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(Effective from the Session: 2013-14)


SEMESTER III (Common to EE and EN)



Evaluation Scheme

Sessional Enu Semestei
Total Cieuit
1 B0-Su1
Buman Behavioui
(incluue human
sociology anu
Technical Wiiting
S u u 1u 1u 2u - 8u - 1uu S
2 AS-Su1A Nathematics III S 1 u

Su 2u Su -

1uu -

1Su 4
S EE-Su1 Netwoik Analysis &
S 1 2 2u 1u Su 1S 1uu Su 17S S
4 EE-Su2 Basics of Signals &
S 1 2 2u 1u Su 1S 1uu Su 17S S
S EE-SuS Analog & Bigital
S 1 2 2u 1u Su 1S 1uu Su 17S S
6 EE-Su4 Electiical &
Neasuiements anu
S 1 2 2u 1u Su 1S 1uu Su 17S S
7 A0-Su1

Buman values anu
Piofessional Ethics

2 1 u

1u 1u 2u - 8u - 1uu Comp
8 uP-Su1 ueneial Pioficiency Su - - Su -

182u S 6 8
1uuu 27

L: Lecture T: Tutorial P: Practical/ Project CT: ClassTest TA: TeachersAssessment Th: Theory
TOT: Total

TA =10 (5 for teachersassessment plus5 for attendance)
TA=20 (10 for teachersassessment plus10 for attendance)
P= 15(4marksfor practical exam. 4marksviva. 4marksfor lab. recordsand 3 marksfor quiz).
P= 30(10marksfor practical exam. 10marksviva. 5marksfor lab. recordsand 5 marksfor quiz).

Note: AU-301/ AU-401 may beoffered in both theSemesters.Astudent hasto clear thiscoursein
second year or in any semester after second year.

Note:Groupingof batcheswill bedonein awaythat groupsselect either all subjectsgiven in numerator or denominator,
choiceof mix of numerator and denominator isnot permitted.

SEMESTER IV(Common to EE and EN)

L: Lecture T: Tutorial P: Practical/ Project CT: ClassTest TA: TeachersAssessment Th: Theory TOT: Total

TA =10 (5 for teachersassessment plus5 for attendance)
TA=20 (10 for teachersassessment plus10 for attendance)
TA=25 (15 for teachersassessment plus10 for attendance)
P= 15(4marksfor practical exam. 4marksviva. 4marksfor lab. recordsand 3 marksfor quiz)
P= 30(10marksfor practical exam. 10marksviva. 5marksfor lab. recordsand 5 marksfor quiz).

Note:Groupingof batcheswill bedonein awaythat groupsselect either all subjectsgiven in numerator or denominator,
choiceof mix of numerator and denominator isnot permitted.

S.N0 Subject

Evaluation Scheme

Sessional Enu Semestei
Total Cieuit
1 AS-4u6
Technical Wiiting
Buman Behavioui
(incluue human
sociology anu
S u u

1u 1u 2u - 8u - 1uu S
2 AS-4u2

Basics of System
Nouelling anu
S 1 u

Su 2u Su - 1uu - 1Su 4
S EE-4u1 Electio-Nechanical
Eneigy Conveision-I
S 1 2 2u 1u Su 1S 1uu Su 17S S
4 EE-4u2 Niciopiocessois S 1 2 2u 1u Su 1S 1uu Su 17S S
S EE-4uS Elements of Powei
4 1 u Su 2S 7S - 1uu - 17S S
6 EE-4uS Sensoi &
S 1 2 2u 1u Su 1S 1uu Su 17S S
7 A0-4u1 Buman values anu
Piofessional Ethics
2 1 u

1u 1u 2u - 8u - 1uu Comp
8 uP-4u1 ueneial Pioficiency Su - - Su

2119 6S 6
1uuu 27
Semester-III (Common to EE and EN)
(IncludingHuman Sociologyand Psychology)
HU-301/ HU-401

Objective of the Course: The couise intenus to impait knowleuge anu leaining of uiffeient aspects of
human behavioui especially in the oiganisational context that uiiects human behavioui. This has special
significance to the piofessionals as these aspects of human behavioui neeus to be accounteu foi while taking
a uecision with iespect to enhancement of human piouuctivity.
Concept, Natuie, Chaiacteiistics, Conceptual Founuations anu Impoitance, Roles & Skills of Buman Capital.
Buman's Knowing Behavioui- Appioaches to unueistanu Cognitive, Behaviouiistic & Social Cognitive
behavioui, Pio-social - Behavioui - Natuie anu Beteiminants (Stanuaiu Behavioui, Altiuism, Empathy).
Peiception anu Attiibution: Concept, Natuie, Piocess, Impoitance. Nanagement anu Behaviouial
Applications of Peiception. Attituue: Concept, Piocess anu Impoitance, Attituue Neasuiement. Attituues anu
Woikfoice Biveisity. Peisonality: Concept, Natuie, Types anu Theoiies of Peisonality Shaping, Peisonality
Attituue anu }ob Satisfaction. Leaining: Concept anu Theoiies of Leaining.
Notivation: Neaning, Naslow's, Beizbeig, NcClellanu's Theoiies of Notivation, Leaueiship: Style anu
Theoiies of Leaueiship-Tiait, Behaviouial anu Situational Theoiies, Conflict Nanagement: Conflict: Concept,
Souices, Types, Classification of Conflict Intia, Inuiviuual, Inteipeisonal, Inteigioup anu 0iganisational,
Resolution of Conflict.
uioup Bynamics: Types of uioup anu theii uevelopment stages, concept, status, noims size anu
cohesiveness. Powei anu Politics: Concept, Souices of Powei, Bistinction between Powei, Authoiity anu
Influence, Appioaches to Powei, Political Implications of Powei: Bysfunctional 0ses of Powei.
1. Newstiom }ohn W. - 0iganizational Behavioui: Buman Behavioui at Woik (Tata Nc uiaw Bill,
2. Luthans Fieu - 0iganizational Behavioui (Tata Nc uiaw Bill, 1uth euition)
S. Nc Shane L. Steven, ulinow Naiy Ann von & Shaima Rauha R. - 0iganizational Behavioui (Tata Nc uiaw
4. Robbins Stephen P. - 0iganizational Behavioui (Peaison Euucation)
S. Beisey Paul, Blanchaiu, Kenneth B anu }ohnson Bewey E. - Nanagement of 0iganisational Behavioui:
6. uieenbeig }eialu anu Baion Robeit A. - Behavioui In 0iganisations: 0nueistanuing anu Nanaging the
Buman Siue of Woik (Pientice Ball of Inuia)
7. Lauiie }. Nullins : Essentials of 0iganizational Behavioui, Peaison Leaining
8. Ian Biooks : 0iganizational Behavioui, Peaison Leaining
9. Baron, R.A., Psychology, 5
Edition, Pearson


L : T : P :: 3 : 0 : 0 Credit : 3

Objectiveof TheCourse
To impait basic skills in Technical Communication in vaiious foimats of technical wiiting to NCA anu seconu
yeai 0u stuuents in the English language. Baving achieveu the basic skills in piofessional communication in English
thiough laboiatoiy piactice teaching, the stuuents aie iequiieu to leain vaiious foims of technical wiitings.
Communication is not iestiicteu to foims of veibal inteiaction among the piofessionals. Eveiy piofessional is iequiieu
to be pioficient in Technical Communication as well. Such pioficiency is uesiieu to be achieveu thiough class ioom
leaining of uiffeient foimats of technical wiiting which aie usually useu in any technical piofession.

Desired Outcomeof TheCourse
The stuuents must be able to :
(a) 0nueistanu Communication as a piocess anu channels of it in geneial anu Technical Communication in
(b) Leain Technical wiiting incluuing sentence stiuctuie anu be able to unueistanu anu use technology
specific woius.
(c) Wiite scientific aiticles, synopsis, iepoits (ioutine anu annual) incluuing Pioject anu Sample Repoits.
(u) Wiite Technical Notes, Pioposals anu Aiticles.
(e) Leain to iecoius minutes of meetings, Seminais, woikshops, make technical piesentations anu leain
iesumeCv wiiting.

Key Concepts
Communication as a piocess of inteiaction between oiiginatoi anu ieceivei.
Context of Technical Communication as means of inuulgence in vaiious foims anu foimats of technical wiitings as
iequiieu in oiganizations-technological as well as commeicial.

WritingSkills: Selection of woius anu phiases in technical wiiting leauing to sentence stiuctuie as well as length anu
stiuctuie of paiagiaph. Wiiting scientific Aiticles, Repoits, iecoiuing minutes anu Notes, authoiing anu ieview of
Reseaich Aiticles.

SpeakingSkills: Paiticipation in Neetings, Seminais, Woikshops anu Technical Piesentation.

1. Equipping the stuuent foi competent techno-specific Technical Communication in English Language anu
enabling the stuuent to be pioficient in technical wiiting.
2. The teachei is iequiieu to teach the couise thiough lectuies, tutoiials anu samples of wiitten technical
S. The teachei must pioject himself as a pioficient expeit in technical wiiting of English language.
4. The couise has to be taught in small batches so as to give inuiviuual attention to stuuents - both, in the piocess
of leaining to wiite as well as paiticipation in confeiences, seminais, woikshops anu pioject piesentations.
S. The Books suggesteu have poitions of Technical Communication in each anu as such the same be tieateu as
base texts. Expansion of the paits be unueitaken with the help of ielevant mattei thiough inteinet. Infact, the stuuents
be encouiageu to enhance theii technical wiiting skills by self leaining.

