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Q-1 Define deferred constant. Sol-1 Deferred constant is a constant whose value is not specified & declared in a package. Q-2 Differentiate between si na! " constant. Sol-2 Signal is an object belonging to the signal class holds a list of values which include the current values of a signal & a set of possible future values that are to appear on the signal. Constant is an object of constant class & holds a single value of given type. Q-# $rite a %ro ra& for nand ate 'sin dataf!ow &ode!in . Solentity nand2 is port!a"b#in std$logic% c#out std$logic&% end nand2% architecture nand$data of nand2 is begin b'( not!a and b&% end nand$data%

Q-( Define data ob)ects. Sol-) * data object holds a value of a specified type. +t is created by ,eans of an object decalration. +t has four classes- constant" variable" signal & file. Q-* $rite a %ro ar& of nor ate 'sin Be+a,iora! &ode!in Sol-entity nor2 is port!a"b#in std$logic% c# out std$logic&% end nor2% architecture nor$beh of nor2 is begin process!a"b& begin if!!!a(./.& and !b(.1.&& or !!a(.1.& and !b(./.&& or !!a(.1.& and !b(.1.&&& then c'( 0/.% elsif!!a(./.& and !b(./.&& then c'( 01.%

end nor$beh% Q-- Define t+e %'r%ose of %rocess state&ent in Be+a,iora! &ode!in Sol-1 * process state,ent contains se2uentail state,ents that describes the functionality of a portion of an entity in se2uential ter,s. Q-. $rite a %ro ra& of /'!! Adder 'sin Be+a,iora! 0ode!in Sol-3 entity full$adder is port !a"b"c# in std$logic% su,"carry# out std$logic&% end full$adder% architecture fa$beh of full$adder is begin process!a"b"c& begin if!a(./. and b(./. and c(./.& then su,'( 0/.% carry '(./.% elsif!a(./. and b(./. and c(.1.& or !a(./. and b(.1. and c(./.& or !a(.1. and b(./. and c(./.& then su,'( 01.% carry'(./.% elsif !a(./. and b(.1. and c(.1.& or !a(.1. and b(./. and c(.1.& or !a(.1. and b(.1. and c(./.& or !a(.1. and b(.1. and c(.1.& then su,'(./.% carry'(.1.% end if% end process% end fa$beh% Q-1 $rite a %ro ra& of T f!i%-f!o% 'sin Be+a,iora! 0ode!in Sol-4 entity 566 is port !5" Clk# in std$logic% 7# buffer std$logic&% end 566% architecture 566$beh of 566 is begin process !Clk& begin if !Clk.event and Clk(.1.& then

if !5(.1.& then 7 '( not !7&% else 7 '( 7% end if% end process% end 566$beh% Q-2 $rite a %ro ra& of S3 4atc+ 'sin str'ct'ra! 0ode!in Sol-8 entity S9 is port ! S:5" 9:S:5# in bit% 7" 7;*9# inout bit&% end 9S% architecture struct of 9S is co,ponent <*<D2 port !*" ;# in bit% C# out bit&% end co,ponent% begin =1# <*<D2 port ,ap !S:5" 7;*9" 7&% =2# <*<D2 port ,ap !7" 9:S:5" 7;*9&% end struct% Q-15 $rite a %ro ra& of /'!! adder 'sin two +a!f adders and or ate Sol-1/ entity f$a is port!p"2"r# in std$logic% su,"cout# out std$logic&% end f$a% architecture f$a of f$a is co,ponent half$adder port !a"b# in std$logic% su,"carry# out std$logic&% end co,ponent% co,ponent or2 port!a"b#in std$logic% c# out std$logic&% end or2% signal s1"c1"c2# bit% begin ha1# half$adder port,ap!p"2"s1"c1&% ha2# half$adder port,ap!s1"r"su,"c2&% o1# or2 port,ap!c1"c2"cout&% end f$a%

Q-11 $rite a %ro ra& of( bit '%-down co'nter Sol-11 entity counter is
port(a, clr, up_down : in std_logic; q : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end counter; architecture beh of counter is signal tmp: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin process (a, clr) begin if (clr !"!) then tmp # $0000$; elsif (%!event and % !"!) then if (up_down !"!) then tmp # tmp & "; else tmp # tmp ' "; end if; end if; end process; q # tmp; end beh;

Q-12 $rite a %ro ra& of (61 &'!ti%!e7er 'sin if t+en e!se state&ent Sol-12 entity ,u> is port !a" b" c" d # in std$logic% sel # in std$logic$vector !1 downto /&% ? # out std$logic&% end ,u>% architecture ,u>$beh of ,u> is begin process !a" b" c" d" sel& begin if !sel ( @//@& then ? '( a% elsif !sel ( @/1@& then ? '( b% elsif !sel ( @1/@& then ? '( c% else ? '( d% end if% end process% end ,u>$beh% Q-1# $rite a %ro ra& of /'!! Adder 'sin Str'ct'ra! 0ode!in Sol-1 entity full$adder is port !a"b"c# in std$logic% su,"carry# out std$logic&% end full$adder% architecture fa$struct of full$adder is

co,ponent and2 port!p"2# in bit% r# out bit&% end co,ponent% co,ponent or port!l","n# in bit% o# out bit&% end co,ponet% co,ponent >or2 port!s"t# in bit% y# out bit&% end co,ponent% signal s1"s2"s "s)# bit% begin >1# >or2 port ,ap!a"b"s1&% >2# >or2 port ,ap!s1"c"su,&% a1# and2 port ,ap!a"b"s2&% a2# and2 port ,ap!b"c"s &% a # and2 port ,ap!a"c"s)&% o1# or port ,ap! s2"s "s)"carry&% end fa$struct% Q-1( $+at is t+e %'r%ose of si na! dri,ers in 89D4. Sol-1) *signal driver holds its current value & all its future values as a se2uence of one or ,ore transactions where each transaction identifies the value to appear on the sihnal along with the ti,e at which the value is to appear. Q-1* Define b!oc: state&ent. Sol-1- * block sate,ent is a concurrent stste,ent . +t is used for three ,ajor purposes# 1. 5o disable signal drivers by using guards. 2.5o li,it scopeof declarations " includingsignal declarations. . 5o represent a portion of a design.

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