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Age well, live art

Cultural Project 2011 Masters Degree in Art and Culture Management

Team members:
Julie Declerck Dalia Hussein Cristina Rus Patricia Solrzano

Table of contents Contextual basis of the project (All) ........................................................................................................ 1 Mission, vision and objectives .......................................................................................................... 1 Origin & Inspiration Background.................................................................................................... 1 Business Model(Dalia) ...................................................................................................................... 2 Micro environment (Dalia)................................................................................................................ 2 Entrepreneur group .......................................................................................................................... 2 Market & Industry Analysis (All).............................................................................................................. 3 2.1. Business environment analysis .................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Micro Environment Analysis (PEST) (Patricia) ........................................................................... 3 2.3. SWOT ......................................................................................................................................... 5 I. Definition of the project Conceptualisation ......................................................................... 6 3.1. Project 1 Barcelona, te quiero (Dalia) ........................................................................................ 6 3.2. Project 2 Art in Action (Julie) ...................................................................................................... 6 3.3. Project 3 Tertulia (Cristina)......................................................................................................... 7 3.4. Project 4 Documentary (Patricia) ............................................................................................... 8 II. Marketing & Communication ................................................................................................ 9 2.1. Segmentation & Target Costumers (Julie, Cristina) ................................................................... 9 2.2. Positioning (Dalia)..................................................................................................................... 10 2.3. Communication Plan (All) ......................................................................................................... 11 III. Project production/Operational Plan (Cristina) .................................................................... 12 3.1. Production Planning ................................................................................................................. 12 IV. Organization structure ........................................................................................................ 13 4.1. Legal Aspects (Cristina) .......................................................................................................... 13 4.2. Human Resources Structure ................................................................................................. 13 4.2.1. Organization chart (Cristina) ...................................................................................... 13 4.2.2. Job descriptions (Cristina) ........................................................................................... 13 4.2.3. Internal communication strategy (Patricia) ................................................................ 14 4.3. Marketing Mix ........................................................................................................................ 14 4.4. Staff Budget indications (Julie) .............................................................................................. 15 V. Infrastructure & Technical requirements (Dalia, Julie) .......................................................... 16 5.1. Capital needs.......................................................................................................................... 16 5.2. Operational needs ................................................................................................................. 16 VI. Economical & Financial Management (Julie) ........................................................................ 17 6.1. Sales Forecast ........................................................................................................................ 17 6.2. Sources of income (All) .......................................................................................................... 18 6.3. Budget Forecast .................................................................................................................... 19 VII. Evaluation Process (Dalia) ................................................................................................... 20

I. Contextual basis of the project +Art is a project created by four experienced entrepreneurs that seeks to create a bridge between cultural activities and the 55+ population by providing tailor made programs and addressing their needs to foster a closer relationship between this age group and culture. 1.1. Mission, Vision, Objectives Mission: Foster creativity in later life and encourage meaningful participation of elders in the arts as creators, organizers and audiences to promote active aging in order to improve their quality of life and their perception of themselves. Vision: Within three years become a reference on the market for elderly cultural activities in the city of Barcelona, catering to individuals, civic and private centers on the organization of customized cultural program logistics for the ageing community while exporting the model to Mexico City. Within seven years be able to export the model internationally. General Objectives: - Increase the cultural participation for our target group - Generate programs by seniors for seniors - Promote their social integration - Offer differentiated cultural activities - Encourage intergenerational relations 1.2. Origin & Inspiration background This project focuses on elder population as a growing demographic sector. Factors like an increase in life expectancy, better quality of life in elder years and a bigger cultural offer within urban areas have created the awareness that specific activities that consider this population sector can become a relevant social asset. +Art emerged as a creative concept that intends to generate cultural awareness through interesting cultural activities for the 55+ collective. The different activities of the project will include ready-made programs for cultural centers and individuals that can also be modified to suit the needs of a specific party. This project is based in the premise that a better offer of cultural activities for 55+ citizens can be created through their integration into the creative process and the focus on their interests and needs; by doing so +Art intends to promote the social wellbeing. Different sectors will benefit from the development of this project: 55+ Individuals: Explore new cultural fields Stimulate curiosity Space for personal reflection Increase in personal capacities Better self-esteem Social interaction Isolation prevention Knowledge exchange Intergenerational relations Cultural Organizations: - Catalyst for social action - Creation of learning communities - Address of a growing target group - Sustainable audience development - Volunteer commitment - Target based programs Society: - Give value to elders - Intergenerational dialogue - Positive role models for young people - Social cooperation within different sectors - Increase educational level - Public consciousness of elderly issues