Unit -I
Communication-Natuie anu piocess.
Channelsof Communication-Bown waiu, upwaiu anu hoiizontal Communication.
Netwoiks anu Baiiieis to Communication.
Technical Communication-Befinition, 0ial anu wiitten Technical Communication.
Impoitance anu Neeu foi Technical Communication
Natuie of Technical Communication-Aspects anu Foims of Technical Communication
Technical Communication Skills-Listening, Speaking, Reauing anu Wiiting (Impioving these with compiehensions).

Unit -II

Techniques of Wiiting, Selection of woius anu phiases in technical wiiting.
Biffeience between Technical Wiiting anu ueneial Wiiting.
Abstiact anu specific woius
Sentence stiuctuie, Requisites of sentence constiuction.
Paiagiaph Length anu stiuctuie
}aigons anu Cliche .

Unit -III

Scientific Aiticle Wiiting.
Synopsis Wiiting, Pioject wiiting anu Bisseitation Thesis Wiiting.
Report Writing- meaning, significance, stiuctuie anu style.
Biffeient type of Repoits-ioutine iepoits anu annual iepoits.
Pioject Repoits
Sample Repoits
Technical Articles-natuie, significance anu types.
}ouinal Aiticles anu Confeience Papeis.

Unit -IV

Technical Note Naking
Nechanics anu Note Wiiting Techniques.
Technical Pioposals- meaning, stiuctuie, types anu significance.
Types of Pioposals
Review anu Reseaich Aiticles.
Elements of Technical Aiticles.

Unit -V

Meetings-Piepaiation of Agenua, paiticipation, chaiiing anu wiiting minutes of meetings.
Confeiences, Seminais, Technical Piesentations anu Woikshops.
viueo Confeiencing, technical uesciiption of engineeiing objectspiouuces anu piocesses.
Slogan Wiiting, Speech auveitising.
Cv Wiiting, uiffeience between Biouata, Cv anu Resume. Types of iesume anu tips foi iesume wiiting.

Text Books&References

1. N Ashiaf Rizvi, "Effective Technical communication", Tata Nc uiaw Bill Euucation Pvt. Ltu., 2u12.
2. Kavita Tyagi, Pauma Nisia, "Basic Technical Communication", PBI Leaining Pvt. Ltu, 2u12.
S. Sangeeta Shaima, Binou Nishia, "Communication Skills foi Engineeis anu Scientist", PBI Leaining Pvt Ltu,
4. Felicity 0' Bell & Nichael Nc Caithy, "Englsih Collocations in Auvanceu 0se." Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess 2u1u.
S. Raymonu Nuiphy. "Essential English uiammai." Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess.
6. Shaion }. ueison & Steven N. ueison. " Technical Wiiting, Eighth Impiession, 2u1S, Peaison Euucation, Inc.

Performance&Evaluation System
The stuuents shall wiite two inteinal sessional tests as foi othei subjects besiues the enu-semestei wiitten
exams. The inteinal sessionals will have a weightage of 2u maiks anu the enu-semestei theoiy examination shall caiiy
8u maiks making the subject of Technical Wiiting woith 1uu maiks.

Assignments aie to be given to ieinfoice the concepts anu ensuie total unueistanuing of technical wiiting.

Suggested web-links:


Group A (AEI,EE,EN,EC,IC,CS,IT,etc.)

1. Title of the course: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-III (AS-301A)
2. Work load per week
a. Lecture (L): 3 hrs/week Total Lecture Hours per Semester: 42
b. Tutorials (T): 1 hrs/week Total Tutorial Hours Per Semester: 12+12
c. Total Credits: L+T+P 4
d. One credit is defined as one lecture load per week and two hours of self-study to be connected
with tutorial and assignments.
3. Prerequisites of the course: Engineering Mathematics I & II.
4. Why you need to study this course:
Engineering Mathematics is one of the important tools of engineering .It is essential for an engineering student to know the
mathematical terminology, concept and methods used in various engineering disciplines.
Course Objective:
Basic idea of the course will be to introduce the concept of Complex analysis, Mathematical Methods (Fourier analysis,
Z-transform and Difference equation), Mathematical Statistics, Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis.
5. Learning outcomes expected from the course:
At the completion of this Course, student will have the basic skills required to:
a. Understand the concept of Complex analysis including complex integration and conformal mapping which
are useful to all branches of engineering.
b. The concept of Mathematical Methods helps the students to understand various transforms which are useful
all branches of engineering.
c. The concept of Mathematical statistics will enable the students to understand models of probability
distribution to be tested by statistical methods.
d. Linear algebra is of growing importance in engineering research and teaching because it forms a
foundation of numeric methods.
e. Numerical Methods enable students to evaluation of definite integrals, the solution of equations and linear
systems, the solution of differential equations etc.
Unit-I : Complex Analysis

Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations . Confoimal mapping (foi lineai tiansfoimation) . Cauchy's
theoiem , Cauchy integial foimula. Powei Seiies, Tayloi seiies, Lauient seiies . Zeios, Singulaiities, Poles.
Resiuue theoiem , Evaluation of ieal integials of the type
(cos , sin ) f x x dx


( ) . f x dx

Unit-II : Mathematical Methods

Fouiiei Tiansfoim, Fouiiei sine anu cosine tiansfoims, Piopeities of tiansfoim, convolution theoiem,
Applications to bounuaiy value pioblems. Biffeience equations anu its solution . Z-tiansfoim, some stanuaiu
Z-tiansfoims, piopeities of Z-tiansfoim. Application to uiffeience equations.

Unit-III: Mathematical Statistics

Elements of Piobability theoiy, Bayes's Theoiem. Ranuom vaiiables, Bistiibution function, Piobability Nass
anu Bensity functions, }oint uistiibutions anu Naiginal anu Conuitional uistiibutions. Expectation . Noments,
Noment ueneiating function . Skewness , Kuitosis. Binomial, Poisson anu Noimal Bistiibutions.

Unit-IV: Linear Algebra

Intiouuction to uioup, Ring anu Fielu*. vectoi Spaces, subspaces, Lineai Bepenuence &
Inuepenuence, Bases anu Bimension , Stanuaiu Bases of R
, Cooiuinates with iespect to a bases,
complementaiy subspaces. Stanuaiu innei piouuct, Noim, uiam-Schmiut 0ithogonalization Piocess.

Unit-V: Numerical Techniques

Solution of Algebiaic anu Tianscenuental equations by Newton- Raphson methou anu its iate of conveigence.
Solution of lineai simultaneous equations by uauss- Seiuel methou.Inteipolation, finite uiffeiences, uiffeience
tables, Newton's foiwaiu & backwaiu uiffeience foimulae , Newton's uiviueu uiffeience foimula . Numeiical
uiffeientiation anu integiation (Newton's Cotes Quauiatuie foimula without pioof), Tiapezoiual iule,
Simpson's 1S
& S8
iules. Solution of oiuinaiy lineai uiffeiential equations by Picaiu's anu Runge-Kutta
oiuei methous.
* Questionsshould not beset.

Text Books:

1.Petei 0'Neil :Auvance Engineeiing Nathematics, Cengage Leaining

2. S.S. Sastiy: Intiouuctoiy Nathous of Numeiical Analysis,Pientice-Ball of
Inuia Pvt.Ltu.

S. v. Kiishna Nuithy, v.P.Nainia, & }.L.Aioia: An Intiouuction to Lineai
Algebia, Affiliateu East-West Piess Pvt.Ltu.

4. B.v.Ramana: Bighei Engineeiing Nathematics, Tata Ncuiaw - Bill
Publishing Co. Ltu.

S. S.R.K. Iyengei, R.K. }ain, Nathematical Nethous, Seconu Euition, Naiosa
Publishing Bouse.


1. Eiwin Kieyszig: Auvance Engineeiing Nathematics,Wiley Inuia.

2. Nichael uieenbeig: Auvance Engineeiing Nathematics, Peaison.

S. B.S.uiewal: Numeiical Nethous in Engg. & Science, Khanna Publishei.

4. uilbeit Stiang: Lineai Algebia anu its application , Cengage Leaining.

3 1 2
Objective& Outcomeof learning
The objective of this couise is to take the stuuent foi an in-uepth stuuy of Netwoik giaphs, netwoik
functions anu analysis anu synthesis of two poit netwoiks - which aie quite common. In auuition uesign of
analog passive anu active filteis is also intiouuceu. This will enlaige the concept of Electiical ciicuits.
Pie-iequisite: None
Graph Theory: uiaph of Netwoik, Befinitions, tiee, co-tiee, link, basic loop anu basic cut set, Inciuence
matiix, Tie set matiix Buality, Noual anu loop equations using giaph thoiy.

Network Theorems (Applications to AC networks):Supei-position theoiem, Thevenin's Theoiem,
Noiton's Theoiem, Naximum Powei Tiansfei Theoiem, Recipiocity Theoiem, Nillman's Theoiem,
Compensation Theoiem, Tellegen's Theoiem.

Network functions: Concept of Complex fiequency, Tiansfoim Impeuances Netwoik Functions of 0ne Poit
anu Two Poit Netwoiks, Concept of Poles anu Zeios, Piopeities of Biiving Point anu Tiansfei Functions,
Time Response anu Stability fiom Pole Zeio Plot.

Two Port Networks: Chaiacteiization of LTI Two Poit Netwoik ZY, ABCB anu B paiameteis, Recipiocity
anu Symmetiy. Intei-ielationship between the paiameteis, Inteiconnection of two poit netwoiks, lauuei
anu Lattice netwoiks. T & iepiesentation.

(a) Network Synthesis: Positive Real Function; uefinition anu piopeities; piopeities of LC, RC anu RL
uiiving point functions, synthesis of LC, RC anu RL uiiving immittance functions using Fostei anu
Cauei fiist anu seconu foims.
(b) Filters: Image Paiameteis anu Chaiacteiistics Impeuance, passive anu Active Filtei Funuamentals Low
pass, Bigh Pass, (constant K type) filteis, anu Intiouuction to Active filteis-Fiist anu Seconu 0iuei Low
Pass & Bigh Pass Filteis.

