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: Ricky Drimarcha Barus : A 1 !"B# : &$"B

Registeration Number : 8126111031

A Critical Book Review on Maritime English Writing: A Genre Based Approach

Introduction 'ur (orl) is an ocean (orl)* +n)er its many names an) (ith ,ariations in color an) moo)- a single ocean s.rea)s across the three /ourths o/ the globe* At a time (hen e,ery last .atch o/ lan) is claime) by one go,ernment or another- the ocean is a realm that remains ra)ically /ree 0!ange(iesche 20012* &,ery )ay thousan)s an) thousan)s o/ shi.s o/ ,arious an) si3es are carrying nearly the /ull (eight o/ international tra)e* "hey are o(ne) by an) manne) /rom ,ery many nationalities an) cultures (here e,ery shi. )oes not contain a uni/ormity o/ cre( an) management* $hi.s o.erating un)er the 4/lag o/ con,enience4 /re5uently change their i)entity as they are being sol) /rom one o(ner to another (ho are themsel,es /rom )i//erent nationalities or .art o/ multi national cor.orations* "hese managements mi6 their cre(s (ithout much re/erence to their nationality an) language as to obtain o.timum cost e//iciency in terms o/ .ersonnel e6.en)itures* As a result- you can ha,e a 7erman ca.tain comman)ing 8akistani )eck o//icers (ho are managing Chinese )eckhan)s- (hile the .ro.ulsion o/ the shi. maintaine) by all 9ili.ino

engineering )e.artment* #n /act- to)ay a consi)erable .ercent o/ the merchant shi.s are manage) by multi national cre(s o/ ,arious )i,ersities* $uch a multi national- multi ethnical an) multi cultural realm o/ sea is transcen)ing the control o/ each an) e,ery nation in,ol,e)- en%oying almost a (il) /ree)om o/ action an) status* :hat they use to communicate each other is through a ,ery human element that is language* "his language is mainly &nglish- as it is mostly- in all areas o/ international a//airs but it sails into an un/ortunate course as its im.ositions are being carrie) out* #t is soake) by /re5uent s.lashes o/ maritime )iscourse- e,entually changes its name to ;aritime &nglish an) /inally becomes as /ree an) )i,erse as the realm it )eals (ith* ;aritime &nglish is a restricte) language an) it is restricte) to the acti,ities o/ men 0an) (omen2 tie) to a s.eci/ic .ur.ose i*e* in)ustry 0"renkner 20022* "here/ore it is classi/ie) as an &$8* !ike in all other &$8<s but .robably a bit more in ;aritime &nglish it re5uires a certain le,el o/ .ro/essional kno(le)ge an) e6.erience to become com.rehensible* Although the ma%or .art o/ ;aritime &nglish is general &nglish (or)s an) only a se,en .ercent 0=>2 belongs to .urely maritime or nautical terminology (ith their isolate) meanings an) )istribution 08ritchar) 20022- combine) (ith semi le6ical or semi /unctional (or)s- it becomes a uni5ue language that only men an) (omen o/ sea (ill un)erstan)* All the locations- /unctions an) actions it )escribes might only mean something on boar) a shi.- on the sea or by the sea si)e* "here/ore)iscussion un)er ;aritime &nglish is ,ery necessary to stu)y* ?uali/ie) re/erences or books are nee)e) to com.rehen) about the ;aritime &nglish* 'ne o/ the suggeste) books is Maritime English: A Genre Based Approach*

"his book is a course book /or stu)ents /rom maritime /iel) (ho .lan to use &nglish /or s.eci/ic .ur.oses either in an aca)emic or (ork.lace setting in (hich &nglish is taught an) use) as a /oreign an) or a secon) language an) es.ecially (hose &nglish is relati,ely lo(* ;oreo,er- this book is a genre base) a..roach an) the task thematic base) instruction (hich is aime) at )e, an),ing s.eci/ic aca)emic an) occu.ational (riting in maritime &nglish* "he author o/ this book is # :ayan Dirgayasa "angkas (ho is a lecturer $tate +ni,ersity o/ ;e)an*