1.3. Business Model +Art is a market leader in catering dedicated cultural services with social added value to elders centers and individual seniors. To maintain this market edge, +Art adopts the below business models: Value Proposition Model: +Art acknowledges the need for a differentiated cultural service that promotes active aging and cultural wellbeing for individual seniors plus a specialized cultural agent that offers tailor made, fair priced and hassle-free service, for elders centers. Market Segment Model: +Art targets the unprecedented yet marginalized growth of seniors population and its cultural needs Interaction Model: +Art has a cultural interactive approach that enables seniors to have active roles in designing & implementing their own cultural programs. 1.4. Micro environment +Art examined its micro-environment, identified its needs and accordingly designed the Activities to match those needs. Clients: - Elders centers (Private and public): field visits & interviews indicate lack of innovative, interactive and diversified cultural offerings; o They serve multi purposes and seniors activities are just one of many activities they do o They lack the know how & the direct channel with cultural institutions o Extra logistics & operational burdens to achieve the above, while with +Art it is hassle free - Cultural Institutions (museums, galleries, theatres... ): interviews & researches indicate high interest in attracting new markets of seniors audience to increase their customer base; o With the public funding cuts lately, they are unwilling to pay extra costs to target new seniors audience. o They have no direct channel with elders centers or seniors in general - Funding Entities (Ajuntament de Barcelona, Existing foundations, corporate sponsors...) o +Arts mission appeals to public entities, due to its social integration and cultural dimensions. o Enrichment of seniors cultural life and promoting active aging in Barcelona, are attractive objectives to public funders & existing foundations that support culture. o Corporate social responsibility is a strategic Public Relations tool that is highly used by corporate companies and its agenda easily fits +Arts mission. Consumers: - Individual seniors: Interviews with seniors show their interest in tailor made cultural programs that promote active aging & participation from their side ; o There are no specialized cultural programs, targeting seniors. o There is a need for new & different cultural activities, to fill their free time o There is a need for a sense of belonging and motivation o There is a need for social networking & making new friends while learning a new thing 1.5. Entrepreneur group +Art is being developed by a group of four young and dynamic entrepreneurs interested in spreading the appreciation and participation in the arts by seniors. These four international cultural managers have a specific focus on social integration issues and life quality improvement strategies; the project at hand represents a comprehensive approach to their interests and commitment to society. (Rsums available in Appendix A)

II. Market & Industry analysis 2.1. Business Environment Analysis Through a comprehensive analysis of the business environment affecting the spectrum in which +Art will conduct its operations, the following information was discovered:

Low competition: +Art introduces new cultural services to a market with no direct competitors; therefore it is a market leader. Low bargaining power of suppliers: The supply consists of cultural institutions and activities in Barcelona, where there are numerous cultural options, s, consequently, they hold no monopoly over the market. Low bargaining power of customers: +Art offers a differentiated product since it focuses on unique experiences with affordable costs. Low risk of new entrants: Possible competitors could emerge, however +Art will already have established distribution channels, experience and customer loyalty. New entrants will have to focus on creating a pricing advantage for customers who wish to switch to a new supplier. High substitution risk: Elders centers relate directly to cultural institutions, therefore +Art needs to offer cost effective, well differentiated and tailor-made tailor cultural activities. environment Analysis (PEST) 2.2. Macro-environment Political Facts: There are different bodies responsible for the development and implementation of policies related to elders in the country. Particularly in Catalonia there is a strong seniors movement with a great number of associations, special elders centers for seniors, rs, social and cultural programs develop through this entities to facilitate and promote seniors social active participation. Highlights on the situation of the projects target group: The international convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its potential application to the elderly. October 2010 Pension reform. Increasing the retirement age from 65 to 67 in order to guarantee the sustainability of the pension system. 2011 1 Law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for dependent people. Economic Facts: In the aftermath of the economic crisis that affected world markets since 2009, there is a growth forecast of 4,4% for 2011 which is mainly accountable to growing economies and developing countries. In the euro zone this percentage is rather low (1,5%) and stability is subject to important crisis in the Arab world along with natural disasters that have taken place in the first months of the year.

Ley 39/2006, de 14 de diciembre, de Promocin de la Autonoma Personal y Atencin a las personas en situacin de dependencia. 2006.

