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9. 1. All are the cells of the cerebral cortex EXCEPT A. Purkinje cells B. C. Cajal cells Pyramidal cells CSF is formed by choroid plexus of A. Lateral ventricle, 3rd and 4th ventricles B. C. Lateral ventricle only 3rd and 4th ventricle only

D. 4th ventricle only 10. The CSF reaches subarachnoid space from

D. Stellate cells 2. Pattern of efferent fibers from cerebral cortex to sub cortical area A. Summation B. C. Projection Association 11. Total amount of CSF formed in a day is approximately 3. Maximum growth of brain takes place in A. Infancy B. C. Preschool School A. 1 lit/day B. C. 5 lit/day 100 ml/day A. Lateral ventricle B. C. 3rd ventricle 4th ventricle

D. Cerebral aqueduct

D. Collateral

D. 750 ml/day 12. The structures which pass through centre of

D. Puberty 4. Leptomeninges constitute A. Pia meter B. C. Pia mater and arachnoid mater Dura mater cavernous sinus are A. ICA and occulomotor nerve B. C. III and IV nerve ICA and IV nerve

D. It is a structure not related to the brain 5. Falx cerebri and falx cerebelli are folds of the A. Endosteal layer of dura mater B. C. Meningeal layer of dura mater Pia mater

D. ICA and VI nerve 13. Cavernous sinus communicates with the pterygoid plexus of veins through A. Foramen ovale B. C. Foramen lacerum Emissary sphenoidal foramen

D. Arachnoid mater 6. The superior and inferior sagittal sinuses are present in relation to A. Falx cerebelli B. C. Falx cerebri Tentorium cerebella

D. All of the above 14. The connecting vein between facial vein and cavernous sinus is A. Superior ophthalmic vein B. C. Inferior ophthalmic vein Connecting pterygoid plexus

D. A and C 7. Roof of posterior cranial fossa is formed by A. Posterior component of falx cerebri B. C. Falx cerebella Tentorium cerebelli

D. None of the above 15. Superior sagittal sinus continues as A. Inferior sagittal sinus B. C. Straight sinus Right transverse sinus

D. A and C 8. Dura mater is supplied by A. Maxillary artery and maxillary nerve B. C. Vertebral artery and ophthalmic nerve ICA and X nerve

D. Left transverse 16. Sigmoid sinus continues as; A. Inferior sagittal sinus B. C. Straight sinus Superior bulb of IJV
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D. All of the above



D. None of the above 17. The sylvians sulcus divides A. Temporal from parietal lobe B. C. Parietal from frontal lobe Temporal from frontal lobe


25. A small sickle shaped fold of dura mater projecting forwards into the posterior cerebellar notch is the A. Falx cerebri B. C. Tentorium cerebelli Falx cerebelli

D. Diaphragma sellae 26. The unpaired structure in the brain is

D. Motor form sensory cortex 18. Visual cortex is present in the A. Occipital lobe B. C. Temporal lobe Frontal lobe A. Basilar artery B. C. Vertebral artery Anterior cerebral

D. Middle cerebral 27. All of the following structures are in lateral

D. Parietal lobe 19. Precentral gyrus is A. Sensory cortex B. C. Motor cortex Proprioceptive cortex wall of cavernous sinus EXCEPT A. Occulomotor B. C. Trochlear Trigeminal

D. Pain centre 20. Superior cerebellar peduncle caries A. Sensory impulses form spinal cord B. C. Motor impulses form cerebellum to thalamus Sensory impulses from cortex

D. Ophthalmic 28. All of the following structures are related to cavernous sinus EXCEPT A. 2nd or Optic nerve B. C. 4th nerve 6th nerve

D. None of the above 21. Thalamus is the largest relay centre for all sensory inputs EXCEPT A. Touch B. C. Olfaction Hearing

D. Mandibular division of Trigeminal nerve 29. Sphenopalatine ganglion does not supply A. Nasal mucosa B. C. Sublingual gland Ciliary ganglion

D. Pressure 22. Forebrain consists of A. Cerebrum and diencephalon B. C. Cerebrum only Diencephalon only

D. B & C 30. Structures magnum are A. Spinal cord B. C. Vertebral artery XI cranial nerve passing through the foramen

D. Crus cerebri and cerebrum 23. Pyramidal tracts are an example of A. Motor tracts B. C. Sensory tracts Mixed tracts

D. B and C 31. Select the incorrect statement about the dural venous sinuses A. They are devoid of muscles coat B. C. They receive blood from brain, meninges and bone 24. V and VII nerves are attached in A. Medulla B. C. Pons Midbrain 32. Which of the following is an unpaired sinus A. Cavernous sinus B.

