Anda di halaman 1dari 39


0 For efficient management and preservation of office records it is necessary that: i) ii) Records of useful nature which are required for future reference are properly preserved and maintained for such periods as may be considered necessary under the practice and the law, and he old documents ! records considered obsolete are weeded out from time to time and destroyed under proper supervision.

"ith the above in view, a uniform procedure for the classification and preservation of various records as well as weeding out of old ones has been laid down, as under: 1.1.0 Preservation of Records #ach $ection ! %epartment shall maintain an approved list of main sub&ects bearing consecutive serial numbers. $tandard sub&ects!'eads shall be allotted same numbers year after year. he retention schedule is formulated based on sub&ects, normally dealt by the $ection ! %epartment. 1.1.( "hen it is necessary to open a new file, the person in)charge shall first ascertain the approved *$tandard $ub&ect!'ead+ under which it should be opened. he suitable title shall be identified for the file in consultation with the officer)in)charge of the $ection ! %epartment and such new files shall bear the same serial number of the standard head. N!"#erin$ of fi%es i) he number given to the file shall consist of: a) the initials of letters used for identifying the section!department b) the number allotted to the -$tandard 'ead. c) the serial number of the file under the *$tandard 'ead+ and d) the year in which opened /n the event of re)organisation of the functions 0i.e. items of wor1) of two or more sections, attempt should not be made by the $ection ! %eptt. ta1ing over the records of another section, to divide, reclassify or renumber the files, already closed and ! or recorded. /n the current files, however, the section ta1ing over the records, may try to close them as early as possible and open new files according to its own scheme of classification. $imilar procedure should be followed when files are transferred from one department to another.




Se&arate fi%es for eac' distinct s!#(ect here shall be a separate file for each distinct sub&ect. /f the sub&ect of a file is too wide or too general, there may be a tendency to place in it letters dealing with different aspects of the matter, which apart from ma1ing the file unwieldy will impede business. /f the issue raised in a letter or in the notes or in the order passed thereon, go beyond the original sub&ect and have reference to issues under other sub&ects, relevant e3tracts may be ta1en and dealt with separately on new files under appropriate head. 4olicy file pertaining to the sub&ect should be maintained separately from the correspondence file.


Fi%e Re$ister 6 register with an inde3 showing record of files opened shall be maintained. 6s soon as the new file is opened, the dealing hand shall enter the number and the sub&ect allotted to the file in the file register. his register shall remain in the custody of the in)charge of the $ection ! %eptt.


Ste&s necessar)* &rior to c%osin$ of fi%es "hen it is decided to close the file, date of closure of file should be mentioned on cover page of file with the reference number of new file. $uperfluous papers li1e rough drafts etc. not being part of the file shall be discarded and not retained in the file. 6ny reference paper, flags or paper slips that might be inside the file for reference shall be removed and replaced by a permanent mar1 of reference by the dealing hand concerned.


Fi%es containin$ &o%ic) circ!%ars /mportant policy circulars of the 9overnment of /ndia which are mandatory in nature and those of the :orporation on various sub&ects of administration, wor1s, contracts, rules and regulations, procedures, etc. shall be maintained in a separate inde3ed folder in each concerned department besides placing them in the relevant files.


Preservation of A$ree"ents <riginal agreements shall be 1ept under loc1 and 1ey with the <fficer)in)charge of the %epartment ! $ection, who shall be responsible for their safe custody. =esides a register indicating the details of such agreements and contracts shall be maintained by the officer concerned. 6ttested copies of the agreements shall also be 1ept up)to)date in the concerned file.


Period of &reservation =y and large, all the sub&ects on which the files are being maintained by the operating refineries!offices have been identified in the Retention $chedule at Anne+!re,I to this procedure. he list of records mentioned in the 6nne3ure is not e3haustive and is sub&ect to additions from time to time.

1.(.0 1.(.1

Genera% Instr!ctions - Weedin$ o!t of records o ensure that records ! files are not destroyed ! weeded out earlier to the prescribed period or 1ept for a longer period than necessary and as prescribed in the Retention $chedule, each document shall be reviewed at the end of the period mar1ed for their retention by a senior officer nominated by the 'ead of the %epartment and destroyed ! retained, as the case may be. 6 list of files ! documents to be destroyed shall be prepared and duly approved by %epartmental 'ead containing the contents ! inde3 of files mar1ed for destruction. $uch lists shall be preserved permanently in the %epartment concerned.


=efore destroying any file, the following shall be recorded by the officer authori?ed to approve destruction of documents: ) i) ii) iii) he prescribed life for the documents being destroyed has e3pired. he file ! document does not contain any matter which is still under correspondence ! sub&udice or in dispute. he documents ! Records being destroyed are not required or do not contain any matters in which any vigilance and ! or :=/ case is pending.


he contracts and such of the documents having legal implications may also be 1ept in view while destroying records.






I/ PERSONNEL S/NO/ 192 9 DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 PERMANENT RECORDS Personne% Man!a% :ompiled <ld @anuals : 4apers leading changed!superseded to :hapters!$ections!Rules Record Retention 1;2 <ne copy to permanently 1ept. 4ermanent be

Co""on Record to #e "aintained #) a%% sections 4olicy files!Rules pertaining to all $ections Aist of Files!Register Aist of files stored!destroyed Bigilance @anual %elegation of 6uthorities :ase record leading to 4olicy decision Recr!it"ent and Pro"otions 4olicy relating to Recruitment and 4romotion $eniority Aist!register Esta#%is'"ent Matters Re)organisation of %epartments!%ivisions #stablishment Register Retirement Register #mployee $trength records Records pertaining to manpower sanction!approval! creation of posts Ind!stria% Re%ations Files on enactments, rules including $tate Rules and interpretation thereof, decisions ta1en by the management and instructions issued from time to time :ategories of service, declared essential!4ublic Ctility $ervice in case of emergency D policy. :ode of %iscipline in /ndustry 9ovt. instructions in labour policy! industrial relations :%6 Rules!9ovt. Rules $tanding <rders 9rievance 4rocedure 6greements!@oCs!/nstructions 6rbitration E Aegal cases D 6wards E Fudgements 4rovident Fund Rules 9ratuity ! :ompassionate 9ratuity @inutes of 4.F. @eeting :harters pertaining to Revision of scales D demand for revision ! up gradation @inutes of /nter %ivn. :ommittee @eeting0/%:@)

4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent

4ermanent 4ermanent


4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent


4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent

S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Factory Aicence and its Renewal 6pproval E 4ermissions from $tatutory 6uthorities @erger E 6cquisition

Record Retention 1;2 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent ; )ears from date of superannuation or settlement of issues including disputes!legal cases etc., whichever is later.

>/ 0i) 0ii) 0iii) 0iv) 0v) 0vi) 0vii) 0viii) 0i3) 03) 03i) 03ii) 03iii) 03iv) 03v) 03vi) 03vii) 03viii) 03i3) 033) 033i) 033ii) 033iii) 033iv) 033v) 033vi) 033vii) 033viii)

OT0ER RECORDS3DOCUMENTS Persona% Fi%es 6pplication for employment %eclaration Forms %ocuments relating to :aste, @edical, :haracter and antecedents verification including attestation forms, etc <ffer of appointment 6cceptance letter E @arriage declaration Form %ate of =irth proof <ther correspondence ! Reminders Gualification :ertificates!:aste :ertificates :haracter and antecedents reports ! forms with certificates Foining Report D initial 'ome town declaration D permanent address 4art // orders 4ay Fi3ation <rders %ependent details 4robation confirmation letter D initial &oining! 4robation e3tension letter Homination papers, 4F!#4$!9ratuity! <thers!/<: =enevolent Fund! at1al $ahayta Io&ana!$6=F forms 4romotion <rders!<fficiating <rders "arning, %isciplinary action, penalty papers Resignation! ermination!dismissal!superannuation BR$!4re)mature retirement on @edical grounds <rders withholding!restoring increment %eputation D erms and conditions, Release E Repatriation $ervice =ond!=ond of $ecrecy 4roperty return A : details!AF6 <ption Aeave Record!Aeave 'istory from $64 ime @anagement @odule @eritorious 6ward)6pplication !:orrespondence Aeave <rder and Foining Report in respect of special types of leave, vi?, :hild :are Aeave, $A"4, $tudy Aeave, %isability Aeave etc

