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The organisation of a Community


1. Complete the sentences about the difference between a municipality and a province.
A municipality is the territory made up of one or more localities. A province is the territory made up of several municipalities.

2. Colour in your Autonomous Community and describe its political borders.

Check answers.

3. Classify the following provinces according to the type of autonomous community they belong to.
One province Madrid Cantabria La Rioja Illes Balears Asturias Navarra Murcia More than one province Huesca Lugo Alicante Las Palmas Cdiz Badajoz Toledo Palencia lava Girona

4. Write the name of the two autonomous cities.

Ceuta and Melilla.

5. Look at the map and give three examples of autonomous communities that have only one province and three examples of autonomous communities that have more than one province.
One province: La Rioja, Regin de Murcia, and Cantabria. More than one province: Extremadura, Galicia and Andaluca.

6. How many provinces are there in your Autonomous Community? What is its capital?
Check answers.

7. Write the name of two traditions in your Autonomous Community.

Check answers.




The organisation of a Community


8. Complete the following sentences.

The most important law in an autonomous community is the Statute of Autonomy. This law defines its territory, its capital, its governing institutions, its duties and its symbols.

9. What are the governing institutions in your Autonomous Community?

Check answers.

10. Draw the flag and the coat of arms of your Autonomous Community.
Check answers.




The organisation of Spain


1. Explain which territories make up Spain and colour them in on the map.
Spain is made up by most of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands, the canary islands and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

2. What are Spains political borders?

To the north: France and Andorra To the south: Morocco To the east: To the west: Portugal

3. Write the names of Spains physical borders in the appropriate place.

Check correct labelling of the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

4. Whats the most important law in Spain? When was it passed?

The Constitution. It was passed on 6 December 1978.

5. Write two rights and two duties that are included in the Constitution.
Check answers.

6. Complete the sentence.

Spain is a parliamentary monarchy because the Parliament governs Spanish politics and the King is the Head of State.

7. Put the following words in order according to the process of forming a democratic government: ministers, general elections, deputies and senators, President of the Government
General elections, deputies and senators, president of the Government, ministers.

8. Tick the sentences that are false. The write them out correctly.
Parliament is also called the General Courts. Parliament is formed by deputies and senators.

9. Complete the sentences using the following words: Congress, Senate and Government.
The Congress makes laws. The government applies the laws. The Senate deals with topics related to Spains territories.

10. Describe the flag of the Spanish State.

It has two red stripes and one yellow stripe in the centre. The yellow stripe is twice the width of one of the red stripes.





1. Complete the sentence.

Economic activities are jobs that provide products or services.

2. Define the three economic sectors.

The primary sector gets products from nature. The secondary sector transforms raw materials to make elaborated products. The tertiary sector provides services.

3. Write P, S or T depending on whether the following activities belong to the primary, secondary or tertiary sector.
T. Education P . Mining S. Industry P . Agriculture T. Tourism S. Construction P . Fishing T. Trade T. Health care P . Animal farming

4. Tick the correct sector for each job.

Job Primary sector Secondary sector Tertiary sector

Dentist Fisherman Factory worker Carpenter Teacher Miner Journalist Farmer Waiter

5. Write the name of four characteristic crops in your Autonomous Community.

Check answers.

6. Circle the animals kept for animal farming in your Autonomous Community.
Check answers.





7. Look at this graph showing the active population composition by sectors of activity. In which sector do most people work? In which do fewest people work?
Most people work in the tertiary sector. Fewer people work in the primary sector.

8. Complete the following sentences about secondary sector activities.

The most important industries are the food industry, the metal industry, the chemical industry and the energy industry. Construction builds buildings, highways, tunnels, bridges. etc.

9. Write the most important types of industry in your Autonomous Community.

Check answers.

10. Complete the sentence.

The active population is the people that can work. You have to be sixteen years old to work.




Trade, communication and tourism


1. What is trade?
Trade is a sector where you buy and sell a product.

2. Match the two columns.

Publicists: They let consumers know about products. Distributors: They transport products to the shop. Shop-assistants: They sell the product in the shop.

3. Complete the sentences using the following words: national trade, retail, large-sized business, international trade, small-sized business, wholesale.
Small shops are part of small-sized business and the markets and department stores are part of large-sized business. Shops that sell directly to consumers are retail trade and shops that sell directly to other stores are wholesale trade . When trade is within a country, it is called national trade, if it is between different countries, it is international trade.

4. Whats the difference between means of transport and communications systems?

We use means of transport to move from one place to another, like cars and trains. Means of transport need to move on communication systems, like roads, and railways.

5. Look at the pictures and write the name of the means of transport.
plane, car, ship, train, bus, bike.

6. Write which communications systems can move on the means of transport in activity 5.
train: railways; car, bike and bus: roads; plane: in the air; ship: at sea.

7. Write the main communications systems in your Autonomous Community.

Check answers.

8. Match each means of communication to its corresponding type of information.

2. Information with text, images and sound. 1. Sound information. 4. Images and sound. 3. Written information with images.

9. Look at the pictures and write the type of tourism.

1. cultural tourism; 2. nature tourism; 3. rural tourism; 4. sun and beach tourism.

10. Write the types of tourism in your Autonomous Community.

Check answers.




Life in the past


1. Write which historic fact we use to separate Prehistory and History.

The invention of writing.

