n//1) and chec2 if you have the same lot with LTS ice! *i, '!$ :?uivalent Circuit of O Am in *i,! '!1

<! Laboratory Exercise $ro#er Construct the second order circuit shown above in a breadboard! The 1 u* ca acitor is an electrolytic ca acitor (uni olar) so ma2e sure that the 1 u* ca acitorJs ne,ative terminal is connected to ,round! *or the /!1"( *5 use two /!"( * ca acitors or /!1" * ca acitor! *or the O CAm 5 1M D M1" 1 and 1C D C 1" 1! 7se O% A0% +'1 with in Connection shown in *i,! '!' Set the function ,enerator to simulate ( cos ("///t)5 s2etch the in ut (1s) and out ut (1out) volta,es in Table '!1! <o they ma2e senseG

*i, '!' O Am +'1 in connection

This time set the function ,enerator to the followin, settin,: sinusoidal waveform with fre?uency D " 2KL! S2etch the in ut (1s) and ou ut (1out) volta,es in Table '!"! #un the LTS ice simulation with "2KL! <o you ,et the same resultsG <o they ma2e senseG Chan,e the in ut from sinusoidal to a s?uare wave! S2etch the in ut (1s) and out ut (1out) volta,es Table '!$! <o they ma2e senseG &f you canJt see 1out5 try the followin, settin,: AC cou led5 /!1 msNdiv and (/ m1Ndiv! &n Lts ice2 set 11 source to s?uare wave! Hhat should be the 8turn on9 time and 8turn off9 timeG Hhat should be the eriodG Set the simulation time to 1/ ms! #un the simulation and lot the result! &s the result the same with actual oscillosco e dis layG %able "!1 )* S+etch of &s and &out,



S+etch of &s and &out,

*inally5 set the function ,enerator to out ut a s?uare wave with fre?uency of 1// 2KL! S2etch the in ut (1s) and ou ut (1out) volta,es in Table '!'! <o they ma2e senseG :; lain why you can view the rin,in, (Kint: @o bac2 to your reliminary com utations!)! &f you canJt see 1out5 try the followin, settin,: AC cou led5 1 sNdiv and ( m1Ndiv! <ouble the fre?uency and s2etch it in Table '!(! Set your 11 to 1//2KL s?uare wave source! Com are your result with actual readin,s! %able "!2 )* S+etch of &s and &out,



S+etch of &s and &out,

&f ossible use different colors for 1s and 1out! Hrite the sco e settin, for 1s and 1out at the bottom of the s2etch!

%able "! )*

S+etch of &s and &out,



S+etch of &s and &out,

%able "!" )*

S+etch of &s and &out,



S+etch of &s and &out,

%able "!)*

S+etch of &s and &out,



S+etch of &s and &out,

<! Conclusion

Laboratory Activity Current Sources Circuit

A! Aim To become familiar with current sources circuit throu,h simulation and actual circuit e; eriment! %he Current Sources

*i, (!1 Constant Current Sources Construct the circuit in your LTS ice&1 simulation as shown in *i,! (!1! #un the simulation and note the volta,e 1(n//") and current &1! #un the simulation for values of #1D 15 1//5 125 1/25 and 1//2! Hhat do you observeG Construct the circuit in your LTs -ice&1 simulation as shown in *i,! (!"! :stimate the ma;imum value of #1 wherein the circuit continues to o erate as constant current ,enerator! The circuit in *i,! (!$ is a revision of the circuit in *i,! (!"! Construct it! &t made use of current mirror! *ind out how current mirror o erate! <oes it increase the resistance that the circuit can o erate as constant current ,eneratorG

*i, (!" #ealistic Current Source

*i, (!$ &m rovement over circuit in *i,! (!" usin, current mirror C! Laboratory Exercise $ro#er Construct the circuit in *i,! (!'! Set your si,nal ,enerator as shown! &t should ,enerate s?uare waves at 1 2hL! 7sin, an oscillosco e5 measure 1(n//')!

*i, (!' Constant Current @enerator A

lied on Ca acitor

S2etch the waveform of 1(n//') in Table (!1! :stimate the slo e of the curve! %able -!1 )*

S+etch of &)n.."*


Chan,e the fre?uency of si,nal ,enerator to " 2hL! S2etch the waveform in Table (!" and estimate the slo e! %able -!2 )* S+etch of &)n.."*


#e lace the ca acitor with /!/( uf! Set the si,nal ,enerator fre?uency bac2 to 12hL! S2etch the 1(n//') in Table (!$! :stimate the slo e of the curve %able -! )*

S+etch of &)n.."*


Chan,e the fre?uency to " 2hL! S2etch the curve in Table (!'! :stimate the slo e! %able -!" )*

S+etch of &)n.."*



Hrite the O<: for ca acitor circuit with constant current ,enerator only! Hhy is it necessary to have a transistor switch that re,ularly dischar,es the ca acitorG *rom slo e of the curve5 how can you derive the value of ca acitorG <oes chan,es in fre?uencies affect the value of ca acitorG %ro3ect Ca acitor Tester 7sin, L0((( as your s?uare wave ,enerator5 desi,n and construct a circuit module that can test a number of ca acitors! The circuit is to be resented and de ended!


#eference: 8<am in, *actor95 &n Hi2i edia5 #etrieved Oune 1$5 "/1/5 from htt :NNen!wi2i edia!or,Nwi2iN#LCPcircuit Digeteo (2009). Scilab [Software]. Available at IreysLi,5 :rwin5 8Advanced :n,ineerin, 0athematics95 .th :dition5 Co yri,ht Q "//)5 Oohn Hiley R Sons5 Cha ter )! Linear Technolo,y5 LTS ice&1ESoftwareF5 Available at htt :NNwww!linear!comNdesi,ntoolsNsoftwareN Sadi2u5 Ale;ander5 8*undamentals of electric Circuits95 $rd :dition5 Co yri,ht Q "//+5 0c@rawCKill! &S6=C1$: .+-C//+C1")"'-C'


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