( Iears , years from date of superannuation or settlement of issues including disputes! legal cases etc., whichever is later. 1 year , years after settlement %uring the period of

033i3) 0333) 0333i)

6ll other Aeave applications, <rder and Foining Report Representation ! 9rievances BR$ approved proposals!#3traordinary separations!4re)

S/NO/ 192 0333ii) 0333iii) 0333iv)

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 mature retirement on @edical grounds 4ost Retirement @edical 6ttendance Forms, <ptions 0%omiciliary!:hronic)!$6=F forms!<ption 9/$ D :laims individual cases 4ost Retirement medical insurance 4olicy !/ndividual cases

Record Retention 1;2 coverage

%uring the period of coverage


=enevolent fund scheme o 4olicy matters o /ndividual cases 6ttendance Register!Record Forwarding of application Confidentia% Re&orts @inutes of %4: Recording, reviewing of reports correspondence!communication of adverse remar1s e4ms!4%6!646!:R Forms :orrespondence regarding e4ms! 4%6!646!:R Reports Requests for transfer Representations!9rievances ransfer Aist!order 4romotion Aist!order 6bsorption of deputationists correspondence

0333vi) 0333vii)

4ermanent %uring the period of coverage 1 year ( years , years , years after superannuation!resigna tion! separation <ne year after superannuation!resigna tion! separation 1 year ( years ( years 5 years 5 years , years after superannuation!resigna tion!separation. 4ermanent 5 years 5 years 4ermanent ( years 1 year ( years ( years from written test 5 years 5 years 5 years


Recr!it"ent 4olicy decisions 6pproved 4anel of selected candidates @inutes of $election :ommittee 0%ept.!open) Reservation Rosters 6dvt!Hotification to #mployment #3change %ocuments!correspondence relating to application!written test!interview etc. :orrespondence with Cniversity, /nstitutes, #3amination :entres "ritten test mar1s of all candidates @erit list of candidates Recruitment!4romotion E placement decision 4arliamentary Guestions!Reference from @inistry Ind!stria% Re%ations /A< :onvention Recommendations

4ermanent ill accepted convention


S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 :orrespondence regarding conventions! recommendations <ther correspondence 9eneral representations from employees Aabour %isputes ! ribunal :ases ! :ourt cases

Record Retention 1;2 5 years ( years 5 years from the date of disposal , years after the settlement of the case 10 years 5 years


/ndustrial action and resolution :orrespondence with!:ommunication from Cnions ! 6ssociations for $taff and <fficers e3cept that which is of the nature of agreements ! commitments etc. :onstitution!Aist of <ffice bearers of collectives 4A/!4/$ D routine correspondence =onus, 4olicy Hegotiations Routine papers $ettlements 9roup insurance scheme 4olicy matters :onstitution and @inutes of meetings of "or1s :ommittee ! Foint @anagement :ouncil!$afety :ommittee :o)operatives stores committee :onstitution of :ommittee 4apers relating to financial assistance Reports of 6ccidents in the Factory to Factory /nspectorate D /ndividual cases $tatutory Reports!Returns :ash awards for specific wor1s by employees $ettlement of =ills D $olicitor Vi$i%ance Bigilance cases progress report Bigilance case files: 0a) Aeading to %epartmental action 0b) <thers =lac1)listing persons

5 years , years 4ermanent 5 years , years 4ermanent 4ermanent , years

4ermanent 5 years 5 years after settlement of claims , years 5 years ( years after settlement , years on completion @a&or ) 5 years, @inor D , years on completion , years on completion 5 years from e3piry period of 'oliday Aisting 4ermanent 4ermanent , years ( years





4olicy!Bigilance @anuals Registers :orrespondence on training programme on Bigilance Files pertaining to routine correspondence Po%ic) Ce%% :harter of %emands ! 4ay Revision Hegotiations!settlements $tatistical :omparisons!6nalysis /nformation from other Cnderta1ings!<rganisations /ndividual cases pertaining to @edical Rules and 4R@6$

4ermanent ill ne3t revision 5 years after decision

S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 e3cepting where 4olicy decisions are involved @inutes of Cnit 'eads @eet!4ersonnel :hief+s conference etc. 'R @anager+s conference 6genda and minutes D one set Revisions of scales D %emand for revision!upgradation W'ist%e 6%oCer Po%ic) 4olicy :omplaints and related correspondence!records RTI 4olicy :orrespondence

Record Retention 1;2 5 years

5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent , years on completion of action on the complaint!report 4ermanent ( years



REPORTS3RETURNS Ref/ No/ R6)1 R6)( R6), R6)2 R6)5 R6)7 R6)8 R6); R6)> R6)10 R6)11 R6)1( RG)1 RG)( RG), RG)2 RG)5 RG)7 RG)8 RG); RG)> RG)10 RG)11 Re&ort3Ret!rn Ho.of =ac1log and current vacancies notified E filled by direct recruitment Recruitment of $:!$ candidates Recruitment of <=: candidates Recruitment of 4' candidates Recruitment of #3)servicemen 4ost wise details of recruitment 4romotion of $:!$ employees %etails of grievances!complaints received from $:!$ !<=:!4' employees 6nnual Report for ma&or incidents %ereservation of vacancies reserved for $:!$ material for the annual report 6nnual survey of manpower employed in the 4etroleum industry Aist of public servants of 9a?etted status of doubtful integrity Right to /nformation report $tatement showing manpower in position 0grade wise) Recruitment of $:!$ candidates Recruitment of <=: candidates Recruitment of 4' candidates Recruitment of #3)servicemen Recruitment of @inority candidates Hames of persons recruited 4romotion of $:!$ employees 9roupwise!category wise summary of Recruitment made in the quarter 9roupwise name wise details of Recruitment made in the qtr Reservation of $:!$ !<=:!4' return for manpower D status for. FreD!enc) 6nnual Record Retention 5 years

, years 10 years Guarterly 5 years 5 years ( years ( years ( years ( years ( years ( years ( years ( years ( years 5 years

RG)1( RG)1, RG)12 RG)15 RG)17 Ref/ No/ RG)18 RG)1; RG)1> RG)(0 RG)(1 RG)((

:ompliance of 'R policies and practices :ontract Aabour @andays lost due to /ndustrial 6ction Report on 4re)mature retirement under Rule ,> of :%6 may be sent by e3ception. 4ending 6rbitration matters Re&ort3Ret!rn Ris1 @anagement 0/ndustrial %isputes) :ompliance on Aabour Aaws 0:orp. 9overnance) :ourt cases to which C</ is a party E coming up in ne3t two months 4ending :ourt :ases D $ub&ect!duration!legal e3penses 4ublic grievances Bigilance returns of i. Bigilance cases ii. :omplaints iii. $uspension cases iv. 4rosecution cases <fficers+ grievances

( years ( years 5 years ( years FreD!enc) 5 years Record Retention 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years , years Guarterly , years


, years

R')1 R')( R@)1 R@)( R@), R@)2 R@)5 R@)7 R@)8 R%)1 II S/NO/ 192 9/

Reservations of posts for e3)servicemen and dependents of those 1illed in accidents :omplaints pertaining to se3ual harassment of women at wor1 places Reservation E recruitment of $:!$ !<=: candidates @anpower data <vertime hours, #3tended duty e3penses #3traordinary Reporting to %ir 0 R ) $tatus of pending disciplinary cases E /nvestigation Report :omplaints of corruption!irregularities received from 4@<J %isposal of public grievancesJ :omplaints pertaining to employees Right to /nformation report 'R Report ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 A$ree"ent Cit' Forei$n Co%%a#orators 6greement, 9ovt. $anctions <ther routine correspondence :laims relating to 6greement

, years 'alf)yearly 5 years 5 years 5 years ( years 5 years , years , years 1 year



Retention Period 1;2 4ermanent , years after close of contract , years after settlement 4ermanent , years