D. Sympathetic

They communicates with extracranial veins

D. All of those are related to cranial bones

D. A and C

Sigmoid sinus
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C. Straight sinus C. Occipital bone


D. Superior petrosal sinus

D. All of the Above 40. Which of the following venous sinuses is more

33. Which of the following venous sinus is enclosed by the falx cerebelli A. Transverse B. C. Superior sagittal Sigmoid

likely to be affected with thrombosis in chronic olitic media by mastication A. Cavernous B. C. Intercavenous Sigmoid

D. Occipital 34. The cavenous sinus is related medially to A. Hypophysis cerebri B. C. Temporal lobe Crus cerebri

D. Superior petrosal 41. The emissary veins A. Are provided with valves B. C. Are constant in their position and number Open into the cerebral veins venous sinuses

D. Foramen lacerum 35. Nerve passing through the centre of cavenous sinus is A. Occulomotor nerve B. C. Trochlear nerve Abducent nerve

D. Connect the extra cranial veins with intracranial

42. Which of the following venous sinuses do not receive emissary vein A. Superior sagittal B. C. Transverse Sigmoid

D. Maxillary nerve 36. The cavernous sinus is connected directly to the following various sinuses EXCEPT A. Transverse B. C. Superior petrosal Inferior petrosal

D. Inferior sagittal 43. The cavernous sinus communicates with the pterygoid venous plexus by way of the A. Maxillary veins B. C. Parotid veins Frontal emissary vein

D. Inter cavernous 37. The cavernous sinus does not communicate with the A. Ophthalmic vein B. C. Internal jugular vein External jugular vein

D. Sphenoidal emissary vein 44. Which of the followings spaces contains

cerebrospinal fluids? A. Epidural space B. C. Subdural space Subarachnoid space

D. Pterygoid plexus 38. Which of the following is true about straight sinus? A. It is formed by the union of superior and inferior sagittal sinuses B. C. It lies at the junction between the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli It receives emissary veins of durameter 39. The sigmoid sinus is related to the A. Parietal bone B. Temporal bone

D. Subdural capillary space 45. Which of the followings is/are also called

pachymeninx? A. Dura mater B. C. Arachnoid mater Pia meter

D. Arachnoid mater and pia mater 46. The spinal dura extends from the foramen magnum to the lower border of the A. First sacral vertebra B. C. Second sacral vertebra Third sacral vertebra
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D. It is enclosed by meningeal and endostal layer


D. Fourth sacral vertebra 47. The spinal cord ends at the lower border of which of the following vertebra? A. T1 B. C. S1 L1 A. Falx cerebri B. C. Falx cerebelli Tentorium cerebelli


D. Diaphragm sellae 55. Which of the following is/are true about venous sinus of dura mater? A. They have inner lining of endothelium B. They have no muscles in their walls They have no valves C.

D. L2 48. Lumbar puncture is usually done in between A. L1 and L2 B. C. L2 and L3 L3 and L4

D. All of the above 56. Which of the following is not present in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus? A. Occulomotor nerve B. C. Trochlear nerve Maxillary nerve

D. L4 and L5 49. The pia mater which is continued below the spinal cord is called as A. Linea splendens B. C. Ligamentum denticulatum Filum terminale

D. Abducent nerve 57. Which of the following nerve(s) is/are involved in cavernous sinus thrombosis A. Occulomotor nerve B. C. Trochlear nerve Abducent nerve

D. Cauda equine 50. Total numbers of spinal nerves are A. 25 pairs B. C. 30 pairs 31 pairs

D. All of the above 58. The right transverse sinus is usually a continuation of which of the following sinuses A. Straight sinus B. C. Superior sagittal sinus Inferior sagittal sinus

D. 32 pairs 51. Which root of spinal nerve bears a ganglion A. Dorsal nerve root B. C. Ventral nerve root Motor nerve root

D. Sigmoid sinus 59. Hypophysis cerebri is also known as

D. All of the above 52. Which of the following meninges is thickest and toughest as compared to others? A. Pia mater B. C. Arachnoid mater Dura mater 60. Trigeminal ganglion is made up of; A. Pseudo unipolar nerve cells 53. The fold of dura mater which is present between two cerebral hemispheres occupying the median longitudinal fissure is called as A. Falx cerebelli B. C. Falx cerebri Tentorium cerebelli 61. Which of the following nerves carries gustatory and parasympathetic fibers? A. Deep petrosal nerve B. 54. Which of the following folds of dura mater forms the roof of the hypophyseal fossa?

