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Author(s): Cortney Morris, Jayme Peavler, Misty Henry, Mandy Kierbow Overall Goal or the !esson: "tudents will understand what it means to be a #ood $iti%en and what $hara$teristi$s and a$tions des$ribe a #ood $iti%en& "tudent Ob'e$tive(s) or the !esson (Given a condition, the students will, to what level): Given an introdu$tory video on what it means to be a #ood $iti%en, students will be able to hold a $lass dis$ussion and $ome u( with two $hara$teristi$s o a #ood $iti%en& Assessments: (Make sure each objective is paired to an assessment measure that allows students to show they met the criteria). )he tea$her will assess durin# the $lass dis$ussion to see i their ideas re le$t #ood $iti%en $hara$teristi$s& Also, the tea$her will read the two $hara$teristi$s that ea$h $hild wrote down& At the end o the unit the students will (arti$i(ate in another dis$ussion and the tea$her will $om(are the students* ideas and see i they have #rown in their ideas& +es$ri(tion o $lassroom, #rade level, and students: A third #rade $lassroom with two students with s(e$ial needs& ,Pads and $om(uters are available or ea$h student and a "martboard& Prior Knowled#e o "ub'e$t (What do the students already know, if anythin , in this subject area): -hatever they have learned rom amily and (revious tea$hers about bein# a #ood $iti%en& !en#th o !esson: (minutes, number of class periods, or days or weeks needed). ./ minutes CC "tandard(s) Addressed: )hird Grade "o$ial "tudies Citi%enshi( !itera$y: Content "tandard 0: )he student will analy%e the traits o #ood $iti%ens& ,")1 "tandard(s) Addressed: ,")1 "tandard 2& )e$hnolo#y O(erations and Con$e(ts "$hedule o A$tivities: (!reak down your activity into a timeline of events. "ocus on what students will be doin and what teachers will be doin durin each part of the activity.) 0& )ea$her will show iMovie that all our tea$hers made& 3& "tudents will ea$h #et their iPad and write two ideas o what it means to be a #ood $iti%en& )hey will submit this throu#h showbie& .& )he whole $lass will share and dis$uss their ideas o what it means to be a #ood $iti%en& (At the end o the unit the students will write two ideas o what it means to be a #ood $iti%en a#ain and the tea$her will $om(are their irst ideas to these& -e will ma4e a $hart o their ideas be ore and their ideas a ter and dis$uss their #rowth&) A$$ommodations: (#ow mi ht the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs$) )he student who is visually im(aired will be lo$ated near the ront o the room so they $an see the video better& )he student who is hearin# im(aired will re$eive a s$ri(t o the iMovie to ollow alon# with and will be seated near the s(ea4ers&

A(( to be used or lesson (if applicable): iMovie, 5otability, and "howbie Materials 5eeded: Go throu h each activity and identify what items (both technolo y and not) are needed to complete this lesson. %nclude a breakdown accordin to individual student or student roups. %nclude materials that need to be created as well. iMovie: "$ri(t iPad Pro(s +is$ussion: iPads "toryboard !in4:

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