2. Write three characteristics of life in Prehistory.

Model answer: They live din caves. They made tools carving stones and bones. They hunted wild animals.

3. Put the following stages in History in order (starting with the oldest) and place them on a time line: Modern Times, Ancient Times, Middles Ages, Contemporary Times.
Check answers.

4. Complete the sentences about Roman civilisation.

The capital of the Roman Empire was Rome. The Roman Empire was governed by an emperor. The language the Romans used was Latin. The Roman population was made up by free men and slaves.

5. Complete the following crossword about the Roman civilisation.

1. aqueducts; 2. stone road; 3. circus; 4. temple.

6. Complete the sentences about the Middle Ages.

In the Middle Ages two cultures shared the Iberian Peninsula, the Christians and the Muslims. The Christians lived in the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Their maximum authority was the king. They lived in castles. The Muslims were governed by a caliph. Their language was Arabic, and their religion was Islam.

7. Complete the following sentences.

Modern Times began 500 years ago and ended two hundred years ago. During Modern Times new sea routes were opened.

8. Match each picture to a stage in History.

1. Modern Times; 2. Middle Ages; 3. Contemporary Times; 4. Ancient History.

9. What is the name of the Contemporary Times invention that influenced the development of industry and means of transport.
The steam engine.

10. Match the two columns.

Medical and health advances: Vaccines. Technological advances: Computers, Airplanes. Social advances: Schools.




3rd Term

1. Name the autonomous communities shown on the map and the provinces that make them up.
Check answers.

2. Write the name of the governing institutions in your Autonomous Community.

Check answers.

3. Write down the physical and political boundaries of Spanish State territory.
To the north: Cantabrian Sea. To the south: Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Morocco. To the east: Mediterranean Sea. To the west: Atlantic Ocean, Portugal.

4. Classify the rights and duties Spaniards have under the 1978 Constitution in the following table.
Rights decent housing education Duties to pay taxes obey the laws

5. Give two examples of activities for each sector.

Check answers.

6. Write three products from the primary sector and two activities from the secondary sector that can be found in your Autonomous Community.
Check answers.

7. Complete the following diagram.

Consumers and sellers. Product. Shops. Small shops and large department stores. Retail and wholesale trade. National and international trade.

8. List the communications systems in your Autonomous Community.

Check answers.

9. Put the following stages of History into order, beginning with the most ancient.
Prehistory Ancient History Middle Ages Modern Times Contemporary Times.




3rd Term

10. Write a feature that corresponds to each of the stages of History in Spain.
Ancient History: Roman Empire. Middle Ages: .Muslims and Christians. Modern Times: discovery of America. Contemporary Times: railways.



Final Evaluation
EVALUATION WORKSHEETS ANSWER KEY 1. Classify the following words and indicate which task each system is responsible for in the nutrition function.
Digestive system small intestine oesophagus Circulatory system heart platelets Respiratory system Larynx bronchi Excretory system sweat glands bladder

Digestive system: It is a long tube where digestion takes place. Circulatory system: It transports nutrients, oxygen and waste substances. Respiratory system: Breathing takes place there. Excretory system: It makes and carries urine.

2. Complete the sentences.

During digestion food becomes simple substances called nutrients. Nutrients can be proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals.

3. Write three healthy eating habits.

Check answers.

4. Define the following concepts.

Reproduction: It lets living things create new life that is similar to themselves. Fertilisation: it is the first phase of the reproduction process. Pregnancy: It is when a baby develops inside a mothers uterus. Birth: It is when the baby is born after nine months pregnancy.

5. Finish the diagram.

Characteristics: They cannot move and they cannot make their own food. Types: mushrooms, moulds, yeasts.

6. Look at the picture and write the name of this terrestrial ecosystem. What types of relationships are set up between the living things that inhabit it?
Its a Mediterranean forest. The living things living there protect themselves, reproduce and hunt together. There are also food relationships.

7. Write the name of two natural resources that are useful for our life.
Check answers.

8. Classify the following machines.

Simple machines: pulley, scissors, wheel, inclined plane. Complex machines: computer, washing machine, toaster, lorry, television.



Final Evaluation
EVALUATION WORKSHEETS ANSWER KEY 9. What are the characteristics of atmospheric weather?
Temperature, precipitation and wind.

10. Complete the sentences.

The layer of ground and other materials that cover the rocks is called soil. It is made up of two types of matter: organic and inorganic. The soil can be divided into several layers: topsoil, subsoil and bedrock.

11. Point out your province on the map, colour in your Autonomous Community and write the names of the autonomous communities surrounding it.
Check answers.

12. Complete the sentences.

The Spanish territory is made up of most of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The most important law in Spain is the Constitution. The Head of State is the King. The Parliament governs Spanish politics.

13. Classify each of the following jobs into its corresponding sector.
PRIMARY SECTOR miner beekeeper farmer SECONDARY SECTOR factory worker electrician craftsman TERTIARY SECTOR taxi-driver teacher doctor

14. Write down the names of the different communication systems and give an example of each one.
Check answers.

15. Write to which stage in history each sentence is referring to.

It begins with the discovery of writing: Ancient History. It begins with the invention of the steam engine: Contemporary Times. In Spain Christians and Muslims lived together: Middle Ages. It begins with the discovery of America: Modern Times.


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