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!"##$% '( )*")+*" , -+."/$*01"

(1) Finu one of youi papei-baseu tests that contain multiple-choice, tiuefalse, anu shoit-answei
questions. When using Nooule as a methou of assessment, it is best to use these objective types of
questions since Nooule cannot giaue shoit essay oi long essay questions.

(2) To facilitate the instiuction piocess, a sample test has been pioviueu foi all lessons.

(S) Review the papei-baseu test, highlighting those questions you woulu like to auu to the question bank,
making note of wheie the question came fiom (i.e. Chaptei 1, Section 1.1; Chaptei 2, Section 1.2, etc.)
(a) As you auu categoiies anu sub-categoiies to the question bank, you will then be able to auu
questions to these categoiies, which will help you easily anu quickly iuentify the questions you
woulu like to geneiate foi quizzes oi tests.
(b) While this may initially be time-consuming, it will make selecting questions foi futuie assessments
easiei anu within minutes, a simple quiz oi test will be cieateu.
(c) Example of categoiizing questions (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1
(4) Log into one of youi Nooule couises. You will use the couise as youi piactice playgiounu to cieate
an assessment.

(S) Scioll thiough the !"#$ &"'(, locate )"$$*'+,, anu unuei -.(/," 01&*'*,$/2$*.'2 click on the tiiangle
next to the Q0ESTI0N BANK (Fig 2):
Fig. 2 Fig. S

(a) Select "Categoiies" (Fig. S)

(6) In the 011 -2$"+./*", section, click insiue the NANE box anu type one of the categoiies highlighteu
fiom Fig. 1 (above) anu then select "Auu Categoiy" (Fig. 4):
Fig. 4
(a) 0nce you have clickeu "Auu Categoiy" you will ietuin to the "Euit Categoiies" page anu can see
all the categoiies you have cieateu.

(7) To auu a sub-categoiy (i.e. Section 1.1 fiom Chaptei 1), scioll uown to NANE box, you will notice
youi "Paient Categoiy" is now "Chaptei 1" anu you can now type "Section 1.1" (Fig. S)
Fig. S Fig. 6

(a) 0nce you have completeu builuing youi categoiies anu sub-categoiies, you can begin to cieate
questions foi youi assessment. An example of what the categoiies will look like is shown in
Fig. 6 (above).
(b) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(c) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 1" on youi uesktop
(u) Click on Couise Name to ietuin to main page (Fig 7).
Fig. 7


ENB 0F LESS0N 1. Email scieenshot "LESS0N 1" to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi instiuctoi feeuback, befoie
pioceeuing to next lesson.

!"##$% @( 0%0.0+! #". A)

(1) 0n youi couise's Nain Page, select 3(/' "1*$*'+ .' locateu at top iight of scieen (oi you can also
finu it in the left menu bai unuei !"#$%& ()*+,+%-$.-+",). See Fig. 8 below.
Fig. 8

(2) Select 011 2' 04$*5*$6 (Fig. 9) uiop uown menu, anu choose 7(*8 (Fig. 1u)
(a) "Quiz" is any type of assessment, incluuing tests anu miu-teim exams.
Fig. 9 Fig. 1u

(S) The "Auuing a Quiz" page opens. See Fig. 11 foi Steps a - u below.
(a) In the NANE box, type a name foi the assessment. |Type: Niu-teim Piacticej
(b) Note the /&%0$+1-+", box. This is optional. You can use it to give youi stuuents auuitional
(c) In the 3*&*'+ section, select the options foi the amount of time you will allow youi stuuents
to take the assessment.
(u) In the 9/21" section, choose the numbei of attempts youi stuuents aie alloweu to take.
Fig. 11

(e) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(f) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 2a" on youi uesktop

|Steps 4 - 7 (below) can be vieweu in Fig. 12j

(4) In the :26.($ section, select the "Question 0iuei" uiop uown menu anu choose :;B==CD E67845CF.
(a) This option will help ieuuce cheating, since each stuuent will have the same question, but it
will be assigneu a uiffeient numbei.

(S) Choose ;"< =2+" uiop uown menu to select the numbei of questions pei page. To ieuuce cheating,
the best option woulu be "Eveiy Question" which simply means one question pei page.

(6) In the 7(",$*.' >"?25*./ section, click on YES to %2#334& 5+-2+, 6#&%-+",. Answei choices will then be
shuffleu within each question, which fuithei ieuuces cheating, since each stuuents' coiiect answei
choice will be uiffeient.

(7) To simplify this tutoiial, leave the @"5*"< AB$*.', as-is. This section iefeis to what the stuuent will be
alloweu to ieview while taking the assessment.
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 2b" on youi uesktop

(8) At the bottom of the page, select )25" 2'1 C*,B!26 to finish initial set up.

Fig. 12

(9) Select D1*$ 7(*8 to begin typing assessment questions (Fig. 1S).

Fig. 1S


ENB 0F LESS0N 2. Email scieenshot "LESS0N 2a" anu "Lesson 2b" to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi instiuctoi
feeuback, befoie pioceeuing to next lesson.

