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a quartcrl y journal of "port and exercise
\ 'olumr 11
Number 3 /994
J Smn111\\lll'ki, R. Grucza
l -..:il AIWI a 1'),1
Foocu.l)lll;SporttSdGCJr AM..O.ue .. l\11
()..QIII'IC.1ILIII \i W) t4u \ort
Hfccl uf endurnnce lraining on reuclions lo dyoamic exer
l'i'r In Wtn o o ' ' 1 ' e ' ' ' o ' 1 'e e. ' 1 o ' 1 1 ' o e ' e S ' ' o o o 1 14J
D. Silkowski, G. Lutoslawska, M. Grabowska, R. Zdanowit'1, A. KJusicwicz,
B. KrltWt'IYk
1\dd-hac llllus and eleclrolyle balunce In mulc und female rowers 3 min
ullcr hricl" heuvv exercise . .. .. .. .. . . .. ............ . ......... . ....... 151
O. L Vinogradova, S. L. Kuznct._'()V, B. S. S<hcnkman, E. V. Omlina, E. D. Datichcva
of initlol glycogeo contenl and utrcht inlenity on muscle fibr.- typ<'
P!<ific gi}COJ;ttn dtpletlon in human he in&' . . . . . . . . . . . J 61
G Lutn'l""'ka, O. Sitkows ki. E. Hubncr-WoLJual, L. Borkowslti, A. KJusiewicz
1'1"-'"'d :luetl\e in elite "-nstlers, swimmers and kayakers subjected lo ex
huulinglul><tralorv exercise befo re and aOr training ............. .!1!
B. ,\iolknvar, B.R. Matko\'i, M. lvanck
\1nrpholngical cbaracterislics or femule hu.,ktlhall plavers ............... llll
B. Kn""''Yk , M. Sklad, B. Majlc
Ae ni menurche ofsportswomeo uf diff<.-.,nl nthlclic expiericnce . .. . .... IH7
J. Chauura, R. Jusiak
('lmn:e in psychomolor p<'OnDIIIIC< nf bOCC<r plnyers s nbjecled In 811 uer
o o o o o o o o !97
M Sul..: ra
(;en<rutlnn uf com><'nsatory molions mainllllnlng body equilibrium instan
din t\lUrt: .............................................. .. ......... ZOS
/ruruut. nf Sport, IVars<t" Poland
Bwl. Sport
PL JSSN 08 60-021 t
Editor-in-Chicf Romuald Stupni<ki
Dcputy Editor Jcrzy Faff
Corrcspnndi ng Editors
A.C.IIackncy (Chapcl Hill, NC, USA}
T.Rci lly (Livcrpool, U.K.)
J.Viit;ts;t lo (Jyviis kylli, Finland)
A.Viru (Tanu, Estota)
Editorial Board:
K.Fidclus (Warsaw)
J (Bialystok)
(Wa rsaw)
K.Kf<I Zior (Warsaw)
K.Nazar (W;rsaw)
W.Scndccki (Warsaw)
M.Sklad (Warsaw)
W.Starosta (Warsaw)
II.S/\varcowa (Warsaw)
J.Tcrclak (Warsaw)
Tcdt ni ral M.Fr4c
Edilorial OHicc
lnstitutc of Spon
Trylogii 2, POB 30
O 1-892 Warsaw 45
Tci/Fax (048 22) 350977
a quarterly journal of sport and exercise sciences
Volume 11
Number 3, 1994
lndexcd in:
Resenrch Alert (ISI)
Focus on: Sports Science & e d i c i n e ~ (ISI)
Sports Documentation Monthly Bulletin
Jnstitute of Sport, Warsaw, Poland
This One
180 G. Lutostawska et al.
39. Vranic M., H.L.A.Lick:ey, O.Bjorlcman, D.Wasserman (1987) Rcgulation of glucose production
and utilization in cxercise: Physiology and diabetes. CanJ.Sport Sci. 12(Suppl. 1):120S- 126S
40. Wasserman D.H., M.Vranic(1986) l nteraction between insulin, glucagon, and ca techolamines in
thc regulation of glucose production and uptake duri ng exercise: Physiology and diabetes. In: B.Saltin
(Ed.) Biochemistry of exercise. Human Kinetics Publ ishers, Champaign, lll . pp. 167-184
41. Weltrnan A., C.M.Wood, CJ.Womack,S.E.Davis, J.L.Biurner, J.Alvarez, K.Sauer, G.A.Gaesser
(1994) Catecholamine and blood lactate responses to incrernenL1I rowing and running exercise.
