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A Brief Sanskrit Glossary

Karana: Instrument; cause; the efficient or instrumental cause of something; means of accomplishing something. Khyati: Apprehension; discernment; knowledge; vision. Adhyatma: The individual Self; the supreme Self; spirit. Agni: Vedic god of fire. Aham: I am; I; I awareness; I consciousness; self-consciousness. Akasha: Not visible; ether; space; sky; the subtlest of the five elements; the substance that fills and pervades the universe; the particular vehicle of life and sound; the element from which the sense of sound (shabda)both speech and hearingarises. Anu: Atom; atomic; elementary particle; minute; that which cannot further divided; an individual being. Bodhi: Enlightenment; to be awakened. Charya: Activity; mode of behavior; a way of lifeas in brahmacharya Deva: A shining one, a godgreater or lesser in the evolutionary hierarchy; a semi-divine or celestial being with great powers, and therefore a god. Sometimes called a demi-god. Devas are the demigods presiding over various powers of material and psychic nature. Dharma (1): The righteous way of living, as enjoined by the sacred scriptures and the spiritually illumined; characteristics; law; lawfulness; virtue; righteousness; norm.

Dharma (2): Attributes; natures; essential/visible characteristics; characteristic form; properties; qualifications. Diksha: Initiation; dedication; consecration. Griha: Home; house; temple. Jnani: A follower of the path of knowledge (jnana); one who has realizedwho knowsthe Truth (Brahman). Jnanopadesha: Instruction in wisdom (jnana). Jyoti(h): Light; flame; illumination; luminosity; effulgence. Kundalini: The primordial cosmic energy located in the individual; it is usually thought of as lying coiled up like a serpent at the base of the spine.

Paramatma(n): The Supreme Self, God. Para-shakti: Supreme Power. Prajna: Consciousness; awareness; wisdom; intelligence. Prama: Valid knowledge; true knowledge; knowledge of the real; knowledge free from error and above doubt. Raja: King; royal. Sampradaya: Tradition; school; doctrine; handed-down instruction. Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Religion, also known as Arya Dharma, the religion of those who strive upward [Aryas]. Hinduism. Sapta Rishis: Seven Sages. Great Beings who exist at the top of creation and supervise it. Shanti: Peace; calm; tranquility; contentment. Siddha: A perfectedliberatedbeing, an adept, a seer, a perfect yogi. Siddhi: Spiritual perfection; psychic power; power; modes of success; attainment; accomplishment; achievement; mastery; supernatural power attained through mantra, meditation, or other yogic practices. From the verb root sidhto attain. Skandha: Group; aggregate. Sura: Divine being; deva; one who is filled with light. Veda: Knowledge, wisdom, revealed scripture. See Vedas.


Chang Yu: "Dac nu putei s nbuii n fa inteniile inamicului, nici s-i rupei alianele cnd sunt pe punctul de a fi ncheiate, ascuii-v armele spre a dobndi victoria...".

Ts'ao Ts'ao: "...O armat nu poate fi condus dup codul manierelor elegante."

Sun Tzu a spus 1. n vremurile vechi, rzboinicii iscusii ncepeau prin a deveni de nenvins, apoi ateptau ca inamicul s fie vulnerabil.

7. Cei care sunt experi n arta aprrii se ascund sub nou straturi de pmnt; cei care sunt abili n arta atacului se deplaseaz ca i cum ar cdea din al noulea cer. Astfel, ei sunt capabili s se apere i s-i asigure o victorie total, n acelai timp.55

Dac doresc s evit lupta, se poate s m apr foarte simplu trgnd o linie pe pmnt; inamicul nu va putea s m atace pentru c l abat de la direcia pe care dorete s o urmeze.

Textul hindus Mandukya Upanishad ce ine de filosofia Vedanta definete sunetul primordial care a creat lumea, Omkara, ca un arhetip universal care domin toate nivelele existenei. Reprezentat prin silaba Aum, el este comparat cu btaia unui clopot, care apare din neant pentru a se ntoarce n infinit. Acest sunet const din trei pri, nceputul, mijlocul i sfritul, care simbolizeaz trecutul, prezentul i viitorul, forele creaiei, conservrii i distrugerii, cele trei Gunas sau atribute de baz ale naturii umane i cele trei stri de contiin: starea de veghe, visul i somnul profund. Aceste elemente de baz constituie fundamentul ternar al lumii noastre a multiplicitii.

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