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NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

Mapp|ng the I|e|d of outh Med|a 2013:

Data Cverv|ew

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

About the Samp|e

SlxLy-flve (63) youLh medla organlzaLlons responded beLween Aprll 1 and AugusL 1, 2013. 1wenLy (20) respondenLs were from
Lhe nAMAC membershlp llsL and Lhe oLher 43 from rolllng sample Lechnlques such as word of mouLh and Coogle Croups. noL
all respondenLs answered every quesLlon ln Lhe survey. 1he LoLal number of responses for each quesLlon ls noLed ln each

1ype of Crgan|zat|on

All 63 respondenLs ldenLlfled Lhemselves as organlzaLlons LhaL provlded youLh medla programs ln Lhelr communlLles. 1he
ma[orlLy (62) of Lhe youLh medla programs work under Lhe umbrella of larger non-proflL organlzaLlons. 1wenLy-flve percenL
(23) responded LhaL Lhey are a sLand-alone, non-proflL organlzaLlon solely dedlcaLed Lo youLh medla programs.
ApproxlmaLely 14 are publlc schools or prlvaLe schools. 1hree organlzaLlons sLaLed LhaL Lhey are commerclal, for-proflL
buslnesses (3) engaged ln consulLlng and developmenL. 1he remalnlng 8 of respondenLs ldenLlfy as LC access sLaLlons,
youLh medla programs wlLh a broader audlence of adulLs, charLer schools, afLer-school programs, and oLher youLh
developmenL programs.

14 Length of Serv|ce:

1he organlzaLlons were also asked abouL Lhe number of years Lhelr organlzaLlons have been ln operaLlon (n=61). 1he sample
reporLed a broad range of years ln servlce-from 1 Lo 40 years. lour organlzaLlons were ln Lhelr flrsL year. SlxLeen (26.2) of
Lhe organlzaLlons were operaLlonal for 1-3 years, fourLeen from 6-10 years (22.9), LwenLy-four from 11-19 years (39.3), and
Len (16.3) were operaLlonal for 20 Lo 36 years. 1wo (3) reporLed LhaL Lhelr organlzaLlon has provlded aL leasL 40 years of
youLh medla servlces. 4 dld noL respond.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

9 1ype of Crgan|zat|on:

?our organlzaLlon may be solely devoLed Lo youLh medla. Cr, lL may be a program wlLhln a larger organlzaLlon. lease Lell us lf
your youLh medla organlzaLlon ls a:

rogram w|th|n a |arger, non-prof|t organ|zat|on 62
Non-prof|t organ|zat|on devoted on|y to youth med|a programs 2S
ub||c Lducat|ona| Inst|tut|on 9
r|vate Lducat|ona| Inst|tut|on S
Commerc|a|]Ior-rof|t 8us|ness S
Cther (p|ease spec|fy): ubllc Access (3), rogram lncludes adulLs (1), lor roflL (1), medla arLs non-proflL (1), charLer
school (1), for-proflL workforce developmenL for youLh (1), AfLer School (1) ubllc LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon
1ota| kespondents: 6S

kesolts Jo oot totol 100X Joe to moltlple tespooses.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


1he researchers wanLed Lo see whaL Lype of organlzaLlons were sponsorlng youLh medla programs. When Lhe 62 who work
under Lhe sponsorshlp of a larger umbrella" organlzaLlon was asked Lo ldenLlfy Lhe mlsslon for Lhelr sponsorlng organlzaLlons,
a large ma[orlLy (84) ldenLlfled arLs/medla arLs as Lhe maln mlsslon for Lhelr sponsors.

CLher mlsslons LhaL were sLaLed for Lhese sponsorlng organlzaLlons were workforce developmenL (29), and
1echnology/CompuLer or S1LM-relaLed (18) organlzaLlons. Soclal servlce agencles (9), healLh/prevenLlon organlzaLlons
(11), and academlc / career cerLlflcaLlon programs (9) were mlsslons of Lhe maln sponsors. ln open-ended remarks, 36 of
Lhe respondenLs (n=33) ldenLlfled publlc access sLaLlons, soclal [usLlce, youLh and communlLy developmenL (23.3).

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

11 Crgan|zat|ona| M|ss|on of the Sponsor|ng Crgan|zat|on:

?our organlzaLlon may be solely devoLed Lo youLh medla. Cr, lL may be a program wlLhln a larger organlzaLlon. lease sLaLe Lhe
maln mlsslon(s) of Lhe !"#$!#%&$' organlzaLlon.

Art]Med|a Arts 84
Workforce Deve|opment 29
outh Deve|opment]Commun|ty Deve|opment]Iorma| ub||c Schoo||ng 2S
S1LM]1echno|ogy]Computers 18
nea|th]revent|on 11
Soc|a| Serv|ce 9
Academ|c and Career Cert|f|cat|on 9
Cur youth med|a program |s NC1 a program w|th|n a |arger organ|zat|on 24
1ota| kespondents: SS
CommenLs: soclol cbooqe, betltoqe/coltotol ptesetvotloo, clvlc eoqoqemeot/soclol jostlce eJocotloo, llbetol otts colleqe, polltlcol eJocotloo, pobllc occess to meJlo mokloq/oltloq
oo 1v, pobllc meJlo/eJocotloo, lC occess, pottlclpototy meJlo ooJ occess to tecbooloqy ooJ teloteJ eJocotloo fot oll/meJlo Jemoctocy ooJ cteotlve looovotloo, Jlqltol
stotytellloq, coltote ooJ blstoty, commoolty Jevelopmeot, yootb Jevelopmeot/commoolty Jevelopmeot bot oot fotmol pobllc scboolloq, ptesetvotloos ooJ Jocomeototloo of locol
folkllfe, blqb scbool qtoJootloo tepoltemeot, Jlqltol lltetocy fot qtowo ops ooJ klJs, meJlo lltetocy/meJlo jostlce, pobllc cbottet scbool JeJlcoteJ to teocbloq tbtooqb petfotmloq
otts, leoJetsblp, meototloq.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


All respondenLs-boLh sponsored and non-sponsored organlzaLlons--were asked Lo selecL all of Lhe alms and purposes for
Lhelr program's youLh medla work. ln a subsequenL quesLlon, Lhey were Lhen asked Lo sLaLe Lhe number one purpose of Lhelr
organlzaLlon. llfLy-Lwo (n=32) responded.

