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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

A FRAMEWORK FOR PRACTICE The Best Interests Case Practice Model Summar !uide Train the Trainer Trainin" #otes

Child Protection and Youth Justice Professional Development Unit

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version Learning Outcomes At the completion of this one day train the trainer workshop participants will be able to: Clearly understand and be able to navigate the Best nterests Case Practice !odel "ummary #uide$ Articulate analysis and the reasons why an action is in the best interests of the child$ %nderstand and apply the Best nterests Case Practice !odel in relation to children and young people and their families$ Promote the integration of the Best nterests Case Practice !odel and "ummary #uide into practice within the workplace$

arget Audience Participants in this module will include Child Protection& 'amily "ervices& (ut of )ome Care and Aboriginal Controlled (rganisation staff who are e*perienced practitioners and team leaders& and who will be delivering and supporting staff in the application of the Best nterests Case Practice !odel "ummary #uide$ Facilitation +his module will be ,ointly facilitated by Child Protection -outh .ustice Professional /evelopment %nit and regional C"( representatives$ +he facilitators bring the following complementary skills and understandings: An understanding of the child protection and child and family welfare sector$ An understanding of the Best nterests Case Practice !odel$ A respect for and an ability to build on the practice wisdom& knowledge& skills and understanding of the audience A commitment to ensure the learning outcomes for this module are met in a participatory and inclusive manner$

!enue t will be important to ensure the venues for the delivery of this workshop are comfortable& accessible& have parking available and are large enough for the participants to break into small groups$

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version A"#$%A 1$12 3elcome and introduction of facilitators 1$02 4earning agreement5 issues register 1$32 ntroductory Activity: 63hat 7m leaving behind to be here8 19$99 +he .ourney "o 'ar 19$12 +he B CP! : (verview& +rauma 19$;2 nformation<#athering 11$99 !(=> ># +?A 11$12 Analysis : !essages from the B CP!& Power point 11$39 Analysis : Activity: /efinition of +erms 10$99 Analysis : +he 2 C7s @power pointA 10$39 : 1$12 4%>C) 1$12 +he 2 C7s : Activity 0$99 Articulating Analysis : power point 0$12 Articulating Analysis : Activity 3$99 : 3$12 A'+?=>((> +?A 3$12 Planning5Action5=eview 3$39 ncorporating the B CP! into daily practice < the key principles < child at centre < reflective practice ;$99 Activity: 63here to from hereB8 ;$39 'eedback and Cuestions5/iscussion ;$;2 ?valuations and Close

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version &#&&IO$ O$#: '#LCOM# A$% I$ (O%)C IO$& mins I$ (O%)C IO$ OF FACILI A O(& O) COM#& 1+ minutes
A Framework for Practice The Best Interests Case Practice Mode Summar! "uide

*+ L#A($I$"


Department of Human Services

Facilitators, ask: 'acilitator opens the workshop by an Acknowledgement of +raditional (wners& and welcomes participants to the workshop$ D would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land that we are standing on today& to pay my respects to their elders past and present& and to acknowledge any elders in the room with us today$7 Please note: If trainers know the name of the local Traditional Owners they should refer to them specifically in this Acknowledgement. 'acilitators to introduce themselves to participants$ ask: Learning Agreement


?*plain to participants that we are now going to develop a 4earning Agreement to ensure that we all can get the most out of today7s workshop in a way that is participatory& respectful and en,oyable$ "how the list @belowA on butcher paper and seek subscription to this& adding or amending if necessary$ f there are gaps facilitators need to add to the list$ 4earning Agreement: respect each person7s e*perience listen to each person7s view any Euestion is okay to ask speak without being interrupted stick to breaks
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version mobile phones turned to silent be open to new ideas and challenges encourage group participation

Pro#ram $ut ine

% $verview of Best Interests Case Practice Mode &BICPM' % The BICPM Summar! "uide % Strate#ies for eadin# the inte#ration of the BICPM into !our workp ace

Facilitator,s ask: "how the participants the outline of the day7s training and reconfirm the times for this training$ #valuationsI$ (O%)C O(. AC I!I .: '/A /#(#I,M L#A!I$" B#/I$% O B# *+ minutes Facilitators, ask: ntroduce the following activity to participants by e*plaining that we are now going to take some time to get to know each other$

Introductor! Activit!
() *hat have !ou had to eave +ehind to come to this trainin#, -) *h! did !ou nominate for this ro e, .) *hat /uestions do !ou have a+out the Best Interests Case Practice Mode and promotin# its use amon# !our staff,

Facilitator,s ask: Ask participants at their tables to undertake the following: ntroduce yourself and discuss the Euestions as above @"lide 3A

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version At the end of this& each participant will be asked to introduce themselves to the whole group and discuss why they nominated for this role$ Participants will also be asked to detail any Euestions about the B CP! they hope to have answered by5discussed at this training$ Feed0ack: 'acilitator asks participants to come back to the large group so introductions and feedback can begin$ (ne facilitator co<ordinates participants7 responses and whiteboards the responses to Cuestion 3$ Issues register &#&&IO$ 13 mins /(##: 1e 2ourney so far

