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The professional interview questions (Question applicable to Section B of the essay as dated at 1.1.

2001) Code of Ethics Questions The main purpose of these questions is to manifest professionalism of a candidate. A candidate should ha e !ained some understandin! of the "rofessional #ode of $thic and conduct before enterin! for the "rofessional %nter ie&. The questions selected by the e'aminers may be e'pected to be familiar. A candidate &ould be e'pected to demonstrate( a) That he has thought sufficiently about the role of the en!ineer in the society is)*) is his professional #ode of $thics. b) That he can write in clear and concise manner that is ++. #andidate &ould be e'pected to ans&er only 1 question amon! the , questions listed belo&1. .iscuss the dilemma en!ineer faces in balancin! capital expenditure versus optimum design for efficient operations and maintenances/ bearin! in mind the impact of capital e'penditure on the en!ineer0s fees. 2. Technolo!ical and economic efficiencies in pro idin! ser ice to the public are the e'pected benefits from the pri ati1ation of public utilities companies in 2alaysia. Discuss with examples whether the technological benefits of privatization have been achieved. 3. Are the present safety practices of your industry adequate4 5hat steps do you consider should be ta6en by the industry to address the present situation4 7. The manifestation of professionalism amon! en!ineers occurs throu!h their interactions &ith other se!ments of the society/ &hich can be ie&ed essentially as an e'ercise in !roup dynamics. %n this re!ard/ the %nstitution of $n!ineers/ 2alaysia (%$2) is ideally constituted to ser e the purpose. Discuss the various

functions that can be provided by %$2 in promotin! professionalism. 8. %n this technolo!ical a!e/ the po&er of the en!ineers in shapin! the society and en ironment in all per adin! and can be profoundly affect the li es of many members of the society. 9rom your personal e'perience/ how largely positive impacts have accrued from the contributions of engineers. :. ;<e shall not under any circumstances solicit ad isory or consultati e &or6/ either directly or by an a!ent/ nor shall he pay/ by commission or other&ise any person &ho may introduce clients to him=. Discuss the ways in &hich an en!ineer/ especially one that is a ne&comer to the field/ can pro>ect him?herself as responsible professional to the society without being guilty of violating the above. ,. $n!ineers are often entrusted &ith the responsibility of implementin! lar!e)scale pro>ects in ol in! millions of dollars. %n ie& of the lar!e amount of money chan!in! hands/ the inte!rity and ethical standards of en!ineers are bein! put to test. 5hat measures can be engineer ta e to prevent corruption an unethical practice of cutting corners in order to safeguard the good image of the engineering profession! "ro#ect $eport %&' ( of final mar s) *ith relevant industrial + services example, answer those question with adequatei) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Topic .ntroduction /ac ground 0b#ective 1cope 2ain $eport Conclusion $eferences

$eport 3ormat4 %5 6 7' pages, 89 1ize)3ont 7: ;ew $oman Time 7.& spacing 2ay include pictures, diagrams, tables < charts.

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