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Increased frequency of circulating IL-21 producing Th-cells in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Arthritis Research & Therapy 2013, 15:R70 doi:10.1186/ar4247

Wayel H Abdulahad ( Nikola Lepse ( Coen A Stegeman ( Minke G Huitema ( Berber Doornbos-van der Meer ( Henko H Tadema ( Abraham Rutgers ( Pieter C Limburg ( Cees GM Kallenberg ( Peter Heeringa (

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1478-6354 Research article 16 January 2013 18 June 2013 24 June 2013

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2013 Abdulahad et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Increased frequency of circulating IL-21 producing Th-cells in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA
Wayel H Abdulahad1, Nikola Lepse2, Coen A Stegeman3, Minke G Huitema1, e!be! "oo!nbos#$an de! Mee!1, Henko %adema1, Ab!aham &utge!s1, 'iete! C Limbu!g(, Cees GM )allenbe!g1, and 'ete! Hee!inga2*

"epa!tment o+ &heumatology and Clini,al -mmunology, .ni$e!sity o+ G!oningen, .ni$e!sity Medi,al

Cente! G!oningen, Han/eplein 1, 0113 G2, G!oningen, %he Nethe!lands*


"epa!tment o+ 'athology and Medi,al iology, .ni$e!sity o+ G!oningen, .ni$e!sity Medi,al Cente!

G!oningen, Han/eplein 1, 0113 G2, G!oningen, %he Nethe!lands*


"epa!tment o+ Neph!ology, .ni$e!sity o+ G!oningen, .ni$e!sity Medi,al Cente! G!oningen,

Han/eplein 1, 0113 G2, G!oningen, %he Nethe!lands*


"epa!tment o+ Labo!ato!y Medi,ine, .ni$e!sity o+ G!oningen, .ni$e!sity Medi,al Cente! G!oningen,

Han/eplein 1, 0113 G2, G!oningen, %he Nethe!lands* Wayel H Abdulahad :

Nikola Lepse : Coen A Stegeman : Minke G Huitema :

e!be! "oo!nbos#$an de! Mee! : Henko %adema : Ab!aham &utge!s : 'iete! C Limbu!g 3


Cees GM )allenbe!g 3 ,*g*m*kallenbe!g4um,g*nl 'ete! Hee!inga 3 p*hee!inga4um,g*nl

Co!!esponding autho!3 Wayel H Abdulahad

"!#ecti$es% %he p!esent study aimed to e5plo!e a possible !ole +o! -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells in the immunopathogenesis o+ g!anulomatosis 6ith polyangiitis 7G'A8* &ethods% 'e!iphe!al blood +!om (2 G'A#patients in !emission and 20 age#mat,hed healthy ,ont!ols 7HCs8 6e!e stimulated in vitro, and the +!e9uen,ies o+ -L#21 p!odu,ing %h ,ells 6e!e dete!mined by +lo6 ,ytomet!y* Sin,e %h11#,ells p!odu,e a lo6 le$el o+ -L#21, -L#11 6as also in,luded in the analysis* Gi$en that -L#21 is a hallma!k ,ytokine +o! % +olli,ula! helpe! ,ells 7%:H8, 6e ne5t e$aluated the e5p!ession o+ thei! key t!ans,!iption +a,to! ,l#; by &%#'C& and +lo6 ,ytomet!y* %o in$estigate the e++e,t o+ -L#21 on autoantibody#p!odu,tion, ' MCs +!om G'A#patients 6e!e stimulated in vitro 6ith A::<-L#21 and total -gG and ANCA le$els 6e!e measu!ed in supe!natants* -n addition, the e5p!ession o+ -L#21#!e,epto! on #,ells 6as analy/ed* 'esults% 'e!,entages o+ -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells 6e!e signi+i,antly ele$ated in G'A#patients ,ompa!ed to HCs, and 6e!e !est!i,ted to ANCA#positi$e patients* %he e5p!ession o+ ,l#; 6as

signi+i,antly highe! in ANCA#positi$e G'A#patients, as ,ompa!ed 6ith ANCA#negati$e patients and HCs* -L#21 enhan,ed the p!odu,tion o+ -gG and ANCA in vitro in stimulated ' MCs +!om G'A#patients* No di++e!en,e 6as +ound in the e5p!ession o+ the -L#21#!e,epto! on #,ells bet6een ANCA#negati$e, ANCA#positi$e patients, and HCs* (onclusion% %he in,!eased +!e9uen,y o+ ,i!,ulating -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells in ANCA#positi$e G'A# patients and the stimulating ,apa,ity o+ -L#21 on ANCA#p!odu,tion suggest a !ole +o! these ,ells in the immunopathogenesis o+ G'A* lo,kade o+ -L#21 ,ould ,onstitute a ne6 the!apeuti, st!ategy +o! G'A*

)ey *ords% G!anulomatosis 6ith polyangiitis, %h#,ells, -L#21, ANCA*

G!anulomatosis 6ith polyangiitis 7G'A8 is an autoimmune $as,ulitis o+ small# to medium#si/ed blood $essels, asso,iated 6ith the p!esen,e o+ ,i!,ulating anti#neut!ophil ,ytoplasmi, autoantibodies 7ANCA8 that a!e mainly di!e,ted against p!oteinase 3=1#3>* Histopathologi,ally, G'A is ,ha!a,te!i/ed by g!anulomatous in+lammation and pau,i#immune $as,ulitis, in,luding ne,!oti/ing ,!es,enti, glome!uloneph!itis* Although the p!odu,tion o+ ANCA is di!e,tly att!ibutable to auto!ea,ti$e #,ells, the!e is e5tensi$e e$iden,e that %#,ells play a ,!iti,al !ole in G'A as 6ell* %he -gG sub,lass dist!ibution o+ ANCA, 6ith a p!eponde!an,e o+ the -gG1 and -gG( sub,lasses, suggests a % ,ell?dependent immune !esponse=(>* -n+ilt!ating %#,ells in g!anulomatous lesions as 6ell as pe!sistent %#,ell a,ti$ation ha$e been obse!$ed in G'A#patients=@, ;>* -n addition, an abe!!ant %#,ell phenotype and impai!ed !egulato!y %#,ell +un,tion a!e also !epo!ted in G'A#patients in !emission=1#0>, suggesting that e$en du!ing !emission, the immune system is dys!egulated* Mo!eo$e!, %#helpe! ,ell pola!i/ation 6ith an in,!ease in %h11 ,ells has been demonst!ated=1A, 11>* %h11 ,ells and thei! ,ytokine -L#11 ha$e been sho6n to play a ,!iti,al !ole in many in+lammato!y diseases* esides -L#11, %h11 ,ells ,an p!odu,e -L#21, a ,ytokine that is la!gely !esponsible +o! di++e!entiation o+ 13>* -t is ,ell ,lass s6it,hing and antibody p!odu,tion, and 6hi,h indu,es

,ells to6a!ds plasma ,ells by syne!gi/ing 6ith #,ell a,ti$ating +a,to! 7 A::8=12, ,on,ei$able that -L#21 may ,ont!ibute to the p!odu,tion o+


pathogeni, autoantibodies in G'A* Multiple studies in animal models indi,ate a pi$otal !ole o+ -L#21 in the pathogenesis o+ autoimmune diseases* Studies in a!th!itis models ha$e sho6n that blo,kade o+ the -L#21 a,ti$ity !edu,es Boint in+lammation and dest!u,tion=1(>* Subse9uent in$estigations demonst!ated that blo,king o+ the -L# 21 path6ay !edu,ed le$els o+ anti#ds"NA autoantibodies and p!e$ented !enal disease in mouse models o+ SLC=1@>* -n addition, mi,e de+i,ient in -L#21#!e,epto! e5p!ession 6e!e +ound to be p!ote,ted to a la!ge e5tent against the de$elopment o+ in+lammato!y bo6el disease 7- "8 and type#-

diabetes=1;, 11>* -nte!estingly, !e,ent genome#6ide asso,iation studies ha$e p!o$ided ,on$in,ing e$iden,e that geneti, $a!iants in the !egion on ,h!omosome (921 that ha!bo! the -L#21 and -L#2 genes a!e asso,iated 6ith ,h!oni, in+lammato!y diso!de!s, in,luding SLC, - " and pso!iasis=1D#2A>* %hus, -L#21 seems to play an impo!tant !ole in autoimmune diseases in gene!al and ,ould ,onstitute a no$el ta!get +o! the!apy* -L#21 is p!odu,ed mainly by a,ti$ated C"(E %h#,ells* &e,ent studies ha$e demonst!ated that -L#21, besides its p!odu,tion by %h11 ,ells, is p!edominantly se,!eted by a distin,t %h ,ell lineage, te!med +olli,ula! helpe! %#,ells 7%:H8 that e5p!ess the t!ans,!iption +a,to! ,l#; and a!e ,onside!ed to be spe,iali/ed p!o$ide!s o+ ,ell help=21>* C5pansion o+ ,i!,ulating % ,ells !esembling %:H ,ells has been

