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!"##$ &' $#()*&++ +&,,&-. /#0 12. 1234 5 $6 7'. 1", 67!

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Dear Wife Marthy Jane Vanpelt

I received your letters of December the 27 and was
truly glad to hear from you. Well Jane, we have had a
rough time since I wrote to you last. We left Nashville on
the 26
(Dec 1862) and went to Franklin Tennessee
and when we got there they was about 700 Rebels
there. So we drove them out of that and then we went
about 9 miles to get to the Murfreesboro pike and
camped for the night and the next morning we started
for Triune and when we got there they begin to shell us
so we had to go back and camped that night in the same
place that we did on the 26. So on the morning of the
we started and went to Triune and camped one
mile on the other side of the town and the morning of the
we started for the town of Murfreesboro. We
went about 6 miles and run into the Rebel cavalry
______ them until night and then we camped on the morning of the 31. There was a whole Rebel
Corps come early in the morning before Johnsons men got up and go them so confused that they
broke and run in confusion so that throwed the whole Corps on our Brigade of Cavalry and all of the
Cavalry left the field then our regiment it fell back slowly and drew up in line and fired at the Rebel
Cavalry so that it checked their advance and our regiment made a charge on the Rebs 3 times and the
last time the Rebs scattered and our men scattered.

Well Marthy Jane, I dont know that I have got any thing of any importance for I am getting so cold
that I can hardly write. I guess John
is going out on picket and will be gone until tomorrow at 4
oclock and then I do expect that it will be my turn. Well my hand is a getting so cold that I will chance
to build a fire so I must quit. Well, since I have got a fire built and a fire and have got the tent good and
warm and I can write very well now, but then I am nearly done writing now. Well I hope you must take
good care of your self and John and I will send you my likeness and Johns taken together.

: ;!"##$ &' $#()*&++ +&,,&-. /#0 12. 1234 5 $6 7'. 1", 67!6 $#8#+-9<

!"##$ &' $#()*&++ +&,,&-. /#0 12. 1234 5 $6 7'. 1", 67!6 $#8#+-9

Well, Jane I dont know that I have got anything of any importance to write at this time as I cannot
give you the particulars of the Battle but wait until we come home and then I will give the particulars of
everything that has happened since we left home. Well since I could write to you for a week straight
ahead but I have not time so I must close by saying my love and best respect to you until I dont. So
goodbye. I am well as common. So goodbye.

Isaac E. Campbell


The 1
0hio Cav fought at Stone's Rivei Bec S1 - }an 2
186S. The 1
0hio Cav moveu with anu fought with the S

anu 4
0hio Cav, 2
Biigaue, unuei Col Lewis Zahm.

Foit uiangei, in Fianklin, was in the piocess of being built. It woulu not be finisheu until late Nay 186S.

2"345677 5"/@A%<$#BC

2u yeais olu at enlistment
Enlisteu 8141861 as Pvt
Bieu of uisease on 41264
Buiieu in Nashville National Cemeteiy,
Nashville, TN uiavesite: }-119

Saw action at Peiiyville
Stones Rivei
Bieu just befoie Atlanta Campaign staiteu

In all likelihoou Campbell caught some kinu of sickness anu uisease in late 186S oi eaily 1864. Be was piobably
sent to a militaiy hospital in Nashville wheie he uieu on Apiil 12, 1864. Be was buiieu in Nashville National
Cemeteiy. uiavesite }-119.

D:& E". 8:6 2"345677 76886% "/F$;%6BG

Insight into Fianklin, Tennessee foi late 1862, eaily 186S.
Pioviues insight into the status anu stiength of Foit uiangei in }anuaiy 186S; see the }une 186S Rogei's lettei, 98

0hio Inf.
Insight into Tiiune, Tennessee foi late 1862, eaily 186S.
Insight into Nuifieesboio, Tennessee foi late 1862, eaily 186S.
Relation of content to the opening of the Battle of Stone's Rivei.
The 1
0hio Cav maicheu anu fought with the S
0h Cav; see the Steckel uiaiy in collection.
Possible anu likely casualty who ieceiveu caie at a Nashville militaiy hospital; see ielateu collection.