(esources: PowerPoint Children& -outh and 'amilies Act 0992 Facilitator ask: +his session is to refresh participants7 memory and understanding of the Best nterests Case Practice !odel and the framework that underpins the work that we undertake on a daily basis$

The Best Interests Framework

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
How it a fits0 fits0
+he Children& -outh and 'amilies Act 0992 +he Best nterests 'ramework Best nterests Conceptual (verview Cumulative )arm Conceptual (verview Best I nterests Case Practice Model =esource #uide "ummary #uide
@under developmentA

+rauma and /evelopment #uide

"pecialist Practice #uides

/ow does it all fit toget1er4 +he C-'A 0992& in particular "ection 19: Best nterests formed the basis of the Best nterests 'ramework& which then informed the Best nterests Conceptual (verview& leading on to the Best nterests Case Practice !odel$ +he B CP! will be further supported by "pecialist Practice #uides which are currently under development and will be available to all practitioners via the every child every chance website$

1earnin# and Deve opment Strate#!

Phase ( Preparin# for 2nactment Phase - 2m+eddin# 3eforms Phase . 2nsurin# 1astin# Cu tura Chan#e

3e are now in Phase 0 of the 4F/ "trategy& with this 6A 'ramework for Practice8 a key pro,ect to embed the B CP! across the workforce$ Alongside this strategy are also: "tate<wide forums Progression of documentation of the Child Protection professional development 64earning .ourney8 "enior !anagement cross<sector events @4orne Conference and the Coalition for ChangeA 'urther resource development in terms of "pecialist Practice #uides @more information on this will be provided later in this programAG +he incorporation of the Best nterests Case Practice !odel in the core Child Protection Beginning Practice induction programG ?*ploring opportunities for cross<sector induction programs including the Best nterests Case Practice !odel$
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version 3e are targeting people who are interested in and capable of promoting the Best nterests Case Practice !odel& to champion and disseminate the key messages of the Best nterests Case Practice !odel$ Facilitator,s ask: 'acilitator to ask the group: 63hat does being a champion meanB8 'acilitator to lead discussion with the group about the concept of being a Best nterests 6Champion8 and try to elicit thoughts about why people were nominated5nominated themselves for the role& and what this role will look like in practice$

1ead the wa!44

Trainer to emphasise: +his program is not intended to purely develop participants as 6trainers8$ 3hile a training package will be provided to participants& the content is intended to support participants to develop their own strategies& alongside their colleagues within their regions& to promote the understanding of and integration of the B CP! in practice$ +he form that this may take might include: /iscussion of the B CP! in team meetingsG !anagement meetings to incorporate the concepts of the !odel in supervision within an agency5organisationG /evelopment of cross<agency strategies at an Alliance level to promote consistent understanding of the !odel$ /# B#& MI$& I$ #(#& & CA&# P(AC IC# MO%#L: O!#(!I#' 5+

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
What we do and How we do it

Facilitator notes: It is im6ortant t1at facilitators s6end time on t1is section and following slides7 t1is content is a key message of t1e training+his diagram visually represents the key components of our interventions : the 63hat we do8& as well as the fundamental principles that underpin our interventions : the 6)ow we do it8$ 8ey Message: t is essential to emphasise to participants that the B CP! is recursive& and that this diagram represents not only the life of a case& but also every action and decision within that case.

5e! Messa#e

We can only do the What we do effectively if we attend to How we do it

8ey message: +hat we can only do the 63hat we do8 effectively if we attend to how we do it$ 'acilitator to give e*amples of case where the 6what8 was done but the 6)ow8 was not attended to @or give e*ample of a case scenario using 0 differing methods& one purely procedural and the second attending to the inner 6)ow8 principlesA

5e! Messa#e

The Best Interests Case Practice Model is a process and a way of thinking. It is not an event.

8ey message: +hat the B CP! is a 'ramework for practice : a process and a way of thinking& it is not an event$
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

*hat is it not,
% % % % % A check ist A too to +e 6done7 A prescriptive document A manua ised treatment mode An additiona 6task7 to +e added to peop e8s work oad % A 6new7 concepts

Anecdotal feedback from practitioners is that the B CP!& as conceptualised above& has been used as a practice 6tool8 for assessment and a 6task8 to be completed at a particular time in the life of a case$ ?mphasise that the model is a process rather than an event& it is fundamental that practitioners make this shift in thinking$

