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Why worship on Sunday?

The change of Sabbath

A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of the Sub ect !"#$#%# &arly !hurch

'y (on Albert

Why worship on Sunday?

The change of Sabbath (ntroduction The se)enth day wee* + complete cycle, with si- wor*ing days and one for rest and worship, has had pre)ailed o)er the centuries, as a simple legacy from !haldeans wisdom + precise calculation as result of celestial mo)ements. a quarter of the time for the moon to rotate in a complete circle / cycle around the earth% The )alue of this rhythm has had been considered )ery important and distincti)e sub ect into the boo*s and teachings of 0ebrew culture for many generations% This cycle has a start1beginning with the number one +as in the first day/, and a stop1end in the se)enth bay + as in number se)en% Was a circle or a spiral the actual mo)ement of the moon, it too* ages to understand the shapes of the celestial ob ects, from flat to spheres our understanding de)elopment grew more as a spiral? (t will ta*e a long time to understand the sacred geometry of spiritual dimensions% The 'iblical notion of the 0oly Sabbath 2, in particular was regarded as a day of rest and time to stop + cease, as in an end to1from secular acti)ities in order to e-perience the blessings of creation/redemption by worshiping 3od% 0owe)er, Sabbath had had more meaning according to the later instructions of the great prophets, in Torah/teachings/ they ha)e had elaborated and e-plained this commandment45a time for healing and acting generously# toward needy people and helping others to ac*nowledge the Presence of 3od$5% For the sa*e of li)ing in harmony people ha)e had searched to find the right proportion and balance, between personal, family life and social acti)ities% 0owe)er, too often this +balance / it is disturbed by many acti)ities and demands that 6turn7 come up almost in the same time% (t may loo* strange but to be realistic what depth ha)e we loo*ed into and locate the basis of harmonic proportions of wholeness of )alues4 from physical as dimensional, intellectual as moral perfection, emotional as in esthetic, and to top it up spiritual in order to direct and lead others toward 3od and holiness% Where)er we turn our eyes and the more we loo* into 3od8s wor* we find more and more something new and different% (n general we became attached and dependent of unseen ties as in4 what we learn, *now and especially with who is the one who passes that *nowledge to us% (t is difficult to accept changes that do not match the )iew of the ma ority at a certain time and it is most dangerous when these changes demand retribution, and new attitudes and the payment is with and for life and permanently% Some may say that4 the quality time spent, with those 6ones that are7 important in our life, it slips away as it goes from short moments to nothing% And a new element + isolation/separation- appears and
9:; 'ible, 3enesis, #4# /$% <And on the se)enth day 3od ended 0is wor* which 0e had made. and 0e rested on the se)enth day from all 0is wor* which 0e had made% And 3od blessed the se)enth day, and sanctified it4 because that in it 0e had rested from all 0is wor* which 3od created and made%5 2 9:; 'ible, Prophet (saiah, =>, ?/>%4 8is not this fast that ( ha)e chosen? To loose the bands of wic*edness, to undo the hea)y burdens, and to let the oppressed to go free, and that ye brea* e)ery yo*e? Are it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou see the na*ed, that thou co)er him. and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Then shall thy light brea* forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily4 and thy righteousness shall go before thee. the glory of the @ord shall be thine reward5% 3 % 'achiocchi S%, From Sabbath to Sunday, the Pontifical 3regorian Ani)ersity Press, Rome 2BCC%

Why worship on Sunday?

too often many times creeps in, bringing and caring with it / worries, sadness and e)entual end of the relationship% And only then, on the edge of separation, frantically in an attempt to ma*e up for the loss 6or to get it bac*7, some ta*e time off from other relationships, and for many the only choice remains to a)oid the day of rest and worship 3od, as do not find time for1to reflect at 0is beautyD Others find con)enient to search and worship when they feel li*e while others tend to find a sense and meaning in the wee*ly cycle Thus we may find two groups4 the ones who attempt to gain blessings in the se)enth day + SaturdayE + rhythm=. and others who see* out for the presence of 3od in the first day + Sunday?% The Problem and Ob ecti)ity of this Study This sub ect of the beginning obser)ance C of Sunday in the :ewish community where tradition was )ery powerful. this old argument has been resurrected in recent times + late F(F century / by persons of different religious persuasions>, B% This is a )ery contentious sub ect, that had had been debated in the past4 from the time of the &arly !hurch by the Apostles, and in the second !entury. as it is recorded in the Patristic Testimonies2G%

9:; 'ible, &-odus, $24 2# /2C% <And the @ord spo*e unto Hoses, saying% Spea* thou unto the children of (srael, saying, )erily Hy Sabbaths ye shall *eep4 for it is a sign between me and thou throughout your generations. that ye may *now that ( Am the @ord that doth sanctify you% "e shall *eep the Sabbath therefore. for it is holy unto you4 e)eryone that defiled it shall surely be put to death4 for whosoe)er doeth any wor* therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people% Si- days may wor* be done. but in the se)enth is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the @ord4 whosoe)er doeth any wor* in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death% Wherefore the children of (srael shall *eep the Sabbath, to obser)e 6fast7 the Sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual !o)enant% (t is a sign between me and the children of (srael for e)er4 for si- days the @ord made hea)en and earth, and on the se)enth day 0e rested, and was refreshed%5 5 9:; 'ible, Prophet (saiah =>%2$/2E%45 (f you turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day. and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the @ord, honourable. and shall honour 0im, not doing thy own ways, nor finding thy own pleasure, nor spea*ing thy own words4 2E Then shalt thou delight thyself in the @ord. and ( will cause thee to ride upon high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of :acob thy father4 for the mouth of the @ord hath spo*en5% 6 9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% @u*e #E%2/ ?%45 Iow upon the first day of the wee*, )ery early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them% And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulcher% And they entered in, and found not the body of the @ord :esus% And it came to pass as they were much perple-ed thereabout, behold two men stood by them in shining garments4 And as the women were afraid, and bowed down their faces to earth, they said unto them4 Why see* ye the li)ing among dead? 0e is not here, but he is risen4 remember how he spo*e unto you when he was in 3alilee%5 7 Smith, Ariah, Daniel and the Revelation, the Response of History to the voice of Prophecy, Signs Publishing !ompany, @imited% <(t will be said again all Sunday/*eepers ha)e the mar* of the beast%5 Pp%=?G 8 White, &%3%, The Great ontroversy, Appendi-pp%?B2, <The Sabbath is the sign of 3od. is the seal of 0is @awJ The sign or seal of 3od is 0is Sabbath, and the seal or mar* of the beast is the direct opposition to it. it is a counterfeit Sabbath on the <day of the sun5% 9 Woodrow, Ralph, Did Sunday !orship ome from Pa"anism#, 2BBB, newsletter%4< The pagans did not ha)e a wee*ly day for sun. rather the significance of naming days for planets 6 such as Sunday for Sun, Honday for Hoon, Saturday for Saturn etc% + as the Pagans did, was astrological, but not religious% 10 'achiocchi S%, From Sabbath to Sunday, the Pontifical 3regorian Ani)ersity Press, Rome 2BCC , (gnatius of Antioch, 2GC AK 4 < $f, therefore, those %ho %ere brou"ht up in the ancient order of thin"s have come to a possession of a ne% hope, no lon"er observin" the Sabbath, but livin" in the observance of the &ord's Day, on %hich also our life has sprun" up a"ain by Him and by His death( $t is absurd to profess hrist )esus, and )udaism* For hristianity did not embrace )udaism, but )udaism hristianity, that so very ton"ue %hich believeth mi"ht be "athered to"ether to God*+

Why worship on Sunday?