!epo!ted in patients 6ith SLC and in patients 6ith !heumatoid a!th!itis=22#2(>* %o date, no study has in$estigated the !ole o+ -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells in G'A* %he!e+o!e, this study aimed to assess the +!e9uen,y o+ -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells, and to e$aluate 6hethe! %:H ,ells o! %h11 ,ells a!e the maBo! sou!,e o+ -L#21 in G'A#patients* :o! this pu!pose, 6e e5amined the e5p!ession o+ both -L#21 and -L#11 in ,i!,ulating C"(E %#,ells o+ patients 6ith G'A* %o imp!o$e ou! unde!standing o+ the !ole o+ -L#21 p!odu,ing %h ,ells in autoantibody p!odu,tion 6e assessed thei! +!e9uen,ies in ANCA#positi$e and ANCA#negati$e patients, and studied e++e,ts o+ -L#21 on immunoglobulin and ANCA p!odu,tion in vitro*


+tudy population, :o!ty#t6o patients 6ith G'A and 20 age# and se5#mat,hed healthy ,ont!ols 71D males, 11 +emales, mean age @; =S" F13> yea!s, !ange 2;#12 yea!s, PG A*1;8 6e!e in,luded in this study* %he diagnosis o+ G'A 6as established a,,o!ding to the de+initions o+ the Chapel Hill Consensus Con+e!en,e and patients +ul+illed the ,lassi+i,ation ,!ite!ia o+ the Ame!i,an College o+ &heumatology 7AC&8=2@, 2;>* Hnly patients 6ithout ,lini,al signs and symptoms o+ a,ti$e $as,ulitis and ,onside!ed to be in ,omplete !emission, as indi,ated by a s,o!e o+ /e!o on the i!mingham Ias,ulitis A,ti$ity S,o!e 7 IAS8, 6e!e in,luded in the study=21>* Se!ostatus +o! ANCA 6as +ollo6ed +o! se$e!al months in all patients, and patients 6ith a stable se!ostatus +o! ANCA 7positi$e o! negati$e8 +o! at least 3 months 6e!e in,luded in this study* ased on these ,!ite!ia, 23 patients 6e!e positi$e +o! '&3#ANCA, 6he!eas 10 6e!e ANCA#negati$e* %6enty#se$en patients 6e!e ,onside!ed to ha$e a histo!y o+ generalized disease in,luding !enal in$ol$ement, and 1@ patients localized disease, in 6hi,h the disease had been ,on+ined to the uppe! and<o! lo6e! !espi!ato!y t!a,t* None o+ the patients and ,ont!ols e5pe!ien,ed an in+e,tion at the time o+ sampling* Cle$en G'A#patients 7D ANCA#positi$e, and 3 ANCA#negati$e8 6e!e t!eated 6ith maintenan,e immunosupp!essi$e the!apy at the time o+ blood sampling* :ou! o+ them 6e!e t!eated 6ith only a/athiop!ine 72@#1AA mg<day8, one patient 6ith my,ophenolate mo+etil 71@AA mg<day8, and ; patients !e,ei$ed p!ednisolone 7@#1A mg<day8 in ,ombination 6ith a/athiop!ine 712@ mg<day8* 'a!ti,ipants in !itu5imab t!ials 6e!e e5,luded +!om the p!esent study* %he main ,lini,al and labo!ato!y data o+ the patients a!e summa!i/ed in %able 1* All patients and healthy indi$iduals p!o$ided in+o!med ,onsent and the study 6as app!o$ed by the lo,al Medi,al Cthi,s Committee o+ the .ni$e!sity Medi,al Cent!e G!oningen, .ni$e!sity o+ G!oningen 7NL8*

&easurement of A-(A titres and specificity, Anti#neut!ophil ,ytoplasmi, antibody 7ANCA8 tite!s 6e!e measu!ed by indi!e,t immuno+luo!es,en,e 7--:8 on ethanol#+i5ed human g!anulo,ytes a,,o!ding to standa!d p!o,edu!es as p!e$iously des,!ibed=2D>* ANCA tite!s highe! than 13(A 6e!e ,onside!ed positi$e* ANCA antigeni, spe,i+i,ity 6as dete!mined using an in#house ,aptu!e en/yme#linked immunoso!bent assay 7CL-SA8 as des,!ibed be+o!e=20, 3A>* !ie+ly, a 0;#6ell plate 6as ,oated 6ith goat#anti#mouse -g +o! (D hou!s* A+te! 6ashing, plates 6e!e in,ubated 6ith mouse mono,lonal antibody against human '&3 +o! 2 hou!s* A+te! 6ashing, the plate 6as in,ubated o$e!night at ( JC 6ith an e5t!a,t o+ human a/u!ophili, g!anules 6hi,h 6e!e isolated +!om neut!ophils o+ healthy dono!s* :u!the!, se!ial dilutions o+ se!um 76ith a sta!ting dilution o+ 131AA8 6e!e in,ubated +o! 1 hou!* %he plate 6as 6ashed, and the ,aptu!ed antibodies 6e!e dete,ted 6ith pu!i+ied :7ab82 goat# anti#human -gG ,onBugated to alkaline phosphatase* '#nit!ophenyl#phosphate disodium 6as used as a subst!ate, and the opti,al density 6as measu!ed at (A@ nm*

Anti!odies used in flow cytometry, %he +ollo6ing ,onBugated antibodies 6e!e used in +lo6 ,ytomet!y3 Allophy,o,yanin 7A'C8#,onBugated anti#C"3 7,lone .CH%18, pe!idin ,hlo!ophyll p!otein 7'e!C'8#,onBugated anti#C"D 7,lone S)18, 'hy,oe!yth!in 7'C8#,onBugated anti#-L#21#!e,epto! 7,lone 11A128, and 'e!C'#,onBugated anti#C"10 7,lone (G18, all pu!,hased +!om e,ton K "i,kinson

7Amste!dam, %he Nethe!lands8L 'C#,onBugated anti#-L#21 7,lone e io3A3#N28, Ale5a :luo!M (DD 7A(DD8#,onBugated anti#-L#11 7,lone e io;("CC118, and A(DD#,onBugated anti#:o5'3 7,lone 'CH1A18, all pu!,hased +!om e ios,ien,e 7San "iego, CA, .SA8L 'C#,onBugated anti# CL; 7,lone -C@A(;'8 6as obtained +!om &K" Systems 7Minneapolis, MN8*

+ample preparation and in vitro stimulation, Lithium hepa!ini/ed $enous blood 6as obtained +!om patients and healthy dono!s* -mmediately a+te! sampling, (AAL blood 6as mi5ed 6ith (AAL &'M-1;(A 7Camb!e5 io S,ien,e, Ie!$ie!s, elgium8, supplemented 6ith @ANg<ml gentamy,in 7Gib,o,

S,otland, .)8, and ali9uoted in t6o @mL polyp!opylene tubes 7 " ios,ien,es8 7(AAL pe! tube8* "iluted blood samples 6e!e stimulated ( hou!s 6ith @Ang<mL pho!bol my!istate a,etate 7'MAL Sigma#Ald!i,h, Steinheim, Ge!many8 and 2nM ,al,ium ionopho!e 7Ca#-oL Sigma#Ald!i,h8* As a negati$e ,ont!ol, one sample 6as kept in medium only 6ithout stimulation* :o! inhibiting ,ytokine !elease +!om the ,ells, 1AOg<ml o+ b!e+eldin A 7Sigma#Ald!i,h8 6as added to ea,h sample*

Intracellular .A(+-staining for cyto/ines, A+te! stimulation, ,ells 6e!e 6ashed in 6ash bu++e! =' S, @P :etal o$ine Se!um 7: S8, A*1P sodium a/ide 7Me!k, Ge!many8> and stained 6ith 'e!C'#

,onBugated anti#C"D and A'C#,onBugated anti#C"3 +o! 1@ minutes at !oom tempe!atu!e* Cells 6e!e +i5ed 6ith 1AANL Reagent A 7Caltag<-n$it!ogen*, !eda, %he Nethe!lands8 +o! 1A minutes* A+te!