Summar #n the beginning o/ the book the .ur.ose is .resente)* "he (riter states that the .ur.ose in (riting the book is to organi3e an) )esign the book that contains com.etences in (riting theoretically an) em.irically come /rom kno(ing ho( to (rite as much as /rom kno(ing (hat to (rite* "here is an intro)uctory section /oun) insi)e* "he book itsel/ contains 1@ cha.ters in (hich common rele,ant nee)s in terms o/ ty.eAs genres an) to.ics /or ;aritime &nglish (riting /or the stu)ents as stu)ents or as sea/arers are elaborate) one by one* "his course book .resents u. to )ates materials in (hich some hot genres are )iscusse)* "hey are )escri.ti,e (riting- recount (riting- .roce)ure (riting- re.ort (riting- notice o/ arri,al (riting- notice o/ rea)iness (riting- statement o/ /act (ritingnote o/ .rotest (riting- )eck log book (riting- mani/est (riting- general business (riting- or)er letter in (riting- re5uest letter in (ritinga..lication letter (riting an) resume (riting* #n the title o/ )escri.ti,e (riting come the subtitles about the generic structure o/ )escri.ti,e (riting- the usages o/ the grammatical .atterns in this te6t- mo)eling te6t to

in)e.en)ent mo)el to .ro,i)e the e6am.les- .ractice to (riting- an) /inally assessment* #n the title o/ recount (riting come the subtitle %ust like the .re,ious ones (hich are about the nature o/ recount genre (riting- the generic structure an) te6tual elementsmo)eling the te6t- .racticing the mo)el- in)e.en)ent mo)el (hich contain a..lie) ,ocabulary usage- .racticing to (riting in)e.en)ently- assessment- an) checking the .rogress* #n the title o/ genre base) .roce)ure (riting come the subtitles about the nature o/ genre .roce)ure (riting- the generic structure an) te6tual elements- mo)eling the te6t to in)e.en)ent mo)el- .racticing the mo)el- a..lie) ,ocabulary usage- an) /inally assessment* #n the title o/ genre base) re.ort (riting come the subtitle about the nature o/ genre base re.ort (riting- the generic structure an) te6tual elements- mo)eling the te6ta..lie) ,ocabulary usage- .ractice to (riting in)e.en)ently- assessment- an) /inally /urther rea)ings* #n the title o/ notice o/ arri,al (riting come subtitles about the nature o/ notice o/ arri,al (riting- the generic structure an) te6tual elements- the common grammatical .atterns- .racticing the mo)el- mo)i/ying the mo)el- a..lie) ,ocabulary usage- .ractice to (riting in)e.en)ently- assessment- an) /inally /urther rea)ings* "here are some im.ortant elements in each cha.ter o/ this book* #n the beginning o/ each cha.ter the (riter .resents a Bgetting starte)C (hich stimulate stu)ents an) ha,e .re)iction about (hat the to.ics are going about* "he secon) element is orientation (hich )iscusses about the nature o/ the to.ic or certain genre base) (riting* "he thir) is mo)eling te6t to in)e.en)ent te6t (hich .ro,i)es mo)els /or the stu)ents to stu)y- com.rehen) an) un)erstan) the material* "he ne6t is the .resence o/ assessment (hich assesses or e,aluates the stu)entsA un)erstan)ing an) achie,ement o/ the materials* 9ollo(ing u. is ma)e to let the stu)ents to sociali3e an) )isseminating the

stu)entsA (ork throughout the class* "he last- /urther rea)ings are .resente) to gi,e a))itional rea)ings /or the stu)ents to enrich their com.rehension about the materials*