J .Appi.Phy$iol . 76:1144-1149
42. Winder W.W. ( 1985) Regulation of hepatic glucose production during exercise. In: R.l . Terjung
(Ed.), Excrcisc and Sport Science Review. Macmillan, New York, pp. 131
Submitted for publication 11.04.1994
Str eszczenie
Celem pracy bylo prz.Siedzenie wptywu treningu na glukozywe krwi po intensywnym
wysi lku u osbwyczynowo zapas y, plywanie i kajakarstwo. W badaniacb uczestniczyly
24 osoby 11 zapasnikw, 8 plywakw i 5 kajakarzy. Badani zostali poddani wysilkom o
intensywnosci, do odmowy, dwukrotnie w roku. na cykl u treningowego i ponownie w
okresiestartw. badaniami zawodnicy realizowali ustalony przez trenerw i wlasciwy dla danej
dyscyliny program lrcni ngowy. i p}ywacy wykonali lcsty wysilkowc z zastosowaniem
crgometru rowcrowcgo, kajakarzc z zastosowanicm crgometru k:ajakowcgo EK I . W czasic wysilkw
rejestrowano i pochtanianie tlcnu. Oznactcnia kwasu mlckowcgo wykowywano
pncd wysilkiem, po kaidcj fazie wysilku i 3m in po jcgo zakor\czcniu. glukozy w osoclu krwi
iyl nej oznaczano przed wysilkiem oraz 1 3m in po jego zakoczeni u. U zapasnikw trening ni e
na powysilkowe Sll'ienie glukozy w osoczu. U kajak:arzy stwierdzono istotny wzrost glukozy
(z 6.3 do 10.6 mmol-r\ u plywakw natomiast wykazano spadek (z 6.5 do 5.9 mmolt"
). Naleiy
zaznaczy, Ze u kajakart.y treni ng spowodowal wuost, u ptywak.ow natomiast spadek wydolnoSci
tlenowej, wyraionej pochtanianiem tlenu oraz progowym zu:i.yciem tl enu wyra:lonym jako procent
V(hrnax. Wykazano takZe, ie we wszystkich badanych dyscyplinach powysilkowe glukozy w
osoczu byto po trcningu wysoce dodatnio skorelowanc ze kwasu mlckowcgo. Autorzy
sugerujf, i.e korelacja ta moie by wyrazem wywotanej treningiem zwiykszonej mli amin k.11e-
cholowych w regulacji metabnlizmu w wysi tku.
Biology of Sport Vol.ll, N3, 1994
B.Matkovi, B.R.Matkovi, M.lvanek
Faculty of Physical Education, University oflagreb, Croa tia
Morphological characteristics of female basketball junior players were studied in 13 mem
bers of the Croatian national junior tea m. Eighteen anthropometric variables were measured
according to standards set by the lnternational Biological Program and somatotyping was
done by the Heath-Carter method. Body fat content was estimated by means ofbioelect.rical
impedance. As expected, the average body measures of young basketball players greatly
exceeded that reported for normal population in Croatia, as well as tbose of femalc junior
elite in Croa tia sorne years ago and of USSR and Canadian national tea rus. This retlects the
tcndency to selcct taller individuals. Ccnters were the talles! players (190.4 em), thc forwards
(184.2cm) and the guards wereconsiderably shorter(180.1 cm). Body mass and the percent
content ofbody fat cbanged proportionally to body height but tbecenters had highest body
fat content (24.4%) and sorne of thc ccntcrs were even found to be obese. Lowest content
of body fat was found in thc guards (20.7%), thc forwards occupying intermediate position
(23.9%). (Biol.Sport 11:181-186, 1994)
Key words: Basketball- Anlhropometry- Body composition- Females
Basketball is a game characterized by in tense bouts of activity ofsbon duration. Tbis poses
bigh demands regarding funetional capacitics oftbc playcrs. High pbysiological demands are
naturally associated witb morpbological cbaracteristics. Funbennore, tbe size, sbape and
composition of tbc body play an importan! role as tbey may be of advantage for specitic
playing positions.
Wben tbe antbropometric variables meas u red were related to playing positions, tbe centers,
and then forwards, had largest limb lengtbs, circumferences and widths and tbe differences
between the centers and guards were significan!. Tbis is to be expected since centers and
forwards play near the basket wbere a Jarge body size is of advantage.
Tbcaim oftbis study was to cvaluatc morpbological cbaracteristics offcmalc junior basketball
players, tbeir somatotype and body composition, a nd to relate !bese cbaracteristics to playing
positions tbc playcrs onupy in tbe field.