6ashing, the pellet 6as !esuspended in 1AANL pe!meabili/ation Reagent B 7Caltag<-n$it!ogen8 and labeled 6ith A(DD#,onBugated anti#-L#11 and 'C#,onBugated anti#-L#21 +o! 2A minutes in the da!k* A+te! staining, the ,ells 6e!e 6ashed and immediately analy/ed on :ACS#Calibu! +lo6 ,ytomete! 7 e,ton K "i,kinson8* "ata 6e!e ,olle,ted +o! 2 5 1A@ ,ells, and plotted using the Win#List so+t6a!e pa,kage 7Ie!ity So+t6a!e House -n,, MC, .SA8* e,ause stimulation !edu,es su!+a,e e5p!ession o+ C"( on %#,ells, C"(E%#,ells 6e!e identi+ied indi!e,tly by gating on C"3#positi$e and C"D#negati$e lympho,ytes* Gated C"(E %#,ells 6e!e +u!the! displayed as dot plot +o! e$aluation o+ int!a,ellula! ,ytokine p!odu,tion* %he unstimulated ,ont!ol sample 6as used as a guide +o! setting the linea! gates to dis,!iminate positi$e and negati$e populations*

Intracellular staining for transcription factors, 'e!iphe!al blood mononu,lea! ,ells 7' MCs8 +!om G'A#patients and HCs 6e!e p!epa!ed +!om hepa!ini/ed $enous blood by density#g!adient ,ent!i+ugation on Lymphop!ep 7A5is#Shield 'oC AS, Hslo, No!6ay8* Cells !e,o$e!ed +!om the g!adient inte!+a,e 6e!e 6ashed t6i,e in ' S and stained +o!

CL; and :o5'3 a,,o!ding to the manu+a,tu!e!Qs inst!u,tions 7e ios,ien,e staining set +o! t!ans,!iption +a,to!s8* !ie+ly, ' MCs 6e!e adBusted to 1 5 1A; ,ells in 1AAL and in,ubated 6ith app!op!iate ,on,ent!ation o+ A'C#,onBugated anti#C"3 and 'e!C'#,onBugated anti#C"D +o! 3A minutes at ( oC in the da!k, +ollo6ed by +i5ation and pe!meabili/aion in :i5<'e!m bu++e! 7e ios,ien,e8 +o! (@ minutes* Cells 6e!e then 6ashed t6i,e 6ith 1R pe!meabili/ation bu++e! 7e ios,ien,e8, and stained 6ith 'C#,onBugated anti# CL; and A(DD#,onBugated anti#:o5'3* A+te! in,ubation +o! 3A minutes in the da!k, the ,ell suspension 6as 6ashed and immediately analy/ed on :ACS#Calibu! +lo6 ,ytomete! 7 e,ton K "i,kinson8* Lympho,ytes 6e!e gated by +o!6a!d and side s,atte! patte!ns, and plotted using the Win#List so+t6a!e pa,kage 7Ie!ity So+t6a!e House -n,, MC, .SA8* -sotype mat,hed ,ont!ol antibodies o+ i!!ele$ant spe,i+i,ity 6e!e obtained +!om e ios,ien,e and &K" systems*

Immunofluorescent surface staining for IL-21' on 0-cells, :!esh blood samples +!om G'A#patients and HCs 6e!e labeled 6ith 'C#,onBugated anti#-L21&, and 'e!C'#,onBugated anti#C"10 +o! 1@ minutes in the da!k* Cells 6e!e su,,essi$ely t!eated 6ith 2 ml diluted :ACS lysing solution 7 ", Amste!dam, %he Nethe!lands8 +o! 1A minutes and then 6ashed t6i,e in 6ash#bu++e! and immediately analy/ed by +lo6 ,ytomet!y*

'-A isolation and 'eal-Time 'T-P(', C!yth!o,ytes 6e!e lysed and leuko,ytes 6e!e +i5ed and 6ashed t6i,e in 1P SA* &NA 6as isolated +!om total leuko,ytes 6ith %&-/ol !eagent 7-n$it!ogen8 a,,o!ding to the manu+a,tu!e!Qs inst!u,tions* "NAse t!eatment 7Ambion, Huntingdon, Camb!idgeshi!e, .)8 6as pe!+o!med and subse9uently ,"NA 6as synthesi/ed using M#MLI !e$e!se t!ans,!iptase and oligo 7d%8 1( to 1D as p!ime!* :o! measu!ement o+ m&NA +o! CL; and gly,e!aldehyde#3#phosphate dehyd!ogenase 7GA'"H8, 1 Ol o+ ,"NA in t!ipli,ate 6as used +o! ampli+i,ation by the %a9man &%#'C& system 7A - '!ism 10AAH%

Se9uen,e "ete,tion System, Applied

iosystems, :oste! City, CA, .SA8 6ith spe,i+i, %a9man iosystems8*

p!ime!s<p!obes 7 ,L#; =Hs AA1@33;DSm1> and GA'"H =Hs 000000A@Sm1>, Applied

Ampli+i,ation 6as pe!+o!med using standa!d ,onditions and ,al,ulations o+ +old indu,tion 6e!e pe!+o!med* We no!mali/ed gene e5p!ession to GA'"H and e5p!essed $alues !elati$e to ,ont!ol using the C% method*

(ell stimulation and total IgG production, ' MCs !e,o$e!ed +!om the g!adient inte!+a,e 6e!e 6ashed t6i,e in ' S and adBusted to 1A; ,ells<mL in &'M- 1;(A 7Lon/a, S6it/e!land8 supplemented 6ith 1AP +etal ,al+ se!um 7Lon/a, S6it/e!land8 and @A Og<mL gentami,in 7G- CH, -n$it!ogen8* Cells 6e!e ,ultu!ed in the p!esen,e o+ 1AA ng<mL !h-L#21 7-mmuno%ools GmbH, Ge!many8 and<o! 1AA ng<mL !h A:: 7'ep!o%e,h, .SA8 +o! 12 days at 31 TC 6ith @P CH2* A+te! 12 days, ,ultu!e supe!natants 6e!e ,olle,ted and total -gG 6as measu!ed using an in#house CL-SA as des,!ibed p!e$iously=31>* !ie+ly, Costa! 0;#6ell CL-SA plates 6e!e ,oated 6ith 2 mg<mL goat anti#human#-g antibody 7Southe!n iote,h, i!mingham, AL, .SA8 in ,a!bonate bu++e! 7A*A1M, pH 0*;8* 'lates 6e!e 6ashed 6ith 6ashing bu++e! 7A*A2@M %!is#HCl, A*1@M NaCl, A*A@P %6een#2A8 and blo,ked +o! 1 h 6ith blo,king<in,ubation#bu++e! 7A*A@M %!is#HCl, A*3M NaCl, A*A@P %6een#2A, 1P SA8* Cell ,ultu!e supe!natants 6e!e diluted in in,ubation bu++e!* 'u!i+ied human -gG 6ith a kno6n ,on,ent!ation 6as used as a standa!d sample* %he bound -gG 6as dete,ted 6ith goat# anti#human#-gG antibody ,onBugated 6ith alkaline phosphatase 7Sigma, St Louis, MH, .SA8* '# nit!ophenyl#phosphate disodium 6as used as subst!ate and opti,al density 6as !ead at (A@ nm using an Cma5 mi,!oplate !eade! 7Mole,ula! "e$i,es, Sili,on Ialley, CA, .SA8*

&easurement of in vitro production of P'1-A-(A In vitro '&3#ANCA -gG p!odu,tion in ' MC ,ultu!e supe!natants 6as measu!ed by 'hadia -mmunoCA'M 2@A analy/e! 7%he!mo :ishe! S,ienti+i,8 using CLiA%M '&3, and the le$els o+ '&3#ANCA -gG p!odu,tion 6e!e e5p!essed in !esponse units 7&.8*