Defence Reports, 9uidelines ! /nstructions Related Routine :orrespondence


S/NO/ 192 ;/

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Sec!rit) 9ovt. instructions and action ta1en to implement them <ther correspondence :orrespondence related to categori?ation of locations @onthly $ecurity Report to :< CISF 3 Territoria% Ar") - Ind!ction 4olicy ! 9uidelines 6pprovals ! $anctions <ther :orrespondence De%e$ation of PoCer re%ated to Sanction 4arliamentary 6ffairs 0vi?. Guestions ! answers, Reports ! Bisits of :ommittees etc.) Report 4arliament Guestions 0a) <f respective nature 0b) <f routine nature 0e.g. information of statistical nature) =oard 6genda @inutes, items and Resolutions 4roposal E $anction for "or1s 9ovt. %irective under article 122 Land AcD!isition 6pprovals E 6greements 0%eed) <ther papers

Retention Period 1;2 4ermanent , years 4ermanent ( Iears


=/ >/

4ermanent 4ermanent , years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent , years 4ermanent D <ne set 5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years finalisation agreement

?/ @/ A/ 9B/

after of


Ar#itration and Le$a% cases 6wards ! Rulings <ther correspondence 9ovt. 4olicy :irculars for 4ublic #nterprises /nstructions on #conomy measures, Reports thereon and related correspondence 0i) 6nnual Report of :orporation 0ii) Related material Re&orts @onthly summary on on)going pro&ects for cabinet Fortnightly Reports Guarterly reports for consultative :ommittee @aterial for annual Report of @inistry E =4# Entertain"ent 4olicy <ther papers Donations 4olicy Related papers Ind!stria% Licence

9:/ 9;/ 9</ 9=/

4ermanent , years after 6ward ! Ruling 4ermanent , years 4ermanent ( years ( years commissioning pro&ect 1 year ( years 1 year 4ermanent 1 year 4ermanent , years after of

9>/ 9?/




S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Aicence Related papers

Retention Period 1;2 4ermanent ( years after commissioning of pro&ect 4ermanent , years after completion of pro&ect 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent , years after settlement 4ermanent ( years after signing of agreement 4ermanent 4ermanent 1 year after issuance , years 4ermanent 1 year 4ermanent ill $ervice 4eriod 4ermanent 1 year after handing over!ta1ing over 4ermanent 1 year after separation ( years 4ermanent 4ermanent , years after separation ! repayment of loan!Return of original documents 4ermanent , years after repayment of loan


Site Se%ection Report ! 6pproval <ther papers 6udit paras E replies 9ovt. <rder reg. @ergers 0@E6) @emorandum and articles of association :ompletion Report on 4ro&ect %isputes with :ontractors S'arin$ of faci%ities Cit' ot'er PSUs 6greement Related papers 9ovt. directive for setting up of 4ro&ects Unifor" 4olicy matters /ssue records Related correspondence Iss!e of Office F!rnit!re 3 6rief cases etc/ 4olicy matters ! /ssue Record Related :orrespondence F!rnit!re to Officers on 'ire 4olicy matters Records relating to issue Co"&an) Leased Acco""odation 4olicy @atters Aease agreement and related correspondence Rei"#!rse"ent of Conve)ance E+&endit!re 4olicy matters $anctions Related correspondence 0o!sin$ Loans 4olicy matters Register of sanctions /ndividual housing loan files

:9 ::/ :;/ :</ :=/ :>/

:?/ :@/


;B/ ;9/




Loans 7 Advances 1Ot'er t'an 0o!sin$2 4olicy matters $anctions ! 6greement and other papers


S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Register of sanctions Related correspondence 0o!se Rent A%%oCance 4olicy matters Related correspondence $toc1 Registers 06ssets) StocE Re$isters 1ot'er t'an Assets2 0a) %isposal of old E surplus materials 0correspondence) 0b) "rite off registers Proc!re"ent 4urchase requisitions 4urchase <rders %elivery :hallan =ills 9.R.Hotes /ndents

Retention Period 1;2 4ermanent , years 4ermanent 1 year 4ermanent ( years after disposal 4ermanent 1 year after receipt of supply 1 year after receipt of supply 1 year after settlement of bills 1 year after receipt of material , years 1 year after receipt of material ( years 4ermanent 1 year after settlement ( years after the e3piry of the contract, settlement of final bill or settlement of dispute! ad&udication, whichever is earlier. 6s above 4ermanent 7 months after completion of the festival. , years after settlement , years 4ermanent 4ermanent ill the vehicle is disposed off 1 year 1 year after disposal


;>/ ;?/ ;@/

;A/ <B/

%espatch Register !Fran1ing Register Te%e&'ones 4olicy Related correspondence and =ills ! %eposits 0a) :ontracts for operation!maintenance and services



0b) =ills!payments records Re&!#%ic Da) 3 Inde&endence Da) &asses 4olicy :orrespondence regarding issue of Republic day ! /ndependence %ay passes C%ai"s /nsurance claims ! <ther claims D Railways ! 6irlines ! Road ransport etc. Register of claims 6ppointment of #state <fficers under the 4ublic 4remises 0#viction of Cnauthorised <ccupants) 6ct. :ompany owned vehicles 4olicy purchase of new cars :ar @aintenance Files Aog =oo1 %isposal files


<</ <=/


S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 File regarding recovery for private use 4<A consumption Requisition Faci%it) of cars to C'ief E+ec!tives 4olicy Related papers G!est 0o!se 4olicy Aease agreement @aintenance files <ccupancy Register Air 3 Rai% #ooEin$ 4olicy Requisition for boo1ing =ills register =oo1ing Register Office Acco""odation 4olicy Aease agreement ender documents and other records relating to maintenance ! modification D office premises Constr!ction of Office 6!i%din$ 6pprovals <ther related correspondence Maintenance of Leased 0o!se 4olicy Related correspondence Register 0o%ida) 0o"e 4olicy Aease 6greement Requisitions for accommodation <ccupancy Register 0indi Trainin$ 'indi ! 'indi typewriting ! 'indi stenography ! ranslation :lasses D $ponsoring of candidates 4olicy Aist of candidates sponsored Re&orts Reports E returns received from Cnits and related correspondence :onsolidated reports forwarded to @inistry Incentives10indi I"&%e"entation2 4olicy

Retention Period 1;2 1 year 1 year 1 year 4ermanent , years 4ermanent ( years after vacation of 9uest 'ouse ( years 1 year 4ermanent 1 year 1 year 1 year 4ermanent ( years after vacation of premises ( years






4ermanent 5 years after completion of building 4ermanent ( years after house is surrendered ( years 4ermanent ( years after vacation 1 year 1 year , years 4ermanent , years ( years , years 4ermanent







S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Register containing the record of the recipients of the incentives <ther correspondence 0indi I"&%e"entation Co""ittee @inutes of the meetings :orrespondence ) follow up actions Trans%ation of Doc!"ents 3 for"s <ne set of documents translated Related correspondence @isc. papers file Ann!a% Pro$ra""e of 0indi I"&%e"entation /nstructions ! 9uidelines :orrespondence relating to /mplementation Pro$ressive !se of 0indi for officia% &!r&oses /nstruction ! guideline received from @inistry Related correspondence 0indi WorEs'o&s 6pprovals Aist of participants <ther correspondence Ra(#'as'a S'ie%d 7 C!&s Incentive Sc'e"e /nstructions ! guidelines Related correspondence with Cnits ! =4# P!rc'ase of 0indi 6ooEs /nstructions ! guidelines received from @inistry ! 6pproval for purchase <fficial Aanguage Rules 1>87 Canteen Co""ittee Meetin$s Forei$n To!r 4olicy file Register showing particulars of foreign tours Related correspondence Re&ort of InD!ir) co""issions and ot'er co""ittees a&&ointed #) Govt/ and IOC Report and record of implementation Related papers :orrespondence relating to complaints !reports received from @4s etc. 4erformance review meetings in @inistry

Retention Period 1;2 5 years


4ermanent ( years 5 years 1 year



4ermanent ( years 4ermanent , years 1 year




4ermanent ( years 4ermanent 4ermanent ( years 4ermanent 4ermanent ( years


>;/ ><


4ermanent , years 7 years , years

>> >?