A. Thyroid gland B. C. Parathyroid gland Pituitary gland

D. Adrenal gland

D. Leptomeninges

B. C.

Unipolar nerve cells Bipolar nerve cells

D. Tripolar nerve cells

D. Diaphragm sellae

Greater petrosal nerve Lesser petrosal nerve


D. External petrosal nerve

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A. Embryologically 62. Diaphragm sellae is formed by A. Pia mater B. C. Arachnid mater Endosteal layer of dura mater B. C. Morphologically Functionally


D. All of the above 70. What are the relations of internal carotid artery to the trigeminal ganglion? A. Medial B. C. Lateral Superior

D. Meningeal layer of dura mater 63. Which of the following sinuses is present along the line of attachment of the falx cerebelli to the tentorium cerebella A. Superior sagittal sinus B. C. Inferior sagittal sinus Straight sinus

D. Inferior 71. Nucleus ambiguous contributes fibres to the following cranial nerves EXCEPT A. Facial B. C. Glossopharyngeal Vagus

D. Inferior petrosal sinus 64. Which of the followings is/are sickle shaped fold dura mater? A. Falx cerebri B. C. Tentorium cerebella Falx cerebelli

D. Accessory 72. The term archistriatum is applied to: A. Caudate nucleus B. Putamen Globus pallidus C.

D. Both A and C 65. Floor of the cavernous sinus is formed by A. Endosteal layer of dura mater B. C. Meningeal layer of dura mater Pia mater

D. Amygdaloid nucleus 73. Following are the cranial nerve nuclei in the midbrain EXCEPT: A. Occulomotor nerve nucleus B. C. Trochlear nerve nucleus Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve

D. Arachnoid mater 66. Inferior sagittal sinus joins with A. Transverse sinus B. C. Straight sinus Sigmoid sinus

D. Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve 74. The term paleostriatum is applied to: A. Caudate nucleus statements about B. C. Globus pallidus Putamen

D. Inferior petrosal sinus 67. Which of the following

transverse sinus is correct? A. It is an unpaired venous sinus B. C. Right sinus is usually larger than the left Right sinus is usually a continuation of the inferior sagittal sinus D. Left sinus is a continuation of the superior sagittal sinus 68. Basilar plexus of veins connects A. Two superior petrosal sinuses B. C. Two superior sagittal sinuses Two inferior petrosal sinuses

D. Amygdaloid nucleus 75. Following dural venous sinuses join the

confluence of sinuses EXCEPT A. Right transverse sinus B. C. Straight sinus Occipital petrosal sinus

D. Inferior petrosal sinus 76. Following is true about the venous lacunae present near the superior sagittal sinus EXCEPT A. They communicate with the superior sagittal sinus B. Frontal, parietal and occipital lacunae tend to become confluent in old age
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D. Two inferior sagittal sinuses 69. Adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis differ from each other

C. Ascending frontal veins drain into the lacunae


D. The lacunae drain the diploid and meningeal veins 77. Following nucleus of hypothalamus is mainly responsible for controlling circardian rhythm A. Supraoptic nucleus B. C. Para ventricular nucleus Preoptic nucleus

84. Following are the branches of basilar artery EXCEPT A. Superior cerebellar B. C. Anterior inferior cerebellar Posterior inferior cerebellar

D. Posterior cerebral 85. Following dural venous sinuses are present between the layers of attached margin of tentorium cerebelli EXCEPT A. Superior petrosal sinus B. C. Inferior petrosal sinus Right transverse sinus