+tatistical analysis, "ata a!e p!esented as median $alues, unless stated othe!6ise* %he nonpa!amet!i, Mann#Whitney . test 6as used to ,ompa!e data +!om patients 6ith that o+ healthy ,ont!ols* %he Wil,o5on mat,hed pai!s test 6as used +o! int!aindi$idual ,ompa!ison* Co!!elations 6e!e assessed using Spea!manQs !ank ,o!!elation ,oe++i,ient* %6o#tailed P#$alues less than A*A@ 6e!e ,onside!ed statisti,ally signi+i,ant*



Increased percentage of circulating IL-212IL-13- cells in A-(A-positi$e GPA-patients compared to A-(A-negati$e patients and healthy controls We initially dete!mined the +!e9uen,y o+ -L#21 p!odu,ing C"( %#,ells in the pe!iphe!al blood o+ G'A# patients 7nG (28 and HCs 7nG 208 a+te! in vitro stimulation* %he pe!,entage o+ ,i!,ulating -L#21E %h# ,ells 6as signi+i,antly highe! in G'A#patients as ,ompa!ed 6ith the ,ont!ol g!oup 7:igu!e 1 8* H+ note, %h11 ,ells may p!odu,e -L#21 in addition to thei! signatu!e ,ytokine -L#11* Sin,e %h11 ,ells a!e in,!eased in G'A#patients=1A, 11>, 6e ne5t e5tended ou! analysis to in$estigate 6hethe! in,!eased -L# 21E %h#,ells in G'A#patients !esulted +!om an in,!ease in %h11 ,ells* %o this end, -L#11 staining 6as in,luded in the analysis to dete!mine 6hat pe!,entage o+ the total -L#21E %h#,ells a!e %h11 ,ells* .sing this app!oa,h, 6e assessed the +!e9uen,y o+ -L#21E-L#11#, -L#21E-L#11E, and -L#21#-L#11E ,ells 6ithin the C"( %#,ells in G'A#patients and HCs* As sho6n in +igu!e 1 7C, " and C8, G'A#patients in !emission had a signi+i,antly highe! pe!,entages o+ ,i!,ulating -L#21E-L#11#, -L#21E-L#11E, and -L#21#-L# 11E ,ells as ,ompa!ed 6ith the ,ont!ol g!oup* Ho6e$e!, the maBo!ity o+ ,i!,ulating C"(E %#,ells that p!odu,ed -L#21 only, 6e!e distin,t +!om %h11 ,ells, that is negati$e +o! -L#11* %o assess the possible !ole o+ -L#21E-L#11# %h#,ells in ANCA p!odu,tion, 6e ,ompa!ed thei! pe!,entage bet6een patients that 6e!e ANCA#positi$e 7nG 23L --: tite! U13(A8 o! ANCA#negati$e 7n G 108 at the time o+ in,lusion* Signi+i,ant in,!eases in the +!e9uen,ies o+ -L#21E-L#11# %h#,ells 6e!e obse!$ed in ANCA#positi$e patients in ,ompa!ison 6ith HCs and ANCA#negati$e patients, 6he!eas no signi+i,ant di++e!en,e 6as +ound bet6een ANCA#negati$e patients and HCs 7:igu!e 1:8* -n ,ont!ast, the pe!,entages o+ -L#21E-L# 11E and -L#21#-L#11E %h#,ells in ANCA#positi$e G'A#patients did not di++e! +!om those in ANCA# negati$e G'A#patients 7:igu!e 1G and H8* %hese !esults suggest that pe!sisten,e o+ -L#21E-L#11# %h# ,ells du!ing !emission plays a !ole in the ongoing humo!al autoimmune !esponse in ANCA#positi$e G'A#patients*


%o !ule out the possibility that the in,!eased p!opo!tion o+ -L#21E-L#11# %h#,ells in G'A#patients 6as the !esult o+ ,u!!ent t!eatment, the ANCA#positi$e patient g!oup 6as di$ided into t!eated and unt!eated patients, and the pe!,entages o+ -L#21E-L#11# %h#,ells 6e!e ,ompa!ed* No signi+i,ant di++e!en,es 6e!e obse!$ed bet6een t!eated and unt!eated patients 7data not sho6n8* We also ,ompa!ed the pe!,entage o+ -L#21E-L#11# %h#,ells bet6een ,u!!ently unt!eated ANCA#positi$e patients 6ith a histo!y o+ gene!ali/ed and lo,ali/ed disease* No di++e!en,e 6as +ound bet6een these patient g!oups 7data not sho6n8*

Increased frequencies of IL-212IL-13- Th-cells correlate positi$ely with Th13 response, -t has been !epo!ted that -L#21 is a key +a,to! !egulating the di++e!entiation o+ naV$e C"(E %#,ells into %h11 ,ells=32, 33>* -n o!de! to analy/e this !elation, 6e ,o!!elated pe!,entages o+ -L#21E-L#11# %h#,ells 6ith pe!,entages o+ te!minally di++e!entiated %h11 ,ells 7-L#21#-L#11E8 in G'A#patients 7nG (28 and HCs 7nG 208* -nte!estingly, a signi+i,ant positi$e ,o!!elation 6as obse!$ed bet6een -L#21E-L#11# %h#,ells and -L#21#-L#11E %h#,ells in both G'A#patients and HCs 7!G A*@D, PW A*AAA1 and !G A*31, PG A*A(, !espe,ti$ely8 7:igu!e 2A and 8*

Increased frequencies of 0(L-42 (562 T-cells in peripheral !lood of A-(A-positi$e GPA-patients Sin,e -L#21 is not the only ma!ke! +o! %:H ,ells, 6e +u!the! ,ha!a,te!i/ed the identity o+ ,i!,ulating -L# 21 p!odu,ing ,ells by analy/ing CL; e5p!ession, 6hi,h is ,onside!ed a maste! !egulato! and spe,i+i, t!ans,!iption +a,to! +o! %:H ,ells=3(, 3@>* %o this end, the e5p!ession o+ m&NA CL#; 6e!e assessed in ,i!,ulating leuko,ytes +!om G'A#patients and HCs by !eal#time &%#'C&* &est!i,ted numbe!s o+ patients and ,ont!ols 6e!e in,luded in this analysis due to insu++i,ient ,ell numbe!s* 'atients 6ith


ANCA#positi$e G'A 7nG 1A8 had a signi+i,antly highe! e5p!ession o+ m&NA CL#; than ANCA#negati$e patients 7nG ;8 and HCs 7nG 118 7:igu!e 3 8* -n addition, int!a,ellula! :ACS#staining +o! CL; 6ithin ,i!,ulating C"(E % ,ells ,on+i!med the in,!eased CL#; e5p!ession in ANCA#positi$e G'A#patients 7:igu!e 3A and C8* We ha$e also analy/ed the M:- 7mean +luo!es,en,e intensity8 o+ CL#; e5p!ession in C"(E %#,ells +!om patients and HCs and +ound that the e5p!ession le$el o+ CL#; pe! %h#,ell in G'A# patients 6as simila! to that in HCs 7data not sho6n8* %hus, CL#; e5p!ession is in,!eased in G'A# patients due to in,!eased +!e9uen,ies o+ ,i!,ulating CL#;E C"(E %#,ells* Sin,e in !e,ent studies a ne6 population o+ :o5'3E !egulato!y %#,ells has been des,!ibed that sha!es +eatu!es 6ith %:H ,ell by e5p!essing the t!ans,!iption +a,to! ,l#;, 6e also e$aluated 6hethe! the in,!ease in CL#;E %#,ells in G'A#patients 6as a !esult o+ an in,!ease in :o5'3E CL#;E %#,ells=3;, 31>* %his analysis sho6ed that the in,!ease in CL#; e5p!ession in G'A patients 6as !est!i,ted to %:H ,ells and although a lo6 pe!,entage o+ :o5'3E CL#;E %#,ells 6as +ound 7W A*3P8, no di++e!en,es in these ,ell +!e9uen,ies 6e!e obse!$ed bet6een G'A#patients and HCs 7data not sho6n8*

Proportions of IL-21-receptor e7pressing 0-cells do not differ !etween GPA-patients and 8( Sin,e it is 6ell kno6n that -L#21 a,ts on #,ells to suppo!t thei! e5pansion and antibody ,ells

p!odu,tion=3D#(A>, 6e ,ondu,ted +u!the! analysis to ,ompa!e the e5p!ession o+ -L#21& on

+!om G'A#patients and HCs* No di++e!en,es 6e!e seen in the pe!,entages o+ -L#21&E #,ells neithe! bet6een ANCA#positi$e patients 7nG 138 and ANCA#negati$e patients 7nG 1(8 no! bet6een patients and HCs 7nG 108 7:igu!e (8*