The writer of this paper has no intention to create a greater problem than what it was then and what it is at the moment. it will simply loo* and assess this change% Was this transition a direct brea* against the commandments of 3od, or it had been an e)ent in process that was necessary and if it was, then why was it necessary% (s it possible to find there in the 'ible boo*s, any records or was this in anyway mentioned or recorded in the Scriptures. if it was why could not be ac*nowledged% This is the main concern and line of the argument of this dissertation% A )ery important factor is to remember that the belief, in the teachings and life e-ample of @ord :esus grew within the hearth of :ewish community% The followers of :esus !hrist ha)e had been called !hristians% This new faith has had e)ol)ed from the :ewish tradition, thus there were issues and series of aspects that were e-tremely hard, not to say that some were impossible to discuss. between the two interpretation of Scriptures boo*s, as conflict bro*e and wars started between both sides of this contro)ersial issue, although both groups were made from belie)ers in the same 3od% The difficulty is similar as loo*ing into the eye of the cyclone, as to loo* for peace and calm? The change from Sabbath to Sunday issue come direct into the central area, were absolute disagreement e-ists within the practice of the :ewish tradition and early followers of :esus !hrist% On one hand, this new concept )iew is offensi)e to the orthodo- :ewish belie)ers4 as their core belief it has been, and it is based, and directed toward a monotheistic 3od + :eho)ah + One 3od%%% On the other hand, the ma ority of new belie)ers worship the 0oly/Trinity4 3od the Father, 3od the Son + as Hessiah / as @ord :esus !hrist, and 3od the 0oly Spirit, this represents a e-ceptional and special mystery% Therefore, the people of the Iew !o)enant + &arly !hristians, 22 ha)e had always been suspected and considered aliens and different4 as <nonbelievers+ in the true God and Sabbath brea,ers by the members of the Old !o)enant / :ewish community%2# The purpose of this paper will try to combine a group of threefold streams of information% One direction will assess the poetic language and message of the Old Testament and attempt to analyLe + comparing the writings with the information recorded and used in the Iew Testament period% The second direction it will e-amine the historic and 'iblical sources a)ailable that ha)e had been accepted as &arly !hristian tradition that dealt with this issue%

Trempela, I% - .aineDiathe,e / 0delphotes Theolo"on 112 Soter330thenai / October 2BC$, Iicean !reed Orthodo- Koctrine4 4$ believe in one God, the Father 0lmi"hty, 5a,er of heaven and earth, and of all thin"s visible and invisible6 0nd in one &ord )esus hrist, the Son of God, the 2nly-be"otten, 7e"otten of the Father before all a"es, &i"ht of &i"ht, True God of True God, 7e"otten, not made8 of one essence %ith the Father, by %hom all thin"s %ere made6 !ho for us men and for our salvation came do%n from the heavens, and %as incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the 9ir"in 5ary, and became man8 0nd %as crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and %as buried8 0nd rose a"ain on the third day, accordin" to the Scriptures8 0nd ascended into the heavens, and sitteth at the ri"ht hand of the Father8 0nd shall come a"ain, %ith "lory, to :ud"e both the livin" and the dead, !hose ,in"dom shall have no end* 0nd in the Holy Spirit, the &ord, the Giver of &ife, !ho proceeded from the Father, !ho %ith the Father and the Son to"ether is %orshiped and "lorified, !ho spo,e by the Prophets8 $n 2ne 0postolic hurch* $ confess one 7aptism for the remission of sins* $ loo, for the Resurrection of the dead, and the life of the a"e to come, 0men*+

9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, =4 2? + 2>% <And therefore did the :ews persecute :esus, and sought to slay him, because he had done this things on the Sabbath day% 'ut :esus answered them, Hy Father wor*ed hitherto, and ( wor*% Therefore the :ews sought the more to *ill him, because he not only had bro*en the Sabbath, but said also that 3od was his Father, ma*ing himself equal with 3od%5

Why worship on Sunday?

The third direction will attempt to present some theological implications that ha)e had followed the change from Sabbath of the Old !o)enant 6Testament7 to the celebration of the @ord8s Kay + Sunday, of the Iew !o)enant, for the &arly !hristian belie)ers% From Sabbath to Sunday A series of questions will try to limit and fence in the area of this topic + as it is )ery large e-posed o)er time and debated by 'iblical scholars, more li*e Looming into a large and old picture + plan, to loo* and clarify some details% Firstly, one direction of study will assess the poetic language and message of the Old that had had been used and repeated and e-plained in the Iew Testament% What was so special about Sabbath and what it meant <to *eep the Sabbath holyD5 by the <people and children of (srael52$% Was there a mere coincidence that the gospel writers ha)e had recorded, the reading in IaLareth by @ord :esus as direct from the records of prophet (saiah? 2E Again we find the issue of the end in followed with a start, in a new beginning as fulfillment of the past% 0ere we find out that a prophecy / has been fulfilled + as it came to happen, and it is complete and finaliLed + and something as a new message, the good news + starts to be proclaimed 2=,2?% On one hand, there were within the :ewish community some people of a selected class of teachers, which ha)e had held a )ery strict authority o)er the sub ect of obedience to the Hosaic teachings% (n that particular period of 3ospel time, this group of people / from the middle and upper class + that ha)e had been following a strict obser)ance of the fourth commandment, so strict that were ready prepared to e-ecute and *ill anyone that was brea*ing the Sabbath tradition 2C% Somehow they were the <*eepers of the *nowledge5 about 3od. and they were considered to be the pillars, of the morals, in the :ewish society% "et the great ma ority of people li)ed in po)erty, beside that a lac* of *nowledge was more li*e shadow of a great dar*ness4 as most people were illiterate, not to say something about the fact that they )ery limited in their *nowledge about 3od + as they thought that 3od was tough, harsh and rigid similar to what were the teachers of that time, they were simply following what it was e-plained to them% This rigidity of approaching 3od did not brought anything good for the great ma ority of people. thus sic*ness and po)erty were in abundance and the great ma ority of them, only ha)e *nown that they were cursed, and punished for something, that was not rightD !onsequently, there was an ob)ious cry for 3od8s ustice and help, as the great ma ority of people were at the end of their despair%

9:; 'ible, &-odus, #G4 > /22% <Remember the Sabbath day, to *eep it holy% Si- days shall thou labour and do all thy wor*4 'ut the se)enth day is the Sabbath of the @ord thy 3od4 in it thou shall not do any wor*, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manser)ant, nor thy maidser)ant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates4 For in si- days the @ord mad hea)en and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the se)enth day4 wherefore the @ord blessed the Sabbath day, and hollowed it%5 14 9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% @u*e, E4 2E + #2 15 9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% Hatthew, 2E4 2E + 2C% <That it might be fulfilled which was spo*en by (saiah the prophet, saying, the land of Mebulon and the land of Iaphtali, by the way of the sea, beyond :ordan, 3alilee of the 3entiles. The people which sat in dar*ness saw great light. and to them which sat in the region and the shadow of death light is sprung up% From that time :esus began to preach, and say, Repent4 for the *ingdom of hea)en is at hand%5 16 'lessed Theophylact Archbishop of Orchid and 'ulgaria, The Holy Gospel accordin" to St* 5atthe%, 9ol* $* / -;planation of the <e% Testament, Translated from original 3ree*, !hrysostom Press, 0ouse Springs, Hissouri ?$G=2, 2BB$, pp% #=$% 17 9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, =4 2? + 2>% <And therefore did the :ews persecute :esus, and sought to slay him, because he had done this things on the Sabbath day% 'ut :esus answered them, Hy Father wor*ed hitherto, and ( wor*% Therefore the :ews sought the more to *ill him, because he not only had bro*en the Sabbath, but said also that 3od was his Father, ma*ing himself equal with 3od%5

Why worship on Sunday?