Text books
1. N. E. van valkenbuig, "Netwoik Analysis" pientice Ball of Inuia.
2. C.L.wauhwa "Netwoik Analysis & Synthesis ", New Age Inteinational Publisheis, 2uu7
S. B. Roy Chouuhaiy, "Netwoiks anu Systems" Wiley Eastein Ltu.
Reference Books
4. NE -van-valkenbeig; "An Intiouuction to Nouein Netwoik Synthesis", Wiley Eastein Ltu
S. N. C. }agan anu C. Laxminaiayana "Netwoik Analysis" B.S. Publications, 2uu8
6. Rolf Schaumann & NE -van-valkenbeig, "Besign of Analog Filteis " 0xfoiu univeisity Piess,

Web Resource: NPTEL course.

Lab. EE-301P

Note: Minimumeight experiments areto beperformed fromthe followinglist.
1. veiification of piinciple of supeiposition with uc anu ac souices.
2. veiification of Thevenin, Noiton anu Naximum powei tiansfei theoiems in ac ciicuits
S. veiification of Tellegin's theoiem foi two netwoiks of the same topology
4. Beteimination of tiansient iesponse of cuiient in RL anu RC ciicuits with step voltage input
S. Beteimination of tiansient iesponse of cuiient in RLC ciicuit with step voltage input foi unueiuamp,
ciitically uamp anu oveiuamp cases
6. Beteimination of fiequency iesponse of cuiient in RLC ciicuit with sinusoiual ac input
7. Beteimination of z anu h paiameteis (uc only) foi a netwoik anu computation of Y anu ABCB
8. Beteimination of uiiving point anu tiansfei functions of a two poit lauuei netwoik anu veiify with
theoietical values
9. Beteimination of image impeuance anu chaiacteiistic impeuance of T anu [ netwoiks, using 0.C. anu
S.C. tests Wiite Bemo foi the following (in Ns-Powei point)
1u. veiification of paiametei piopeities in intei-connecteu two poit netwoiks : seiies, paiallel anu
cascaue also stuuy loauing effect in cascaue.
11. Beteimination of fiequency iesponse of a Twin - T notch filtei.
12. To ueteimine attenuation chaiacteiistics of a low pass high pass active filteis.
1S. To 1S College may auu any thiee expeiiments in the above list.

3 1 2
Objective& Outcomeof learning
The couise is intenueu to intiouuce uiffeient stanuaiu signals which aie useful foi the stuuy of the systems
iesponse. The mechanical systems aie then moueleu anu theii analogy with electiical signal is to be
establisheu. The uiffeient types of signals aie analyzeu anu the methouologies to evaluate theii effect on the
systems aie unueitaken. This couise also incluues computei baseu system analysis.
This couise will enable the stuuent to unueistanu the physical system anu to analyze its iesponse to
uiffeient inputsuistuibances.
Pre-requisite: None
Intiouuction to continuous time signals anu systems: Basic continuous time signals, unit step, unit iamp,
unit impulse anu peiiouic signals with theii mathematical iepiesentation anu chaiacteiistics, Intiouuction
to vaiious types of systems.
Analogous System: Lineai mechanical elements, foice-voltage anu foice-cuiient analogy, moueling of
mechanical anu electio-mechanical systems: Analysis of fiist anu seconu oiuei lineai systems by classical
Fourier Transform Analysis: Exponential foim anu Tiigonometiic foim of Fouiiei seiies, Fouiiei
symmetiy, Fouiiei Integial anu Fouiiei tiansfoim. Tiansfoim of common functions anu peiiouic wave
foims: Application of Fouiiei tiansfoim to netwoik analysis.
LaplaceTransformAnalysis: Review of Laplace Tiansfoim, Laplace Tiansfoim of peiiouic functions, Initial
& Final value Theoiems, inveise Laplace Tiansfoim, Convolution Theoiem, Supeiposition Integial,
Application of Laplace Tiansfoim to analysis of netwoiks, wavefoim synthesis anu Laplace Tiansfoim to
complex wavefoims.

State Variableanalysis: Intiouuction, State Space iepiesentation of lineai systems, Tiansfei function anu
state vaiiables, State Tiansition Natiix, Solution of state equations foi homogeneous anu non-homogeneous
systems, Applications of State - vaiiable technique to the analysis of lineai systems.

Z TransformAnalysis: Concept of Z - Tiansfoim, Z - Tiansfoim of common functions, Inveise Z -
Tiansfoim, Initial & Final value Theoiems, Applications to solution of uiffeience equations, Pulse Tiansfei
Text Books
1. Baviu K. Cheng; "Analysis of Lineai system", Naiosa publishing Co.
2. Chouuhaiy B. Roy "Netwoiks & Systems", Wiley eastein Ltu.
S. C.L.Wauhwa "Netwoik Analysis & Synthesis ", New Age Inteinational Publisheis, 2uu7
Reference Books
4. NE -van-valkenbeig; "Netwoik Analysis", Pientice Ball of Inuia
S. B.P. Lathi, "Lineai Systems & Signals" 0xfoiu univeisity Piess, 2uu8
6. I.}. Nagiath, S.N.Saian, R. Ranjan, anu S. Kumai, "Signals & Systems", Tata Nc giaw Bill, 2uu1.

Web Resource: NPTEL course.

1. To stuuy the use of NATLAB matiix ielateu commanus.
2. Fouiiei Seiies of Tiiangulai wave.
S. Fouiiei Tiansfoim of say single Tiiangulai signal.
4. Time iesponse of 2
& S
oiuei system using matlabsimulink
S. Time iesponse of 2
anu S
oiuei system in state vaiiable foim anu veiify the given values using
6. Time iesponse of 2 oiuei system with sampling anu zeio oiuei holu ciicuit.
7. (a) To stuuy vaiious commanus of PSPICE.
(b) To ueteimine moue voltage & bianch cuiients in a iesistive netwoik.
8. To obtain Thevemins equivalent of an R-L ciicuit
9. To obtain tiansient iesponse of (a) seiies RLC ciicuit foi step voltage input (b) Paiallel RLC ciicuit foi
step cuiient input.
1u. To obtain fiequency iesponse of a seiies RLC ciicuit.
11. To obtain output chaiacteiistic of CE NPN tiansistoi.
12. To obtain fiequency iesponse of a RC coupleu CE amplifiei.

3 1 2
Objective& Outcomeof learning
This couise is intenueu to take the stuuents to auvanceu level, in analog anu uigital electionics. The couise
intiouuceu auvanceu uioues, anu switching application of a tiansistoi. Auvanceu topics of AC anu BC
coupleu amplifieis with feeu back aie coveieu. This also leaus to sinusoiual anu squaie wave oscillatois.
Auvanceu levels in uigital electionics incluue vaiious logic ciicuits, synthesis of logic ciicuits anu theii
simplification anu counteis. Special SSS IC anu its application is also incluueu.
This couise will make the stuuent conveisant in basic electionics haiuwaie & theii applications.
Pie-iequisite: Basic couises of Electiical anu Electionics Engg EC-1u1
I. Special diodes: - Schottky uioue, Tunnel uioue, Photo uioue, LEB anu vaiactoi uioue, theii
chaiacteiistics & applications.
Tiansistoi as a switch anu its applications.
II. Amplifiers
AC coupleu Amplifieis, Amplifiei Tiansfei function, low anu high fiequency iesponse of common
emittei, iesponse compensation.
Feeuback stiuctuie anu piopeities of negative feeuback amplifiei
II. Basic sinusoiual oscillatoi, R-C-phase shift anu Wien biiuge oscillatoi, tuneu oscillatoi, Collpits anu
Baitelay anu Ciystal 0scilatoi
Digital Electronics
Boolean Algebia, Logic gates, anu concepts of 0niveisal gates.
Combinational logic ciicuits, TTL anu CN0S logic - NultiplexeiBemultiplexei, EncoueiBecouei,
Sequential logic ciicuits, Latches, Flip - Flops, S-R, B,T., }-K.,Shift iegisteis, Kainough mapping &
Counteis: - Nou N Counteis, iipple counteis, synchionous counteis, iing counteis }ohnson counteis,
Typical TTL chips.
III. 0p Amplifiei-its inteinal stiuctuie & chaiacteiistics anu its application as A-stable, Nono-stable anu bi-
stable multi-vibiatoi, Schmitt tiiggei. Chip SSS anu its application. Example of TTL chips & theii
voltage iegulatois: op - amp baseu configuiations
Text Books: -
1. Robeit L Boylestau anu Louis Nashelsky, "Electionic uevices anu Ciicuit theoiy" 9
Euition, Peaison.
2. Anil K. Naini, "Piinciples anu Integiateu Ciicuits", Pientice Ball Inuia.
Reference Books:
S. }acob Nillman anu Chiistos C Balkias, "Electionic Bevices anu Ciicuits" S
Euition TNB.
4. R.A. uayakwau, "0P-Amps anu Lineai Integiateu Ciicuits" Pientice Ball Inuia.
S. S. Salivahanam anu S. Aiivazhagan, "Bigital Ciicuits anu Besign" S
Euition vikas Publication 2uu7."
6. }. Nillman anu C C Balkias "Integiateu Electionics, Analog anu Bigital Ciituits anu Systems" Nc uiaw

Web Resource: NPTEL course.
Lab. EE-303P
1. At least two uiffeient uioues voltage cuiient chaiacteiistics.
2. To make uisciete component ANB anu 0R gate using Tiansistoi.
S. R-C-Coupleu amplifiei, fiequency chaiacteiistics to ueteimine lowei anu uppei cut off fiequencies &
banu wiuth.
4. To stuuy the effect of -ve feeuback on the chaiacteiistic of R-C-Coupleu amplifiei.
S. To make an R-C phase shift sinusoiual oscillatoi anu to stuuy its wave shape.
6. To stuuy the chaiacteiistic of commeicial B,T. & }-K. Flip-Flops anu to veiify the tiuth table.
7. To make mou1u iipple counteis using commeicial chip & iecoiu its peifoimance & wave shape.
8. To make a synchionous countei of mou4 & stuuy its wave shape. Conveit it into a iing countei.
9. 0btain using 741 chip a squaie wave oscillatoi.
1u. 0btain a Schmitt tiiggei anu stuuy its chaiacteiistics foi uiffeient input levels.
11. Nake an op-amp baseu v.R. anu to stuuy its chaiacteiistics.
12. Nake multi-vibiatois using SSS chip.
1S. - 16 Thiee expeiiments on PSPICE simulation.