IL-21 induces IgG and A-(A production !y 0-cells from GPA-patients %o e5plo!e the inte!play bet6een -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells and #,ells in G'A#patients, 6e

in$estigated the e++e,t o+ -L#21 on -gG antibody#p!odu,tion by #,ells +!om G'A#patients* &est!i,ted numbe!s o+ patients and ,ont!ols 6e!e en!olled in this analysis due to insu++i,ient ,ell numbe!s* ' MCs +!om G'A#patients 6e!e ,ultu!ed in vitro in the p!esen,e o! absen,e o+ e5ogenous -L#21 +o! 12 days and total -gG 6as measu!ed in supe!natants by CL-SA* Sin,e -L#21 p!omotes #,ell

di++e!entiation by syne!gi/ing 6ith A::=12, 13>, 6e 9uestioned 6hethe! the e++e,t o+ -L#21 on -gG p!odu,tion ,ould be augmented by adding A:: to the ,ultu!e* H+ note, autologous % ,ells in ou! ,ultu!e system a,t as a natu!al p!o$ide! o+ C"(A ligation +o! #,ells, as this ligation is !e9ui!ed +o! ,ell a,ti$ation, isotype s6it,hing and memo!y de$elopment* As sho6n in +igu!e @, -L#21 signi+i,antly enhan,ed the p!odu,tion o+ -gG in vitro in stimulated ' MCs +!om both ANCA#positi$e 7nG 18 and ANCA#negati$e 7nG ;8 G'A#patients, 6hile stimulation 6ith A:: alone did not !esult in in,!eased -gG p!odu,tion* %he ,ombination o+ A:: and -L#21 tended to in,!ease -gG p!odu,tion mo!e than -L#21 alone* Ne5t, 6e assessed the e++e,t o+ -L#21 plus A:: on in vitro p!odu,tion o+ '&3#ANCA* As sho6n in +igu!e @ , spontaneous '&3#ANCA p!odu,tion 6as obse!$ed in ,ultu!ed ' MCs +!om ANCA# positi$e patients 7nG 1;8 in ,ompa!ison 6ith ,ells +!om ANCA#negati$e patients 7nG 128* -mpo!tantly, -L#21 indu,es a signi+i,ant enhan,ement in '&3#ANCA p!odu,tion in ' MCs isolated +!om ANCA# positi$e patients in ,ompa!ison 6ith ANCA#negati$e patients* So it is ,on,ei$able that auto!ea,ti$e # ,ells 6e!e en!i,hed in the pe!iphe!al blood o+ ANCA#positi$e patients*


-n the p!esent study, 6e demonst!ate an in,!ease in the pe!,entage o+ ,i!,ulating -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells in G'A#patients* We +ound that ele$ated +!e9uen,ies o+ -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells 6e!e !est!i,ted to ANCA#positi$e G'A patients and that these ,ells 6e!e distin,t +!om %h11 ,ells* We also ,on+i!med that -L#21 ,an enhan,e the p!odu,tion o+ -gG and ANCA in vitro* H$e! the past +e6 yea!s, %h11 ,ells ha$e ,hallenged the ,lassi,al %h1<%h2 pa!adigm, and ha$e been impli,ated in a g!o6ing numbe! o+ autoimmune and in+lammato!y diseases=(1>* &e,ently, a distin,t %h#,ell subset te!med %:H and ,ha!a,te!i/ed by ele$ated e5p!ession le$els o+ multiple su!+a,e p!oteins and ,l#; as 6ell as enhan,ed -L#21 se,!etion, has been identi+ied as t!ue helpe! ,ells +o! antibody !esponses* We and othe!s ha$e p!e$iously demonst!ated that ,i!,ulating %h11 ,ells a!e signi+i,antly in,!eased in G'A#patients e$en du!ing 9uies,ent disease=1A, 11>* Ho6e$e!, data a!e la,king to suppo!t a !ole o+ -L#21#p!odu,ing %h#,ells in G'A* Sin,e %h11 ,ells also p!odu,e -L#21, 6e in$estigated 6hethe! %h11 ,ells in G'A a!e a sou!,e o+ -L#21* St!ikingly, the maBo!ity o+ ,i!,ulating C"( %#,ells that p!odu,ed -L#21 6e!e distin,t +!om %h11 ,ells, indi,ating that othe! %h#,ell subsets su,h as %:H ,ells a!e the sou!,e o+ this ,ytokine* -mpo!tantly, the e5pansion o+ %:H ,ells in G'A patients 6as ,on+i!med by in,!eased ,L; e5p!ession* %o the best o+ ou! kno6ledge, this is the +i!st !epo!t demonst!ating an in,!ease in the +!e9uen,y o+ ,i!,ulating -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells in G'A suggesting that %:H ,ell#de!i$ed -L#21 may ,ont!ibute to disease pathogenesis $ia stimulation o+ 7auto8antibody p!odu,tion* %:H ,ells a!e ,onside!ed to be the maBo! sou!,e o+ -L#21 and seem to be an impo!tant subset +o! adapti$e immune !esponses, although the!e a!e ,on+li,ting !epo!ts on thei! mode o+ a,tion in vivo* -t has been demonst!ated that -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells indu,e %h11 de$elopment and p!oli+e!ation=32, 33>, 6hi,h has been sho6n to p!omote ge!minal ,ente! 7GC8 +o!mation in a R"2 mouse model o+ autoimmunity=(2>* -n ag!eement 6ith these +indings, 6e demonst!ate a signi+i,ant positi$e !elationship bet6een -L#11E-L#21# %h#,ells and -L#11#-L#21E %h#,ells in pe!iphe!al blood o+ G'A#


patients* -t seems likely that in,!eased %h11 ,ells in G'A#patients a!e the !esult o+ an enhan,ed %:H !esponse, 6hi,h in tu!n may pa!ti,ipate in g!anuloma +o!mation and $as,ula! damage* %he !ole o+ -L# 21 in $as,ulitis 6as p!e$iously suggested by Chen and ,o6o!ke!s=(3>* -n thei! study, mi,e de+i,ient in inte!+e!on !egulato!y +a,to!#(, a p!otein that inhibits -L#11A p!odu,tion, !apidly de$eloped la!ge# $essel $as,ulitis and sho6ed in,!eased -L#21 synthesis in addition to in,!eased -L#11A p!odu,tion=(3>* Mo!eo$e!, a !ole o+ -L#21 in !e,!uitment o+ %h11 ,ells to in+lamed tissues has been !epo!ted by Ca!uso and ,o6o!ke!s=((> by sho6ing that -L#21 indu,es gut epithelial ,ells to se,!ete ma,!ophage in+lammato!y p!otein#3X 7M-'#3X8, a ,hemokine that mediates %h11 ,ell homing to the skin, Boints, and mu,osal tissues* Gi$en that endothelial ,ells a!e kno6n to p!odu,e M-'#3X, it is possible that -L# 21 in G'A#patients enhan,es the mig!ation and a,,umulation o+ %h11 ,ells into the $as,ula! 6all !esulting in in+lammation* esides, -L#21 6as sho6n to enhan,e g!an/yme e5p!ession=(@> and

in,!ease pe!+o!in#mediated ,ytoto5i,ity by human C"D %#,ells=(;> and N) ,ells=(1>* -t is the!e+o!e ,on,ei$able that -L#21 ,an ,ont!ibute to $essel inBu!y and disease p!og!ession in G'A#patients* %his is an a!ea 6o!th o+ +u!the! in$estigation* -n ,ont!ast to the p!o#in+lammato!y !ole o+ %:H ,ells, !e,ent studies ha$e identi+ied a distin,ti$e population o+ %:H ,ells that displays a !egulato!y +un,tion and supp!esses the di++e!entiation o+ GC #,ells in +olli,les in vivo* %his subset 6as te!med +olli,ula! !egulato!y % ,ells 7%:&8, 6hi,h e5p!ess the !egulato!y t!ans,!iption +a,to! FoxP3 in addition to thei! spe,i+i, lineage t!ans,!iption +a,to! CL#;=3;, 31>* As ,i!,ulating FoxP3E %#,ells a!e in,!eased in G'A#patients=1>, it is ,on,ei$able that the obse!$ed in,!ease in %:H ,ells in patients is due to an in,!ease in %:& ,ells that ,o# e5p!ess FoxP3 and CL;* We ha$e in$estigated this possibility but +ound that the in,!ease in

