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Rights and Responsibilities The Anti War Movement

Sofia Gonzalez Senior Division Website

The Anti War Movement was a movement that started in 196 ! when "resident #$ndon %& 'ohnson ordered massive (&S& intervention and s)stained bombing of *orth +ietnam& St)dents from ,olleges were against the war in +ietnam! the reasons wh$ was be,a)se the$ saw no reason of them fighting in war and the president was drafting inno,ent $o)ng men into the war& - .new a little bit abo)t the Anti War Movement and heard abo)t it! so when - heard that this $ear/s theme for 0istor$ Da$ was Rights and Responsibilities - .new the Anti War Movement was right for this theme& -t seemed interesting and - wanted to learn more abo)t it& The Anti War Movement gave people the right to vote at eighteen! originall$ $o) had to be twent$1one in order to vote! b)t this movement ,hanged that and it be,ame the 26th Amendment& M$ resear,h was mostl$ fo)nd on the internet& - )sed different websites and fo)nd pi,t)res and information of the movement& M$ older sister helped me with m$ pro3e,t& She mainl$ showed me how to ,reate the website and she gave me ideas how to organize it& She was a reall$ big help& M$ most )sef)l reso)r,es was! 4 d& The Antiwar Movement&4 The Antiwar Movement 5)shistor$&org6& *&p&! n&d& Web& 78 De,& 2718& 9http:;;www&)shistor$&org;)s; d&asp<& This reso)r,e helped me be,a)se it gave me some ba,.gro)nd information on the draft of the +ietnam War& D)ring the movement! the draft was a big a thing! so with this information that - got gave me more information of the draft that - did not .now! s),h as! =7 per,ent Ameri,an gro)nd troops ,ame from lower ,lasses& #atino and Afri,an Ameri,an males were assigned to ,ombat more reg)larl$ than drafted White Ameri,ans& Another reso)r,e that was most )sef)l was! "Ameri,a Revealed&4 : Will >)r *ation ?@perien,e Another Aent StateB *&p&! n&d& Web& 7C De,& 2718& < This showed how violent the protesters were getting and how serio)s the movement was getting& D)ring m$ pro3e,t - had man$ problems! sin,e it was m$ first $ear doing this! it was all new to me& A problem that - had was ,iting m$ reso)r,es& That was a big ,hallenge for me! b)t then - )sed a website that helped me ,ite m$ website! so - solved that problem& - had tro)ble with organizing m$ website and designing it& -/m not reall$ a big ,omp)ter te,h person! so that was ver$ ,onf)sing for me& There was this one point! in time! where - loo.ed ba,. at m$ reso)r,es and - realized that - do)bled fo)r of m$ reso)r,es! so - tho)ght - had twent$1five! b)t in realit$ - had onl$ twent$& - had to delete the same reso)r,es and had to find five more pi,t)res& >ther than that - had no tro)ble

finding spe,ifi, reso)r,es! - 3)st had those minor The Anti War Movement fits into this $ear/s ,ontest theme be,a)se in the movement the$ were fighting for their rights& St)dents from ,olleges saw that it was )nfair that the president was drafting inno,ent ,ivilians to fight in the war& St)dents saw that $o)ng Ameri,ans were legall$ old eno)gh to fight and die! b)t were not permitted to vote or drin. al,ohol& This ,riti,ism led to the 26th Amendment& 1=1$ear olds that were less ed),ated were drafted into the war& Afri,an Ameri,ans and #atinos were assigned ,ombat reg)larl$ than drafted White Ameri,ans& This wasn/t right to the people! so the$ .new the$ had to spea. )p and protest& This movement lasted from 196 1 19D1! be,a)se pf this movement 1=1$ear olds were allowed to vote and i)t made the ,ongress realize that the (nited States was at war with themselves be,a)se ,ivilians from (nited States didn/t li.e what the$ were doing and the$ were going against them& The movement basi,all$ stopped the +ietnam War&

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