Any commandment was regarded as tough and hard as far as it was e-plained% Thus to e-pect for any *ind of a blessing in that time of struggle it was out of question, of anyone8s mind% Who blessed the Se)enth day and incidentally what was more important4 the Sabbath message or the One who ga)e the message2>% On the other hand, the new e-planations and approach toward the true 3od, as in the teachings of @ord :esus were in contradictions with what was *nown at that time% Whoe)er thought at the idea, that 3od lo)ed 0is people, and was *ind and could be called / Father? Horeo)er, this new interpretation came with healing power and food for mind and bodyD This is an e-traordinary point, to realiLe that the Ki)ine 3i)er of the @aw + teachings, was lenient and acti)e on Sabbath day, in contradiction with the <strict obser)ance of those teachings + from the Old !o)enant5 practiced and li)ed by the whole :ewish community% Although the community has had *nowledge of e)ery minute detail from the Hosaic teachings, it had had not comprehended nor seen the big picture + planD The di)ine authority had actually signed this plan, and 3od owned the design as well being the only able to Sanctify that day, through 0is Presence, the 3lory / @ight of 3od2B? What did it meant by <wor*ing on Sabbath and brea*ing it5 from the original frame? Actually it meant that it had been fulfilled, and the time was right for a change as in a transition + in a de)elopment of a new stage / from one Old interpretation to a Iew @i)ing message + 3ood Iews% What was so special about Sabbath and what it meant <to *eep the Sabbath holyD5 by the <people and children of (srael5 #G% Ob)iously was something more than stopping, ceasing from the normal acti)ities + Prophet (saiah tal*s about fastin" / and reaching and loo*ing for different )alues in a different realm%#2 9:;, Prophet (saiah, =>, ?/>%4 '$s not this fast that $ have chosen# To loose the bands of %ic,edness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed to "o free, and that ye brea, every yo,e# 0re it not to deal thy bread to the hun"ry, and that thou brin" the poor that are cast out to thy house# !hen thou see the na,ed, that thou cover him8 and that thou hide not thyself from thine o%n flesh# Then shall thy li"ht brea, forth as the mornin", and thine health shall sprin" forth speedily6 and thy ri"hteousness shall "o before thee8 the "lory of the &ord shall be thine re%ard+* The Word that has had been declared through Prophet (saiah => seems loo*s more li*e, a list of4 !hat to doD Toward your fellow man and the consequence or rewards would be e)ident in your life as the @ight of the @i)ing 3od would shine upon you% Typically surrounding a godly or enlightened person, a halo represents holiness% !hristian artists belie)ed that the halo was symbolic of the light of grace bestowed by 3od%
9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, =4 2B + #G% < Then answered :esus and said unto them, ;erily, )erily, ( said unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sawed the Father do4 for what things so e)er he doeth, these also doeth the Son li*ewise% For the Father lo)ed the Son, and sawed him all things that himself doeth4 and he will see him greater wor*s than these that you may mar)el%5 19 9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, >4 2#% <Then spo*e :esus again unto them, saying, ( am the @ight of the world4 he that followed me shall wal* not in dar*ness, but ha)e the light of life%5 Horeo)er in B4 =, <As long as ( am in the world ( am the @ight of the world%5 20 9:; 'ible, &-odus, #G4 > /22% 21 9:; 'ible, Prophet (saiah =>%2$/2E

Why worship on Sunday?

'efore the rise of !hristianity, pagans used halos to signify not only di)ine influence but also power, ma esty or prominence% (n Roman times, emperors were depicted with halos% &)en in the !hristian &ra, the symbols were used for famous personages until 2?GG AK when Pope Arban ((( forbade the use of the nimbus for persons who are not at least beatified% They ha)e also been placed around men of genius, presumably to represent di)ine inspiration% (t is possible to generalise the haloNs symboliLation then4 the di)ine, the magnificent in man, the ma estic, greatness, the power that comes from within or that inspired from outside, the ideal of glory pro ected onto a being by the artist% When we tal* about the rise and fall of halos then, we are really tal*ing about the rise and fall of the artistic conception of the di)ine, of glory, spirituality, and of ma esty% We are tal*ing about a massi)e change in Leitgeist using our small e-ample of the halo to illustrate this% Says Frederic* 3oodman in his boo* 5a"ical Symbols4 OThe NhaloN, which is ultimately deri)ed from the magical symbolism of the &gyptians, 0indi %%% is almost li*e a sun, and, symbolically spea*ing, may be considered to be the equi)alent of a small and radiant sun, streaming forth spiritual light%O Was this message in any way contradicting the forth commandment? Was the prophet (saiah balancing the action properly with the rewards that followed the strict obedience to the message? Hore important what was the prophet referring to when it was tal*ing about4 <thou shalt rise up the foundation of many generations. and you shall be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in%5 What e-actly needed to be rise up, repaired and restored# Was the prophet tal*ing about the tradition of many generations?

Prophet (saiah =>%B /2#4 <Then shalt thou call, and the &ord shall ans%er8 thou shalt cry, and He shall say, here $ am* $f you ta,e a%ay from the midst of thee the yo,e, the puttin" forth the fin"er, and spea,in" vanity8 0nd if you dra% out thy soul to the hun"ry, and satisfy the afflicted soul8 then shall thy li"ht rise in obscurity, and thy dar,ness be as noonday8 0nd the &ord shall "uide thee continually, and satisfy in drou"ht, and ma,e fat thy bones6 and thou shall be li,e a %atered "arden, and li,e a sprin" of %ater, %hose %ater fails not* 0nd they that shall be of thee shall build the old %aste places6 thou shalt rise up the foundation of many "enerations8 and you shall be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to d%ell in*+ The Words and the teachings of the Old !o)enant were directing indi)iduals, and groups of people how to li)e and relate to others, be in)ol)ed with other fellow man + for the best outcome in social interactions?##

9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% @u*e, E4 2E + #2% <And :esus returned in the power of the Spirit into 3alilee4 and there went out o fame of 0im through the entire region round about% And 0e thought in their synagogues, being glorified of all% And he came to IaLareth, where 0e had been brought up4 and, as 0is custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read% And there was deli)ered unto 0im the boo* of prophet (saiah% And when 0e had opened the boo*, 0e found the place where it was written. The Spirit of the @ord is upon me, because 0e had anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. 0e hath sent me to heal the bro*enhearted, to preach deli)erance to the capti)es, and reco)ering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the @ord% And 0e closed the boo*, and 0e ga)e it again to the minister, and sat down% And the eyes of all of them that were in the synagogue were fastened on 0im% And 0e began to say unto them, this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears%5

Why worship on Sunday?

Prophet (saiah =>%2$/2E%45 $f you turn a%ay thy foot from the Sabbath, from doin" thy pleasure on my holy day8 and call the Sabbath a deli"ht, the holy of the &ord, honourable8 and shall honour Him, not doin" thy o%n %ays, nor findin" thy o%n pleasure, nor spea,in" thy o%n %ords6 => Then shalt thou deli"ht thyself in the &ord8 and $ %ill cause thee to ride upon hi"h places of the earth, and feed thee %ith the herita"e of )acob thy father6 for the mouth of the &ord hath spo,en+* 0owe)er, the abo)e message has had been interpreted in different way by the Old !o)enant *eepers / the Pharisee + as in a strict, rigid and non/engaging in any acti)ities in Sabbath, a complicated list of a)oidance of any type wor*% Ha ority of !hristian belie)ers, worship the 0oly Trinity, and ha)e had been celebrating this, on the First Kay of the wee* + Sunday% This has had been considered a threefold symbol of miraculous e)ents4 First day of the wee* is dedicated to @ight #$, is important because of Resurrection of our @ord :esus !hrist and it is the birth of !hristian !hurch#E + !ongregation, as the day of Pentecost% #=,#? This paper will attempt to answer to few challenges as4 What are the 'iblical and historical reasons for Sunday *eeping? Why was necessary this change? The main aim of this paper is to present solid and irrefutable Scriptural answers to particular groups of Ieo + Protestant belie)ers, that gi)e great importance to the forth commandment, so the Se)enth day + Sabbath #C gained their central attention in most of their doctrinal beliefs% So according to the Se)enth day Ad)entists, and Se)enth day 'aptist, the Sabbath is Saturday, as the day of rest and worship + always has been and always will be% !an the Sabbath !ommandment be rightly in)o*ed to en oy First Kay of the wee*? #> Would this )iew be based on Scriptural records as from the !hristian interpretation or it is from a :ewish interpretation?