Isaac E. Campbell | 1
0hio Cavaliy | Fianklin, Tennessee | Tiiune, Tennessee | Nuifieesboio, Tennessee | Battle of Stone's

!"##$ &' $#()*&++ +&,,&-. /#0 12. 1234 5 $6 7'. 1", 67!6 $#8#+-9

H#;<# 9%B6% <I ?"8876 "8 J8<#6K. L;=6%

Stanley's Cav Bivision - Col }ohn Kennett

9:;< 2"= .6%=;/6

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L6A;36#8"7 2".$"78& M#"7&.;.

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67!6 @!-", $#8#+-9
(1hree ?ears)
llrsL Cavalry. - Cols., Cwen . 8ansom, Mlnor Mllllken,
8eroLh 8. LgglesLon, LleuL.-Cols., 1homas C. P. SmlLh, !ames
Laughlln, valenLlne Cupp, 1homas !. aLLln, SLephen C. WrlLer,
Ma[s., Mlchael W. SmlLh, Lrasmus 8. uennlson, uavld A. 8.
Moore, !ames n. ScoLL, !ohn C. lrankeberger, Wllllam Mc8urney.
1hls reglmenL was organlzed aL Camp Chase from Aug. 17 Lo CcL.
3, 1861, Lo serve for Lhree years. AbouL Lhe mlddle of SepLem-
ber, Cos. A and C were ordered Lo wesLern vlrglnla, whence, af-
Ler performlng conslderable servlce ln LhaL deparLmenL, Lhey
were ordered Lo Lhe Shenandoah valley and aLLached Lo Lhe com-
mands of Shlelds, 8anks and kllpaLrlck. 1hey parLlclpaLed ln
many of Lhe sangulnary engagemenLs around Lhe caplLal and dld
noL reLurn Lo Lhe reglmenL unLll Lhe sprlng of 1864. ln uecem-
ber Lhe reglmenL broke camp and proceeded by rall and sLeamboaL
Lo Loulsvllle, belng Lhe flrsL reglmenL of cavalry Lo enLer
LhaL deparLmenL. lL parLlclpaLed ln Lhe advance upon CorlnLh,
havlng frequenL sklrmlshes wlLh Lhe enemy, and afLer Lhe eva-
cuaLlon lL [olned ln pursulL of 8eauregard's army, golng as far
as 8oonevllle. uurlng Lhls pursulL lL had four sharp engage-
menLs wlLh Lhe enemy buL wlLh llLLle loss. 1he reglmenL was
consLanLly engaged ln scouLlng and keeplng Lhe counLry clear of
bushwhackers and guerrlllas, and a deLachmenL senL ouL from
1uscumbla, Ala., had a severe engagemenL wlLh 8oddey's Confed-
eraLe command near 8ussellvllle, and alLhough successful suf-
fered severely. ln !uly CourLland was aLLacked by a large
force of ConfederaLe cavalry under Cen. Anderson, when Lwo com-
panles of Lhe 10Lh ky. lnfanLry and Cos. L and k of Lhe 1sL
Chlo cavalry engaged Lhe enemy, holdlng hlm for a conslderable
Llme, buL were compelled Lo reLlre, Lhe enemy havlng capLured
Lhe lnfanLry and 21 of Lhe cavalry. 8eLurnlng Lo kenLucky wlLh
8uell's army, a baLLallon moved from Loulsvllle ln CcLober,
capLured 23 prlsoners ln an engagemenL near 8ardsLown, and Lhen
Look Lhe advance on Lhe erryvllle road, carrylng lL wlLh greaL
gallanLry. Cn Lhe flrsL day of Lhe baLLle of SLone's rlver Lhe
reglmenL made a herolc charge agalnsL a foe flushed wlLh suc-
cess and conLlnued Lhe remalnlng Lwo days unLll Lhe vlcLory was
compleLe. Cn SepL. 19, 1863, Lhe reglmenL arrlved on Lhe Chl-
ckamauga baLLle-fleld and was lmmedlaLely led lnLo Lhe flghL,
lLs loss ln Lhe engagemenL belng severe. lL was Lhen sLaLloned
aL WashlngLon, 1enn., for Lhe purpose of guardlng Lhe 1ennessee
rlver, and whlle Lhere Lhe ConfederaLe Cen. Wheeler, wlLh 8,000
cavalry, broke Lhrough Cen. Crook's llnes. 1he ConfederaLe ad-
vance was meL by a baLLallon of Lhe 1sL cavalry under Ma[.
ScoLL and a severe engagemenL followed, ln whlch 26 men of Lhe
baLLallon were wounded and capLured. Whlle on a rald Loward
ChaLLanooga ln november, Lhe reglmenL had a severe engagemenL
wlLh Lhe enemy aL Cleveland, loslng 13 men, buL lnfllcLlng on
Lhe enemy a loss of aL leasL 30. AL Calhoun a Lown on Lhe
Plawassee rlver, ln uecember, Cen. Wheeler, wlLh 2,800 men, aL-
Lacked a wagon-Lraln and Lhls was followed by a brlsk engage-
menL, ln whlch Lhe ConfederaLes losL 23 kllled, 80 wounded and
131 Laken prlsoners. 1hls brllllanL affalr cosL Lhe cavalry
buL 1 man kllled and 3 wounded. A sufflclenL number re-enllsL-
lng, lL became a veLeran reglmenL and afLer a furlough of 30
days was back ln Lhe ranks ready for duLy. ln May, 1864, lL
crossed Lhe 1ennessee rlver aL uecaLur and Lhree days Lhereaf-
2 ;!"##$ &' $#()*&++ +&,,&-. /#0 12. 1234 5 $6 7'. 1", 67!6 $#8#+-9<