!"##$% G( -*"+.0%/ HA!.0)!"I-J$0-" KA"#.0$%#

(1) 0n the D1*$*'+ 7(*8 page, select 011 2 7(",$*.' (Fig. 14).
Fig. 14

(2) The menu will open up foi the uiffeient types of questions you can auu.
Select "Nultiple Choice" (Fig. 1S) anu then click on "Next"
Fig. 1S

@"#"/ $. E*+F GH $. #.!!.< $?" $($./*2! )$"B, I J KF 36B" <?2$ 6.( ,"" *' $?" #*+(/"F
(S) Select fiom the Categoiy uiop-uown menu, wheie the fiist question will come fiom, in this case
#D3><47 'L@

(4) In the 7(",$*.' ;2&" box, type something to iuentify the type of question
(i.e. NC1 foi multiple choice question #1)
(a) Select fiom uiop-uown menu, the Categoiy pieviously maue fiom Lesson 1. |Section 1.2j

(S) In the 7(",$*.' 3"L$ box, type the question fiom the papei-baseu test.

(6) Select A'" 2',<"/ .'!6 foi the numbei of coiiect answeis.

(7) Select YES to shuffle the answei choices.

(8) Select the type of uisplay foi the answei choices (i.e. a, b, c, u)
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson Sa" on youi uesktop (See Fig. 16 below)

Fig. 16

@"#"/ $. E*+F GM $. #.!!.< $?" $($./*2! )$"B, N J GG F

(9) Type answeis in each -?.*4" box, in any oiuei. Foi oui puiposes, type the following:
-;4<3D '( 6>45: -;4<3D @( M63>DE<6 -;4<3D G( 56::

(1u) Foi the coiiect answei, select 'NNO in the 7$.)& uiop-uown menu. |coiiect answei = atomsj

(11) Auu any #""1O24P foi each choice, if you woulu like. This is optional anu $*&"J4.',(&*'+.
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson Sb" on youi uesktop (see Fig. 17 above)

Fig. 17

@"#"/ $. E*+F GK QO"!.<R #./ )$"B, GS T GUF
(12) You can auu ?*'$, (optional), but can only be useu if you allow multiple attempts.

(1S) 32+, aie also optional. They aie like "keywoius" anu can help you locate the question when youi
Question Bank becomes extensive.
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson Sc" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 18 above)


(14) Select )25" -?2'+",. (Repeat steps S - 1S until you have the uesiieu numbei of multiple-choice
questions. Foi tiaining puiposes anu time constiaints, we aie only cieating one question).
Fig. 18

ENB 0F LESS0N S. Email scieenshot "LESS0N Sa", "LESS0N Sb", anu "Lesson Sc" to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi
instiuctoi feeuback, befoie pioceeuing to next lesson.

!"##$% ?( -*"+.0%/ .*A"PQ+!#" KA"#.0$%#

(1) Select 011 2 7(",$*.' fiom the "Euiting Quiz" page.

(2) Choose 3/("VE2!,", then select "Next" to begin cieating question. See Fig. 1S above.

@"#"/ $. E*+F GN QO"!.<R #./ )$"B, I T HF
(S) Select Categoiy wheie question is ueiiveu fiom papei-baseu test. |Section 2.Sj

(4) In 8#&%-+", 9.*& box, type an iuentifiei such as TF1.

(S) In 7(",$*.' 3"L$ box, type the question. Type what you see in the figuie.

(6) 0pen !"$$&0- (,%5&$ uiop-uown menu anu select eithei "tiue" oi "false"
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 4" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 19 below)

Fig. 19

(7) As pieviously explaineu in Nultiple-choice tutoiial, optional items aie feeuback anu tags.
(a) Sometimes stuuents appieciate feeuback comments, but they aie time-consuming to cieate.

(8) )25" -?2'+", anu iepeat Steps 1 - 8 until you have the uesiieu numbei of TiueFalse questions.
(Foi tiaining puiposes anu time constiaints, we aie only cieating one tiuefalse question).

ENB 0F LESS0N 4. Email scieenshot "LESS0N 4 to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi instiuctoi feeuback, befoie
pioceeuing to next lesson.

!"##$% R( -*"+.0%/ H+.-J0%/ KA"#.0$%#

(1) 0n the :)+-+,; 8#+< page, select +88 6 KBD:><47.

(2) Choose W2$4?*'+ anu then select "Next"

@"#"/ $. E*+F SX #./ )$"B, I J HF 36B" <?2$ 6.( ,"" *' $?" #*+(/"F

(S) Select Categoiy wheie question is ueiiveu fiom papei-baseu test. |Section 2.2j

(4) In 8#&%-+", 9.*& box, type an iuentifiei: NATCB1.

(S) 8#&%-+", =&>- box is to give stuuents 8<ED3><47:L |Natch the uefinition with the coiiect teimj

(6) Click on the box next to "SB0FFLE" to mix up the questions.
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson Sa" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 2u below)

Fig. 2u

@"#"/ $. E*+F SG #./ )$"B, M J NF 36B" <?2$ 6.( ,"" *' $?" #*+(/"F
(7) In each 8#&%-+", box, type in a uefinition.