,i!,ulating %:H ,ells in G'A#patients ,annot be e5plained by in,!ease in %:& ,ells 7data not sho6n8* -n ou! study, in,!eased +!e9uen,ies o+ %:H ,ells 6e!e obse!$ed in patients 6ho 6e!e ANCA positi$e at the time o+ in,lusion* %his suggests the in$ol$ement o+ -L#21 in the p!o,ess o+ autoantibody p!odu,tion in G'A* %hese data a!e in line 6ith p!e$ious !epo!ts sho6ing that %:H ,ells


a,t di!e,tly on #,ells th!ough the -L#21<-L#21& path6ay, and that -L#21 is a potent indu,e! o+ ,lass# s6it,h !e,ombination and plasma ,ell di++e!entiation=30, (D, (0>* %he e5p!ession o+ -L#21& on #,ells +!om ANCA#positi$e and ANCA#negati$e G'A#patients 6as ,ompa!able, 6hi,h suggests that both patient populations ha$e the same ability to !espond to -L#21* Ho6e$e!, in vitro stimulation 6ith -L# 21 enhan,ed the p!odu,tion o+ ANCA in ,ell ,ultu!es +!om ANCA#positi$e patients only, although enhan,ed total -gG#p!odu,tion 6as obse!$ed in both patient g!oups* So it is ,on,ei$able that auto!ea,ti$e #,ells 6e!e en!i,hed in the pe!iphe!al blood o+ ANCA#positi$e patients* %his might be ,lini,ally !ele$ant as 6ell sin,e ANCA positi$e patients a!e at in,!eased !isk +o! disease !elapse=@A, @1>* -n this study, patients 6e!e e$aluated +o! the dist!ibution o+ %:H ,ells du!ing !emission* We ha$e p!e$iously sho6n that a,ti$ated %#,ells a!e p!esent at the time o+ ,lini,ally 9uies,ent disease=0, 1A>* :u!the!mo!e, du!ing a,ti$e disease e++e,to! %#,ells appea! to mig!ate to6a!ds in+lamed tissue=@2>* %he!e+o!e, in o!de! to study dysbalan,e o+ %#,ells in G'A#patients using pe!iphe!al blood samples, 6e ,hoose to sele,t patients 6ithout o! 6ith lo6 dosages o+ immunosupp!essi$e medi,ation and at the time o+ ,lini,ally 9uies,ent disease*

-n ,on,lusion, the data p!esented he!e demonst!ate a p!ominent in,!ease o+ ,i!,ulating %:H ,ells in ANCA#positi$e G'A#patients* %he key ,ytokine o+ these %:H ,ells, that is -L#21, ,ont!ibutes to the p!odu,tion o+ ANCA autoantibodies in vitro* %hese data suppo!t the notion that %:H ,ells a!e asso,iated 6ith the pathogeni, p!o,ess in G'A#patients and may ,onstitute a no$el ta!get +o! the!apeuti, inte!$ention*


ANCA3 anti#neut!ophil ,ytoplasmi, autoantibodiesL A(DD3 Ale5a :luo!M (DDL A'C3 Allophy,o,yaninL A::3 #,ell a,ti$ating +a,to!L IAS3 i!mingham Ias,ulitis A,ti$ity S,o!eL Ca#-3 ,al,ium ionopho!eL CL-SA3 en/yme#linked immunoso!bent assayL :CS3 +etal ,al+ se!umL :-%C3 +luo!es,ein

isothio,yanateL%:H3 +olli,ula! helpe! %#,ellsL G'A3 g!anulomatosis 6ith polyangiitisL HC3 healthy ,ont!olL -g3 immunoglobulinL --:3 indi!e,t immuno+luo!es,en,eL -L#213 inte!leukin#21L -L#21&3 inte!leukin#21 !e,epto!L ' 3 pe!iphe!al bloodL ' MC3 pe!iphe!al blood mononu,lea! ,ellsL ' S3 phosphate#bu++e!ed salineL 'C3 'hy,oe!yth!inL 'e!C'3 pe!idin ,hlo!ophyll p!oteinL 'MA3 pho!bol my!istate a,etateL '&33 p!oteinase 3*

(ompeting interests
%he autho!s de,la!e that they ha$e no ,ompeting inte!ests*

Authors9 contri!utions
All autho!s ,ont!ibuted to the design, a,9uisition o+ data, analysis and inte!p!etation o+ data* WHA ,ont!ibuted to ,on,ept and design, pe!+o!med the statisti,al analysis, and had +ull a,,ess to all o+ the data in the study and takes !esponsibility +o! the integ!ity o+ the data and the a,,u!a,y o+ the data analysis* WHA, NL, MGH, "$dM, and H% pe!+o!med the +lo6,ytomet!y, in vitro e5pe!iments, &%#'C& e5pe!iments, inte!p!etation o+ data, and d!a+ting o+ the manus,!ipt* CAS and A& ,ont!ibuted to ,on,ept and design, in,lusion o+ G'A#patients, analyses and inte!p!etation o+ ,lini,al data, and d!a+ting o+ the manus,!ipt* 'CL, 'H, and CGM) ,ont!ibuted to ,on,ept and design, inte!p!etation o+ data and !e$ising the manus,!ipt +o! impo!tant intelle,tual ,ontents* All autho!s !ead and app!o$ed the +inal manus,!ipt*


We a!e g!ate+ul to the patients and healthy dono!s +o! thei! ,o#ope!ation and pa!ti,ipation in this study* %he !esea!,h leading to these !esults has !e,ei$ed +unding +!om the Cu!opean .nion Se$enth :!ame6o!k '!og!amme 7:'1<2AA1#2A138 unde! g!ant ag!eement nJ 2;13D2, and +!om the G!oningen .ni$e!sity -nstitute +o! "!ug C5plo!ation 7G.-"C8*


'eference list


:au,i AS, Haynes :, )at/ ', Wol++ SM3 *egener:s granulomatosis% prospecti$e clinical and therapeutic e7perience with ;< patients for 21 years* Ann Intern Med 10D3, =;31;# D@* $an de! Woude :Y, &asmussen N, Lobatto S, Wiik A, 'e!min H, $an Cs LA, $an de! GM, $an de! Hem G), %he %H3 Autoanti!odies against neutrophils and monocytes% tool for diagnosis and mar/er of disease acti$ity in *egener:s granulomatosis* Lancet 10D@, 13(2@#(20* Niles YL, M,Cluskey &%, Ahmad M:, A!naout MA3 *egener:s granulomatosis autoantigen is a no$el neutrophil serine proteinase* Blood 10D0, 3631DDD#1D03* !ou6e! C, %e!$ae!t YW, Ho!st G, Huitema MG, $an de! GM, Limbu!g 'C, )allenbe!g CG3 Predominance of IgG1 and IgG6 su!classes of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoanti!odies (A-(A in patients with *egener:s granulomatosis and clinically related disorders* Clin Exp Immunol 1001, ;13310#3D;* )omo,si A, Lamp!e,ht ', Cse!nok C, Muelle! A, Holl#.l!i,h ), Seit/e! ., Moosig :, S,hnabel A, G!oss WL3 Peripheral !lood and granuloma (56(2 (52;(- T cells are a ma#or source of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in *egener:s granulomatosis* Am J Pathol 2AA2, 14>31111#112(* Lamp!e,ht ', Moosig :, Cse!nok C, Seit/e! ., S,hnabel A, Muelle! A, G!oss WL3 (52; negati$e T cells are enriched in granulomatous lesions of the respiratory tract in *egener:s granulomatosis* horax 2AA1, <431@1#1@1* Abdulahad WH, Stegeman CA, $an de! Geld ZM, "oo!nbos#$an de! M , Limbu!g 'C, )allenbe!g CG3 .unctional defect of circulating regulatory (562 T cells in patients with *egener:s granulomatosis in remission* Arthriti! Rheum 2AA1, <432ADA#2A01* Mo!gan M", "ay CY, 'ipe! )', )han N, Ha!pe! L, Moss 'A, Sa$age CH3 Patients with *egener:s granulomatosis demonstrate a relati$e deficiency and functional impairment of T-regulatory cells* Immunolog" 2A1A, 11>3;(#13* Abdulahad WH, $an de! Geld ZM, Stegeman CA, )allenbe!g CG3 Persistent e7pansion of (562 effector memory T cells in *egener:s granulomatosis* #idne" Int 2AA;, 3>303D# 0(1* Abdulahad WH, Stegeman CA, Limbu!g 'C, )allenbe!g CG3 +/ewed distri!ution of Th13 lymphocytes in patients with *egener:s granulomatosis in remission* Arthriti! Rheum 2AAD, <;3210;#22A@* Noguei!a C, Hamou! S, Sa6ant ", Hende!son S, Mans+ield N, Cha$ele )M, 'usey C", Salama A"3 +erum IL-13 and IL-21 le$els and autoantigen-specific Th13 cells are