The National Statistics Institute (INE for its name in Spanish) reports an increase in life expectancy of 78 to 81 years from 1997 to 2007. There is also a decreased birth rate, which will create a negative ratio of active workforce in relation to retired individuals. Nowadays this ratio is of 4 work-capable individuals to one retired individual and it is foreseen that for 2040 the retired workforce will amount to 2 50% of the population, thus creating a deficit on the pension and health care systems. Social Factors: Europe and especially Spain has an ageing population, in Catalonia 16,4% of the total population is 3 65 years or over whose income is equivalent to 73% of the average of the whole population. In Spain, older people do not feel involved in the entertainment offers, dont participate in the preparation and planning and feel excluded from creative processes. Non-culture entertainment, in addition to the socio-demographic characteristics of this group, result in a use of leisure time that is rather limited and in many cases focused on passive leisure. That is why most outstanding activities, being carried out among a larger number of people, are related to the media (watching TV, listening to the radio or reading). Among the reasons for not attending a theatre performance or going to the cinema are: lack of interest (more than 30%), high cost of activities and lack of time. Among those of 75 years and older, difficulties for leaving home are 4 the dominating reason One last social factor is the education and literacy levels. Most elderly people are between the limits of primary education: 31,1% with incomplete primary education and 42,5% that finished it. Only 7,4% of the elderly have a higher education degree, distributed by 11,4% of men and only 4,4% of 5 women. Technological & Communications Factors: The situation of the Spanish older consumers in frequency of Internet use compared to other European countries is above average. Surveys show that 36.0% of older consumers in Spain have 6 access to internet. As for TV & Radio, older consumers watch TV during the weekdays more than over the weekends. Preferred television programs viewed by Spanish older consumers are the news or general information (28.4%). Radio is also widely used according to INE (National Statistics Institute), with a percentage of 70.7% listening to the radio with average time spent in a day amounts to 128.6 7 minutes. Reading newspapers is also common among older people. (Appendix B)

Anlisi de levoluci de leconomia catalana i el seu entorn. Bullet trimestral. Generalitat de Catalunya. 2011

Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales. Las Personas Mayores en Espaa. Datos estadsticos estatales y por Comunidades Autnomas. Informe 2008. Primera dicion 2009. Idem p. 276 5 Idem p. 274-275 6 According to the latest data from the Survey on Equipment and Use of Information Technology and Communication in households (INE, 2007) 7 Source: Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales. Las Personas Mayores en Espaa. Datos estadsticos estatales y por Comunidades

2.3. SWOT Strengths Experience working with seniors Highly motivated with diverse backgrounds International perspective New innovative concept Offering customized programs specific for older consumers - Cause related mission appealing to public entities Weaknesses - No contacts in Catalonia - Target group is difficult to address - Personal liability Opportunities Low cultural activity offer for elderly people No competition in the market Specialized product Increasing age group Increasing interest of volunteering in Catalonia.

Threats Sedentary lifestyle and preferences of target group - Low income of the elderly segment. - New law extending the retirement age, less spare time for elders.

Solutions Bring someone on board who has Catalan contacts and language - Create a committee of seniors - Address elders centers and private entities devoted to elderly activities - Customized association statutes and activity waiver to avoid legal conflicts with costumers.

III. Definition of the project Conceptualization +Art identified its target audiences needs and accordingly designed the following projects in order to meet them. Strands of the program: Hospitality: every visit, tour and creative workshop includes refreshments of tea, cakes and fresh fruit, with time to chat and become acquainted. Volunteers: A loyal number of committed and enthusiastic volunteers build positive relationships with both groups and individuals. Quality: The +Art program is about a quality of experience. This can only come from working with small groups, offering a warm welcome, giving attention to each individual and making every one of the participants feel cared for and special. Flexibility: Necessity to respond to the interests of different groups through developing a variety of art options that will engage a range of different needs. 3.1. Project 1 BARCELONA, Te Quiero What? A short cultural walk focused on one barrio of Barcelona that encompasses the barrios cultural heritage & seniors own memories with the barrio with a local Tour Guide & catering provided. It is a mix of social and cultural experience that integrates seniors in designing & implementing part of the activity. In preparation for this activity +Art will be conducting an interactive session with seniors at their elder center venue (2 weeks prior to the walk) to call for senior speaker volunteers & get their suggestions for the walk & feedbacks on previous ones, if any. General information Duration Inside/outside Location Max. amount of participants Frequency +Art Ticket Price 3.2. Project 2 Art in Action What? A gallery program introducing the seniors to different exhibitions. After a one-hour explanation from the gallery staff or the artists themselves about the art works, the overall theme, style, etc, there will be one of the following interactive workshops: - Dance: interactive workshop using paintings to encourage expressive and reasonable physical activity. A specially devised gallery/museum tour focussed on the line and rhythm in the paintings as inspiration for an exploration of movement and dance. - Drama: interactive workshop using the paintings to stimulate the imagination to encourage participants to stage their own interpretations of what they saw in the pictures. Participants examine portraits in the gallery/museum, through discussion, build up a character study of the figure depicted and using these studies, they will develop and perform short monologues of imagines moments in the lives of their chosen portraits subjects.