S/NO/ 192 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 4ermanent set)up papers 4olicy @atters @anpower =udget G4R )@anpower Report for 4roductivity 6ssessment %etails of 4/$ $chemes 4/$ #valuation /nternal @oC 0with Cnits! #%s) /ndian<il $uggestion $cheme 0details of scheme) $uggestion :ommittee @eeting %etails $uggestion $cheme 6nnual 6ward File Cnit 'ead!@anagement :ommittee @eeting D 6genda and @inutes of @eetings @anpower $tudy %etails $ystem $tudy 4roductivity "ee1 :elebration %etails Reward!Recognition @anagement $chemes 4olicy Hominations!correspondence TRAINING DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 4olicy Records regarding apprentices 6ct, and rules made there under from time to timeJ and any other instructions raining Registers 0%ata in $64) 4apers leading to nomination correspondence 4ersonal particulars of rade 6pprentices :orrespondence regarding raining 4rogramme of employees! /nter)departmental correspondence Returns!Reports D @onthly ! Guarterly ! 'alf yearly ! 6nnual /mportant @aga?ines and Fournals #valuation Reports on the <utside programmes attended by the officers ! staff :opies of 6nnual in)company raining =rochures :orrespondence on Foreign training

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years , years 5 years 5 years 5 years ( years 10 years 10 years , years 4ermanent 5 years

IV/ S/NO/ 192 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 11

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent

4ermanent 4ermanent
( years , years 1 year , years ( years , years , years 5 years


1( 1,

:orrespondence on =udget D Revenue ! :apital $cholarships)/<: 4olicy Related papers

5 years 4ermanent , years

V/ S/NO/ 192 1 ( , 2

CORPORATE COMMUNICATION DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 4olicy File Registration of 'ouse &ournal with concerned authorities :opies of articles, speeches, @essages from @%!:hairman! @inisters etc. 9uard file containing each issue of: 'ouse &ournal #)compilation of &ournals Hews =ulletin!safety news etc. Routine correspondence Returns to Registrar of Hewspapers Files relating to publication of each issue =ills payment register :orrespondence pertaining to bills Hewspapers!6dvt.!@isc. bills Csed ! Re&ected ! <ther photographs Re&ected material @ailing Aist :ompany publications 4ublicity!advertisements 4olicy <ther papers 4articipation in various e3hibitions!fairs MEDICAL DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 @edical Facilities 0Rules E 4olicies) =irth and %eath Registers Family 4lanning ! "elfare ) Record 6nnual @edical :hec1 up reports "rite off!:ondemnation records of 'ospital assets @edical e3amination reports @edico legal papers RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 10 years 4ermanent 5 years 5 years or till conclusion of legal RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent 4ermanent ( years 'ard copies for 10 years and e)form: permanent ( years 1 year 1 year , years ( years , years 1 year , years o be reviewed every year one month o be reviewed every year 1 year 4ermanent , years , years

5 7 8 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15

VI/ S/NO/ 192 1 ( , 2 5 7 8


S/NO/ 192 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15 17 18 1; 1> (0 (1 (( (, (2 (5 (7 (8 (; (> ,0 ,1 ,( ,, ,2 ,5 ,7 ,8 ,;

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 reatment Register 0indoor patients) :onfidential :orrespondence ! notes 6udit reports and replies 6ccident Reports 0copies) <utside treatment references and related correspondence @edical conferences and seminars 6nesthesia <peration Register Baccination Register 6dmission register of indoor Receipt E issue of $tores :anteen $taff :hec1)up Cniform for $taff $toc1 inventory and stoc1 verification sheet. $toc1 ledgers of @edicines, etc. K)ray register 4athology Aab register $tationery ! /ssue 4urchase indents %iet bills and any other recovery statements =udget estimate Family planning ! "elfare, correspondence "asher man and his bills <ffice orders and circulars 0non)policy matters) <4% treatment cards @edical fitness certificate for new entrants 0duplicate copies) :orrespondence with suppliers :orrespondence with other %eptts. %uty chart @edical Fitness :ertificate 0$.A.) Reports!Returns 9R Hotes

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 case , years 5 years , years 5 years , years ( years 5 years 5 years , years 5 years ( years ( years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years ( years ( years after receipt of materials ( years , years ( years 1 year ( years ( years ( years ( years 1 year 1 year 1 year ( years 1 year


VII/ S/NO/ 192 9

FINANCE DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 A/ ACCOUNTING RECORDS GENERAL ACCOUNTING :apitali?ation details regarding the cost of materials for 4ro&ects =alance sheet: 6) 4rinted /<: balance sheet =) :onsolidated balance sheet of Refineries E 4ipelines %ivisions :) Cnit!'< =alance sheet duly signed by 6uditors %) Cnit!'< trial balance, statements E schedules in support of =alance sheet #) /ncome !e3penditure statement0township) 6nnual statement for balance sheet and income ta3 purposes /nsurance claims CRUDE OIL PA8MENTS =ills for crude oil supplies E correspondence relating thereto :opies of letter of 6uthority issued for e3cise payments %ip @emos for products!crude oil tan1s daily #3cise gate passes for despatches 0daily) 4A6 0#3cise deposits E assessments) $ettled claims demands E other e3cise records maintained under e3cise regulations after assessment 4umping records for intermediate products <ut)turn of intermediate products @onthly material balance reports CAS0 36ANFING3TOF @ain cash vouchers, =an1 vouchers and petty cash vouchers 6uthority letters for obtaining %%!retiring doc!credit of salary Receipt boo1s 0main cash, ban1 and petty cash) ASSETS :apitalisation register including overhead allocation register $upporting papers for additions and dedns of assets including issue requisition, sale orders WORFS @uster rolls E wor1 charged bills :omplete measurements boo1s @aterial issued for wor1s ) duplicate copy of issue E return vouchers :ommitment register @easurement boo1 register /nvoice payment register RETENTION PERIOD 1;2

4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent > years 5 years

> years > years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 1 year 1 year 1 year

> years > years > years


4ermanent > years > years > years 5 years 5 years > years > years


S/NO/ 192 >




DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 PURC0ASES @R note !9R note register Register of railway credit notes Register of road transport bills :ounterfoils of railway credit notes /nvoice payment register TA4 RECORDS :ounterfoils of sales ta3 forms ! sales ta3 register LAND RENT3TA4ES ETC Register of payment of fi3ed charges,!lease!land rent, ta3es etc Register of land rent!lease rent PA8 ROLL 4ay bill 0incl 6rrears, bonus payments E retrenchment compensation bills with acquaintance of empl 6rrear calculation register 0wor1ing details in support of arrears bills) =onus calculation register, incl wor1ing details in support of bonus bills Register containing income ta3 deduction particulars of employees Register of unclaimed salaries ! bonus 6nnual income ta3 returns @onthly advice to ban1 for direct crediting of salary to employees 9ratuity calculation sheets PROVIDENT FUND 3 SA6F 3 GRATUIT8 4F member ledger card !#4$ cards 4F!$6=F investment register 4F!$6=F!9ratuity balance sheet 4F!$6=F!9ratuity annual audited accounts :onsolidation of 4F!$6=F!9ratuity accounts /ncome a3 Records D 4F MISC PA8MENTS Register of payments of @isc. e3p, telephone bills, power e3p., service contracts OT0ER MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS /nward E outward register 6ttendance register :asual leave register <vertime register $tationery register 6/ CORRESPONDENCE FILES MOP 7 NG AND OT0ER GOVT DEPTT <rders!:ircular!%irectives!decisions of 9ovt,

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 > years > years 5 years ( years > years

> years

5 years 4ermanent

> years 5 years > years > years 4ermanent > years , years > years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent > years > years > years 5 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 4ermanent


'< E instructions relating to rules E procedures !policies Files relating to furnishing of information to @inistries E others

5 years RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent > years , years , years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent , years > years > years > yrs or the date of settlement whichever is later > yrs or the date of settlement whichever is later > years > years > years 5 years , years