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"ol++ S, Abdulahad WH, West!a Y, "oo!nbos#$an de! M , Limbu!g 'C, )allenbe!g CG, iBl M3 Increase in IL-21 producing T-cells in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus* Arthriti! Re! her 2A11, 113&1@1* Simpson N, Gatenby 'A, Wilson A, Malik S, :ul,he! "A, %angye SG, Manku H, Iyse %Y, &on,ado! G, Huttley GA, Goodno6 CC, Iinuesa CG, Cook MC3 A7pansion of circulating T cells resem!ling follicular helper T cells is a fi7ed phenotype that identifies a su!set of se$ere systemic lupus erythematosus* Arthriti! Rheum 2A1A, 42323(#2((* Ma Y, 2hu C, Ma , %ian Y, aidoo SC, Mao C, Wu W, Chen Y, %ong Y, Zang M, Yiao 2, Ru H, Lu L, Wang S3 Increased frequency of circulating follicular helper T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis* Clin %ev Immunol 2A12, 2>123D21(DA* Yennette YC, :alk &Y, And!assy ), a,on 'A, Chu!g Y, G!oss WL, Hagen CC, Ho++man GS, Hunde! GG, )allenbe!g CG, *3 -omenclature of systemic $asculitides, Proposal of an international consensus conference* Arthriti! Rheum 100(, 1331D1#102* Lea$itt &Z, :au,i AS, lo,h "A, Mi,hel A, Hunde! GG, A!end W', Calab!ese LH, :!ies Y:, Lie Y%, Light+oot &W, Y!*, *3 The American (ollege of 'heumatology 1==> criteria for the classification of *egener:s granulomatosis* Arthriti! Rheum 100A, 11311A1#11A1* Lu9mani &A, a,on 'A, Moots &Y, Yanssen A, 'all A, Cme!y ', Sa$age C, Adu "3 0irmingham Basculitis Acti$ity +core (0BA+ in systemic necroti@ing $asculitis* )JM 100(, ;33;11#;1D* %e!$ae!t YW, Mulde! L, Stegeman C, Clema Y, Huitema M, %he H, )allenbe!g C3 "ccurrence of autoanti!odies to human leucocyte elastase in *egener:s granulomatosis and other inflammatory disorders* Ann Rheum %i! 1003, <2311@#12A* %e!$ae!t YW, Golds,hmeding &, Clema Y", $an de! GM, Huitema MG, $an de! Hem G), %he %H, $on dem o!ne AC, )allenbe!g CG3 Autoanti!odies against myeloid lysosomal en@ymes in crescentic glomerulonephritis* #idne" Int 100A, 133100#DA;* Sa$ige Y, "ime,h W, :!it/le! M, Goeken Y, Hagen CC, Yennette YC, M,C$oy &, 'usey C, 'ollo,k W, %!e$isin M, Wiik A, Wong &3 Addendum to the International (onsensus +tatement on testing and reporting of antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti!odies, Cuality control guidelinesD commentsD and recommendations for testing in other autoimmune diseases* Am J Clin Pathol 2AA3, 12>3312#31D* %adema H, Abdulahad WH, Lepse N, Stegeman CA, )allenbe!g CG, Hee!inga '3 0acterial 5-A motifs trigger A-(A production in A-(A-associated $asculitis in remission* Rheumatolog" *+x,ord- 2A11, <>3;D0#;0;* )o!n %, ettelli C, Gao W, A6asthi A, Yage! A, St!om % , Hukka M, )u,h!oo I)3 IL-21 initiates an alternati$e pathway to induce proinflammatory T(8 13 cells* $ature 2AA1, 66;3(D(#(D1*













Nu!ie$a &, Zang RH, Ma!tine/ G, 2hang Z, 'anopoulos A", Ma L, S,hluns ), %ian [, Wato6i,h SS, Yetten AM, "ong C3 Assential autocrine regulation !y IL-21 in the generation of inflammatory T cells* $ature 2AA1, 66;3(DA#(D3* Zu ", &ao S, %sai LM, Lee S), He Z, Sut,li++e CL, S!i$asta$a M, Linte!man M, 2heng L, Simpson N, Cllya!d Y-, 'a!ish -A, Ma CS, Li [Y, 'a!ish C&, Ma,kay C&, Iinuesa CG3 The transcriptional repressor 0cl-4 directs T follicular helper cell lineage commitment* Immunit" 2AA0, 113(@1#(;D* Nu!ie$a &-, Chung Z, Ma!tine/ GY, Zang RH, %anaka S, Matske$it,h %", Wang ZH, "ong C3 0cl4 mediates the de$elopment of T follicular helper cells* 'cience 2AA0, 12<31AA1# 1AA@* Chung Z, %anaka S, Chu :, Nu!ie$a &-, Ma!tine/ GY, &a6al S, Wang ZH, Lim H, &eynolds YM, 2hou RH, :an HM, Liu 2M, Neelapu SS, "ong C3 .ollicular regulatory T cells e7pressing .o7p1 and 0cl-4 suppress germinal center reactions* $at Med 2A11, 1330D3# 0DD* Linte!man MA, 'ie!son W, Lee S), )allies A, )a6amoto S, &ayne! %:, S!i$asta$a M, "i$eka! "', eaton L, Hogan YY, :aga!asan S, Liston A, Smith )G, Iinuesa CG3 .o7p12 follicular regulatory T cells control the germinal center response* $at Med 2A11, 13301@#0D2* 'ene Y, Gau,hat Y:, Le,a!t S, "!ouet C, Guglielmi ', oulay I, "el6ail A, :oste! ", Le,!on YC, Zssel H3 (utting edge% IL-21 is a switch factor for the production of IgG1 and IgG1 !y human 0 cells* J Immunol 2AA(, 1323@1@(#@1@1* Cttinge! &, Sims G', :ai!hu!st AM, &obbins &, da Sil$a ZS, Spolski &, Leona!d WY, Lipsky 'C3 IL-21 induces differentiation of human nai$e and memory 0 cells into anti!odysecreting plasma cells* J Immunol 2AA@, 13<31D;1#1D10* )u,hen S, &obbins &, Sims G', Sheng C, 'hillips %M, Lipsky 'C, Cttinge! &3 Assential role of IL-21 in 0 cell acti$ationD e7pansionD and plasma cell generation during (562 T cell-0 cell colla!oration* J Immunol 2AA1, 13=3@DD;#@D0;* Waite YC, Skokos "3 Th13 response and inflammatory autoimmune diseases* Int J In,lam 2A12, 2>123D10(;1* Hsu HC, Zang ', Wang Y, Wu [, Mye!s &, Chen Y, Zi Y, Guente!t %, %ousson A, Stanus AL, Le %I, Lo!en/ &G, Ru H, )olls Y), Ca!te! &H, Chaplin "", Williams &W, Mount/ Y"3 Interleu/in 13-producing T helper cells and interleu/in 13 orchestrate autoreacti$e germinal center de$elopment in autoimmune 0E52 mice* $at Immunol 2AAD, =31;;#11@* Chen [, Zang W, Gupta S, is6as ', Smith ', hagat G, 'e!nis A 3 I'.-6-!inding protein inhi!its interleu/in-13 and interleu/in-21 production !y controlling the acti$ity of I'.-6 transcription factor* Immunit" 2AAD, 2=3D00#011*