9:;, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, 24 2 + 2G%5(n the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with 3od, and the Word was 3od% The same was in the beginning with 3od% All things were made by 0im. and without 0im was not anything made that was made% (n 0im was life. and the life was the @ight of men% And the @ight shined in dar*ness. and the dar*ness comprehended it not% There was a man sent from 3od, whose name was :ohn% The same came to witness, to bear witness of the @ight that all men through him might belie)e% 0e was not the light, but was sent to bear witness of that @ight% That was the true @ight, which lighted e)ery man that cometh into the world% 0e was in the world, and the world was made by 0im, and the world *new 0im not%5 24 Re)% O8'rien, :ohn A%, Ph%K%, The Faith of 5illions, >th &dition, copyright 2B$>, Published by Our Sunday ;isitor, 0untington, (nd%, pp% $BEJ "et, note the following quote4 <The Old @aw was but an image or foreshadowing of the @ight and Truth that was to come% When @ight came in the personality of :esus, the Old Hosaic @aw ha)ing fulfilled its function of preparing the :ews for the coming of Hessiah was abrogated as regards its ceremonial prescriptions in fa)or of the new dispensation or @aw of !hrist% To signaliLe this transition from the old to the new law, the Apostles transferred the obser)ance to the Sunday, the first day of the wee*% Sunday was chosen because on that day was wrought the greatest miracle of !hristian religion, the Resurrection of !hrist from the dead% (t was on Sunday also that the 0oly 3host descended upon the Apostles and sent them out to preach the 3ospel to the World% Sunday is, therefore, the birthday of the !hristian !hurch5% 25 A Hon* of St% Ti*hon8s Honastery, 4These Truths %e hold / the Holy 2rthodo; hurch6 her life and Teachin"s , St% Ti*hon8s Seminary Press, South !anaan, Pennsyl)ania 2>E=?, 2B>?% 26 The four 3ospel writers are unanimously ageing that the Resurrection of @ord :esus !hrist occurred on <the First Kay of the wee*5 6Hatt%#>42. Har* 2?4#. @u*e #E4 :ohn #G427% Horeo)er the boo* of Acts of the Apostoles#42/2# records the outpouring of the 0oly Spirit at Pentecost 6=G days P C wee*s - C Q 2 day7 is e-actly on the First day of the wee*% 27 Smith, Ariah% Daniel and the Revelation, the Response of History to the voice of Prophecy, Signs Publishing !ompany, @imited, <pp EEG% <We ha)e seen abo)e that in the Scripture usage, si"n, seal, to,en and mar, are synonymous termsJThis is the same as if the &ord had said,+ The Sabbath is a seal* 2n 5y part it is a seal of my authority, the si"n that $ have the ri"ht to command obedience8 on your part is a to,en that you ta,e me to be your God+ 28 'achiocchi S%, From Sabbath to Sunday, a Historical $nvesti"ation of the rise of Sunday 2bservance in -arly hristianity, The Pontifical 3regorian Ani)ersity Press, Rome 2BCC

Why worship on Sunday? 0istorical and 'iblical Sources of !hristian Tradition

The second direction it will e-amine the historic and 'iblical sources a)ailable that ha)e had been accepted as !hristian tradition that dealt with this issue% The new followers of @ord :esus !hrist ha)e had been always persecuted for belie)ing in @ord #B :esus to be Hessiah%$G The :ewish community, in that particular period of 3ospel time, ha)e had been following a strict obser)ance of the fourth commandment, so strict that ha)e had been ready and in tune, and prepared to e-ecute anyone that was brea*ing the Sabbath tradition $2% The celebration of the First day from the wee* as the @ord8s Kay is based on the writings of the Apostles and three Patristic testimonies, from the second century, namely4 first is the Didache =>6=, second is the (gnatius8s -pistles to the 5a"nesians ?6=, Third one is The Gospel of Peter @A6 AB*

Of all these three, only in The Gospel of Peter is the First Kay of the wee* unmista*ably designated by the technical term <@ord8s Kay5 $# + as the day belonging to the @ord + .CR$0.- H-5-R0%$$ Other Patristic writers can be quoted to show the practice in the &arly !hristian !hurch from the second century%$E Early Church / Apostolic Tradition:
9:;, The 3ospel according to St% Har*, 2E4 ?G + ?E% <And the 0igh Priest stood in the midst, and as*ing :esus, saying, Answer thou nothing? What is it which these witness against thee? 'ut 0e held his peace, and answered nothing% Again the 0igh Priest as*ed 0im, and said unto 0im, Art thou the !hrist, the Son of the 'lessed? And :esus said ( am4 and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of the Host 0igh Power, and coming in the clouds of hea)en% Then the 0igh Priest rent his clothes, and said4 What need us any further witness? "e ha)e heard the blasphemy4 what thin* ye? And they all condemned him to be guilty of death%5 30 9:;, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, B42?, and ##% <Therefore said some Pharisee, This man is not of 3od, because 0e *ept not the Sabbath day% Others said4 0ow can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a di)ision among them%5 <These words spa*e his parents, because they feared the :ews4 for the :ews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that 0e was !hrist, he should be put out of synagogue%5 31 9:; 'ible, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, =4 2? + 2>% <And therefore did the :ews persecute :esus, and sought to slay him, because he had done this things on the Sabbath day% 'ut :esus answered them, Hy Father wor*ed hitherto, and ( wor*% Therefore the :ews sought the more to *ill him, because he not only had bro*en the Sabbath, but said also that 3od was his Father, ma*ing himself equal with 3od%5 32 'achiocchi, Samuele%, From Sabbath to Sunday, the Pontifical 3regorian Ani)ersity Press, Rome 2BCC%pp% 22B, 6fn%>>7 Kugmore, !% W%, 6fn% E=7, pp% #CE + #C>%, Strand 9% A% 6fn% ?B7, pp%2CC, submits an additional reference attributed to (renaeus to support the )iew of an earlier application of <@ord8s Kay5 to annual Passo)er, <from which a latter !hristian Sunday drew its basic characteristics%5 33 !f% 0ennec*e, &dgar, <e% Testament 0pocrypha, 2B?B, (, pp%2>G4 < at the latest of the second half of the second century, since Serapion dates this 3ospel bac* about a generation at least5% !f% also P% 3ardner + Smith, <The date of 3ospel of Peter5, :ournal of theolo"ical Studies DE 62BC?74 EG2f. :ohannes Ruasten, Patrolo"ia, 2B?C, (, pp%2G>%

:ustin Hartyr, 2=G AK, writing to the &mperor, is e-tremely e-plicit about what the @ord8s Kay is and which day of the wee* it is 6in chapter ?C of his First 0polo"y74 <7ut Sunday is the day on %hich %e all hold our common assembly, because it is the First day on %hich God, havin" %rou"ht a chan"e in the dar,ness and matter, made the %orld8 and )esus hrist our Savior on the same day rose from dead* For He %as crucified on the day before that of Saturn8 and on the day after that of Saturn, %hich is the day of the Sun, havin" appeared to His apostles and disciples, He thou"ht them this thin"s, %hich have them submitted to you also for your consideration*+

Why worship on Sunday?