The Mode as we know it0 it0

'acilitator to acknowledge that up until now& many practitioners and agencies have used this tool as their way of implementing the Best nterests Case Practice !odel$ 'acilitator to point out that the phases have changed from nformation #athering : Analysis and .udgements : /ecisions5Agreements for Action& to nformation<#athering : Analysis and Planning : Action : =eview$ +he content of the original Best nterests Case Practice !odel remains current& however we must reconce6tualise the !odel to move it away from being seen as a 6tool8 or 6task8 to be done at one stage in the life of a case$ +he tools that practitioners use to conduct assessments5reviews etc should be seen as one element of implementing the Best nterests Case Practice !odel& but we should remain mindful that the !odel should pervade all aspects of our practice$ Agencies may say that the "tandards =egistration process demands 9evidence: of the B CP! being used and Euery how they do this$ =esponses to this should focus on the message that 6evidence8 of the
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version B CP! can be provided in case notes& meeting minutes& goal<planning documents etc$ +hese documents should demonstrate consideration of "ection 19 of the C-'A 0992& including the voice of the child& evidence of consultation with e*tended family& collaborative practice across services aimed where possible at supporting the child to remain in the care of their parents etc$ 6?vidence8 of the B CP! should also include demonstration that agencies are taking an approach of relationship<building& partnering& engaging and empowering with children and families$

Trauma and Deve opment

The parents of the chi dren we work with are often impacted +! trauma themse ves) 63emain compassionate to the distress that chi dren and fami ies e9perience and mindfu that an#er and resistance usua ! ref ect the hurt and overwhe m that ies +eneath7 &Summar! "uide p)(:'

Facilitator,s notes: (ur approach to the work we undertake needs to be from a perspective that we can assist children and young people to heal and recover from the trauma they have e*perienced$ +his can be challenging and at times overwhelming but it is through consistent practice with children& young people and their families that our clients are able to take this optimism on for themselves$
How trauma and deprivation can impact on parentin#;
J J J J J J J J J J nability to regulate own emotions >ever learning what healthy parenting looks and feels like$ >ot knowing what to e*pect for healthy development /issociative states !isinterpreting child7s normal behavioural and developmental responses as an attack$ Pro,ecting image of perpetrator on to the child$ !aladaptive survival strategies& such as substance abuse$ 'ear of child7s anger Currently in fear or traumatisation$ 4iving in a state of chaos and crisis that crowds out anything other than survival @Annette . ackson& +ake +wo5Berry "treetA

; 1is slide is taken from Annette <ackson,s 6resentation to t1e Family &ervices Forum at !ictoria )ni on *1=>=+? @ t1e w1ole 6resentation can 0e accessed via t1e ecec publications best interests series we0site-A n working with a family we need to gain information and an understanding of the impact the trauma they have e*perienced&
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version whether that be currently or in the past& impacts on their ability to support and meet the needs of their child$ As practitioners we need to consider how we approach parents and the tasks we ask them to undertake given their own trauma e*perience$ I$FO(MA IO$B"A /#(I$" MI$) #&
What we do and How we do it


Information< Information<"atherin#
6An! risk or safet! assessment or future casework is on ! as #ood as the /ua it! of information on which it is +ased7
BICPM Summar! "uide p)(=

Facilitator,s mean$

ask: Ask the group what 6systemic8 and 6ecological8

=efer to page 6 of the "ummary #uide for an outline of these terms$

Too s for Information< Information<"atherin#; How we do it

% "eno#rams % 2co<maps % Time ines Assist in drawin# out the fami !8s stor! Assist practitioners to think and act s!stemica !

%raw 6artici6ants attention to t1e 1andouts for genograms and ecoma6s in t1eir resource 6acksPage 10 of 36

A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version -ou will note that the information<gathering section commences with some overall key considerations and that the guide breaks these down further in regards to each of the key domains within information gathering: Child5-oung Person7s safety Child7s "tability Child5-oung Person7s development and well<being Parent5Carer capability 'amily Composition and /ynamics "ocial and ?conomic environment Community partnerships& resources and social networks

nformation<gathering should not be conceptualised as the 6intake8 phase of a case : even at intake people are analysing and planning& acting and reviewing$

MO($I$" MI$) #& &#&&IO$ : 5+mins




=esources: PowerPoint Case "tudy two Butchers paper Pens Case "tudy three B CP! "ummary #uide Best nterests Assessment "ummary +ool )andout #oal Planning +ool handout PO'#(POI$ minutes P(#&#$ A IO$ 5+

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
Ana !sis and P annin#

Ana !sis

% The BICPM is +ased on a professional judgement mode ana !sis supports workers to make considered >ud#ements and to +e a+ e to c ear ! articu ate the rationa e +ehind these >ud#ements)

Facilitator,s $otes: +he Best nterests Case Practice !odel incorporates: 4ooking After Children /r /anya #laser /ingwell7s =ule of (ptimism % Barbara !eddin % Paul Brearly % =isk !anagement !odel % !anitoba =isk ?stimation "ystem @!=?"A % /)" Protection and Care #uidelines +he Best nterests Case Practice !odel relies on professional ,udgement& rather than an actuarial approach and it is critical that any decisions are based on significant historical and current information and shared analysis& and a professional knowledge base$ !unro @111IA states Dmore common than a failure to share information is the failure to assess the shared information accurately$7