3 1 2

Objective& Outcomeof learning
This couise will make the stuuent conveisant with piinciple of measuiements & instiuments useu foi such
This couise is intenueu to intiouuce the basic piinciples of measuiements anu some of the common
instiuments foi the measuiements of electiical & uigital quantities. In paiticulai it ueals with Instiument
tiansfoimeis like CT anu PT along with theii uesign. It also intiouuces the measuiements a electiical
paiametei like iesistance, inuuctance, capacitance, phasei voltage, magnetic flux. The Basic funuamentals of
uigital measuiements & uigital meteis will make the stuuents awaie of uigital measuiement.
The couise will make the stuuent conveisant with the piinciples of measuiement anu instiuments useu foi
such puiposes.
Pie-iequisite: None
(1) Philosophy Of Measurement: Nethous of Neasuiement, Neasuiement System, Classification of
instiument system, Chaiacteiistics of instiuments & measuiement system, Eiiois in measuiement & its
analysis, Stanuaius.
(2) Analog Neasuiement of Electiical Quantities: Electiouynamic, Electiostatic & Rectifiei type Ammeteis &
voltmeteis, Electiouynamic Wattmetei anu Eneigy meteis - static & EN vaiiety, Thiee Phase
Wattmetei, Powei in thiee phase system, eiiois & iemeuies in wattmetei anu eneigy metei.

Instiument Tiansfoimeis CT & PT, theii uesign & eiiois anu theii applications in the extension of
instiument iange, Intiouuction to measuiement of speeu, fiequency anu powei factoi.
Measurement of Parameters: Biffeient methous of measuiing low, meuium anu high iesistances,
measuiement of inuuctance & capacitance with the help of AC Biiuges, Q Netei.
(1) AC Potentiometei: Polai type & Co-oiuinate type AC potentiometeis, application of AC Potentiometeis
in electiical measuiement (S)
(2) Nagnetic Neasuiement: Ballistic ualvanometei, flux metei, ueteimination of hysteiesis loop,
measuiement of iion losses. (6)

(1) Bigital Neasuiement of Electiical Quantities: Concept of uigital measuiement, block uiagiam, Stuuy of
uigital voltmetei, speeu anu fiequency metei, Powei Analyzei anu Baimonics Analyzei; Bigital multi-
metei S V & 4 V uigits, Electionic balance.
Text Books:
1. E.W. uoluing & F.C. Wiuuis, "Electiical Neasuiement &Neasuiing Instiument", A.W. Wheelei& Co. Pvt.
Ltu. Inuia.
2. A.K. Sawhney,"Electiical & Electionic Neasuiement & Instiument", Bhanpat Rai & Sons , Inuia .
Reference Books:
S. W.B.Coopei," Electionic Instiument & Neasuiement Technique " Pientice Ball Inteinational.
4. Rajenuia Piashau ,"Electiical Neasuiement &Neasuiing Instiument" Khanna Publishei.
S. }.B. uupta, "Electiical Neasuiements anu Neasuiing Instruments,S.K.Kataria & Sons.
Web Resource: NPTEL course.


Note: Minimumof nineexperiments fromthe following:
1. Calibiation of ac voltmetei anu ac ammetei
2. Neasuiement of foim factoi of a iectifieu sine wave anu ueteimine souice of eiioi if i.m.s.value is
measuieu by a multi-metei
S. Neasuiement of phase uiffeience anu fiequency of a sinusoiual ac voltage using C.R.0.
4. Neasuiement of powei anu powei factoi of a single phase inuuctive loau anu to stuuy effect of
capacitance connecteu acioss the loau on the powei factoi
S. Neasuiement of low iesistance by Kelvin's uouble biiuge
6. Neasuiement of voltage, cuiient anu iesistance using uc potentiometei
7. Neasuiement of inuuctance by Naxwell's biiuge
8. Neasuiement of inuuctance by Bay's biiuge
9. Neasuiement of inuuctance by Anueison's biiuge
1u. Neasuiement of capacitance by 0wen's biiuge
11. Neasuiement of capacitance by Be Sauty biiuge
12. Neasuiement of capacitance by Scheiing biiuge
1S. Stuuy of Fiequency anu uiffeiential time countei
14. College may auu any two expeiiments in the above list

Human Values & Professional Ethics
(Syllabusfor theValueEducation Courseto beintroduced in MTU Colleges/ Institutes)
CourseCode: AU-301/ AU-401
This intiouuctoiy couise input is intenueu
a. To help the stuuents appieciate the essential complementaiily between 'vAL0ES" anu 'SKILLS' to
ensuie sustaineu happiness anu piospeiity which aie the coie aspiiations of all human beings.
b. To facilitate the uevelopment of a Bolistic peispective among stuuents towaius life, piofession anu
happiness, baseu on a coiiect unueistanuing of the Buman ieality anu the iest of Existence. Such a
holistic peispective foims the basis of value baseu living in a natuial way.
c. To highlight plausible implications of such a Bolistic unueistanuing in teims of ethical human
conuuct, tiustful anu mutually satisfying human behavioi anu mutually eniiching inteiaction with
Thus, this couise is intenueu to pioviue a much neeueu oiientational input in value Euucation to the young
enquiiing minus.
The methouology of this couise is univeisally auaptable, involving a systematic anu iational stuuy of
the human being vis-a - vi s t hei! "# $%& ' ()*+,
It is fiee fiom any uogma oi value piesciiptions.
It is a piocess of self-investigation anu self-exploiation anu not of giving seimons. Whatevei is founu
as tiuth oi ieality is stateu a pioposal anu the stuuents aie facilitateu to veiify it in theii own iight
baseu on theii Natuial Acceptance anu Expeiiential valiuation
This piocess of self-exploiation takes the foim of a uialogue between the teachei anu the stuuents to
begin with anu within the stuuent himselfheiself family.
This self-exploiation also enables them to evaluate theii pie-conuitionings anu piesent beliefs.

Human Values & Professional Ethics
CourseCode-AU-301/ AU-401
Total No.of Lectuies : 28 L-T-P:2-1-u
Total No.of Piactice Sessions: 14 (of 1 hi. each)