D. Supra chiasmatic nucleus 78. Cavity of mesencephalon is A. Lateral ventricle B. C. Third ventricle Cerebral aqueduct

D. Left transverse sinus 86. Red nucleus is situated in the

D. Fourth ventricle 79. Following hypothalamic nucleus is mainly A. Midbrain at the level of superior colliculus B. C. Midbrain at the level of inferior colliculus Pons at the level of facial colliculus salivary nucleus 87. Following sulcus is called as a complete sulcus 80. Nuclei of following cranial nerves are present in the medulla oblongata EXCEPT A. Hypoglossal B. C. Vagus nerve Vestibulo cochlear nerve 88. Tela choroidea is formed by A. Thickening of pia mater 81. Following cells are responsible for the B. C. Fusion of pia mater and arachnoid mater Fusion of pia mater and ventricular ependyma nourishment of CNS A. Astrocytes B. C. Oligodendrocytes Schwann cells 89. Cisterna magna (cerebello medullary cistern) contains A. Basilar artery 82. Following is the cranial nerve nucleus in the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus A. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve B. C. Sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve Motor nucleus of occulomotor nerve 90. Following part of vermis of cerebellum belongs to neocerebellum A. Lingual 83. Occipital blood sinus lies between the two layers of A. Falx cerebri B. C. Falx cerebelli Tentorium cerebelli 91. Lateral lemniscus is formed by the decussation of A. Cochlear fibres
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responsible for the secretion of oxytocin A. Para ventricular B. C. Preoptic Lateral

D. Medulla oblongata at the level of inferior

D. Supra chiasmatic A. Central sulcus B. C. Calcarine sulcus Lateral sulcus

D. Parieto occipital sulcus

D. Abducent nerve

D. Ventricular ependyma

D. Microglia

B. C.

Posterior inferior cerebellar artery Anterior inferior cerebellar artery

D. Superior cerebellar artery

D. Motor nucleus of Trochlear nerve

B. C.

Central lobule Culmen

D. Declive

D. Diaphragm sellae

B. C. Vestibular fibres Proprioceptive fibres


99. Following is true about cerebello medullary cistern EXCEPT A. It lies between clivus and anterior surface of medulla oblongata B. C. It contains posterior inferior cerebellar artery It can be tapped by a needle passing through the posterior atlanto occipital membrane D. Foramen of Magendie communicates with it 100. Following is true about cranial root of accessory

D. Spinothalamic tract 92. Superior salivary nucleus is situated in the A. Midbrain B. C. Pons Medulla oblongata

D. Cerebellum 93. Mossy fibres of cerebellum include following afferent tracts EXCEPT A. Olivocerebellar B. C. Tectocerebellar Ventral spinocerebellar C. through the superior B. nerve EXCEPT A. It joins the vagus nerve superior to the inferior vagal ganglion It contains special visceral efferent and general visceral efferent components It joins with spinal root of accessory nerve after emerging through the jugular foramen 94. Following tracts pass D. Fibres of the nerve derived from nucleus ambiguous innervate the palatal muscles except tensor veli palatini 101. Following nuclear groups are present in the dorsal horn of spinal cord EXCEPT A. Substantia gelatinosa 95. Following tract caries pain sensation A. Posterior spinocerebellar B. C. Anterior spinocerebellar Lateral spinothalamic 102. Following tracts pass through the inferior cerebellar peduncle EXCEPT 96. Nucleus of tractus solitarius is connected with the following cranial nerves EXCEPT A. Facial nerve B. C. Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve 103. Following afferent fibres of cerebellum are called as climbing fibres 97. The term archicerebellum is applied to the following EXCEPT A. Lingual B. C. Uvula Nodule 104. Following efferent fibres of cerebellum pass through the superior cerebellar peduncle EXCEPT 98. Following structures are present in the floor of body of lateral ventricle EXCEPT A. Caudate nucleus B. C. Stria terminalis Stria medullaris 105. Following cranial nerve nucleus is present at the site of facial colliculus

D. Dorsal spinocerebellar

cerebellar peduncle EXCEPT A. Hypothalamocerebellar B. C. Dorsal spinocerebellar Ventral spinocerebellar

D. Tectocerebellar

B. C.

Nucleus proprius Clarkes column

D. Phrenic nucleus

D. Vestibulospinal

A. Posterior spinocerebellar tracts B. C. Anterior spinocerebellar tracts Anterior external arcuate fibres

D. Vestibulo cerebellar tracts

D. Accessory nerve

A. Olivocerebellar B. C. Vestibuocerebelalr Tectocerebellar

D. Reticulocerebellar

D. Flocculus

A. Cerebello rubral B. C. Cerebello vestibular Cerebello thalamic

D. Cerebello olivary

D. Thalamostriate vein

A. Facial B. C. Abducent Sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve A. Occipital sinus B. C. Sphenoparietal sinus Petrosquamous sinus


D. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve 106. Following white matter fibres are present in the paramedian area in medulla oblongata at the level of inferior olivary nucleus EXCEPT A. Medial lemniscus B. C. Tectospinal tracts Olivocerebellar tracts

D. Straight sinus 112. Following are the contents of pontine cistern EXCEPT A. Basilar artery B. C. Labyrinthine branches of basilar artery Posterior cerebellar artery