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
Professiona ?ud#ement
6It is important that practitioners are aware of the pro+ ems associated with professiona >ud#ement) These pro+ ems inc ude a ack of reco#nition of known risk factors@ the predominance of ver+a evidence over written@ a focus on the immediate present or atest episode rather than considerin# si#nificant historica information@ and a fai ure to revise initia assessments in the i#ht of new information7) &Munro (AAA'

Facilitator,s $otes: Analysis is crucial and many practitioners may struggle with the difference between conceptualisation and procedure$ +his session may need more attention& probably by teasing out the process of analysis$ +he temptation is to ,ump from information gathering to planning without fully utilising an analytic process$ A couple of frameworks for analysis that might be useful are those suggested by Cournoyer and !ilner F (7Byrne$ ?ssentially& they regard analysis as: weighing the data to focus on what is most relevant5significant identifying themes5links prioritising identifying and incorporating specific knowledge5research synthesising an assessment statement to include multiple hypotheses All of the above to be developed collaboratively with client families and other professionals$ 3ithout this process being well understood the B CP! may be seen as a substitute checklist$

% 5e! reference; 62ffective Chi d Protection Practice7 &2i een Munro@ -BB-' < re evant to a who work with vu nera+ e chi dren and fami ies@ not >ust Chi d Protection practitioners)

?ileen !unro has published considerable research regarding the errors that can be made in analysis and the importance of ensuring reflection and critical thinking is undertaken in analysis and planning$

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
Ana !sis
63esearch and e9perience has shown that there is usua ! ots of information avai a+ e a+out the chi d and fami !@ however reviews of practice often find that there was insufficient shared ana !sis to form a #ood p an7
Summar! "uide p) A

Facilitator,s notes: "tress that the B CP! provides a common language and framework for all services to analyse and plan for children and families$ t allows for individual services7 particular perspective and organisational philosophies& while ensuring that we have a unifying framework and language upon which to develop common plans and interventions$ As practitioners we sometimes gather information and Euickly make assumptions which can lead to poorly considered and flawed plans5actions and outcomes due to a lack of analysis being undertaken$ +he Best nterests Case Practice !odel encourages and supports us to critically reflect on each phase of our intervention& and what this intervention means for a family and the ne*t steps$ Analysis is the process of reflecting on information and testing a range of hypotheses& it reEuires an open mind and a willingness to consider a range of theories and options$

Ana !sis 3isk Assessment

% The BICPM shou d not +e viewed +! practitioners on ! as a risk assessment too it is a framework for practice. % The BICPM asks us to carefu ! ana !se the information we have@ takin# into consideration historica @ s!stemic and eco o#ica factors@ to inform our risk and needs assessment@ as we as our p annin#@ actions and review) Key message: The BICPM does not become redundant once you have done your risk assessment.

AC I!I .: %#FI$I IO$& OF minutes (esources: Butcher7s paper Pens



Facilitator,s task: Break participants in to five groups& have them put their PowerPoint notes away and allocate one of the following words to each group$
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

% % % % % HarmCCumu ative Harm Impact Du nera+i it! Sustaina+i it! Cu ture

Activit!; define these terms

)ave each group write the definition for the word they have been given$ Allow the groups 2 : 19 minutes to write their definition$ )ave participants come back and then feedback to the group$

Harm < Considerations

*hat has happened or is ike ! to happen to the child,
% Distin#uish +etween har and har !ca"sing #ehavio"r

% Descri+e the evidence of harm i)e) in>uries@ +ehaviours which indicate harm@ deve opmenta de a! that has +een assessed +! a medica professiona as non<or#anic@ hi#h<risk ado escent +ehaviours etc) % Harm E acts of omission and commission

Cumu ative harm

Chi d8s unmet needs E harm to deve opment over time F3esearch evidence has shown that a chi d can +e as severe ! harmed +! the cumu ative impact of ess severe risk factors e)#) ne# ect and fami ! vio ence@ as +! a sin# e@ severe episode of harm8 Summary guide page 8

Impact < Considerations

% *hat effect has the harm had on the chi d8s safet!@ sta+i it! and deve opment, % How severe do !ou >ud#e this impact to +e,

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
Du nera+i it! < Considerations
% Considerin# the chi d8s a#e@ sta#e@ cu ture and #ender@ how do these factors increaseCdecrease this particu ar chi d8s vu nera+i it! to further harm, % Does the chi d8s particu ar temperamentCpersona it! impact on their vu nera+i it! to further harm, % Does the chi d have a ph!sica Cinte ectua disa+i it! that adds to their vu nera+i it! to further harm, % Are there socio<economic factors that make this chi d moreC ess vu nera+ e to further harm, % Do fami ! patterns indicate increased vu nera+i it! to the chi d,

Sustaina+i it! < Considerations

% *here stren#ths andCor protections have +een identified@ how do we assess the ike ihood that the! can +e s"stained over ti e, Strengths should not be confused with safety