1he general alms and purposes were dlverse, wlLh Lhe hlghesL prlorlLles glven Lo Lhe followlng: a) Lo encourage creaLlve self-
expresslon (100), b) Lo glve youLh a volce (96), c) medla llLeracy (94), and d) Lo bulld and sLrengLhen our communlLy

1he responses Lo Lhe prlmary mlsslon were dlverse. 1he Lop reasons Lhe respondenLs gave for Lhelr organlzaLlons'
devoLlon Lo youLh medla were: a) Lo glve youLh a volce (31), b) Lo encourage creaLlve self-expresslon (19), Lo bulld and
sLrengLhen our communlLy (17), and Lo encourage clvlc parLlclpaLlon (12).

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

37 A|ms and urposes:

lease selecL oll tbe teosoos LhaL your organlzaLlon ls devoLed Lo youLh medla. (Check oll LhaL apply):

1o encourage creat|ve se|f-express|on 100
1o g|ve youth a vo|ce 96
Med|a ||teracy 94
1o bu||d and strengthen our commun|ty 92
1o encourage c|v|c part|c|pat|on 77
1o prepare part|c|pants for careers 77
1o prov|de a|ternat|ves to commerc|a|, ma|nstream med|a 71
1o offer youth hea|thy recreat|ona| act|v|t|es 67
1o fac|||tate |earn|ng |n academ|c sub[ects 6S
1o spec|f|ca||y prepare youth for careers |n med|a 6S
1o protect ch||dren from the harm caused by the med|a 37
1ota| kespondents: S2
CommenLs: coltlvote soclol cbooqe leoJets, to otqoolze fot collectlve powet, qteot llst, oll vety televoot to wbot we Jo ooJ wby, os o feeJet to oot oJolt ooJ otbet commoolty ptoqtoms, to bollJ
cotloslty ooJ ctltlcol tblokloq skllls, ctoss-qeoetotloool owoteoess/ooJetstooJloq.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

38 r|mary M|ss|on:
lease Lell us Lhe oombet ooe reason LhaL your organlzaLlon ls devoLed Lo youLh medla:

1o g|ve youth a vo|ce 31
1o encourage creat|ve se|f-express|on 19
1o bu||d and strengthen our commun|ty 17
1o encourage c|v|c part|c|pat|on 12
1o prepare youth for careers |n med|a 8
1o prov|de a|ternat|ves to commerc|a|, ma|nstream med|a 6
1o prepare part|c|pants for careers 6
1o fac|||tate |earn|ng |n academ|c sub[ects 2
1o protect ch||dren from the harm caused by ma|nstream med|a 0
1o offer youth hea|thy recreat|ona| act|v|t|es 0
1ota| kespondents: 49

CommenLs: coltlvote soclol cbooqe leoJets, botJ to plck ooe ptlmoty mlssloo, to otqoolze fot collectlve powet, to Jeslqo ooJ lmplemeot meJlo ooJ lofotmotloo lltetocy ptoqtommloq lo scbools ooJ
oftet-scbool spoces, to empowet yoooq people to offect posltlve cbooqe lo tbelt llves, tbelt commooltles ooJ tbe wotlJ, we bope to oJJtess jpopolotloos ooJettepteseoteJ lo ptofessloool tooks of
meJlo], we ote ttyloq to stteoqtbeo oot eJocotloool ootteocb os tbete ls o sttooq Jeslte fot lt wltblo tbe commoolty bot lt wlll ooly evet be lo tbe fotm of wotksbops ooJ lobs-we ote oot o teocbloq
lostltotloo, oot yootb meJlo wotk llves ot tbe lotetsectloos of yootb leoJetsblp Jevelopmeot, polltlcol eJocotloo (l.e. toot coose ooolysls) ooJ meJlo wotk-tbe ootote of oot wotk ot o soft fooJeJ
ceotet tbot ls pott of o lotqet ocoJemlc lostltotloo meoos tbot lt coo be Jlfflcolt to Jesctlbe tbe boooJotles of oot ptofessloool Jevelopmeot, wotksbop ooJ yootb meJlo ptoqtoms-we ptlmotlly seek
pottoetsblps wltb locol, ootloool ooJ lotetootloool qtoops to evoloote, cteote cottlcolom motetlols ooJ tolse vlslblllty wltblo tbe meJlo lltetocy ooJ yootb meJlo commooltles, jweve] seeo mooy
cbooqes ovet tbe yeots-pott of o ootloool otqoolzotloo, o ptoqtom of o lotqet otqoolzotloo, ooJ oo loJepeoJeot oooptoflt otqoolzotloo-lt bos JlvetslfleJ lts meJlo ootpots, oJJloq tbe web, toJlo
ooJ ooJlo sllJesbows to lts ptlot ptoJoctloo-lt bos beeo eocootoqloq to beot yoooq people Jetetmloe tbe best ootpot fot tbe poteotlol stoty, wblcb teolly belps tbem ooJetstooJ tbe meJlom-bot
most lmpottootly, leoJetsblp Jeclsloos bove olwoys beeo moJe wltb yootb pottlclpoots-oootbet olomoo bos cteoteJ oo otqoolzotloo-oll ootqtowtbs of yoooq people seeloq meJlo os oo
oppottoolty to tell stotles ooJ bove tbelt volces cooot, we bove o vety Jlfflcolt tlme beloq compoteJ to otbet yootb meJlo otqoolzotloos lo otboo oteo tbot bove o btooJet teocb ooJ eoslet
coooectloos wltb lotqe, ootloool ootlets, tbook yoo, oot sote bow to ooswet o few poestloos os oot yootb ptoqtoms ote polte Jlvetse ooto tbemselves-- ooJ becoose some ptoqtoms come ooJ qo wltb
fooJloq--so ttleJ to qlve tbe qeoetol flovot of oot wotk.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


8esulLs relaLed Lo organlzaLlonal capaclLy measured lLems relaLed Lo leadershlp, sLafflng and fundlng. 8eporLed number of
sLaff for full-Llme, parL-Llme and consulLanLs ranged from 0-16 sLaff members and Lhe average number of sLaff ln each caLegory
was 3 sLaff members. 1he reporLed range for volunLeer supporL was broad, from 0-30. Powever, one organlzaLlon reporLed
1,364 volunLeers.

