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Percentage change in the S&P 500 since its pre-crisis peak : +8 In the price of financial stocks : 44 Portion of wages paid in Manhattan that come from the financial-services industry : 1/3 Percentage by which New York Citys homeless-shelter population has increased under Mayor Michael Bloomberg : 65 Portion of the citys shelter population who are children : 2/5 Percentage of black U.S. children under the age of five who live in poverty : 43 Portion of U.S. foster children who will experience homelessness by age twenty-six : 1/3 Percentage of Americans who think children are better off when their mothers stay at home rather than working : 51 When their fathers stay at home rather than working : 8 Median age of a U.S. woman giving birth for the first time : 25.7 Getting married for the first time : 26.5 Estimated amount spent globally on fertility drugs and devices this year : $4,054,984,000 Percentage of first-time fertility treatments that fail : 75 Portion of U.S. births from unintended pregnancies that are paid for by Medicaid : 2/3 Percentage change in the portion of uninsured young adults in Massachusetts since the states health-care reform : 67 Portion of U.S. college graduates who say their job does not require a college degree : 2/5 (see page 14) Percentage of 2012 U.S. law-school graduates not currently in full-time jobs requiring membership in the bar : 43 Portion of hyperlinks included in Supreme Court decisions that no longer work : 1/2 Minimum percentage of all federal background checks handled by the Office of Personnel Management : 90 Percentage of OPM employees who are private contractors : 76 Percentage of Pentagon background checks sampled by the GAO that were processed with insufficient information : 87 Percentage increase in employee misconduct at the TSA between 2010 and 2012 : 26 Cartons of cigarettes the ATF lost during a botched sting operation last year : 2,100,000 Estimated chances that a recent crack cocaine or methamphetamine user is not physically addicted to the drug : 4 in 5 Minimum number of retired California public servants receiving pensions of more than $100,000 a year : 21,874 Percentage of rentable property in San Diego County that registered-sex-offender parolees are prohibited from living on : 97 Portion of men in China who say they have raped a woman : 1/5 Percentage of those men who said they did it because they were bored or wanted to have fun : 57 Percentage of flights out of Beijings Capital International Airport that have left on time this year : 27 Portion of Tajikistans GDP that is composed of migrant remittances : 1/2 Kilowatt-hours of energy used each year by the average Ethiopian citizen : 52 By the average U.S. refrigerator : 454 Amount the Canadian Armed Forces spends each year on weight-loss surgery for obese soldiers : $220,000 Replacement cost of the munitions used by the U.S. military in the first nine days of its intervention in Libya : $259,200,000 Percentage change from 2002 to 2012 in the amount the United States spent on security assistance to other countries : +227 Percentage of U.S. Jews who believe God gave Israel to the Jewish people : 40 Percentage of white U.S. evangelicals who do : 82 Portion of U.S. Jews with Christmas trees in their homes : 1/3 Estimated profit an Illinois zoo has earned since 2008 by selling tree ornaments made of reindeer droppings : $50,000

Figures cited are the latest available as of October 2013. Sources are listed on page 83. Harpers Index is a registered trademark.



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