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People say you have to have passion for whatever you are doing and it is totally true.

The reason is if you dont, any rational person would give up. So, if you dont really love it, if you are not having fun doing it youre bound to give up. This is absolutely true in my situation. As a hild ! was always urious about the various a tivities happening up there in the vast universe. "hether it be a information about elestial ob#e ts or about The $ig $ang Theory, it seemed always pleasing to me when reading about su h topi s. $y going on this tra % ! had made my information more vast and myself more eager to learn more about universe. ! had started reading Astronomy #ournals, different hypothesis regarding the formation of Sun, the lifespan of our universe and many others. !nside my mind ! had developed my own universe. As all these things were happening ! read about an arti le in our s hool maga&ine regarding Astronomy by A%shay 'awat. ! was very pleased and happy to %now that ! had found someone li%e me who was really interested in Astronomy. Though, deep in my heart ! %new that there are many others who have this passion hidden in them but are unable to either identify it or e(press it. "ith an aim to motivate and guide those who have passion for Astronomy, ! went to )ur Physi s *.).+, ,rs. +ee%sha -hera, to en apture this passion. And with the help of mam and A%shay, we were able to initiate Astronomy .lub in our s hool. +uring these days ! also heard /asas plea regarding Asteroid Sear hing as there are many un%nown asteroids in spa e whi h ould any time hit our planet and ause great destru tion. ! really got involved in it and spent hours %nowing more about it. At that time ! got to %now about A!AS. 0All !ndia Asteroid Sear h .ampaign1 by Spa e organisation. ! onta ted them and it was a great lu % as it was the last day to register for the last phase ie Phase23. There were a total of 34 s hools all over !ndia who parti ipated in the sear h ampaign. !t was a very interesting tas%. The data was sent from the teles opes situated in 5SA. And then we had to analyse the data and find any undis overed asteroid. ! was at loud nine when ! re eived an email from Spa e organisation that ! was able to ma%e 6 asteroid dis overies. At that moment ! realised that our hard wor% and dedi ations pays off one day. !t was a wonderful e(perien e wor%ing on my passion and for the welfare of the ommunity. And now, as the President of Astronomy .lub, ! hope to see many more su h dis overies by students of our s hool. ! would en ourage all those who are interested in astronomy to e(press their passion openly and wor% towards bringing their dreams true. Aahan Sawhney 0 7!!2. 1

My Passion- Astronomy
People say - one has to have passion for whatever they do and this is totally true. The reason is if you dont then any rational person would give up. So, if you dont really love it or not having fun doing it, you are bound to give up. This is absolutely true in my case. s a child ! was always curious about the various activities happening up there in our vast universe. "hether be it the information about #elestial $b%ects or about The &ig &ang Theory, it would always please me reading on such topics. &y going on this trac', ! was ma'ing my information more vast and myself eager to learn more about the universe. ! had started reading stronomy %ournals, different hypothesis regarding the formation of Sun, the lifespan of our universe and many others. !nside my mind ! had developed my own universe. s all these things were happening ! read a very beautiful article in our school maga(ine on stronomy. ! was )uite surprised and very pleased to 'now that there are students li'e me who have interest in stronomy. Though, deep in my heart, ! was sure that there would be many more having this passion hidden in them to 'now more about stronomy, which is not only the Sun, Stars and *oon. "ith this aim to motivate and guide those who have passion for stronomy, ! approached our Physics +o,, *rs. ,ee'sha -hera, to encapture this passion. "ith her great help and of some other students having interest in this field, we were able to initiate stronomy #lub in our school in the year ./0.-01. ,uring that time, ! had also read about 2 S s plea regarding steroid Searching as there were many un'nown asteroids in space that had potential of hitting our planet and can cause great destruction. 3ealising the magnitude of threat they were to our planet earth, ! started spending hours 'nowing more about them. Then one day ! came to 'now about - ll !ndia steroid Search #ampaign 4 ! S#5, organised by Space organisation, which is involved in research and providing information in this field. ! contacted them and came to 'now that they were registering students for their campaign. s it was the last day of registration and ! was luc'y to get myself enrolled with them. There were in all 16 schools from all over !ndia who were participating in their search campaign. !t was a very interesting and informative e7perience for me to be a part of this campaign. They were providing us with highly advance data collected from many telescopes situated in 8S . These were the high resolution images ta'en over a period to time and movement of unidentified ob%ects in space, which might be a comet

or an asteroid. fter analysing this data and based on the movement of such bodies, these were to be mar'ed as these could be unidentified asteroids which were not discovered till date. ! found myself spending hours and hours observing and analysing the data patiently and was constantly reporting my observations to ! S#. Suddenly, one day ! received an email form ! S#, confirming that ! had made . asteriod discoveries. ! was on cloud nine and have never e7pected that ! would be able to ma'e such an achievement. These two asteroid discoveries are now a part of ! S#s analysis process where their e7act position along with the speed and directions are being monitored. This will help them to derive to see whether of not these asteroids are of any potential threat to our planet earth at any point of time in future. ! have now realised that my hard wor' and dedication has paid off. !t was a wonderful e7perience to involve myself in such field. nd now, as the President of stronomy #lub, ! am confident to see many more such discoveries to be made by other students of my school. ! would li'e to encourage all those students who are interested in astronomy, to e7press their passion openly and wor' towards bringing new discoveries which are still to be made out in the SP #9. ll the best : ahan Sawhney 4;!!-#5 P39S!,92T < stronomy #lub

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