S/NO/ 192

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Files relating to bilateral agreement for sale!purchase of power to $tate #lectricity =oard Files relating to land lease Files relating to opening of ban1 account with $tate =an1 of /ndia 9overnment loan files </%= loan file :4C reports and correspondence File containing misc. information supplied to '<! 9ovt etc :orrespondence files relating to #$/ including contribution details :orrespondence files relating to pay E allowances of deputationists Files relating to periodical changes in emoluments, service conditions and correspondence relating thereto 4arliament questions /mportant orders ! circulars ! decisions ! etc. From 9ovt.!=oard !'< etc. $tatistical information supplied to 9ovt. LEGAL DISPUTES 7 AR6ITRATION Files relating to legal disputes Files relating to arbitration E disputes AUDIT GUERIES AND OT0ER AUDIT RELATED FILES Files relating to 9ovt 6udit queries


Files relating to /nternal audit queries $tatutory audit reports on balance sheet including 71> 0,) report 9ovt audit report on balance sheet /nternal audit report on balance sheet 9ovt audit report files 05years after settlement report) 'alf margin memos TA4ES AND TA4 RETURNS Files relating to income ta3 returns in r!o recovery from contractors $ales ta3 correspondence file $ales ta3 periodical returns and assessments Files relating to payment of rents E ta3es 6dvance ta3 files

> years 5 years 5 years , years , years


S/NO/ 192 =

6nnual income ta3 returns :orrespondence on income ta3 with ho ! units :orrespondence files relating to income ta3 matters $ervice ta3 files "or1s ta3 files

> years > years > years > years > years RETENTION PERIOD 1;2


DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 RECOVER8 FROM EMPLO8EES 3 OUTSIDERS Files relating to recovery of hire charges, water charges, electric charges Files relating to misc bills for recoveries Files relating to recoveries from outside parties =ills for supply of water and electricity to outsiders DEPARTMENTAL CIRCULARS ETC/ %epartmental orders and circulars $anction to pro&ect cost estimates E addl facility budgets "or1s files for departmental wor1s %elegation of powers Files relating to return of ban1 guarantees 4urchase procedures and general purchase conditions 4arty)wise files of foreign suppliers and indigenous suppliers Files relating to rate contract)maint E service contract Files containing supporting papers for receipts Fdr file and register File containing ban1 guarantees!indemnity bond, agreement bonds etc. :irculars reg rate of depreciation 6ccounts manual and amedment thereto /mportant orders ! circulars regarding accounting matters INSURANCE AND INS CLAIMS FILES /nsurance policies E endorsements of renewals File containing correspondence reg. /nsurance cover for plant E machinery File containing correspondence reg. /nsurance of stoc1s E stores and declarations relating thereto Files containing correspondence reg. Fidelity insurance Files containing correspondence reg. Fidelity insurance Files containing correspondence reg. :ash in safe E cash in transit policies Files containing correspondence reg. #mergency ris1 insurance

, years , years , years > years 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years 4ermanent , years 4ermanent 5 years , years ( years 5 years 5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent

5 years > years ( years ( years ( years ( years > years


Files reg open insurance policy for consignments within /ndian territory boo1ed for (,ispatch D statements E returns thereto Files of insurance claims "or1ing papers reg. =asis of insured values ta1en for plant E mach E other policies File containing correspondence regarding personal accident insurance S/NO/ DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 192 1:2 File containing correspondence E returns regarding group insurance ) aviation Files containing insurance declaration for foreign purchase Files regarding claims against foreign contracts E related correspondence @ LAND RELATED Aand acquisition file Aand award files Aand revenue assessment files ransfer of land to outside parties A EMPLO8EES RELATED :orrespondence files relating to #$/ including contribution details :orrespondence files relating to 4ay E 6llowances of deputationists Files relating to periodical changes in emoluments, service conditions and correspondence relating thereto Files of sanction orders E correspondence on advances to employees to be 1ept year wise : 1) Festival advance 9B () :onveyance advance

( years ( years 5 years ( years RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 ( years , years > years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent

, years 4ermanent


,) 'ouse building loan Files on 4ay, 6, @edical, A : etc. Rules, regulations and decisions. PROVIDENT FUND SA6F 3 GRATUIT8 4rovident fund returns, correspondence reconciliation etc. :orrespondence relating to loans to members and applications :orrespondence regarding 4F!$6=F!/nvestments :orrespondence with R4F: and submission of the returns :orrespondence with lic reg $6=F!9ratuity 4rovident fund $6=F!9ratuity contd @inutes of =oard of trustees :orrespondence regarding Family pension

( years >yrs 0or ( yrs after full repayment) whichever is later ,0 0or 5 years after the date of full repayment 4ermanent

, years 5 years 0after payment of loan) 4ermanent 5 years 5 years 4ermanent , years


scheme !$6=F File relating to 9ovt ! trustees ! orders ! circulars and decisions 6udit file :onfirmation of members on annual statements 4ension files 99 6UDGET :apital budget estimate Revenue budget S/NO/ DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 192 1:2 6dditional facilities budget File containing monthly actuals against capital budget estimate and additional facilities budget. 9eneral correspondence relating to budget including orders ! circulars and decisions @onthly and quarterly reports Guarterly financial review =udget file in respect of recoverable advance 6nnual plan file Feasibility studies 9: FOREIGN E4C0ANGE :opies of foreign collaboration agreement and payment correspondence thereof :ustoms duty payment records 4urchase orders ) foreign suppliers 6udit ob&ection file $hipping documents #3change draft register 9; CRUDE 7 PRODUCTS :rude receipt summary registers @onthly summary of product despatches &ointly signed by Refineries E @ar1eting %ivisions :opies of bills for /nter)unit transfer of products :opies of bills raised on @ar1eting %ivisions 6nnual reconciliation statement with @ar1eting %ivision @onthly cost sheets 6nnual cost sheets $tatistical registers #lectricity duty register 6greement file :irculars regarding pricing changes E policy :opies of annual operating reports :orrespondence with </A, <H9:!Cnits :opies of agreement ! contract on crude supplies and credit :ustom duty on crude Baluation of stoc1

4ermanent > years , years 4ermanent > years > years RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 > years ( years 4ermanent , years , years , years 5 years 4ermanent

5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years > years , years 1 years > years > years > years > years ( years > years > years > years 4ermanent 4ermanent ( years 5 years > years > years


1) /nstructions () "or1ing sheets :orrespondence ! decisions of pricing of non) formula products :rude oil fortnightly reports #3cise circulars ! notification :irculars reg. 6ccounting procedures Records connected with 6R,6. R )5. 6nd other e3cise records 9< OT0ERS Register of files S/NO/ DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 192 1:2 Files relating to wor1 e3ecuted by the contractors, including bills, deviation statement, completion cert. Files relating to write off of losses ! shortages :orrespondence regarding refund of earnest money Files of miscellaneous correspondence Files relating to grant to clubs E institutes Files relating to advertisement charges Register of materials ta1en ! given on loans from ! to other organisations Files relating to handling and transportation contracts E relative correspondence $tores E fi3ed assets verification sheets File containing write off sanctions for losses!shortages :orrespondence reg. transfer of materials to E from other units Files regarding freight, demurrage, siding charges E other payments to railway E carriers :orrespondence with stores deptt reg 9RB, 9/B, @RB and transport vouchers Files reg. disposal of surplus assets "or1ing papers reg balance sheet E misc annual statements :orrespondence with '<!Cnits reg. balance sheet matters File containing statistical information :onsultants files 4ayment under foreign contracts other than suppliers 0tech assistance, royalty, process design) $toc1 statement $tstement of balance against l!c limit file File containing sanctions and corres. reg. hiring of office equipment etc. Register of files sent to records section

> years > years 5 years 5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years 4ermanent RETENTION PERIOD 1;2

> years > years , years , years , years , years 5 years > years > years > years , years 5 years , years > years > years > years > years > years