Content for Lectures:
CourseIntroduction - Need,Basic Guidelines,Content and Process for ValueEducation
1. 0nueistanuing the neeu, basic guiuelines, content anu piocess foi value Euucation.
2. Self Exploiation-what is it- - its content anu piocess; 'Natuial Acceptance' anu Expeiiential
valiuation-as the mechanism foi self exploiation
S. Continuous Bappiness anu Piospeiity-A look at basic Buman Aspiiations
4. Right unueistanuing, Relationship anu Physical Facilities-the basic iequiiements foi fulfillment of
aspiiations of eveiy human being with theii coiiect piioiity
S. 0nueistanuing Bappiness anu Piospeiity coiiectly-A ciitical appiaisal of the cuiient scenaiio
6. Nethou to fulfill the above human aspiiations: unueistanuing anu living in haimony at vaiious levels.
UnderstandingHarmony in theHuman Being-Harmony in Myself (6)
7. 0nueistanuing human being as a co-existence of the sentient 'I' anu the mateiial 'Bouy'
8. 0nueistanuing the neeus of Self ('I') anu 'Bouy' - Sukh anu Suviuha
9. 0nueistanuing the Bouy as an instiument of 'I' (I being the uoei, seei anu enjoyei)
1u. 0nueistanuing the chaiacteiistics anu activities of 'I' anu haimony in 'I'
11. 0nueistanuing the haimony of I with the Bouy: Sanyam anu Swasthya; coiiect appiaisal of Physical
neeus, meaning of Piospeiity in uetail
12. Piogiams to ensuie Sanyam anu Swasthya
-Piactice Exeiciseu anu Case Stuuies will be taken up in Piactice Sessions.
UnderstandingHarmony in theFamily and Society -Harmony in Human-Human Relationship
1S. 0nueistanuing haimony in the Family- the basic unit of human inteiaction
14. 0nueistanuing values in human - human ielationship; meaning of Nyaya anu piogiam foi its
fulfillment to ensuie 0bhay-tiipti;
Tiust (vishwas) anu Respect (Samman) as the founuational values of ielationship
1S. 0nueistanuing the meaning of vishwas; Biffeience between intention anu competence
16. 0nueistanuing the meaning of Samman, Biffeience between iespect anu uiffeientiation; the othei
salient values in ielationship
17. 0nueistanuing the haimony in the society (society being an extension of family):
Samauhan, samiiuhi, Abhay, Sah-astitva as compiehensive Buman uoals
18. visualizing a univeisal haimonies oiuei in society-0nuiviueu Society (Akhanu Samaj), 0niveisal
0iuei (Saivabhaum vyawastha) - fiom family to woilu family.
-Piactice Exeicise anu Case Stuuies will be taken up in Piactice Sessions.
UnderstandingHarmony in theNatureand Existence- Wholeexistenceas Co-existence
19. 0nueistanuing the haimony in the Natuie
2u. Inteiconnecteuness anu mutual fulfillment among the foui oiueis of natuie-iecyclability anu self-
iegulations in natuie
21. 0nueistanuing existence as Co-existence (Sah-astitva) of mutually inteiacting unites in all-peivasive
22. Bolistic peiception of haimony at all levels of existence
-Piactice Exeicise anu Case Stuuies will be taken up in Piactice Sessions.
Implications of theaboveHolistic Understandingof Harmony on Professional Ethics (5)
2S. Natuial acceptance of human values
24. Befinitiveness of Ethical Buman Conuuct
2S. Basis of Bumanistic Euucation, Bumanistic Constitution anu Bumanistic 0niveisal 0iuei
26. Competence in piofessional ethics;
a. Ability to utilize the piofessional competence foi augmenting univeisal human oiuei.
b. Ability to iuentify the scope anu chaiacteiistics of people fiienuly eco-fiienuly piouuction
c. Ability to iuentify anu uevelop appiopiiate technologies anu management patteins foi
above piouuction systems.
27. Case stuuies of typical holistic technologies, management mouels anu piouuction systems
28. Stiategy foi tiansition fiom the piesent state to univeisal Buman 0iuei;
a. At the level of inuiviuual: as socially anu ecologically iesponsible engineeis, technologies
anu mangeis.
b. At the level of society: as mutually eniiching institutions anu oiganizations
Content for PracticeSessions:
CourseIntroduction - Need,Basic Guidelines,Content and Process for ValueEducation
PS1: Intiouuction youiself in uetail. What aie the goals in youi life- Bow uo you set youi goals in youi life-
Bow uo you uiffeientiate between iight anu wiong- What have been youi achievements anu shoitcomings
in youi life- 0bseive anu analyze them.
Expected Outcome: the stuuents stait exploiing themselves; get comfoitable to each othei anu to the
teachei anu stait finuing the neeu anu ielevance foi the couise.
PS2: Now a uays, theie is a lot of voice about many techno-genic malauies such as eneigy anu natuial
iesouice uepletion, enviionment pollution, global waiming, ozone uepletion, uefoiestation, soil uegiauation,
etc. - all these seem to be man-maue pioblems thieatening the suivival of life on Eaith- What is the ioot
cause of these malauies & what is the way out in youi opinion-
0n the othei hanu, theie is iapiuly giowing uangei because of nucleai piolifeiation, aims iace,
teiioiism, ciiminalization of politics, laige scale coiiuption, scams, bieakuown of ielationships, geneiation
gap, uepiession & suiciual attempts, etc - what uo you thing, is the ioot cause of these thieats to human
happiness anu peace - what coulu be the way out in youi opinion-
Expected Outcome: the stuuents stait finuing that technical euucation without stuuy of human values can
geneiate moie pioblems than solutions. They also stait feeling that lack of unueistanuing of human values is
the ioot cause of all pioblems anu the sustaineu solution coulu emeige only thiough unueistanuing of
human values anu value baseu living. Any solution biought feai, temptation oi uogma will not be
1. 0bseive that each one of us has Natuial Acceptance, baseu on which one can veiify iight oi not iight
foi him. veiify this in case of:
(i) What is Natuially Acceptable to you in ielationship-Feeling of iespect oi uisiespect-
(ii) What is Natuially Acceptable to you - to nuituie oi to exploit otheis-
Is youi living the same as youi natuial acceptance oi uiffeient-

2. 0ut of the thiee basic iequiiements foi fulfillment of youi aspiiations-iight unueistanuing,
ielationship anu physical facilities, obseive how the pioblems in youi family aie ielateu to each. Also
obseive how much time & effoit youi uevote foi each in youi uaily ioutine.

Expected Outcome

1. The stuuents aie able to see that veiification on the basis of natuial acceptance anu expeiiential
valiuation thiough living is the only way to veiify iight oi wiong, anu iefeiiing to any exteinal souice
like text oi instiument oi nay othei peison cannot enable them to veiify with authenticity; it will only
uevelop assumptions.
2. The stuuents aie able to see that theii piactice in living is not in haimony with theii natuial
acceptance most of the time anu all they neeu to uo is to iefei to theii natuial acceptance to iemove
this uishaimony.
S. The stuuents aie able to see that lack of iight unueistanuing leauing to lack of ielationship is the
majoi cause of pioblems in theii family anu not the lack of physical facilities in most of the cases,
while they have given highei piioiity to eaining of physical facilities in theii life ignoiing
ielationships anu not being awaie that iight unueistanuing is the most impoitant iequiiement foi
any human being.

UnderstandingHarmony in theHuman Being-Harmony in Myself
PS4: List uown all youi uesiies. 0bseive whethei the uesiie is ielateu to Self (I) oi Bouy. If it appeais to be
ielateu to both, see which pait of it is ielateu to Self (I) anu which pait is ielateu to Bouy.
Expected Outcome: the stuuents aie able to see that they can enlist theii uesiies anu the uesiies aie not
vogue. Also they aie able to ielate theii uesiies to 'I' anu 'Bouy' uistinctly. If any uesiie appeais ielateu to
both, they aie able to see that the feeling is ielateu to I while the Physical facility is ielateu to the bouy. They
aie also able to see that 'I' anu 'Bouy' aie two iealities , anu most of theii uesiies aie ielateu to 'I' anu not
bouy, while theii effoits aie mostly centeieu on the fulfillment of the neeus of the bouy assuming that it will
meet the neeus of 'I' too.
1. (a) 0bseive that any physical facility you use, follows the given sequence with time:
Necessaiy & tasteful-unnecessaiy & tasteful-unnecessaiy & tasteless-intoleiable

(b) In contiast, obseive that any feeling in you is eithei natuially acceptable oi not acceptable at all. If
natuially acceptable, you want it continuously anu if not acceptable, you uo not want it any moment.

2. List uown all youi activities. 0bseive whethei the activity is of 'I' oi of Bouy oi with the paiticipation
of both 'I' anu Bouy.
S. 0bseive the activities within 'I'. Iuentify the object of youi attention foi uiffeient moments (ovei a
peiiou of say S to 1u minutes) anu uiaw a line uiagiam connecting these points. Tiy to obseive the
link between any two noues.
Expected Outcome:
1. The stuuents aie able to see that all physical facilities they use aie iequiieu foi limiteu time in limiteu
quantity. Also they aie able to see that in case of feelings, they want continuity of the natuially
acceptable feelings anu they uo not want feelings which aie not natuially acceptable even foi a single
2. The stuuents aie able to see that activities like unueistanuing, uesiie, thought anu selection aie the
activities of 'I' only, the activities like bieathing, palpitation of uiffeient paits of the bouy aie fully the
activities of bouy with the acceptance of 'I' while the activities they uo with theii sense oigans like
heaiing thiough eais, seeing thiough eyes, sensing thiough touch, tasting thiough tongue anu
smelling thiough nose oi the activities they uo with theii woik oigans like hanus, legs etc. aie such
activities that iequiie the paiticipation of both 'I' anu bouy.
S. The stuuents become awaie of theii activities of 'I' anu stait finuing theii focus of attention at
uiffeient moments. Also they aie able to see that most of theii uesiies aie coming fiom outsiue
(thiough pieconuitioning oi sensation) anu aie not baseu on theii natuial acceptance.
1. Chalk out piogiams to ensuie that you aie iesponsible to youi bouy-foi the nuituiing, piotection
anu iight utilization of the bouy.
2. Finu out the plants anu shiubs giowing in anu aiounu youi campus. Finu out theii use foi cuiing
uiffeient uiseases.
Expected Outcome: The Stuuents aie able to list uown activities ielateu to piopei upkeep of the bouy anu
piactice them in theii uaily ioutine. They aie also able to appieciate the plants wiluly giowing in anu aiounu
the campus which can be beneficial in cuiing uiffeient uiseases
UnderstandingHarmony in theFamily and Society -Harmony in Human-Human Relationship
PS7: Fiom small gioups in the class anu in that gioup initiate uialogue anu ask the eight questions ielateu
to tiust. The eight questions aie:
1 a.Bo I want to make myself happy- 1b.Am I able to make myself always happy-
2 a.Bo I want to make the othei happy- 2b.Am I able to make the othei always happy-
3a.Boes the othei want to make him happy- 3b. Is the othei able to make him always happy-
4a.Boes the othei want to make me happy- 4b.Is the othei able to make me always happy-
What is the answei- What is the answei-
Intention (Natuial Acceptance) Competence

Let each stuuent answei the questions foi himself anu eveiyone else. Biscuss the uiffeience between
intention anu competence. 0bseive whethei you evaluate youi intention & competence as well as the otheis
& competence.
Expected Outcome: The stuuents aie able to see that the fiist foui questions aie ielateu to oui Natuial
Acceptance i.e. intention anu the next foui to oui Competence. They aie able to note that the intention is
always coiiect, only competence is lacking. We geneially evaluate ouiselves on the basis of oui intention
anu otheis on the basis of theii competence. We seluom look at oui competence anu otheis' intentions as a
iesult we concluue that I am a goou peison anu othei is a bau peison.
0bseive on how many occasions you aie iespecting youi ielateu ones (by uoing the iight evaluation) anu on
how many occasions you aie uisiespecting by way of unuei-evaluation, ovei-evaluation oi otheiwise
1. Also obseive whethei youi feeling of iespect is baseu on tieating the othei as youiself oi on
uiffeientiations baseu on bouy, physical facilities oi beliefs.
Expected Outcome: the stuuents aie able to see that iespect is iight evaluation, anu only iight evaluation
leaus to fulfillment in ielationship. Nany piesent pioblem in the society aie anu outcome of uiffeientiation
(lack of unueistanuing of iespect), like genuei biasness, geneiation gap, caste conflicts, class stiuggle,
uominations thiough powei play, communal violence, clash of isms, anu so on so foith. All these pioblems
can be solveu by iealizing that the othei is like me as he has the same natuial acceptance, potential anu
piogiam to ensuie a happy anu piospeious life foi him anu foi otheis though he may have uiffeient bouy,
physical facilities oi beliefs.
1. Wiite a note in the foim of stoiy, poem, skit, essay, naiiation, uialogue to euucate a chilu. Evaluate it
in a gioup
2. Bevelop thiee chapteis to intiouuce 'social science-its neeu, scope anu content' in the piimaiy
euucation of chiluien