D. Fifth to twelfth cranial nerves 113. Following structures are present in the roof of

D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 107. Following fibres start from the arcuate nuclei of medulla oblongata A. Internal arcuate fibres B. C. Anterior external arcuate fibres Posterior external arcuate fibres inferior horn of lateral ventricle EXCEPT A. Tapetum of corpus callosum B. C. Tail of caudate nucleus Stria medullaris

D. Stria terminalis 114. Following structures are present in the anterior

D. All of the above 108. Following is true about medial medullary wall of third ventricle EXCEPT A. Lamina terminalis B. C. Stria terminalis Anterior commissure

syndrome EXCEPT A. It is caused because of thrombosis of medullary branches of AICA B. C. There is infarction of ventral medulla There is contralateral limb paralysis

D. Column of fornix 115. Bulb of posterior horn of lateral ventricle, causing a rounded elevation in its medial wall, is formed by A. Forceps major B. C. Forceps minor Tapetum

D. There is ipsilateral paralysis of tongue muscles because of involvement of hypoglossal nerve 109. Following is true about lateral medullary

syndrome EXCEPT A. It is caused by thrombosis of medullary branches of posterior inferior cerebellar artery B. C. Lateral and dorsal parts of medulla oblongata are involved Loss of function of nucleus ambiguous causes ipsilateral paralysis of vocal folds as well as palatal and pharyngeal muscles D. Lesion of spinal lemniscus causes ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature sensations 110. Following nucleus of hypothalamus is mainly responsible for secretion of antidiuretic hormone A. Preoptic B. C. Supraoptic Posterior

D. Splenium of corpus callosum 116. Following cranial nerve nucleus is present just caudal to the inferior fovea in the floor of fourth ventricle A. Vestibular nucleus B. C. Glossopharyngeal nerve nucleus Dorsal nucleus of vagus

D. Hypoglossal nerve nucleus 117. Roof and lateral wall of posterior horn of lateral ventricle is formed by fibres of A. Fornix B. C. Forceps major Forceps minor

D. Lateral 111. Following dural venous sinuses are contained between the endosteal and fibrous layers of dura mater EXCEPT

D. Tapetum 118. Following is true about ligamentum denticulatum of spinal cord except
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A. It is a lateral projection of arachnoid mater connecting the side of spinal cord to the dura mater B. It is attached along an unbroken line, along the spinal cord from foramen magnum up to conus medullaris C. The root of L1 lies at the lowest denticulation within the spinal dura matter. B. 119. Superior and inferior salivatory nuclei have the following functional component A. Special visceral afferent B. C. General visceral afferent Special visceral efferent C. 125. Following is true about hippocampus except D. It helps of stabilize the loose fitting spinal cord


124. Efferent fibres of Amygdaloid nucleus are called as A. Lamina terminalis B. C. Stria terminalis Stria medullaris

D. Alvenus

A. It forms a projection in the inferior horn of lateral ventricle of brain Its ventricular surface is covered by a layer of nerve fibres called as alveus Microscopically hippocampal cortex is made up of six layers D. Efferent fibres of hippocampus are called as formix 126. Following is true about Amygdaloid body except

D. General visceral efferent 120. Following is true about nucleus ambiguous except A. Its functional component is special visceral efferent B. C. It is situated in pons at the level of facial colliculus It is connected with the ninth, tenth and eleventh cranial nerves D. It is involved in the lateral medullary syndrome 121. Following is true about nucleus of tractus solitarius except A. It is situated in the medulla oblongata B. C. Its functional component is special visceral afferent Through it connects with the reticular formation, it has reflex control of cardiovascular and respiratory function D. It receives afferent fibres from eleventh cranial nerve 122. Following nerves have general somatic efferent component except A. Trochlear B. C. Abducent Glossopharyngeal C. B. 128. Following is true about the fornix of brain except A. These are the fibres arising predominantly from hippocampus Body of fornix is separated from corpus callosum by septum pellucidum Crus of fornix are connected to each other by hippocampal commissure D. Precommissural fibres of fornix reach the mammillary bodies 123. Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve has following functional component? A. General somatic afferent B. C. Special visceral afferent General visceral afferent B. 129. Following is true about substantia nigra except A. It is a neuromelanin containing pigmented substance present in midbrain It is connected with cerebral cortex spinal cord and hypothalamus C. B. 127. Following is true about stria terminalis except A. These are the efferent fibres of Amygdaloid body They run in the root of inferior horn and floor of the body of lateral ventricle of brain Throughout the course, it is related lateral to the caudate nucleus D. Fibres leaving the stria terminalis and reaching habenular nuclei are called as stria medullaris thalami A. It belongs to archistriatum B. C. It is situated near the temporal pole of cerebrum It is anterior to hippocampus and in close proximity with the tail of caudate nucleus D. Inferiorly it is related to anterior part of lentiform nucleus