Material and Methods
Antbropomctric measurements were performed on 13 female basketball players, members
oftbe Croatian national juror tea m (16 years of age), having 2 . 6 years oftraining experience
in basketball. Eighteen antbropometric variables were recorded according to tbe lntemational
Biological Program: body bcight, body mass, fivc skinfolds (at trceps, forcarm, subscapular,
suprailiacand medial C"dlfsites), bumerus aud femurbonediameters, Oexed aud relaxed bceps
girtbs, foreann, tbigb and calf ginbs, biacromial and bicristal widths, arm and Jcg leugtbs.
Reprint requests to: Dr. Bojan Matkovi, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Zagreb.
Horvaanski zavoj 15, 4 t (X)() Zagreb, Croa tia
182 B. Matkowi et al.
Somatotyping was carried out according to tbe HeatbCarter metbod. Tbe percent content of
body fat was estimated from measurements ofbioeleetrical impedance by using a Danniger
Body analyzer TV1-10 [9).
Subjects were classified according to tbeir playing positions (centres, guards, forwards).
Student's t-test was used to analyze data, tbe Jevel of P=O.OS being considered significan!.
Results and
Tbc results are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 contains mean values ("' SD) of all
measured variables regarding all subjeets, Table 2 - tbe same data for differeut positions tbe
players oecupy in the field (centres, guards and forwards).
Mean body beight of girls studied was 185.0:1! 6.6 cm, mean body weigbt - 72.0 6.7 kg,
which exceeded significantly the respective values for normal population of Ibis agc, as
expected. Tbey also exceeded mean values recorded in Croatian female basketball players
Table 1
Basic morpbological cbaracteristics of female basketball junior players (n=13)
Variable Mean. SO R.ange Variable Mea ... so R.ange
Body 72.06.7 56.6-8.03 Thigh ginb 57.03.6 49.5-62.7
Body beighl 185.06.6 170.5 . 195.1 Calf ginb 37.22.3 33.0-41.0 lenglh 105.64.5 96.4- 116.1 Subscapular skinfol 8.8:2.1 6.2- 13.6
Arm lenghl 78.7:3.4 73.5-85.5 Triceps ski nfold 14.1%2.7 8.6-20.3
Sboulder wid1h 39.2 1.2 37.5 . 41.5 Forearm siOnfold 6.1 1.0 4.3 - 8.1
Bicris&al widtb 29.81.9 26.8-32.0 Abdominal skinfold 9.4:3.5 5.6-17.4
Elbewwodlb 6.6:0.2 6.3-7.0 Suprailiacskinfold 6.7: u 4.6 . 9.2
Kneewidlb 9.5: 0.4 8.9 - 10.3 Calf skinfold 11.63 .. 3 5.8-17.8
Biceps gir1h (F) 27.0 1.1 24.5 -28.6 Percenl fat 22.93.4 15.8 -27.9
Bi""ps girlh (E) 25.4:1.1 23.0-26.8 Lean body mass 55.44.1 45.9-61.3
Foreann firth 23.7,.0.8 22.2-24.9
sorne years ago [7], and even tbose in some national teams [6,14]. Tbis could be dueto botb
selection and growtb acceleration, but this reOects also tbe general treod in body bcigbt of
maJe and basketball players wbich, however, slowed down recently (10]. Tbis is in
agreement wilh tbe view presented by Alexander [ l] wbo considers body bcigbt as a good
prcdictorofbasketball performance, rebounding ability and points scored. As sbown by otbers
Morphology of female basketball players 183
Tablc 2
Morpbological characteristics of guards, centres and forwards
Variable Guards Centres Forwards Variable Guards Ceo tres Forwards
(o =4 (n = 5) (n = 4) (n =4) (n =5) (n = 4)
Body mass 65.9,.5.3
54.7,.3.3 57.8d.1 59.3,.3.6
3.6 girth
184. b3.7 Calf girth 35.2%1.4 39.2% 1.7' 37.b 1.6
heighl 4.8
Leg Jength 102.4,.3.6
104.9"' 1.2
7.2%0.9 9.1,. 1.5 10.9,.2.4
4.2' sklnfold
Arm length 76.h2.2
78.0"' 2.5
12.7"' 2.4 14.2%2.0 16.3,.3.6
2.5' sklnfold
38.6,. J.l
5.8,. 1.0 6.h J.l 6.7,.0.8
width 0.9' skln(old
28.7"' 1.7
29.5"' 2.4
IO. b2.3
width 1.2' sklnfold
6.5,.0.1 6.8,. 0.3 6.5,. 0.2
5.6,. 1.3 7.6,. 1.4 7 .2,. 0.8
width sklnfold
9.3,.0.2 9,8,.0.4 9.2,. 0.3 Calf sklnfold 9.6,. 2.6 12.7,.2.4 13.3,.5.0
26.3"' 1.5 27.4,.0.8 27 .s,. 0.3 Percent FAT 20.7%3.7 24.4%3.3 23.9d.5
girth (F)
24.7"' 1.3 25.8"' 1.0 25.9,.0.5 LBM 52.2"' 4.0 58.7,.2.2 55.3%2.2
girth (E)
23.0"' 0.6
23.6,. 0.5 %LBM 79.2"' 3.8 75.5"' 2.8 76. 1 "'2. 1
girth 0.3'
Significantly (P<0.05) different from guards
(3], tbe centres were tallest and beaviest. Next were tbe forwards, and tbe shonest and ligbtest
players were tbe guards. The centres play, forthe most pan oftbe game, near tbe basket wbere
body size is of advantage. Tbis involves frequently a contact at closc range and bigb body
weigbl is csscntial for maintainingstability in a stationary position, as well as wbile executing
a s killed movement pattem.