SlxLy-seven percenL (67) reporLed a full-Llme dlrecLor and 21 reporLed a parL-Llme dlrecLor. llve organlzaLlons reporLed LhaL
Lhey dld noL have a youLh medla program dlrecLor and Lwo reporLed LhaL Lhelr dlrecLor was a volunLeer.

1he ma[orlLy of ?ouLh Medla rogram ulrecLor's salarles were reporLed under $30,000 per year. Cf Lhese, 18 were under
$10,000 per year and 14 recelved no salary.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

12 Number of Med|a outh ersonne|:

ApproxlmaLely how many people work ln your yootb meJlo program aL Lhls Llme ln Lhe followlng caLegorles?

Average Number of Staff
Ident|f|ed per kespondent
1ota| Number of outh
Med|a Staff Across A||
Number of
Iu||-t|me staff 2.83 133 34
art-t|me staff 3.00 144 48
Consu|tants 3.07 89 29
Vo|unteers or |nterns 31.72 1,364 43

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

13 D|rector 1|me:

lease check Lhe caLegory LhaL besL flLs Lhe [ob requlremenLs of your ?ouLh Medla ulrecLor/CoordlnaLor:

Iu||-1|me 67
art-1|me 21
Vo|unteer 3
No D|rector]Coord|nator


NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


1he organlzaLlons ln Lhls survey prlmarlly parLner wlLh oLher non-proflLs (90) and wlLh publlc schools (87).
lncreaslngly, unlverslLles (38) and museums (42) are poLenLlal parLners, especlally for medla arLs and S1LM
programs. ApproxlmaLely one-Lhlrd reporLed parLnershlps wlLh prlvaLe k-12 schools (36) and llbrarles (32). 1hlrLy percenL
(31) parLnered wlLh communlLy colleges.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

1S artners:

uoes your youLh medla program parLner wlLh any oLher organlzaLlons?
(Check all LhaL apply):

Non-prof|t organ|zat|ons (p|ease spec|fy - see comments be|ow chart) 90
ub||c Schoo|s (k-12) 87
Co||eges]Un|vers|t|es S8
Museums 42
r|vate Schoo|s (k-12) 36
L|brar|es (ub||c) 32
Commun|ty Co||eges 31
Ior-prof|t organ|zat|ons (p|ease spec|fy) 29
L|brar|es (Schoo|) 19
1ota| kespondents: S9

CLher (please speclfy): pobllc occess stotloo, coottoct wotk fot otbet otqoolzotloos, otbet locol yootb meJlo, yootb Jevelopmeot, eJocotloo, otts/coltotol qtoops, otbet otts
otqoolzotloos, jstote oqeocles], llke-mloJeJ yootb-setvloq pottoet otqoolzotloos, commoolty boseJ setvlce otqoolzotloos, clty oqeocles, boosloq ptoject, otts otqoolzotloos, tbe
obove tepteseot ptoject boseJ pottoetsblps ooJ oot ooqoloq ot btooJ-boseJ, otqoolzets, otbet yootb meJlo/yootb Jevelopmeot qtoops, commoolty otqoolzotloos, yootb meJlo
oooptoflts, yootb Jevelopmeot oooptoflts, oftetscbool ptoqtommloq, loJostty ossoclotloos, soclol setvlces, tellqloos otqoolzotloos, bomescboolloq, fomllles, teocbets ooJ
coooselots jot pobllc scbools], ttlbol scbools, otbet commoolty otqoolzotloos tbot olso ote ott/meJlo teloteJ ot commoolty otqoolzotloos focoseJ oo commoolty Jevelopmeot,
mostly commoolty-boseJ ooo ptoflts jlovolveJ lo eovltoomeotol coosetvotloo] ot lotetesteJ lo polltlcol octlvlsm, fllm ceotet, otbet otts otqoolzotloos, low-locome boosloq
ptopettles, commoolty-boseJ ptoqtoms wltb yootb compooeots, we ofteo moke mlssloo/vlsloo vlJeos fot oooptoflts jooJ soclolly tespooslble bosloesses] wltb oot yootb, we
pottoet wltb otbet ooo-ptoflts, we btloq ptoqtoms ooJ speclol Jocomeototy ptojects, coosolt ooJ ttolo otbet ooo-ptoflt otqoolzotloos, foooJotloos ooJ commoolty qtoops,
ptoJoctloo compooles, soclol setvlce, wotkfotce Jevelopmeot, joveolle jostlce.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


1he survey asked abouL Lhe budgeL ln Lwo ways: 1) 1oLal Annual 8udgeL of Lhe Sponsorlng CrganlzaLlon and 2) Lhe Annual 8udgeL
reserved speclflcally for Lhe ?ouLh Medla rograms.

(#)*+ -$$.*+ /.0'1) #2 )31 4"#$!#%&$' 5%'*$&6*)&#$!

ApproxlmaLely 9 of Lhe sponsorlng budgeLs were under $30,000 per year and 3 reporLed no budgeL for Lhelr sponsorlng
organlzaLlons. nearly 26 had budgeL over $1 mllllon and of Lhese, 3 reporLed budgeLs over $3 mllllon per year for Lhelr sponsorlng

AbouL 20 reporLed LhaL Lhelr sponsorlng organlzaLlons were funded ln Lhe $230-300,000 range and 13 of Lhelr sponsors operaLed
wlLh budgeL of $300,000-1 mllllon per year.