Acts #G4C states4 And upon the first day of the week (Sunday), when the disciples came together to reak read, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow. and continued his speech until midnight%The !idache is also *nown as OThe Teaching of the Twel)e ApostlesO% (t is an ancient !hristian te-t that was probably a catechism, used by the early !hurch% And on the "ord#s own day gather yoursel$es together and reak read and gi)e than*s, first confessing your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure% And let no man, ha)ing his dispute with his fellow. oin your assembly until they ha)e been reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be defiled. for this sacrifice it is that was spo*en of by the @ord. !idache, paragraph %& 6probably written between CG/ 2EG A%K%7 The "etter of 'arna as (of Ale(andria) OWe *eep the eighth day SSundayT with oyfulness, the day also on which :esus rose again from the deadO 6@etter of 'arnabas 2=4?+> SA%K% CET7% )gnatius of Antioch OThose who were brought up in the ancient order of things Si%e% :ewsT ha)e come to the possession of a new hope, no longer obser)ing the Sabbath, but li)ing in the obser)ance of the @ord8s day, on which also our life has sprung up again by him and by his deathO 6@etter to the Hagnesians > SA%K% 22GT7% )gnatius of Antioch @et e)ery friend of !hrist *eep the @ordNs Kay as a festi)al, the resurrection/day, the queen and chief of all the days of the wee*% 6&pistle to the Hagnesians, chp B% Ante/Iicene Fathers, )ol% 2, pg% ?#/?$%7 *ustin +artyr OWe too would obser)e the fleshly circumcision, and the Sabbaths, and in short all the feasts, if we did not *now for what reason they were en oined SonT youUnamely, on account of your transgressions and the hardness of your heart% % % % S0Tow is it, Trypho, that we would not obser)e those rites which do not harm us U( spea* of fleshly circumcision and Sabbaths and feasts? % % % 3od en oined you to *eep the Sabbath, and imposed on you other precepts for a sign, as ( ha)e already said, on account of your unrighteousness and that of your fathers % % %O 6Kialogue with Trypho the :ew 2>, #2 SA%K% 2==T7% O'ut Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which 3od, ha)ing wrought a change in the dar*ness and matter, made the world. and :esus !hrist our Sa)iour on the same day rose from the deadO 6First Apology ?C SA%K% 2==T7% Tertullian O@et him who contends that the Sabbath is still to be obser)ed as a balm of sal)ation, and circumcision on the eighth day % % % teach us that, for the time past, righteous men *ept the Sabbath or practiced circumcision, and were thus rendered Vfriends of 3od%8 For if circumcision purges a man, since 3od made Adam uncircumcised, why did he not circumcise him, e)en after his sinning, if circumcision purges? % % % Therefore, since 3od originated Adam uncircumcised and unobser)ant of the Sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering him sacrifices, uncircumcised and unobser)ant of the Sabbath, was by him S3odT commended S3en% E42+C, 0eb% 224ET% % % % Ioah also, uncircumcisedUyes, and unobser)ant of the SabbathU3od freed from the deluge% For &noch too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and unobser)ant of the Sabbath, he translated from this world, who did not first taste death in order that, being a candidate for eternal life, he might show us that we also may, without the burden of the law of Hoses, please 3odO 6An Answer to the :ews # SA%K% #G$T7% The !idascalia OThe apostles further appointed4 On the first day of the wee* let there be ser)ice, and the reading of the holy scriptures, and the oblation Ssacrifice of the HassT, because on the first day of the wee* Si%e%, SundayT our @ord rose from the place of the dead, and on the first day of the wee* he arose upon the world, and on the first day of the wee* he ascended up to hea)en, and on the first day of the wee* he will appear at last with the angels of hea)enO 6Kidascalia # ##= A%K%7% ,rigen O0ence it is not possible that the Sday ofT rest after the Sabbath should ha)e come into e-istence from the se)enth SdayT of our 3od% On the contrary, it is our Sa)iour who, after the pattern of his own rest, caused 10

Why worship on Sunday?


us to be made in the li*eness of his death, and hence also of his resurrectionO 6!ommentary on :ohn #4#> SA%K% ##BT7% -ictorious OThe si-th day SFridayT is called parasce)e, that is to say, the preparation of the *ingdom% % % % On this day also, on account of the passion of the @ord :esus !hrist, we ma*e either a station to 3od or a fast% On the se)enth day he rested from all his wor*s, and blessed it, and sanctified it% On the former day we are accustomed to fast rigorously, that on the @ord8s Kay we may go forth to our bread with gi)ing of than*s% And let the parasce)e become a rigorous fast, lest we should appear to obser)e any Sabbath with the :ews % % % which Sabbath he S!hristT in his body abolishedO 6The !reation of the World $GG A%K%7% Euse ius of Caesarea Were accustomed to obser)e the Sabbath and other :ewish customs but on the @ordNs days to celebrate the same practices as we in remembrance of the resurrection of the Sa)iour% 6!hurch 0istory (ll%--)ii%=7 OThey Sthe early saints of the Old TestamentT did not care about circumcision of the body, neither do we S!hristiansT% They did not care about obser)ing Sabbaths, nor do we% They did not a)oid certain *inds of food, neither did they regard the other distinctions which Hoses first deli)ered to their posterity to be obser)ed as symbols. nor do !hristians of the present day do such thingsO 6!hurch 0istory 24E4> SA%K% $2#T7% OSTThe day of his S!hrist8sT light % % % was the day of his resurrection from the dead, which they say, as being the one and only truly holy day and the @ord8s day, is better than any number of days as we ordinarily understand them, and better than the days set apart by the Hosaic law for feasts, new moons, and Sabbaths, which the apostle SPaulT teaches are the shadow of days and not days in realityO 6Proof of the 3ospel E42?42>? SA%K% $2BT7% Athanasius OThe Sabbath was the end of the first creation, the @ord8s day was the beginning of the second, in which he renewed and restored the old in the same way as he prescribed that they should formerly obser)e the Sabbath as a memorial of the end of the first things, so we honour the @ord8s day as being the memorial of the new creationO 6On Sabbath and !ircumcision $ SA%K% $E=T7% Cyril of *erusalem Ofall not away either into the sect of the Samaritans or into :udaism, for :esus !hrist has henceforth ransomed you% Stand aloof from all obser)ance of Sabbaths and from calling any indifferent meats common or uncleanO 6!atechetical @ectures E4$C SA%K% $=GT7% Council of "aodicea !hristians must not :udaiLe by resting on the Sabbath, but must wor* on that day, rather honouring the @ordNs Kay. and, if they can, resting then as !hristians% 'ut if any shall be found to be udaiLers, let them be anathema from !hrist% 6!anon #B SA%K% $?GT7% *ohn Chrysostom OWhen he S3odT said, V"ou shall not *ill8 % % % he did not add, Vbecause murder is a wic*ed thing%8 The reason was that conscience had taught this beforehand, and he spea*s thus, as to those who *now and understand the point% Wherefore when he spea*s to us of another commandment, not *nown to us by the dictate of conscience, he not only prohibits, but adds the reason% When, for instance, he ga)e commandment concerning the SabbathU VOn the se)enth day you shall do no wor*8Uhe sub oined also the reason for this cessation% What was this? V'ecause on the se)enth day 3od rested from all his wor*s which he had begun to ma*e8 S&-% #G42G/22T% % % % For what purpose then, ( as*, did he add a reason respecting the Sabbath, but did no such thing in regard to murder? 'ecause this commandment was not one of the leading ones% (t was not one of those which were accurately defined of our conscience, but a *ind of partial and temporary one, and for this reason it was abolished afterward% 'ut those which are necessary and uphold our life are the following4 V"ou shall not *ill% % % % "ou shall not commit adultery% % % % 11

Why worship on Sunday?