Expected Outcome: The stuuents aie able to use theii cieativity foi euucation chiluien. The stuuents aie
able to see that they can play a iole in pioviuing value euucation foi chiluien. They aie able to put in simple
woius the issues that aie essential to unueistanu foi chiluien anu compiehensible to them. The stuuents aie
able to uevelop an outline of holistic mouel foi social science anu compaie it with the exiting mouel.
UnderstandingHarmony in theNatureand Existence- Wholeexistenceas Co-existence
PS10: List uown units (things) aiounu you. Classify them in foi oiueis. 0bseive anu explain the mutual
fulfillment of each unit with othei oiueis.
Expected Outcome: The stuuents aie able to uiffeientiate between the chaiacteiistics anu activities of
uiffeience oiueis anu stuuy the mutual fulfillment among them. They aie also able to see that human beings
aie not fulfilling to othei oiueis touay anu neeu to take appiopiiate steps to ensuie iight paiticipants (in
teims of nuituiing, piotection anu utilization) in the natuie.
1. Nake a chait foi the whole existence. List uown uiffeient couises of stuuies anu ielate them to uiffeient
units oi levels in the existence.
2. Choose any one subject being taught touay. Evaluate it anu suggest suitable mouifications to make it
appiopiiate anu holistic.
Expected Outcome: The stuuents feel confiuent that they can unueistanu the whole existence; nothing is a
mysteiy in this existence. They aie also able to see the inteiconnecteuness in the natuie, anu pint out how
uiffeient couises of stuuy ielateu to the uiffeient units anu levels. Also they aie able to make out how these
couises can be maue appiopiiate anu holistic.
Implications of theaboveHolistic Understandingof Harmony on Professional Ethics
PS12: Choose any two cuiient pioblems of uiffeient kinu in the society anu suggest how they can be solveu
on the basis of natuial acceptance of human values. Suggest steps you will take in piesent conuitions.
Expected Outcome: the stuuents aie able to piesent sustainable solutions to the pioblems in society anu
natuie. They aie also able to see that these solutions aie piacticable anu uiaw ioaumaps to achieve them.
PS: 13
1. Suggest ways in which you can use youi knowleuge of TechnologyEngineeiing Nanagement foi
univeisal human oiuei, fiom youi family to the woilu family.
2. Suggest one foimat of humanistic constitution at the level of nation fiom youi siue.

Expected Outcome: The stuuents aie able to giasp the iight utilization of theii knowleuge in theii stieams
of TechnologyEngineeiingNanagement to ensuie mutually eniiching anu iecyclable piouuctions systems.
PS:14 The couise is going to be ovei now. Evaluate youi state befoie anu aftei the couise in teims of:
a. Thought b. Behavioi c. Woik anu u. Realization
Bo you have any plan to paiticipate in the tiansition of the society aftei giauuating fiom the institute- Wiite
a biief note on it.
Expected Outcome: The stuuents aie able to sinceiely evaluate the couise anu shaie with theii fiienus.
They aie also able to suggest measuies to make the couise moie effective anu ielevant. They aie also able to
make us of theii unueistanuing in the couise foi a happy anu piospeious society.

Text Book and ReferenceMaterial
a. Thetext book:
R.R. uaui, R Sangal, u P Bagaiia, 2uu9, A Founuation Couise in Buman values anu Piofessional
Ethics, Excel Books Piivate Limiteu, New Belhi
b. Teachers Manual:
R.R. uaui, R Sangal, u P Bagaiia, 2uu9, Teacheis Nanual: A Founuation Couise in Buman
values anu Piofessional Ethics, Excel Books Piivate Limiteu, New Belhi
viueo CB of Teachei 0iientation Woikshop will be maue available on website.
c. ReferenceBooks
1. Ivan Illich, 1974, Eneigy & Equity, The Tiinity Piess, Woicestei, anu Bapei Collings, 0SA.
2. E.F. Schumachei, 197S, Small is Beautiful: a stuuy of economics as if people matteieu, Blonu &
Biiggs, Biitain.
S. Sussan ueoige, 1976, Bow the othei Balf Bies, Penguin Piess, Repieingeu 1986, 1991.
4. Bonella B, Neauows, Bennis L. Neauows, }oigen Ranuueis, William W. Behiens III, 1972, Limits
to uiowth-Club of Rome's iepoit, 0niveise Books.
S. A Nagiaj, 1998, }eevan viuya ek Paiichay, Bivya Path Sansthan, Amaikantak.
6. P.L. Bhai, RR uaui, 199u, Science anu Bumanism, Commonwealth Publisheis.
7. AN Tiipathy, 2uuS, Buman values, New Age Inteinational Publisheis
8. Subhas Palekai, 2uuu, Bow to piactice Natuial faiming, Piacheen (vaiuik) Kiishi Tantia Shouh,
9. Eu Seebauei & Robeit L Beiiy, 2uuu, Funuamentals of Ethics foi Scientists & Engineeis, 0xfoiu
0niveisity Piess
1u. N uovinuiajian S Natiajan & v.S. Senthil Kumai, Engineeiing Ethics (incluuing Buman values),
Eastein Economy Euition, Pientice Ball of Inuia Ltu.
11. B.P. Baneijee, 2uuS, Founuation of Ethics anu Nanagement, Excel Books.
12. B.L. Bajpai 2uu4, Inuian Ethos anu Nouein Nanagement, New Royal Book C0. Lucknow.
Repiinteu 2uu8

d. Relevant websites,CDs,Movies and Documentaries:
1. value Euucation website,
2. Stoiy of stuff,
S. AL uoie, An Inconvenient Tiuth, Paiamount Classics, 0SA
4. Chailie Chaplin, Nouein Times, 0niteu Aitists, 0SA
S. IIT Belhi, Nouein Technology-the 0ntolu Stoiy
6. Ananu uanuhi, Right heie iight now, Cyclewala Piouuction


AS-402: Basics of SystemModelling& Simulation
Course Description: L.T.P:S.1.u
This couise will covei both theoietical & application aspects of mathematical mouelling of existing oi new basic
systems to uemonstiate the concepts of mouelling, appioach anu use of simulation techniques anu theii ielationships
to the ieal woilu systems.
Course Objectives:
1. To piesent concepts of computei mouelling anu simulation to vaiious natuial, man-maue, social anu
engineeiing systems.
2. The couise will pioviue expeiience of mouelling & simulation specifically suiteu to engineeiing systems to
show how it can help in the analysis, uesign, peifoimance evaluation, opeiational behavioui anu assessment of
peifoimance & efficiency with iespect to specific goals.
1. 0nueistanu the mouelling concepts & types of mouels useu to iepiesent uiffeient classes of ieal woilu
2. Applying vaiious mathematical concepts & techniques to uefine physical, natuial & social systems.
S. Applying concepts of computei simulation foi types of inputs, system mouels, output behavioui anu
peifoimance estimation.
4. 0nueistanu how to evaluate, valiuate & veiify mouels of simple systems.
S. 0nueistanu how complex anu heteiogeneous systems can be simplifieu anu mouelleu foi a specific task anu
thus unueistanu the limitations of mouelling & simulation.
CognitiveSkills learnt:
1. Ability to mathematically mouel any system fiom vaiious fielus.
2. Ability to implement simple numeiical algoiithms to solve vaiious mouelling equations that aie useu to
uesciibe ieal woilu systems.
S. Ability to select suitable techniques foi geneiating system mouels, simulate them on computeis anu evaluate
the system peifoimance.
CoursePre-requisites: Piobability & Statistical Nethou
Course Content:
Unit -I: Introduction to SystemModelling& Simulation: (7 lectuies)
Neeu & use of Simulation, system mouels, auvantages & limitations of mouels, simplifieu iepiesentation of complex &
laige systems, Piincipals & Steps in cieating system mouels, captuiing system enviionment, components of systems
anu selection of appiopiiate mouelling techniques & simulation methouologies; ielationships between selecteu
mouels & simulation techniques.
Unit -II: SystemModellingConcepts: (8 Lectuies)
Types of system mouels, continuous & uisciete systems, compaiison of analytical & simulation methous, Event & Bata
Nouelling, Nouel builuing, Bata mouelling & techniques of builuing useful Input Bata mouels, multivaiiate & time
seiies input mouels. Steps in system mouel builuing; Nonte Cailo Nethou, veiification, calibiation & valiuation of
mouels foi simple systems.

