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htt1455666.n harm. r"5"l !al5ne6sLhc6h5%::+52e!5hc6h%::+E:%E %-!.1h1. [,;] 'n$ir nmental &ealth Je6s, (une %1, %:1:, htt1455666.n harm. r"5seasia5ne6s5. [,+] 9iester J $a Presameter 1:0:, htt1455ha"amed.ind net6 r7.c .id51+1%A@,5riesterE n $a1resameterE1:0:.htm. [@:] <ercury in " ld minin", htt1455666.c 11er6i7i. r"5inde3.1h1? titleM<ercuryLinL" ld Lminin". @1] <ercury =n Our W rld and C mmunityT , htt1455666.mercuryinsch ls.u6e3.edu5curriculum5h"LinL6 rld.htm . [@%] Pertam!an"an Tan1a =Gin >P'T=? dan Cara7teristi7nya, htt14557 1erinda".7ar 7a!." .id5inde3.1h1? 1ti nMc mLc ntentQ$ie6MarticleQidM,%41ertam!an"anEtan1aE iGinE1etiEdan7ara7teristi7nyaQcatidM14!eritaEter7iniQ=temidM1-,. [@0] #J'P, The Gl !al .tm s1heric <ercury .ssessment4 S urces, 'mmisi ns and Trans1 rt,htt1455666.chem.une1.ch5< s1hericL'missi n s5#J'PK%:S#<<.9DK%:9'PO9TK%:M%:CO99'CT') K%:<ay:+K%:K%:2inalK%:2 rK%:W'8K%:%::;.1d2. [@-] <ercury E .rtisanal minin" site, htt1455666.2lic7r.c m51h t s5-A%,@0-0UJ:;5,A00%;@%@,5. [@,] 8enFamin, (., The .rtisanal G ld <inin" Pr cess #sin" G ldE<ercury, htt1455666.y utu!e.c m. [@@] G ld '3tracti n Pr cess #sin" <ercury, htt1455666.y utu!e.c m. [@A] Pr ductsE<ercury, htt1455666.ali!a!a.c m. [@;] Therm stats, htt1455666.sas7sch ls.ca5V1hys%:de5heat5e31anLa11Ltherm stat. htm. [@+] Sens rs <ercury Therm stat, htt1455666.s ciety 2r ! ts.c m5ima"es5sens rsLmercuryLtherm st at.F1". [A:] Fact Sheet4 <ercury #se in Therm stats, =nterstate <ercury 'ducati n and 9educti n Clearin"h use >=<'9C?,%:1:, htt1455666.ne6m a. r"51re$enti n5mercury5imerc52actsheets5ther m stats.1d2. [A1] #nderstandin" 9 &S, the .88 Gr u1, %::@, htt1455li!rary.a!!.c m5G*O8.*5SCOT5sc t%:+.ns25Berity)is1lay50%F -+F-8;+.1@FF-;,%,A0.0::A++)8-5WFile51SH#::::-;G:%:1 .1d2. [A%] *ess ns =n 'lectric Circuits c 1yri"ht >C? %:::E%::0 T ny 9. Cu1haldt, htt1455666.2aqs. r"5d cs5electric5)i"ital5)=G=L-.html. [A0] Tilt <ercury,htt1455666.ali!a!a.c m5trade5search? C untryMQSearchTe3 tMmercuryXtiltXs6itchQ=nde3.reaM1r ductLenQ2s!My. [A-] Ta!le 2 Pr ducts That <ay C ntain <ercury and 9ec mmended <ana"ement O1ti ns, #.S. 'P., htt1455666.e1a." $56astes5haGard5tsd5mercury5c n1r d.htm. [A,] Flu rescent lam1, htt1455en.6i7i1edia. r"56i7i5Flu rescentLlam1. [A@] Flu rescent Techn l "y O$er$ie6 htt1455666.syl$ania.c m5enus51r ducts52lu rescent5Pa"es5de2ault.a s13.