"ou shall not steal%8 On this account he adds no reason in this case, nor enters into any instruction on the matter, but is content with the bare prohibitionO 60omilies on the Statutes 2#4B SA%K% $>CT7% O"ou ha)e put on !hrist, you ha)e become a member of the @ord and been enrolled in the hea)enly city, and you still gro)el in the law Sof HosesT? 0ow is it possible for you to obtain the *ingdom? @isten to Paul8s words, that the obser)ance of the law o)erthrows the gospel, and learn, if you will, how this comes to pass, and tremble, and shun this pitfall% Why do you *eep the Sabbath and fast with the :ews?O 60omilies on 3alatians #42C SA%K% $B=T7% OThe rite of circumcision was )enerable in the :ews8 account, forasmuch as the law itself ga)e way thereto, and the Sabbath was less esteemed than circumcision% For that circumcision might be performed, the Sabbath was bro*en. but that the Sabbath might be *ept, circumcision was ne)er bro*en. and mar*, ( pray, the dispensation of 3od% This is found to be e)en more solemn than the Sabbath, as not being omitted at certain times% When then it is done away, much more is the SabbathO 60omilies on Philippians 2G SA%K% EG#T7% The Apostolic Constitutions OAnd on the day of our @ord8s resurrection, which is the @ord8s day, meet more diligently, sending praise to 3od that made the uni)erse by :esus, and sent him to us, and condescended to let him suffer, and raised him from the dead% Otherwise what apology will he ma*e to 3od who does not assemble on that day % % % in which is performed the reading of the prophets, the preaching of the gospel, the oblation of the sacrifice, the gift of the holy foodO 6Apostolic !onstitutions $=G/EGG A%K%7% Augustine OWell, now, ( should li*e to be told what there is in these ten commandments, e-cept the obser)ance of the Sabbath, which ought not to be *ept by a !hristian% % % % Which of these commandments would anyone say that the !hristian ought not to *eep? (t is possible to contend that it is not the law which was written on those two tables that the apostle SPaulT describes as Vthe letter that *ills8 S# !or% $4?T, but the law of circumcision and the other sacred rites which are now abolishedO 6The Spirit and the @etter #E SA%K% E2#T7% . Corinthians /:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament. not of the letter, but of the spirit4 for the letter killed, but the spirit gi)es life% Council of 0icea )): This gi)es a snapshot of the thin*ing of the early church fathers about *eeping the :ewish !ustoms4 Iicea ((, in the eighth century, officially banned :ewish life in :esus% All who continued to practice circumcision, Sabbath obser)ance or other 0ebrew rites were to be banned from the !hurch% Iicea (( pro)ides us with uni)ersal law% The te-t translated from the @atin follows4 F'ecause those from the 0ebrew religion ha)e been decei)ed, they seem to moc* !hrist as 3od, pretending to become !hristians, but they deny him as they openly and secretly *eep the Sabbath and follow other practices in the manner of the :ews% We determine that they are not to be recei)ed into communion, nor into prayer, nor in the !hurch, but the 0ebrews are manifestly according to their own religion4 their children are not to be baptiLed. nor is a sla)e to be purchased or acquired% 'ut if anyone of them will con)ert out of a sincere faith and heart and will ma*e a profession of faith with all his heart, disclosing their customs and practices so that others might be e-posed and corrected, he is to be recei)ed and baptiLed, and also his children. but indeed we decree that they are to be obser)ed so that they depart from 0ebrew practices, otherwise they are not to be admitted at all% F 12

Why worship on Sunday?


Theological (mplications of this !hange The third direction will attempt to present some theological implications that ha)e had followed the change from Sabbath of the Old !o)enant 6Testament7 to the celebration of the @ord8s Kay + Sunday, of the Iew !o)enant, for !hristian belie)ers% Why was it called the @ord8s Kay + 9AR(A9& 0&H&RA / Sunday? There are se)eral possible answers for this% "et, as we shall see, it is probably due to a combination of reasons% (t is )ery important to understand the )alue of this message, the distinction1connection between the end and the beginning, as in the cycle beginning and end +the mathematical symbol for infinity, and is better to read what a great theologian had written for us% According to St% :ohn the Re)elator + called the Theologian + in the 'oo* of Re)elation, it is written and we may read, 24 >% < $ am 0lpha and 2me"a, the be"innin" and the endin", said the &ord, %hich is, and %hich %as, and %hich is to come, the 0lmi"hty+* 0ow difficult would it be not to connect the First day + Sunday / of creation with the appearance of @ight $=, and St% :ohn went further and made that connection crystal clear, for e)eryone to see when it reads, in the first epistle of St% :ohn, 24 = + ?% < This then is the messa"e %hich %e have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is &i"ht, and in Him is no dar,ness at all* $f %e say that %e have fello%ship %ith Him, and %al, in dar,ness, %e lie, and do not act in truth*+ And it may be of great importance to *now that in the end the )ision of the Temple and the !elestial !ity in 0ea)en, Re)% #24 ##/ #$% < 0nd $ sa% no temple there in6 for the &ord God 0lmi"hty and the &amb are the Temple of it* 0nd the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it6 for the Glory of God did li"hten of it, and the &amb is the &i"ht there of+* The first day of the wee*, has had been the day of Resurrection / Sunday, the day @ord :esus !hrist rose from dead + St% Hatthew #>42, St% Har* 2?4 #, St% @u*e #E4 2, St% :ohn #G4 2% (t would be only natural, for the early !hristians to commemorate the resurrection by meeting on the day of their @ord rose% According to many writings of the post + apostolic time, it was circulated the belief of the &arly !hurch that !hrist8s Second coming would occur on the same day of the wee* / Sunday. that 0e rose from the dead% (n fact, the participation to the @ord8s Supper was, in essence, a plea for the Second !oming% Ob)iously, there must ha)e been much e-citement and anticipation in the &arly !hurch meetings, for in the minds of early !hristians, each @ord8s Kay + Sunday / meeting could )ery well ha)e been the last @ord8s Kay / Sunday meetingD


9:;, The 3ospel according to St% :ohn, 24 2 + 2G


Why worship on Sunday?


