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A. Reau anu stuuy each of the situations anu then tiy to ueciue how you woulu help
iesolve the pioblems piesenteu
&,)-.),"* .
You go to a school wheie theie is a lot of piessuie to achieve a high giaue.
The situation is fuithei complicateu by youi uemanuing paients who expect you to
uo well. You have a pietty goou aveiage ovei youi fiist thiee yeais in high school.
You aie now in youi senioi yeai anu in a physics class. The teachei is a little unfaii.
Be has planneu a uifficult test foi you anu youi classmates. You know fiom the past
expeiience that Su peicent of the stuuents cheat at theii exams. You have stuuieu
pietty haiu, but you know that unless you cheat, many otheis will get a highei giaue
than you. What woulu you uo.
#/01231 42 56/04 #/01231 42 7/8093 623/14
1 To get a high giaue Piactice goou moial values
2 To help fiienus get goou giaue Cheating is wiong
S Not suie of answei To leain
:; </591923= 0n a scale fiom 1 (most inclineu to cheat) to S (I will iemain honest), I
woulu ueciue: 1 2 S 4 >
&,)-.),"* ?
A goou fiienu of youis offeis you some uiugs in oiuei foi you "to get high".
You show an initial unwillingness to take them. Be tiies to talk you into it by saying
that his expeiience with uiugs is that they aie fun. Besiues, he says, you cannot
ieally huit anyone but youiself. Be fuithei auus that it is nobouy's business but
youis whethei you take the uiug oi not. The law anu paients shoulu no pievent you
fiom enjoying youiself. Woulu you take the uiug.

#/01231 42 40@/ <7AB1 #/01231 324 42 40@/ <7AB1
1 Peei piessuie Biugs aie bau foi youi health
2 To get high To have contiol ovei myself
S To have fun Ny paients say it's wiong
:; </591923= 0n a scale fiom 1 (most inclineu to take it) to S (I will not take the
uiug), I woulu ueciue: 1 2 S 4 >
&,)-.),"* +
Youi post high school caieei has taken you into the Aii Foice. 0nfoitunately,
youi countiy is at wai with a sepaiatist gioup of iebels in a fai off town that wants
to seceue on the basis of theii beliefs. You iespect the law anu believe veiy much in
the values in youi constitution. 0n a paiticulai uay, you aie oiueieu to bomb anu
totally uestioy the village wheie the iebels aie hiuing. The iebels aie a majoiity
theie although among them too aie many olu people anu chiluien. The iesiuents uo
not suppoit the iebels but aie silent on account of theii feai of the iebels getting
back at them. Shoulu you bomb.
#/01231 42 C28C #/01231 324 42 C28C
1 To kill the iebels Theie aie olu people anu chiluien
2 To stop the wai Killing is wiong
S I have the auvantage A peace tieaty may be maue
:; </591923= 0n a scale fiom 1 (most inclineu to bomb) to S (I will not bomb), I
woulu ueciue: 1 2 D 4 S
1. &,)-.),"* .= Is cheating evei iight. Boes the aigument "because eveiyone
else is uoing it" make it iight. Can you think of some consequences foi
society if moiality weie baseu on that aigument.
Cheating is wrong. The argument of using peer pressure is still
wrong. If morality was based on peer pressure, then the society would be unable
to make the right and proper choices. As a result, the society would suffer.
2. &,)-.),"* ?= Woulu youi uecision conceining uiugs have maue a
uiffeience if the uiug weie !"#$%&"'". Shabu. Bo paients anu society have a
iight to limit youi "fun".
My decision would be to not take the drugs as I know the negative
effects it has on my body. This thing called fun isnt something considered to be
fun at all since it only brings about harm. Having said that, parents and society
then have a right to limit this fun from me.
3. &,)-.),"* += Aie we always obligeu to follow authoiity. Wheie uo we
uiaw a line between uisobeuience to law anu conscience.
We are always obliged to follow authority only if what the authority
does is right and with good intention. We can disobey the law if the law is
unlawful and only benefits the ones in authority.
!" +"*&+,(*+( &-#F(G
A. Something is iight foi me if I think it is iight
| ____ j | ____ j | ____ j | __V_ j | ____ j
1 2 S 4 S
B. Something is iight if my intention anu feelings aie iight.
| ____ j | ____ j | ____ j | ____ j | __V_ j
1 2 S 4 S
C. Something is iight if otheis say it is.
| ____ j | __V_ j | ____ j | ____ j | ____ j
1 2 S 4 S
D. A mix of many things
| ____ j | ____ j | __V__ j | ____ j | ____ j
1 2 S 4 S

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