> years , years , years , years 4ermanent


S/NO/ 192

Records destruction registers =oard agenda items $tatements, corres. relating to month)wise particulars of deduction on behalf of outside agencies li1e A/:!: % 4ersonal files of employees 05 years after retirement!resignation) @onthly attendance and overtime statements recd from other %eptts E time office File regarding import licence pro&ects @iscellaneous correspondence file with other departments !'< etc. DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 $ervice ta3 file 4roposal file of A: award to ban1s ender Hotice file of /nsurance, A:s etc. File regarding import licence pro&ects!#4:9 etc Records pertaining to essentiality cert for imports #R)1. #R)2 :envat register "or1ing capital loans Fournal vouchers 0shipping section)

4ermanent 4ermanent

> years 5 years > years 4ermanent , years RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 5 years 5 or ( yrs after e3piry of A: ( years 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years 5 years > years > years


VIII S/NO/ 192 1 (

PROCESS DESIGN ENGINEERING CELL 1PDEC2 DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 :orrespondence regarding award of &ob to 4%#: =asic %esign E #ngineering 4ac1age E 4rocess $tudy Report 0developed by 4%#:) with relevant bac1 up in $oft copy @/$ to '< Reports E :orrespondence with '< E other /<:A %ivisions 0Refineries, 4ipelines, @ar1eting) 6pproval Hote for @aterial 4urchase E $ervice0=oth under 6F!Revenue =udget 'ead) 4urchase Requisition!4urchase <rder 0=oth @aterial E $ervices) Aicense 6greement 9eneral :orrespondence)outside agency 0non)/<:) $tandards!$pecifications developed by 4%#: @<C!6greement with other engineering companies S0IPPING DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Sc'ed!%in$ Boyage file of each vessel ime :harter vessels Aay days file Bessel nominations L$4A payment Aighter age of vessels Aoad port survey files A4< $teamer 6gency tenders Frei$'t , Forei$n vo)a$e Foreign voyage vessels =ro1erage ransshipment Ins!rance 4rovisional and final declarations /nsurance 9eneral Frei$'t , Coasta% vo)a$e =ombay 'igh 4anna Ravva RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years , years 5 years 5 years 5 years > years > years > years RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent. 4ermanent

, 2 5 7 8 ; > 10

, years 5 years 5 years after approval 5 years after completion of warranty!guarantee period or licensed term. 10 years after completion of agreed licensed term. 5 years. 4ermanent 4ermanent

I4/ S/NO/ 192 A 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; 6 1 ( , C 1 ( D 1 ( ,


S/NO/ 192 E 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 F 1 ( , 2 5 G 1 ( , 2 0 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 I 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; >

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Genera% 6ttendance Register :asual leave files $tationery file elephone =ills files #3tended 'ours files 9eneral :orrespondence :irculars 4ayment of port dues 4ayment of 6"R4 4ayment of H@6!< % Car$o Pa)"ent 4ayment of F<= Aetter of :redit erms and spot contract 4arliament Guestions File /nternal 6udit!9ovt. 6udit files De"!rra$e 4ayment of demurrage Aoad port demurrage ender File :orrespondence OCEAN LOSSES <cean Aosses @!B <cean Aosses!%isport wire @onthly <cean loss report 6nnual <cean loss report : vessel payment 'ouse handling payment Aighter age payment !: vessels performance #ngine Aog %ec1 Aog <cean Aoss claims /<4:F =un1ers Aegal cases relating to claims. C0ARTERING 4olicy E 4rocedure %9 :irculars E 9uidelines =ro1er #mpanelment 6udit File09ovt. 6udit E /nternal) #nquiry File %9 6pplications @inutes of 69 @eeting Freight 6ssessment @isc.

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 5 years 4ermanent > years > years > years > years > years > years 4ermanent 4ermanent > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years > years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent > years 1 year 4ermanent 5 years , years


4/ PRO5ECTS A/ PROCESS* 0G Pro(ects S/NO/ 192 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 /n)principle ! /nvestment approval by =oard along with FR ! %FR :ontract documents for Aicensor selection =oard 6pproval for Aicensor selection along with tender E G ! :Gs @inutes of 4E/% review with Aicensors =asic #ngineering %esign =asis with Aicensors 4rocess 4ac1ages First :harge :atalyst %etails M ype, $upplier, Gty, Rate, pro&ected life cycle, with or without noble metal, type of loading 0normal or dense), Gty actually loaded at siteN $/6 :learances /n)principle ! /nvestment approval by =oard along with FR ! %FR RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent %ocument for 6rchival $torage 10 years from 6greement date 0:opy) <riginal -6greement. to be handed over to 6dministration 4ermanent %ocument for 6rchival $torage 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect ( years after commissioning of pro&ect 4ermanent %ocument for 6rchival $torage ) to be 1ept in Aibrary, copy to be sent to site also 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect or ne3t change of :atalyst, whichever is later 4ermanent %ocument for 6rchival $torage 4ermanent %ocument for 6rchival $torage

; > Note

he documents ! files as mentioned above will be in the custody of 4rocess section. %ocuments ! files will be reviewed once in a year 0in the 1 st quarter of every financial year). <ld documents ! files will be handed over to 4ro&ects 6dministration for its proper disposal after the e3piry of storage period.

6/ ENGINEERING S/NO 192 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 :oordination 4rocedure with 4ro&ect :onsultants ! A$ L contractors 4ro&ect 4lanning pac1age by 4ro&ect :onsultants 6pproved %esign E #ngineering basis with 4ro&ect :onsultants 4iping @aterial $pecifications 6pproved endering 4rocedure for #4: ! pac1age contracts 4ro&ect)wise list of 6pproved vendors 0:ommon vendor list by merger E update with reference to past lists) 6pproved pre)qualification 04G) criteria for #4: contractor 0with all related papers) 4re)qualification of bidders 6ward of A$ L contracts 0:onsultant O RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 'ard copy: 1 yr after commissioning of pro&ect 04rimavera schedule in soft copy) 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 0$oft copy record to be maintained) 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 0$oft copy record to be maintained) 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 0$oft copy record to be maintained) 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 0to be 1ept in :entralised 4rocurement :ell). 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect


S/NO 192 10 11 1( 1, 12 15 17 18 1; 1> (0 (1 Hote:

/nternal Files) DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 :ontract 6greement with A$ L contractors #ssentiality :ertificates for A$ L contracts @inutes of Lic1)off @eeting with 4ro&ect :onsultants E A$ L :ontractors 6pproved =illing $chedule of 4ro&ect :onsultants ! A$ L contracts ! 4ac1age contracts 4ro&ect 4lanning pac1age prepared by A$ L contractors and approved by 4@: @onthly 4rogress Reports from the 4ro&ect :onsultants Aast @onthly Report from the 4ro&ect :onsultants @onthly 4rogress Reports from A$ L contractors Aast @onthly Report from A$ L contractors echnical %eviations by :ontractors 0A$ L ! :onventional) @aterial Requisition 0@R) of Aong %elivery 0%elivery P 1( months) ! critical equipments 0$tatic ! Rotary) Revised =oard 6pproval for revised cost and ! or time, if any

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect 1 year after debonding from :ustoms %ept. 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect or after closure of contract, whichever is later 'ard copy: 1 yr after commissioning of pro&ect 04rimavera schedule in soft copy) 1 year after commissioning of pro&ect 5 years after commissioning of 4ro&ect 0to be 1ept in soft version) 1 year after commissioning of 4ro&ect 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect 0to be 1ept in soft version) 1 year after final bill payment 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect 0to be 1ept in soft version) 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect

he documents ! files as mentioned above will be in the custody of concerned 4ro&ect :oordinators. %ocuments ! files will be reviewed once in a year 0in the 1st quarter of every financial year). <ld documents ! files will be handed over to 4ro&ects 6dministration for its proper disposal after the e3piry of storage period.