2 hours including 2 breaks Outside Different barrios in Barcelona 25 Variable dates throughout the year 12

- Music: gallery/museum tour with a musical theme, entertaining program of well-known songs to be performed against a changing backdrop of musical scenes from the paintings. General information Duration Inside/outside Location Max. amount of participants Frequency +Art Ticket Price

2h Inside Gallery 15 Depending on changes in exhibitions 15

3.3. Project 3 Tertulia What? th La Tertulia became very popular during the 20 century, considered a social gathering to share cultural creations. Based on this idea +Art proposes 4 different Tertulia programs to implement the role of 55+ as creators and organizers. - Multidisciplinary Tertulia: Gathering to be hold in an emblematic restaurant where the participants after a group dynamic (warming up game) are asked to present their cultural creations (music, poetry, dance, paint, etc) the intention is to create a relaxed atmosphere where everybody can comfortably participate. (Price includes snack & drinks) - Dance Tertulia: Barcelona is internationally known as a hub for contemporary dance. With the Dance Tertulia +Art wants to approach 55+ to the last dance tendencies, through a cultural session composed by a dance performance + a practical lecture in contemporary dance by a professional in this field. - Spring festival Tertulia: In order to bring closer other cultural trends, +Art proposes to its participants a guided tour to the LOOP video art fair + a lecture on video art together with a snack and drinks. - Literary summer Tertulia: Poetry for beginners, +Art wants to bring to its members different concepts in poetry creation through Haiku, a short form of Japanese poetry consisting in three lines of poetry. Participants will be guided in Haikus creation after a group dynamic (warming up game). (Price includes snack & drinks)

General information Multidisciplinary Tertulia Duration Inside/outside Location Max. amount of participants +Art Ticket Price* 2h Outside El Gran Caf 15 10 Dance Tertulia Spring festival Tertulia 2h Outside Loop Fair 15 10 + free entrance Literary summer Tertulia 2h Inside Civic center 15 10

TBC Outside TBC 15 10 + entrance

*The price for +Art activity itself will be stable but it will change depending on the entrance ticket of the Tertulia proposed (participants need to pay occasionally for ticket fees to attend a show)

3.4. Project 4 Documentary What? Create a documentary film contest for students in the last years of university studies that requests 2 films featuring interviews with people involved in the civil war and who experienced exile through personal experience or someone they were related to. The contest will receive materials based on the story for the people in Spain and the people who left to Mexico with the purpose of focusing and contrasting both sides of the story and their implications. Broad description Proposed method, approach, and methodology: the documentary would be based in Barcelona and Mexico exploring the two sides of exile. It will review the experiences of exile victims who saw their families torn apart by political unrest and warfare. The idea is to create a collaborative environment among film students and older people who experienced this period in history, the students would have to submit a documentary project following certain guidelines for a contest. The prize would be the possibility to showcase their film internationally (in Spain and Mexico) in public venues such as civic centres and the yearly event carried out by the association. The event is intended as the ground basis for future expansion in Mexico. +Art is built with an international perspective and the exposure that this project can provide will impact create a positive image for the expansion plans in the upcoming years. Duration Location Max. amount of participants Frequency 10 months Mexico City and Barcelona 10 interviews per city Once

IV. Marketing & Communication 4.1. Segmentation & Target Costumers +Art will cater to the cultural needs of citizens that are 55 years or older, therefore, for the purposes of 8 this organization the target group will be identified as 55+. TARGET GROUP 55+ consumers Justification - 55+ with good perception of health - Active amongst other elder consumers - Cultural active participants (visits to museums, attending theatre and dance performances, etc.) Number 53.220 senior consumers in Barcelona

8 A variety of terms have been used to describe consumers in the older age-group such as: older consumers, oldsters, senior citizens, the elderly, old-agers, geriatric population, retirees, and maturities. Many of these terms are either patronizing or simply inappropriate given the nature of many people in this section of the population, and particularly those at the younger end of this age spectrum. (Gunter,1998.)

TARGET GROUP Justification - Providers of cultural activity programs (required by law) -Meeting point for seniors Number 49.000 senior members of these centers in Barcelona 58 casals de gent gran and municipal spaces 10 clubs for retired people, (Caixa Catalunya) 13 Esplais for elders provided by Caixa foundation

Centers for elderly people

These centers are a key connection point between +Art and seniors, once established a partnership, the association aims to reach a much larger number of potential users. In the first year +Art is targeting 7 elderly centers in 5 neighbourhoods: La vila de Gracia El camp den grassot i gracia nova Espai GG La Sedeta. Sant Gervasi Galvany Casal GG Can Castell El Putget i el Farr Espai GG El Putget Sant GervasiLa Bonanova Espai GG Villa Florida

Espai de gent gran

Casal GG Montmany. Casal GG Grcia. Grcia. Siracusa

(Appendix C)

4.2. Positioning +Art positions itself as a unique and specialized intermediary link between elders centers/ individual seniors and cultural institutions, offering differentiated and dedicated cultural solutions that ensure seniors cultural wellbeing and social integration. Towards Seniors Towards Elders centers: Towards Funding Entities +Art is the trusted expert in designing differentiated cultural offerings that promote their cultural and social wellbeing in a new way. +Art is a strategic partner who offer hassle free, specialized and tailor made cultural offerings, that suit their own needs +Art is a crucial cultural advocate that has a social cause worth funding and admiring.