(#)*+ -$$.*+ /.0'1) 2#% 7#.)3 810&* 9%#'%*:!

Palf (30) of Lhe annual youLh medla budgeLs reporLed were under $100,000, wlLh 20 of Lhese under $10,000 per year. 1hree percenL
of organlzaLlons (3) reporLed no annual budgeL for Lhelr program. Cn Lhe oLher end of Lhe specLrum, 3 reporLed budgeLs beLween $1-3
mllllon and 8 reporLed annual budgeLs of $300,000 and $1 mllllon. ApproxlmaLely 33 were ln Lhe $100-300,000 range wlLh abouL 13 of Lhese
reporLlng budgeLs beLween $130,000-230,000 per year. 1he ma[orlLy of Lhe budgeLs were spenL for sLaff and equlpmenL-relaLed expenses. very
llLLle was devoLed Lo fundralslng, educaLlonal resources or sLaff developmenL acLlvlLles.

Iund|ng Sources

1he ma[orlLy or respondenLs lndlcaLed LhaL prlvaLe foundaLlons provlded Lhe largesL percenLage of Lhelr annual fundlng.

Some organlzaLlon recelved fundlng from local, sLaLe and corporaLe sources, as well as some fees for servlces. 8elaLlvely few of Lhe
organlzaLlons reporLed LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of Lhelr fundlng came from federal governmenL sources.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

16 1ota| 8udget:
?our organlzaLlon may be solely devoLed Lo youLh medla. Cr, lL may be a program wlLhln a larger organlzaLlon. lease esLlmaLe
Lhe LoLal overall budgeL for Lhe spoosotloq organlzaLlon ln Lhe lasL flscal year:

Cver 5S m||||on 3
51-S m||||on 23
5S00,000 to 51 m||||on 1S
52S0,000-S00,000 20
51S0,000-2S0,000 S
5100,000-1S0,000 2
5S0-100,000 3
52S-S0,000 3
510-2S,000 3
510,000 or under 3
No budget S
Cur youth med|a program |s NC1 sponsored by a |arger organ|zat|on 1S
1ota| kespondents: 61

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

17 outh Med|a 8udget:

?our organlzaLlon may be solely devoLed Lo youLh medla. Cr, lL may be a program wlLhln a larger organlzaLlon. lease esLlmaLe
Lhe budgeL LhaL ls speclflcally devoLed Lo yootb meJlo programs ln Lhe lasL flscal year:

Cver 5S m||||on 0
51-S m||||on 3
5S00,000 to 51 m||||on 8
52S0,000-S00,000 10
51S0,000-2S0,000 10
5100,000-1S0,000 1S
5S0-100,000 12
526-S0,000 10
510-2S,000 8
Under 510,000 20
No budget 3
1ota| kespondents: 60

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

18 8udget 8reakdown:

lease lndlcaLe Lhe approxlmaLe percenLage of your youLh medla budgeL LhaL goes Lo Lhe followlng (lease check one answer
for each caLegory. 8esulLs for all caLegorles wlll noL LoLal 100):
None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 1ota|
St|pends]nonorar|a for Staff 47 34 13 2 2 0 47
Iundra|s|ng 32 31 13 0 4 0 47
Staff Deve|opment 29 38 6 2 2 2 49
urchase]renta| of med|a and
educat|ona| resources
29 64 4 0 0 2 43
1rave| 24 61 12 4 0 0 31
Contractors (Lva|uators, Consu|tants,
Iac|||tators, etc.)
17 37 28 11 4 2 46
Lxh|b|t|on]d|str|but|on of youth work 14 63 16 2 0 2 49
Cverhead (rent, supp||es, etc.) 10 44 38 4 2 2 30
Staff 9 4 18 33 31 3 33
Lqu|pment and Software urchase or
4 44 33 7 2 7 34
CommenLs: [Oot bost lostltotloo] ptovlJes lo-kloJ soppott of compotets, closstooms, tecb soppott offlces. 5toff speoJs mojotlty of tlme fooJtolsloq. Ootteocb (ptlotloq, web
soppott), cotetloq, stlpeoJs fot ptoqtom pottlclpoots ls olso lo oot boJqet.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

19 D|rector Sa|ary:
1he annual salary for your ?ouLh Medla ulrecLor/CoordlnaLor ls approxlmaLely:

Not App||cab|e 2
No Sa|ary 14
1 - 510,000 18
520,000 kange 12
530,000 kange 8
540,000 kange 26
5S0,000 kange 8
560,00 kange 4
570,000 kange 4
580,000 kange 2
5320,000 2
1ota| kespondents: S0 (No kesponses: 16)
CommenLs: Not oppllcoble, we bove o oombet of posltloos locloJloq u/lu/lM/sevetol cootJlootots ooJ ossoclotes ooJ l1 stoff ote lovolveJ-cootJlootot Jotles ote spteoJ oot
octoss tbem, oot eJocotloo Jltectot ls olso tbe yootb meJlo Jltectot, sbe ls polJ o soloty oboot tbe oombet qlveo os oo optloo, teocbloq posltloo, o pottloo of Jltectots soloty
coolJ be solJ to be fot meJlo, oot Jltectot ls pott-tlme, tbls ls o teocbloq posltloo, lo tbe fotm of teseotcb qtoots of sommet focolty teseotcb stlpeoJ.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

20 Iund|ng Sources:
lease lndlcaLe Lhe approxlmaLe percenLage of fundlng for your yootb meJlo ptoqtoms from Lhe followlng sources (Check one
for each caLegory. 8esulLs for all caLegorles wlll noL LoLal 100):

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 1ota|
Advert|s|ng kevenue (e.g.,
banner ads on your webs|te)
93 3 0 0 0 0 42
Sa|es]gate from d|str|but|on or
exh|b|t|on of work
68 27 2 2 0 0