Critical Evaluation Base) on the content- the book is consi)ere) ,ery goo) since the (riter (ho makes the .ur.ose o/ the book clearly an) the contents o/ the book in line (ith materials .resente) an) )iscusse)* "he language use) in this book is also easy to un)erstan) an) not ,ery com.licate) that the stu)entsA com.rehension (ill be goo) i/ they use this book* "here is ,ocabulary usage in this book (hich is one uni5ueness o/ &$8* "he ,ocabulary in e,ery /iel) o/ &$8 is )i//erent an) there are )i//erent technical terms too* ;oreo,er- the (riter also .ro,i)es the rea)ers (ith the kno(le)ge about ,ocabularies use) in maritime* #n each cha.ter there are .resente) stimulus /or stu)ents so that they )o not come (ith a blank min)* "he stu)ents are gi,en .re (riting acti,ities so that they kno( (hat they are )oing an) (hat their goals are* "his is in)irectly (ill increase the critical thinking o/ the stu)ents also* "he arrangement o/ the book is also ,ery (ell )esigne)* "here are .er/ect acti,ities bin) together* "he /irst comes the stimulus to gro( the stu)entsA curiosity about the to.ic to be )iscusse)* "hen comes the e6.lanation o/ the generic structures an) grammatical /eatures o/ each to.ic* A/ter(ar)s- there are mo)els .resente) to com.are an) contrast each o/ the genres base) on their generic structures* 9inally- there are assessments- /ollo( u. an) /urther rea)ing to asses an) e,aluate the stu)entsA un)erstan)ing about the materials an) list o/ rea)ings to broa)en their com.rehension* "here is also a .rogress checking in this book* "here/ore- by using this- the stu)ents can

monitor their .rogress in (riting* ;oreo,er- the book is (ell )esigne) to integrate the &nglish skillD s.eaking- rea)ing an) (riting* :hat is missing /rom the book is the lack o/ theory* Eo(e,er- i/ it comes /rom the (riterAs i)eas- it is not a .roblem then* !ast but o.tional is the absence o/ illustrati,e .ictures (hich can gi,e the sensation o/ eye catching an) attracti,e in the book* "here/ore it is suggeste) that the (riter .resents /urther theory to su..ort the material o/ the stu)y an) .resents some .ictures so that the book (ill be more attracti,e an) eye catching*

Conclusion "his book is ,ery recommen)e) to use as the course book in (riting es.ecially in maritime an) those (ho (ant to kno( about the genres in ;aritime &nglish* #t is a (ell )esigne) book (ith rich an) .ur.ose )ri,en acti,ities (hich aim at com.rehen)ing the (riting o/ )i//erent genres in ;aritime &nglish* "he book is also com.lete) (ith assessments an) .rogress checking that make the rea)ers in)e.en)ent an) critical learners* "he (riter kno(s e6actly (hat he is (riting* #t means that the (riter kno(s the ste.s to make the learning interesting an) regular* ;oreo,er- the language use) in the book is not har) but it is ,ery easy to un)erstan)* "here/ore- base) on this re,ie(- the book is ,ery suitable /or uni,ersity stu)ents- maritime stu)ents an) those (ho (ant to kno( more about ;aritime &nglish*

RE!ERE"CES Dirgayasa- # :ayan* 2012* Maritime English Writing A Genre Based Approach* ;e)an: +N#;&D 8R&$$ !ange(iesche- :* 2001* BThe Outlaw SeaC* +F: North 8oint 8ress "renkner- 8* 2002* B "he #;' $tan)ar) ;arine Communication 8hrases 0$;C82 an) the re5uirements o/ $"C: Con,ention 1G=8HG@C In proceedings of International Seminar on Maritime English, Istan ul Technical !ni"ersit#, #stanbul- 20 22 ;arch 2002* 8ritchar)- B* 2002* B'n some issues in the stan)ar)i3ation o/ ;aritime &nglish 8e)agogical #m.licationsC- In proceedings of International Seminar on Maritime English, Istan ul Technical !ni"ersit#, #stanbul- 20 22 ;arch 2002*

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