Ca!uso &, :ina ", 'eluso -, Stol+i C, :antini MC, Gioia I, Cap!ioli :, "el Ie,,hio G, 'aolu/i HA, Ma,donald %%, 'allone :, Monteleone G3 A functional role for interleu/in-21 in promoting the synthesis of the T-cell chemoattractantD &IP-1alphaD !y gut epithelial cells* &a!troenterolog" 2AA1, 11231;;#11@* Liu Z, Zang , Ma Y, Wang H, Huang :, 2hang Y, Chen H, Wu C3 Interleu/in-21 induces the differentiation of human Tc22 cells $ia phosphorylation of signal transducers and acti$ators of transcription* Immunolog" 2A11, 1123@(A#@(D* Cbe!t CC3 Interleu/in 21 up-regulates perforin-mediated cytoto7ic acti$ity of human intra-epithelial lymphocytes* Immunolog" 2AA0, 12332A;#21@* Liu 2, Zang L, Cui Z, Wang R, Guo C, Huang 2, )an [, Liu 2, Liu Z3 Il-21 enhances -) cell acti$ation and cytolytic acti$ity and induces Th13 cell differentiation in inflammatory !owel disease* In,lamm Bo.el %i! 2AA0, 1<31133#11((* H/aki ), Spolski &, Cttinge! &, )im H', Wang G, [i C:, H6u ', Sha++e! "Y, Akilesh S, &oopenian "C, Mo!se HC, ---, Lipsky 'C, Leona!d WY3 'egulation of 0 cell differentiation and plasma cell generation !y IL-21D a no$el inducer of 0limp-1 and 0cl-4* J Immunol 2AA(, 1313@3;1#@311* Linte!man MA, eaton L, Zu ", &amis,al &&, S!i$asta$a M, Hogan YY, Ie!ma N), Smyth MY, &igby &Y, Iinuesa CG3 IL-21 acts directly on 0 cells to regulate 0cl-4 e7pression and germinal center responses* J Exp Med 2A1A, 2>333@3#3;3* Slot MC, %e!$ae!t YW, oomsma MM, Stegeman CA3 Positi$e classic antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti!ody ((-A-(A titer at switch to a@athioprine therapy associated with relapse in proteinase 1-related $asculitis* Arthriti! Rheum 2AA(, <132;0#213* 'ie!!ot#"eseilligny "C, 'ou,hot Y, 'agnou5 C, Coste Y, Guille$in L3 Predictors at diagnosis of a first *egener:s granulomatosis relapse after o!taining complete remission* Rheumatolog" *+x,ord- 2A1A, 6=321D1#210A* Abdulahad WH, )allenbe!g CG, Limbu!g 'C, Stegeman CA3 Frinary (562 effector memory T cells reflect renal disease acti$ity in antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti!odyassociated $asculitis* Arthriti! Rheum 2AA0, 4>32D3A#2D3D*










Ta!le 1% (linical and la!oratory characteristics of GPA-patients at the time of !lood sampling,

No* o+ patients


No* male<no* +emale


Age, mean FS" 7!ange8 yea!s

@0 F1( 72D#D18

No* 6ith lo,ali/ed<gene!ali/ed G'A


No* positi$e<negati$e +o! '&3#ANCA\


No* &e,ei$ing<not !e,ei$ing t!eatment\\


No* o+ !elapses, median 7!ange8

A 7A#@8

"isease du!ation, median 7!ange8 months

112 72A#33(8

G'A G G!anulomatosis 6ith polyangiitisL '&3 G '!oteinase 3L ANCA G antineut!ophil ,ytoplasmi, antibody*

\ 'atients 6e!e ,onside!ed to be ANCA#positi$e 6hen ANCA#tit!es by --: 6e!e

g!eate! than 13(A

\\ :ou! patients 6e!e t!eated 6ith only a/athiop!ine, one 6ith my,ophenolate mo+etil, and
si5 patients !e,ei$ed p!ednisolone in ,ombination 6ith a/athiop!ine*


.igure legends

.igure 1% &ultiparameter flow cytometric detection of IL-21 and IL-13 in circulating (562 T-cells in GPA-patients and 8(s, Whole blood +!om G'A#patients and HCs 6as stimulated 6ith 'MA<Ca#-onopho!e and analy/ed +o! int!a,ellula! -L#21 and -L#11 ,ytokine e5p!ession* &ep!esentati$e :ACS plots o+ -L#21 $e!sus -L#11 e5p!ession in stimulated C"(E %#,ells +!om a G'A#patient 7!ight plot8 and an age# and se5#mat,hed HC 7le+t plot8 (A * Ialue in ea,h gate !ep!esents the pe!,entages o+ ,ytokine p!odu,ing ,ells* 'e!,entages o+ total -L#21 p!odu,ing %h#,ells in pe!iphe!al blood o+ G'A#patients 7nG (28 and HCs 7nG 208 (0 * 'e!,entages o+ ,i!,ulating -L#21E-L#11#, -L#21E-L#11E, and -L#21#-L#11E ,ells 6ithin the C"(E %#,ells in all G'A#patients and HCs 7(-A , o! in ANCA#positi$e 7nG 238 and ANCA#negati$e 7nG 108 G'A#patients (.8 * Ho!i/ontal lines !ep!esent the median pe!,entage* P#$alues 6e!e ,al,ulated using the nonpa!amet!i, Mann#Whitney .#test* ] G P W A*A@L ]]] G P W A*AAA@*

.igure 2% (orrelation !etween the percentages of IL-212IL-13- cells and IL-21-IL-132 cells within the (562 T-cells in peripheral !lood of 8(s (A D and GPA-patients (0 , Spea!man !ank ,o!!elation ,oe++i,ients 7!8 and P $alues a!e gi$en*


.igure 1% A7pression of transcription factors 0(L4 and .o7P1, (A &ep!esentati$e :ACS plots o+ CL; $e!sus :o5'3 e5p!ession in ,i!,ulating C"(E %#,ells +!om an ANCA#negati$e# 7!ight plot8 and an ANCA#positi$e# 7middle plot8 G'A#patient, and an age# and se5# mat,hed HC 7le+t plot8* Ialues in ea,h gate !ep!esent the pe!,entages o+ positi$e ,ells* (0 &elati$e m&NA e5p!ession o+ CL; in leuko,ytes +!om ANCA#positi$e# 7nG 1A8 and ANCA#negati$e# 7nG ;8 G'A# patients, and age# and se5#mat,hed HCs 7nG 118 6as analy/ed by !eal#time &%#'C& no!mali/ed to the housekeeping gene GA'"H* (( 'e!,entage o+ CL;E:o5'3# ,ells in ,i!,ulating C"(E %#,ells 6as dete!mined in ANCA#positi$e# 7nG 118 and ANCA#negati$e# 7nG 1A8 G'A#patients, and age# and se5#mat,hed HCs 7nG 1A8* a!s !ep!esent the mean $alues FS"* P#$alues 6e!e ,al,ulated using the nonpa!amet!i, Mann#Whitney .#test* ] G P W A*A@L ]] G P W A*AA@*

.igure 6% (omparison of IL-21' e7pressing 0-cells from GPA-patients and 8(s, (A &ep!esentati$e :ACS plots o+ -L#21& e5p!ession on C"10E #,ells +!om an ANCA#negati$e# 7!ight plot8 and an ANCA#positi$e# 7middle plot8 G'A#patient, and an age# and se5#mat,hed HC 7le+t plot8* Ialues in ea,h gate !ep!esent the pe!,entages o+ -L#21&E #,ells* (0 %he pe!,entage o+ -L#21&E #,ells 6as dete!mined in pe!iphe!al blood +!om ANCA#positi$e# 7nG 138 and ANCA#negati$e# 7nG 1(8 G'A# patients, and age# and se5#mat,hed HCs 7nG 108* a!s !ep!esent the mean $alues FS"* P#$alues 6e!e ,al,ulated using the nonpa!amet!i, Mann#Whitney .#test*


.igure <% IL-21 induces in vitro IgG and P'1-A-(A production !y 0-cells from GPA-patients, 7A8 ' MCs +!om ANCA#positi$e# 7nG 18 and ANCA#negati$e# 7nG ;8 G'A#patients 6e!e ,ultu!ed in the p!esen,e o+ !h-L#21 and<o! !h A::* Cultu!e supe!natants 6e!e ,olle,ted a+te! 12 days to measu!e total -gG by CL-SA* 708 %o assess the e++e,t o+ -L#21 on in vitro ANCA#p!odu,tion, ' MCs +!om ANCA# positi$e# 7nG 1;8 and ANCA#negati$e# 7nG 128 G'A#patients 6e!e stimulated in the p!esen,e o+ -L# 21< A::* A+te! 12 days, '&3#ANCA le$els 6e!e dete!mined by 'hadia -mmunoCA'M 2@A analy/e!* P# $alues 6e!e ,al,ulated using the Wil,o5on mat,hed pai!s test* ] G P W A*A@


Figure 2

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