Iedera| government fund|ng 47 23 17 10 0 2 47
Loca| government fund|ng 34 32 16 12 4 2 30
State government fund|ng 33 29 23 10 4 0 49
Iees for Serv|ces 19 33 23 13 0 8 48
Ind|v|dua| donors 13 67 20 0 0

0 46
Corporate or corporate
foundat|on fund|ng
12 30 23 10 4 0 48
Ioundat|on Iund|ng 4 12 21 27 22 14 31
1ota| kespondents: S7

CommenLs: coble ftoocblse fees to tbe clty, we bove boJ feJetol fooJloq ooJ ptlvote foooJotloo fooJloq bot tbese qtoots bove beeo completeJ ooJ tbe obove tepteseots tbe
cotteot stote of fooJloq, fooJtolsloq eveot - ooJet 10X lo-kloJ Joootloos - ooJet 10X, l bove oo lJeo, self-sostololoq, toltloo-boseJ pobllc scbool

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


1he sample represenLs 40 uS sLaLes and Lhe ulsLrlcL of Columbla wlLh mulLlple respondenLs ln Callfornla (8), MassachuseLLs,
MlnnesoLa and 1exas (7), 8hode lsland and WashlngLon (6), ennsylvanla and llllnols (3), new Mexlco and new ?ork (4),
Alaska, Cregon, ulsLrlcL of Columbla and ConnecLlcuL (3), Arlzona, kansas, ldaho, Maryland, Mlssourl, MonLana, uLah (2).

Cne response (1) was collecLed from Lhe followlng sLaLes: Alabama, Colorado, lndlana, kenLucky, Malne, Mlsslsslppl, nebraska,
nevada, norLh uakoLa, SouLh uakoLa, new Pampshlre, new !ersey, Cklahoma, SouLh uakoLa, 1ennessee, vermonL, vlrglnla,
and WesL vlrglnla.

1he ma[orlLy (83.23) worked locally and almosL half worked reglonally (46). 1welve organlzaLlons (20) reporLed naLlonal
work and 7 (11.48) worked lnLernaLlonally. Cne respondenL noLed LhaL Lhe lnLernaLlonal work was pro[ecL-based.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


1he survey asked abouL Lhe Lype of cllenLs served by Lhese youLh medla programs. 1he Lerm cllenLs" refers Lo parLlclpanLs who recelve dlrecL
servlces from Lhe programs. 1he respondenLs were asked Lo esLlmaLe Lhe age, lncome levels, gender and demographlc proflles for Lhelr cllenLs,
based on Lermlnology used ln census daLa collecLlon.

1he daLa relaLed Lo number of parLlclpanLs ls sLlll under revlew wlLh prellmlnary daLa lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe organlzaLlons serve 0 Lo 17,000 parLlclpanLs
ln Lhelr programs. 8espondenLs also reporLed Lhe percenLage of cllenLs who parLlclpaLed ln varlous Lypes of programs. 1he ma[orlLy reporLed a hlgh
percenLage of parLlclpaLlon ln afLer-school programs or summer camps (80), followed by school day programs (74) and communlLy classes or
workshops (60).

Cver half of Lhese organlzaLlons (34) offer a Leacher developmenL program. A few programs offer dlsLance educaLlon classes (31).

1he ma[orlLy work ln urban communlLles and serve sLudenLs ln Crades k-12, followed by Crades 7-8 and some unlverslLy programs. A few also serve
senlor clLlzens. 1he dlsLrlbuLlon for male and female cllenLs ls approxlmaLely even. Large percenLages of Lhe parLlclpanLs ln Lhls sample are reporLed
as low lncome.

1he survey reporLs a dlverse range of race/eLhnlclLy ln youLh medla cllenLs wlLh some reporLlng hlgher percenLages of servlce Lo varlous groups. All
groups reporLed levels of servlce Lo Afrlcan Amerlcan parLlclpanLs. ApproxlmaLely 19 reporL hlgh levels of servlce (above 30 of Lhelr
parLlclpanLs) Lo Afrlcan Amerlcan youLh, alLhough 19 of Lhe sample also reporLed LhaL Afrlcan Amerlcan youLh made up a smaller porLlon of Lhelr
overall cllenL base (under 10 of Lhelr parLlclpanLs). SlxLeen percenL (16) of Lhe sample reporLed hlgh percenLages of servlce (30 and above) Lo
LaLlno-Plspanlc youLh, wlLh 4 reporLlng no servlce Lo Lhls demographlc group. When asked abouL servlce Lo Caucaslan/WhlLe sLudenLs, 10 of Lhe
sample reporLed LhaL Lhese sLudenLs made up more Lhan half of Lhelr parLlclpanLs and one-fourLh of Lhe sample reporLed LhaL Caucaslan/WhlLe
sLudenLs made up fewer Lhan 10 of Lhelr parLlclpanLs. naLlve sLudenLs make up 73-100 of Lhe cllenL base for a few organlzaLlons. 1he
organlzaLlons ln Lhls survey reporLed lower levels of parLlclpaLlon for Aslan Amerlcans. 1en percenL of Lhe sample dld noL serve Aslan Amerlcan
youLh and almosL half (43) of Lhe sample reporLed LhaL Aslan Amerlcan sLudenLs make up under 10 of Lhelr parLlclpanLs.

lewer parLlclpanLs who were ldenLlfled as non-u.S. clLlzens were also reporLed (16 reporLed no parLlclpanLs and 33 reporLed under 10 of Lhelr
parLlclpanLs were non-u.S. clLlzens). Powever, lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL 27 of Lhe sample reporLed LhaL Lhey dld noL know Lhe clLlzenshlp sLaLus
of Lhelr parLlclpanLs. 1he lowesL percenLage of parLlclpanL servlce was reporLed for naLlve Pawallan and aclflc lslanders (43 reporLed no
parLlclpanLs ln Lhls demographlc caLegory). 8esulLs also represenLed low parLlclpaLlon ln Lhese organlzaLlons from naLlve Amerlcan and Alaskan
naLlves (28 reporLed no parLlclpanLs and 43 reporLed LhaL Lhese youLh represenLed under 10 of Lhelr cllenL base).

