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Greene Cell Respiration Lab Report Dry Pea vs.

Black Beans in Cellular Respiration Objective: Comparing the rate of cellular respiration in dry peas and black beans. Introduction: In this lab we experimented with the rate of cellular respiration. The term respiration means the exchange of gases between the air and the organism (lab !. This process is connected to the production of "T# which has to do with the organism at the cellular le$el (lab !. %e measure the gases Co& (carbon dioxide! and '& (oxygen! using the (#"R). *sing special sensors designed to measure the amounts of gases present+ we hook them up to the ,etabolism Chamber which holds the organisms we are using to run the experiment on. Research Question: -o different organisms ha$e the same cellular respiration rate. Hypothesis: The cellular respiration of dry peas and black beans will be different. Independent and Dependent ariable Identi!ication: Independent/ 'rganism (black bean or dry pea! -ependent/ "mount of carbon dioxide and oxygen produced0exchanged. "aterials: 1(park 1'xygen gas sensor 1Carbon dioxide gas sensor 1,etabolism Chamber 1-ry #eas 12lack 2eans 1Graduated Cylinder Procedure: #lace peas in a graduated cylinder to calculate $olume+ it should be enough to reach 3mL about &3 peas. #ut back. Then count out about &4 black beans+ this should be around 3mL as well+ place in graduated cylinder to calculate the $olume of those. 5ext+ place dry peas in the

,etabolism Chamber. Connect the oxygen sensor and carbon dioxide sensor to the chamber then connect to the (#"R). 6or this experiment we will be using the dry peas as the control run. Run this for 3 minutes. #ut back and replace with the black beans and run this part for 3 minutes. This was testing the cellular respiration in the beans and peas. Collect data and record. Data: Carbon -ioxide Chart/ Data Run # * & $etup Dry Peas Black Beans "in %Co&' pp( +,, +./ "a) %co&' pp( -&+ +0* Production Rate

'xygen Chart/ Data Run * & $etup Dry Pease Black Beans "in %O&' pp( &*&1,1 &*2**/ "a) %O&' pp( &*&1,1 &**0/2 Production Rate

3i4ure: This is the graph showing the rates of cellular respiration.


In this lab the data shows that the control+ the dry peas and the black beans were at different rates. In our original hypothesis we said that the two rates were going to be different. (o+ our estimation turned out to be true. The peas exchanged a significant amount more of carbon dioxide and oxygen compared to the black beans. 2ut the data also shows+ the le$els of each carbon dioxide and oxygen are at different concentrations with the two. %ith the peas the carbon dioxide and oxygen stay at a constant rate throughout the time while the black beans stay at a constant carbon dioxide rate the oxygen le$el climbs as the time goes on. (eeing the control then experimenting with the beans+ we figured it would look about the same but it was a significant amount less of each gas and the way that the carbon dioxide was exchanged in the black beans shows that these do not exchange gases the same. 2ecause of errors that could ha$e been made with setting up this experiment and reading the data. %e were limited because of time + along with different organisms to experiment on. 5)peri(ental 5valuation: I am not sure if the results are one1hundred percent accurate. In this experiment it was also hard to see if more than one organism recuperated at the same rate because we only looked at test results from two. Redoing this along with testing more organisms may help with getting more accurate data on cellular respiration. In addition there is the human error factor and we may ha$e o$er looked or misread some of the information. %ith labs there are limited time and on occasion work may be rushed. The part of the lab that is the most accurate is the pea portion. I know this because of per$ious experiments that has been run+ the data is similar and that pro$ed that those were the correct numbers. 6or the bean part+ it would be more accurate if there was time to redo and look at more comparison numbers.

Re!erence: 1Lab 7

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