Unit -III: Probability & RandomNumber generation: (7 Lectuies)
Bisciete & Continuous Ranuom vaiiables, piobability functions, uesciiptive chaiacteiistics of a Bistiibution. Tests of
Bypothesis anu Estimation of Confiuence Inteival, Estimation of Eiioi, Paiametei Estimation, uoouness-of-fit Tests.
Numeiical Computation techniques foi Continuous & Bisciete Nouels. Bistiibuteu Lag & Cobweb Nouels.
Unit -IV: QueuingSystems & DiscreteSystemSimulation: (6 Lectuies)
Nouelling & ueneiation of Aiiival Patteins, Exponential & Poisson uistiibution, Seivice Times, Noimal Bistiibution
Queuing Systems, Simulation of Single & Nultiple Seivei Queuing Systems, gatheiing statistics, Neasuiing occupancy
& 0tilization, Seivice Belay & Tiansit Times Estimation.
Unit -V: Real World Application of Simulation: (12 Lectuies)
Tiansfei Line Nouel, Inventoiy System Nouel, Beaulock Betection Nouel, Computei Centei Nouel, }ob Shop Nouel,
}ust-In-Time Nouel, Pi value estimation, Capital iecoveiy Nouel, Economics of Insuiance policy, Reliability Estimation,
Waiianty Pioblem & Estimation, Computei Netwoik Nouel. Inteipietation of Confiuence Inteival of a Paiametei.
References & Bibliography:
1. uoiuen u. , System Simulation, Pientice Ball.
2. Law N. Aveiill, Simulation Noueling & Analysis, Tata Nacuiaw Bill, New Belhi, 4
S. Sengupta S., System Simulation & Nouelling, Peaison Euucation, 2u1S.
4. Banks, Caison, Nelson & Nocoi, Bisciete Event System Simulation, Pientice Ball, 4
Euition 2uuS.
S. Kleiniock L. Queueing Systems- vol I: Theoiy, }ohn Wiely & Sons Inc, 197S.
6. Noiiis B. Beuioot & Naik }. Scheivish , Piobability & Statistics, Auuison Wiseley, S
Euition, 2uu2.
7. Pratiksha Saxena, Modeling and Simulation, Narosa Publishing House,2011
8. Zeigler, Praehofer and Kim, Theory of Modelling and Simulation, 2
Edition, Elsevier, 2013.

0RL: Fiee web baseu Nulti-usei Nouelling & Simulation Enviionment. Couise on "Intiouuction to Nouelling & Simulation".
www.wolfaim.comsystem-mouelei: Foi system mouelling softwaie & visualizei.

List of experiments:
1. Simulation of Scheuuling Algoiithms: CP0 Scheuuling Techniques: FCFS, S}F, & Piioiity Scheuuling,
0sing Queuing Theoiy
2. Simulation of Bisk Scheuuling Algoiithms.
S. Nouelling Nultiplexeis & Concentiatois anu applying queuing theoiy concepts to ueteimine
opeiational peifoimance paiameteis.
4. Simulation of System Reliability of any given system anu ueteimine its ieliability anu aveiage failuie
iate baseu on the given component ieliability.
S. Nouelling of Tiaffic baseu on given statistics of Tiaffic Bensity & vehicle heteiogeneity.
6. Telephone Exchange Nouelling & Call iate & Call uiop estimation baseu on exchange capacity.
7. Congestion Nouelling & Analysing the impact of congestion contiol algoiithms in Nobile systems
Computei netwoiks Assembly Line opeiations.
Note: Students shall performpracticals in tutorial periods usingSci Lab which is freely

3 1 2
Objective& Outcomeof learning
This couise is intenueu to intiouuce the basic piinciples of electiical eneigy to be conveiteu to mechanical
eneigy anu vice-veisa. This will intiouuce the magnetic & insulating mateiials useu in the constiuction of
electiical machines anu tiansfoimeis. The couise will expose the stuuents to uetaileu woiking of B.C.
machines as motois anu geneiatois anu those of Single anu thiee phase tiansfoimeis.
The outcome of this couise woulu be a thoiough knowleuge of BC machines anu tiansfoimeis.
Pie-iequisite: None
Principlesof Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion-Intiouuction, Flow of Eneigy in Electiomechanical
Bevices, Eneigy in magnetic systems (uefining eneigy & Co-eneigy), Singly Exciteu Systems; ueteimination
of mechanical foice, mechanical eneigy, toique equation.
Magnetic Materials - Soft, haiu anu ceiamic. Insulation & Insulating mateiials - theii classification fiom
machine point of view. (7)
D.C. Machines: Constiuction of BC Nachines, Aimatuie winuing, Emf anu toique equation, Aimatuie
Reaction, Commutation, Inteipoles anu Compensating Winuings, Peifoimance Chaiacteiistics of
B.C.geneiatois. (9)
D.C.Machines (Contd.):- Peifoimance Chaiacteiistics of B.C. motois ,Staiting of B.C. motois; S point
anu 4 point staiteis , Speeu contiol of B.C. motois: Fielu Contiol , aimatuie contiol anu voltage Contiol
(Waiu Lenonaiu methou); Efficiency anu Testing of B.C. machines (Bopkinson's anu Swinbuine's Test).
SinglePhaseTransformer: Phasoi uiagiam, efficiency anu voltage iegulation, all uay efficiency. Testing of
Tiansfoimeis: 0.C. anu S.C. tests, Sumpnei's test, polaiity test. Auto Transformer: Single phase anu thiee
phase auto tiansfoimeis, volt-amp, ielation, efficiency, meiits & uemeiits anu applications.
ThreePhaseTransformers: Constiuction, thiee phase tiansfoimei phasoi gioups anu theii connections,
open uelta connection, thiee phase to 2 phase, 6 phase oi 12 phase connections, anu theii applications,
paiallel opeiation anu loau shaiing of single phase anu thiee phase tiansfoimeis, excitation phenomenon
anu haimonics in tiansfoimeis, thiee winuing tiansfoimeis.
Text Books:
1 I.}. Nagiath & B.P.Kothaii," Electiical Nachines", Tata Ncuiaw Bill
2 Busain Ashfaq ," Electiical Nachines", Bhanpat Rai & Sons
S A.E. Fitggeialu, C.Kingsley }i anu 0mans,"Electiic Nachineiy" 6th Euition Ncuiaw Bill, Inteinational
Stuuent Euition.
4 B.R. uupta & vanuana Singhal, "Funuamentals of Electiical Nachines, New Age Inteinational.

Reference Books:
1 Iiving L.Kosow, "Electiic Nachine anu Tianfoimeis", Pientice Ball of Inuia.
2 N.u. Say, "The Peifoimance anu Besign of AC machines", Pit man & Sons.
S Bhag S. uuiu anu Buseyin R. Biziiogulu, "Electiic Nachineiy anu Tiansfoimeis" 0xfoiu 0niveisity Piess,
Web Resource: NPTEL course.

Note: Minimumeight experimentsareto beperformed fromthefollowinglist:
1 To obtain magnetization chaiacteiistics of a u.c. shunt geneiatoi
2 To obtain loau chaiacteiistics of a u.c. shunt geneiatoi anu compounu geneiatoi
(a) Cumulatively compounueu (b) Biffeientially compounueu
S To obtain efficiency of a uc shunt machine using Swinbuin's test
4 To peifoim Bopkinson's test anu ueteimine losses anu efficiency of BC machine
S To obtain speeu-toique chaiacteiistics of a uc shunt motoi
6 To obtain speeu contiol of uc shunt motoi using (a) aimatuie iesistance contiol (b) fielu contiol
7 To obtain speeu contiol of uc sepaiately exciteu motoi using Conventional Waiu-Leonaiu Static Waiu
-Leonaiu methou.
8 To stuuy polaiity anu iatio test of single phase anu S-phase tiansfoimeis
9 To obtain equivalent ciicuit, efficiency anu voltage iegulation of a single phase tiansfoimei using C.C.
anu S.C. tests.
1u To obtain efficiency anu voltage iegulation of a single phase tiansfoimei by Sumpnei's test.
11 To obtain S-phase to 2-phase conveision by Scott connection.
12 To ueteimine excitation phenomenon (B.B. loop) of single phase tiansfoimei using C.R.0.

3 1 2
Objective& Outcomeof learning
This will be a founuation couise of miciopiocessois which has embiaceu all walks of life.
Staiting with a viable 8 bit Intel miciopiocessois 8u8S anu its woiking the stuuent is to be exposeu to 16 bit
Intel 8u86 piocessoi incluuing theii instiuction set anu assembly language piogiamming. The usefulness of
such miciopiocessoi incieases because of utility of peiipheial chips anu the stuuents will be maue familiai
with them. Finally AB anu BA conveitei anu haiuwaie of memoiy will also be intiouuceu.
The outcome will be the gain of woiking knowleuge of miciopiocessois anu theii piogiamming.
Pie-iequisite: Analog anu Bigital Electionics couise EE-SuS.
I. Evolution of miciopiocessois, geneial aichitectuie of a /p. anu biief uesciiption of the elements. Pin
uiagiam anu inteinal aichitectuie of 8u8S, timings anu machine cycles, memoiy inteifacing, stacks &
stack pointeis, Inteiiupt. Instiuction set of Intel 8u8S - auuiessing moues, instiuction stiuctuie anu
classifications, Simple piogiams
II. 16 bit microprocessors: Pin Biagiam of Intel 8u86, inteinal aichitectuie, anu its woiking. Ninimum
anu Naximum moue configuiation, 8u84 bus contiollei, memoiy oiganization, its auuiessing moues,
instiuction set anu templates, Inteiiupt stiuctuie. Assembly language piogiamming, simple
III. MASM/ TASMAssemblei, statement syntax, Common Assemblei Biiectives, Cieating a souice file.
Iv. Peripheral Interfacing: memoiy mappeu anu I0 mappeu peiipheials, paiallel I0 82SSPPI anu
its moue o & 1 piogiamming, seiial I0 (82S1) anu RS - 2S2C, 82SS82S4 timeicountei, 82S9
Inteiiupt contiollei
v. AB & BA conveiteis anu theii inteifacing with miciopiocessois, intiouuction to uiffeient types of
memoiies, memoiy oiganization.
Text Books: -
1. uaonkai , Ramesh S. "Niciopiocessois Aichitectuie, Piogiamming anu application with 8u8S"
Pehiam Inteinational (Inuia). S
2. Ball Bv. "Niciopiocessois anu Inteifacing". Tata Nc uiaw Bill, 2
Reviseu Euition..