Cu ture < Considerations

% Cu ture is a +road !<defined concept that encompasses a chi d8s core identit!@ the eaning of that identit! to that chi d and their fami !@ and the wraparound scaffo din# that maintains that cu tura identit! i)e) fami !Ccu tura connectedness &e9tended fami !@ communit!'@ fami ! ritua s and customs@ stories and music etc) Key message: Culture is not a Yes !o" #uestion to be ticked o$$%%

=efer participants to page 6 of the "ummary #uide : !uriel Bamblett7s Euote regarding the meaning of culture$ &#&&IO$ &#!#$: MI$) #& '1at is analysis4 Analysis continued 5+

Thinkin#0 Thinkin#0

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

Takin# a #ood ook0 ook0

Puttin# the pieces to#ether0 to#ether0

Makin# sense of it a

/ow do we t1ink44

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
The : C8 C8s

Facilitator,s $otes +he 2 C7s are the core components of the B CP! "ummary #uide analysis framework$ By systematically e*amining each of these domains when undertaking your analysis& you will ensure a sound assessment$ ConteCt: =efers to the circumstances surrounding the current concerns and the historical conte*t$ Circularity: =efers to the patterns surrounding the concerns currently and historically$ Constraints: =efers to the barriers that are preventing good outcomes Connectedness: =efers to the positive emotional bonds of affection and regard that hold meaning for the child& young person and family Curiosity: =efers to the attuned practitioner who does not make assumptions and seeks to learn from the family and other professionals +he process of synthesising the information you have gathered about the child and family reEuires critical reflection where you challenge your own assumptions and think critically about the views you are forming$ Consultation and supervision is vital$ +he 2 C7s support practitioners to think carefully about a case and consider the interrelating factors that are contributing to the family7s current situation$ L)$C/ D3 minutes A$AL.&I&: /# 3 C,& AC I!I . minutes (esources: Case "tudy 1 Best nterests Case Practice !odel "ummary #uide Child /evelopment and +rauma #uide 1<10 -ears handout
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

Facilitator,s ask: Break the participants in to five groups$ Allocate each group one of the five C7s$ )ave each group read case study 1 and complete the analysis Euestions outlined for their particular C in the "ummary #uide @appro* page 03A$ =emind participants to refer also to the %evelo6ment and rauma guide 1andout to assist them in their thinking$ Allow participants 09 minutes to work through the e*ercise$ )ave each group feedback how they found the process of synthesising the information for their C$ Also seek feedback from each group about key thoughts& considerations or themes they identified for .ake and his family$ A( IC)LA I$" A$AL.&I& MI$) #& 13

Articu atin# Gour Ana !sis

6Practitioners need to +e a+ e to present evidence to the Chi dren8s Court that shows the effects of har 0and future risks to chi dren8s safet!@ sta+i it! and deve opment) The Court wi a so want to know the rationale for professiona >ud#ements and decision<makin#@ what assistance has +een provided to the fami ! and the outcomes of previous interventions@ all s"pported #y evidence)7
Summar! "uide p)H

Facilitator,s notes: (nce the practitioner has undertaken the structured analysis of the 2 C7s& they then formulate their current assessment$ +his assessment is an articulation of t1e analysis(ur assessment document is one way of articulating our analysis$ Facilitator to ask t1e grou6: 3hat are other waysB

Articu atin# !our Ana !sis

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version < < 3ritten Court reports #iving evidence in court

Articu atin# !our ana !sis


Putting your professional assessment forward at a case conference

Articu atin# !our ana !sis

< /iscussing your concerns and plans with a family 'acilitator to stress the importance of being able to articulate our analysis to the family$ (ne study of families involved with Child Protection showed that appro*imately E+F of t1e families did not know w1y C1ild Protection were involved wit1 t1eir c1ild$ 3e must ensure that we e*plain our reasons for involvement to the family& in ways that are understandable and that are focussed on the risks to5needs of their child$

Articu atin# !our ana !sis

< <

Providing feedback to people @professionals5familyA about your decision to close a case$ #iving people your rationale for not accepting a referral5report

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
Articu atin# !our ana !sis


3riting case notes5assessments5reports$ A( IC)LA I$"

AC I!I .: B#& I$ #(#& & A&&#&&M#$ B A$AL.&I& D3 MI$) #& (esources: Case "tudy 1 B CP! "ummary #uide Best nterests Assessment "ummary +ool handout

Facilitator,s ask: Participants will now be asked to refer to Case "tudy 1 again& in light of feedback from the group and their own emerging analysis of the case$ Participants will be then asked to pull out the Best nterests Assessment "ummary +ool handout$

Activit! Articu atin# Ana !sis

(' Harm and impact what is #oin# we Cnot we for ?ake and what are !our thou#hts a+out the reasons for these, -' Pattern and histor! &constraintsCstren#ths' .' Be iefs and re ationships &constraintsCstren#ths' H' Current environment &comp icatin# factors@ s!stemCservice factors' &constraintsCstren#ths'

At people7s tables& ask each group to consider a scenario in which they might have to articulate their analysis about .ake @i$e$ supervision session& court report& case note& cross e*amination& family discussionA$ Based on that scenario& groups should then write a short statement or dot points or role play an articulation of their analysis$ Facilitator to encourage the group to avoid making referral decisions or in/out decisions, and to stay in the process of analysis and articulation !emind participants to keep "ake at the forefront of their statements$
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

5e! Messa#e

$ny plans and reco endations that we develop "st clearly and logically flow fro o"r analysis.