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

23 Number of art|c|pants:

lease esLlmaLe Lhe approxlmaLe percenLage of parLlclpanLs who dlrecLly
parLlclpaLed ln your youLh medla programs ln Lhe lasL year:

After Schoo| rograms 80

Summer rograms]Camps 80

Schoo| programs dur|ng the day 74

Commun|ty C|asses]Workshops 60

1eacher rofess|ona| Deve|opment S4

D|stance Lducat|on 31

Cther (p|ease spec|fy): 24

1ota| kespondents: SS

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

2S Age Leve|s:

lease esLlmaLe Lhe approxlmaLe percenLage of parLlclpanLs for your youLh medla programs ln Lhe followlng age groups (Check
one for each caLegory. 8esulLs wlll noL LoLal 100):

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 Don't know 1ota|
through Grades 3
63 29 3 3 0 0 0 34
Grades 3 - 6 31 31 28 8 2 0 0 39
Grades 7 - 8 10 18 37 23 8 2 0 49
Grades 9 - 12 0 2 6 27 23 40 0 32
Un|vers|ty 13 43 23 10 8 3 0 40
Adu|t: Sen|ors 67 23 0 0 7 0 3 30
Adu|t: 1eachers 26 31 20 0 0 3 0 33
Adu|t: Art|sts 27 38 12 0 0 3 0 33
Adu|t: M|sc.
16 33 23 3 0 3 0 31
CommenLs: 18-2J yeot olJs, ooo-stoJeots, some of tbe oooe coteqotles otteoJ scteeoloqs ooJ eveots, oolvetslty = clty colleqe, ooly blqb scbool seolots

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

26 Demograph|cs:

lease esLlmaLe Lhe approxlmaLe petceotoqe of pottlclpoots served each year ln your youLh medla programs: (Check one for
each caLegory. 8esulLs wlll noL LoLal 100)

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 Don't know 1ota|
Iema|e 0 0 4 70 17 6 4 34
Ma|e 0 4 6 61 26 0 4 34
L8G1 0 33 21 10 2 0 33 32
Urban 0 3.77 2 17 19 33 4 33
Suburban 18 29 20 20 4 4 4 49
kura| 41 27 14 7 0 3 7 44

D|sab|ed 14 30 13 2 0 2 17 30

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 Don't know 1ota|
Afr|can Amer|can 0 19 32 23 11 8 8 33
As|an Amer|can 10 43 23 12 0 0 8 31
Caucas|an]Wh|te 2 23 21 33 4 6 8 32
Lat|no]n|span|c 4 16 33 23 10 6 6 31
Nat|ve Amer|can
Ind|an or A|askan
28 43 6 4 0 4 13 47
Nat|ve nawa||an or
other ac|f|c Is|ander
43 36 2 2 0


17 47
Non-U.S. C|t|zens 16 33 12 10 2 0

27 49

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

27 Lconom|c Leve|s:

lease esLlmaLe Lhe approxlmaLe percenLage of parLlclpanLs served each year ln your youLh medla program LhaL falls wlLhln
Lhe followlng economlc levels (Check one for each caLegory. 8esulLs wlll noL LoLal 100):

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 Don't know 1ota|
overty 6 23



14 8 14 32
Low-Income 2 0

23 31 23 14 8 32
Lower M|dd|e
2 10 31 39 8 0

10 31
Upper M|dd|e







Wea|thy 46 33 4 2 0


13 46

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


1he dlverslLy of youLh medla acLlvlLles, genre and pracLlces are expanded as exponenLlal access Lo dlglLal medla expands. ?ouLh medla
organlzaLlons were asked Lo parse lnformaLlon abouL Lhe degree and klnd of acLlvlLles, Lechnologles, and genre Lhey use ln Lhelr
programs. 1hey were also asked a quesLlon relaLed Lo Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhey use group acLlvlLles and parLlclpaLory pracLlces.

1he ma[orlLy of Lhe respondenLs reporL LhaL a hlgh percenLage of Lhelr Llme ls spenL ln academlc year workshops and school programs
and hlgher percenLages of Llme are spenL ln boLh fleld producLlon and sLudlo producLlon acLlvlLles.

lourLeen percenL (14) of Lhe respondenLs reporL LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhelr Llme ls spenL wlLh youLh summer camps. 1en percenL (10)
reporL LhaL Lhey spend over half of Lhelr Llme fundralslng. Slx percenL (6) reporL a hlgh percenLage of Llme spenL wlLh sLudenL
screenlngs and dlsLrlbuLlon of sLudenL work. AdulL workshops and acLlvlLles relaLed Lo developmenL, such as advocacy, conferences,
fesLlvals and soclal medla ouLreach reporL low levels or no levels of acLlvlLy.

1he ma[orlLy work ln collaboraLlve, pro[ecL-based work (84) and reporL LhaL Lhey engage ln medla pracLlces ln dlglLal vldeo (93),
phoLography (60), blogs (31), soclal neLwork pro[ecLs (43) and Lhe graphlc arLs (43). lourLeen respondenLs engage ln prlnL
publlcaLlons (26). very few respondenLs ln Lhls sample do youLh medla producLlon ln vldeo games (11). Cnly one response reporLed
producLlon acLlvlLles LhaL lnvolve creaLlng moblle apps (2) or vlrLual worlds (2).

