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A Simple M.O.A.T.

Q and A


Billy McBride

A Simple M.O.A.T. Q and A (Part 1): 1. What does it house? - Nothing, it is all I-beams in a sculpture on a landscape. 2. What is your stage? - It is a public project. 3. What will move people to see it? - It is awesome! 4. What is the sculptural wall made of? - Just I-beams. 5. What are the tools used to build M.O.A.T.? - I-beams, nuts and bolts. 6. What are the sides? - The shapes wrap. 7. What does it neighbor? - It is in the country. 8. What kind of steel is used? - Polished stainless steel. 9. What citizens build it? - We all can by our hands or our donations. 10. What place is it in? - One 64 acre Spiral for each county in Texas. 11. What cities are the Spirals near? - Whatever cities are

in a county (a county is about 1 hour long and wide). 12. How far does it stretch? - About the size of a golf course. 13. Does it have chambers? - No. 14. Does it have pathways? - They are natural paths. 15. Is it beautiful? - Yes, very. 16. Is anyone welcome to visit? - Yes, for a fee. 17. Is it Earth-friendly? -Yes, it is only steel. 18. What is its splendor? - It reflects light, and it is huge and simple. 19. How far does a shape measure? - 50 feet. 20. How far does a Spiral of 120 shapes measure? - As a golf course. 21. Are these just dreams? - No, it is kind of an emergency to spend money to help. 22. Is this a fantasy? - Yes, but one that helps others. (This Q and A was inspired by Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet)

A Simple M.O.A.T. Q and A (Part 2): 1. What is the heart of M.O.A.T.? - Charity. 2. Is this center possible? - Yes, it is a win-win situation. 3. Who is passionate about M.O.A.T.? - Builders, designers and marketers. 4. Who does M.O.A.T. satisfy? - Everybody. 5. What is the love of M.O.A.T.? - An inclusive community. 6. Are M.O.A.T. people subject to blindness? - We all have

our blind spots. 7. Can we laugh about M.O.A.T.? - No, well it is not exactly humorous. 8. Does M.O.A.T. compliment the context? - Yes, it is natural. 9. How deep is M.O.A.T.'s vastness? - It symbolizes an open and ever widening place for the community. 10. Will M.O.A.T. be fortunate to come? - Probably so. 11. How does M.O.A.T. marry with the community? Through global help. 12. Is M.O.A.T. a happy project? - Yes. 13. What life span does M.O.A.T. have? - It is a permanent structure. 14. Can one M.O.A.T. be just as good? - Yes, but 254 M.O.A.T.s are better. Why help just a little when you can help a lot. (This Q and A was inspired by Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet)

M.O.A.T. Q and A (Part 3): 1. Why would one retire from helping? - I don't know. 2. How are people genuinely moved to help? - By trusting in their community. 3. Who will M.O.A.T. quarrel with? - It is a harmonious project. 4. What pleasure is there in M.O.A.T.? - It is abstract and

constantly changing. 5. What is there to love about M.O.A.T.? - Art, Nature, and charity. 6. What is sweet about M.O.A.T.? - It brings people together. 7. Is it only seen in the day time? - Yes. 8. Are others true to M.O.A.T.? - Possibly so. 9. Do you worship M.O.A.T.? - No, it is a secular and public project. 10. What is delightful about it? - It looks nice. 11. Can it be built with fellowship? - Yes. 12. Who will be sympathetic to M.O.A.T.? - Whoever likes win-win situations. 13. Can it cause happiness? - Of course. 14. Why are you wedded to M.O.A.T.? - Because it is important. 15. Whose hearts will M.O.A.T. move? - The community and its individuals. 16. On what bed of land will it occupy? - A field. (This Q and A was inspired by Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet)

M.O.A.T. Q and A (Part 4): 1. What is dangerous about M.O.A.T.? - If well built, and solidly, nothing. 2. How will society react to M.O.A.T.? - They will get used to it. 3. What will people do in their leisure with M.o.A.T.? -

Visit it. 4. Is it revolutionary? - No. 5. Is the government involved? - Globally, yes; locally, no. 6. What are the strengths of M.O.A.T.? - It helps victims of schizophrenia, cancer, AIDs, rape, and rabies. 7. How will M.O.A.T. prosper? - It will gain momentum. 8. Who are M.O.A.T.'s opponents? - Isolationists. 9. What are the greatest fears of M.O.A.T.? - That this generation cannot do it. 10. Will others feel at home with M.O.A.T.? - Of course. 11. Who watches out for M.O.A.T.? - The members of this non-profit organization. 12. Is M.O.A.T. a separate charity? - No, but it distributes money to the five charities. (This Q and A was inspired by Act 4 of Romeo and Juliet) The best way to avoid M.O.A.T. is just to give directly to help these charities.

M.O.A.T. Q and A (Part 5): 1. Will M.O.A.T. be around years after we die? - I like to think so. 2. What shadow hangs over M.O.A.T.? - M.O.A.T. hasn't been built yet. 3. Why do so many monuments make up M.O.A.T.? Because it symbolizes a vast community.

4. You have Angels you say? - Yes, but we are all a secular organization. 5. Why are the sculptures empty inside?- To make their size large. 6. Does M.O.A.T. help the wretched? - It can. 7. Is it a grave project? - No, it is hopeful. 8. Does a M.O.A.T. sculpture resemble a tomb? - No, it shines. 9. What does M.O.A.T. conquer? - It helps, but it does not conquer anything. 10. What beauty does it have? - The designs and proportions of its architectures. 11. Is it monstrous? - It is big horizontally, but not vertically. 12. Does it engross the attention? - Of course. 13. How do you guide around a M.O.A.T. park? - There are several ways, but you can walk normally. 14. Why does M.O.A.T. architecture not have any vaulting roofs? - It's extra money, and it looks better not to have them. 15. Whose woes does it help? - Victims of schizophrenia, cancer, AIDs, rape, and rabies. 16. Is it outrageous? - Yes. 17. Does it kill time to visit M.O.A.T.? - Yes, it does, 1 hour. 18. What sorrows does M.O.A.T. have? - It hopes to fight the cruelty of pain and humiliation of all. 19. What is sad about M.O.A.T.? - That it is needed in the first place.

(This Q and A was inspired by the last Act, Act 5 of Romeo and Juliet) FINIS

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