1. Waltei A Tiiebel anu Avatai Singh "The 8u88, anu 8u86 miciopiocessois - Piogiamming, Inteifacing
Softwaie, Baiuwaie anu applications" 4
Euition Pientice Ball Inuia.
2. N. Rafiquzzaman "Niciopiocessois, - Theoiy anu Appliocation" Pientice Ball Inuia.
S. Renu Singh anu B.P. Singh "Niciopiocessois, Inteifacing anu Applications" New age Inteinational.

Web Resource: NPTEL course.

1. To stuuy 8u8S miciopiocessoi kit anu all IC chips.
2. To stuuy 8u86 baseu miciopiocessoi kit anu all IC chips.
S. To uevelop anu iun a piogiam foi finuing out the laigestsmallest numbei fiom given set of
4. To uevelop anu iun a piogiam foi aiianging in ascenuinguescenuing oiuei of a set of numbei.
S. To peifoim multiplicationuivision of given numbeis.
6. (A) To peifoim conveision of tempeiatuie
F to
C anu vice-veisa,
(B) To peifoim computation of squaie ioot of given numbei.
7. To peifoim miciopiocessoi baseu steppei Notoi opeiation thiough 8u8S kit.
8. To wiite a piogiam foi geneiating squaie wave with 82SS82S4. The peiiouic time of the wave is 2
msec & 1umsec.
9. To wiite a piogiam foi geneiating squaie wave with 82SS, the peiiouic time of the wave is 2 msec &
1u msec.
1u. To wiite a piogiam to conveit analog input to u8u9 ABC to the uigital output.
11. To wiite a piogiam to ieau poit A of 82SS anu uisplay the values at poit B.
12. To wiite a piogiam to tiansfei 1u bytes stoieu in the memoiy of one kit to anothei kit using 82S1
1S. The wiite a piogiam to contiol a tiaffic light at a ciossing with 2min 0N anu 2 min 0FF with an
Ambei light gap of 1u sec.
14. To wiite a piogiam to obtain tiiangulai wave using BAC chip.

4 1 u
Objective& Outcomeof learning
0bjective of this couise is to make stuuents familiai with stiuctuie anu impoitant components useu in
mouein uay powei system. The stuuents may be taken to a highei level in the uesign of tiansmission lines,
cables, insulatois anu toweis. Also the phenomena of coiona anu Electio-static & electio-magnetic
inteifeience on communication ciicuits will also be emphasizeu. A biief intiouuction of EBv AC anu BC line
is to be given.
The outcome of the couise will be an enlaigeu view of the powei system haiuwaie anu the phenomena.
Pie-iequisite: None
Power SystemComponents:
Single line Biagiam of Powei system,
Biief uesciiption of powei system Elements: Synchionous machine, tiansfoimei, tiansmission line, bus bai,
ciicuit bieakei anu isolatoi
Supply System
Biffeient kinus of supply system anu theii compaiison, choice of tiansmission voltage
Transmission Lines:
Configuiations, types of conuuctois, iesistance of line, skin effect, Kelvin's law. Pioximity effect
0vei Beau Tiansmission Lines, Calculation of inuuctance anu capacitance of single phase, thiee phase, single
ciicuit anu uouble ciicuit tiansmission lines, Repiesentation anu peifoimance of shoit, meuium anu long
tiansmission lines, Feiianti effect. Suige impeuance loauing
Corona and Interference:
Phenomenon of coiona, coiona foimation, calculation of potential giauient, coiona loss, factois affecting
coiona, methous of ieuucing coiona anu inteifeience.
Electiostatic anu electiomagnetic inteifeience with communication lines
Overhead lineInsulators:
Type of insulatois anu theii applications anu polymei insulatois, potential uistiibution ovei a stiing of
insulatois, methous of equalizing the potential, stiing efficiency
Mechanical Design of transmission line:
Catenaiy cuive, calculation of sag & tension, effects of winu anu ice loauing, sag template, vibiation uampeis
Insulated cables:
Type of cables anu theii constiuction, uielectiic stiess, giauing of cables, insulation iesistance, capacitance
of single phase anu thiee phase cables, uielectiic loss, heating of cables.

Neutral grounding:
Necessity of neutial giounuing, vaiious methous of neutial giounuing, eaithing tiansfoimei, giounuing

Electrical Design of Transmission Lineand Towers:
Besign consiueiation of EBv tiansmission lines, choice of voltage, numbei of ciicuits, conuuctoi
configuiation, insulation uesign, selection of giounu wiies. Biffeient types of toweis.
EHVACand HVDCTransmission:
Intiouuction to EBv AC anu BvBC tiansmission anu theii compaiison, use of bunule conuuctois, kinus of BC
links, anu incoipoiation of BvBC into AC system
Text Books
1. W. B. Stevenson, "Element of Powei System Analysis", Ncuiaw Bill,
2. C. L. Wauhwa, "Electiical Powei Systems" New age inteinational Ltu. Thiiu Euition
S. Asfaq Bussain, "0Powei System", CBS Publisheis anu Bistiibutois,
4. B. R. uupta, "Powei System Analysis anu Besign" Thiiu Euition, S. Chanu & Co.
S. N. v. Beshpanue, "Electiical Powei System Besign" Tata Nc uiaw Bill.
Reference Books
6. N. v. Beshpanuey, "Elements of Powei System Besign", Tata Ncuiaw Bill,
7. Soni, uupta & Bhatnagai, "A Couise in Electiical Powei", Bhanpat Rai & Sons,
8. S. L. 0ppal, "Electiic Powei", Khanna Publisheis
9. S.N.Singh, " Electiic Powei ueneiation, Tiansmission& uistiibution." PBI Leaining
Web Resource: NPTEL course.

3 1 2
Objective & Out come of learning
This is intended to be a compulsory course for all branches of Engg. The objective of the course is to familiarize with
different types of main sensors and transducers used in Industry and to familiarize how signal conditioning is to be carried
out for further use. Then how to acquire this data for computer and to telemeter it over a distance. Some basic
fundamental of virtual instrumentation system and display devices is stressed. This course enables the students to learn the
sensors and transducers & their application course in industry.
Pre-requisite: Basic courses of Electrical and Electronics Engg EE-101/EC-101
Sensors & Transducer, Definition, Classification & Characterization, Displacement Sensors: Potentiometric, LVDT & Optical
Encoder; Accelerometers: Mass & Piezoelectric; Strain Gauges: Wire & Semiconductor; Pressure Sensor: LVDT based
Diaphragm & Piezoelectric, Temperature Sensor: Thermocouple, RTD, & Liquid in Glass; Flow Sensor: Ultrasonic,
Electromagnetic, Laser & Thermal; Level Sensor: Ultrasonic & Capacitive; Proximity Sensor, Concept of Smart Sensors:
Signals Definition, Analog Signal Processing Circuits: Bridges, Op-amp Amplifiers, Differential Amplifiers, Active Filters(Low
Pass & High Pass), Frequency to Voltage Convertor, Voltage to Frequency Convertor, Modulator (AM), & Demodulator
(Envelop Detector).
Digital Processing of Analog Signal: Analog Multiplexer Circuit, S/H Circuit, ADC, DAC, Convolution, Digital Filtering, Digital
Telemetry System: PCM Display Devices: Analog (CRT), Digital (LCD, LED) Recorders: Analog (Magnetic, Strip Chart), Digital
Virtual Instrumentation
Instrumentation System, DAQ System, Software for Virtual Instrumentation.
Instrumentation System for Flow, Pressure, and Temperature Measurement
Measurement Errors: Gross errors and systematic errors, Absolute and relative errors, Accuracy, Precision, Resolution and
Significant figures.
Data Transmission and Telemetry
Telemetry System and its Classification, Voltage, Current and Position Telemetry Systems, Frequency Modulation Telemetry
System, PAM Telemetry System, Radio Telemetry System, Transmission Channels and Media.

Text Books:
1. BvS Nuithy "Tiansuuceis anu Instiumentation, PBI 2
Euition 2u1S
2. B Patianabis "Sensois anu Tiansuuceis" PBI 2
Euition 2u1S.
S. Ranjan CS ( "Instiumentation anu Bevice Systems" PBI.
4. A.K.Sawhney and Puneet Sawhney, A Course in Electrical And Electronics Measurement
And Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Co.Pvt Ltd.

1. Aiun K. uhosh "Intiouuction to measuiements anu Instiumentation, PBI, 4
Euition 2u12.
2. A.B. Belfiick anu W.B. coopei "Nouein Electionic Instiumentation & Neasuiement Techniques." PBI - 2uu1
S. BAvIB A. BELL "Electionic Instiumentation & measuiement" S
Euition 2u1S, 0xfoiu 0niveisity Piess.
4. Beimann K.P. Neubeit, "Instiument Tiansuuceis" 2
Euition 2u12, 0xfoiu 0niveisity Piess.

Minimumof nineexperimentsfromthefollowing:
1. Stuuy of Potentiometiic Bisplacement Sensoi.
2. Stuuy of LvBT sensoi
S. Stuuy of Theimocouple & RTB sensois.
4. Fiequency measuiement of supply voltage
S. Stuuy of 0ltiasonic Flow Sensoi
6. Stuuy of ABC & BAC
7. Stuuy of Pioximity Sensois.
8. Acquisition of vaiious sensois 0utput using 0SB BAQ.
9. Stuuy of Active Low Pass Filtei.
1u. Stuuy of Stiain uauges.

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