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Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Anti-Torture Act of 2009

Posted on April 29, 2011 by Imelda A. Manguiat The Department of usti!e and the "ommission on #uman $ights %ointly promulgated the Implementing $ules and $egulations of the Anti&Torture A!t of 2009 'hi!h 'as published in ne'spapers of general !ir!ulation in De!ember 2010. The Implementing $ules see( to implement the pro)isions of $epubli! A!t *o. 9+,-, entitled .An A!t Penali/ing Torture and 0ther "ruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment and Pres!ribing Penalties Therefor.1 The Implementing $ules mostly %ust reiterates the pro)isions of the Anti&Torture A!t, defining a!ts of torture and pro)iding penalties for !ommitting su!h a!ts, 'hether as prin!ipal, a!!ompli!e or a!!essory. The Implementing $ules also reiterates that torture is a separate and independent !rime and shall not absorb or be absorbed by any other !rime or felony. 2urthermore, persons guilty of torture shall not benefit from any spe!ial amnesty la' or similar measures that 'ill ha)e the effe!t of e3empting them from !riminal pro!eedings or san!tions. The Implementing $ules re4uires the Philippine *ational Poli!e, the Armed 2or!es of the Philippines, the *ational 5ureau of In)estigation, 5ureau of ail Management and Penology, 5ureau of "orre!tions and other la' enfor!ement agen!ies and lo!al !hief e3e!uti)es ha)ing %urisdi!tion o)er %ails and detention !enters to prepare an updated list of detention !enters and fa!ilities 'ith the !orresponding data on the prisoners or detainees therein. 6u!h list shall be updated e)ery month and shall be made a)ailable to the publi! at all times. 7i!tims of torture are gi)en the right to a prompt and impartial fa!t&finding in)estigation 'ithin 80 days by the "#$, P*P, D0 and other go)ernment agen!ies 'here the !omplaint 'as filed. The )i!tim shall also be pro)ided 'ith suffi!ient go)ernment prote!tion su!h as pla!ing the persons under in)estigation under pre)enti)e suspension. The )i!tim and 'itnesses may also a)ail of the benefits under 9itness Prote!tion, 6e!urity and 5enefit A!t. The penalty for torture shall be reclusion perpetua if the torture results in death or mutilation or if !ommitted 'ith rape or against !hildren. Moreo)er, the statute of limitation or pres!ription period shall not apply to torture !ases. It too( the D0 and the "#$ a year to formulate the Implementing $ules. 0ur hope, though, is that these t'o agen!ies 'ill not be as slo' in the a!tual implementation of the la'.

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