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etil mer7uri Stru7tur Si2at Fisi7 htt1455im"."uidechem.c m5casim"51,0;,E,AE@."i2 !iasanya dalam 2isi7nya !er6arna merah dalam !entu7 ser!u7 htt1455666.indiamart.c m5!elami2ineEchemicals5in r"anicE chemicals.html

'lement Classi2icati n4 Transiti n <etal )ensity >"5cc?4 10.,-@ >U X%:YC? <eltin" P int >C?4 %0-.%; 8 ilin" P int >C?4 @%+.A0 .11earance4 hea$y, tem1erature sil$eryE6hite metal that is liquid at r m

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= nic 9adius4 11: >X%e? 1%A >X1e? S1eci2ic &eat >U%:YC (5" m l?4 :.10; Fusi n &eat >7(5m l?4 %.%+, '$a1 rati n &eat >7(5m l?4 ,;., )e!ye Tem1erature >C?4 1::.:: Paulin" Je"ati$ity Jum!er4 %.:: First = niGin" 'ner"y >7(5m l?4 1::@.: O3idati n States4 %, 1 *attice Structure4 9h m! hedral *attice C nstant >Z?4 %.++: 9e2erences4 * s .lam s Jati nal *a! rat ry >%::1?, Crescent Chemical C m1any >%::1?, *an"e[s &and! 7 2 Chemistry >1+,%?, C9C &and! 7 2 Chemistry Q Physics >1;th 'd.? htt1455chemistry.a! ut.c m5 d5element2acts5a5mercury.htm Jame4 <ercury Sym! l4 &" .t mic Jum!er4 ;: .t mic <ass4 %::.,+ amu <eltin" P int4 E0;.;A YC >%0-.%; C, E0A.+@@ YF? 8 ilin" P int4 0,@.,; YC >@%+.A0 C, @A0.;-- YF? Jum!er 2 Pr t ns5'lectr ns4 ;: Jum!er 2 Jeutr ns4 1%1 Classi2icati n4 Transiti n <etal Crystal Structure4 9h m! hedral )ensity U %+0 C4 10.-,@ "5cm0 C l r4 Sil$er htt1455666.chemicalelements.c m5elements5h".html htt1455666.rsc. r"51eri dicEta!le5$ide 5;:5<ercury? $ide idM *:<L@!2G7# 'lectr ns 1er 'ner"y *e$el4 Shell < del = nic 9adius4 1.:%Z Fillin" Or!ital4 ,d1: Jum!er 2 'lectr ns >6ith n char"e?4 ;: Jum!er 2 Jeutr ns >m st c mm n5sta!le nuclide?4 1%1 Jum!er 2 Pr t ns4 ;: O3idati n States4 %,1 Balence 'lectr ns4 @s% 'lectr n ) t < del Chemical Pr 1erties 2 <ercury

'lectr chemical 'qui$alent4 0.A-%"5am1Ehr 'lectr n W r7 Functi n4 -.-+eB 'lectr ne"ati$ity4 % >Paulin"?\ 1.-- >.llr d 9 ch 6? &eat 2 Fusi n4 %.%+,7(5m l =nc m1ati!ilities4 .cetylene, amm nia, chl rine di 3ide, aGides, calcium >amal"am 2 rmati n?, s dium car!ide, lithium, ru!idium, c 11er = niGati n P tential First4 1:.-0A Sec nd4 1;.A,+ Third4 0-.%:% Balence 'lectr n P tential >EeB?4 %;.% Physical Pr 1erties 2 <ercury .t mic <ass .$era"e4 %::.,+ 8 ilin" P int4 @0:C 0,AYC @A,YF C e22icient 2 lineal thermal e31ansi n5CE14 1;1'E@ C nducti$ity 'lectrical4 :.:1:- 1:@5cm ] Thermal4 :.:;0- W5cmC )ensity4 10.,-@"5cc U 0::C )escri1ti n4 Sil$er c l red liquid transiti n metal. 'lastic < dulus4 8ul74 %,5GPa 'nthal1y 2 .t miGati n4 @1., 7(5m le U %,YC 'nthal1y 2 Fusi n4 %.%+ 7(5m le 'nthal1y 2 Ba1 riGati n4 ,@.+ 7(5m le Flamma!lity Class4 J nc m!usti!le *iquid FreeGin" P int4 see meltin" 1 int &ardness Scale < hs4 1., &eat 2 Ba1 riGati n4 ,+.%%+7(5m l <eltin" P int4 %0-.-0C E0;.A%YC E0A.AYF < lar B lume4 1-.;1 cm05m le O1tical 9e2lecti$ity4 A0K O1tical 9e2racti$e =nde34 1.:::+00 Physical State >at %:YC Q 1atm?4 *iquid S1eci2ic &eat4 :.10+(5"C Ba1 r Pressure M :.:::%PaUE0;.A%YC htt1455666.chemistrye31lained.c m5elements5*EP5<ercury.html

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