!"##$ &' $#()*&++ +&,,&-. /#0 12. 1234 5 $6 7'. 1", 67!6 $#8#+-9

Ler parLlclpaLed ln Lhe severe engagemenL aL MoulLon, resulLlng
ln Lhe compleLe defeaL of Cen. 8oddey, who had made an aLLack
wlLh a force of slx reglmenLs and a baLLery of arLlllery. 1he
reglmenL losL ln Lhls engagemenL abouL 20 men kllled and
wounded. lL Lhen remalned and acLed wlLh Lhe maln army up Lo
and for some Llme afLer Lhe fall of ALlanLa, belng employed
malnly ln coverlng Lhe movemenLs and proLecLlng Lhe flanks.
When surrounded by Lhe enemy aL Love[oy's SLaLlon Lhe reglmenL
parLlcularly dlsLlngulshed lLself by holdlng ln check for some
Llme a large parL of Cleburne's ConfederaLe lnfanLry dlvlslon,
wlLh a loss of 30 men. lL also Look parL ln Lhe movemenL whlch
resulLed ln Lhe evacuaLlon of ALlanLa by Lhe ConfederaLes. 1he
reglmenL charged a 3-gun baLLery aL Lbenezer Church, ln Aprll,
1863, and lorresL's far-famed horsemen were rouLed ln 20 mln-
uLes. Cn Aprll 2 Selma, Ala., was Laken, on Lhe 9Lh Lhe com-
mand began crosslng Lhe Alabama, on Lhe 12 and 13Lh lL resLed
ln MonLgomery, Look up lLs march on Lhe 14Lh Loward Columbus,
Ca., Lhe nexL day 8uford's dlvlslon was drlven ahead, on Lhe
16Lh Lhe advance of Lhe reglmenL sLruck Lhe enemy near Craw-
ford, Ca., and charged Lhem for 9 mlles across Lhe Cgeechee
rlver. lL was also engaged ln Lhe nlghL assaulL upon Columbus,
Lhe capLure of Lhe works Lhe savlng of Lhe Lwo brldges whlch
opened up Lhe clLy, lLs arsenals and facLorles, and gave as Lhe
resulL of one of Lhe mosL desperaLe nlghL assaulLs ever made
1,200 prlsoners and 96 cannon. 1he reglmenL Lhen garrlsoned
Ceorgla and SouLh Carollna unLll musLered ouL - Cos. A Lo L,
lncluslve, and M on SepL. 13, 1863, aL PllLon Pead, S. C., and
Co. L on SepL. 26, 1863, aL nashvllle, 1enn.

Source: 1he unlon Army, vol. 2

9:;< 2"= L6A;36#8"7 N;76. "8 J8<#6K. L;=6%

}ohn may be "}ames S. Campbell" who was in Co B too. If so, sauly, }ohn uieu of uisease too on 119186S anu is also buiieu at Nashville
National Cemeteiy, lot B-21S. Isaac Campbell is buiieu in }-119.

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