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ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE Information Technology Applications in Business, Grade 11, Open, BTA3O Monday-Thursday: 7:00-9:00

Teacher: Ms. Raj Email: Course site:

Remind101: Text @aecbta to (705) 242-7686

Course Description This course provides students with the opportunity to develop the information technology skills and knowledge required in a business. Students learn about the information technology work environment, use industry-standard software, conduct electronic research, investigate electronic business, and explore occupations and postsecondary programs that require information technology skills. Learning Goals By the end of this course you will: Know the concepts associated with information technology by being able to recall them. Understand the differences and significance of concepts and the benefits of technology to everyday life by being able to compare, describe, and explain them. Be able to do/perform the functions learned through this course by applying the concepts. Assessment and Evaluation Course work 70% Final Exam 30% Application 35% Knowledge and Understanding 25% Communication 20% Thinking and Inquiry 20% UNITS: Unit 1-Digital Literacy, summative: Mind Map or Case Study Unit 2-Productivity Software, summative: Research presentation involving all three softwares taught (MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

Unit 3-E-Business, summative: Online Business creation and simulation Unit 4-Electronic Research, summative: Works Cited page Unit 5-Ethics, summative: Opinion paper UNIT 1: Digital Literacy This unit will begin with an introduction into Information Technology. Students will see the importance of information technology in our everyday lives and this theme will be carried out throughout the course. Mainly, students will become familiar with the different components of the computer desktop and a workspace. Not only will hardware be covered but software will as well theoretically. Specifically students will be required to be able to name and recall the different hard and softwares of a computer, explain their basic function, and then be able to demonstrate what a computer work space should look like. Main topic covered: Computer Workstation: components of a computer and components of a computer system. Unit summative: Mind Map UNIT 2: Productivity Software This unit will largely expand on the software that was very briefly covered in unit one and will allow students to apply their knowledge and understanding of the software. Students will demonstrate the use of advanced features of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software and tools to produce common business documents. Main topics covered: Word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Unit summative: research project which involves using all three software, research, and a presentation. UNIT 3: E-Business/Website design In this unit students will learn about conducting business electronically. They will demonstrate an understanding of e-business concepts and operations, evaluate the impact of e-business upon society and individuals, and they will apply their learning of e-business. Topics: E-business concepts and operations, the impact of E-business, creating an E-business website Unit summative: E-business website is created. UNIT 4: Electronic Research In this unit students will learn how to conduct research using mainly the internet. Students will identify and describe the types of electronic sources that can be used for research, be able to explain efficient search techniques that can be used to locate relevant information use efficient search techniques to research and solve business-related tasks and problems, evaluate

information collected from electronic sources for usefulness, accuracy, validity, bias, appropriateness, currency, and be able to use an accepted citation format (MLA, APA). Topics: Electronic research Unit summative: creating a works cited page UNIT 5: Information and Communication Technology Ethics and Issues This unit will be focused on the ethics and legal issues surrounding Information and Communication Technology. By the end of this unit students will demonstrate an understanding of legal, social, and ethical issues, analyze privacy and security issues related to conducting business electronically, and will look at health and environmental issues related to the use of information and communication technology. Topics: Legal, Social, and Ethical issues, Privacy and Security issues, Health and Environmental issues. Unit summative: opinion paper

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