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Exploring Innovation, Second Edition

David Smith

Detailed Table of Contents

Brief Table of Contents Detailed Table of Contents Preface Guided Tour Technology to enhance teaching and learning Acknowledgements

Part I

What Is Innovation?

1 !"T#$D%CT!$" &hat is innovation' !nnovation( !nvention ) Commercialisation ) Diffusion &hat ne*t' Case Study: Nintendo Wii + T,P-S $. !""$/AT!$" 0aking sense of innovation .orms of innovation Ty1es of innovation The value of an innovation ty1ology Case Study: The Guts of the New Machine 2 T-C3"$4$G!CA4 C3A"GThe nature of technology 4ong wave cycle and technological change The !nternet( $ur very own long wave The im1lications of the long wave cycle Technological 1aradigms Case Study: However the Internet develops, it is the consumer who will enefit Part II
What Does Innovation Involve?

5 T3-$#!-S $. !""$/AT!$" &ho needs theory' Theories of innovation Technology S6curve Punctuated e7uilibrium Dominant design Absor1tive ca1acity 3ow does theory hel1 the innovator' Case Study: Hi!h "idelity

8 S$%#C-S $. !""$/AT!$" !nsight ) a flash of genius Sources of innovation !ndividuals Cor1orations %sers -m1loyees $utsiders S1ill6overs Process needs Case Study: The Mountain #i$e 9 T3- P#$C-SS $. !""$/AT!$" The ste1s in the innovation 1rocess !nsight:research Develo1ment Design 0arket evaluation Production engineering 0arket:Pilot testing .ull6scale manufacture and launch 0odels of the innovation 1rocess $1en innovation Case Study: The Chilled Meals %evolution ; !"T-44-CT%A4 P#$P-#T, !ntellectual 1ro1erty and intellectual 1ro1erty rights !ntellectual 1ro1erty rights through registration !ntellectual 1ro1erty rights that are inherent 4icensing Case Study: Trampled underfoot & how i! usiness hi'ac$ed the (!! oot Part III
How Do o! "anage Innovation?

< !""$/AT!$" ST#AT-G, The nature of strategy !nnovation strategy -*ternal routes to innovation !nternal routes to innovation( innovation strategies Case Study: )ideo!ames = T-C3"!CA4 -"T#-P#-"-%#S -ntre1reneurshi1 The nature of technical entre1reneurshi1 $ccu1ational background Ty1es of technical entre1reneur "ew venture creation The drivers of technical entre1reneurshi1 Case Study: *neClic$ Technolo!ies +td

1> .%"D!"G !""$/AT!$" !nnovation cashflow .ounder? family and friends .inancial bootstra11ing Government funding Banks /enture ca1ital !nitial Public $ffering @!P$A( the Alternative !nvestment 0arket @A!0A Case Study: *,ford Instruments 11 0A"AG!"G !""$/AT!$" The functions of management Planning $rganising 4eading Controlling Conclusion Case Study: The -dvanced .assen!er Train /-.T0 Part I#
How Do o! $oster Innovation?

1+ !""$/AT!$" P$4!C, #ationale for government intervention Policy initiatives Agencies 1romoting innovation Case Study: Malaysia1s Multimedia Super Corridor 12 !""$/AT!$" C4%ST-#S The nature of clusters The cluster conce1t Ty1es of cluster The innovative milieu* Case Study: The #ritish Hi2fi Industry Cluster 15 "AT!$"A4 !""$/AT!$" S,ST-0S The 1ublic nature of innovation "ational innovation systems Governance !nstitutions Case Study: #ac$in! -ustralia1s - ility
#esources Bibliogra1hy !nde*

The res1onse to the first edition of 3,plorin! Innovation was very 1leasing and sur1rising &ritten 1rimarily with %B students studying Business Administration in mind? the te*t has not only been well received and used in the %B? but found a market in other 1arts of -uro1e and even as far a field as South Africa and 0alaysia Conse7uently this revised edition retains the original format of fourteen cha1ters divided into four 1arts? though u1dated to include recent develo1ments in innovation and maCor additions to the literature As well? the o11ortunity has been taken to re1lace some of the more anglo6centric and dated case studies with more u16to6date material that ho1efully has a wider a11eal

The cha1ter to1ics remain broadly unchanged? but some of the individual cha1ters have been e*tensively revised Thus Cha1ter 1 now includes a more detailed treatment of the commercial as1ects of innovation stressing the im1ortance of selecting an a11ro1riate business model? while Cha1ter 8 includes more em1hasis on user innovation and cha1ter si* introduces and e*1lains the conce1t of o1en innovation Cha1ter < has seen the biggest changes? with a shift in em1hasis @and titleA away from technology strategy to focus instead on innovation strategy Another cha1ter to be re6titled is Cha1ter 11 which now s1ecifically concentrates on the management of innovation? linking a number of managerial techni7ues to a s1ecific model of the management 1rocess

3owever? 1robably the biggest change is the re1lacement of several of the maCor case studies at the end of each cha1ter and many of the mini6cases? with new cases that are more to1ical and more u16to6date reflecting recent innovations not Cust in 1roducts but services as well $verall there are more than +> new mini6cases and si* new full length case studies Among the new cases are ones on the ##C i.layer?

Nintendo Wii? +inu,, #lu2%ay, Mountain #i$e, .redator oot, )ideo!ames, Mar$ Shuttleworth, 4ra!on1s 4en and Ideo? all to1ics that ! ho1e will a11eal to a generation of undergraduate students born in the 1==>s

At the same time the o11ortunity has been taken to re6organise the te*t A new .urther #eading section has been introduced at the end of each cha1ter to both introduce students to some im1ortant and valuable te*ts and 1rovide them with guidance on where they can obtain additional information Similarly the references that were located at the end of each cha1ter have now been concentrated into a single Bibliogra1hy at the end of the book? which 1rovides a central reference for the literature on innovation .inally there is a new #esources section near the end of the book This is designed to hel1 students access a wide range of additional materials? ranging from books and articles to websites? videos and even filmsD

Those who liked the case studies from the first edition that are not included in this revised edition? can be reassured that they are not lost for ever They will be made available in the $nline 4earning Centre @$4CA that accom1anies the book? together with additional materials in terms of lecture notes? 7uestions for discussion etc .inally since one of the as1ects of innovation that is stressed throughout the book is the value of networking in facilitating knowledge transfer? let me say that ! very much welcome feedback? suggestions and contributions which can reach me at( david smith>+Entu ac uk David Smith? "ottingham? %B

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