In tbe eigbties, many autbors studicd tbe relationsbips betwcen antbropometric chamc-
teristics and success acbieved in basketball play, although most of thent consider only tbc
inOucnce of beight and weigbt or of longitudinal dimcnsions of the skeleton (4,13). It was
concludcd tbat tbc variables mcasured ranked as fol lows: longitudinal dimensions, vol u me,
mass and tmnsversal dimensions, tbe subeutancous fat tissue being tbe limiling factor. Our
dala follow thalordcr: limb lengtbs as wcll as tbe widtbs arcsignificantly tban tbosc for nonnal
population and for lcss skilled fe maJe basketball players but similar lo !hose of so me nalional
~ ~ ~


- s 1
234561 8
B. Matkowi et al.
Somatogram of tbc fcmalc
basketball j unior players
tcams [ 12]. Mean val u es of sl<.infolds, on the contrary, indica tea lower content ofsubcutancous
fa l.
Whcn mean val u es ofanthropometric variables were computed fordifferent field positions,
tbe centres, followed by forwards, had largestlimb lcngths, circumferences and widtbs. Thc
lowest values ofskeletal dimcnsions, body mass and volumc, were recorded in guards, who
differcd significantly from tbe centres rcgarding those variables.
According to the Heath-Carter metltod of somatotyping, tbc girls were cndomorphic
ectomorphs (3.0 2.2; 4.0 - cf. Figure 1). They are more ectomorpbic and less cndomorphic,
as comparcd with normal population of the same age, and significa ntly Jess me.somorpbic
regarding tbeir age and growtb compared to tbe USSR aud Canadian [5] national teams.
Compared to tbe maJe basketball players, tbey are more endomorpbic and ectomorpltic but
significantly less mesomorpbic. These differences are similar in magnitudc and direction to
those in general population [5). We can conclude tbat fcmalejuniors are modera tcly fat ory
where the subcutaneous fat covers muscle and bone outlines whicb makcs a soft generdl
appearance. Muscle diameters are narrow and wbolc relative musculoskclctal development is
ratbcr low with empbasized linearity of the body. Ectomorpb componen! is dominan! in tbe
somatotype of tbe guards, wbile the forwa rds and centres bave similar somatotypcs. Tbe
centres, bowever, bave tbe most expressed endomorph componen! comparcd to forwards and
It has been postulated that ap1ropriatc levcls of tbe relative fat content and of lean body
mass are factors wbicb enhance performance in most atbletic Tbe content of body fat in tbe
female basketball junior playcrs ra nged from 15.8 to 27.9% (mean- 22.9%), corrcsponding
to skinuy and obese subjects, respectively [ 11 J. This is significantly bclow tbe average for a
' '
Morphology of female basketball players 185
comparable sample of female in Croatia [8[. As cornpared witb otber repons (2,14),
our subjects ha ve a lower fat content wbich may result from the modern female basketball
wbicL is nowadays faster and more agil e, witb more jump5. The girls bad also lcss fat tban
fcmalc tcnnis players (23.3 - 25.3%) or somc track-and-ficld atblctcs (discus and javelin
throws, 25.0 - 33.8%), but s ignifica n!! y more tben tbe gymnasts ( 11.0 - 17.0%) or skaters
(12.5%) (14).