C/ MATERIALS* 0G PRO5ECTS S/NO 192 1 DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 4urchase :ases, transport and contracts RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 a) <rder value upto Rs 5 lac: 1 year from completion of order including final payment or guarantee period whichever is later. b) <rder value above Rs 5 lac E upto Rs. 5 :rore ( years from completion of order including final payment or guarantee period whichever is later. c) <rder value above Rs 5 :r.: 5 years from completion of order including final payment or guarantee period whichever is later. d) enders closed before ordering: 1 year from the date of closure



S/NO 192


RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 :ases involving disputes ! arbitration ! representations: 1 year from settling the issues 6ll pro&ect procurement files 0free of any pending issues): ( years after commissioning of pro&ect for other than equipments and 2 years after commissioning of pro&ect for equipments. g) 6ny file e3ceeding the above time limit due to pending issues: 1 year from settlement 5 years from the date of registration ( years from pro&ect commissioning ( years from subsequent 04ermanent if no revision) ( years from pro&ect commissioning revision

Registration of suppliers 4ro&ect Bendor Aist

2 5 7

4olicy @atters @aterials @anagement @anual E 9uidelines 4ro&ect 4rocurement 4rocedure /nventory control records /nventory 6nalysis E 6pproved argets 6pproval for proposals received from Cnits 'oliday listing and delisting approvals

5 years 5 years after approval ( years from the date of revo1ing ! delisting from holiday list

Note he documents ! files as mentioned above will be in the custody of @aterials section. %ocuments ! files will be reviewed once in a year 0in the 1st quarter of every financial year). <ld documents ! files will be handed over to 4ro&ects 6dministration for its proper disposal after the e3piry of storage period. D/ CONTRACTS* 0G PRO5ECTS S/NO 192 1 ( , 2 DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 6ward File of ender :ontract 6greement 0=ound Bolume) <riginal <ffers of successful bidders and unsuccessful bidders 4apers related to 'oliday listing ! delisting 0containing correspondence from various refineries !other %ivisions RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 5 years from the date of award 5 years from the date of award 1( months from the date of award Cpto 5 years

Hote: he documents ! files as mentioned above will be in the custody of :ontracts :ell. %ocuments ! files will be reviewed once in a year 0in the 1st quarter of every financial year). <ld documents ! files will be handed over to 4ro&ects 6dministration for its proper disposal after the e3piry of storage period. E/ PRO5ECT MONITORING CELL* 0G PRO5ECTS S/NO 192 1 DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 @onthly /nformation 6genda to =oard 0'ard RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 ( years after the current fiscal year


copy) S/NO 192 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > Hote: DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 =oard Resolution regarding 4ro&ect 6pproval 0'ard copy) @inistry @onitoring :ell 0@@:) Report on 4ro&ect 4rogress Guarterly 4rogress Report 0G4R) for 446: $ummary %etails of :ompleted 4ro&ects 0$oft copy) $ummary %etails of 4ro&ect Fi3ed /nformation 0$oft copy as per format) $ummary of 4ro&ect :onsultant 04@: ! #4:@) %etails 0$oft copy as per format) $ummary of A$ L %etails 0$oft copy as per format) $ummary of Aicensor %etails 0$oft copy as per format) RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 4ermanent %ocument for 6rchival $torage. $canned copy in dedicated pro&ect server. ( years after the current fiscal year ( years after the current fiscal year 4ermanent %ocument in soft copy 4ermanent %ocument in soft copy 4ermanent %ocument in soft copy 4ermanent %ocument in soft copy 4ermanent %ocument in soft copy

he documents ! files as mentioned above will be in the custody of 4ro&ect @onitoring :ell. %ocuments ! files will be reviewed once in a year 0in the 1st quarter of every financial year). <ld documents ! files will be handed over to 4ro&ects 6dministration for its proper disposal after the e3piry of storage period.

F/ FINANCE* 0G PRO5ECTS 1;2 , years after commissioning of pro&ect 4revious five year annual plans , years after commissioning of pro&ect or settlement of audit query, whichever is later 2 4ro&ect 6ppraisal by Financial /nstitution , years after commissioning of pro&ect 5 /nsurance details etc. , years after commissioning of pro&ect or settlement of claims, whichever is later 7 Iearly =udget ill end of ne3t fiscal year 8 #4:9 Aicense related documents ill the licences are redeemed ; <riginal =ills 0after payment) 5 years after commissioning of pro&ect or closure of contracts, whichever is later 6ll data ! information regarding commitment and payment details are in $64. 'ence, no need to 1eep the hard copies. Hote: he documents ! files as mentioned above will be in the custody of Finance $ection. %ocuments ! files will be reviewed once in a year 0in the 1st quarter of every financial year). <ld documents ! files will be handed over to 4ro&ects 6dministration for its proper disposal after the e3piry of storage period. $upporting of item no. ; shall be preserved ! retained for ; years, as basic documents is available in $64. S/NO 192 1 ( , DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 6ll #3penditure in 12)'eads 6nnual 4lan 4apers related to 6udit RETENTION PERIOD


4I/ S/NO 192 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10

MAINTENANCE 7 INSPECTION DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 $chedule of Rates $<R, Rate analysis and approvals /nterruptions E failure reports of each discipline Functional wor1shops Registration of agencies $hutdown slates, activities schedule and reports :orrespondences with $tatutory authorities /nvestment proposals from refineries Forwarding notes E comments <rdering proposals Forwarding notes @E/ advisory notes E guidelines Reliability committee report Recommendations TEC0NICAL DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 , years ,years 4ermanent 1 year RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 ; years 10 years ( years 10 years 7 years 10 years ( years 2 years 4ermanent 10 yrs

4II/ S/NO 192

1. (. ,. 2. 5.

/nter)departmental correspondence relating to <peration of Cnits ! <@$ ! FE$ :orrespondence with outside agencies 4olicy circulars ! $tanding instructions @onthly ! Guarterly ! yearly production programmes @inutes of @eetings 0a) %9@+s :oordination @eetings 0b) 4ro&ect :oordination @eetings 0c) A@: :oordination @eetings 0d) $afety :ommittee and other miscellaneous meetings Routine correspondence, 4E6 and raining matters 9eneral correspondence on disciplinary matters :orrespondence D $tores E 4urchases =udget files 6udit files #3cise 6udit :entral instruction 04olicies, notification, rade notices, etc.) :orrespondence pertaining to quality control ! pollution control est :ertificates from Aaboratory :orrespondence D ech. 6udit :orrespondence D :onsumption of chemicals ! utility

( years

7. 8. ;. > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15 17

( years 5 years , year after materials are received , years 5 years after clearance of queries 5 years after settlement 4ermanent ! till validity 5 years 1 year , years , years


S/NO 192 18 1; 1> (0 (1 (( (, (2 (5 (7

(8 (; (> ,0 ,1 ,( ,, ,2 ,5 6 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15 17 18 1;

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 $hutdown schedules Fob descriptions 446: matters 4arliamentary questions :orrespondence D Hew 4ro&ects ! additional facilities Fire E $afety bulletins %aily <peration Reports ! %ip)memos ! pumping Reports /nspection Reports %aily Reconciliation Reports <@$ 0a) Cnit Aog $heets ! Aog boo1s ! /nstruction boo1s ! Aab result register 0b) Cnit Aog sheet once per month O est Run Aog $heets Fire permits 6ccident Reports <perating @anuals an1 :alibration charts @onthly <perating Reports 6nnual <perating Reports 4ump Running 'ours Register @aterial /ssue Register /nsurance :laims %ocumentation E+cise Hotification and instructions Register D %emand and claims Register D 6.R. ,6 Register D $torage losses Register D 6d Balorem 4rices Register D <ffice cases Register D /mported 4roducts Register D $tamps 06dhesive, :ourt fee etc.) %emands E :laims 0File) 6pproval of 6d Balorem %uty :lassification of list of product @ineral <il products D 4olicy 6nnual 6ccounting of 4roducts moved through 4ipelines <ffence cases Files 6udit Files :orrespondence on @< products :ase D Files relating to $torage, handling, transit losses and gains #3cise 9ate passes

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 ( years 4ermanent 5 years 5 years , years after completion of 4ro&ect 5 years , years 5 years , year , years , years 1 year after the &ob is over 5 years e3cept in respect of cases which are pending 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years 4ermanent 1 year , years , year after settlement of claim 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years after finalisation of the cases 5 years after approval of price by :entral #3cise 6uthority 5 years 4ermanent 5 years after final action on transit loss finali?ed cases by central #3cise %eptt. 5 years after final action 5 years after final action , years 5 years after final action 5 years