The 3reat !ommission$? was gi)en on @ord8s Kay + Sunday $C, and as a direct result of this !ommission on the @ord8s Kay + Sunday of Pentecost an amaLing miracle happened, the 0oly 3host descended upon the apostles and the present congregation on that Sunday% The 0cts of the 0postles6 D@G

T0& I&W T&STAH&IT AIK T0& F(RST KA" OF T0& W&&9 What we need to do is loo* at what transpired on the first day of the wee* and then loo* at the scriptural e)idence for the assembly on the first day in the Iew Testament% 2% :esus rose from the dead on the first day of the wee* after the Sabbath 6:ohn #G427% 0e was the first fruit until eternal life others were also raised Ht%#C4=$% The resurrection is the capstone of our faith and the pro)ing of the new co)enant% 0e was raised for our ustification%%% #% :esus appeared to ten of 0is disciples on that first day of the wee* 6:ohn #G42B7%(f he appeared on the Cth day do you thin* the Sabbatarians would use this to promote the Sabbath? $% :esus waited one wee*, and on the ne-t first day of the wee* appeared to the ele)en disciples 6:ohn #G4#?7% E% The promised coming of the 0oly Spirit was fulfilled on the first day of the wee*, the day of Pentecost he was sent, 6Pentecost by law came on the first day of the wee* 6@e)% #$42?7% =% On the first day of the wee* the first gospel sermon preached by an apostle on the death and resurrection of :esus was by Peter 6Acts #42E7% ?% On that first day of the wee* the three thousand con)erts were united into the Iew Testament co)enant separating from :udaism 6Acts #4E27% While at the first Pentecost $,GGG were slain on this day 3od re)ersed it and instead they were gi)en eternal life% The law *ills the new co)enant gi)es life% C% On that same first day of the wee* the rite of !hristian baptism into the Iame of the Father, Son, and 0oly Spirit was administered for the first time 6Acts #4E27% >% At Troas Paul preached to the assembled !hristians on the first day of the wee* the only e-ample of the @ordNs supper being practiced on Sunday 6Acts #G4?, C7% So did the churches of 3alatia and !orinth% B% Paul instructed the !hristians at !orinth to ma*e contributions on the first day of the wee* 6( !or% 2?4#7%Why did Paul specifically gi)e orders to the church for this to be done on the O first day of the %ee,%O Offerings are a part of worship itself% Offerings are a part of our worship and since offerings too* place on
9:; 'ible, 3ospel according to St% Hatthew% #>4 2> + #G% < 0nd )esus came and spo,e unto them, sayin", all po%er is "iven unto me in heaven and in earth* Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptiHin" them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost8 Teachin" them to observe all thin"s %hatsoever $ have commanded you6 and &o, $ am %ith you al%ays* -ven unto the end of the earth* 0men*+ 37 9:;, 3ospel according to St% :ohn, #G4 2B + ##% < Then the same day at evenin", bein" the first day of the %ee, %hen the doors %ere shut %ere the disciples %ere assembled for fear of the )e%s, came )esus and stood in the midst, and said unto them, Peace be unto you* 0nd %hen He had so said, He sho%ed unto them His hands and His side* Then %ere the disciples "lad, %hen they sa% the &ord* Then said )esus to them a"ain, Peace be unto you6 as 5y Father had sent 5e, even so send $ you* 0nd %hen He had said this, He breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost*+ 38 Re)% O8'rien, :ohn A%, Ph%K%, The Faith of 5illions, >th &dition, copyright 2B$>, Published by Our Sunday ;isitor, 0untington, (nd%, pp% $BE


Why worship on Sunday?


the first day of the wee*, wouldnNt it ma*e sense that worship also too* place on the same day of the wee*% This is only day in the Iew Testament that commands !hristians to gi)e. they would ha)e to be gathered to do so% (f Sunday was not an allowable day to worship or teach on then none of this would ha)e occurred% There is a biblical numerology in which C is the number of completion 6of rest7 the wee* is completed in C days% The number > is a symbol of new beginnings% 'oth days were used as (n &-%2#% 3i)en at the same time%Io one ever changed the Sabbath day to S10!A2 The Sabbath commemorated a finished creation with rest% The first day commemorates a finished redemption and a new wor*% The Sabbath commemorates (srael8s deli)erance from &gyptian sla)ery and 3od resting on the C th day% The first day commemorates !hrist8s resurrection, )ictory o)er death and eternal punishment% (t gi)es hope that all who belie)e will also be resurrected from the dead% The Sabbath is a day of rest and quiet% The first day is a day of worship and praise% Sabbath means rest, not SaturdayD There were other Sabbaths gi)en to (srael on other days% The Sabbath was made for man to rest, 3od was telling (srael to *eep the rest, and their focus was not a day% !hristians met in houses for their assemblies Philemon #, Romans 2?4=, and !ol%E42=% According to the SabbatarianNs they were to assemble together in the temple so they are brea*ing the Sabbath not *eeping it% The Iew Testament, principle is gi)en in 0eb%2G4#E/#=4 OAnd let us consider one another in order to stir up lo)e and good wor*s, not forsa*ing the assembling of oursel)es together, as is the manner of some, but e-horting one another, and so much the more as you see the Kay approaching%O (f one does not want to assemble with the rest of the belie)ers during a ser)ice certainly re)eals a spiritual anaemia% The day of the wee* to assemble is of the church8s choice whether it be Honday, Wednesday or Saturday% Hany churches today ha)e Saturday ser)ices as well as Sunday% The Iew Testament has no legislation for which day we are to assemble% 0istory shows the early church chose Sunday because of its significance, not because they hated the Sabbath% Almost all the church the first 2G years were :ews they certainly *new the difference% 0ow can a belie)ing church meet in an unbelie)ing Synagogue? To meet together in worship is beneficial to oneself and others% (t stirs up others to hear what 3od is doing in each other8s life% This )erse of 0ebrews tells us to encourage each other by being present% 2 !or% 2?42/#4 OIow concerning the collection for the saints, as ( ha)e gi)en orders to the churches of 3alatia, so you must do also4 On the first day of the wee* let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when ( comeO% To gi)e has always been a means of worship% Paul sets the rule telling them as they gather together to ta*e up an offering% This is not a tithe as in the O T% but a principle of as the @ord has prospered you, 6gi)ing cheerfully not out of obligation7 there is an absence of legalism that one would find under the law% Iotice he says that he has instructed the church8s in 3alatia the same as the !orinthians% This certainly indicates this was not an isolated command but a common practice during e)en the apostle8s time to gather on Sunday% Acts #G4C4 OIow on the first day of the wee*, when the disciples came together to brea* bread, Paul, ready to depart the ne-t day, spo*e to them and continued his message until midnight%O When to come together was an option of choice not obligation% Ob)iously this was decided upon and they were already carrying it out by the apostles% To brea* bread consisted of what is called a lo)e feast, eating a meal and ta*ing 15

Why worship on Sunday? communion which is to be done in an assembly% Paul was spea*ing til midnight% The :ewish first day began on sundown Saturday so this too* place Saturday night through the first day, after the Sabbath% The truth is that B nine of the commandments &-%#G4$/E are repeated and incorporated in the Iew Testament epistles but the Eth one is not, why? The 2st and #nd commandment/ which prohibit the worship of other 3ods 6=G times7 and idols are repeated 62# times7 Acts 2=4#B, 2C42?4 Rom%24#=. 2 !or%?4B/2G, 2G42E4 2 :n%=4#24 Re)%#24>, ##42=% The $rd commandment of re)erencing his name not to ta*e it in )ain 6E times7 &-%#G4C is also repeated in the Iew Testament Ht%=4$$. :ames =42#% The Eth commandment/ ? Where do the apostles teach to *eep the Sabbath? (ts missing e)en for the 3entiles who had no concept of the :ewish laws would need to be instructed% The =th commandment/ to respect your parents is also repeated 6? times7 Ht%2=4E/B4 &ph%?42/$ and Rom%2$42/C% The ?th commandment/ of forbidding murder &-%#G42$ is in the Iew Testament 6E times7% Rom%2$4B. Ht%2B42> and the true intent is e-plained in Ht%=4#2/## The Cth commandment/ prohibiting adultery and any se-ual sin &-%#G42E is also found 62# times7 in Acts%2=4#G. Rom%#4##, 2$42$4 2 !or%=422, ?4B, 2$, 2=, 2>4 2G4>4 &ph%=4$, 22/2#% The >th commandment/ forbids one to be dishonest, stealing, &-%#G42= is found in the Iew Testament 6? times7 Rom% #4#2 &ph% E4#>4 2Thess%E4?4 :ms%=4E. H*%2G42B. @*%2>4#G% The Bth commandment/ condemning a false witness, to lie &-%#G42? is found in the Iew Testament 6E times7 Ht%2=42B, 2B42>. @*%$42E and 2 Tim%24B/2G% The 2Gth commandment/ tells us not to co)et &-%#G42C is repeated 6B times7 in H*%C4#2/#$. @*%2#42=, $$/ $E. Rom%24#B, 2$4B 2 !or%=422. ?42G. &ph%=4$%