4.3. Marketing Mix Product 3 cultural activities Differentiated and innovative approach 1 documentary Product Strategy: Is based on being innovative, specialized and multi-dimensional approach, as they are new and differentiated from the typical cultural offerings available in the market. The products are specially made to match seniors needs, and they have both cultural and social dimensions. Pricing Strategy: (Appendix D) In order to accommodate our target audience needs, +Art bases its pricing strategy on being both cost effective & good value for money to our target audience. This is done as follows: +Art cultural activities average price is 12 Membership prices ( 30, only for individual seniors) are good value for money, as members enjoy an exclusive package of benefits for a whole year (like free event invitation, +Art branded T-shirts and a 2-yearly magazine). Merchandising prices are good value for money (Appendix N) Distribution Strategy: In order to make our cultural services and activities accessible to our target audience, +Art strategy is based on availability approach. This is done through the different below outlets: All targeted elder centers +Art office venue +Art Website (for items like Memberships & Gift vouchers) Promotion Strategy: +Art adopts the Below the Line promotional strategy in order to reach out to the audience in more ways than one and create a higher brand recall and connect. This is done through Direct mail campaigns & newsletter to elders center, merchandising and sales promotion like the below: Gift vouchers ( 20): are present certificate ideas valid for 1 year, purchased for a friend or a loved one, and redeemed by enjoying a free cultural activity (including a photo memory). Gifts vouchers are promoted at sponsors venues, elders centers and on +Art website Elders centers get a 20% group discount on all activities. Price Cost effective pricing strategy and good value for money 12,5 average price Distribution Online Elder centers Promotion Below the line


4.4. Communication plan Purpose The purpose of this communication plan is to support the strategic objectives and provide action items for the organizational communication of the cultural organization +Art for the next year/months. This plan serves as a guiding map for all internal and external communication, such as the press campaign, the PR campaign, promotional actions and the social net campaign. Overall communication goals: Company launch: make the organization known to the public and the relevant stakeholders. Building positive relationship with stakeholders, such as civic and private centres, the city hall, cultural institutions and sponsors. Key Themes/ Messages Elders Centers: communicating how +Art is a strategic partner who offers cost effective, hassle free logistics, specialized and tailor made cultural offerings, that suit their own needs. Cultural institutions (galleries, theatres, museums): communicating how +Art shares their objectives of promoting culture, and how it could be a strategic partner that would help them increase their customer base an invite different target audience, that represents the fastest growing sector in Spain. We need to identify the specific people in the galleries or institutions and personalize the message for them, using letters, phone calls, etc. Sponsors (for example Nestle, Gaes): +Art is a crucial cultural advocate that has a social cause worth funding, in return, they would get a package of benefits that include free publicity, corporate social responsibility delivery. City hall: +Art is a crucial cultural advocate that has a social cause that match their public goals in social integration of seniors and promoting their cultural wellbeing. Communication Channels: +Art Official Website Media (Newspaper Press Release) Leaflets & Newspaper coupons Budget Item Business Cards Brochures Memory sticks Website design & Hosting Leaflets Newspaper coupons TOTAL (Appendix E)

Targeting: Elders Centers, Sponsors, City Hall, individual seniors Targeting: Elders Centers, Sponsors, City Hall Targeting: Individual seniors

Quantity 2000 500 50 1 2000 100

Description B&W Size: 8,5 x 5,5

Total Price 160,00 150,00 255,00

once (Professional & basic) 5 discount on activities

1.000,00 268,00 623,00 2.456,00


V. Project production/Operational Plan 5.1. Production Planning +Arts strategy for production is described in the following timeline. Amongst others it contains actions like gaining support and credibility, creation and testing of the cultural programs, etc. (Appendix F).


VI. Organization structure 6.1. Legal Aspects +Art is a not-for-profit association and will be registered on December 15, 2011, according to the Catalan law 4/2008, de 24 dabril, del llibre tercer del Codi civil de Catalunya, relatiu a les persones jurdiques; la Llei orgnica 1/2002, de 22 de mar regulation associations rights in Catalunya +Art was founded with the aim of promoting and encouraging 55+ participation in later life through specific cultural actions (Appendix G). Facts General Assembly: +Art members are requested to meet once a year to be informed about the running of the association. Directive Board: representative body, responsible for the association management and representation, its faculties can be extended, generally, to all acts related to the aims of the association. As stated in the association's statutes, the general assembly will not require authorization from its members for general operating activities of the association. The Directive Board will be composed by the four project managers and the General Manager, all five with equal voting rights. Not-for-profit association: +Art will be founded as a not-for-profit organization which seeks a social improvement taking into account the cultural involvement of seniors. In time the association will launch a profit seeking company that manages the commercial activities simultaneously with +Arts social endeavours. Insurance +Art will have a general insurance (general civil responsibility insurance) covering all of its activities. Next to that the organisation will also have a waiver for every customer to sign when participating in the cultural activities.