D. Hypoglossus

D. Special visceral efferent






C. It has connections with ventral posterior A. 12 inches B. C. 15 inches 18 inches


nucleus of thalamus D. Lesions of dopaminergic nigro-striate fibres cause Parkinsons disease. 130. Followings is true about medial geniculate body EXCEPT A. It is situated posteriorly on the ventrolateral surface of thalamus B. C. It receives fibres from medial lemniscus It has a relay station on the auditory pathway which pass through sublentiform part of internal capsule of brain. 131. Following is true about lateral geniculate body EXCEPT A. It is a part of metathalamus B. C. It is a relay station is the visual pathway It is connected with superior colliculus of midbrain and Pulvinar of thalamus D. Efferent from its form the optic radiations, which pass through posterior limb of internal capsule of brain to reach the parietal cortex 132. At birth spinal cord extends up to; A. L2 B. C. L3 L4

D. 21 inches

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. A B A B B B C D A C D D D A C C C A B B B A A B C A C
C O P Y |

Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1141-42 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1176 Ref: OP Ghais, Pediatrics, 7/e, p. 3 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1209 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1210 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1210 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1210 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1212 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1205 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1205 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 198 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p.1585 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p.1585 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p.1577 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1583 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1584 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1109-10 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1158-59 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p 1164 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p 1035 Ref: Snells Clinical Neuroanatomy, 5/e, p. 375 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p 974 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 320 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 327 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 276 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 297, 300 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p, 1585

D. Fibres arising in it form acoustic radiations,

D. L1 133. Spinal cord is composed off A. Grey matter in the centre B. C. White matter in the centre Grey matter in the periphery

D. B and C 134. Posterior column of spinal cord is; A. Sensory B. C. Motor Mixed

D. none of the above 135. Which component of spinal cord is analogous to mesencephalic nuclei of trigeminal A. Spinothalamic tract B. C. Spinocerebellar tract Fasciculus gracilis 25. 26. 27.

23. 24.

D. B and C 136. The length of the spinal cord is


28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. D D D D C D A C A C B D C D D D C A B C C C C A C B D D D D B C Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p, 1585 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 658 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 460-61 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 277 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 276 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 281 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278,281 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 523 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 292-93 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 295 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 778 78. Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 775 Ref: Lee Mc Gregors Synopsis of Surgical Anatomy, 12/e, p. 346 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 780 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 781 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 781 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 275 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 275 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 276 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 277 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 88. Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 380 89. B A 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. A D A C B C B A B C 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. A B D C D A B B C D A A C C B D C D


Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, A.K Datta vol 2, 3/e, p. 247 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 680 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 276 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 275-76 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 280 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 38 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 296 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 1021 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 2, p. 78 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 1069 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 2, p.76 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 1583 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 109 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 38 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 109 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 122-127 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 23 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.141 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 279 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.179 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 275 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.141 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.47 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.195 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.179, 193
| N O T F O R S A L E



90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. D A B A B C D B C A C D B A B B C B A D B D D C B A C D Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.161 fig 8.3 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.130 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.131 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.164 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.167-69 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.217 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p254, 258, 259, 262 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 161, fig 8.3 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 72 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 193 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 262 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 211-12 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 167-69 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 164 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 169 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 132 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 127 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 127 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 156 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 155 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 109 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 278 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.74 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 48-49 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.74 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 202 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 74


118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.


Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 197 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.253 Ref: Snells Clinical Neuroanatomy, 5/e, p. 190 Ref: Inderbir Singh, Human Embryology, 8/e, p. 279 Ref: Inderbir Singh, Human Embryology, 8/e, p. 299 Ref: Inderbir Singh, Human Embryology, 8/e, p. 279 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.88 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.91-93 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 88, 79 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 88-89 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 93-94 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.138-39 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p.102-03 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 68 Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy, A.K Datta vol 4, Neuroanatomy, p. 203 Ref: Grays Anatomy 38/e, p. 977 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 314-15 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 315-16 Ref: Grays Anatomy 39/e, p. 775

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