(8) In each coiiesponuing (,%5&$ box, type the vocabulaiy woiu.


(9) If auuing moie than S matching, select >!2'P, #./ I &./" 4?.*4", anu iepeat Steps 7 & 8 until
uesiieu numbei of matching questions has been typeu.
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson Sb" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 21 below)

Fig. 21

(1u) As in pievious lessons, feeuback, hints, anu tags aie optional.

(11) Select )25" -?2'+",.

ENB 0F LESS0N S. Email scieenshot "LESS0N Sa" anu "LESS0N Sb" to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi instiuctoi
feeuback, befoie pioceeuing to next lesson.

!"##$% S( -*"+." #J$*. +%#T"* UQ0!!I0%I.J"IV!+%WX KA"#.0$%#

(1) 0n the :)+-+,; 8#+< page, select +88 6 KBD:><47.

(2) Choose )?./$ 0',<"/ anu then select "Next"

@"#"/ $. E*+F SS #./ )$"B, I J HF 36B" <?2$ 6.( ,"" *' $?" #*+(/"F
(S) Select Categoiy wheie question is ueiiveu fiom papei-baseu test. |Section 2.1j

(4) In 8#&%-+", 9.*& box, type an iuentifiei: SA1.

(S) In 8#&%-+", =&>- box, type a question oi cieate a fill-in-the-blank.

(6) Select !.%& ?&,%+-+@+-A (uoes uppei oi lowei case answeis mattei.)
|No, case is unimpoitantj
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 6a" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 22 below)

Fig. 22

@"#"/ $. E*+F SI #./ )$"B M J KF 36B" <?2$ 6.( ,"" *' $?" #*+(/"F

(7) In each (,%5&$ box, type vaiious ways to accept a coiiect answei. Wilu caius (*) can be useu
to accept fewei letteis foi the coiiect answei.

(8) In each 7$.)& uiop-uown menu locateu uiiectly below each (,%5&$ box, select 1uu% foi each
acceptable answei.
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 6b" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 2S below)

Fig. 2S

(9) To auu moie answei boxes, choose B4.,C% 3"$ D *"$& 02"+0&%.

(1u) As with othei question types, feeuback, hints, anu tags aie optional.

(11) Select )25" Changes anu iepeat Steps 1 - 11 until uesiieu numbei of ?2"$- (,%5&$% has been

ENB 0F LESS0N 6. Email scieenshot "LESS0N 6a" anu "LESS0N 6b" to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi instiuctoi
feeuback, befoie pioceeuing to next lesson.

!"##$% Y( -*"+.0%/ +% +##"##H"%. A#0%/ + KA"#.0$% V+%W

@"#"/ $. E*+F SU #./ )$"B, G J IF
(1) 0n :)+-+,; 8#+< page, the Question Bank is founu on the menu to the E<Z;>L

(2) Youi IT auministiatoi must uownloau to youi Nooule couise, the test bank questions that aie
available. Email a iequest to Ni. Nike }ohnson at mujohnsonbcbe.oig
anu he will uo this foi you.

(S) 0nuei "Select a categoiy" open the uiop-uown menu to finu a test bank you want to use.
(a) PB_PhysicalScienceu1 (8u) was selecteu foi tiaining puiposes.

(4) To select a question, click on the box to the iight of the question.
(a) You select one question at a time, anu then click on the uouble aiiow <<, to tiansfei the selection
to youi assessment. (Fig. 24).
(b) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(c) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 7a" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 24 below)
Fig. 24


(S) Repeat until you have the numbei of questions fiom the test bank that you woulu like to incluue in youi
assessment (Fig. 2S).
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 7b" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 2S below)

(6) Select )25" when finisheu.

Fig. 2S.

ENB 0F LESS0N 7. Email scieenshot "LESS0N 7a" anu "LESS0N 7b" to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi instiuctoi
feeuback, befoie pioceeuing to next lesson.

!"##$% [( Q0%0#J0%/ .$A-J"#

(1) 0nce an assessment has been saveu, Nooule ietuins to the couise's Nain Page.

(2) Locate the test anu when ieauy to activate assessment, click on the "eye" icon (Fig. 26) to make the
assessment visible to the stuuents (Fig. 26).
(a) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(b) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 8a" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 26 below)

Fig. 26


(c) Select =#$, &)+-+,; "33
(u) Test is visible (Fig. 27).
(e) Scieen captuie this poition of the instiuction by piessing 3455678 9 :;<=> 9 ?
(f) Save scieenshot as "Lesson 8b" on youi uesktop, see Fig. 27 below)

Fig. 27

ENB 0F LESS0N 8. Email scieenshot "LESS0N 8a" anu "LESS0N 8b" to: jbyiombcbe.oig foi instiuctoi
feeuback, befoie taking P0STTEST anu completing EvAL0ATI0N (CRITIQ0E) F0RN (both aie on website).

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