When asked Lo descrlbe Lhe percenLage of Llme spenL wlLh varlous genres ln Lhelr programs, Lhe ma[orlLy of responses were relaLed Lo
documenLary and narraLlve fllm producLlon. lour responses were relaLed Lo larger percenLages of Llme wlLh muslc and audlo producLlon
and four oLhers reporLed hlgh percenLages of Llme wlLh phoLography. AlLhough half spenL varlous amounLs of Llme across dlverse genre,
a large ma[orlLy of Lhe respondenLs spenL no Llme aL all wlLh games, radlo, LradlLlonal prlnL, web deslgn or Lhe producLlon of moblle
medla conLenL. nearly half spenL no Llme aL all wlLh news or onllne publlcaLlons.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

28 1ypes of Act|v|t|es:

lease esLlmaLe Lhe petceotoqe of tlme your youLh medla program devoLed Lo Lhe followlng acLlvlLles ln Lhe lasL year (Check
one for each caLegory. 8esulLs wlll noL LoLal 100):

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 1ota|
rofess|ona| Med|a and Software
Cert|f|cat|on rograms
87 9 2 2 0 0 47
Workshops for Med|a
48 37 13 2 0 0 46
Workshops for k-12 1eachers
and Adm|n|strators
41 37 13 7 0 0 46
Conferences 28 60 13 0 0 0 47
Iest|va|s 23 34 17 2 2 0 48
Summer outh
16 10 42 18 8 6 30
Academ|c ear Student
16 16 22 16 24 8 31
Stud|o roduct|on 16 16 22 30 12 4 30
Iundra|s|ng 14 33 33 6 4 6 49

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 Don't
D|str|but|on of youth-produced
11 49 23 9 4 2 47
resentat|ons at ub||c Lvents 8 63 18 8 0 0 49
8 33 39 16 4 0 49
Webs|te Ma|ntenance and
Deve|opment (Soc|a| Med|a
6 38 30 4 0 2 47
I|e|d roduct|on 2 13 36 30 11 6 33
Screen|ngs]resentat|ons of
youth-produced work
2 42 42 8 4 2 32
Cutreach 2 37 43 12 4 0 49
rogram Lva|uat|on 2 30 42 4 2 0 32
rogram adm|n|strat|on 2 26 42 24 4 2 30
I|e|d roduct|on 2 13 36 30 11 6 33

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 1ota|
Lducator Workshops 0 0 0 0 0 0

Staff Support for outh Med|a
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Advocacy for outh Med|a Issues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

29 8y Med|um:

?ouLh medla programs use a wlde range of analog and dlglLal medla. SelecL oll Lhe Lypes of medla produced ln your youLh
medla program (Check oll LhaL apply):

V|deos (d|g|ta|) 93
hotography 60
8|ogs (wr|tten) S1
Soc|a| Network ro[ects 43
Graph|cs 43
r|nt ub||cat|ons 26
odcasts 21
V|ogs (v|deo) 19
kem|x and Mashup 17
V|deo games 11
Mob||e app deve|opment 2
V|rtua| wor|ds 2
commeots. web Jeslqo, web tlmelloe Jevelopmeot cooteot, Jeslqo ooJ lotetoctloo, webcost, vlsool Attwotks, ooJlo sllJesbows, ooJlo eoqloeetloq, scteeowtltloq, moltlmeJlo
(lmoqe - ooJlo), comlcs,

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

30 nardware & Software:

WhaL are some of Lhe speclflc Lools and Lechnologles LhaL you use ln your youLh medla program? (Check ALL LhaL apply):

V|deo ed|t|ng software 93
V|deo record|ng hardware 91
Laptops 89
Desktop computers 8S
Word process|ng and text ed|tor too|s 83
Aud|o ed|t|ng software 80
Aud|o record|ng hardware 80
hotography too|s hardware 69
Soc|a| med|a p|atforms 67
hotography too|s software 63
Cn||ne p|atforms S6
Ce|| phones 44

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

|ads and Notebooks 39
Computer rogramm|ng Software 1S
1ota| kespondents: S4

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

31 Group roduct|on ro[ects:

lease esLlmaLe Lhe percenLage of your Llme LhaL your program devoLes Lo collaboraLlve group producLlon pro[ecLs:

76-100 41
S1-7S 28
26-S0 1S
11-2S 11
1-10 6
None 0
1ota| kespondents: S4

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

32 8y Genre:

lease esLlmaLe Lhe percenLage of work LhaL sLudenLs produce ln Lhe followlng genre. (Check one for each caLegory. 8esulLs
wlll noL LoLal 100):

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 1ota|
Interact|ve Games 88 10 2 0 0

0 42
Mob||e Med|a Content 67 19 12 2 0 0 43
Web Des|gn 66 23 6 2 2 0 47
1rad|t|ona| r|nt
63 28 7 0 0 2 46
kad|o 62 19 9 6 2 2 47
News 48 29 14 7 0 2 42
Cn||ne ub||cat|ons 47 38 9 0 0 2 47
Cn||ne b|ogs or v|ogs 39 39 16 3 2 0 44
hotography 23 38 21 8 4 4 48
Mus|c and Aud|o
23 36 21 11 4 4 47

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

None Under 10 10-2S 26-S0 S1-7S 76-100 1ota|
Mu|t|med|a or
23 42 23 8 0 2 48
Lxper|menta|, Non-
19 43 19 17 0 0

ub||c Serv|ce
14 43 23

16 0

0 49
Narrat|ve]I|ct|on 8 29 24 29 4 6 31
Documentary 2 16 33 26 14 10 31
CommenLs: 5potts covetoqe 10-25X, oolmotloo, comlcs

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey


SupporLs and challenges for servlce dellvery are separaLe, buL overlapplng areas, LhaL provlde lnslghLs Lo capaclLy bulldlng and
susLalnablllLy for youLh medla organlzaLlons. 8espondenLs were asked Lo raLe barrlers for servlce and challenges Lo
susLalnablllLy of Lhelr organlzaLlons. Many of Lhese challenges resonaLe wlLh oLher youLh developmenL organlzaLlon's barrlers
Lo servlce. 1he youLh medla respondenLs reporLed LhaL recrulLmenL and reLenLlon were obsLacles for Lhelr organlzaLlons.
CLher Lop barrlers Lo servlce were a) LhaL sLudenLs have Loo many oLher acLlvlLles, b) access Lo LransporLaLlon and c) access Lo
Lechnology Lools and knowledge.