6.2. Human Resources Structure 6.2.1. Organization chart

Board of Honorary Members


General Manager

Advising Committee

Project Coordinator: P1

Project Coordinator: P2

Project Coordinator: P3

Project Coordinator: P4


Outsourced services

6.2.2. Job descriptions The structure of +Art consist of a full-time general manager who will be reported by all the existing departments and committees.


The Board of Honorary Members: Consisting of 5 professionals with different backgrounds; geriatric doctor (Pilar Torres Egea); cultural involved 55+ (Antnia Sanjuan Vieiro) (Josep Ingls); senior actress (Rosa Mara Sard); senior with management and law background (ngel Bartolom Puerto) These members will contribute with their life experience knowledges and their social credit, vital for an starting association. Its members are unpaid and requested to meet once a year. From time to time they will be asked to participate voluntarily in some of the events organized. (See Appendix H) Advising Committee: Made up of three 55+ members providing advice on the existing activities and suggesting possible ideas to be apply to +Art programs. Meetings with this committee will be schedule a minimum of twice a year (Appendix I). General Manager: Visible head of the company and PR, The GM will provide information to the centers (programs of activities), keep board of directors inform and organizing activities were the BD can participate and promote the company (social responsibility). The GM will be a part time employee preferably Catalan native speaker (Appendix J). Projects Coordinator: Each project created by +Art will be assigned to a Project Coordinator. (Julie Declerck, Dalia Hussein, Cristina Rus and Patricia Solrzano)These will be part time positions. Each project coordinator will be responsible of the process of organization, execution and evaluation of the activity. The Project Coordinator position will require an active participation and involvement with the targeted group. The project coordinator will continuously report to the GM. Volunteers: +Art wants to create a group of volunteers attached to the company mission of providing culture to the 55+. These members will be required to sign a volunteer agreement in order to be protected. The volunteers will be active members of +Art and the will be required for the development of some activities (Appendix G). Outsourced team: Accountant, web designer, tax and law advisor, tour guide, drama professor, dance professor.

6.2.3. Internal communication strategy The internal communication strategy will be centred among the four project managers and the general manager, since the project managers will work from different locations, internet based communication will be fundamental. Communicating parties General Manager with 4 project managers General Manager and 4 project managers with Board of Honorary Members General Manager with volunteers Project Managers with volunteers General Manager with Accounting services General Manager with web site services General Manager with Legal advisor Form Facebook private group and email Reunion Frequency Every week Twice a year

Training sessions Training sessions Email and phone call Email and phone calls Email and phone calls

As required As required Monthly information exchange As required As required


6.3. Staff Budget Indications Staff +Art management team General manager Activities coordinator BU1 Activities coordinator BU2 Activities coordinator BU3 Documentary coordinator Pay roll tax (20% of Gross wage) Advising team members of the advising committee members of the board Outsourced staff Accounting legal advisor web designer Volunteers volunteers at activities Total price 1200/month 9/h 9/h 9/h 9/h year 1 14.400,00 3.563,30 3.563,30 3.563,30 2.250,00 5.760,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 400,00 300,00 1.000,00 0,00 34.799,89 year 2 24.000,00 19.200,00 year 3 27.000,00 19.200,00 19.200,00

17.280,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 400,00 300,00 1.000,00 0,00 62.180,00

26.160,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 400,00 300,00 1.000,00 0,00 93.260,00

0,00 0,00 400,00 300,00 1.000,00 0,00

In the first year, the +Art Management team will work part-time (piece work contract) as the amount of work is not that big yet. The general manager will be working 3 days a week, the activities coordinators (autonomous) will work on average 400 hours or 6/7 weeks. The documentary coordinator will only need about 250 hours to finish this specific project. In the second year, all the organisation of the all the different programs will go to one activities coordinator, full-time. Together with the general manager, there will be two people working full-time on the project. The other coordinators will go and try to export the model to other places, like Mexico. In the third year, the project will need two full-time activities coordinators to match the amount of work. The salary of the general manager will go from 1200/month in the first year, over 2.000/month in the second year, to 2.250/month in the third year. From the second year onwards, the activities coordinators will be paid 1.600/month.


