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ACADEMIC The academic year begins in April and Ends in march every Year.

School calendar year is from July o June. !ormaly only hose children "ho are over "o and half and belo" hree and half years of age "ill be admi ed in he nursery Class. A corresponding age limi is se for he ne# classes. E#cep beginners $ s uden s see%ing admission for higher classes mus pass oral& "ri en es in he core sub'ec . If a s uden has a ended any o her school he mus produce a Transfer Cer ifica e from ha school. The principal reserves he righ of re aining s uden s "hose a endance is irregular progress in s udies unsa isfac ory$ conduc harmful o o hers$ full par icipa ions in co(curricular ac ivi ies lac%ing or "hose fees are no paid in ime. )ones y $ cleanliness of persons and dress $ good manners and loyal y are demanded of each s uden . Any one no conforming o he school$ ideals in hese ma ers may$ af er due no ice o his paren s be as%ed o leave. Immorali y$ grave in subordina ion and con emp of au hori y are al"ays sufficien reasons for dismissal The paren s & guardians are hereby informed ha heir sons&"ards af er passing class *. +oards e#amina ion should fill up a ne" admission form for fur her s udies a plus "o s age. The applican s should apply in he prescribed admission form a ached in he school ,rospec us. The ,rospec us for admission o class *I "ill be available a school office immedia ely af er he declara ion of +oards resul . !-TE. /0 In gran ing admission $ besides he academic performance $ he conduc of he candida e "ill also be a%en in o accoun . 10 -nly he selec ed candida es should deposi he fees in he school office.

E*AMI!ATI-!. /0 There "ill be "o e#amina ions in he course of he year a regular in ervals. TE2M(I TE2M 3II . April o Sep ember . -c ober o March

1 forma ive es in erm(I in May 4 Augus 1forma ive es in erm(II in !ovember 4 January Class * 4 *II pre +oards in January Class I* 4 * ,rac icals during 5ebruary Class *II ,rac icals during 5ebruary /s 6ee%. S uden s absen from he e#amina ion for any reason are no re(e#amined in any case$ e#cep in Annual E#amina ion. The resul s of he e#amina ions are final and "ill no be reconsidered. The minimum mar%s re7uired for passing for each sub'ec shall be 89:.

,2-M-TI-!. ,romo ion for he s uden s from classes ;<= o * is gran ed on he basis of he 7uali y of regular and sa isfac ory "or% done during he "hole year >C.C.E0 . )ence mar%s ab ained in he e#amina ions are added oge her o decide promo ions. The ,rincipal & Au horised signa ory is he final 'udge of a s uden ?s fi ness for promo ion.

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