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Laura Dunn ENC 1145 Annotated Bibliography 10/22/2013

Organ Transplantation and the Reflection of Self: An Annotated Bibliography

Garcia, Stella D. "Appearance Anxiety, Health Practices, Metaperspectives and Self-Perception of Physical.." Journal of Social Behavior & Personality 13.2 (1998): 307-18. Print.

This study presents a significant relationship between appearance and self-esteem and anxiety. The procedure involved a group of participants that were asked to fill out an anonymous survey in individual cubicles to keep the sense of anonymity intact. After the surveys were complete, the participants were told of the purpose of their involvement and thanked for their participation. The results of these surveys were scored on the Appearance Anxiety Scale, Manifest Anxiety Scale, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Interestingly enough, the results showed that appearance anxiety is mainly associated with any given individuals self-esteem. Also, the results showed that both men and women value both physical attractiveness and appearance similarly. These results show how important looking right is to todays society. This source is valuable to my research question, as it gives the reader an idea of how important appearance is to the majority of our population. I feel I can use it best to supplement the idea of struggle for those who live with disfigurements and have to go out in public feeling the same sort of anxiety we associate with when we have a bad hair day only it is so much worse.

Laura Dunn ENC 1145 Annotated Bibliography 10/22/2013

"Hopeful Future for Face Transplant Recipient- BWH Bulletin - For and about the People of Brigham and Women's Hospital." BWH Bulletin, 22 May 2009. Web. 15 Oct. 2013.

The story presented in this bulletin is one of extreme valor, telling a tale of a man and a woman connected by a single act of kindness. Susan Whitman-Helfgot found herself in a very interesting predicament after losing her husband to a bad heart and a long waiting list. After he passed, she was asked if she had any interest in donating her husbands face to a man who so badly needed it. Interestingly enough, it took her no time at all to decide. Her answer was yes. This decision marked an important moment in not only her life but one very lucky Jim Maki who lost his face to a freak subway accident. With this new face came a new way of living for Maki. The bulletin expresses how he looks forward to walking down the street without fear. It also tells of the first time Maki and WhitmanHelfgot meet and how Whitman-Helfgot feels instantly related to this man that now wears her husbands face. I would like to use this story to demonstrate how an organ transplantation affects both the receiving end and the end that gives. It is important for the reader to see the personal as well as emotional side to this delicate process. Marck, Claudia, H., et al. "Personal Attitudes and Beliefs regarding Organ and Tissue Donation: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Australian Emergency Department Clinicians." Progress in Transplantation 22.3 (2012): 317-22. Print.

This article offers insight on how organ transplantation is viewed in a health professions setting. The results from the study suggest that the majority of

Laura Dunn ENC 1145 Annotated Bibliography 10/22/2013

Clinicians are very supportive of organ and tissue donation, though roughly 30% of these clinicians felt the same act of organ donation does not help the next of kin cope with the loss of their loved ones. This article supplements the point that there are different opinions on this topic that are not always favorable. For a lot of people, the thought of their loved-ones heart, face, or even hand becoming part of a stranger is wrong and maybe even a little scary. These opinions can also be felt by the recipient of the donation. The thought of someone elses heart beating in your chest may be a little odd. I would like the reader to see that there are different views on both sides of the organ donation process. Moisse, Katie. "Face Transplant Patient Delights in Transformation." ABC News. ABC News Network, 17 Oct. 2012. Web. 12 Oct. 2013.

This news article presents an inside look on how a face transplant recipient feels before and after their surgery. Richard Lee Norris lived in seclusion for years on end, after a gun accident claimed his nose, lips and part of his jaw. He would only venture to go out at night, wearing a surgical mask for fear of being discovered in public. After the completion of the face transplant, Norris states I can now go out and not get the stares and have to hear comments that people would make. I want to add these aspects of personal experience to give the reader a better understanding of how this change makes changes in a patients life.

Laura Dunn ENC 1145 Annotated Bibliography 10/22/2013

Return to Me. Dir. Bonnie Hunt. By Bonnie Hunt. Perf. Bonnie Hunt. 2000. DVD.

This film shows the symbolic value of the heart in respect to the essence of the human soul. The story told is that of a man that falls in love with the very woman that received his wifes heart after she passed in a car accident. Throughout the film, Rosie, the woman who received the transplantation also exhibited a self-conscious demeanor when it came to talking about her surgery and people seeing her scar. I want to add this story to show how much meaning comes from something like a heart transplant. It can bring people together, bring prolonged life, and also change the way life is lived. Though it can also cause a patient to feel alienated and less of themselves as they now harbor the essence of what used to be. Svenaeus, Fredrik. "Organ Transplantation and Personal Identity: How does Loss and Change of Organs Affect the Self?" Journal of Medicine & Philosophy 37.2 (2012): 139-58. Print.

This paper covers the spiritual levels of importance each organ in the body has with respect to the identity of a person. The focus of this paper primarily resides with the difficult nature of change in the self when a face or a heart transplantation takes. This transformation can be seen through many different avenues of perspective. For one, many believe the heart to house the soul of person, making the thought sometimes unbearable

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to give something so precious to a stranger. This paper also stresses the psychological factors that come into play before transplantation takes place. There are three layers of selfhood identified in this paper that are affected by both the disfigurement and the improvement. The reflection of self is already tainted by society, so to have an illness or disfigurement that separates you from the norm will undoubtedly cause a skewed view of the self. This conflict between feeling healed and feeling like yourself that arises is not always resolved, but it can be understood by reading this paper. It answers my question directly, but I still find the need for supplementation from my other sources to get my desired point across. I plan to highlight the factors of perception of self listed in this paper more than anything else as I feel it is a very important point to establish when answering my research question

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