VII. Infrastructure & technical requirements +Art has will mainly work from an office offered to the organisation by the Ajuntament de Barcelona. As the activities coordinators only work for 300 hours in the first year, they will work from home, using their own computer. They will be paid for their telephone and internet expenses and any other expenses related to the work. 7.1. Capital needs +Art has only a few capital needs related to the office. As the staff will work from home/in a shared office the first years, the organisation doesnt need any furniture, but only some technological necessities. Related to the activities, +Art doesnt need to do any capital investment in material or furniture as we relate on our partners for those necessities (partners such as the galleries, the restaurants, civic centres, etc.) Capital need Computers Mobile phone (free with contract) Photo camera Print/scan/copy/fax Client relationship management database Total Price/pc 500 0 270 150 500 1420 Quantity 1 4 1 1 1 Total cost 500 0 270 150 500 1420 Dep. rate 4 2 4 5 4 Year 1 125 0 67,5 30 125 347,5

7.2. Operational needs +Art distinguishes two different operational needs: - Related to the activities production; it includes costs of all services, materials and spaces used for the production of the different activities. A detailed overview of items needed for each action and their cost is (See Appendix K) - Related to the office; it includes general costs, such as telecommunication expenses, office supplies, etc. excluding all the start-up costs that are mentioned under capital needs. Operational need - office Rent Phone and internet expenses Office supplies Utilities Incorporation/legal costs Total Cost/Year 3.000 2.400 300 145 100 5.945 Operational need - activities Cost activities Membership Merchandising Translations Volunteer management Insurance Evaluation feedback forms Total Cost/Year 23.793,30 5.145,77 11.704,92 2.000,00 400,00 300,00 250,00 43.494,00


VIII. Economical & financial management

8.1. Sales Forecast When looking at the number of the 55+ in Barcelona, Barcelona, we decided to focus on five different barrios, namely La Vila de Gracia, El Camp den Grassot I Gracia Nova, Sant Gervasi-Galvany Gervasi Galvany, Sany Gervasi La Bonanova and El Putget it el Farr. All of these barrios have a high amount of elderly inhabitants with a fair household income (see table) Knowing that 21,77% of the Spanish older people regularly go to a cultural activity, this means we have hav a potential market of 8.576 seniors. La vila de Gracia El camp den grassot i gracia nova 7.419 1.615 Sant Gervasi Galvany El Putget i el Farr Sant Gervasi La Bonanova 5.317 1.158 Total

65 and older culture-minded (21,77% of Spanish elderly) Sales Forecast (15%) Household income (BCN = 100)

10.722 2.334

10.326 2.248

5.611 1.222

39.395 8.576

467 100,7

323 102,6

450 187,1

244 149,1

232 177,5


We assume that we can reach about 20% of that group in every barrio in the first year. As the age group of 55 to 65 is not included in these numbers, we consider this as a fair percentage for the first year. In the second year we will go for 30% of our potential market in this region and think about outreach to other barrios in Barcelona. And finally within three years, we expect to 9000 be able to gain on average 30% of our 8000 potential market in the regions Gracia, 7000 members Sarria-Sant Sant Gervasi and Horta. Next to 6000 that we also want to start a similar project 5000 in the future in Mexico City. Hopefully the individuals 4000 first of many international activities. We 3000 also assume that about 20% of all the 2000 civic/private participants will become a member. Other 1000 centers 0 participants either wont become member (20%) or are already a member of a civic year 1 year 2 year 3 or private centre (60%). We will mainly generate income from our different cultural programs, s, but also from our membership fees and merchandising program. program. Our cost structure will include fixed costs such as salaries, rent, overheads and depreciation. Our variable costs will include the operational costs for each ea program, promotion, etc. (Appendix L)


8.2. Sources of income +Art is financed through three sources of income: - Self-generated income is achieved through different economical activities: activity tickets, merchandising and membership fees. +Arts goal is to achieve 70,6 % of self generated revenues during the next year by continuously increasing the numbers of participants and members and by introducing sequential program offers. The following years, the organisation expects this number to grow 85 % in year 2 and 95 % in year 3. Self generated income needs to cover the operational costs of the activities and part of the salaries. - Public bodies include the Ajuntament de Barcelona which covers the operational costs for the office, the venue for the end-event and the PR and promotion in kind. The strategy is to obtain 17,3 % of total revenues from public bodies. - Sponsorships are divided into in-kind (voluntary work, service and material) and in-value (corporate sponsors giving financial support). +Art runs a diversified sponsorship strategy, trying to involve a lot of smaller partners. The organisation beliefs that it is easier to find sponsors that are willing to invest lower amounts of money as a starting company. Sponsorship only accounts for 6,4% of the budget. Self-generated revenues Concept Sales BU 1 BCN, te quiero Sales BU 2 Art in Action Sales BU 3 Tertulia Sales Memberships Sales Merchandising NET SALES costs to produce BU 1 costs to produce BU 2 costs to produce BU 3 costs for memberships costs for merchandising Costs for end-event COST OF GOODS TO BE SOLD GROSS PROFIT YEAR 1 Amount () 9.879,89 12.075,42 8.050,28 10.291,55 23.600,46 63.897,59 5.452,23 6.601,84 4.772,23 5.145,77 11.293,26 6.782,00 40.047,34* 23.850,25 % Inc 15,5% 18,9% 12,6% 16,1% 36,9% 100,0% 8,5% 10,3% 7,5% 8,1% 17,7% 10,6% 62,7% 37,3%

*This is the cost of goods to be sold, meaning that it equals the operational needs for the activities minus the general expenses in that figure.