(sn8t it amaLing the one law that the legalists use to bully e)eryone around to show their disobedience is not found specifically in the Iew Testament? Why? Iot because its practice was self e)ident as some claimD (t8s ust as self e)ident not to murder% This was law before the 2G commandments but it is repeated often% The answer is in the fact the Sabbath is not suppose to be thereD Iot once in the Iew Testament is brea*ing the Sabbath called a sin or do we find anyone punished for it% (ts ceremonial not moral because the )ery things forbidden for that day are allowed on all others, this would not be so if it was a moral law% While SabbatarianNs state Othere is no command to worship on SundayO They canNt produce a single command that the !hurch was to assemble on the Sabbath for worship? (f there is one in the Iew Testament epistles 6the teachings for the !hurch7, please bring it to our attention and we will do it% (nstead we find the )ery opposite !ontrasting the Sabbath day in the Old Testament co)enant. and the first day in the 0ew Testament co$enant Ieither :esus nor the apostles teach it necessary for the belie)er to *eep the Sabbath% There is no command after the death and resurrection for the !hurch to *eep the Sabbath as an obligation to !hrist nor is it a sal)ation issue 6actually 3alatians ma*es it a gospel issue/ if one adds it destroys the gospel of 16

Why worship on Sunday?


grace%7 The epistles were mostly correcti)e letters reinforcing what was taught in person by the apostles and to add further re)elation to what was being taught% There was absolutely no warning against Sunday worship that would be construed as pagan worship% (n fact we find it is the )ery opposite, they were gi)en freedom where they did not ha)e before% At the :erusalem council in Acts 2= dealing with the teaching of the :udaiLerNs and how the 3entiles are to practice their !hristianity it does not mention the Sabbath% The )ery law 6circumcision7 that is a requirement in the Abrahamic co)enant and a condition in the Hosaic is re ected in the I%!% Ander the Abrahamic co)enant it was for :ews only under the Hosaic it was mandatory for the :ews and the gentile proselytes showing their submission to the law 6@e)%2#4$7 Paul states Ofor ( testify again to e)ery man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to the whole law% 63al%=4$7 This can be substituted with any part of the Hosaic @aw, diet, clothing and the Sabbath% The 0ebrew epistles such as :ames and 0ebrews written to disperse (srael ne)er refer to continue *eeping the Sabbath day because e)en :ewish belie)ers were not obligated% The Iew Testament !hurch clearly saw Sunday not as the substitute and replacement for the :ewish Sabbath% Sunday was not seen as a modification or as a new Sabbath, but as a day that stood on its own merits ha)ing its own meaning% The church was gi)en the resurrection and used this day to proclaim the )ery capstone of our faith% What some ha)e done is use fear and de)ious manipulation to pro)e one is under the wrath of 3od by simply worshipping on a day apart from the !o)enant gi)en to Hoses% There is no Scripture in the Iew Testament which states that 3od will punish Sabbath brea*ers% There is in the Iew Testament statements for those who practice idolatry, thie)es, liars, murderers, the co)etous, the se-ually immoral will be not enter the *ingdom of 3od and be thrown into the la*e of burning sulphur 62!or%?4B,2G. &ph%=4=/C. Re)% #24>7% These were included in the 2G commandments for (srael but notice the Sabbath is missing% 'ecause it was not in the moral law category but a ceremonial one% Acts 2$4$>/$B4 OTherefore let it be *nown to you, brethren, that through 0im forgi)eness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through 0im e)eryone who belie)es is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the @aw of Hoses%O The Sabbath was part of the @aw of Hoses% 3al%E42G/224 O"ou obser)e days and months, and times, and years% ( am afraid for you, lest ( ha)e bestowed upon you labour in )ain%O To obser)e days the months years the holy days is a sign of wea*ness and immaturity% The KA"S are the Sabbaths and 0oly days% Honths are the new moon festi)al, seasons are the festi)als of @e)%#$, and years are the sabbatical years and the year of ubilee% Paul did not want the Iew Testament% 'elie)er to become entangled in bondage again% We are free to li)e toward him e)ery day, we don8t rest on one day or another but rest spiritually in him% To condemn those who do not practice the days, food codes and the rest of the law that has clearly been remo)ed from the new co)enant% !onclusion The change from Sabbath to Sunday issue, had had created a point of no return to the Old !o)enant% On one hand, a small minority of belie)ers ha)e had chosen to follow Hessiah + belie)ing that :esus is the true Son of 3od% On the other hand, this )iew was offensi)e to the ma ority of :ewish belie)ers4 as their core belief spins around and toward a monotheistic :eho)ah + One 3od% Therefore, the people of the Iew !o)enant + !hristians, ha)e had always been suspected and considered different as <nonbelievers+ in the truth God and Sabbath brea,ers by the members of the Old !o)enant / :ewish community% This search has found that 3od / Ki)ine 3i)er of the @aw + shows different )alues for 0is special belie)ers4 heals with a new attitude of *indness acti)e on Sabbath day% This new concept comes and 17

Why worship on Sunday?


stands in contradiction with the <strict obser)ance of those teachings + the Old !o)enant5 practiced and li)ed by the whole :ewish community, and this is e-traordinary% Although the :ewish community had for long time the *nowledge of e)ery minute detail from the Hosaic teachings, yet it had not seen the big picture + planD The di)ine authority actually signed this plan, and was able to sanctify + hollowed that day through 0is Presence, the 3lory / @ight of 3od? What did it meant by wor*ing on Sabbath and brea*ing it from the original frame? Actually it meant that it had been fulfilled/6an end7, and the time was right for a change as in a transition + in a de)elopment of a new stage, as a new beginning / from one Old interpretation to a Iew @i)ing message + 3ood Iews% This search tried to combine a group of threefold streams of information% One direction of study has assessed the poetic language and message of the Old Testament and attempt to analyLe + compared, writings used within the one from the Iew Testament period% The second direction has e-amined the historic and 'iblical sources a)ailable that ha)e had been accepted as !hristian tradition that dealt with this issue% The third direction has attempted to present some theological implications that ha)e had followed the change from Sabbath of the Old !o)enant 6Testament7 to the celebration of the @ord8s Kay + Sunday, of the Iew !o)enant, for !hristian belie)ers% Ha ority of new belie)ers, ha)e had started to worship the 3od in three different persons. 0oly Trinity, and ha)e had been celebrating this, on the First Kay of the wee* + Sunday% This has had been considered a threefold symbol of miraculous e)ents4 First day of the wee* is dedicated to @ight, is important because of Resurrection of our @ord :esus !hrist and it is the birth of !hristian !hurch + !ongregation, as the day of Pentecost% !onsequently, the &arly !hurch belie)ers ha)e had made the choice to follow the e-ample gi)en to them by their @ord :esus !hrist, in their li)es on the First day of the wee*. on Sunday, as a result of what was foretold by the 3reat Prophets% The di)ision / separation was from within the same culture and forced the :ewish community to ta*e sides4 the Hosaic @aw against the 3od8s @o)e in !hrist% And because of the theological de)elopment a change had happened in the form of transition from Sabbath to Sunday% Thus this pac*age came down through ages to us !hristians with a )ery )aluable price + a life of Faith, for 0ope to ha)e @o)e for 3od + in @ord :esus !hrist%


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