AF #($OO$ MI$) #&



PLA$$I$"7AC IO$7(#!I#' 13mins (esources: PowerPoint

What we do and How we do it

6An! action shou d +e +ased on sound ana !sis and +e purposefu towards en#a#in# the fami ! mem+ers in a chan#e process7
Summar! "uide p).I

Facilitator,s $ote: Action refers not only to particular decisions and enactment of goals5tasks& it also includes everything that we as professionals do in
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version our daily interventions$ +his includes home visits& phone calls& case conferences& transporting& referring and contacts with both services and families etc$ +herefore our actions must attend to the core inner principles of: =elationship building ?ngaging Partnering and ?mpowering at all stages of a case$

% 2n#a#ement of the fami ! in an action p an is fundamenta to its success % True en#a#ement is when the fami ! si#ns on to a common agenda for change.

Facilitator,s note: ?ngagement as a concept is often defined by practitioners as the child and family Dliking7 us& complying with visits and agreeing to recommended actions$ 3hile all of these factors are an indication of engagement being more likely than not& true engagement in terms of what we are seeking to achieve is when the family acknowledges the things that need to change& are actively involved in developing a plan to address those changes& and then actually take the steps agreed upon to make changes$


6Possi+ ! the stron#est indicator of en#a#ement is when !ou fee !ou can ta k a+out chan#e without fear of >eopardisin# the re ationship7
&The Bouverie Centre -BBJ'

'or this engagement to occur& practitioners carry a responsibility to facilitate the engagement$ +his relies on honesty and transparency with the family& as well as ensuring that all agencies involved with the family are included as partners in the assessment& planning and interventions for the child$ Being able to clearly communicate the reasons for our involvement with the family& based on harm5likelihood of harm to the child& in a way which focuses on the needs of the child
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version and not on blaming the parent& is a key skill which enhances our chances of effecting change$

Fami ! "roup Conferencin# and A+ori#ina Fami ! Decision Makin#

% AFDM and F"C #ive a stron# messa#e of partnership and empowerment to the fami !) % AFDM is cu tura ! appropriate % AFDMCF"C convenors e9ist in DHS in each re#ion % *e must #ive #reater consideration to en#a#in# a+sent fathers and their fami ies

Facilitator,s note: 'amily /ecision !aking5'amily #roup Conferencing is a model of intervention that fits neatly with the B CP!$ t gives a strong message of empowerment to and partnership with the family$ Family "rou6 Conferencing is a model of intervention which sees a facilitator make contact with a child7s immediate and e*tended family and seek their involvement in a family decision<making process aimed at keeping the child safe and maintaining care of the child within their family$ +he facilitator ensures that where possible as many family members7 voices are heard& and where high levels of friction and antipathy e*ist between family members& seeks to find ways that people can contribute @i$e$ letters& phone link<ups& statements taken by the facilitator on behalf of family members etc$A +he family is informed of 6bottom lines8 that are non<negotiable to keep the child safe& and are then asked to discuss among themselves solutions and strategies to support the child and their parents$ +his focuses not only on placement issues& but also issues of connectedness and stability$ +he A0original Family %ecisionBMaking model is based on the '#C model but insists on an Aboriginal 'amily /ecision<!aking Convenor& and includes ?lders in the process$ 4os Angeles has a model of ;I<hour 'amily #roup Conferencing at ntake& and >ew -ork and >ew Kealand have similar models$ Actively seeking out family and e*tended family and asking for them to participate in planning for the safety of the child is an internationally recognised model of family<focussed intervention which we can all incorporate into our practice$
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version '#C can be adapted : the 6pure8 model involves pre<visits etc but the 4A model adapts this to bringing all available family members together @or seeking the input of available family members if not able to physically attend a meetingA as soon as possible$ +his reinforces the need for us to think and act systemically and ecologically$

Imp ications for Practice < Chi dren

Effective therapeutic and enrichment interventions must recruit other adults in a childs life caregivers, teachers, parents to be involved in learning and delivering elements of these interventions, in addition to the specific therapy hours dedicated to them during the week. ( erry, !""#, $%&

5e! Messa#e
Where there is har % referral to another service will not ens"re that the fa ily will engage or that change will occ"r. There needs to #e active casework to ens"re that the fa ily engages with the service in a eaningf"l way.
&Summar! "uide p)-A'