Sponsorship/Donations Public funding partners Documentary

description 50% of the total cost for this program free office space, including costs of utilities, telephone, free location, material and publicity

budget () 1.217,50

target Ramon Llull, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mexico, FONCA Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona

operational needs - office event venue/material PR and promotion TOTAL

5.945,00 6.000,00 2.456,00 15.618,50


Sponsorship partners In kind - material & space Printed material Restaurant fee Gift vouchers Raffle objects In kind: voluntary work Web designer legal adviser In value: corporate Cash Cash Cash Cash TOTAL 20% discount on printing of magazine, photo books, business cards, t-shirts, 15% discount on restaurant costs BU3 printing and promotion 1.080,80 422,94 419,99 635,00 Print shop El Gran Caf Danone Mir

1.000,00 300,00 500,00 500,00 500,00 500,00 5.858,73

Noha Hussein C. Rivadulla Nestl GAES Danone Bavrus

Sponsorship Benefits: Corporate social responsibility; as a crucial part of PR strategy to build positive brand image & improved customers relationship. Ability to reach our specific demographic & target market Free publicity on t-shirts, events, promotional material, etc. 8.3. Budget Forecast YEAR 1 Concept self-generated income sponsorships public money Total income Staff operational needs -office operational needs - activities Advertising and PR Contingency (5%) capital needs - depreciation Total expenditures Profit/loss +Art's compensation* own investment: voluntary work 1st year NET PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE TAXES Amount () 63.897,59 5.858,73 15.618,50 85.374,82 34.799,89 5.945,00 43.494,00 2.456,00 4.155,38 347,50 91.197,77 -5.822,95 5.822,95 % Inc 70,1% 6,4% 17,1% 93,6% 38,2% 6,5% 47,7% 2,7% 4,6% 0,4% 100,0% -6,4% 6,4% YEAR 2 Amount () 123.405,24 6.011,58 16.200,00 145.616,82 62.180,00 5.945,00 67.775,46 2.000,00 7.368,87 347,50 145.616,82 0,00 0,00 % Inc 84,7% 4,1% 11,1% 100,0% 42,7% 4,1% 46,5% 1,4% 5,1% 0,2% 100,0% 0,0% 0,0% YEAR 3 Amount () 225.544,89 1.264,03 9.000,00 235.808,92 93.260,00 5.945,00 121.415,91 3.000,00 11.840,50 347,50 235.808,91 0,00 0,00 % Inc 95,6% 0,5% 3,8% 100,0% 39,5% 2,5% 51,5% 1,3% 5,0% 0,1% 100,0% 0,0% 0,0%







*The +Art team is partly compromising their fees in order to successfully start up the project. Given that this is their first big project, the team will benefit from great learning and create a network for future projects.


Evaluation Process Evaluation is to be conducted every 6 months, for the purpose of measuring whether the implementation of the project plan successfully achieved its goals and objectives. Evaluation is divided into external (clients, consumers & social impact related) and internal (+Art internal performance related) Evaluation Methods Used: - Preliminary criteria and comparing its results with the initial set of objectives - Collecting and analyzing feedback from clients and consumers (via questionnaires & interviews) - Internal observation and monitoring by managers Evaluation criteria for elders centers Number of memberships Number of activities purchased by each civic center Turnover from activities purchased in each civic center Turnover from merchandising in each civic center Level of service satisfaction (via questionnaires to be filled out by the elders centers management) Evaluation criteria for cultural institutions: Number of cultural institutions involved in our activities Number of actively engaged institutions ( in terms of providing special prices & offers for +Art) Level of service satisfaction (via questionnaires to be filled out by the cultural institutions management) Evaluation criteria for individual seniors: Number of individual memberships Number of activities purchased Turnover from the activities purchased Turnover from merchandising Level of service satisfaction (via questionnaires to be filled out by individuals, after activity participation) Evaluation criteria for each Activity: Number of participants Level of seniors active participation (via the Activity Coordinator feedback form) Level of satisfaction (via questionnaire to be filled out by attendants, after each activity participation) Evaluation criteria for Social Impact & the immediate community: Level of awareness (measured via: media features, increased number of participants, increased activities demand) Diversity level of participating seniors (measured via social & cultural backgrounds information) Shift of attitude & motivation in participating seniors (via interviews) Internal Evaluation Criteria 1. Economic Level: Level of adjustment to estimated budget Number of public entities sponsoring +Art Number of corporate sponsors Satisfaction of funding entities (Public & Private) 2. Organizational Level: Level of adjustment to the planned actions & timeline Level of employees satisfaction (Appendix M)


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