4III/ S/NO 192 A 1 ( , 2

TEC0NICAL SERVICES DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 La#orator) 4urchase file 6ssets file ! Register $pecification pertaining to products ! :hemicals D /$/, =/$. etc. 0a) Guality :ertificates : Finished products ! Reports on intermediate products and correspondences thereof. 0b) for 6 F :orrespondences with outside agencies :orrespondences about effluent and other pollution problems 4roduct %evelopments E correspondences thereof. 9eneral echnical :orrespondences to :entral #3cise etc. 6nalysis %ata of #ffluent reatment 4lant est procedures Representative est result one per month of the tube well water $tudies on imported ! indigenous crude Aicenses ! permits 4lant test run data Records and Registers containing observations, calculations and results. Routine est $heets ! Aog $heets Ins&ection :orrespondence with other %epartments, on inspection observations. $hutdown inspection reports 'istory cards :hemical 6nalysis ! :orrosion problems :orrespondences with =haba 6tomic Research :entre ! Radiography :orrespondence with =oiler %irectorate :ertificate of ools and ac1les incompliance of Factory Rules .%.:. @eeting @inutes ! :orrespondence :@$< Reports and Recommendations "elders est records D certificates :orrespondence with outside agencies on developmental activities quality control. Tec'nica% A!dit echnical 6udit Reports 9eneral :orrespondence #nergy :onservation $tudies ! $chemes $tores and indents and purchase requisition RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 , year after the purchase action is over 4ermanent 4ermanent ( years 6s per aviation quality control manual , years 5 years 4ermanent 5 years 5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4emanent 4ermanent ( years 1 year 5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 10 years 10 years 10 years ill revalidation 5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years

5 7 8 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15 17 6/ 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 11

C/ 1 ( , 2

5 Iears , years

5 years
, year after the purchase is over


5 S/NO 192 7 8 D/ 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 E 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > F S%/ No/

echnical 6udit arget setting DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 Fuel and Aoss 6nalysis $tudies @./.$. Reports P%annin$ 7 Coordination %aily messages to '.<. on production :orrespondence with '.<. on coordination data D :rude /:@ materials D 4roduction planning :orrespondence with plants on production planning @inutes of 4lanning E :oordination @eeting @onthly Report :orrespondence D :ost #conomics 6nnual <perating Reports @./.$. and other Reports to '.< ! @inistry 6nnual 4roduction =udget :orrespondence with outside agencies on crude and product supply. Process Section <perating Cnits D @odification, energy conservation, 'eat #3changer data etc. :orrespondence on 4ro&ects #3pansion =asic %esign ! #ngg. %ata <ther correspondence :rude 6ssay 9eneral correspondence D outside agencies :orrespondence with @aintenance, 4roduction, etc est Run Reports 6greements with Aicencors En$ineerin$ Services

, years RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 , years , years 1 year ,years 1 year , years 10 years 10 years 4ermanent 5 years , years ,years

4ermanent , years after completion of the 4ro&ect 4ermanent ( years after completion of the 4ro&ect 4ermanent ,years 1 year 4ermanent 4ermanent

Maintenance 7 P7U and En$$/ Services De&art"ent Doc!"ent Retention &eriod for va%!e 1Rs/2H Less t'an :BBBB :BBB9 to 9 %aE' 02) , Irs. )do) (Irs. )do) )do) )do) )do) )do) More t'an 9 %aE' 05) 5 Irs. )do) , Irs. )do) )do) )do) )do) )do)


01) 1. 0a) 0b) 0c) 0d) 0e) 0f) 0g) 0h)

0() 6dministrative approval ech. $anctions #stimate ender bids, quotations :ontract agreements ! "or1 order @easurement boo1s ! $heets :opies of bills for payment to contractor :orrespondence

0,) 1 Ir. )do) 1 Ir. )do) )do) )do) )do) )do)


4eriod indicated in :olumns 0,) 02) and 05) to count from the date of closing of contract. he destruction should however, be only after the e3amination by 9ovt. 6udit ! 4C: etc. is over.



regarding wor1 orders, contractors, contractual legal and financial matters =an1 guarantee




S/NO 192 ( ,. 2. 5.

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 ender papers 0unsold, unused) /mportant circulars, rules, guidelines, etc. =udget and related correspondence 6udit reports, queries and replies

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 Hot to be retained after award of contract. 4ermanent , years 5 years after the audit report has been closed by audit. ( years


9eneral correspondence inter)departmental or intra)departmental 4urchase indents and purchase orders :orrespondence with outside agencies :orrespondence with other refineries ! '< @onthly operating ! @aint. 4erformance repair Iearly operating ! maintenance performance reports containing all relevant data give in the monthly reports D consolidated form. 6ttendance register ! 4eon =oo1 %iary %ispatch Register Reports E $tatements showing progress of important pro&ects @inutes of meeting emanating and wor1 requests "or1 <rders from other %epartmental wor1, material requisitions and clearances, fire permits etc. for the same. Aog boo1s of shift operators and maintenance

8. ;. >. 10 11

ill acceptance of material ! completion of guarantee period. 5 years , years , years 4ermanent


, years


( years after completion of pro&ect


( years


1 year


1 year





192 18 1; 1> (0 (1 ((

1:2 6ssets File #quipment ! Cnit /nspection reports echnical reports :orrespondence pertaining to theft of materials. :ommissioning est run records of equipment %ata :ards ! 'istory $heets ! 4ermanent #quipment ! :atalogue SAFET8 7 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS SAFET8 :orrespondence with </$% Guarterly #$6 reports from units 4arliament query $afety 6ward #$6 related correspondence 6ccident ! fire related correspondence :orrespondence with $'# and :< </$% $afety 6ward :omments on </$% $tandard $afety :ouncil $teering :ommittee $afety 6udit </$% Homination Hational ! /nternational $afety 6ward 4re)commissioning $afety 6udit $afety in 4etro chemical installation '6Q<4 $tudy Ris1 6nalysis 4rocess $afety @anagement $afety @anager :onference 4etroleum Rules </$% $ % :ompliance @oc1 %rill Reports /$R$ <ccupational 'ealth E $afety 6ssessment $tudy 0<'$6$) Gtrly report to </$% Fire fighting equipments Bigilance of $afety ENVIRONMENT :orrespondence with Cnits related to environment 6ffluent and Iamuna River @onitoring %ata by H##R/ 9eneral :orrespondence with :' 4ermanent 5 years 10 years


ill recovery ! write off of material 4ermanent 4ermanent

4IV S/NO/ A 1 ( , 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15 17 18 1; 1> (0 (1 (( (, (2 (5 (7 (8 (; 6 1 ( ,

RETENTION PERIOD 5 years 5 years 4ermanent 5 years 5 years 10 years 5 years 5 years 4ermanent 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years 5 years 10 years 4ermanent 10 years 5 years 10 years 10 years 5 years 10 years 4ermanent 5 years 4ermanent 5 years


S/NO 192 2 5 7 8 ; > 10 11 1( 1, 12 15 17 18 1; 1> C 1 ( , 2 5

DOCUMENT 3 RECORDS 1:2 @onthly data submitted to :' by Refineries :orrespondence on <ccupational 'ealth :entre @/$ on <': activities from Refineries 4arliament Guestion /nformation submitted by Refineries in compliance with ha?ardous chemical rules 9eneral :orrespondence with @<4EH9! @<#F 0:4:=!$4:=) :onsent order and applications for Refineries on air, water and solid waste 4roduct quality specifications, =/$ and others :ompliance on environmental standards :ompliance on environmental clearance ! H<: stipulations @atters related to ministerial meetings i.e. 4:, G4R, %= , :<4C, 6udit query etc. 6udit queries :orrespondence with /ndian 6ssociation for 6ir 4ollution :ontrol 9eneral correspondence on legal issues :orrespondence on public complaints Bendor 'oliday Aist POLLUTION CONTROL #nactments, Rules Regulations Aicenses "ater cess Records est Run data ! Results Reports and Returns to 'qrs. ! 9ovt.

RETENTION PERIOD 1;2 5 years 5 years 5 years 4ermanent 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 4ermanent 5 years 4ermanent 10 years


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