redlcLably, fundlng was Lhe number one barrler Lo susLalnablllLy. CLher concerns were relaLed Lo sLraLeglc plannlng for Lhe
fuLure. SLaff developmenL lssues, lncludlng recrulLmenL, reLenLlon and Lralnlng were a concern. ubllc proflles and awareness
of Lhelr programs ln Lhe communlLy, and opporLunlLles Lo evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of Lhelr programs was a challenge for many

When asked how Lhelr youLh medla producLs were dlsLrlbuLed, Lhe ma[orlLy used ?ou1ube or vlmeo (90), Lhe Web (96),
local showcases (89) or fesLlvals (69). When asked how Lhelr cllenLs and oLhers heard abouL Lhelr youLh medla programs, all
of Lhe respondenLs (n=32) replled word of mouLh." followed by Lhelr webslLe (94), soclal medla (89), LargeLed emalls
(83), and communlLy evenLs (81). ress placemenLs were used by approxlmaLely one-Lhlrd of Lhe sample.

lourLeen respondenLs sklpped Lhls lLem.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

33 8arr|ers:

lease took parLlclpanLs' barrlers Lo your servlces on a scale of
1=low and 3=blqb:

S = A very
s|gn|f|cant 8arr|er 4 3 2
1 = NC1 a very
s|gn|f|cant 8arr|er Not App||cab|e 1ota|
Students have too many other
act|v|t|es to choose from
27 30 0

23 20 0

oor transportat|on opt|ons 26 18 0 33 20 2 31
Access to 1echno|ogy 1oo|s 18 22 0 18 41 2 31
kecru|tment for the program 14 31 0 33 18 2 49
Student mob|||ty]retent|on 14 30 0 34 22 0 30
Access to 1echno|ogy
8 22 0

26 41 4

1he |ocat|ons for our youth
med|a act|v|t|es present
secur|ty r|sks
6 4 0 12 74 4 30
Language barr|ers 4 8 0 33 47 6 31
Awareness of our program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Staff turnover 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Staff's need for more
support]tra|n|ng to work
effect|ve|y w|th youth
0 0






NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

S = A very
s|gn|f|cant 8arr|er 4 3 2
1 = NC1 a very
s|gn|f|cant 8arr|er Not App||cab|e 1ota|
Need he|p w|th curr|cu|um
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1he |ocat|ons for our youth
med|a act|v|t|es are not eas||y



0 0 0 0
commun|cat|on (adu|t
support]he|p|ng youth stay
connected to the enterpr|se).






Iund|ng for our programs 0







CommenLs: looJloq fot stoff posltloos, Jlfflcolty lo scbeJolloq lo-scbool ptoqtoms (testloq, etc.), fomlly coocetos/JemooJs, loettlo, some ptoqtoms ote excloslve to cettolo scbools, qeoqtopby-we
bove boJ tepoests ftom oot of towoets-stlll oot o slqolflcoot bottlet ot oombet, oew fee fot setvlce sttoctote, we coot offet spots to evetyooe wbo woots to pottlclpote, cost ls o vety slqolflcoot
bottlet-we ptovlJe scbolotsblps, bowevet, bot we coooot soppott evety tepoest.

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

34 Susta|nab|||ty:

WhaL challenges does your organlzaLlon face ln meeLlng demand and susLalnlng your program over Llme?
lease rank on a scale of 1=low / 4=blqb:

4 = VLk
3 2 1 = NC1 very
Not App||cab|e 1ota|
Iund|ng for our program 33 24 10 4 8

Staff's need for more support]tra|n|ng
to work effect|ve|y w|th youth

20 39 24


ub||c awareness of our program 14 41 26

16 4

Cpportun|t|es to eva|uate the |mpact
of our program act|v|t|es
10 33 26 28 4 31
Need he|p w|th p|ann|ng for the future 8 31 33 22 6 31
Counse||ng for youth |n need of adu|t
8 16 32 32 12 30
Staff turnover 8





No centra||zed p|ace to store and share
our med|a products w|th the f|e|d
8 16 29 41 6 31

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

4 = VLk
3 2 1 = NC1 very
Not App||cab|e 1ota|
kecru|t|ng staff 6 10




1oo much compet|t|on w|th our youth
deve|opment programs





Need he|p w|th curr|cu|um des|gn 0 14 33 43 6 31

commeot. 5toJeots JlscootoqeJ ftom otts closses by colleqe qolJooce

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

3S D|str|but|on:
Pow are your youLh medla producLlons dlsLrlbuLed? (Check oll LhaL apply):

1he Web 96
ou1ube or V|meo 90
Loca| showcases 89
Iest|va|s 69
Cab|e te|ev|s|on 33
Curr|cu|um products 31
8roadcast te|ev|s|on 2S
kad|o 21
r|nt 21
C|ear|nghouse 2
1ota| kespondents: S2

CommenLs: locol oews otqoolzotloos websltes, toplcol commoolty meetloqs, exblbltloos, scteeoloqs, Jlsttlbotot

NAMAC 2013 Mapping the Field Youth Media Survey

36 V|s|b|||ty:

Pow do cllenLs hear abouL your youLh medla program(s)? (Check oll LhaL apply):

Word of mouth 100
Cur webs|te 94
Soc|a| Med|a 89
1argeted ema||s 83
Commun|ty events 81
1argeted press p|acements (schoo| newspapers, etc.) 39
Genera| press p|acements (|oca| news, cab|e te|ev|s|on, etc.) 33
a|d advert|s|ng 12
1ota| kespondents: S2
CommenLs: pteseototloos oboot ptoqtoms lo scbools, scbool ooJ yootb ceotet postloqs ooJ oooooocemeots, scbool vlslts, tectoltmeot ot locol pobllc scbools ooJ blqbet eJ.

Anda mungkin juga menyukai