Body composition of our subjects depended on their playing position. The guards had
lowest fat content, differing significantly in tbat rcspcct from centres and forwards, wbi cb
was, bowever, bighly variable. Forwards and centres were alike regarding tbe fat conteo!, tbe
forwards beingtbe most bomogeneous group in tbat respect. Similarresults ha ve heen reported
prcviously [3).
Body composition of girls studied by us is probably, at lcast to some extcnt, tbe result of
tbe training process and of tbe specificity of the position playcrs occupy in tbe fi eld.
Undoubtedly, the guards are tbosc wbo are tbc mos t active ones overlong pcriods oftbc gamc.
In contras! t that, centres, especially in !he female bas ketball, play a more static role and
beca use oftbeir beigbt tbeir bigber fat content docs not a(fect significantly t be bounce be igbt.
l. Alexandcr M.J .L. ( 1976) lbc relationship oi somatotype andseledoo anthropometric mcasures lo
basketball peormance in highly skilled females. Res.Quart. 47:575-585
2. Bale P. ( 198 1) Body composition and somatotype characteristicsof sportswomen. In: J .Broms (ed.)
The Female Athlete. Medicine and Spon, p. 15
3. Bale P. (1 986) A review ofthe physique and performance qualilies characterislic of games players
in spccific positions on the fi cld play. Sport.Med.Pirys.Fitness26:109-122
4. Blaskowi M., B.Matkovi, B.R.Matkovi (1989) Relationship betwcen morphologjcal charac-
teristics and performance in basketball playcrs. Bioi.Sport6:21-34
5. Caner J.E.L. (1981) Somatotypcs of female athlctes. In: J.Borms ct al. The female athlete. Med.
and Spo1115
6. Carter J.E.L. (1984)Somatotypcsof01ympicathlctes from 1948to 1 976.Med.SportSci. 18:80-109
7. Matkcwi B.R., S.Heimer, B.Matkowic ( 1990) Fiziotoskofunkcionalni pokazatelji kosarkasica.
Kosarkaski Med. Vjesnik 2-3:51-55
8. Medved R., S.Jankowi, M. lvanck, N.Javornik (1992) Morfoloske osobitosti studenta
kincziotogijc. //rvalski Sportskomed. Vjesnik 3:54-57
9. Medved R., B.R.MatkoviC(I993) Rclation betwccn thcanthropometricand
thc bioclcctrical i mpcdAncc mcthod of ... .,. i ng body rat pcrocntagc. f'criodicum Oialogorom 95: t 05
10. M. (1990) Morfoloskc karaktcristikc vrhunskih kosarkasa. Kosarkaski
Med. Vjesnik 5:55-60
11. Nieman O.C. (1990) Fitness and Sports Medicine: An introduction. Bull Publ islting Company,
Palo Al to, Cal.
12. Semigi novsky P. (1990) Morphological and functional characteristics offemale basketball playcrs
in CSSR. Savjetovanje kosarkaskih trencra. KSJ, Pula
186 B. Matkowi et al.
13. Sodhi H.S. (1980) Kinanthropomeuy and performance of top basketball playcrs. BritJ.Sports
Med. 2-3:139-144
14. Wels CL. (1985) Women, Sport and Performance. Human Kinetic Publishers, Olampaign, 111.
Submittcd for publication 12.04. 1994
Bada no 13 k.oszykarek, zawodniczek chorwackiej reprezentacji naro-
dowej juniorek. Wykonano pomiary 18 cech antropometrycznych zgodni e z zalereniami
narodowego Programu Biologjcznego. Ponadto okrcilono somatotypy Hea th-Otrtera. ZawartoS
ttuszczu w ciele okreSiono opomo5ci bioelek.trycznej. Zgodnie z oczekiwaniem, srednie wymiary
dala badanych koszykarek znaczni e przewyiszaly odpowiednie warto5ci dla nonnalnej populacji
Olorwacji, jak rwniei dla chorwacklej reprezentacji juniorek sprzcd kilku lat oraz dla reprezentacji
narodowych ZSRR i Kanady. Odzwierciedla to do selekcji wyiszych osobnikw.
najwyiszymi zawodniczkami byty srodkowe (190.4 cm), zawodniczk.i atak.u
(184.2 cm) i obrony (180.1 cm). Masa ciala i prooontowa zawartoS tluszczu w cicle zmienialy
odpowiednio do wzrostu, lecz zawodniczki srodkowe mialy zawartoS ttuszczu (24.4%), a
niekt6re z nich przekroClyly nawet otytosci. Naj mniej ottuszczone byty zawodniClki obrony
(20.7%), a zawodniczki alaku zajmowaly (23.9%).
' '

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