Facilitator,s note: +he B CP! gives practitioners across Child Protection& 'amily "ervices& (ut of )ome Care and Aboriginal Controlled Agencies a common platform for assessment& planning and intervention with vulnerable children and families$ 3e will get much better outcomes for children if we partner with other services$ Partnering across the system is often the catalyst for change in families$ Case Management: +he B CP! reEuires that we not only assess and 6direct traffic8 @i$e$ pure case managementA but that we also act on our assessments and do things for and with the family$ People sometimes see 6creative casework8 as a lu*ury or somehow breaching professional role boundaries$ )owever casework which considers the needs of the individual child and family& and strives to facilitate the family7s engagement in the change agenda& is sophisticated and highly professional practice$

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
Imp ications for Practice < Chi dren

Effective therapeutic and enrichment interventions must recruit other adults in a childs life caregivers, teachers, parents to be involved in learning and delivering elements of these interventions, in addition to the specific therapy hours dedicated to them during the week. ( erry, !""#, $%&



63eview is the continua process of +ein# curious a+out our effectiveness7

Summar! "uide p)H:

Facilitator,s note: =eview as a component of the model not only applies to formal points of review in the life of a case& but also to the way we must think about our interventions every day$ +he B CP! is recursive in nature and reEuires us to continually reflect on the effectiveness of our interventions& and on the plans we have in place in the light of new5changing circumstances and information$

63eview information fre/uent !) Identif! #aps) Be open to chan#in# !our initia views rather than interpretin# new information in a wa! that supports a pre<e9istin# opinion of a chi d or fami !7
BICPM Summar! "uide p)(=

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

Facilitator,s note: t is common for practitioners to start to view cases as being of a particular 6type8 and to predict the outcomes without taking a curious and analytical approach to individual cases$ 'amilies who are well known to the system can sometimes be seen as 6hopeless cases8 and the subseEuent interventions are limited to people7s past e*periences of the family and subseEuent assumptions about future likelihood of change$ +he B CP! supports us to carefully gather information at all points of our involvement with a family& and to reflect critically on that information$ 3e must be careful to Guestion our effectiveness& and if an intervention isn7t working we should be careful to not ,ust blame the family for lack of change& but instead think about our own role in the change process and 0e 6re6ared to try new strategies or e*plore new theories about the family$ &#&&IO$ '#L!#: I$CO(PO(A I$" P(AC IC# 5+ mins (esources: PowerPoint /# BICPM I$ O %AIL.

The chi d8 d8s ived e9perience

Spot the difference

() 6The chi d is at risk due to e9posure to parenta su+stance a+use@ the parent has refused to access a treatment service and has not comp ied with Chi d Protection8s investi#ation) This chi d needs a safe and sta+ e environment where her ph!sica and emotiona needs are met)7

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
Spot the difference
-) 6The chi d8s ph!sica safet! is at risk as the parent8s su+stance use occurs when the parent is the so e supervisor of the chi d) The chi d disp a!s evidence of harm to her deve opment in her de a!ed speech@ her untreated ecKema and her si#nificant wei#ht oss over the past month7

The mode is
% re ationship +ased@ chi d focussed@ fami ! centred % eco o#ica and s!stemic % cu tura ! competent

The mode is &cont'

% deve opmenta ! and trauma informed % #ender aware and ana !tica % d!namic and responsive

The mode is &cont'

% +ased on professiona >ud#ement % stren#ths +ased % outcomes focussed

Facilitator,s $ote:

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version +he "ummary #uide should be viewed as a Framework for Practice& including a set of 6rom6ts for good 6ractice7 guiding professional ,udgement at any point in the life of a case$ #t is not a prescriptive checklist &trengt1sBBased: A strength<based approach looks for what parents do well despite problems& and looks for e*ceptions rather than focussing solely on problem<saturated descriptions$ 6A relationship that seeks to understand and invites responsibility rather than blame& will always yield a better assessment and case plan& and therefore better outcomes for children& young people and their families$8 @"ummary #uide p$1A OutcomeBfocussed: 3e must always underpin our planning and actions with the Euestion 63hat does this child needB8 and have a view& ideally shared with the child and family& of what the child7s life should look like as a result of our intervention$ +his reEuires that we reflect on our effectiveness& and if change in line with the case plan is not occurring& that we e*amine the possible reasons for this and modify our interventions accordingly$ f we keep our planning and actions focussed on t1e needs of t1e c1ild @rather than the need of the parent to changeA then we have a far greater chance of developing a shared vision with the family of what everyone wants for their child$ 63orking in partnership with families& the community and other services in the best interests of the child or young person reEuires a multi<systemic approach& a high degree of coordination between services and ongoing clarification of roles and communication processes8$ @"ummary #uide p$11A

'acilitator to highlight to the group that it is important that as professionals with power we need to consider differing perspectives and attend to the dynamics of interactions in order to build partnerships and engage effectively$ By acknowledging their difficult conte*t& listening to and e*ploring the pressures they have been under and validating their good intentions& we can establish greater rapport and therefore have a greater chance at achieving good outcomes$ ;Again7 stressing t1e ho$ interconnecting wit1 t1e $hat%

