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Bishops Committee Meeting 10/6/13 Johnnette Shane, Kevin Minch, Sally West, Julie Seidler, Krista Baker Meeting

called to order 12:15 p.m. Prayer There was not a quorum at first so we could not approve the minutes or take any action items. Vicars report Canterbury Club has started and a handful (four or so) people have been coming every other. Bishops Wardens report Seven people attended Marias house event as part of the pledge drive and the event seems to have been successful. Maria and Kevin went to St. Louis yesterday for the annual communications conference. They learned more about the Table project, which allows for online groups (e.g. a digital adult formation group). Diocesan website has just gone through a major update. Each church has its own page. Junior wardens report Fire inspection was conducted and fire extinguishers have been either updated or replaced so that we are up to code for our insurance and city regulations. The third pew from the front on the right is very squeaky and loose. Julie will look into fixing it. Treasurers report Plate has exceeded our expectations, so we are not as far behind in the budget as we had expected. See attached reports. Old business Childrens formation: Kerrin Smith and LaDonna Taylor have volunteered to help with Sunday School, which is just enough for us to start up again. We will have a meeting in the next week. New business Ecumenical prayer breakfast is this Thursday at 7 p.m. Outreach committee events: -plate offering in October for UTO -Adair county foster families in November -Angel tree, Uncle Als nuts, and mitten tree in December Groundbreaking ceremony: Tim suggested that Kimi be invited to this. -Julie will be in charge of spray painting some shovels. Bishops visit on October 27th. There will be a pot-luck brunch, bishops committee, and the groundbreaking.

Alec Zier arrived in time to approve last months meetings (an announcement mistakenly had said it started at 1:30). Minutes approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned 1:20

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