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Certified Mail Article Number: Common-Law Trust Constitutional Court Defined Public Notice/Public Record Constitutional Court/Constitutional Freedom/Constitutional

Homestead/Constitutional Libert !r Freedom/Constitutional Limitations defined" C!N#T$T%T$!NAL C!%RT defined: A court named or described and e&'ressl 'rotected b Constitution( or reco)ni*ed b name or definite descri'tion in Constitution +e")" #u'reme Court( as 'ro,ided for in Art" $$$( #ec" - of %" #" Const". in contrast to le)islati,el created courts" Commonl referred to as /Article $$$/ courts in reference to %"#" Constitution" 0lac12s Law Dictionar #i&t3 4dition +'a)e 5--. C!N#T$T%T$!NAL FR44D!M defined: 6eneric term to describe t3e basic freedoms )uaranteed b t3e Constitution suc3 as t3e First Amendment freedoms of reli)ion( s'eec3( 'ress and assembl to)et3er wit3 'rotection under due 'rocess clause of t3e -7t3 Amendment" #ee also 0ill of ri)3ts8 Constitutional libert or freedom" 0lac12s Law Dictionar #i&t3 4dition +'a)e 5--. C!N#T$T%T$!NAL H!M4#T4AD defined: A s'ecial interest in real estate w3ic3 'rotects it from attac3ment( created b constitution and a,ailable to t3e 3ead of t3e famil " Rin)er ," 0r ne( -95 !1l" 7:( 9; P"<d <-<( <-7" 0lac12s Law Dictionar #i&t3 4dition +'a)e 5--. C!N#T$T%T$!NAL L$04RT= !R FR44D!M defined: #uc3 freedom as is en>o ed b t3e citi*ens of a countr or state under t3e 'rotection of its constitution" T3e a))re)ate of t3ose 'ersonal( ci,il( and 'olitical ri)3ts of t3e indi,idual w3ic3 are )uaranteed b t3e constitution and secured a)ainst in,asion b t3e )o,ernment or an of its a)encies" #ee also 0ill !f Ri)3ts8 Constitutional Freedom 0lac12s Law Dictionar #i&t3 4dition +'a)e 5--. C!N#T$T%T$!NAL L$M$TAT$!N# defined: T3ose 'ro,isions of a constitution w3ic3 restrict t3e le)islature in t3e t 'es of laws w3ic3 it ma enact" #ee e")" Art" $( #ec" ?( %"#" Constitution" 0lac12s Law Dictionar #i&t3 4dition +'a)e 5-<. Ma&im of Common Law Nomina sunt s mbola rerum" Names are t3e s mbols of t3in)s" T3e NAM4 @!HN D!4 is a fiction" Please be aware t3e NAM4 was created b t3e #TAT4( 'eo'le are not t3e NAM4( and t3e NAM4 is not 'eo'le( t3e NAM4 is t3e C4#T%$ A%4 TR%#T created b t3e #TAT4 for t3e 0eneficiar +'eo'le." T3e 'ublic record bein) t3e 3i)3est form of e,idence( freeborn s'iritual bein) on t3e land bein) of sound mind( com'etent( o,er t3e a)e of ei)3teen do 3ereb certif ( ,erif ( state( claim and declare fore,er wit3out abandonment8 Real Pro'ert +on 4art3.8 Personal Pro'ert +bod .8 and 4cclesiastical Pro'ert +soul. to)et3er wit3 all trusts( 'robate( ri)3ts( titles( interests droit( droit bot3 absolute and contin)ent( as are due and as mi)3t become due( now e&istin) and as mi)3t 3ereafter arise( and as mi)3t be suffered b ( im'osed on( and incurred b Debtor for an and e,er reason( 'ur'ose( and cause w3atsoe,er" Beracit 8 $n m Pri,ate Ca'acit as 6eneral Administrator of said account Droit( Droit( T3is ser,es Notice t3at our offer 3as been Acce'ted as Baluable Consideration and Returned for Balue" T3is 'ro'ert is 4&em't from Le, " Please Ad>ust t3is Account for t3e Proceeds( Products( Accounts and Fi&tures and Release T3e !rder+s. of T3e Court to Me $mmediatel " Ma1e ad>ustment and close t3is account immediatel ( wit3 're>udice" $ acce't our !at3( !at3 of !ffice #ecurit A)reement( Constitutions as b laws( and Malfeasance 0ond and 'lace ou in t3e Pri,ate commencin) t3is self-e&ecutin) bindin) contract between ou and $" Furt3er( $ a''oint ou trustee CFull Personall Liable NowD on our 3onor and solemn !at3 to 'erform our obli)ations and duties to Protect M un-a-lien-able Ri)3ts in our Fiduciar Ca'acit a)ainst an and all claims( le)al actions( orders( warrants( >ud)ments( demands( liabilities( losses( foreclosure( de'ositions( summonses( lawsuits( costs( fines( liens( le,ies( 'enalties( ta&es( dama)es( interests( and e&'enses w3atsoe,er( bot3 absolute and contin)ent( as are due and as mi)3t become due( now e&istin) and as mi)3t 3ereafter arise( and as mi)3t be suffered b ( im'osed on( and incurred b Debtor for

Certified Mail Article Number: an and e,er reason( 'ur'ose( and cause w3atsoe,er" Please 3onor !bli)ation of 6ood Fait3 in Performance of our Duties" Auid Pro Auos( an eEual e&c3an)e or substitution" T3is m free will( ,oluntar act and deed true and lawful attorne -in-fact to ma1e( e&ecute( seal( ac1nowled)e and deli,er under m 3and and seal( e&'licitl reser,in) all ri)3ts wit3out 're>udice8 0 :FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #ui @uris 1nown as8 @o3n of t3e )enealo) of Doe 0ailor for @!HN D!4 0ailee F FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Ran( Roe T3ird Part Gitness /#ealed and deli,ered in t3e 'resence of us"/ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF @ames( Roe T3ird Part Gitness /#ealed and deli,ered in t3e 'resence of us"/ #TAT4 !F $LL$N!$# . . ##: C!%NT= !F C!!H . C4RT$F$CAT4 !F ACHN!GL4D6M4NT !n t3is date t3e indi,idual named abo,e( in 3is/3er stated ca'acit ( 'ersonall a''eared before me to e&ecute t3is ac1nowled)ement t3at t3is instrument was si)ned( sealed( and deli,ered as t3eir free will( ,oluntar act and deed to ma1e( e&ecute( seal( ac1nowled)e and deli,er under t3eir 3and and seal ,erified and aut3enticated for t3e uses and 'ur'oses t3erein mentioned" ACTA P%0L$CA" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF DAT4 AFF$I N!TAR= #4AL $F R4A%$R4D FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #i)nature of N!TAR= P%0L$C Date Commission 4&'ires FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

N!T$C4: Public acts defined: are t3ose w3ic3 3a,e a 'ublic aut3orit ( and w3ic3 3a,e been made before 'ublic officers( are aut3ori*ed b a 'ublic seal( 3a,e been made 'ublic b t3e aut3orit of a ma)istrate( or w3ic3 3a,e been e&tracted and been 'ro'erl aut3enticated from 'ublic records" 0lac12s Law Dictionar #i&t3 4dition +'a)e <:.


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