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version
3ef ective Practice
The BICPM re/uires ref ective practice; 6In Dictoria there is a stron# commitment to stren#thenin# a cu ture of ref ective practice so that the +est interests of chi dren are achieved7 &p)HA'

Facilitator $otes: Ask Participants what they think reflective practice is and how they would define it$ =efer participants to page 1;<12 of the "ummary #uide : 6A learning culture8$ (utline process of reflection using the following slide$ @'acilitators to ensure they themselves understand what reflective practice is& and techniEues involved prior to training this sessionA$

3ef ective Practice





Facilitator $otes: (efer 6artici6ants to t1e (eflective Practice 6rom6ts on Pg DH$ ?ncourage participants to consider how they would use these prompts in practice in the following forums:

Forums for 3ef ective Practice

% % % % % Supervision Case conferences Peer supervision Team meetin#s Individua ref ection Reflective Practice prompts are in the Summary Guide (p. !"

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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

&ession 15: '1ere to from 1ere4 AC I!I .: 9'/#(# O F(OM /#(#4: 5+ mins (esources: PowerPoint )andout Prompt sheet: Participant "trategies for Championing the Best nterests Case Practice !odel Facilitator ask: 'acilitators to handout prompt sheet and display the following slide$ Allow 12 mins for participants to consider their answers to the following Euestions individually and make some notes$ +hen ask participants to move into groups that they believe they will continue to collaborate with in relation to championing Best nterests$ #roups to then work on ,oint ideas and strategies$ 'acilitator to facilitate a brief feedback session ensuring that each group gets an opportunity to share at least one of their ideas5strategies with the larger group$

Activit!; *here to from here,

*hat are we doin# we , *here do we need to further deve op in terms of Best Interests, *hat strate#ies can I use to promote Best Interests; (' *ithin m! team -' *ithin m! or#anisation .' Across services in m! oca area H' Across m! re#ion *hat networksCresources do I know of that can +e a part of this strate#!,

*here to from here,

Possi+ e o+stac es to em+eddin# the Best Interests Case Practice Mode , % % % % % % % % % Crisis drivenL dea in# with the ur#ent@ ne# ectin# the important *e8re too +us! I a read! act in chi dren8s Best Interests@ a wa!s have) *orkp ace cu ture Hierarch! C3IS compati+i it! CS$ 3e#istration process 3esources 3ecruitment and retention

What can we as cha these*

pions do to address

Facilitator notes: 'acilitators to discuss with the group some of the obstacles& and their solutions$ 'acilitator to encourage the group to come up with solutions$
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

$+stac es0 es0

&ession 1D Feed0ack=%iscussion=Iuestions 13mins (esources: PowerPoint )andout : Ley !essages Facilitator $otes: 'acilitator to summarise the training program in detail providing participants with the key messages of the Best nterests Case Practice !odel "ummary #uide$ 'acilitator to go back over the Euestions the group had at the beginning of the day in relation to the Best nterests Case Practice !odel& and address any outstanding Euestions5Eueries5issues$ 'acilitator to also refer to the issues register and provide guidance to the group as to how their issues will be addressed and how they will be informed of the outcome$

Pro#ram $ut ine

% $verview of Best Interests Case Practice Mode &BICPM' % The BICPM Summar! "uide % Strate#ies for eadin# the inte#ration of the BICPM into !our workp ace

'acilitator to outline what resources are currently available to practitioners& and where to source future resources& as outlined in the following slide$ 'acilitators to outline in particular what "P#7s are currently available on the ecec website and what are planned for the future$
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A Framework for Practice: Best Interests Case Practice Model 1 day version

% every child every chance documents on we+site; The Best Interests Framework The Best Interests Princip es Conceptua $verview Chi d Deve opment and Trauma "uide Cumu ative harm Conceptua $verview Sta+i it! "uidance Paper Strate#ic Framework for Fami ! Services Fact Sheets % 3eference ist at +ack of Summar! "uide % Chi d Protection Practice Manua

3esources Specia ist Practice "uides

B! end -BBI % *orkin# with vu nera+ e infants % Goun# peop e (B<(H !ears with pro+ ematic se9ua ised +ehaviours % Chi dren under (B !ears with pro+ ematic se9ua ised +ehaviours % 2n#a#in# parents; assessin# and enhancin# parentin# capa+i it!Ccapacit! % *orkin# with !oun# peop e % *orkin# with fami ies in which someone is a+usive B! mid -BBA % Sta+i it! chi d and fami ! % Sta+i it! in on# term out of home care % Sta+i it! and issues associated with reunification % Cumu ative Harm

1ead the wa!44

&#&&IO$ 1E: mins (esources: Post<evaluation

#!AL)A # A$% CLO&#


'acilitator to bring group back together summariMe the learning from the day$ Check for any additional 'reEuently Asked Cuestions& and have participants complete participant post : evaluation$ +hank participants and close the day$
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